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is a document that reflects the rights, obligations, functions and general provisions on the activities of a pharmacist. We will discuss the structure of the instruction and the procedure for its development in the article.

The structure of the job description of a pharmacist

The job description usually consists of the following sections:

For reference! The legislator does not specify the requirements for the content of the job description, so the employer can develop his own structure of the document.

Below we will consider the sections of the job description in more detail.

Functions, duties and responsibilities of a pharmacist

The section "Functions" implies an indication of the main areas of work of a pharmacist. As a rule, these include:

  • non-prescription and prescription dispensing of medicines and other products;
  • compliance with the rules for handling medicinal products and the procedure for their storage;
  • work with cash register.

The section of the instruction "Responsibilities" includes a list of duties that are assigned to a pharmacist. These typically include the following:

  • non-prescription sale of products;
  • carrying out the necessary cash transactions;
  • submission of cash reports after the end of the shift;
  • formation of the pharmacy's need for the purchase of medicines and other goods;
  • quality control at all stages of the purchase of goods;
  • tracking product expiration dates;
  • performance of related work related to the sale of medicines (for example, packaging, layout, etc.);
  • maintaining documentation (for example, magazines for accounting for sold products, etc.);
  • ensuring compliance with the hygienic regime and the order in which medicines are laid out on the shelves;
  • maintaining a neat appearance and wearing special clothes;
  • compliance with fire safety standards and internal regulations;
  • taking part in the audit, etc.

Job Responsibilities of a Pharmacist may be specific due to the presence of certain groups of goods (for example, narcotic drugs, the purchase of which requires special prescriptions, etc.). In addition, a pharmacist can manufacture medicines (if the pharmacy is engaged in this type of activity). It is advisable to clarify all controversial points in the duties so that the employee knows what to do in this or that case.

Don't know your rights?

The section of the job description "Employee's responsibility" lists the types of responsibility to which the employee is subject in case of violation of the law or provisions of local acts. It is, as a rule, about administrative, criminal, material and disciplinary. If the employer does not want to clarify the issues of responsibility in the instruction, one can confine oneself to general phrases, such as "For poor-quality and untimely performance of the duties assigned to him by the job description, the employee is liable within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation."

General provisions on the activities, rights and work schedule of a pharmacist

The section of the job description "General provisions" includes the following items:

  • the name of the position and structural unit of the place of work of the pharmacist in accordance with the staffing table approved by the enterprise;
  • procedure for appointment and dismissal;
  • the procedure for filling a position in the absence of a pharmacist;
  • a list of regulatory and local acts, the provisions of which should guide the pharmacist in their activities;
  • qualification requirements for the position.

The section of the instruction "Employee Rights" includes a list of the rights of a pharmacist, which he is vested with for the proper performance of his duties. These include the following:

  • taking advanced training courses at the expense of the employer;
  • obtaining information materials about products that are on sale;
  • notification of the head of all the shortcomings identified in the course of work;
  • making suggestions to improve their activities;
  • refusal to accept low-quality goods, etc.

For reference: the legislator has provided for a pharmacist the obligation to improve their qualifications once every few years. Course fees are the responsibility of the employer. Otherwise, the employee should not be allowed to work, as he does not meet the qualification requirements established by the legislator.

The section of the instruction "Work schedule" includes an indication of the specific features of the working time of a pharmacist. For example, we are talking about shifts, night work, shift schedules, etc.

The procedure for developing and approving a job description

The job description is developed, as a rule, by an employee of the personnel department or an employee responsible for labor protection in the organization. The text of the document must be agreed with the immediate supervisor of the pharmacist; he has the right to make adjustments. After finalizing all the comments on the project, the job description is submitted for approval to the head of the organization.

For reference: the employee must be familiar with the text of the instruction directly upon employment. The result of reading will be a signature in the familiarization sheet, which is an annex to the document.

All changes to the instructions are made only after notifying the pharmacist. At the same time, the legislator does not provide for a special notification procedure. The exception is when it comes to changing the labor function of an employee. In this case, the pharmacist is notified of the upcoming adjustments at least 2 months in advance.

Thus, the job description for a pharmacist is a reference book that allows him to find out his duties, rights and limits of responsibility. Therefore, until the employer familiarizes the employee with the text of the instruction, he cannot demand from him the proper performance of the functions assigned to him.

A job description is an integral part of the workflow in any enterprise. It allows you to regulate labor relations and clearly define the rights and obligations, responsibilities of employees.

The job description of a pharmacist allows you to objectively evaluate the activities of the staff, their conscientiousness and the completeness of the performance of labor functions. It obliges the employer not to violate labor laws, for example, it is impossible to assign other functions not provided for by the document to a pharmacy employee.

However, it is very important to observe the formalities in the preparation and familiarization with the instructions. If the dispute goes to trial and the employee proves that he was not familiar with the job description, then the decision will be made in his favor. The outcome of a tax dispute may also depend on the quality of the preparation of the document. For example, if freelance pharmacists were involved in a pharmacy, then the job description of a full-time pharmacy pharmacist should not duplicate the functions of an involved specialist. If the responsibilities do not coincide, then the employer will have the opportunity to justify the costs.

Place of work of a pharmacist

A specialist with a pharmaceutical education can work not only in a pharmacy or pharmacy. Specialists of this profile are in demand in warehouses of medicines, in laboratories and research institutes.

The procedure for the formation and development of instructions

The job description of a pharmacist can be issued as a separate local document at the enterprise, or it can be an annex to an employment contract. When developing a document, the employer must take into account the requirements of GOST R 6.30-2003.

How to make changes

The procedure for making changes or additions to the job description of a pharmacist in a pharmacy of finished dosage forms at the level of legislation is not provided, therefore, the procedure is determined by the employer. However, Rostrud gave its clarifications on this issue in 2007. Before making changes to the instructions, it is recommended to notify the employee about them, and only after his consent to carry out the appropriate changes. If the instruction is an addition to the employment contract, then changes should be made immediately to 2 documents.

In practice, the employer formalizes the changes by issuing a new version of the job description with the obligatory familiarization of the employee.

Sample Document Structure

The title page of the job description of a pharmacist must contain the name, place and date of compilation, and the stamp of approval.

General provisions

In this paragraph, depending on the specifics of the enterprise, the main function of the specialist is described. For example, the job description of a first-rate pharmacist should reflect that the specialist, first of all, must dispense medicines.

It also describes the procedure for hiring and dismissing a specialist, who signs the order, the head of the pharmacy or the general director of the enterprise.

Job Responsibilities

The duties of a pharmacist may include not only dispensing drugs and medical products, but also determining the demand and needs of the population for certain types of products. The pharmacist can track orders that are sent to the main office or wholesale pharmaceutical company.

The employee must deal with the laying out of goods in accordance with their physical and chemical properties and storage rules.

A specialist can take part in the acceptance of goods, checking not only the quantity, but also their quality, that is, compliance with the necessary certificates. He must keep track of the order and timing of storage.

Functionally, the job description of a pharmacist may indicate responsibilities for the manufacture of drugs, if we are talking about a pharmacy with its own production.

The duties of a specialist may include consulting staff on the packaging of medicines, on compliance with the sanitary and hygienic regime.

Also, the pharmacist must comply with the requirements of industrial sanitation and occupational health, participate in the inventory of material assets, and comply with the rules of cash discipline. The pharmacist is required to undergo periodic recertification.

The specialist must be able to master the methods of intra-pharmacy control over the quality of medicines. The employee is obliged to advise clients on the composition of drugs and the rules for taking them, and to know the prices of pharmaceuticals.

As a rule, the employer puts forward requirements that the first-time specialists follow the rules prescribed in the corporate code, that is, adhere to the standards of communication with clients.


The job description of a pharmacist should provide for the right of a specialist to make proposals to the top management on the introduction of advanced technologies in the production process, on labor protection and sanitary standards. The specialist has the right to continuous improvement of his qualifications.

Must know

Specialists in the field of pharmaceuticals should have a good knowledge of the legislation in the field of medicine and the basics of pharmaceuticals, have information about labor protection and safety standards, the basics of cash discipline and economic theory, and fire safety. It is very good to know the nomenclature of medicines and medical products. In addition, the specialist should know about the chemical composition of medicines, contraindications for a particular category of patients, methods of application. The pharmacist must understand the analogues of drugs in order to meet the needs of the client when it is impossible to pay for a more expensive medication.

The employee must know how and under what conditions medicines are stored.

The employer has the right to put forward special requirements for knowledge, for example, if a pharmacy has its own production of medicines, then the pharmacist must know the technology for preparing drugs.

A responsibility

The job description of a pharmacist of a pharmacy should also provide for the responsibility of a specialist, of course, that it should not be more than indicated by current legislation.

Qualification Requirements

The pharmacist must have a secondary vocational education. Usually, there are no requirements for work experience for specialists of this level. The worker must have a valid certificate and must be able to provide first aid. The employer may put forward additional requirements, for example, on knowledge of cash discipline. Depending on the specifics of the pharmacy, there may be requirements for knowledge of the basics of nutrition.

I APPROVE Head "_____________________" ________________ (_________________) (signature) (full name) "___" ________ ___ M.P. "___"________ ___ Mr. N ___

_________________________________ (name of company)



1.1. This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of a pharmacist (hereinafter referred to as the Employee) __________________________. (name of company)

1.2. The employee is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the Head _________________________.

1.3. The employee reports directly to _____________________.

1.4. Qualification requirements:

Secondary vocational education in the specialty "Pharmacy" and a certificate of a specialist in the specialty "Pharmacy" without presenting requirements for work experience.

Senior pharmacist - secondary vocational education (advanced level) in the specialty "Pharmacy" and a certificate of a specialist in the specialty "Pharmacy" without presenting requirements for work experience.

1.5. The employee in his work is guided by:

Internal labor regulations;

Orders and orders of the head of the organization;

This job description.

1.6. The employee must know:

Laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation on pharmacy issues;

Fundamentals of pharmaceutical business; fundamentals of economics;

The technology for the manufacture of medicines, the rules for their storage and dispensing;

Nomenclature of medicines and medical products;

Rules for the provision of first medical aid;

Methods and means of pharmaceutical information;

Medical ethics and deontology;

Psychology of professional communication;

Basics of labor legislation;

Internal labor regulations;

Rules on labor protection and fire safety.

1.7. In the absence of the Employee, his functions are performed by _______________________.



2.1. Carries out the reception of prescriptions and requirements of medical organizations, the release of medicines and medical products.

2.2. It manufactures medicines, checks their quality by the simplest methods of intra-pharmacy control.

2.3. Participates in the acceptance of goods, their distribution to storage areas, ensures the storage conditions for medicines and medical products in accordance with their physical and chemical properties and the current storage rules.

2.4. Provides advisory assistance to packers in the packaging of medicines.

2.5. Conducts sanitary-educational and informational work among the population about medicines and medical products, their use and storage at home.

2.6. Provides first aid in emergencies.


The employee has the right to:

3.1. Providing him with a job stipulated by an employment contract.

3.2. A workplace that meets the state regulatory requirements for labor protection and the conditions stipulated by the collective agreement.

3.3. Timely and in full payment of wages in accordance with their qualifications, complexity of work, quantity and quality of work performed.

3.4. Rest provided by the establishment of normal working hours, reduced working hours for certain professions and categories of workers, the provision of weekly days off, non-working holidays, paid annual holidays.

3.5. Full reliable information about working conditions and labor protection requirements at the workplace.

3.6. Vocational training, retraining and advanced training in accordance with the procedure established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws.

3.7. Association, including the right to form trade unions and join them to protect their labor rights, freedoms and legitimate interests.

3.8. Participation in the management of the organization in the forms provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other federal laws and the collective agreement.

3.9. Conducting collective negotiations and conclusion of collective agreements and agreements through their representatives, as well as information on the implementation of the collective agreement, agreements.

3.10. Protection of their labor rights, freedoms and legitimate interests by all means not prohibited by law.

3.11. Resolution of individual and collective labor disputes, including the right to strike, in accordance with the procedure established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws.

3.12. Compensation for harm caused to him in connection with the performance of labor duties, and compensation for moral damage in the manner prescribed by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other federal laws.

3.13. Compulsory social insurance in cases stipulated by federal laws.

3.14. Obtaining materials and documents related to their activities.

3.15. Interaction with other departments of the Employer to resolve operational issues of their professional activities.

The employee has the right:

3.16. Give subordinate employees instructions, tasks on a range of issues included in his functional duties.

3.17. Monitor the implementation of planned targets, the timely execution of individual orders and tasks, the work of subordinate employees.

3.18. Require the head of the organization to assist in the performance of their duties.

3.19. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the head of the organization regarding the activities of the Employee.

3.20. Make suggestions to the head of the organization on the issues of their activities.

3.21. Receive official information necessary for the performance of their duties.


The employee is obliged:

Conscientiously fulfill their labor duties assigned to him by the employment contract and job description;

Comply with the rules of internal labor regulations;

Observe labor discipline;

Comply with established labor standards;

Comply with labor protection and labor safety requirements;

Take care of the property of the Employer (including the property of third parties held by the Employer, if the Employer is responsible for the safety of this property) and other employees;

Immediately notify the Employer or immediate supervisor of a situation that poses a threat to the life and health of people, the safety of the Employer's property (including the property of third parties held by the Employer, if the Employer is responsible for the safety of this property).


The employee is responsible:

5.1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - to the extent determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.


6.1. The work schedule of the Employee is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established by the Employer.

6.2. Job evaluation:

Regular - carried out by the immediate supervisor in the process of performance by the Employee of labor functions;

- ________________________________________________________________________. (indicate the procedure and grounds for other types of performance evaluation)

This job description was developed in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated July 23, 2010 N 541n "On approval of the Unified Qualification Directory for the positions of managers, specialists and employees, section" Qualification characteristics of positions of workers in the field of healthcare "(registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on August 25, 2010 N 18247) .

Immediate supervisor ___________________ _____________________ (signature) (full name) AGREED: Head of the legal department (legal adviser) ________________ ________________ (signature) (full name) "___"________ ___ signature) (full name) "___"________ ___

[name of organization, institution]

This job description was developed and approved in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of July 23, 2010 N 541n "On Approval of the Unified Qualification Handbook for the Positions of Managers, Specialists and Employees, section" Qualification characteristics of positions of employees in sphere of healthcare", and other normative legal acts regulating labor relations.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The pharmacist is classified as a professional and reports directly to [title of supervisor].

1.2. A person who has a secondary vocational education in the specialty "Pharmacy" and a certificate of a specialist in the specialty "Pharmacy" is appointed to the position of a pharmacist without presenting requirements for work experience.

1.3. Appointment to the position of a pharmacist and dismissal from it is carried out by order of the head of the institution.

1.4. The pharmacist must know:

Laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation on pharmacy issues;

Fundamentals of pharmaceutical business;

Fundamentals of Economics;

The technology for the manufacture of medicines, the rules for their storage and dispensing;

Nomenclature of medicines and medical products;

Rules for the provision of first medical aid;

Methods and means of pharmaceutical information;

Medical ethics and deontology;

Psychology of professional communication;

Basics of labor legislation;

Internal labor regulations;

Rules of sanitary, personal hygiene;

Rules and norms of labor protection, safety and fire protection.

2. Job responsibilities

The pharmacist has the following job responsibilities:

2.1. Implementation of the receipt of prescriptions and requirements of medical organizations, the release of medicines and medical products.

2.2. Production of medicines, checking their quality by the simplest methods of intra-pharmacy control.

2.3. Participation in the acceptance of goods, their distribution to storage areas, ensuring the storage conditions for medicines and medical devices in accordance with their physical and chemical properties and the current storage rules.

2.4. Providing advice to packers on the packaging of medicines.

2.5. Carrying out sanitary-educational and informational work among the population about medicines and medical products, their use and storage at home.

2.6. Providing first aid in emergency situations.

2.7. [Other Job Responsibilities].

3. Rights

The pharmacist has the right:

3.1. For all social guarantees provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.2. For the free issue of special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment.

3.3. Receive information about the activities of the organization necessary for the performance of functional duties from all departments directly or through the immediate supervisor.

3.4. Require the management of the organization to assist in the performance of their professional duties and the exercise of rights.

3.5. Get acquainted with the draft orders of the management regarding its activities.

3.6. Participate in meetings that discuss issues related to its work.

3.7. Demand the creation of conditions for the performance of professional duties, including the provision of the necessary equipment, inventory, a workplace that meets sanitary and hygienic rules and regulations, etc.

3.8. Improve your professional qualifications.

3.9. [Other rights provided for by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation].

4. Responsibility

The pharmacist is responsible for:

4.1. For non-fulfillment, improper fulfillment of the duties provided for by this instruction - within the limits determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For causing material damage to the employer - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

The job description was developed in accordance with [name, number and date of the document].

Head of Human Resources

[initials, last name]


[day month Year]


[job title]

[initials, last name]


[day month Year]

Familiarized with the instructions:

[initials, last name]


[day month Year]

Excerpts from the journal "Economic Bulletin of Pharmacy" No. 11, 2000 - I. L. Milushina

Development of job descriptions for employees of a pharmacy enterprise

Practical experience shows that any enterprise as a whole and each of its employees can function successfully only if there is a clear regulation of their activities, enshrined in the relevant organizational and administrative documents: job descriptions of employees.
Therefore, in any, even the smallest pharmacy or pharmacy, it is advisable to have job descriptions for all staff, which should define the rights and obligations of each employee.

Job descriptions are organizational documents. It is these documents that organize the work of a pharmacy enterprise, define the task and functions, describe the procedure for the interaction of employees and the activities of each of them. Along with this, organizational documents are necessary for a comprehensive objective assessment of pharmacy employees and are often used in resolving labor disputes.

Not all pharmacy institutions use job descriptions in their work, and those that do use them often make certain omissions in their development. For example, in some cases, job descriptions are developed only for a part of the pharmacy staff, which greatly reduces their practical value. Often, when drafting job descriptions, not all requirements for the volume and nature of the work of a specialist are taken into account. This leads to the fact that some of the functions assigned to the employee are not performed or are not performed in full.

On the other hand, organizational documents must be drawn up in accordance with the Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation of July 31, 1997 N 273 "Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for the execution of documents" (USORD) (as amended on January 21, 2000), those. have a unified form and structure of the text. Many specialists, when developing organizational documents, focus on the content, composing the most detailed text, which is certainly important, because. this is the main part of the document. However, we must not forget that a good text becomes a document only after it has been given legal force, i.e. the document must have the appropriate form with all the necessary details correctly entered in the document.

Job descriptions should ensure the rational distribution of professional duties between all employees of the enterprise, clearly and unambiguously define the rights and responsibilities that are vested in each performer in a particular area of ​​work, taking into account his knowledge, the prevailing working conditions and the needs of the pharmacy institution.

The direct development of job descriptions in each pharmacy should be preceded by a certain preparatory work. At this stage, all regulatory documents regulating the procedure for the activities of officials should be studied in detail, the entire scope of work should be divided into component parts so that each of them could subsequently be assigned to a specific contractor. Next, a list of functions and responsibilities for all employees should be defined. At the same time, the composition and volume of labor functions should ensure a uniform and complete workload of all performers during the working day, exclude duplication and "no man's lanes" in work.

When hiring new employees, when changing the organizational and technical conditions, the volume and content of the work of pharmacy workers, functional job descriptions should be developed again.

Structure and content of the job description

The job description may include the following sections:
I. General provisions;
II. Functions of an employee;
III. Job responsibilities;
IV. Rights;
V. Relationships (connections by position);
VI. Responsibility of the employee for the received work area.

The "General Provisions" of the job description establish the scope of the employee's activity, this section formulates the main task assigned to this employee, qualification requirements, his direct subordination, the procedure for filling a position (who is appointed and dismissed from work). In the same section of the job description, all regulatory documents that the contractor should be guided by in his work (orders, instructions, recommendations) should be given.

"Functions of an employee" - a section that defines a specific area of ​​work assigned to an employee and a list of types of work that make up the main areas of activity of a specialist.

In the "Responsibilities" section, actions should be defined to ensure the high-quality performance of the functions assigned to employees (strict observance of the labor schedule and labor discipline, high-quality and timely performance of one or another type of work, systematic improvement of one's qualifications, etc.).

The "Rights" section of the job description reflects the rights that the employee is vested with to perform his functions and duties. They should follow from the main tasks and duties of the official and reflect the degree of independence in work.

The section "Relationships (connections by position)" lists the circle of persons with whom the specialist enters into official relationships and exchanges information. In the same section of the job description, the order of interchangeability should be clearly defined: whom this employee replaces during the absence of another employee, and who replaces him.

In the "Responsibility" section, the most important functions should be indicated, for the failure to perform which this official bears direct disciplinary, material and other responsibility.

The text of the job description, which is a local act of the organization, must be "broken" into paragraphs for ease of perception. Job descriptions must be approved, as a rule, by the first head of the organization. The issues of coordinating the texts of job descriptions with certain officials are resolved individually in each pharmacy, depending on its structure, staffing and established traditions. In many organizations, job descriptions are coordinated with lawyers.

Job descriptions are communicated to the employees of the pharmacy enterprise against receipt by issuing a familiarization visa, including: the personal signature of the employee, its transcript and the date of familiarization. In the event that an employee refuses to approve the job description, an act of refusal to approve is drawn up in the presence of at least two disinterested witnesses.

To make changes and additions to the job descriptions, an appropriate order of the head of the organization is issued, which is communicated to the employees of the pharmacy enterprise against receipt. The need to issue such an order arises when it is necessary to redistribute functions and duties, during reorganizations, downsizing, etc. In addition, job descriptions must be replaced and re-approved in the following cases:

When reorganizing a pharmacy enterprise;
- when changing the name of the pharmacy enterprise or its structural subdivision;
- when changing the name of positions;
- upon dismissal of the former employee and replacement with another one.

Approximate job descriptions for pharmacy staff

The development of job descriptions in pharmacy enterprises is regulated by the following documents, which can be found in the reference legal system "ConsultantPlus":

1. Order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR dated December 30, 1976 N 1255 "On approval of the nomenclature of positions of pharmaceutical workers and regulations on individual institutions and positions of employees of pharmacy institutions."

2. Order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR dated April 20, 1981 N 420 "On staffing standards and standard staffing of pharmacies and pharmacy kiosks".

4. Order of the Ministry of Health of the USSR dated April 1, 1991 N 95 "On conducting extraordinary certification and retariffing of medical and pharmaceutical workers."

5. Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of February 16, 1995 N 33 "On approval of the regulation on the certification of doctors, pharmacists and other specialists with higher education in the healthcare system of the Russian Federation" (as amended on September 28, 1999).

6. Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 06.06.96 N 32 "On approval of wage categories and tariff and qualification characteristics (requirements) for industry-wide positions of employees."

7. Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of July 16, 1997 N 214 "On Quality Control of Medicines Manufactured in Pharmacies".

8. Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of August 27, 1997 N 43 "On the harmonization of pay categories and tariff and qualification characteristics for the positions of healthcare workers in the Russian Federation" (as amended on December 7, 1998).

9. Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of January 19, 1999 N 18 "On the Enactment of the List of Correspondence of Specialties of Nursing and Pharmaceutical Personnel to the Positions of Specialists".

10. Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of August 27, 1999 N 337 "On the nomenclature of specialties in healthcare institutions of the Russian Federation".

11. Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of October 15, 1999 N 377 "On approval of the regulation on the remuneration of healthcare workers."

In accordance with these documents, we offer exemplary job descriptions for employees of a pharmacy institution.

Approximate job description of a pharmacy manager

I. General provisions

1. The position of the head of a pharmacy is filled by a person with a higher pharmaceutical education.
2. Appointment to the position of head of a pharmacy is formalized by order of the head of a higher organization by subordination. In cases stipulated by law, the parent organization concludes with the head of the pharmacy, upon his appointment to the position, an agreement on full liability for the values ​​entrusted to him.
3. Acceptance of cases by the newly appointed head of the pharmacy is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the current legislation. A representative of a higher organization participates in the acceptance - delivery of cases, while an acceptance certificate is drawn up.
4. In his work, the head of the pharmacy is guided by the fundamentals of the legislation on health care, on labor, documents that determine the activities of pharmaceutical institutions, criteria and indicators characterizing the state of drug assistance to the population, the theoretical and organizational foundations of the pharmaceutical business, the organization of the planning, economic and financial activities of the institution, orders and orders of a higher organization, the provisions of this instruction.
5. The head of a pharmacy is a financially responsible person.

II. Employee functions

1. Manages the activities of the pharmacy on the basis of unity of command and is responsible for all trade, financial, administrative and economic activities of the pharmacy and the organization of work on drug provision of the population and medical and preventive institutions.
2. In accordance with the established procedure, concludes contracts and represents the pharmacy in state, public and other bodies, institutions, enterprises and organizations.

III. Job Responsibilities

1. Provides the population with drug assistance and organizes the supply of healthcare institutions attached to the pharmacy with medicines and other medical products.
2. Organizes the work of the pharmacy for receiving prescriptions, preparation, quality control and dispensing of medicines.
3. Ensures the timely supply of medicines, medical products and equipment attached to the pharmacy pharmacies, pharmacy kiosks, exercising direct supervision and control over their work.
4. Ensures the availability of the entire range of medicines and other medical devices within the approved standard of commodity stocks, compliance with the rules for the sale and dispensing of medicines free of charge and on preferential terms to certain categories of the population in accordance with applicable regulations.
5. Systematically and timely informs the head and doctors of medical and preventive institutions about medicines, about all cases of incorrect prescribing of medicines and other errors made when writing out prescriptions.
6. Monitors compliance with the sanitary regime, fire safety.
7. Provides appropriate conditions for the preservation of inventory and monetary values, as well as the storage of medicines and other medical devices in strict accordance with their properties and the requirements of the current State Pharmacopoeia, orders and other regulations.
8. Participates in the preparation of estimates for the purchase of medical goods, equipment, inventory.
9. Controls the performance of works related to the construction, reconstruction and overhaul of fixed assets, in accordance with the approved plans and technical documentation.
10. Monitors the rational use of equipment and inventory, its condition and timely repairs.
11. Develops and approves job descriptions for employees.
12. Ensures that financial and business transactions are carried out within the limits of the financial plan and estimates, and that accounting and reporting are properly maintained.
13. Controls the quality of all pharmacy documentation.
14. Ensures familiarization of the pharmacy personnel with orders, instructions, rules and other documents related to the activities of the pharmacy.
15. Provides control over compliance with the rules of trade in the part related to pharmacies, is responsible for the correctness of pricing.
16. Participates in the preparation of work schedules and vacations for pharmacy workers, certifies with his signature the payroll and other documents.
17. Regularly holds production meetings with pharmacy staff.
18. Provides conditions for disease prevention, labor protection and safety of employees.
19. Systematically improves professional qualifications by reading literature, attending seminars, exhibitions, etc.
20. Responsible for the organization of accounting in the pharmacy.
21. Responsible for the quality of the work of the institution.

The pharmacy manager has the right to:
1. To select and place personnel, to carry out activities to improve the skills of pharmacy workers.
2. In appropriate cases, timely conclude agreements on full liability with employees of a pharmacy, pharmacy points, pharmacy kiosks.
3. To introduce into the work of the pharmacy new progressive forms of drug supply for the population and the scientific organization of labor.
4. Encourage pharmacy employees and impose penalties.
5. Improve your skills in advanced courses.
6. Make decisions within their competence.
7. Receive free overalls in accordance with established standards.

V. Relationships

1. The instructions of the head of the pharmacy are binding on all pharmacy staff. The head gives orders and instructions to employees in accordance with the level of their competence and qualifications and controls their implementation.
2. At the time of absence, he is replaced by the deputy head of the pharmacy.
3. During the absence of the deputy head of the pharmacy, he performs his duties.

VI. A responsibility

1. The head of the pharmacy is responsible for the unclear or untimely fulfillment of the obligations provided for by this instruction and the internal regulations of the pharmacy, material liability, in accordance with the current legislation and the contract concluded with him, for the entrusted material values.

Approximate job description of a pharmacist

I. General provisions

1. A person with a higher pharmaceutical education is appointed to the position of a pharmacist.
2. The main task of the pharmacist is to prepare medicines according to the most common prescriptions, concentrated solutions and semi-finished products, replenish stocks of medicines for the assistant's room, and control the quality of individually prepared medicines.

4. Is guided in his work by methodological, regulatory and other materials on business methods, economic management of the pharmaceutical service, marketing of medicines, new technologies for their manufacture, resolutions, orders, orders of higher authorities, this instruction.

II. Functions

1. Manages the work of pharmacists involved in the preparation of medicines according to the individual prescriptions of doctors.
2. Conducts quality control of individually prepared medicines.
3. Weighs poisonous and narcotic substances to the pharmacist.
4. Replenishes medical supplies for the assistant's room.
5. Places the goods received by the department in the places of storage.
6. Keeps records of defects in the department.
7. Keeps records of the fulfillment by pharmacists, packers engaged in the preparation of individual medicines, of the load standards established in the pharmacy.

III. Job Responsibilities

1. Accepts, taxes and issues prescriptions for execution in accordance with the established rules, while ensuring the uniformity and completeness of the workload of pharmacists involved in the preparation of individual medicines.
2. In cases of doubt about the correctness of the prescription, he contacts the doctor who issued it, clarifies the questions that have arisen, and then accepts the prescription for execution. Incorrectly written prescriptions, according to which the medicine cannot be prepared, are canceled with the stamp "Recipe is not valid" and recorded in the Register of incorrectly written prescriptions.
3. Carries out systematic control over the observance by pharmacists of the technological rules for the preparation of medicines. If necessary, advises pharmacists on the peculiarities of the preparation of a particular medicine.
4. Carries out the control of individually prepared medicines in accordance with the established rules.
5. In due time, in accordance with the established rules, fills out the Journal of the results of analyzes of individual drugs prepared by pharmacists.
6. In case of detection of errors that cannot be corrected, the incorrectly prepared medicine is withdrawn, registered in the Register of Incorrectly Prepared Medicines, and brought to the attention of the executor and the head of the department.
7. Weighs out poisonous and narcotic substances in the presence of a pharmacist, monitors their immediate use for the preparation of the appropriate medicine.
8. Evenly distributes work and controls the correct packaging and registration of medicines by packers. Advises them on the peculiarities of packaging and registration of factory-made medicines, as well as those prepared in the order of intra-pharmacy procurement.
9. Participates in the acceptance of the goods received by the department, distributes them to the places of storage, strictly observing the rules for storing medicines and other inventory items.
10. Verifies that all prescriptions are correctly charged according to the current retail price list.
11. In accordance with the established rules, dispenses medicines prepared in a pharmacy, while explaining to the patient the method of use and the mode of storage of medicines at home.
12. Daily calculates the number of prescriptions accepted for a shift and the total cost of individually prepared medicines dispensed on them.
13. At the end of the shift, he makes a selection of prescriptions according to which medicines containing narcotic, poisonous substances and ethyl alcohol were prepared and dispensed, as well as prescriptions according to which medicines were dispensed free of charge or on preferential terms.
14. Ensures proper storage of medicines prepared in pharmacies. Withdraws unclaimed drugs by patients immediately after the expiration of the established storage periods, registers the withdrawal in the Register of drugs withdrawn after the expiration of the storage periods.
15. If necessary, sends medicines prepared in a pharmacy for analysis to the control and analytical laboratory.
16. Complies with the requirements of the sanitary regime at his workplace.
17. Strictly observes the rules of internal labor regulations and safety regulations.
18. Systematically improves his skills by studying special literature.

The inspector has the right:
1. Submit a proposal to prohibit the dispensing of unsuitable medicines from a pharmacy.
2. Give instructions to pharmacists, packers related to production activities.
3. Participate in the preparation of an application for the receipt of inventory items for the department.
4. Require doctors to properly fill out prescriptions.
5. Require the nurse - washer to timely provide her workplace and the workplaces of packers with a sufficient amount of clean dishes.
6. Make proposals to the management of the pharmacy on improving the drug service for the population, organization and working conditions.
7. Periodically improve your skills in refresher courses.
8. Receive free overalls in accordance with established standards.

V. Relationships

1. Transfers prepared products to the pharmacist - analyst for control. Accepts packaged and packaged products from packers.
2. Provides the head of the prescription and production department with a certificate on the volume of laboratory and packaging work performed during the month, on markdowns or revaluations that occurred during their implementation.
3. Auxiliary materials necessary for work (receipt book, register of incorrectly written prescriptions, etc.) are received from the head of the prescription and production department.
4. In case of production necessity, by order of the head of the prescription and production department, replaces the pharmacist - analyst who controls the quality of individually prepared drugs (pharmacist involved in the preparation of individual drugs, etc.).

6. Supervises the work of packers.
7. For the period of absence, he is replaced by the head of the prescription and production department.

VI. A responsibility

The inspector is personally responsible for:
1. For fulfilling the established rules for taking prescriptions and dispensing individually prepared medicines on them.
2. For the quality of medicines, concentrates, semi-finished products prepared in the order of intra-pharmacy procurement.
3. For taking measures to prevent errors in the preparation of medicines and the dispensing of incorrectly prepared medicines.
4. For the correct and timely maintenance of the established accounting documents.
5. For compliance with the rules for storing medicines.
6. For the sanitary condition of your workplace.
7. For fuzzy and untimely fulfillment of the obligations provided for by this instruction.

Approximate job description of a pharmacy pharmacist

I. General provisions

1. A person with a secondary pharmaceutical education is appointed to the position of a pharmacy pharmacist.
2. The main task of a pharmacist is the timely and high-quality preparation of medicines according to individual prescriptions of doctors.
3. Appointed to a position and may be dismissed from work by the head of a pharmacy in accordance with the procedure established by labor legislation.
4. Is guided in his work by the State Pharmacopoeia, other official documents on the performed section of work, orders and orders of higher officials, internal labor regulations, fire safety and labor protection, this instruction.

II. Functions

1. Prepares medicines according to individual prescriptions of doctors.
2. Supervises the work of a subordinate packer.
3. Transfers unfulfilled prescriptions to a newly interceding employee.
4. Keeps records of prescriptions executed per shift.

III. Job Responsibilities

1. Within the period indicated on the prescription, prepares medicines according to individual prescriptions of doctors, strictly observing the technological rules for the preparation and presentation of medicines.
2. Checks the authenticity and quality of medicines using the simplest methods of intra-pharmacy control.
3. In accordance with the established rules, fills out control coupons for all prepared dosage forms.
4. Produces the release of finished drugs and other medical products without prescriptions.
5. Participates in the acceptance of goods, their distribution to storage locations.
6. The pharmacist receives poisonous and narcotic substances from the head of the department, his deputy or the pharmacist only in weighed form and immediately uses them for the preparation of medicines.
7. All auxiliary work on the preparation of individual medicines (dosing of powders, rolling out candles, etc.) is entrusted to the packer, while giving him all the necessary explanations on the features of packaging and design of medicines.
8. Takes into account the work done for the shift in a special journal, on the basis of which, at the end of the shift, it draws up a certificate on the number of dosage forms prepared for the shift.
9. Rationally uses his working time. Does not allow interruptions in work due to untimely provision of his workplace with all the necessary medicines. To do this, before starting work or on the eve, he exposes the pharmacist to the pharmacist for replenishment with medicines.
10. At the end of the shift, transfers all unused recipes to the newly intervening worker. It does not allow cases of transfer of incompletely prepared medicine.
11. Uses equipment efficiently and follows safety regulations.
12. Fulfills the requirements of the sanitary regime at his workplace.
13. Participates in the inventory of inventory items in accordance with the instructions of the department management.
14. Independently solves production issues determined by his job description.
15. Systematically improves his skills by studying special literature.
16. Strictly observes the rules of internal labor regulations, fire safety and labor protection.

The pharmacist has the right:
1. In all difficult cases, receive advice from a pharmacist on issues related to the preparation of medicines.
2. Require packers, nurses - cleaners to timely provide their workplace with a supply of clean dishes and auxiliary materials.
3. Use regulated breaks to maintain high performance throughout the working day.
4. Make suggestions to the management of the pharmacy to improve the organization and working conditions.
5. Periodically improve your skills in refresher courses.
6. Receive free overalls in accordance with established standards.

V. Relationships

1. He receives the drugs necessary for the preparation of medicines from the head of the prescription and production department (his deputy) as needed.
2. Powder, pill, suppository mass is transferred to the packer for dosing and processing. In his absence, he independently performs all auxiliary work on the preparation of medicines.
3. At the end of the shift, he sends a certificate of work performed to the pharmacist.
4. For the time of absence, he is replaced by a pharmacy pharmacist.
5. Directly reports to the head of the prescription - production department.

VI. A responsibility

The pharmacist is personally responsible for:
1. For the timely and high-quality preparation of medicines according to individual prescriptions of doctors.
2. For the sanitary condition of your workplace.
3. For compliance with the rules of internal labor regulations for fire safety and labor protection.

Approximate job description of a pharmacy nurse

I. General provisions

1. A person who has undergone individual training is appointed to the position of a nurse.
2. The main task of nurses is to ensure the necessary sanitary regime in the premises of the pharmacy, to provide its employees with a supply of clean dishes.
3. Appointed to a position and may be dismissed from work by the head of a pharmacy in accordance with the procedure established by labor legislation.
4. Guided in his work by the rules of internal labor regulations, fire safety and labor protection, the rules for cleaning premises, inventory, the rules for washing, sterilizing and storing clean dishes, orders and instructions from superiors, this instruction.

II. Functions

1. Provides sanitary and hygienic maintenance of the pharmacy premises.
2. Prepares for use and provides workplaces for specialists in the prescription and production department with clean utensils and auxiliary materials necessary for the preparation of medicines.
3. Performs auxiliary work (release from packaging material, counting shipping items, etc.) upon receipt, inventory of inventory items in the department.

III. Job Responsibilities

1. Exposes wet cleaning window sills, floors in all premises of the pharmacy, as needed, but at least 1 time per shift.
2. Every day at the beginning of the shift, wash with warm water and moisten the rubber mat with a disinfectant solution before entering the assistant's room.
3. Washes, sterilizes prescription glassware in accordance with established rules.
4. Follows the rules for storing clean dishes.
5. Timely removes the utensils used in the preparation of medicines, auxiliary items (mortars, scrapers, etc.). It does not allow the loss of working time of specialists in the assistant's room due to the untimely provision of their workplaces with a sufficient supply of clean dishes and auxiliary materials.
6. As needed, but at least 1 time per shift, empties garbage bins close to the workplaces of pharmacists, packers, pharmacists in the prescription and production department.
7. Complies with the rules for working with drying cabinets, gas stoves, collections of distilled water, mechanization tools used in the work.
8. Performs auxiliary work during the period of acceptance and inventory of inventory items in accordance with the instructions of the department management.
9. Fulfills the requirements of the sanitary regime at his workplace.
10. If necessary, performs the functions of a courier.
11. Strictly observes the rules of internal labor regulations.

The pharmacy nurse has the right to:
1. In all difficult cases, receive advice on preparing for the use of prescription glassware, auxiliary materials from a pharmacist.
2. Receive free overalls in accordance with established standards.
3. Submit requirements to the management of the pharmacy to create the necessary conditions at the workplace, ensuring the high-quality performance of their functions and duties.

V. Relationships

1. Directly reports to the Deputy Head of the Pharmacy.
2. He receives the auxiliary materials and detergents necessary for providing his workplace and the workplaces of specialists from the deputy head of the pharmacy.
3. For the time of absence, it is replaced by a pharmacy packer.

V. Responsibility

The nurse is personally responsible for:
1. For the cleanliness of the pharmacy premises.
2. For the uninterrupted provision of clean dishes and auxiliary items to the workplaces of pharmacists involved in the preparation of medicines.
3. For the sanitary condition of your workplace.
4. For unclear or untimely fulfillment of the obligations provided for by this instruction.

In conclusion, we note that each pharmacy enterprise develops job descriptions for its employees, taking into account the specific features of the work of the organization and its structural divisions, which makes it possible to ensure optimal organization of work, rational placement and use of personnel, increase the responsibility of each pharmacy employee for the quality and results of his work.


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