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One of the best types of work opens my new section on making money on the Internet. Freelance- a free worker who performs one or more orders without contracts, purely on a trust basis. For this type of activity, special sites were invented, where some make orders (employers), while others fulfill them (performers). There are many job exchanges on the Internet, where some pay a penny, while others have a lot of good orders. So I made up top 10 freelance exchanges for beginners. Where any beginner can quickly get comfortable and start making real money on the Internet.

It is important to know: working on such sites, one of the key secrets of high earnings is rating. Therefore, try to complete tasks with high quality and then you will be able to receive more than 100,000 rubles per month.

The best freelancing exchanges for beginners

It is very important to decide which direction you are most attracted to. Perhaps you have a talent for translating text from English, or you draw very well in Photoshop. There are separate job sites for this, but if you do not have special preferences, then this article will help you discover yourself.

Directions that bring the most money:

  • Designer;
  • Programmer;
  • SEO specialist;
  • Video editor;
  • Marketer;
  • copywriter;
  • Photographer;
  • Teacher.

I will review the top 10 freelance exchanges that have the largest base of employers where you can earn money in any direction. The most important thing is to have a desire, but there are always enough tasks! Let's get to our list:

1. Kwork - all for 500 rubles

is a fairly young project that is only gaining momentum. There, anyone can post a task that he can complete for 500 rubles. If you do a great job and everyone is happy, then your block is brought to the top and you get a lot of new customers!

The main plus is that you don’t need to sit there for a long time and accumulate a rating, but you can immediately earn money. The main thing is to create an attractive task that everyone wants to order. By the way, the exchange commission is 100 rubles, so in fact the freelancer receives 400 rubles.

If the employer does not find the required quark, then he can make a request for the service. Beginners can look for just such advertisers, but just remember the fact that you will be paid 400 rubles per action. .

Features of Kwork:

  • Professions: designer, programmer, marketer, SEO, copywriter;
  • Attendance: 15,000 per day;
  • Commission for the service: 20%;
  • Affiliate program: 2.5-3.5%;
  • Withdrawal retention: 1.5-4.5%;

2. FL is the most popular freelance exchange in Russia

is the most active resource with over 600,000 accounts. Very active employers and many professional performers. They use all kinds of services on the Internet. Maybe that's why it's so popular online.

FL has its own currency called "Free-Money" for intra-site transfers. Thus, they do not have a commission for freelancers and have a guarantor service for safe transactions.

The big disadvantage is that the project has 2 types of accounts: free and PRO-account. Free allows you to choose only one specialization for earning. And you can’t create a portfolio and post content for sale. Therefore, employers try to ignore such people on the resource.
But the PRO-account opens 5 specializations, a portfolio and makes it possible to sell prepared content. And most importantly, it gives credibility in the eyes of customers. But the prices for beginners are very high, so think 10 times before buying PRO.

FL Features:

  • Attendance: 40,000 per day;
  • Commission for the service: 0%;
  • Affiliate program: 10% for 3 years;
  • Withdrawal retention: 13%;
  • Withdrawal of funds: Qiwi, WebMoney, Bank card.

3. Work-Zilla is convenient for customers and contractors

- positions itself as a universal service for completing tasks. However, most of the tasks there are related to programming, design and promotion in social networks. I have a convenient catalog of tasks from customers.

That is, you register on the site, fill out a profile and simply respond to the posted tasks, where the price is already written. It should be understood that the project has about 100,000 performers who also respond to applications, so work hard on your portfolio.

Features of Work-Zilla:

  • Professions: designer, SEO, programmer, marketer, other help;
  • Attendance: 25,000 per day;
  • Commission for the service: 10%;
  • Affiliate program: 7% and no more than 1000 rubles per partner;
  • Withdrawal retention: 5%;

4. Freelance - cool but greedy

- very similar to FL, only there are a few key differences. Firstly, you need to bind a phone number for registration, which excludes scammers. And secondly, the site provides services in the form of creating projects.

That is, the customer creates a project, and potential performers write comments on this project. Who and under what conditions is ready to start the task. Freelance is great for beginners!

Here there is a similar system as on FL: free and business account. Freeloaders have access to only 20% of all tasks on the exchange and are shown lower in the rankings than business account holders.

Now a little about the cons. There is no affiliate program, and all activities are carried out through safe transactions "FairPlay", that is, 5% is deducted from the freelancer for the completed project, and nothing from the customer. But when replenishing funds, the advertiser pays a commission of 6%, which is very sad.

Freelance Features:

  • Professions: everything you can imagine;
  • Attendance: 30,000 per day;
  • Commission for the service: 5%;
  • Affiliate program: 0%;
  • Withdrawal retention: 2.5%;
  • Withdrawal of funds: Qiwi, WebMoney, Bank card.

5. QComment is the best for beginners

is an ideal resource for beginners who are just trying their hand at making money online. There you will meet only small tasks for cheating views, comments, subscribers, likes and the like.

For successful transactions, they pay from 1 to 100 rubles, depending on the complexity of the work. Sometimes you can get 500 rubles per hour, provided that you have an author rating. But you still need to try to fill it.

Features of QComments:

  • Professions: promotion on websites and social networks;
  • Attendance: 20,000 per day;
  • Commission for the service: 10%;
  • Affiliate program: 10-20%;
  • Withdrawal retention: 0.5-0.8%;
  • Withdrawals: Qiwi, WebMoney.

6. MoguZa is the father of Kwork

is a fixed price online service store that was created before Kwork, but they are very similar. Only here freelancers indicate how much they are ready to perform this or that service, and the price is fixed.

Therefore, use this service as an auxiliary one. Where there is a chance that the customer himself will find you. Create 5-10 jobs and check your profile every day, then you will definitely be able to earn money there.

Features of MoguZa:

  • Professions: teaching, marketer, designer, programmer, SEO, copywriter;
  • Attendance: 15,000 per day;
  • Commission for the service: 20%;
  • Affiliate program: 2-8%;
  • Withdrawal retention: 2-4%;
  • Withdrawal of funds: Qiwi, WebMoney, Bank card.

7. Advego - content exchange

— my favorite service for buying/selling content and promotion in social networks! That is, you can become the authors of articles on some topic and post them at a certain price. Another way is to write articles on order, but here you need to fill the rating.

Therefore, on boring evenings, I go to Advego and do small tasks that help me get a rating. For example, you can subscribe to groups in social networks, as well as comment on blogs and forums. A regular comment costs 18 rubles, and a simple vote costs 6 rubles.

If you do not get distracted, then in one hour of work you can earn 200-300 wooden coins. Now imagine how much you can get for a full time job. And if you need it, then be sure to go there.

Advego features:

  • Professions: copywriter, promotion in social networks;
  • Attendance: 30,000 per day;
  • Commission for the service: 10%;
  • Affiliate program: 25%;
  • Withdrawal retention: 5%;
  • Withdrawal of funds: Qiwi, WebMoney, Bank card.

8. Kadrof - like Robin Hood

is an open service where you can create your own freelance profile and apply for tasks for free. Most importantly, there is no wallet here. That is, we found an order, contact the customer and perform work bypassing the site itself.

The interesting thing is that there are a lot of customers with the most interesting tasks that I have not met before. Sometimes you come across very simple works for which you are ready to pay 2,000 rubles each. So be sure to check out this project.

Features of Kadrof:

  • Professions: copywriter, programmer, SEO, marketer, designer;
  • Attendance: 10,000 per day;
  • Commission for the service: 0%;
  • Affiliate program: 0%;
  • Withdrawal fee: 0%;
  • Withdrawal of funds: none.

9. Author24 - Learning/Problem Solving

- the largest exchange for solving homework for schoolchildren and students. Where are more than 700,000 students who want to order a solution. This area is developing rapidly and there are already authors who have managed to earn more than half a million in 6 months!

Therefore, if you feel that you are ready to solve homework assignments, write essays and diplomas, then this method is perfect for you. In addition, this project makes it possible to lay out finished work for money.

Features of Author24:

  • Professions: teaching, copywriting, problem solving;
  • Attendance: 40,000 per day;
  • Commission for the service: 10-25%;
  • Affiliate program: 20%;
  • Withdrawal retention: 2-4%;
  • Withdrawal of funds: Qiwi, Yandex Money.

10. ShutterStock - Photo Store

is a store of photographs, pictures and drawings for sale from 50,000 thousand people around the world. Authors are paid to download their pictures, where the price ranges from $0.25 to $0.4. A good picture can be downloaded 300-1000 times in a lifetime.

(votes: 8, average: 4.50 out of 5)

Today I would like to tell you about the freelance exchange site for beginners, or rather the very concept of freelancing and provide you with a couple of projects on which I made money, and on some of them I still get customers today.

Freelancing for beginners, job vacancies and exchanges where you can start making good money can be found below in the article.

Several projects can bring you decent money with constant work. More precisely, even to say not with constant work, but with daily work, but for a couple of hours a day.

Working as a freelancer is not an easy job that you are paid for, it can even be attributed to office work, monotonous, of the same type, annoying and boring. One thing that pulls freelancing well above office work is that you do only what you like and nothing more.

Freelancing for beginners, job vacancies and different ways to earn money you can find on this page.

Good day, my dear readers and visitors. Freelancing for beginners vacancies which we will try to consider today, or more precisely, I will try to tell you what I know about freelancing.

In the course of the article, I want to tell you what it is, the vacancies that are required in freelance services, how much money you can get from it, and most importantly, what you need to remember all the time if you decide to work as a freelancer.

Perhaps you should start with the fact that freelancing is the execution of an order on the Internet from your computer.

That is, you are, as it were, a freelancer, only for one time and you need to look for an order yourself and how much work you do, you will receive so much money.

In general, please do not leave, below you will find a table of contents, by clicking on which you will move to the section of the article that interests you. Happy reading.

Freelance work - work from anywhere

I'll probably start with the delights of working in the field of freelance services.

Internet employment is a complete freedom of action, it's only your scope of employment, complete your own schedule, complete tasks from anywhere and a lot of the delights of working as a freelancer, or a simple order executor.

Working as a freelancer is difficult only because when you take the first step you don’t know where you are going, but after the first attempts, trials, mistakes and gaining skills, you will move to a new level…

Freelance exchange for beginners: job vacancies

Freelance for beginners vacancies in which you can start acting right now, after registering in one of the exchanges.

A large enough choice to start changing your life and build a decent career that will feed you for many years ... Please familiarize yourself with the opportunities in online business.

  • Website development
  • Texts
  • Design and Art
  • Programming
  • Outsourcing and consulting
  • Translations
  • Game development
  • Audio Video
  • 3D Graphics
  • Engineering
  • Advertising and Marketing
  • Photo
  • Animation and flash
  • Architecture/Interior
  • Training and consultations
  • Polygraphy
  • Optimization (SEO)
  • Management
  • Mobile applications
  • Networks and information systems

Just above you see the possible options for you orders. Of course, this is not all that a freelancer can do.

For example: Hidden in the design are such varieties as photo processing, photo rendering, creating the necessary images, info graphics and much more regarding design and working with image changes.

These are the opportunities that the Internet provides for making money on many sites to perform remote work.

How much can a beginner get and how much do people earn

Well, here is probably the most interesting question, namely earnings. Freelance earnings are quite diverse and it is simply not possible to come to one thing, because each order carries a certain price and speed of execution.

Suppose you complete 10 orders of medium complexity per month at a price of 5,000 rubles, you will receive 50,000 rubles per month, and if you complete 5 medium and 5 advanced orders at 10,000 rubles each, you will already receive 75,000 rubles.

Yes, these amounts are real, for example, for a freelancer - a web designer. Programmers will receive such money, and indeed, absolutely any hard worker from any field can receive such amounts.

In general, it is quite difficult to calculate monthly income on the Internet, because it completely depends on the efforts and skills of the employee.

If you are just starting in any of the areas, then I ask you not to expect large sums in the first few months. First of all, you will have to develop, practice, develop again and learn and practice again in order to become a professional in your field and only in this way will you earn a lot.

In general, you can get 10,000 rubles in the first month, and 15 thousand will not be a problem, unless of course you have time for a busy schedule. After you learn and begin to fulfill orders at a professional level, then 75 thousand will not be the limit for you.

Freelance exchange for beginners

Of all the freelancer sample sites, I can only give a few projects that I personally verified. Sites pay regularly, but some require payment for an account to get good tasks, the so-called VIP account, but it is not expensive, and besides, it is a useful thing, because after payment you will have to work hard anyway)

At least to recoup the money spent)

  1. WorkZilla - freelance exchange for beginners
  2. Kwork - services for 500 rubles
  3. WebLancer - freelance exchange for beginners
  4. is a huge exchange

Well, that's all for today from me, my dear readers and visitors. I wish you good earnings, just read a little more ...

Things to Remember

Now it's time to move on to my favorite point, which I try to make clear to people in almost every article.

We come to the Internet to make money and this is quite normal, but I do not understand people who register, try to take one cheap task, do not complete it and give up everything they start.

Why is this happening? Probably because people do not get what they dream about, or rather, the income is too small to interest them in further work.

I can only say one thing - you need to puff on the Internet, for that it is called work. Is not it? There is no freebie on the Internet and there never will be, now only work, without deception and other hacks of the system, this will not work now.

Yes, there is a lot of competition, but people make their way into the ranks of the successful, and this is for one simple reason - they work and work. They do not give up their undertakings, they perfectly understand that after the first couple of hundred rubles, you can catch a thousand and so on.

The ratings are bigger, the portfolio is larger, the fame and naturally the earnings are growing and more money appears in your pocket. This is the law of the Internet, it's just natural selection. If he could not stand it right away, then he was left without money.

In fact, only confident and stubborn people will be able to make good money online, while the rest will complain that they can’t earn anything, and in addition to everything, they begin to say that the Internet is a scam and a scam and all sorts of other words.

Say what you want, but I can confidently say that there is money on the Internet and you can earn it. Not just sit and watch, but specifically - EARN. Remember this and you will find success and prosperity.

And to make it easier for you to start earning, I wrote this article, where there is a freelance exchange for beginners, by choosing which you can easily try yourself in working from home.


Well, that's all my dear visitors, it seems to me that you learned about freelancing today, looked at the vacancies and decided where you learned to work, now there is only one thing left - to act and make good money for your life, for your family, children, parents with these actions .

Each person has their own goals, but it is worth understanding that you will have to work.

Good luck dear friends, see you soon. Subscribe to blog updates, take part in the commentator contest and leave your opinion and additions to the article. Thank you very much for your attention.

Freelancing for beginners, vacancies for beginners is not a myth at all, and today there is a shortage of specialists on the freelance services market who truly understand the field of their hobby and earnings. Freelancing is working for yourself.

I hope freelancing for beginners will help you start your journey as a remote employee and start building a career with the prestigious Internet professions. Everything is in your hands, limited only by your time and knowledge, but nothing prevents you from developing and growing in any direction.

Sincerely, Sergey Vasiliev

Hello dear blog readers. Today, every user has already thought about how to start making money on the Internet. But how to be and where to go? This is where remote work services can help us.

Now it is closely approaching the standard type of activity, and sometimes it completely replaces it. According to its practical indicators, this type of work in some market segments is already replacing regular work.

There are as many definitions of freelancing online as there are ways to make money in this format. Initially, the term arose thanks to Walter Scott: in the classic novel "Ivanhoe" the author so called a medieval mercenary knight. Since then, the concept has not changed much: freelancer- this is an employee who is attracted to solve a specific problem, often remotely. Such an organization allows a person to work for several customers at once, and the customers themselves get the opportunity to reduce the cost of completing the task and do not need to attract a permanent employee.

The benefits of freelancing are:

  • free organization of the workflow,
  • execution of several projects at once,
  • distant work,
  • work on a specific task, but without unnecessary bureaucratic moments.

The freelancer is faced with the question of independent job search - this is what is singled out as the main disadvantage of the activity. But in the last 10 years, many sites have appeared on the Internet where it is possible to find orders of various levels of complexity and cost.

Freelance exchange for beginners and what you need to know about them

Such portals are called freelance exchanges. The concept is based on bringing together in a single information space customers who need to complete a task and specialists who are ready to help them with this. Here there is a large number of employees, which allows customers to choose the best performer. At the same time, many clients who are ready to pay money to specialists flock to the portal.

The rapid development of the information sphere stimulates the need for those types of work that can be performed in the office. This guarantees savings on the organization of the workplace and is especially beneficial if the work is one-time. Among the professions that are now in demand in the freelance format, the following are distinguished:

  • Programmers;
  • Designers;
  • web development specialists;
  • content managers;
  • SEO specialists;
  • , journalists.

In recent years, project managers who work remotely have been actively involved. This is a person who manages all areas of the project and coordinates the work of many specialists.

A freelance exchange for beginners is the best option to start a career while sitting at home. There are 3 main reasons for this:

  • Learn while you work. You can start the path of a freelancer without the education of a programmer or a journalist. It is enough to declare yourself on the stock exchange and. In the process of work, you will receive the practical knowledge necessary to solve the task, and at the same time receive money. At the initial stage, the amounts will be small, but their growth over time is guaranteed.
  • Access to customers and experience of communication with them. It is difficult at the beginning of a career to immediately start working with customers directly - in most cases, you will have to work for several years for a business owner. On the exchange, you immediately work with the person who pays the money. Such experience in communicating with a client will be a good basis for moving forward and actively growing in the profession.
  • Independence. The freelancer finds himself alone, surrounded by competitors and many customers. To get a job, and therefore money, you need to raise your level and capture customers. On the stock exchange from the first day, a person receives valuable practical experience, bypassing the waste of time on the theoretical part.

The freelance exchange has advantages and disadvantages. She is complex and intriguing. The start of a new activity must begin with the stock exchange - from the first day you become an active player in the chosen industry!

List of cool freelance exchanges with an analysis of the cost of work and earnings

A freelance exchange for beginners is the best way to start earning within 24 hours. It remains only to choose the site on which you will work. There are plenty of options - the first portals appeared 10-15 years ago, during the growing popularity of the network. Now there are almost no new sites, and the strongest players have remained on the market. The list of possible places of self-realization is already long.

Exchanges are divided into "general" and "specialized" (for a specific specialty). In the last segment, copywriting exchanges stand out the most.

Among the most popular exchanges are:

  • Work Zilla. The site presents tasks of different levels of complexity, and the site is one of the leaders in the provision of services at a distance. Anything is done here: the customer throws out an announcement about the need to do something, and the responding workers complete the task. The interface is rich and it will take time to figure it out. The average cost of a task is about 600 rubles, but it can be more than 2000.
  • Author24. This portal specializes in completing assignments for students. These are control, abstracts, diploma. The cost depends on the task: a simple solution to the problem starts from 20 rubles, and a diploma costs from 3000.
  • weblancer. An advanced exchange where it will be difficult for beginners to even enter the market. But for further development it is worth paying attention to it.
  • Free-lance ( This is a recognized leader among freelance platforms on the Runet. Consequently, there are many customers, but also many performers. Costs depend on the project and can be up to tens of thousands of rubles. The average price is also determined by your area of ​​activity, but compared to other sites, the cost of services here is above average.
  • Relatively young portal, which presents various areas of work.

The choice of sites should be done independently. It is better to focus on specialized sites, so it is better to reach a high level of a specialist and find regular customers.

How to get your first clients?

The standard algorithm for a beginner to work on a freelance exchange is as follows:

  • Registered and created a profile.
  • I studied the proposed orders and left applications.
  • Didn't get a job - and left the stock exchange.

The freelance exchange for beginners is a certain test. A passionate desire to receive a worthy order is broken against a wall of refusals. It is important to survive the first blow, and even better, follow a number of rules that will lead to the first orders:

  • Determine the narrowest specialization and look for orders in this direction. So there will be fewer competitors and you can count on high pay. Choose your own direction and develop in it.
  • Don't be shy about low prices. The goal of a beginner in the first months of work is not to earn money, but to gain experience and skills. It is practical experience that is the most valuable acquisition for a beginner, so you should not grab onto expensive projects - firstly, it is difficult and there is a risk of ruining your reputation; secondly, the leaders of the exchange are fighting for such work and, sorry, it will be difficult to compete with them.
  • Leave as many applications as possible. The more you shoot. The easier it is to get in. This is the motto that a newcomer to the stock exchange should have. There is a risk that a large stream of work will suddenly fall on you, but this is a feature of freelancing - you always need to be prepared for a blockage!

What to pay attention to new freelancers and how to build your business without mistakes

The freelance exchange for beginners is not just another project on the network. With the right approach, you can earn good money here and even build your own business. We live in the age of the Internet, which makes such work a priority.

Practical tips for beginner freelancers are as follows:

  • Working remotely is the same job. A freelancer does not have to wait for easy money and will have to work hard to earn money. This is important to understand!
  • Thicken your skin! There will be many rejections, negative comments ignoring your words. You can't take it to heart. It's important to keep working. And in communicating with clients, it is worth seeing the task and finding a common language for solving it, but not turning into swearing and insults.
  • When connecting paid functions on the exchange, evaluate their profitability and rationality of use for you.
  • Be realistic about your strengths. Do not overload yourself and do not take on impossible tasks.
  • Look for regular customers. Customers who periodically need certain works will be happy to find a quality contractor and work with him. Therefore, when completing each task, think about the possibility of long-term cooperation.

For there are a number of psychological barriers. Which you need to overcome in yourself before moving into this format of activity. It is fundamentally different from the usual work accepted by society, and it needs to be treated differently. This is the only way to achieve high ratings and earnings.

Work and earn money online. All the best and see you soon.

Sincerely, Galiulin Ruslan.

Hello dear site readers! One of the most modern ways to earn money is to work on the Internet. This activity is suitable for people who have a high level of self-organization.

The list of freelancers is updated daily, and in this article we will look at the most reliable sites where you can earn money not only by writing articles, but also by completing various tasks.

I hope each of you can find something for yourself in order to receive money not only offline, but also online.

The most famous remote work exchanges

If you have not yet decided what you want to do on the Internet in order to make money, then the sites listed in this section are right for you.

These are services where you will be offered a variety of tasks: from watching videos to writing articles and completing projects of various types.

  • one of the best exchanges where you can earn money by completing tasks. This site has a feature, which is to start working you need to purchase a subscription. It does not take much time, it takes about two hours a day to work.
  • the service was originally a forum, but after some time of its activity it was retrained into a site for making money on the Internet. Today it is included in the list of the largest exchanges.
  • this service was first created as a blog. Then he began to offer services for online earnings.
  • there are a lot of newcomers here, you won't be able to earn much, but it's quite possible to gain experience.
  • suitable for users who plan to work stably.

Freelance exchanges for copywriters

If you are a person who has an excellent “sense of speech”, then with the help of the services listed below you can earn on your own knowledge.

You yourself choose the topics on which you write articles, you can sell your texts in the store or take ready-made assignments.

Note! Working through such sites, payment for services occurs through the service, which guarantees the payment of funds subject to all the specified conditions.

Here you can also order an essay or term paper, or become its performer.

  • one of the largest exchanges, where there are the largest number of active performers and customers. Here you can find work in any direction. Also, everyone chooses for himself how much he wants to earn: beginners can gain experience by doing cheap jobs, as a professional copywriter you can write articles and put them up for sale at the price you want. You can see examples of income.
  • this site is known for the fact that here any task is worth 500 rubles: writing an article (term paper, essay, etc.), photomontage, video, transcription and much more. The contractor pays the exchange a commission, which is 100 rubles on average. There is no way to communicate with the customer outside the exchange.
  • has an interesting design, despite the fact that the exchange was created recently, about 100 thousand freelancers have already registered on it.
  • one of the most popular exchanges among services where rewriters and copywriters work. The site is reliable, there is always a huge number of different tasks, the main part is focused on writing articles.
  • this service not only offers to earn money, but also here you can check your articles for originality. This is one of the best and most reliable programs. The work here is mainly for professional copywriters, the pay is high.
  • this service is distinguished by decent wages, but people who offer really high-quality content have the opportunity to work here. On this site you can sell articles, but be aware of the competition and it can take a lot of time to sell your work.
  • a service where the administration ensures that there are no scammers. You can contact customers or performers without registering on the site.
  • service for professional rewriters. Texts must be written correctly in every sense, because customers are willing to pay well enough. You can also sell ready-made articles.
  • a service that, before allowing you to work, offers to pass a test. Wages are high here.
  • the service is quite popular among beginners. The contractor can create a portfolio, and in the course of work, customers leave feedback, and a rating is calculated. Payment is made directly, it is possible to encounter scammers.

Services where Photoshoppers and designers can earn money

If you are a person who specializes in design or you like working in Photoshop, you also know how to create illustrations or logos, then this category of sites is for you.

The most popular and reliable resources are listed here.

  • the bulk of the work is offered to users who are familiar with the illustration.
  • expensive projects on which professional designers are invited to work.
  • a service through which about 12,000 users earn today. Here you can find tasks of any type: writing poetry (music), rewriting (copywriting), the site is also relevant among programmers and artists. The contractor sets the cost of the work.
  • a site where you can find creative people, study their portfolios and decide who to entrust their task to.
  • a service specializing in the sale of logos.

Best Photostocks and Photobanks

The following list of services is aimed at photographers who love to capture some details or take other pictures, and are willing to sell them for a certain price.

If you are a buyer, you can be sure of the quality of the photos sold here!

  • one of the most popular and reliable exchanges.
  • a service where you can buy a better quality image, but you will need to pay a lot of money for it.
  • this is where you can put up for sale photos, while setting its own price.
  • a service where users go to choose a professional operator or photographer for any celebration.
  • photovideoapplication.rf- this service offers good earnings to professional photographers.

Exchanges for website developers and programmers

Not many people know how to create websites, but today a huge number of Internet users want to have their own websites.

The list of resources in this section will help you find the best developers and programmers, this is where you can assemble the best team that can handle any task!

Each programmer who proposes his candidacy can independently determine the cost of his service.

  • those who can not only create websites, but also optimize them can earn money here.
  • a site suitable for IT professionals and startups. Basically, applications are submitted here, offering their services, so a team is assembled that must complete a certain task.

Sites for users who know 1C

List of services where you can find the best programmers who understand 1C. Also here you can get the necessary knowledge if you are a beginner programmer.

  • service for professional programmers working with 1C. The list of tasks is updated daily.
  • a site where 1C programmers offer their services. If you want to learn, then on this site you will find a forum where beginners replenish their knowledge base. However, it is worth noting that the site administration does not control users well, so you should act carefully, otherwise you can fall for scammers.

Services that offer earnings to architects, engineers and interior designers

If you need to purchase any construction project or sell something similar, then we recommend that you visit any of these resources.

Also, interior designers, engineers or architects can offer their services here.

  • here you can find the most interesting projects for the repair and construction.
  • Specialists who are known for finishing and repair work will always be able to earn money here. There are also projects for architects.
  • a service suitable for engineers. You can apply for participation in tender projects that offer payment that suits you.
  • professional designers and architects will be able to earn here.

Services for students and schoolchildren

Many students and schoolchildren do not always cope with writing or designing essays (term papers, etc.) on their own, and in this case, most often, they seek help on such sites.

Therefore, if you are competent and responsible, then on such sites you can get permanent tasks and good earnings.

  • most orders are focused on translation. It is here that students look for translators, who, most often, then receive regular assignments from their customers, subject to the provision of good work.
  • those who can work with term papers and theses will be able to earn good money here. There are also a lot of orders for writing essays. The service is quite popular and has a good reputation.
  • a service where students set tasks, and the performer must solve any problem. The cost of the order depends on the complexity of the task.
  • the best service for users who know how to write and correctly format good essays, term papers and the like.
  • a very convenient service for professionals in their field, there is no need to invest money, you can contact customers even without registering on the site. Here you can find tasks of any complexity: create a website, write an article (abstract, term paper, diploma) and more.

Exchanges in Belarus, Ukraine and other CIS countries

This section is aimed at Internet users from Ukraine, Belarus and other CIS countries. They are offered lists of domestic resources.

  • a service where users from Ukraine can earn. No experience or additional knowledge is required.
  • Ukrainian service for making money on the Internet, the site is under development: in addition to the fact that a feed with offers is being created, you can see catalogs of freelancers.
  • a service for making money on the Internet for Belarusian users.
  • this Ukrainian service is known for the fact that it is here that builders, as well as specialists in repair and finishing works, can offer their services.

Freelance sites of foreign origin

Many copywriters, having gained experience, prefer to make money on foreign exchanges, very often this is due to the fact that such resources are willing to pay more.

However, knowledge of foreign languages ​​is required for work.

  • payment for services is high, however, in order to earn money on this site, you need to know English.
  • an English-language resource, so if you do not speak the language, then at first it will be difficult for you until you learn how to use the translator correctly. Payment systems where money will be transferred are also foreign.
  • one of the largest services, the competition is very high, but the pay is decent. To get started, you must first create a portfolio, indicate if you know any foreign language.
  • a service for professional copywriters, it is worth noting that this is one of the few sites where no commission is charged from the performer, but the customer needs to purchase a monthly subscription to publish the task.
  • French resource, there is no translation of the site into any language, including English. Therefore, if you decide to work here, make sure that you speak French very well.

Services where there is work for lawyers and personnel officers

If you are a professional lawyer or are well versed in the selection of personnel for any vacancies, then the resources listed below are ready to pay you for your knowledge.

  • one of the few resources where a lawyer gets the opportunity to work from home in his specialty.
  • if you are a good lawyer or advocate, then this is where you can apply your knowledge. You will be contacted for advice or for an answer to any question, for which you will receive money.
  • a service where users who understand the criteria for selecting personnel for work can earn money.

Sites for creative people, trends and contests

In this section, creative and creative individuals who prefer a free work schedule will find work for themselves.

  • service under development, suitable for creative people. The customer gives the task, the performers offer various solutions, the best of which receives payment.
  • a service where musicians, artists and other creative people can find an interesting job.
  • it is on this site that you can find any relevant information about filming and casting.

Online job search aggregators

And if you have not yet decided what you want to do on the Internet, then visit sites that will help you find the right job for you.

  • the service offers to study the feed with current projects from the most popular remote work sites.
  • one of the best services with which you can find a suitable job for yourself. Provides information from more than 40 sites.

As a result, it is worth noting that making money on the Internet is quite real. You do not need any knowledge, experience, you can choose the job that you like.

It is important to be responsible and learn to be accountable to yourself, that is, your self-discipline must be at the highest level.

Such work has advantages: if you work hard, you can earn a lot, you determine the work schedule yourself.

If you are already a freelancer or just want to give it a try, I recommend you check out this description of the 71st Freelance Exchange.

If you are a beginner, then you can find exchanges with low competition among freelancers, if you are a pro, you will find exchanges with the most expensive orders.

The list includes 31 Russian-language sites and 40 foreign exchanges, for those who speak foreign languages.

Each site is tested and its pros and cons are indicated.

Bookmark the article. share with friends, this information will always come in handy.

1. is the most advanced freelance exchange in Runet. You can meet a wide variety of orders, from writing simple reviews to creating programs and applications.

A user-friendly interface allows you to quickly find orders for your specialization.

There are two types of orders, direct payment and secure transaction. With direct payment, the contractor himself agrees on the terms of payment, the disadvantage of this type of order is that the customer may not pay for the work.

A secure transaction guarantees payment, but the exchange takes its own commission. You can withdraw money from a secure transaction only to a Yandex Money wallet.

For full-fledged work on the exchange, you need to buy a PRO account, costing from 1200 rubles per month. For each completed order, the contractor and the customer receive feedback, and a rating is calculated.

The advantages of the exchange include a large number of orders that are constantly updated, so it is easy to find a job in your specialization.

For completed orders, the contractor is left a review, and a rating is calculated, which allows you to upgrade your account to increase the number of orders.

In addition, you can place an extensive portfolio in several specializations. In the store, you can sell your services or digital goods. You can set up a mailing list to view new projects on the site.

17. is an interesting freelance exchange. Both posting and job postings do not require registration.

All user contacts are open, and you can write to them and agree on a job. At the same time, transactions are not concluded on the site itself. The whole functionality of the site is that it shows ads from customers.

The advantages of this site can only be attributed to the fact that they are quite closely monitoring projects and removing fraudulent offers.

Otherwise, it seems that the site was created with the aim of collecting emails from customers of services on the Internet.

Disadvantages - low activity of customers and lack of contacts of the site administration.

18. is a young but fairly developed freelance exchange. Orders are updated frequently, their placement for customers is free. Registration, responses to orders, placement are free and can be carried out from one account.

The site has a safe transaction, the rate is up to 10% of the exchange commission for conducting. Withdrawal of funds only to the ruble WebMoney wallet.

An additional paid service is a VIP account, the cost is 50 rubles per month, but to purchase it, you need to add 10 works to your portfolio. Despite the fact that orders appear frequently, some of them are clearly fraudulent.

Therefore, when working on the exchange, it is best to use a safe deal to protect yourself.

19. is a relatively new freelance exchange that is trying to develop actively. Customers are even credited to the internal account with a bonus for each order, this is a rather innovative approach.

Therefore, you can follow the development of this exchange.

Registration and responses to projects are free. For an additional fee, freelancers and customers can place ads on the site or raise their positions in the directory.

There is a safe transaction, so you can secure the work. Users have a rating, activity and there are reviews for their work.

The disadvantages of the exchange include the fact that some projects do not inspire confidence, high prices and very simple work, these are clear signs of scams.

Well, besides, there are less than 3,000 registered customers, and this is not enough for a freelance exchange.

20. is a small but stable freelance exchange that has its own customer base. Projects appear steadily, and the percentage of scam orders is quite small.

It can be seen that administrators monitor the content of ads. Although the number of projects is far from the number that appear on large exchanges.

The advantages of this exchange include a low level of competition, even a new person on the exchange, with the correct filling of the portfolio, can easily compete on the exchange.

The site has both a secure transaction and a safe. But most customers prefer to work on a postpaid basis. In addition, the site has a rather interesting interface, and many sections that are not related to freelancing.

21. - positions itself as a freelance exchange. The main specialization is texts, but you can meet orders of any other directions.

For performers, the site is absolutely free. What is remarkable for a freelance exchange, all payments are made in the internal system through a secure transaction.

The exchange is quite far from the flagships of the freelance market, but this is its plus for beginners, since advanced highly paid performers are practically absent on this exchange, especially in the field of copyright and site building.

Therefore, despite the small number of orders, it will be easier for a beginner to receive an order here, and a safe transaction will help to avoid non-payment for the order. You can also place finished works in the store.

22. is a freelancing exchange with a pretty good interface. But for the rest, it is hardly possible to call the exchange developed, 5-15 projects appear on average per day, as this is not enough for a freelance exchange.

The interface is convenient, the work of freelancers that they add to the portfolio is placed alternately, that is, if you have posted your work, it will be at the top of the list, regardless of your rating.

In addition, there is a separate section where nicknames and mails of scammers are indicated, but this does not guarantee that all orders on the exchange are honest.

The disadvantage of the exchange is standard for little-known freelance exchanges, a small number of orders and, accordingly, few opportunities to find work, since the exchange is not very popular among customers.

23. is a rather interesting site, which, in principle, can be positioned as a freelance exchange. The essence of the work is to answer questions.

The customer writes his task and collects ideas from users. The best idea for solving a problem or answering a question is rewarded.

The advantages of the site include fixing the amount of remuneration. But the site has many more shortcomings.

Firstly, the site is rather underdeveloped, so there are few paid contests here, and they appear quite rarely. In addition, even for a very good idea, payment is not guaranteed, since the winner is chosen by the customer.

Secondly, many unscrupulous entrepreneurs can use this site as an idea parser, and simply create two accounts and choose their own winner, thus spending money only on the commission of the site and payment systems.

24. is not a full-fledged freelance exchange, but a service for freelancers. If you believe the advertisement, then the site parses all new projects from freelance exchanges and publishes them on its website.

In the settings, you can customize the specialization and sections that are of interest to you.

Remarkably, orders appear on a free account only an hour after they are published, in order to instantly see orders, you need to buy a paid account.

Without the PRO version, there is no way to even set up an order filter. The shortcomings of the site are visible even to the naked eye, if you open the statistics section.

The statistics reflect orders from only four freelance exchanges, the rest with completely zero statistics. This confirms that the site is defective and does not fulfill its obligations.

Therefore, you should think before buying a paid account.

25. - a freelance exchange for those who know how to work with 1C. Despite the fact that the exchange is highly specialized, here you can also find work for beginners in this field, as there are tasks for both programmers and routine tasks that customers do not have time to do themselves.

The main advantage of the exchange is the frequent updating of orders and rather low competition among performers. Orders appear frequently, as the service market is very in demand.

Disadvantages - the narrow specialization of the exchange, and the necessary special knowledge to perform the work. Therefore, the exchange is not suitable for everyone.

But if you plan to develop in this direction, then the exchange is a great way to gain experience and make money at the same time.

26. - the site combines the two functions of a job catalog and a freelance exchange. It is immediately worth noting that the site is highly specialized and mainly designers work here.

But, despite this, here you can also meet orders from other areas of remote work.

Registration and placement of works are free for performers. There is no rating system, in the main catalog performers are positioned by the number of works and friends.

It is possible to get a PRO Account, but for this you need to upload more than 50 works per month.

The disadvantage of the exchange is its narrow specialization of customers, it is suitable only for designers. In addition, a secure transaction mechanism has not been implemented, so all orders are carried out only by direct payment.

27. - an exchange of online and offline services, you can find orders for both programmers and movers.

All vacancies are defined by the place of execution, offline or online work.

The advantages of the site include the fact that it is actively developed and attracts customers from all areas. Therefore, it will be easy for a specialist to find a job here.

The site is suitable for almost everyone who wants to earn money, even if this work is not related to freelancing.

28. - Belarusian freelance exchange. It has all the functionality of a standard freelance exchange. No payment is required to get started.

The disadvantage is the low activity of customers, several orders per day. But for users from Belarus, there is an opportunity to find a stable customer.

29. is a Ukrainian freelance exchange, quite developed with a rating and feedback system. It is possible to post a detailed portfolio.

Orders come in pretty solid numbers every day. But there is also a system that limits performers, since the customer can only search for a performer from a certain city in Ukraine.

But for professionals who have a good portfolio, this exchange is a great place to find a client.

30. - Ukrainian exchange, there are orders for all freelance areas. The exchange is quite new, but despite this, it has its own customer base.

Although it is worth noting that recently the exchange has switched to Western customers, so it will be easiest for translators to find work on it.

There is no safe transaction. Quite a few orders that are duplicated are in doubt. Therefore, when working on the stock exchange, you should be careful.

31. - a site for finding online and offline jobs. Despite the beautiful advertising, you should not hope that you will definitely be able to find a job on the site.

But for most specialists, there are quite a few interesting orders here.

The peculiarity of the site is that not one-time projects are posted here, but vacancies for remote and regular work.

Therefore, this site is suitable for you if you are looking not for a one-time part-time job, but for a stable job.

A slight downside for freelancers is that there are relatively few remote jobs on the site.

But still, they are updated quite often, and there is an opportunity to find a job, especially if you are a specialist.

Foreign exchanges

1. is the most popular and largest freelance resource. In fact, it surpasses the population of many countries in terms of the number of users, since more than 16 million customers and performers are united here.

Of course, most of the customers here are from the west, but there is a certain percentage of performers from the CIS countries.

Since the level of payment here is higher than on domestic freelance exchanges, this site is a good opportunity to find highly paid customers.

For beginners, the disadvantage of this exchange may be communication only in English.

In addition, here payment for work passes through Western payment systems, so you need to register in these payment systems.

2. is a fairly developed freelance exchange in the West. Initially, it was American, but over time, customers from other countries appeared here.

Since the freelance exchange is American, the prices here are corresponding, and this is precisely its main advantage.

On the exchange, you can find a wide variety of orders, from large projects for entire teams of freelancers or autostoring, to simple one-time work on checking texts or databases.

Payment on the exchange is at a high level, but there are also cheap projects, so you should be careful when choosing orders.

The disadvantage of the exchange is the need for knowledge of the English language, but you can use the applications of translators or the services of translation specialists.

3. is a small but quite developed project by Western standards. Here you can find many tasks for programmers.

You can register on the site and start working for free. But in order to get good orders, you need to fill out a portfolio.

Also, you need to constantly upgrade your account in order to raise your value in the eyes of the customer. There are direct and safe transactions.

Otherwise, the exchange surpasses most Russian exchanges both in terms of the price of work and the number of customers. Therefore, if you plan to make freelancing your main source of income, you should pay attention to this exchange as well, as the competition here is lower than on large exchanges.

4. is a very developed western freelancing site with almost two million audience of performers and customers. Even representatives of the most exotic professions on the Internet can find work here.

Some orders are very interesting and original, especially for residents of the CIS.

Orders are updated very often, though there is a lot of competition between freelancers. Therefore, in order to effectively start working on this site, you must have a portfolio of work.

This will make you more attractive in the eyes of the customer.

To work, you need knowledge of a foreign language, not necessarily English, since orders come from almost all over the world. Therefore, even if you know any foreign language, you can start working on the site.

5. - an exchange dedicated to website promotion. Most orders are related to this topic.

But a pretty good percentage of orders for other topics slips through, so everyone can find a job here.

Most of the customers on the exchange are English-speaking, so you should be prepared for this. Payments are also made to Western electronic payment systems, so this nuance should be taken into account when starting work.

Knowledge of the language is desirable, since working with customers through translators will be very problematic, since many orders are related to texts. There are also many orders from other countries, so you can work with other languages, not just English.

6. is a pretty good and well-developed western freelance exchange. You can find many interesting and attractive projects in all areas of remote work.

The interface is quite friendly, the percentage of competition is also not very high, so any specialist in their profession can handle it.

For Russian-speaking users, the exchange requires the services of an interpreter in order to be able to fully work.

In addition, it is necessary to have access to Western payment systems. Otherwise, this is an ordinary freelance exchange with a pretty good audience of customers, so there is always work.

Well, in addition, there is a rather high average cost of the order.

7. - German freelancing exchange. It is intended mainly for finding freelancers in your year. When registering, the exchange captures your location and assigns you a city accordingly.

True, performers from the CIS should be careful, as the exchange may assign you a completely different address from which you enter.

The exchange does not charge any commission for its services. Payment for the work and the entire process of cooperation takes place only by agreement between the customer and the contractor.

Of course, in order to fully work here, you will have to know or study one of the Western languages. But at the same time, the prices here are higher than in freelancing on the CIS exchanges, so if you want to increase your earnings, the exchange is a good alternative.

8. is another overseas exchange that allows freelancers to find remote work. In fact, this is an American exchange, which is similar to the Russian service Throw a Boar.

Here you can find offline and online jobs.

Regarding offline work, this site is not suitable for applicants from the CIS countries, since the work is offered only for "local". But then there is quite a lot of work online that the performer can do remotely.

The site does not charge for its services, but in order to start working fully, you will need to register, pass testing and make a portfolio.

This will make it much easier for you to find orders. Knowledge of English will not hurt either, otherwise you will have to use the services of an interpreter.

  1. is a foreign site where professional and emerging designers can try their hand at the Western job market.

The exchange has a rather narrow specialization, namely the design of logos for business. All works are held on a competitive basis. The customer announces a competition, describes what logo he needs, and the designers send their logos.

At the end of the competition, the customer selects the winner, who receives the money. Remarkably, all competitions last only 48 hours, and this is what served as the basis for the name of the site.

You can register for free, as well as start working. All works that did not win the competition, you can use for a portfolio. The minimum price of the competition starts from $30, the average price is $100-120.

Every day there are over a dozen new contests.

10. - an exchange that specializes mainly in copyright. Work here is free for performers, but customers need to buy a monthly subscription to place orders.

On the exchange, you can find orders for copyright from almost all over the world, since the exchange is quite developed and popular. But the exchange has a rather bad reputation in Western countries among performers, as there have been several high-profile fraud cases.

Although freelancers from the CIS countries are no strangers to caution.

There is no safe transaction on the stock exchange, all working and payment conditions are controlled by the contractor. That is why you should be careful.

11. - an exchange for specialists in the field of marketing management. The exchange is relatively young, it was founded only in 2014, but despite this it is very popular among employers.

Here you can see many offers, both for permanent remote work and one-time part-time work. Employers willingly respond to the offers of freelancers from the CIS, since such a remote worker not only performs the work, but also does not need to pay taxes for him.

To quickly find a job, you need to fill out your resume well and write about all your virtues. Since it is on the resume that employers basically choose the staff or the executor of their task.

12. - the exchange is very convenient and every day there are many orders for remote specialists, in almost all areas of work.

Registration on the exchange is free, but in order to work effectively here and be able to respond to all projects, you need to buy a paid account.

Its cost is small, only 13 dollars a month. Otherwise, this is an ordinary freelance exchange, with a good cost of projects, and a large base of employers.

13. is a French exchange where everyone can find a wide variety of remote work.

The exchange is free for both freelancers and employers.

You can post your detailed resume on cfqnt so that customers can search for you in the catalog, as well as respond to projects posted by customers.

This one differs from Russian freelance exchanges by rather high prices, so working here is much more profitable. Payment and work takes place directly, there is no safe transaction on the site.

There is no English version of the site, so for effective work here, you need to know French, because even if the work is only related to programming, you still have to discuss work with the customer.

14. is an exchange with a rather original approach to work. For freelancers, the exchange is completely free, everyone can register here and start working.

When a company or private employer needs to get a job done, the exchange helps them find freelancers who fit the bill.

After the project is put into operation, the exchange monitors the progress of the work and the correctness of its implementation. After the project is completed, the funds are transferred to the contractor.

For its services, the exchange takes from the customer 10% of the cost of the work.

15. is a freelancing site that focuses mainly on design. What is noteworthy, payment for all orders passes only through a secure transaction and on a competitive basis.

In more detail, everything is simple. The customer replenishes his account on the site, after which he fills in one of the beefs in the required specialization.

The order is published, and the designers send their versions of the work. The customer chooses what he likes, can ask for corrections, and if he accepts the work, then the performer receives money.

Since all projects are held on a competitive basis, work on this exchange is suitable for experienced freelancers who already have experience in competitions.

The exchange rate is quite high.

16. is an experienced freelance exchange that has been operating since 2005 and is quite popular among English-speaking customers.

Here you can find permanent remote work, one-time projects, contract cooperation and many other interesting offers.

What is remarkable, despite the fact that the exchange has been operating for a long time, it has a low level of competition, no more than 3 thousand performers work on the site.

Therefore, it will not be difficult to find a good highly paid project here, even for novice performers.

For freelancers, registration and work is free, for customers, ordering services are paid. Remarkably, on the exchange you can even find vacancies for hackers, usually in the field of information security.

17. is an English-language freelancing site, you can mainly meet customers from the USA on it.

The site specializes in journalism, but you can also find other tasks here. Website developers, photographers and other professionals whose activities in one way or another intersect with journalism can often find work here.

Registration on the site is free, you can post a good detailed resume, and respond to projects.

There is no safe transaction, the site does not interfere in financial relations between customers and contractors, it just helps them meet.

The site is also suitable for those who want to get an education as a journalist and undergo an internship in this area, as there are also quite a few such offers.

18. - The exchange is quite interesting especially in relation to customers. It is fundamentally different from Russian exchanges of a similar plan.

To simply place a job on this site for a month, the customer must pay $200.

Therefore, there is no doubt that all vacancies on this site are active, and customers have the funds.

For freelancers, the exchange is absolutely free, both registration and posting a resume.

Job search is very convenient, as orders are broken down by specialization and you do not need to look through all the updates.

All projects and vacancies are only remote. There is no secure transaction, payment goes only directly.

You can find work here from customers from all over the world, projects are updated every day.

19. С is a wide-ranging freelance exchange where performers can find a wide variety of jobs.

For customers, the site is paid, as it acts as an intermediary. The customer simply fills out the brief and pays the money.

Accordingly, the site specialists distribute the work between freelancers and control it. As a result, the customer receives the finished work.

To become a freelancer on this site, you will have to fill out a resume, pass an interview and prove your qualifications in a certain field.

After that, you will not have to look for a job and apply for projects. Employees of the site will issue tasks themselves, and control their execution.

There are no direct deals and open contests on the site. You can only work on the tasks that you will be given.

20. is a New York-based freelancing exchange founded in 2010.

The exchange is developing well and leading global companies often look for remote workers on it, so the prices for work on the exchange are high.

You can register and start working on the exchange for free. The site works according to the standard scheme of freelance exchanges, customers publish the project, and performers submit their applications for its implementation.

It is worth noting that the exchange is not as popular as the famous freelance sites, but this is not a minus, but a plus. Since managers managed to attract employers from large companies, there is a rather high price for work with low competition.

Therefore, it will not be difficult to start working on this exchange even for beginners in freelancing.

21. is not a freelance exchange, but a permanent remote work exchange.

The exchange is free for both freelancers and employers. All agreements on work are direct, there is no safe transaction and no reservation of funds.

The exchange has an English and French interface, so to start working here, you need to know one of these two languages.

The site does not have a secure transaction and all work and payment goes directly. The minimum price for an hour of work on the site is $ 3, but this is the easiest job that does not require special skills.

Of course, in Europe, such a salary is not high, but there are few such projects, on average, the cost of an hour of work starts from $ 10, the competition for such vacancies is low.

22. is a rather interesting site for those who know several languages, since this site mainly specializes in translations, written and narrow.

The exchange is well promoted, so most people who need translation services are looking for them here.

You can often find permanent remote vacancies in translation agencies.

The registration itself is free. But if you do not buy a paid account, then you can apply for projects only 12 hours after they are published on the site.

The average payment for translations fluctuates, since Russian companies also work here, which significantly reduce the price of work, knowing how much newcomers agree to work for.

23. - not very well-known but, despite this, a Western exchange with a large customer base.

Here you can find a wide variety of orders of various directions.

The exchange has been operating since 1999, which indicates its reliability and popularity, since most freelance exchanges simply fade away over such a long time, giving way to young competitors.

The average salary is also good, and besides, there is no fierce competition on the exchange.

There is no secure transaction on the site, control over payment and performance of work lies entirely with customers and contractors.

The only thing that the site does promptly is fighting scammers, it is quite profitable and safe to work here.

24. is an exchange based in Switzerland. The work takes place in three languages, German, French and English. The exchange is relatively young, but is actively developing.

The main advantage of this exchange is low competition, as advanced freelancers mostly live on larger exchanges.

Therefore, it is quite possible to get an order here. The exchange offers customers a full package of services, from the ability to simply place a project for a one-time job, to outsourcing, which the exchange specialists control themselves.

Therefore, here you can not only find projects, but also get a job directly from the exchange. The average level of payment is quite high, even by Western standards.

The exchange is developing, new orders appear here, not often.

25. - closed - an exchange where almost everyone who works in the field of programming and design can find a job.

Sometimes you can find offers in other areas.

The exchange is free for both freelancers and customers. Here you can both search for orders in the project feed, and post your detailed resume for free, so that customers can look for you themselves.

There is no safe transaction, all the details of cooperation are regulated only by the employer and the contractor.

The only drawback of the exchange, but a rather serious one, is that no more than a dozen new projects appear here per day.

But the level of competition here is low, and the pay is quite high. Therefore, if you are a specialist and offer an adequate price, you are guaranteed to find a job.

26. - a site that is suitable for beginners and professional designers.

Beginners will be able to build their portfolio and client base here, while advanced designers can earn good money.

All projects on the site are held on a competitive basis, and in order to increase your earnings, you need to participate in them and win. The site has a ranking system, thus highlighting the most talented professionals.

It is these specialists who are engaged in the most expensive projects.

What is remarkable among the top designers, you can also meet residents of the CIS.

This proves that a really talented designer can make a career on this site.

The site can be considered as an option for a permanent job or just a part-time job for beginners.

27. is a little-known among performers from the CIS, but at the same time a well-developed Western freelance exchange.

Remarkably, new projects appear here very often, and prices are high, one can only dream of such a cost on domestic exchanges.

The exchange is quite young, only a few years old, but it has managed to grow both a good customer base and a base of professional freelancers.

But at the same time, the competition is low and orders from the lower and middle price segment can be received even by a beginner.

There is no direct transaction, all payments go through the exchange. Registration on the site is free for a freelancer. To place an order, the customer must replenish the account.

There are no direct transactions, communication with customers through the exchange interface.

28. - closed - quite an interesting western site that will be useful to almost all freelancers.

If you have unpaid work, or work that you did for a portfolio, then on the site you can put it up for sale.

Programs, designs and other works of freelancers are accepted for sale.

The works are exhibited in the store, you set a price for them, and if the buyer decides to buy it, then you get money.

The site guarantees the safe conduct of the transaction and the transparency of the sale.

Services for placing your goods on the site are free, the site takes its percentage in case of a successful sale.

This site is a great opportunity to sell your finished work for a good value, and not just throw it away.

29. - a remote work exchange for creative people.

Customers are mainly looking for talented performers here.

The work on the site offers the most diverse, but all vacancies require a creative approach.

Therefore, if you know for sure that you have talent in a certain area, then you can safely register here.

Since here you can earn money with the help of your talent, and not exchange for trifles.

Registration on the site is free, which is noteworthy, the site even has a Russian interface, but it does not translate the vacancies themselves, so knowledge of one or more foreign languages ​​is desirable.

There is no secure transaction, all orders are direct, payment by agreement, on a competitive basis.

  1. is an exchange with standard functionality and a wide range of specializations.

Here you can find projects related to almost any freelance job, from the simplest to the most complex.

There are orders with a fixed price, and there are orders where the cost is offered by the candidate himself.

Remarkably, orders appear on the stock exchange often, but competition is at the appropriate level, as the site is confidently becoming a leader in this niche.

Registration for freelancers is free, payment goes through the site, which guarantees the security of the transaction for both parties.

This is one of the reasons why the site is popular among customers.

Prices are quite high, but for effective work you need to know English.

31. closed - a site with a large list of specializations and jobs for beginners and professional freelancers.

Orders here are updated frequently, and prices are also very diverse. It is worth noting that on this site, Indians are a significant competitor in the price niche for immigrants from the CIS.

Therefore, it will be quite difficult for novice freelancers here.

Registration on the site as well as reviews on the project is free. If you want to expand your options, you can buy a paid account for $10 per month.

All projects have a time limit. There are no direct orders, payment is made through the site, which guarantees security and takes its own percentage from transactions on the site for this.

  1. is a freelance exchange where you can find jobs in almost all areas.

Posting a job on this site is paid and costs a minimum of $75. Therefore, large employers with a large budget who are looking for professionals for remote work post vacancies here.

For beginners, this freelance exchange is hardly suitable, as the requirements of customers are very high, and they always require professional work.

Here you can find one-time projects and permanent remote work with good wages.

For freelancers, the exchange is free, the country of residence does not matter for registration, you can post a portfolio.

33. is another western freelance exchange. Registration for freelancers here is free.

There are three types of orders, through a secure transaction, under a long-term cooperation contract and with direct payment.

Freelancers choose how they work and negotiate with the customer.

Work on the stock exchange is mainly related to Internet technologies and SEO promotion of sites.

The exchange has a pretty good customer base, so the projects are constantly updated, and the competition is low.

In addition, a large number of long-term orders and remote work contribute to a decrease in the level of competition.

This site is suitable for you if you want to get a remote high-paying job, although for this you will have to know English perfectly.

34. - Chinese freelancing exchange. Therefore, only those who know Chinese can work here.

This is precisely the main drawback of the exchange for residents of the CIS, despite the fact that the site has an English version of the interface, all the same, all orders are only in Chinese.

The rest of the site is a regular freelance exchange. Here you can place your resume, register for free and leave your suggestions in projects.

The site has a time limit for order fulfillment, in addition, all payments also go through the site, so if you start working here, you will need to start one of the payment systems popular in the east, otherwise you will not be able to receive your money.

35. is another very interesting and useful site for designers where you can make good money.

After all, the prices on the site will please even the most expensive domestic designer.

The main prize in the competition starts from $200, the maximum can be over $500.

Agree, there is an incentive to try and win the competition.

The rest of the site is not very different from other sites of this type. His specialization is only logo design, there are no other competitions on the site.

For designers, registration and work here are free, commissions are paid by customers.

In addition, all your work can be placed in a portfolio, this increases the chance that the customer will find you and offer you an order.

36. is a small but stable freelancing exchange.

Projects here are not updated very often, no more than a dozen a day. But at the same time, the competition on the site is low.

The exchange has a standard set of tools, such as posting vacancies and portfolios and the ability to respond to projects.

Registration, as well as work on the site, is free, both for performers and customers.

Of course, you can buy additional services to expand your capabilities, but given the low activity of customers on the exchange, such an investment will not pay off.

All projects with direct payment, the exchange intervenes in the relationship between the client and the customer only in case of disputable situations during work.

37. is an exchange with a rather interesting approach to freelancing. Closed

Customers and employers themselves publish vacancies and projects on the site absolutely free of charge. But there is no competitive basis here.

It's just that the order is first received by the one who pays a certain amount to contact the employer.

Even if you do not agree on the work, or the customer finds another contractor during this time, the money will not be returned to you.

Naturally, not all freelancers like this approach, because the site, therefore, completely lacks competition between freelancers.

Probably, this was the reason for the outflow of customers, since orders are practically not updated on the exchange.

Although customers sometimes leave contact details, so you don’t have to pay.

38. is not exactly a freelance marketplace, but freelancers looking for work may find it useful.

In fact, this is a large international site where you can find permanent and remote vacancies around the world.

Simply select the city where you are looking for a job, and the site will give you all the possible vacancies.

The interface language, as well as the list of vacancies itself, is determined and generated automatically.

The site is completely free for job seekers and employers.

In principle, employers can buy additional services to get their ad up the page.

This is where the fee for using the site ends. There are many ads and they are updated every day.


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