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British hospitals will need up to 3,500 new doctors a year to deal with the shortage.

An analysis by Global Future, a global think tank, found that one in 11 healthcare facilities currently faces an ever-increasing shortage of doctors. It is estimated that over the next 10 years, the British healthcare system will have to attract thousands of new doctors and nurses.

It is estimated that the UK may need up to 20,000 additional medical staff by 2027.

The report reveals the extent to which the NHS is relying on workers from abroad and how the situation could worsen after Brexit as the UK appears unable to attract the European staff it so badly needs.

A Global Future study has shown that up to 45% of a number of key medical specialties, including cardiothoracic surgeons, pediatric cardiologists and neurosurgeons, currently come from outside the UK.

Peter Starkings, director of the Global Future Centre, said their research shows that without continued immigration to the UK, the NHS will not be able to function in its current form.

Labor Party member Liz Kendall, who wrote part of the report, said that after the Brexit referendum, European health professionals are increasingly reluctant to come to the UK. “Many of them already want to leave. It is unbelievable that non-European health professionals who still want to come are rejected even when the NHS wants to give them a job,” added Kendall

She also stated that the next few months are critical. “If the government does not take urgent action to stop the drain of NHS staff into Europe and to ensure that medical professionals with the skills that the NHS needs are welcome in Britain, waiting lists for medical services will be even longer and patients will suffer,” Kendall said. .

Global Future also wants Theresa May to abandon her goal of reducing net migration to below 100,000. She is being asked to guarantee that the free movement of EU health workers after the UK leaves the bloc will not be threatened.

According to Global Future, healthcare professionals recruited from overseas to fill NHS vacancies should not be subject to a minimum income threshold requirement as there are cases where doctors with job offers have been denied entry into the UK for this reason.

Many citizens of the Russian Federation leave for the UK to work. The former metropolis receives labor migrants from all over the world - both low-paid and highly qualified specialists. Employed Russians can be found throughout the European state - from Northern Irish cities to the Scottish Isles. But mostly England attracts our compatriots as a place of work. We will find out if there are jobs and vacancies in England for Russians in 2020.

Working in the UK is the dream of a considerable number of Russian citizens. Moreover, labor migrants are attracted not only by London, as one of the largest financial and economic centers of the planet. Russian speech can be heard from foreign workers throughout the United Kingdom. However, the majority of Russians who find jobs do not aspire to Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland, but to England.

To work only with a visa

As in all Western countries, Foggy Albion has strict rules for foreign workers. It is not forbidden to enter the UK for employment. However, you must first obtain a work visa. Such documents are issued to residents of Russia only if there are good reasons. And without them, getting a job in the former empire will not work.

Key requirements for employees from the Russian Federation

  • Work visa and work permit.
  • English proficiency. Language skills are tested according to the common European classification (CEFR). Level B1 or higher required. Knowledge of the language is confirmed by an appropriate certificate.
  • Qualifications (in cases where a job is sought under programs for qualified specialists).

The main requirements for a British employer

  • Post a vacancy for which a Russian worker is applying for in the local labor market.
  • Confirm the absence of responses to the vacancy from suitable specialists from among the local residents.
  • Obtain a special license or sponsorship certificate to hire a foreigner.

Gift: 2100 rubles for housing!

A citizen who has received a work permit undertakes:

  • Carry out only those activities that are specified in the permit.
  • To support himself and his dependents under his care without the use of public state aid funds.
  • Meet the established age criteria.
  • Good command of English.

Work permits are issued for a fixed period - from 1 month to 5 years, but not more than the term of the employment contract. However, for entry into a European state, they are valid only for six months from the date of receipt, then it must be extended.

How to find a job in England

Before you start applying for a British visa, you should take care of finding a potential employer. Finding suitable vacancies and jobs for Russians in England in 2020 is quite realistic. Even work in London for Russian-speaking citizens is always available. Employment offers also come from regions far from the capital.

Job search is available on the following sites:

  • recruiting agencies.
  • Specialized Internet resources (including Russian-language ones). Among them:
  • Sites for job search in specific fields of activity. For example:
  • (for IT-specialists).
    • (for medical professionals).
    • (for nannies).
    • (for employees of the hotel and restaurant business).
    • (for students).

  • Electronic pages of British enterprises.
  • Forums, social networks.
  • Online versions of printed publications where job offers are published.
  • Newspapers with vacancies.
  • Employment centers in the British territory. In a socially oriented island state, such centers operate everywhere.

Demanded professions in Britain

Who will not be left without work in Foggy Albion in the coming years? The list of promising positions is as follows:

SpecialtiesApproximate number of vacancies per yearAverage hourly wage (in pounds sterling)
Housekeeper, nursing assistant825 thousand8
Marketing and Sales Manager585 thousand22
Nurse554 thousand16
Education Assistant488 thousand8
Preschool and primary education teacher430 thousand22
Retail and wholesale manager422 thousand11
Communication and Information Technology Manager326 thousand24
Software Specialist325 thousand19
Office Manager293 thousand16
Financial manager, chartered secretary280 thousand29

Also, the areas of employment and professions in demand in the monarchical power should be considered:

  • Logistics (purchases, transportation, packaging, auxiliary work in a warehouse, etc.).

  • Trade (administrators, sales assistants, cashiers).
  • Transportation, car service (drivers, car wash workers).
  • Hotel business, public catering (cooks and their assistants, waiters, cleaners).
  • Domestic staff (nannies, governesses).
  • Ancillary work, working specialties (harvesters, loaders).
  • Factory work.

In addition, bankers, builders, engineers, IT specialists, PR specialists, medical workers and social workers are regularly in demand in the UK.

How much are UK workers paid?

ProfessionsAverage annual salary (in thousands of pounds sterling)
Head, senior official107
Marketing and Sales Director83
Financial Manager76
Economist, statistician61
A development manager53
Senior specialist of an educational institution49
IT specialist, IT project manager48-49
Train/tram driver47
mechanical engineer43
Mechanical engineering specialist41
Programmer, software development specialist40-41
Chartered and Certified Accountant38
crane operator35
School Inspector31
PR Specialist29
Driving instructor28-29
social worker28

Less than 10 thousand pounds sterling a year in the kingdom receive:

  • Hairdressers.
  • Cashiers.
  • Catering workers.
  • Cleaners and servants.
  • Waiters.
  • Bar staff.
  • Animators.

Benefits of Employment in the United Kingdom

Why is it so attractive for Russians to work in the UK in general and in England in particular? The main advantages of employment in the island state:

  1. Employment in one of the strongest world economies.
  2. Possibility to apply for permanent residence after 5 years of stay on a work visa. And in the future - to become a citizen of the country and get a British passport.
  3. Low unemployment rates.
  4. Stable growth of employment of migrants.
  5. High salaries.
  6. Social benefits.
  7. Legal safety of work.
  8. The solution of labor conflicts strictly according to the law.

Complying with the laws

It is important to remember that a law enforcement power requires the same of its citizens. Foreign workers must strictly comply with all visa regulations. Chief among them:

  • Live and work strictly within the framework of the received work visa.
  • If the entry document does not give the right to work (for example, a tourist or visitor visa), this condition should be followed.
  • After the expiration date of the visa, you must:
  • Or leave the country immediately.
  • Or extend the document.
  • Or, if allowed, apply for permanent residence.

The latest developments related to Brexit will certainly affect the British labor market. For example, the kingdom is considering the possibility of employing EU citizens only with a work permit. More importantly, within a decade after the referendum on leaving the European Union, the real income of citizens is expected to decline. It is assumed that the most serious damage will affect the working population. Pensioners will be more effectively protected from the upcoming cuts.

People who have a medical degree will never be left without a job abroad. It is clear that in order to find a normal job, have your own practice or work in a public / private hospital in a particular country of the world, you will have to go through not only the nostrification procedure, but also learn the language, pass special exams, and confirm your qualifications.

But all these efforts pay off very quickly, because it is prestigious and profitable to work as a doctor abroad. There are always vacancies, you just have to set yourself a goal and look for it. First of all, it is worth deciding why you need it. This will require answering questions such as:

  1. This is a job to earn decently for a certain period of time;
  2. Work as a doctor can become permanent and provoke emigration to the chosen country;
  3. Acquisition of practical skills and exchange of experience;
  4. Work in hot spots, etc.

Then you need to make a list of knowledge and skills, write a resume, ask colleagues for recommendations, evaluate knowledge of a foreign language, translate diplomas and certificates into English or another language. If the problem is knowledge of the language, then it is worth enrolling in courses in a year and a half, where you can quickly and efficiently improve vocabulary and conversational skills.
You can consult with friends or read special forums on how to properly look for a job as a doctor abroad.

Jobs in this profession are searched for using the usual and traditional methods - using the services of various companies, contacting the employer directly, posting resumes on special sites, visiting at the invitation of a friend or a specific company / hospital.

Should you trust intermediaries?

If you use the services of firms that are looking for work for doctors abroad, then you need to be very careful, attentive, check everything carefully.
You need to entrust your documents, pay money to those companies that have positive reviews in this area, experience in recruiting medical staff, communicating with potential employers, etc. You should refuse the services of intermediary firms if they ask for an advance payment for the provision of services.

The resume should be compiled according to the requirements of the country where the specialist wants to go. For EU countries, for example, there is a single CV template called EUpass. There are filling rules on the Internet, where you can see filling samples.

For Asian and American countries, the conditions for compiling a resume should be found in each medical institution. It is important to attach two or three letters of recommendation from specialists in a particular field of medicine to your CV.

Where can doctors find work abroad?

Despite the fact that doctors are in demand everywhere and always, it is worth knowing the countries where work for doctors abroad will be 100% guaranteed. But before leaving, you need to study the requirements for each country separately.

Everywhere confirmation of a diploma is required, but in some states this is done quickly, while in others the process can be lengthy.

If you have to wait, then you should get a related position, and then move on to another vacancy.
Quite often, doctors have to simply retrain, which can take several years. Russian doctors are always welcome in countries such as:

  • Finland, which is considered prestigious for doctors, but foreigners will have to make a lot of effort to get the desired job;
  • Many doctors from Russia and the post-Soviet countries go to where they pay well and there is a chance to improve their practical skills and gain professional experience. Although working conditions here are far from ideal, and very different from European and American ones;
  • European countries, Canada, the United States of America are chosen by those who want to gain professional experience, knowledge in a narrower field, improve their spoken language, meet colleagues from other countries, attend conferences and seminars;
  • Most of the specialists, which is an excellent launching pad in order to start a career as a doctor abroad;
  • In the UK, the requirements for doctors are very high;
  • Australia;
  • France;
  • Italy;
  • Baltic countries;
  • The countries of the Scandinavian Peninsula, in particular, Denmark and Sweden;
  • Spain;
  • Germany;
  • Czech;
  • Croatia;
  • Slovakia;
  • Netherlands.

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Medical education is one of the most sought after in Europe and the USA. Many doctors from the Commonwealth countries dream of going to work, training or internship in the UK, is this possible? Of course yes!

The process of recognizing your qualifications and obtaining a license is quite laborious and lengthy.

There are several types of licenses in the UK:

  • Provisional registration- conditional (temporary) registration, entitles those who have received a higher medical education to work for one year after graduation before receiving full medical registration (Foundation Year 1 posts).
  • Full registration- full medical registration gives the right to work independently in any position in the NHS. Required for those wishing to work as a family doctor.
  • Specialist registration– medical registration of a specialist allows a doctor to work independently both in a public and private clinic.

If you have not completed an internship, you will first receive a temporary registration for a 12 month internship, and then you can apply for a full registration.
In order to apply, you must prove that you have the knowledge and skills to work as a doctor in the UK. To do this, you need to pass the PLAMB (Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board) test.

Only those who already have a medical diploma issued by one of the higher educational institutions are allowed to take the test, while the educational institution must be listed in the Avicenna Directory database.

If you are a graduate of one of the institutions listed below, you must contact the General Medical Council by email before taking the test. [email protected] and check if you are eligible to take the test:

  • Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy
  • St Petersburg State Medical Academy
  • St Petersburg State I.P Pavlov Medical University
  • St Petersburg State Pediatric Medical Academy
  • Lugansk State Medical University

One of the main requirements for confirming a medical diploma in England is fluency in English. Before taking the PLAB test, you must provide an IELTS certificate with a score of at least 7.0, and you must receive at least 7 points in all sections of the test.

The PLAB test consists of 2 parts:

Part 1. It is given on the computer and consists of 200 questions / tasks for which 3 hours are allotted. You can take this test any number of times, the main thing is that your IELTS certificate is valid at the time of passing it.

Part 2. Called Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) or an objectively structured clinical exam, it consists of 12 parts (station) for each 5 minutes. You can read more about the exam on the General Medicine Council website at: The test can only be taken in the UK.

You will have only 4 attempts to pass this exam within 3 years after passing the first part. If you fail, you will have to retake IELTS and the PLAB Part 1 test.

Within 3 years after passing the second part of the test, you must obtain a license or take the test again.

As a result, you will get the following procedure:

1. pass IELTS on 7.0

2. translate with a certified translator and notarize the diploma (put an apostille), as well as documents confirming the internship

3. take the PLAB 1 test

4. take the PLAB 2 test (in the UK)

5. receive registration. If you did not pass the internship, or passed, but for some reason the documents you provided did not satisfy them, you will receive Provisional registration, or Full registration - if you passed the internship and provided the relevant documents.

Question answer

In this matter, it is better to focus on your taste. As a rule, the training program is the same for all centers within one language school. Keep in mind that London is a huge city. It is more suitable for adults who prefer to live in the metropolis and want to live in the capital. If you want to touch the traditions, it is better to choose a small town somewhere in the outback, and come to London on excursions. You can also go to improve your English on the coast and combine study and a wonderful holiday by the sea. For children, it is better to choose small towns and centers with a rich cultural program.

Yes, you can enroll in the Foundation or A-Level preparatory program. Such programs exist at international language centers and at some universities. The A-Level program is designed for 2 years, after its completion you can enter British universities on a par with British applicants. The Foundation program is designed for 1 year and is designed specifically to prepare students from abroad for admission and further study at universities in the UK. After the successful completion of such a program, you can enter the 1st year, and in some universities and the second.

Studying medicine in the UK - how to proceed?

Medicine in the UK - is it possible to enter?

Do you want to study to be a doctor in the UK? Entering a medical school abroad is not easy even for the natives of the country, not to mention foreign applicants. However, "difficult" does not mean "impossible". Especially if you start preparing in advance and know what you need to pay attention to. If you seriously decide to enter a good British university for a medical specialty, then you need to prepare in the most thorough way. This is our article.

Where is British medicine heading today?

The population of the country, where the average life expectancy for men is 79 years, and for women - 83 years, evaluates the local health care system very positively. 7 out of 10 respondents claim that they receive quality medical care fromNational Health Service (NHS).

From the latest innovations in the UK healthcare system, doctors officially accept patients via Skype. As stated National Health Service, a new five-year program was launched to improve the work of general practitioners (GPs). According to The Independent, the plan includes additional funding of £2.4bn a year. In particular, doctors expect the widespread introduction of an online system, so that patients can independently control their treatment and contact doctors. The Ministry of Health also changed the work schedule of outpatient clinics - from now on they will work in the evening and on weekends. For innovations in medicine, the government of the country allocated 50,000,000 pounds sterling. Therefore, it can be expected that in the very near future it will gain a wide range of supporters, and the number of applicants in medical universities will increase.

Why is the prestige of British medical faculties so high?

The career of a doctor is considered one of the most promising. This profession is one of the few specialties for which demand has remained consistently high for decades, despite various economic and political upheavals. Despite the complexity of training, its high cost and long duration, competition in this direction has always been maximum. Not surprisingly, today obtaining a medical diploma in a British university is the secret dream of many graduates. Indeed, huge funds are invested in scientific developments in the most relevant areas of healthcare and in the development of medicine. Thanks to this, clinics timely introduce innovative technologies, use the most modern equipment, and constantly improve the level of qualification of specialists in accordance with international standards.

The United Kingdom consistently ranks among the world's top ten in terms of the rate of innovation and the level of scientific research in the field of medicine. The prestige of education in the field of medicine, as well as salaries in this area, are very high.

How much do doctors in the UK earn?

The highest in England are the salaries of lawyers, financiers, IT specialists and doctors. According to, a job search engine, an aspiring doctor earns about 2,600 euros per month (excluding tax payments) in the first year of his practice. In the second year of work, his salary will be 3,200 euros. A doctor studying to become a specialist has a salary of 3,400 to 5,400 euros (not deducting taxes). The salary of a medical specialist ranges from 4250 to 7900 euros per month. The salary of consultants is in the range from 8250 to 11600 euros. Of course, the size of average salaries will differ depending on the region of the country.

"Road around" or one of the options - near-medical specialties

The main advantage of this path is that the number of places in universities for the so-called "near-medical" or related specialties is much higher. For example: last year, the number of places in medical faculties was less than 8,000, while more than 16,000 students could study at the departments of psychology.

Universities in the United Kingdom have a large selection of programs for training specialists in related fields of medicine, for example, in biochemistry, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, physiology, genetics, etc.

The entry requirements and admission process for these specialties is simpler than for medical specialties, so the chances of admission for foreign applicants are much higher, and at the same time you have the opportunity to work in health care.

However, if you are firmly committed to becoming a doctor, then you need to be trained according to British rules.

How to become a doctor? Entry Requirements

As we have already said, the entrance competition for medical faculties is quite high. At the same time, the quota of places for foreign students does not exceed 20% of the total number of places. And the possibility of transferring students from the 2nd or 3rd year of university in their country to a British medical university is not provided.

For graduates of non-UK schools, it is not enough to have a certificate of completion of secondary education for admission to medical courses. Full school education in the UK takes 13 years, including the last two years devoted to specialized preparation for entering A-level universities. At the end of the last two years, graduates take exams.

Entrance requirements for medical schools are based on the A-level program. To count on enrollment, you must demonstrate high marks in A-level subjects. Schoolchildren who intend to enter medical faculties focus their attention on in-depth study of chemistry and biology. Most universities accept future "doctors" with a performance level of at least A * AA. Knowledge of English must be high - at least 7.5 IELTS.

In addition, for admission, an exam in medicine, the so-called Biomedical Admissions Test (BMAT) and the British Clinical Aptitude Test (UCKAT), is taken.

Foundation preparatory courses for international students wishing to enter medical universities are offered by only a few universities. In addition, the results of this preparatory course are not recognized by all British medical schools, but only by those that offer this program. This fact significantly narrows the range of universities where you can enroll.

A very important point is the correspondence of the personality to the profession. Given that the profession of a doctor is one of the most humane in the world, applicants need to prove to the admissions committee that they have the qualities necessary for future work - kindness, compassion, and willingness to help. Therefore, those who have practical experience in this field, for example, work (including on a volunteer basis) in a hospital, children's boarding school, nursing home, etc., have competitive advantages in admission.

Preparation for admission to a medical university in pre-medical courses in addition to A-level

Among the numerous preparatory programs of the elite international college there is a Medical Program. You can take this course at one of the college campuses located in London, Cambridge or Canterbury. This two-year course is essentially a specialized A-Level program, which has a medical bias and is intended for those who are going to enter the university in such fields as medicine, dentistry or veterinary science.

The college provides the highest quality of student training. 38% of CATS College graduates enter the most prestigious universities in the UK and around the world - Cambridge and Oxford University, which is a very high success rate.

In the process of studying at the Medics Program, students study biology, chemistry, physics or mathematics. For foreign students, the study of medical English is provided for the study of specialized terminology.

In addition, students are given information about their chosen specialty, are introduced to the requirements for entering medical programs, prepare for independent presentations, develop critical analysis skills and learn to reason on specialized topics, such as current medical problems.

At the end of training, in addition to the traditional A-level exam, BMAT and UKCAT are taken. International students also need to pass IELTS.

Trial entrance interviews are also conducted, which help students feel confident when entering a university.

For admission to the A-level Medical Program at CATS, an international student will need a high school diploma with high marks in mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology. Age - from 16 years. The English proficiency requirement is IELTS 5.0 or higher.

CATS Cambridge College also has an accelerated medical training course - the Fast-track Medics Program, which lasts only 3 trimesters. This program is designed for ambitious students with higher knowledge. Requirements for age, grades in the certificate and knowledge of English will also be higher. Students who are over 17 years old and with IELTS 5.5+ can study on an accelerated course.

strongpreparationA-level in CardiffsixthFormCollege(CSFC)

Perhaps, Cardiff College is the most successful center for preparing future students for admission to such prestigious universities as the University of Oxford, the University of Cambridge, in particular in the areas with the highest competition - medical, dental, veterinary, pharmaceutical, economic and legal. So, last year, 16 college graduates became students of Oxbridge (Universities of Oxford and Cambridge), 21 graduates passed the competition for medical specialties and 32 students joined the ranks of freshmen at prestigious London universities, such as the London School of Economics, London University and Imperial Colleges.

CSFC graduates successfully pass the qualifying rounds for specialties with a large entrance competition due to strong A-level preparation, in which the college has practically no equal. According to the leading British publications "Daily Telegraph" and "The Times", according to the results of the A-level exams passed last year, the college was recognized as the best in the country. This is confirmed by the statistics. Marks (A *) - the highest score with honors was received by 60% of college graduates on the exam. A and A* together accounted for 95.1% of the grades scored. The rest of the graduates received a grade B (“good”) and none of the students passed the exams for a score of C (“satisfactory”).

For such high results, the educational organization Education Advisers awarded the college in several categories at once as the best private school, the best private Sixth Form college (the last two years of school education) and the best boarding school with co-education of boys and girls.

In the college you can find programs such as obtaining a British certificate of secondary education General Certificate of Secondary Education(GCSE), as well as A-level, summer course and boot camp.

To enter a boarding school, you must have excellent grades in a domestic school and IELTS of 6.5 or higher. After reviewing the documents, the school administration sets a date for the interview.


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