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The amount of initial investment is 532 000 rubles.

The break-even point is reached for the fourth month of work.

The payback period is from 14 months.

Average net profit 46 000 rubles.

Profitability of sales 16 % .

2. Description of the business, product or service

In this business plan, we are considering a small grocery store with an area of ​​​​20-25 m2 in a residential area in a place with high traffic. It can be in a separate building or on the ground floor of a multi-storey building.

The food industry is very competitive. As a rule, on weekends people buy in hypermarkets. However, due to the fact that people often need to buy certain products after work, and there is simply no time for going to supermarkets, the demand for convenience stores remains high.

Before opening a store, it is necessary to carefully consider the assortment, pricing policy, and make a forecast regarding future sales of specific groups of goods. In other words, you need to calculate in advance what will be in great demand among buyers. There is no universal algorithm for compiling an assortment - almost all entrepreneurs are looking for "their product" through trial and error, conducting a thorough analysis of incoming demand and sales.

Here we present the most standard product range.

  • Meat and sausage products;
  • Vegetables and fruits;
  • Dairy products;
  • Grocery;
  • Confectionery;
  • Soft drinks;
  • Low alcohol products.

Also, to maximize profits, you should add household essentials (matches, soap, household chemicals, etc.) and pet food.

Grocery store hours: 9:00 - 22:00 daily.

3. Description of the market

Customers come to the store near the house after work to buy the necessary products for dinner. Children, young mothers, and pensioners also go to such outlets.

Analyzing the indicators of per capita cash income in recent years, one can note a positive trend: since 2009, the average per capita cash income of Russians has almost doubled. (Information obtained from the official website of the Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation)

Cash income and expenditures on average per capita in Russia for 2009-2016, rub.

As incomes rise, household consumer spending rises. As a result, food costs are on the rise. Consumers are already choosing to buy higher quality products.

Consumption of basic foodstuffs in the Russian Federation

(per capita per year; kilograms)

Meat and meat products in terms of meat

including meat and meat products without category II by-products and raw fat

Milk and dairy products in terms of milk

Eggs and egg products - pieces

Vegetable oil


Vegetables and food melons

Fruits and berries

Bread products (bread and pasta in terms of flour, flour, cereals and legumes)

This table confirms the stability of demand for food products, and also helps to navigate the store assortment. (Information obtained from the official website of the Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation)

4. Sales and Marketing

5. Production plan

Let's outline the main stages of launching a grocery store.

Registration with government agencies

  • We recommend registering in the form of IP.
  • Optimal for registering a business will be the OKVED code - 47.2 - "Services for the retail trade of food products, tobacco products in specialized stores."
  • After receiving the certificate of registration, you need to draw up a lease agreement for the premises. It is necessary to obtain permission from firefighters, for this the room must comply with all applicable standards: it must be located at least on the first floor, have an emergency exit, and a fire extinguisher. In order for the sanitary and epidemiological station to give the green light to the work of the grocery store, it is necessary to prepare:
  1. contract for sanitary treatment of the premises;
  2. garbage collection agreement
  3. contract for the disposal of food waste;
  4. health records for all employees.
  • The store should be equipped with a consumer corner with copies of licenses for the sale of alcohol and tobacco products, certificates of quality and compliance with SES standards, a certificate of registration of a legal entity, a book of reviews and suggestions.
  • UTII is planned to be used as a taxation system. We believe that this is the most favorable tax regime for a store, when the amount of tax does not depend on the business income.

Search for premises and repair

Potentially profitable is a building located no further than 100-150 meters from four high-rise buildings (in which about 1500 people live).

The following requirements apply to the premises:

  • The premises can be either owned or rented;
  • Room area - from 20 m2 to 25 m2;
  • Availability of sewerage, water supply, utilities, powerful electrical networks for refrigeration equipment that meet the technical requirements of the equipment;

Accessibility of access roads to the building.

Supplier search

Particular attention should be paid to the search for suppliers. The best option is the delivery of products from large wholesale bases according to a cyclic schedule, it can be carried out on its own. A promising option is the purchase of agricultural goods directly from farms. Such a solution will save on the services of intermediaries and provide customers with fresh and high-quality products.

6. Organizational structure

As a rule, when opening one point, the owner of a grocery store himself becomes a manager and, in order to minimize taxes, does not accrue wages to himself.

Key personnel:

  • 2 salespeople working in shifts 2/2;
  • cleaning woman.

Basic requirements for sellers:

  • activity;
  • high communication skills;
  • goodwill;
  • honesty;
  • discipline;
  • responsibility.

Sellers are required to have medical books.

Each seller has a salary part of the salary - 12,000 rubles. and the premium part, which is calculated as follows:

Bonus part of salary - 5% of revenue

The cleaner has a fixed salary - 10,000 rubles.

The full payroll calculation with the bonus part and insurance premiums is presented in the financial model.

7. Financial plan

Investments in opening a grocery store are as follows.

Hello, dear readers of the Internet magazine about money ""! This article will talk about how to write a business plan. This publication is a direct instruction to action that will allow you to turn a crude business idea into a confident step-by-step plan for realizing a clear goal.

We'll consider:

  • What is a business plan and why is it needed;
  • How to draw up a business plan;
  • How to structure it and write it yourself;
  • Ready-made business plans for small businesses - examples and samples with calculations.

At the end of the topic, we will show the main mistakes of novice entrepreneurs. There will be a lot of arguments in favor of creating quality And thoughtful business plan that will bring the realization of your idea and success affairs in the future.

Also, this article will provide examples of finished works that you can simply use, or you can take as a basis for developing your project. Ready-made examples of submitted business plans can be download for free.

In addition, we will answer the most frequently asked questions and clarify why not everyone writes a business plan, if it is so necessary.

So, let's start in order!

The structure of the business plan and the content of its main sections - a step-by-step guide to compiling it

7. Conclusion + related video 🎥

For every entrepreneur who wants to develop himself and develop his business, a business plan is very important. He performs many responsible functions that no other person is able to do differently.

With it, you can get financial support and open, develop your business much earlier than you can collect a significant amount for the business.

Investors generally react positively to a good, thoughtful, error-free business plan, as they see it as a way to make easy money with all the troubles invented and described.

In addition, even before the establishment opens, you see what awaits you. What risks are possible, what solution algorithms will be relevant in a given situation. This is not only investor-friendly information, but also the right plan if you get into trouble yourself. In the end, if the calculation of risks is too daunting, you can remake a little, transform the general idea to reduce them.

Creating a Good Business Plan is an excellent solution for finding investments and developing your own action algorithms even in the most difficult situations, which are more than enough in business.

That is why, in addition to their own efforts it is worth using "other people's brains". A business plan includes many sections and calculations, research and knowledge, only with successful operation, with which success can be achieved.

The ideal option would be to study all aspects on your own. To do this, it is not enough to sit and read the relevant literature. It is worth changing the circle of contacts, turning to courses and trainings, finding specialists for consultations on certain issues. That's the only way really figure it out in the situation and dispel all your doubts and delusions.

A business plan is worth writing for many reasons, however home is a clear algorithm of actions by which you can quickly get from point A(your current position, full of hopes and fears) to point B(in which you will already be the owner of your own successful business that consistently and regularly generates income). This is the first step towards fulfilling the dream and the confident status of the middle class.

If you still have questions, then perhaps you will find the answers to them in the video: "How to write a business plan (for yourself and investors)".

That's all we have. We wish everyone good luck in business! We will also be grateful for your comments on this article, share your opinions, ask questions on the topic of the publication.

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Dear site visitors, below is an example of a grocery store business plan with economic calculations. This document was compiled by professionals in the field of business planning, the calculations were prepared using the Excel software product, so that the business plan itself and the calculations can be used to adapt to your project, wherever it is being prepared - for a bank, for a private investor or for an internal use in the company.

If you have any questions or you do not find the section you need, or you have questions about its preparation or formation of calculations, you can always contact us via mail, the VKontakte group or by leaving a comment on the business plan.


Purpose: opening of a grocery store in the "At Home" format in the city of Krasnoyarsk.

Tasks: supplying residents of the nearby area with food, opening a profitable grocery store in a large city - the center of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Initiator of the project

The initiator of the project is a private individual who already has 3 grocery stores of a similar type at his disposal. The entrepreneur has more than 5 years of experience in this business, and the outlets at his disposal have a profit during the entire period of work.

Investment costs

To open a retail outlet, investments in the amount of 1,400 thousand rubles will be required, which will be used to repair the premises and purchase equipment. In connection with the existing established relationships with suppliers, the entrepreneur has the opportunity to receive products with a delay, which on average for all product groups is 15 days. This will prevent you from investing money in working capital.

The distribution of investments by areas is presented in the following table:

Project financing

The opening of the store will be financed from two sources:

  • own funds of the project initiator - 50% of the total amount of investments
  • bank loan - 50% of the total investment amount

It is planned that a bank loan will be provided for a period of 5 years at 19% per annum secured by the initiator's own outlet with an annuity loan repayment schedule. The total loan amount will be 700 thousand rubles.

Project payback indicators

Based on the estimated costs and income of the grocery store, as well as on the basis of the prerequisites that will be discussed later in the financial part of the business plan, a model for calculating the payback of the project was built. The main payback indicators are presented below:

  • inflation - 10%;
  • simple payback period - 4.6 years;
  • discounted payback period - 5.6 years;
  • NPV - 1,363 thousand rubles;

These payback indicators indicate the high efficiency of investing money in opening a grocery store and the high attractiveness of the project for investors.

Product Suppliers

Due to the small area of ​​the store being opened, it is not possible to place all possible suppliers of products on the shelf. In this regard, in each product group, it is supposed to select one or two of the largest suppliers-manufacturers of products and work with him. The main suppliers have already been identified and work is already underway with them in other stores of the chain. Due to the growth in the volume of purchases, negotiations are planned to increase the discount from the base price from some suppliers.

The store will try to work directly with product manufacturers, but if the manufacturer is not present in the city or does not work directly with small stores or has less favorable delivery terms, the store will work with wholesale companies offering these products.


To date, the range of products in the stores of the network is quite stable and allows you to get the most profit. A similar assortment is planned to be laid out in the new store. It will include:

  • vegetables fruits;
  • cigarettes.

Showcases with impulse goods are planned to be placed near the cash desks.


Practice shows that by ordering a business plan from specialists, you will save time, increase the quality of the finished document by 4-5 times and increase the chances of receiving investments by 3 times.

Investment plan

Investment size

The volume of investments is 1,400 thousand rubles. of which 900 thousand rubles. will go to repair the premises and bring it to the requirements of the SES, and 500 thousand rubles. will be used to purchase equipment. The table below provides a more detailed breakdown of investment costs:

Name of work/purchase of equipment Qty Price Sum
Repair work 550 000,00 550 000,00
150 000,00 150 000,00
Laying water supply and sewerage 50 000,00 50 000,00
50 000,00 50 000,00
Laying computer networks 50 000,00 50 000,00
Making a sign 50 000,00 50 000,00
Acquisition of refrigeration equipment, including:
banet 2 25 000,00 50 000,00
Low temperature chest 4 15 000,00 60 000,00
Refrigerator for soft drinks 2 17 000,00 34 000,00
Purchase of commercial equipment, including:
rack 20 4 000,00 80 000,00
shelves 10 1 000,00 10 000,00
Acquisition of cash terminals 2 40 000,00 80 000,00
Installation of refrigeration equipment 30 000,00 30 000,00
Installation of commercial equipment 20 000,00 20 000,00
Installation of cash terminals 26 000,00 26 000,00
Office furniture 50 000,00 50 000,00
Office equipment, including:
Computer 2 20 000,00 40 000,00
MFP 2 10 000,00 20 000,00
TOTAL 1 400 000,00

Investment work and payment plan

The work plan for opening a grocery store is presented in the diagram below:

As can be seen from the diagram, all work on opening the store is planned to be completed in 9 months.

Below is the monthly payment plan for investment expenses:

expenditures 1 month 2 months 3 months 4 months 5 months 6 months 7 months 8 months 9 months
Premises renovation 150 000 150 000 150 000 100 000
Laying electrical networks and lighting 50 000 50 000 50 000
Works on water supply and sewerage 50 000
Installation of fire and security alarms and video surveillance 50 000
Laying computer networks 50 000
Making a sign 50 000
Purchase and installation of equipment 100 000 290 000
Purchase of furniture and office equipment 110 000
TOTAL 150 000 250 000 200 000 350 000 0 400 000 0 0 50 000

Production plan


To open the store, a premise was chosen in the area under construction in the city of Krasnoyarsk. The store will be located on the first floor of a newly built residential building and will have a separate entrance facing the street. Shop with an area of ​​150 sq.m. will have the following premises:

  • trading floor - 95 sq.m.
  • product warehouse - 25 sq.m.
  • bathroom - 4 sq.m.
  • director's and merchandiser's room - 20 sq.m.
  • dressing room - 6 sq.m.

The layout of the room is shown in the figure below:

Working hours

In connection with the introduction of a law banning the sale of alcohol at night, the store will be open from 8-00 to 24-00 without a lunch break.

Manufacturing process

The business processes of this store will not differ in any way from the processes in other stores, but we will briefly describe:

  1. The goods brought by the supplier's forwarder are delivered to the store's warehouse, where they are accepted by the store's merchandiser.
  2. Information about the brought cargo is recorded in the information system by the commodity specialist and the loader moves to the place where all the products of this group are stored.
  3. After the product of the group has ended on the trading floor, the worker of the hall takes out the necessary amount of products to close the shelf.
  4. The buyer, passing by and making a decision to buy, puts the goods in his basket or trolley and goes to the checkout.
  5. Paying for the goods at the checkout, the buyer takes his goods, and the information about the write-off of the goods from the store automatically goes through the accounting system.

Production cost

In order to make a profit on the purchased goods, an extra charge will be made, which will depend on the product group and supplier. The average markup and purchase price for the product groups planned for sale will be as follows:

Product group Cost price (rub./kg) Markup (%%)
Milk and dairy products 34,00 20%
Meat and meat products 354,00 25%
Grocery 46,00 20%
Bread and bakery products 13,00 20%
Juice water 57,00 20%
Vegetables fruits 68,00 50%
Sweets 243,00 30%
alcohol 327,00 30%
Cigarettes 49,00 30%
  • milk and dairy products (yogurts, butter, curds, cheeses, kefir, etc.);
  • meat and meat products (sausages, smoked meats, frankfurters, sausages, etc.);
  • groceries (cereals, sugar, salt, etc.);
  • bread and bakery products (bread, muffins, buns, etc.);
  • juices-waters (juices, mineral and ordinary water, sparkling waters, etc.);
  • sweets (sweets, cookies, marmalade, etc.);
  • alcohol (beer, vodka, wine, etc.);
  • cigarettes.

Marketing plan


The competition in the retail food market is very high. The city has several thousand grocery stores, several large and small food markets and several hundred food stalls offering both fruits and vegetables and alcohol.

However, today it is not planned to place grocery stores in this microdistrict anymore, which will make it possible to send residents of nearby houses to our institution as much as possible.


The location of the store is quite good. Firstly, it is located in a new area under construction, the cost of apartments is quite high, which will allow you to keep the store at a high level and increase not only the quality of service, but also the prices of products.


Having similar stores in its network, the initiator of the project decided to provide the following range of products in the store:

  • milk and dairy products (yogurts, butter, curds, cheeses, kefir, etc.);
  • meat and meat products (sausages, smoked meats, frankfurters, sausages, etc.);
  • groceries (cereals, sugar, salt, etc.);
  • bread and bakery products (bread, muffins, buns, etc.);
  • juices-waters (juices, mineral and ordinary water, sparkling waters, etc.);
  • vegetables fruits;
  • sweets (sweets, cookies, marmalade, etc.);
  • alcohol (beer, vodka, wine, etc.);
  • cigarettes.

Within the group will not inflate much due to the limited space of the store, the products in the group will be selected in such a way that they have the highest turnover.

SWOT analysis

Based on the conducted marketing analysis, a SWOT analysis of the new grocery store was carried out from various angles, where the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise, as well as difficulties and development opportunities were identified.


  • location - the store is located in a microdistrict in which there are no other similar grocery outlets, and the population has sufficient income to purchase products in sufficient volumes for this project;
  • the novelty of the store - a new renovation, pleasant lighting, equipment will attract consumers to the store and not spend a long time on equipment repairs.

Weak sides:

  • the unknown brand will not allow you to quickly increase the consumer audience;
  • in connection with the opening, it will take some time to find qualified personnel to work in the store.


  • when one of the grocery stores of the federal network (pyaterochka, magnet, coin, etc.) is located in the immediate vicinity of this store, a strong subsidence of revenue is possible.


  • obtaining additional discounts on products from suppliers with a good increase in sales volumes;
  • expanding the range of products with good store attendance.

Price policy

The store will offer products at prices above the city average, this is due to two reasons:

  1. apartments in the development area are aimed at buyers with an average level of income and above average;
  2. the store is located in a residential area far from hypermarkets and discounters, which allows it to slightly raise the margin and get a little more profit from this, because the consumer has no choice (to quickly buy something, he can only come to this store).

Prices for products by product groups, average margin, share of sales are presented in the table below:

Product group Cost price (rub./kg) Markup (%%) Share in sales Price (rub/kg)
Milk and dairy products 34,00 20% 11% 40,80
Meat and meat products 354,00 25% 15% 442,50
Grocery 46,00 20% 10% 55,20
Bread and bakery products 13,00 20% 2% 15,60
Juice water 57,00 20% 9% 68,40
Vegetables fruits 68,00 50% 9% 102,00
Sweets 243,00 30% 19% 315,90
alcohol 327,00 30% 22% 425,10
Cigarettes 49,00 30% 3% 63,70
TOTAL 134,26 29% 173,31

The graph below shows the sales structure of the store's products:

Volume of sales

We will form a sales plan based on the area and seasonality coefficients of existing stores. The average sales volume of a store with a similar area is planned at the level of 1,500 thousand rubles. VAT included.

In addition, in connection with the recent launch of a similar store, we have information on the exit of such a point to the maximum sales volumes.

Below is a table that shows seasonality indices for a grocery store.

Below are the store exit ratios for full sales:

As can be seen from the table, it is planned that the store will reach the maximum level of sales (taking into account seasonality factors) in a year.

Advertising strategy

In order to maximize the effect of starting a business, it is planned to conduct an advertising campaign at the time of the store's opening and during its operation. As part of the advertising strategy, the following activities are planned:

  • production of a sign - 50,000 rubles. with VAT (included in the investment budget);
  • facade design - 76,000 rubles. with VAT (planned in the investment budget as part of the renovation of the premises);
  • distribution of leaflets and business cards - 5,000 rubles. with VAT in the first month of opening;
  • decoration of the store with balloons for the opening day - 10,000 rubles. VAT included;
  • placement of information about price promotions in elevators of nearby houses - 10,000 rubles. with VAT monthly;
  • carrying out price promotions - 30,000 rubles. with VAT monthly.

organizational plan


It is planned that the store will be issued to the same legal entity as the other outlets of the project initiator. Therefore, he will work on the already existing taxation system - income minus expenses and pay income tax of 15%.

Personnel and staff structure

The staff of the opened store, its wages are presented in the table below:

Job title Qty Salary Prize
Director 1 20 000,00 10% of the store's profit
Merchandiser 1 18 000,00 2% of store revenue
Seller-cashier 3 15 000,00 1.5% of store revenue
Loader 2 10 000,00 1% of store revenue
Cleaning woman 2 10 000,00
hall worker 2 13 000,00 1% of store revenue
TOTAL 86 000,00

The accountant will be outsourced.

The subordination structure of store personnel is shown in the diagram below:

Financial plan


To compile the store payback model, we will use the following macroeconomic and tax assumptions:

  • inflation rate - 10%;
  • discount rate - 11%;
  • income tax - 15% of the difference between income and expenses;
  • personal income tax - 13%;
  • Contributions to social funds - 34.2%.

Payback rates

Taking into account the prerequisites indicated above, we built a mathematical model for calculating the payback of the project, which showed the following results:

  • model building period - 10 years;
  • inflation - 10%;
  • Project Sustainability

    In order to analyze the stability of the project to various negative and positive factors of influence, we analyzed what results the model will produce when the prices of products (reducing or increasing the markup), the volume of investments and fixed costs of the store change. Based on the input data, the following table was constructed, where the NPV project profitability indicator changes depending on the change in the input parameters:

    Factor name -20% -10% 0 +10% +20%
    prices (surcharge) 1 678 3 456 5 648 7 782 9 813
    fixed costs 7 023 6 342 5 648 4 973 4 223
    investment size 4 632 5 189 5 648 6 128 6 732

    Risk Analysis

    For the purpose of risk analysis, we will divide them into 4 parts - political, economic, social, technological.


    As mentioned earlier, the most serious and highly influencing risk on the store's activities is the opening of one of the supermarkets of federal brands near it. These chains have good purchasing conditions and can pull consumer demand to their side due to price reduction.

    A decrease in consumer demand can also greatly affect the purchase of products in this particular store. Customers will go to discounters for basic purchases, and for purchases in our store they will leave only products of daily demand.


    An increase in tax rates or the introduction of new non-tax payments will slightly reduce the profitability of the store, as the sustainability analysis shows (a 20% increase in fixed costs does not make NPV negative) does not make it unprofitable.

    A further strengthening of the fight against alcoholism and the introduction of either additional excises and duties, or an increase in the number of hours of alcohol sales may become a critical factor.


    To date, we do not believe that this type of factor can affect our store in any way. The microdistrict is already populated, people in it live with an average income, impoverishment or low birth rates will not be instantaneous.


    To date, such a method of trade is developing as ordering products via the Internet and delivering them to your home. However, this type of trading is still in its infancy and will not move the traditional type of trading much in the near future.


    The above economic calculations of an example of a grocery store business plan show good payback and efficiency indicators for an investment project. Therefore, this project will be of interest to both financial institutions for lending and private investors, and the project initiator can count on successful raising funds and their quick return.


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