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Active and passive designs. Verbs with postfix -sya - page №1/1

Methodical development

for independent work in the Russian language

(specialty "Pharmacy", distance learning,

1 course, 1 semester, 6 hours)

Topic: Active and passive structures. Verbs with the postfix -СЯ

Grammar topic: Active and passive designs. Verbs with the postfix -СЯ

Text: Taras Shevchenko is the great son of Ukraine.
Purpose of the lesson:

Learning vocabulary related to a given topic.

Development of conversational skills - discussions on the topic, the ability to build questions and answers to them.

Development of skills in the formation of active and passive structures

1.Grammatical theme

Active and passive designs. Verbs with postfix -СЯ
Table 1. Comparison of active and passive structures



Active structures

Passive designs


Nast, time

Students complete assignments.

Assignments are completed by students.

Past time

Students completed assignments.

The assignments were completed by the students.

Future time

Students will complete assignments.

Assignments will be completed by students.


Past time

The students completed the tasks.

The assignments were completed by the students. The assignments were completed by the students.

Future time

The students will complete the assignments.

Assignments will be completed by students.

Table 2. Formation of predicative forms in passive constructions








written, -a, -o, -s



drawn, -a, -o, -s done, -a, -o, -s


do it

done, -a, -o, -s


get-and-be decide-and-be


received, -a, -o, -s resolved, -a, -o, -s



open, -a, -o, -s

close accept


closed, -a, -o, -s accepted, -a, -o, -s


1. Form passive forms from the verbs NSV and SV.

Sample: NSV return (what?) - returns, returned, will return;

SV return (what?) - returned, was returned, will be returned

(-a, -o, -s).

Do - do, receive - receive, close - close, start - start, create - create, check - check, print - print, build - build, study - study, spend - spend, use.

2. Read pairs of sentences, determine
where are passive constructions

1.I read this paper with great interest.

The newspaper was read by me with great interest. 2. The director made his first film forty years

back. The first film was made by the director

forty years ago. 3. All your energy is being wasted by you.

You're wasting all your energy uselessly. 4. The Nobel Prize is awarded annually.

The Nobel Prize is awarded annually.

  1. The Nobel Prize was awarded to two Kharkov scientists - Mechnikov and Landau. The Nobel Prize was awarded to two Kharkov scientists - Mechnikov and Landau.

  2. This newspaper is read on the five continents of the Earth. This newspaper is read on five continents of the Earth.
3. Replace passive structures with active ones.
Sample: This book was given to me by my father.

This book was given to me by my father.

1. Our notebooks are always checked by the teacher. 2. New words are always written down by us in a notebook. 3. Literature and linguistics are studied by students of the Faculty of Philology. 4. Chemical experiments are carried out by laboratory assistants. 5. The novel was written by the writer for a long time. 6. Scientists create various theories of the future of the Earth. 7. Classes today will be conducted by an intern. 8. The building will be built by workers this year.

4. Replace passive structures with active ones.

Sample: Scientists discovered a new chemical element. - The scientist discovered a new chemical element.

1. This letter was received by us yesterday. 2. The lecture was delivered by the professor in English.

3. The article was written by a scientist in two weeks4. The music for this opera was created by the composer in a month and a half. 5. The students said that everything would be done quickly and on time. 6. The poem was written by the poet in his youth. 7. The building will be built by workers in two years. 8. I don't remember who said these words.

5. Change the question, use the question word WHO.

Sample: Who built this library? Who built this library?1. Who founded our city? 2. Who wrote this book? 3. Who drew these tables? 4. Who discovered this planet? 5. Who made this discovery? 6. Who created this theory? 7. Who said these words? 8. Who built this building?

6. Replace passive structures with active ones.

Sample: Shevchenko's works have been translated into many languages ​​of the world. Shevchenko's works have been translated into many languages ​​of the world.

1. Kyiv was founded over 1500 years ago. 2. Our station was built recently. 3. Reports are being prepared for the conference. 4. At the evening we were shown a new film. 5. Many new buildings have been built in the city. 6. The letter was received quite recently. 7. The construction of the metro was started about 5 years ago. 8. Various experiments are being carried out in the laboratories of the Institute. 9. A popular movie artist was invited to the evening.

2. Working with text

Text 1

Great son of Ukraine

AT In the center of Kharkov, in the park, there is a monument to Taras Grigoryevich Shevchenko - the great Ukrainian poet. Today Shevchenko's works are translated into many languages ​​of the world and read in many countries. Creativity of the great son of Ukraine belongs not only to her, but to all mankind.

The beginning of the journey Taras Shevchenko was born on March 9, 1814 in the village of Moryntsy, not far from Kyiv, in the family of a serf. His childhood was hard and joyless. He lost his parents early and started working early. The boy was very eager for knowledge, but could not go to school. His favorite pastime was drawing. He also liked to listen to Ukrainian folk songs. He really liked to listen to how his sister sings, how folk singers - kobzars sing. From them the boy learned about the history Ukrainian people, about his hard life, and the songs taught him to love his homeland, his people, his native language.

In 1828, when Taras was 14 years old, he began to serve with the landowner. Together with him, Shevchenko went to Kyiv, and then to St. Petersburg. In St. Petersburg, the landowner decided to turn Taras into a house painter. The young man was given to teaching.

AT free time In the evenings, Taras went to the Summer Garden to draw statues. Once here he met a young artist Ivan Soshenko, also a Ukrainian. When Soshenko saw the drawings of Taras, he realized that the young man was very talented. Soshenko introduced Taras to his friends - Russian artists and writers. They also highly appreciated the young man's talent and realized that he needed to study seriously. It was decided to ransom Taras to freedom. However, the landowner did not agree to let Taras go even for a lot of money. Negotiations with him were long and difficult. But, finally, Taras' friends managed to ransom him, and he became a free man. This happened in 1838.

Soon Shevchenko went to study at the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg. Here he worked hard and worked hard and achieved great success. He created a number of works, thanks to which he immediately became a famous artist. In 1840, Shevchenko was awarded the silver medal of the Academy of Arts for his paintings.

Some paintings by Shevchenko the artist can be seen in the Kharkov Museum of Fine Arts.

However, Shevchenko entered the history of Ukraine not only as a great artist.

Assignments to the text

  1. Make questions to the text.

  2. Tell us about Taras Shevchenko's childhood and youth.
III. Tell us about your childhood, use the questions:

  1. Was your childhood happy and joyful?

  2. Did you enjoy studying?

  3. What did you like the most at school?

  4. Did you love to read?

  5. What did you like to do when you were free from school? (What was your favorite activity?)

  6. Which of the brothers (sisters) was especially close (closest) to you?

  7. Did you have friends? If so, which of your friends did you like the most? Why?
Text 2

Kobzar- folk singer

While studying at the Academy of Arts, Shevchenko began to write poetry. In 1840 he published his first poetry collection "Kobzar". In this book, Shevchenko spoke about the suffering of the Ukrainian people, who live in serfdom and fight against serfdom and Russian tsarism. The collection "Kobzar" immediately became famous not only in Ukraine, but also in Russia. Shevchenko began to be called Kobzar. In 1844 "Kobzar" was published for the second time. In addition to "Kobzar", during the years of study at the Academy in St. Petersburg, the poet wrote other poetic works - the poems "Dream", "Katerina" and others.

In 1845 Shevchenko graduated from the Academy of Arts and left for Ukraine. Here he traveled a lot, got acquainted with folk art, studied the history of Ukrainian

people. At home, Shevchenko created works that speak of the struggle of the Ukrainian people for their liberation.

In 1847, the poet was arrested for these works, and then exiled to a distant exile. He was forbidden to write and draw. Shevchenko spent many years in exile. But, despite the ban, he secretly continued to write and draw.

In 1855 Shevchenko was released. But only three years later he was allowed to return to St. Petersburg. Here he continued his studies at the Academy of Arts, created a number of talented portraits. He was awarded the title of academician. In the same year, a new edition of "Kobzar" was published.

In 1859 Shevchenko went to his homeland, to Ukraine. And here he was arrested for reading his poems. With great difficulty, he managed to free himself, but he was forbidden to live in Ukraine. And the poet so wanted it! Soon Shevchenko fell seriously ill. In 1861, when he was 47 years old, he died in St. Petersburg, where he was buried, since the tsar did not allow Shevchenko to be buried in Ukraine. A month after the death of the poet, friends obtained permission to bury him in his homeland. Shevchenko was buried on the high bank of the Dnieper, not far from Kyiv - as he himself wanted.

Despite the bleak, hard life of his people, the poet believed in his wonderful future and wrote about it in his works. Shevchenko expressed the thoughts and feelings of his people, so he is not forgotten and will never be forgotten.

Assignments to the text

  1. Make questions to the text.

  2. Tell us about the life of Taras Shevchenko.
III. About the life of which national poet or
writer you want to tell? Why?

Loyalty (from English loyal - faithful, devoted) a customer can be defined as a characteristic of a consumer that ensures his loyalty and positive attitude towards a brand, product, service or company in general. Loyalty is a consequence of not only rational, but also emotional factors. Loyalty is expressed in the willingness of customers to consistently and intensively use the services of the company, indifference to the marketing actions of competitors and the willingness to recommend the company and its products to others. Commitment, or loyalty, also means the possibility of obtaining a price premium due to the low price elasticity of loyal customers.

Loyalty is usually considered in the context of two aspects: behavior and attitude (Fig. 5.11).

Rice. 5.11.

transactional, or behavioral, loyalty (transactional loyalty) reflects the characteristics of the behavior of the buyer. This is the most common understanding of loyalty as it is easily measurable and directly related to the company's economic performance. This approach takes into account only the actual behavior of the consumer, such as repeat purchases and average check size. The reasons why a consumer makes a choice in favor of a given product or company are not considered.

perceptual, or perceived loyalty (perceptual loyalty) - reflects the opinions and preferences of buyers. This type of loyalty is formed as a result of the feelings, emotions and evaluations of the client. R. Oliver also took into account emotional loyalty in his definition, who believes that loyalty is "a deep conviction in the future constant purchase of a product, regardless of situational conditions and marketing campaigns to promote brands of the same category" . When characterizing emotional loyalty, it is not always possible to clearly determine the influence of such subjective characteristics on the actual behavior of the buyer. In other words, high levels of perceived loyalty are not always followed by repeat purchases. At the same time, perceived loyalty is considered to be a more stable characteristic of loyalty than behavioral, which may be the result of a certain set of circumstances under the influence of which the consumer makes purchases in this company. In addition, the characteristics of perceived loyalty contain diagnostic and predictive information. Such information allows you to get answers to the questions: what causes loyalty? how to build loyalty? How will the demand for our products change in the future? .

Comprehensive Loyalty (complex loyalty) is a combination of behavioral and perceived loyalty (Fig. 5.12).

Rice. 5.12

Absolute loyalty - a situation in which high level consumer behavioral loyalty and perceived loyalty - is the most favorable for the company. Consumers with absolute loyalty are the easiest to retain, they are the most stable part of the customer base. Such clients are the least sensitive to the actions of competitors (price reductions, sales promotion activities, etc.).

The behavior of football fans who subordinate their way of life to their favorite team is an extreme version of absolute loyalty.

hidden loyalty - the consumer has a high level of emotional loyalty, but either does not buy or buys the company's products quite rarely. The reasons may be low income, lack of a real need for this product, physical inaccessibility of the product, etc. For example, a consumer treats Toyota products with great respect, but does not know how to drive a car.

False loyalty - the consumer has only a high level of behavioral loyalty, but there is no emotional commitment to the brand. Often he buys the company's products involuntarily - due to the lack of competition, high switching costs, out of habit. However, consumers in this group are very unstable and, in the presence of more favorable conditions, will easily switch to competitors' products. For example, a consumer uses the services of a particular Internet provider because he cannot physically connect to another one.

Lack of loyalty - there is no behavioral and emotional loyalty. In this case, there may be a negative attitude towards the product. Obviously, this is the most unfavorable situation for the company. It is similar to the situation of negative demand, in which case, as F. Kotler rightly noted, it is easier to change the brand than to change the attitude towards the brand.

chief necessary condition the emergence of loyalty, of course, is customer satisfaction (Fig. 5.13). That being said, there is a huge difference between simply satisfied and completely satisfied customers. The average level of satisfaction corresponds to the "zone of indifference", in which the probability of repeat purchase is only 50%. Only completely satisfied customers can be called absolutely loyal.

Rice. 5.13.

For a year and a half, Xerox conducted a detailed study of the influence of customer satisfaction on the degree of their loyalty. As a result, it was found that completely satisfied consumers were six times more likely to make repeat purchases than simply satisfied ones. Simply satisfied consumers have a choice. In other words, when a consumer is simply satisfied, this is not enough for him to become loyal. Only fully satisfied customers can be called truly loyal customers.” That is why Xerox gives guarantees to its customers and after making a purchase for a certain time, it replaces any equipment that does not suit the consumer free of charge.

It is completely satisfied customers that form the basis for building loyalty and achieving long-term success for the company. Moreover, the stronger the competition in this market, the more pronounced this effect.

Any company that wants to survive in the long term must take care of the loyalty of its employees. This need is due, firstly, to the fact that this quality of employees is a condition for the formation of high professional motivation in them, which, in turn, is reflected in all aspects of activity. Loyal employees are ready to put up with the temporary difficulties of the company, to accept the necessary organizational changes. Such employees value their job in this company. They not only strive to do their job as best as possible, but often encourage their colleagues to do the same. Only loyal employees are ready to creatively solve emerging problems, take responsibility, make every effort to achieve the company's goals. According to the well-known Russian trainer-consultant K. V. Kharsky, loyalty determines the expectations, attitudes of employees, and the peculiarities of their working behavior. Loyal employees use all resources and reserves to achieve maximum results. They are able, on their own initiative, to engage in self-education, seek advice from specialists. Secondly, loyalty is an important condition for the security of the company, which has a significant impact on the reliability of employees. For example, they cannot be disloyal to the company, and in particular to the management, the secretary, employees of the company's security service, heads of all levels of management. In general, the relationship between loyalty and viability of the company can be depicted schematically:

Loyalty and reliability

Since the topic of loyalty is quite new for Russian scientific and practical literature, there is a need to define this concept. Loyalty is sometimes identified with the reliability of the staff, but these concepts are not synonymous. Theoretical inaccuracy can lead to certain practical errors in work with personnel. An example of such a mistake is an attempt to study the loyalty of a newly hired vacant position applicant, rather than focusing on personal credibility prerequisites. So, the reliability of an employee is defined as a person's observance (desire to comply) with the legal and moral norms adopted in this group. Loyalty is sometimes interpreted as law-abiding. Trustworthiness, thus, acts as a characteristic, a feature of the individual.

And loyalty is acceptance, a positive attitude of a person towards something specific. Experts note that the basis of loyalty is the desire to be useful, devotion, avoidance of what can harm. The staff can be loyal to the management of the company, customers - in relation to the company providing services. If an employee is loyal to the leader, then this implies recognition of the high level of his competence, respect, authority of the leader in the eyes of this person. Sometimes such loyalty includes a feeling of sympathy, sympathy, a willingness to sacrifice one's own interests. The loyalty of customers, consumers of the company is associated with the recognition of the high quality of its products, services, trust in the personnel of this company. Therefore, loyalty is an indicator of the attitude of the individual to a particular object.

Required attributes of loyalty:

  • honesty in relation to the object of loyalty;

  • sharing with the object of loyalty of basic beliefs, values;

  • experience for the success of loyalty;

  • open demonstration of loyalty, friendly attitude;

  • willingness to prevent danger to the object of loyalty;

  • willingness, if necessary, to make certain sacrifices in favor of the object of loyalty;

  • a sense of pride in belonging to the object of loyalty (for example, for belonging to the number of employees of the company);

  • the desire to best fulfill the duties, functions, mission assigned to a person by an object of loyalty.

The difference between the concepts under consideration lies in the fact that trustworthiness is, to a greater extent, a characteristic of a person, regardless of anything (to a specific object). And loyalty has an object of orientation. However, these concepts are closely related. An employee's loyalty is one of the factors that ensure his trustworthiness in the conditions of a given company, i.e. his desire to comply with technological and legal regulations, defend the interests of the company, and not intentionally cause damage to it.

Close in meaning are loyalty and devotion, fidelity. Sometimes they are used interchangeably. But these concepts also have different meanings. Loyalty can be seen as the highest level of loyalty.

On a case-by-case basis, with respect to individuals and with respect to various objects Loyalty and trustworthiness can be combined in different ways:

  • trustworthy and loyal (for example, the employee strives to honestly comply with all norms and regulations and has great respect for management);

  • unreliable, but loyal (a person with a penchant for theft, fraud, but for certain reasons recognizing the authority and competence of the company's management);

  • trustworthy, but not loyal (in general, a very law-abiding employee can be extremely disloyal to the company, realizing the unfair treatment of himself by management);

  • unreliable and disloyal (perhaps the most dangerous combination, when the tendency to violate the norms is enhanced by a negative attitude towards the company and its management).

Within the same company, it is also possible to combine the loyalty and disloyalty of the same employee to different objects. In one of the state law enforcement agencies, I observed at first glance a surprising phenomenon: an employee hated the company in which he worked, but was loyal to his immediate supervisor, on whom his promotion depended.

Loyalty levels

From the point of view of studying the loyalty of company employees, building forecasts of their behavior, planning activities aimed at increasing loyalty, the idea of ​​loyalty levels is of great practical importance. The very idea of ​​distinguishing between several levels of loyalty was proposed by K. V. Kharsky. Complementing the levels of loyalty described by him, we can build a visual scale representing their ratio:

The scale has a zero point, indicating the so-called zero loyalty. Having this point is crucial because it demonstrates that lack of loyalty is not disloyalty. An outsider who has not formed his attitude to a particular object may have zero loyalty. Close to this mark may be the loyalty to the company of a person who goes to work there, but is not informed about the features of its corporate culture.

According to K. V. Kharsky, employees whose loyalty does not have a pronounced positive or negative orientation can be considered as employees with zero loyalty. They may sometimes act as loyal, at other times show signs of disloyalty. The main feature of such employees is that they are less predictable than loyal or disloyal employees. The increase or decrease in their loyalty significantly depends on under whose influence they fall at the beginning of their activities in this company.

Above zero on our scale will be levels of loyalty, and below - disloyalty. Let's consider this scale, starting from the lowest points, i.e. from disloyalty. Two levels can be distinguished here: hidden (secret) disloyalty and demonstrative (open). Psychologists point to the following signs of demonstrative disloyalty :

  • lie, deceit;

  • sarcasm, ridicule, demonstrative disregard for values ​​that are important for the object of loyalty;

  • consumer attitude, the advantage of personal interests;

  • violation agreements reached etc.

The danger posed by disloyal employees is related to their influence on other people. They destroy the values ​​and beliefs of their colleagues, and raise doubts about the appropriateness of certain actions.

Hidden disloyalty It manifests itself as follows: being in sight, people regularly comply with the prescribed rules and requirements, but the reason for this behavior is not a positive attitude, but the fear of punishment or the expectation of reward. Often, it is those employees who have hidden disloyalty that spread negative corporate rumors and gossip.

K. V. Kharsky gives several signs that make it possible to identify employees with hidden disloyalty:

  • after communicating with such employees, others change their positive point of view, positive attitude towards the company to the opposite;

  • disloyal employees never openly challenge the orders and instructions of the management, but set or provoke others to criticize and resent;

  • in the presence of leadership, these people usually take an emphatically neutral position;

  • there are multiple emotional bonds between these people and openly disloyal employees.

At the organizational level, the consequence of employee disloyalty is high staff turnover. And this, in turn, increases the cost of finding, hiring and training new employees, increases the risk of leakage of trade secrets and other costs. Therefore, some companies are attempting to implement employee retention programs. The purpose of such events, in fact, is to increase the level of staff loyalty.

Above the zero point on the scale, loyalty levels are represented. The higher the level, the higher the degree of employee involvement and dedication.

The first level is loyalty at the level of external attributes. With such loyalty, a person is ready to wear the distinctive symbols and signs of the company, branded clothes, signs that symbolize the status in the company (for example, salesman, senior salesman, salesman-instructor). At the same time, as K. V. Kharsky emphasizes, external attributes do not allow their owner to demonstrate disloyal behavior. As long as it is visible, the person will reproduce the behavior due to these attributes. Therefore, “if you want temporary hired personnel to be committed to the interests of the company and praise the product, presenting it at a fair-exhibition, put on branded T-shirts and caps.”

In companies specializing in the sale of certain goods, this level of loyalty implies that the employees of the company become active consumers of these goods. The opposite statement is also true: by encouraging the consumption of goods, we increase the level of people's loyalty. This principle is actively used, for example, in network marketing.

Loyalty at the level of actions, behavior associated with the observance of rituals, traditions, customs adopted in the company. Such traditions can be a special tonality in dealing with customers, formal and informal meetings (parties), etc. Employees loyal to the company at this level participate enthusiastically or at least without difficulty in such events. K. V. Kharsky notes that it takes almost no effort and resources to create such a level of loyalty among employees. Once in new team, a person tends to copy the behavior accepted in the company.

But here a difficulty arises due to the fact that there may be negative traditions in the team. It is they who become the cause of behavior that is loyal to a particular group, but not loyal to the company as a whole.

Psychologists note that this level of loyalty is quite enough for most employees of the company. “However, for middle and senior employees it may not be enough. If a lot depends on them, then the level of trust in them should be much higher. And trusting a disloyal employee is the same as buying a horse from a gypsy "in the dark" and on an advance payment. This level of loyalty is not enough to control the activities of other employees. And, of course, an employee with such a level of loyalty should not be expected to be ready for self-sacrifice and strive for development.

Obviously, loyalty at the level of action is also associated with professional competence. A loyal employee seeks to acquire the necessary professional knowledge, skills, productive stereotypes of activity. Such a desire, as a rule, leads to an increase in performance. Conversely, the lack of desire to learn can be seen as one of the signs of a lower level of loyalty.

This level of loyalty is characterized by discipline. At the same time, employees fulfill the requirements of discipline not so much because of the danger of punishment, but because of their attitude towards the company and its management.

Loyalty at the level of beliefs* most of the company's employees do not achieve. However, according to K. V. Kharsky, it is enough for a company if 10–15% of employees reach such a high level of loyalty. This primarily concerns middle and senior managers. “Loyalty at the level of values ​​and beliefs makes a person resistant to many temptations: it is difficult to lure them away with a higher salary, they care about the good of their company in every possible way.” The loyalty of the staff at the level of conviction is of great value to the company due to its positive impact on professional motivation. Loyal employees give themselves to work as much as possible, are intolerant of violations of the rules by other people. They are active in troubleshooting, can be the initiators of improvements, and are able to defend constructive proposals.

Employees with this level of loyalty tend to be more responsible. They feel their duty to do everything accurately, correctly, efficiently. According to the observations of specialists, loyal employees endure difficult times for the company more easily and stay to work, guided by a sense of loyalty and belonging. They are more likely to trust official information decisions made by management.

At the same time, according to experts, some difficulties may be associated with such loyalty of employees. For example, if, for one reason or another, a company changes its previously accepted values ​​and beliefs, then it may encounter resistance from a part of the team that shares the old beliefs. Therefore, when carrying out organizational changes, it is important to convince such employees of the need for change, to involve them in planning and implementing innovations.

Another challenge: building this and higher levels of loyalty requires certain style leadership, the ability of top managers to inspire certain values ​​and attitudes, purposefully form the necessary beliefs.

Loyalty at the level of identity is the highest level. Probably, this kind of loyalty is called devotion, fidelity. In this case, the person identifies himself as much as possible with the object of loyalty. The researchers note that it was precisely this level of loyalty among the staff that formed Japanese system lifetime employment.

Loyalty in this case is not so dependent on the level of remuneration. A person with such loyalty is less susceptible to negative influence from others. He connects his life with the company. Such an employee is highly motivated and extremely effective.

So, we have considered the possible levels of loyalty of the company's personnel. Through observation, you can determine the level (or diagnose) the loyalty of each individual employee and the team as a whole. But there is one detail that should not be forgotten: as a rule, loyal behavior is either behavior that is based on loyalty, or behavior that demonstrates it. Therefore, in some cases, loyal behavior and actual loyalty may not coincide. For example, in the case of covert disloyalty, a person will demonstrate fairly loyal behavior. In-house scammers tend to show a high level of loyalty. And only more careful observation and analysis of their activities can reveal the true attitude of such people to the company.

When diagnosing observation loyalty, it should be taken into account that the list of signs of loyal behavior can be increased or reworked in accordance with the characteristics of the company's corporate culture. In addition, it is important to understand that employee loyalty is dynamic. And it can change significantly when changing the style of leadership, under certain conditions. management decisions etc.

Development and increase of loyalty

After determining the actual level of loyalty, two questions arise: what level of employee loyalty will satisfy the company and how to increase it if it is not high enough?

Answering the first question, it should be noted that for most companies the first two levels of staff loyalty are quite sufficient. For the lowest executive level of employees, whose activities involve strictly regulated and controlled procedures, even zero loyalty is enough. But middle and senior managers should have a higher level of loyalty. That is, the higher the position, the more loyalty it requires. “If the hired director does not become loyal at the level of conviction, then the owner should not expect much success in business.”

Analyzing modern tendencies in personnel work, experts note a general decrease in the level of loyalty of people towards their employers. This, on the one hand, is due to the low level of competence of managers, leaders, their inability to purposefully form the loyalty of the staff. On the other hand, the appearance on the market work force fundamentally new category employees, who began to be called "knowledge workers" - "knowledgeable", or "armed (possessing) knowledge workers". The Russian scientist S. Shekshnia emphasizes that the main feature of these employees is their ability to create new value through their own knowledge, and not material resources. Unlike the industrial age proletarian, knowledgeable workers do not depend on material factors of production, they already have everything they need to be productive. Therefore, such workers tend to behave more independently, change jobs much more easily, maintain relationships with several companies at the same time.

The question of how to increase loyalty requires an analysis of its components. Summarizing modern publications on this topic gives reason to single out at least three components of loyalty :

The development of loyalty, therefore, consists in increasing its components. The work aimed at increasing loyalty is cyclical and consists of successive stages. The first step is diagnostics(the study) staff loyalty level. The information obtained during the diagnostic process is the basis for decision making about the need to increase loyalty and developing a loyalty development program. After program implementation important to get feedback, i.e., again diagnose the level of loyalty and make sure that the implemented program is effective. Naturally, the implementation of such a cycle is extended in time, designed for the long term.

The work associated with the development of staff loyalty is usually assigned either to employees and heads of personnel departments of companies, or to external consultants. But, as experience shows, the development of loyalty usually requires a significant change in the management style (leadership style), the introduction of serious organizational changes and, in general, the improvement of corporate culture. Therefore, the successful implementation of personnel loyalty programs is impossible without the direct participation of the company's top management. For the successful implementation of measures to develop loyalty, K. V. Kharsky proposes to comply with the following conditions:

  1. The owner and senior management of the company should be interested in such work. It is they who decide on the implementation of the program.

  2. The owner of the company must be prepared for the subsequent changes, tangible and intangible costs necessary to implement the plan.

  3. The person responsible for the implementation of the plan must have such a status in the company that will allow him to coordinate the efforts of various services and departments.

  4. The Company is interested in long-term relationships with those employees for whom the loyalty development program is being implemented.

The loyalty development program may include the definition or adjustment of the company's long-term and short-term goals, value orientations. Initially, you need to predict the contradictions and obstacles in achieving the goal. In some cases, it may be necessary to get rid of some disloyal employees that impede the implementation of activities. Just as with any other organizational change, it is important to create an active "support group". “As sad as it is to admit, employee loyalty, like customer loyalty, often comes at a price.” Therefore, such work often involves additional financial costs.

“The transformation of a neutral employee into a devotee,” writes K. V. Harsky, “is not an easy path. It is impossible to predict in advance how long this process may take. And the strength of the result obtained cannot be verified until someone tries to destroy it. And yet, many companies are trying to increase employee loyalty. In any case, this concerns the loyalty of leading specialists, on whose work the viability and very existence of the company depends. Experts are convinced that creating employee loyalty is the best investment that can quickly and significantly increase the company's efficiency.


* K. V. Kharsky considers loyalty at the level of abilities, however, based on the definition of loyalty, the allocation of such a level seems to be insufficiently substantiated.

Typological concept of labor motivation V.I. Gerchikov

Active, constructive work behavior


Avoidance motivation Achievement motivation


Passive, destructive work behavior

I quadrant

The efficiency of labor activity is proportional to the degree of satisfaction of the employee's motivational expectations and is limited only by "natural" limits - the maximum possible efficiency for given organizational and technological conditions

II quadrant

The work efficiency of an employee with avoidance motivation is fundamentally limited by the task (normative value) and the ability of the manager to prove the employee’s guilt in case of failure to complete the task

III quadrant

The level of destructive reactions of an employee is usually limited and most often comes down to passive labor behavior and “working according to the rules”. But if a strong leader appears in the group who comes into conflict with the company's management (for example, one of the authoritative top managers), he is able to captivate employees with avoidant motivation and "ignite" them to extreme forms of destructive behavior, up to the complete destruction of the company

IV quadrant

If the organizational working conditions and the incentive system run counter to the motivational expectations of an employee of one of the “achievable” types, the likelihood of his destructive labor behavior increases, and in rather sharp forms.

Motivated employee

Leads to an almost identical planned increase in labor productivity, which is maintained for a certain time

The behavior of employees with varying degrees of motivation

Unmotivated employee

Has a short-term effect on the growth of labor productivity, or no effect at all. This happens when:

    Incentive is not the key to employee motivation, i.e. the employee cannot appreciate (fully understand) the stimulus

    The incentive is insignificant (for example, a small monetary reward)

    The stimulus is a means of manipulation, not motivation, i.e. the stimulus does not direct a person to achieve goals in which he himself is interested, but forces a person to act in accordance with the requirements of the stimulating

Planned behavior of the stimulated employee

The real dynamics of the behavior of an stimulated employee

The behavior of employees with varying degrees of motivation

Demotivated employee

The employee provides a short-term positive effect, and then his actions become protest. Most often, it is unmotivating stimuli that can be assessed by an employee as demotivating. It is possible to avoid this if the incentive tool matches the employee's motivation.

Labor productivity

1 2 3 4 -1 -2 -3 -4 Time

Employee Evaluation Phase of the Incentive

Phase of labor productivity growth

Stimulus habituation phase

Decline phase

Stimulus reassessment phase

The growth phase of destructive activity

Phase of inertia

Phase of disappointment and despondency

Planned behavior of the stimulated employee

The real dynamics of the behavior of an stimulated employee

The nature of human motivation

Types of needs

Needs are in...

    Typical behavioral tendencies or reactions(for example, an employee who feels the need to belong to a certain group tends to spend more time communicating with others, participating in joint projects, etc.)

    Typical Modes of Action(for example, an employee who needs praise and recognition does not perform the task in the most convenient way for himself, but in the way that is most appreciated by his manager)

    Seeking Opportunities and Avoiding Unfavorable Opportunities(for example, an employee who is in need of money is looking for favorable opportunities for additional income)

    characteristic emotions and feelings(for example, an employee for whom career, radiates positive emotions, having received an offer for a prestigious position)

    Satisfaction with achieving a certain result(e.g., an achievement-oriented employee is satisfied that, thanks to his efforts, the company has signed a contract with a major client)

    Dissatisfaction with failure to achieve a certain result(for example, an employee in need of development is dissatisfied new job, which does not allow development)

Three levels of development of intrinsic motivation

Factors affecting the motivation of subordinates

    Provide a successful experience. Success enhances the sense of competence, which is one of the basic needs related to intrinsic motivation.

    Provide correspondence between reward and difficulty of the completed task. If there is no such balance, there is either a feeling of low evaluation, or a feeling of unpleasant and untimely external control.

    Use not only material, but also verbal encouragement. In the case of verbal encouragement, in addition to the need for competence, the need for self-determination is satisfied (a person does not feel the externally motivating effect of material incentives), as well as in meaningful relationships.

    Include staff in a variety of activities. Working on one thing for a long time, a person gets used to it, and after a while his basic needs may again cease to be satisfied.

    Involve staff decision making process. All basic needs can be met here.

    Put in front of the staff realistic goals commensurate with the possibilities. If the goal is real, the person, after reaching it, will feel competent. If the goal is too difficult, competence will be blocked, and intrinsic motivation will begin to decline.

    Help a person discover your strengths and weak sides . Knowing this will allow you to set goals that are optimal in their difficulty.

    Plan with a subordinate step-by-step strategy for achieving goals. This leads to a heightened sense of responsibility and satisfies the need for meaningful relationships.

Indicators of high employee motivation

Your employees are having difficulty motivating if…

    You have to monitor subordinates to make sure they are really working

    Your people don't care about improving their skills and rarely learn from their mistakes.

    You are the only one who takes serious problems seriously

    You get the feeling that your employees think they deserve more pay and promotion just because they show up to work and do the bare minimum of their duties.

    Your employees are cynical about most of the incentives your company uses.

    Your subordinates seem to "support" new initiatives simply to "please the authorities"

Demotivation factors by A. Maslow


Demotivation factors


    Lack of good working conditions

    Lack of stable salary

    Uncomfortable mode of operation





    High stress loads

    Unpaid social package

    Employment policy suggests layoffs




Ownership relationships

    Conflict relations between colleagues at work

    Presence of obstacles to informal activities within the company

    Lack of corporate traditions




self esteem

    The prestige of work

    Lack of career advancement

    Lack of recognition of achievements and results from management and colleagues





    Not using any of the employee's skills that he himself values

    Ignoring the initiative and ideas of the employee

    Lack of professional and personal growth




Stages of Decreasing Motivation

Stage 1. Confusion

Stage Description

Here, symptoms of a stressful state that an employee begins to experience are noticed. They are the result of the confusion of a person who ceases to understand what he needs to do and why his work is not going well. Usually at this stage, the employee asks himself the questions “What is happening? And what does it have to do with it?"

Attitude to work

The nervous efforts that the employee is making do not yet have a particularly noticeable effect on labor productivity, because he is trying to cope with difficulties through more intensive work, but the load on the nervous system increases

At this stage, the employee still easily contacts with employees and management

Stage duration

This stage usually lasts two to four weeks.

Stages of Decreasing Motivation

Stage 2. Irritation

Stage Description

The employee continues to receive conflicting instructions and information, and also feels that the situation is not improving. He begins to feel irritation associated with a sense of his powerlessness. His behavior during this period is somewhat demonstrative.

Attitude to work

The productivity of his work increases as he makes more and more efforts in the hope that he will be understood and he will be able to cope with the stressful situation that torments him. The quality of work is still quite satisfactory. He usually assumes that if he does enough work and proves himself with better side, but let the leader feel his dissatisfaction with the current situation, then he will more willingly meet him halfway and eliminate misunderstandings

Relationships with colleagues and supervisor

In direct communication, he tends to either deliberately withdraw into himself, or take an emphatically defensive position.

Stage duration

Not more than a week

Stages of Decreasing Motivation

Stage 3. Dual role (subconscious hopes)

Stage Description

Seeing that the leader does not make any attempts to correct the current situation, the subordinate ceases to doubt who is to blame for the difficulties that have arisen for him. He is still annoyed by the position of the leader, but the tactics are now changing. He begins to withhold official information necessary for the successful solution of the tasks facing his unit, hoping for a mistake by the boss, after which it would be possible to completely

argued to prove that he himself will quite successfully cope with this matter

Attitude to work

Labor productivity and the quality of his work remain normal so far. Signs of stress become less noticeable

Relationships with colleagues and supervisor

The subordinate begins to avoid the leader

Stage duration

Less than four weeks

Stages of Decreasing Motivation

Stage 4. Disappointment

Stage Description

But at this stage, the employee has not yet lost his last hope. Like a small child, he believes that if he "behaves badly", that is, skimps on his duties, then the boss will pay attention to him and will finally try to figure out how to help him

Attitude to work

The duration of work is reduced to the minimum allowable level. Loss of interest in their duties

Relationships with colleagues and supervisor

Difficulties communicating with colleagues

Stage duration

Duration depends on the personality of the employee

Stages of Decreasing Motivation

Stage 5. Loss of willingness to cooperate

Stage Description

The most obvious symptom of this stage is the employee's attempt to emphasize with words or deeds that "this and that are none of my business." They are driven by the same hope of being noticed by a leader who will help them restore the normal course of work and undermined interest in work. The false optimism of the previous stages, which is expressed in the statements that "all problems eventually resolve themselves", gives way to a cynical position: "Why bother?". The essence of this stage is no longer in the struggle to maintain interest in work, but in an attempt to maintain self-respect

Attitude to work

The employee begins to cross out the boundaries of his duties, trying to narrow them as much as possible

Relationships with colleagues and supervisor

Relations with others worsen, because the employee increasingly begins to take out his bad mood on colleagues, finding a kind of satisfaction in the humiliation of others, transfers the discord that reigns in his soul to the whole team

Stage duration

Duration up to three weeks

Stage 6. Final

Having finally become disillusioned with his work, the employee will either move to another place, or will treat work as hard labor.

Formation of employee loyalty to the company



    Help other colleagues during their absence

    Voluntary consent to perform activities that are not included in the terms of reference

    Help other employees if their workload increases

    Providing personal resources for the use of colleagues (contacts, acquaintances, connections, resources, etc.)

    Making rationalization proposals in order to improve the quality of work of the entire department

    Punctuality, high quality work

    Show concern for the image of the company

    Respect for the rights of others

    The employee does not abuse his rights and privileges

    The employee pays too much attention to the number of hours worked

    Spreading gossip about colleagues or the company as a whole

    Hiding or minimizing your mistakes

    Rivalry with other employees in an area that does not bring profit to the company

    Shifting blame and responsibility to others for one's own mistakes

    Intentionally slow pace of work

Loyalty types

    Loyalty to your work group. Desire to work here and now with this team

    Loyalty to your leadership and senior managers. Trust, unconditional support of the head

    Loyalty its functional activities. Clear motivation to perform the chosen professional function

    Devotion to the profession. Psychological ability to identify with one's profession

    Loyalty the company as a whole. Absolute identification with the company, its brand, participation in its work

    Investment loyalty. Employees contribute their labor and knowledge to the company

    Loyalty to values ​​or goals. Employees feel that their personal goals or values ​​are aligned with the goals and values ​​of the company.

Myths and facts of loyalty


The behavior of employees can be interpreted unambiguously - for example, if there is high criticality, cynicism and negativism towards colleagues, we can

talk about demotivation

The absence of signs of demotivation and detachment does not indicate loyalty, just as the absence of certain criteria of devotion does not indicate disloyalty.

The longer an employee works in the company, the higher the level of his loyalty

Unfortunately, in companies on a long-term basis, employees can simply earn money.

The most loyal are young employees who link their future with the company

More loyal older employees

Company loyalty and "internal marketing" for employees is in last place in terms of influence on employee loyalty

How employees perceive the organization's commitment to them directly affects their satisfaction and commitment to the company.

It is necessary to support only at the stage of adaptation, after the employee does not need any guardianship

The more support employees feel from management and colleagues, the more commitment they show

The more versatile the activity, the more interesting it is for the employee to work, therefore, he is more loyal to the company

The more diverse and diverse tasks employees perform, the lower their dedication

Gender differences play no role in the issue of loyalty

The more women in the team, the lower the level of loyalty among men, the more men in the group, the higher the level of loyalty of women

Loyalty forms

Emotional Loyalty

Cognitive Loyalty

    Emotional loyalty comes from the heart and is associated with instincts such as loyalty to family, old friends, or religious traditions.

    The employee evaluates not only what he will have to do in the company, but also pays attention to how he will do it

    As a rule, emotional loyalty arises quite early, at the selection stage, and also during the first few months of work.

    Cognitive loyalty comes with time, experience and the ability to give a logical assessment of events.

    The employee evaluates how the company satisfies his basic needs and contributes to professional growth and development

    Cognitive loyalty occurs when an employee has the opportunity to apply their personal skills and talents.

Test "Measuring employee loyalty to the company"

Instruction. Read the following statements carefully and rate each of them according to the following scale.


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