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2018-01-25 Igor Novitsky

The high profitability of pork meat and large annual production volumes will make it possible to profitably sell products on the market, with minimal costs for agro-industrial enterprises, which means that this is a very promising and profitable sector of the economy, which is beneficial to develop in our country!

The difficult economic circumstances in which the Russian Federation finds itself at the moment have made many types of business activities unprofitable or significantly reduced the attractiveness of investments in them. However, at any time, for a competent investor, the sphere of agriculture always remains interesting, especially for small and medium-sized businesses. Even in the most severe economic crisis, people will not stop eating, and therefore the demand for food remains stable, only its structure changes. Today, the agricultural sector demonstrates the best performance in the Russian economy, leaving the once super-profitable oil and gas business far behind.

Pig breeding as a business

According to analytical data, pig breeding is one of the most profitable sectors in the Russian livestock industry, providing an average of about 20% of net profit. For comparison, in poultry farming, the level of profitability is about 17%, and in cattle breeding (the industry most favored by the attention of the state) - only 8%.

Such attractive indicators are explained by the fact that, on the one hand, the production cycle in pig breeding is quite short (pigs become marketable by the age of 6 months), and on the other hand, pigs are the most unpretentious farm animals in terms of feed. Additional positive factors can also be considered the high fertility of sows and the low susceptibility of these animals to various diseases.

One sow brings on average about 12-15 piglets at a time, and in some cases more. For comparison, a cow rarely brings more than one calf at a time, sheep and goats give birth to 1-2 cubs at a time. At the same time, the gestation period in pigs is a little more than 3 months, plus another 1-2 months are needed to feed the offspring. After that, the piglets can already be taken from the mother. In practice, one sow can produce up to 30 piglets per year, which is simply not comparable with the capabilities of cows and sheep and explains why raising pigs and piglets is such a lucrative business.

The weight of newborn piglets is about 1.5 kg, but already after 7-8 days their body weight doubles. With intensive feeding, after six months, the little piglet turns into a well-fed 100-kilogram pig, which is quite ready for sale. After simple calculations, it becomes clear that one sow eventually produces about three tons of meat per year. This is 4 times more than the most productive breed of cows can give. At the same time, one should not forget that pigs, on average, require one third less feed than other farm animals bred for meat.

Finally, pigs are distinguished by high rates of meat yield per animal. Waste that is not subject to sale (or sold at a penny price) accounts for only about 15-20% of the live weight of a pig, while in cattle this figure is in the range of 40%.

Pigs are deservedly considered one of the most unpretentious farm animals. In private village farmsteads, they are kept in dirty barns and sheds, where cleaning is not done for months. Even in such conditions, pigs feel good enough, for which they received the fame of dirty animals. However, if you put their breeding on a commercial basis, then you should still create more civilized conditions for the pigs. This should be done not for humanistic reasons, but for the sake of increasing the productivity of animals. For example, pigs can live quietly in a fairly cold room, but then their energy will go not into building mass, but into self-warming of the animal.

The correct technique for breeding pigs involves keeping them in a room where the following conditions are met:

  • air temperature not lower than + 11 ° C, preferably even higher; for small piglets, + 18-20 ° C degrees is completely necessary;
  • good ventilation;
  • walls and ceilings are recommended to be disinfected with lime whitewash, which should be updated regularly;
  • floors are highly desirable to be made of wood, providing for a slight slope;
  • windows are certainly needed so that the room is lit by natural light and can be freely ventilated if necessary.

When building a pigsty, it is important to pay maximum attention to the arrangement of floors. The simplest option is a concrete screed, on top of which a wooden floor made of knocked down boards is laid at a slight slope (so that the waste flows).

In order for the pigs to be comfortable and they can gain weight faster, you should correctly calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe pigsty. According to experts, one fattening pig needs 3, and preferably 4 square meters. The sow, which must be kept in a separate cage, needs 5 square meters. It is highly desirable to provide areas for walking young animals. Also, do not forget about the need to allocate passages between the paddocks, technical and utility rooms.

Pig farm equipment

Although the cost of purchasing feed, heating and lighting pigsties is quite a significant amount, the cost of paying farm staff will also become very significant. Mechanization and automation of production processes will significantly reduce the current costs of breeding and keeping animals, but will radically increase the initial investment.

The biggest labor costs in breeding and caring for pigs are related to feeding the animals and removing waste. There are many models of drinkers and feed systems on the market. Since dry food dispensers are significantly cheaper than liquid feed systems, it is recommended to start with dry food. In addition, it is much easier to certify a farm with a dry food distribution system, since the sanitary and epidemiological service is extremely wary of liquid feed.

In addition to food, animals need a lot of water. This issue can be solved with the help of a pipe system (today plastic is mainly used), drinkers, pumps, filters and a medicator (a device that adds vaccines to water).

Finally, it is necessary to automate and mechanize the process of waste collection as much as possible. Depending on the configuration and design of the premises, a variety of devices can be used: mechanical (scraper conveyors, rope-scrapers, bulldozers) and hydraulic (gravity-flowing or forced flushing of the gutter).

If you use all the modern possibilities for automating production processes, then a large farm for several hundred heads can be served by only 3-5 people.

Diet and feed

Breeding pigs as a business involves a conscious desire for maximum animal productivity. And this can only be achieved if the animals receive a balanced diet of feed. It depends on him how quickly the pigs gain the optimal weight for slaughter, and the cost of meat depends on the speed. The influence of feed on the taste characteristics of finished products is also great.

The optimal composition of the feed, which allows achieving the maximum indicators of animal precocity and meat quality, includes wheat, barley and rye grains, as well as peas, beans, beets and carrots. It is allowed to add whey and herbs (clover, alfalfa, etc.) to feed. But the presence of potatoes, corn, buckwheat, beet molasses and wheat bran in the diet of pigs negatively affects the rate of weight gain of animals and the quality of meat.

Pig experts distinguish between two fattening systems that are used to breed purebred pigs. One of them is focused on the maximum production of meat, and the second - fat. In Russia, the first type of fattening has received the greatest distribution in the livestock business. According to this system, pigs are fed at the age of 3 to 7 months, after which this type of feeding becomes irrelevant due to the physiological characteristics of pigs, in which, when they reach a mass of 110 kg, the growth of muscle mass stops and the growth of fat begins. The meat feeding system is based on succulent and green fodder, while the growth of fat increases with the dominance of root crops, corn and barley in the diet.

Profitability of the pig business

To calculate the profitability of production, it is necessary to take into account both initial costs and current costs, as well as all types of products obtained (not only meat and lard, but also manure, which also costs money). Starting investments may include such items:

  • land acquisition;
  • construction of pigsties;
  • purchase of equipment;
  • purchase of starter stock (it is preferable to use the best breeds of pigs for breeding).

Current costs are.

Kira Stoletova

Raising pigs for meat is a good investment. Pork is a product in demand in the market. It is part of smoked bacon, sausages, it is used in the preparation of first and second courses, therefore, raising pigs at home as a business is very profitable.

You can fatten piglets for meat at home either with your own hand-made mixers or with professional feeds of various classes.

The pig breeding business needs to be planned thoroughly, for this it is necessary to take a responsible approach to the choice of breed, look at photos and videos about pigs, and study the description.

Pig breeding as a business can be started without a lot of start-up capital. First, it is enough to get a few individuals for testing. As soon as it becomes clear that the business is to your liking, you can expand the economy and establish production.

Benefits of raising pigs for meat

A pig business at home has its advantages:

  1. Short gestation period. Pregnancy in a sow lasts about 3 months. Piglets also do not feed on milk for a long time. Their infancy period lasts 1-2 months.
  2. Pigs are fertile animals. A sow gives birth to up to 10 babies at a time. A pig gives offspring up to 2-3 times a year, which means that 20-30 piglets a year are provided to the owner. This is a remarkable indicator if we compare pigs with goats, sheep, cows.
  3. Pigs gain weight quickly. If you feed them correctly, a piglet weighs about 100 kg in six months.
  4. There is very little waste from pigs after slaughter. Meat in finished form is up to 73% of the weight of the pig in live form. Such a small percentage of waste can not boast of other types of large and small livestock.

From the foregoing, it can be seen that offspring can be obtained from a pig, which, in adulthood, will give more than 3,000 kg per year of a pure meat product. Now you should go to the market and find out the prices for meat. This will be the annual income from one individual.

Where to start growing

To open his own pig farm, the owner needs permission from the authorities. Also, the future owner will need start-up capital - capital that allows you to buy and keep animals until a stable income from the business is established.

The expense items for a novice pig breeder are as follows:

  1. Registration of a pig farm.
  2. Purchase of feed.
  3. Lease or purchase of land and premises, if not available.
  4. Purchase of special equipment.
  5. Purchase of animals for breeding.

The most common form of ownership in this case is private enterprise. However, if the farm population is less than 100 individuals, it can be omitted. It is more profitable to arrange this business as a household plot. The advantage of this activity is that a small pig farm is a family business that does not require hiring employees.

To spend less energy, it is better to conclude an agreement with the service station. This organization is engaged in the supply of fodder and the sale of meat products.

Before acquiring livestock, you need to draw up a business plan that takes into account the amount of initial capital, expected income, and sales markets. It is also worth considering whether the owner will sell meat and lard in its original form or whether they will be processed into sausages and other products directly on the farm. In the second case, you need to estimate the possibility of acquiring equipment.

It will depend on the volume of production how it is more profitable to arrange a business: as an individual entrepreneur or a household plot. To do this, it is best to consult with a competent lawyer or to first study the relevant legislative framework yourself.

Organization of a pig farm

One of the main questions that confronts the owner of a pig herd is where to keep the animals? Of course, you can rent some old building of a suitable format in the neighborhood, renovate it or rebuild it, but this requires capital investments, payment of rent, competent legal assistance. This is the reason why many choose to build a farm on their own land. This will require financial investments of a larger scale, but such a structure will belong entirely to the farmer. You can also immediately build it for yourself, taking into account all the systems and planning the necessary premises.

Pigs are undemanding animals, but this does not mean that the building should be equipped somehow. If concrete or concrete structures are used in the construction of walls, they must be insulated, otherwise the animals will freeze and suffer from colds. The barn should not be colder than 12 ° C, it should be light, cleaned, drafts should be avoided. If you immediately carry out water supply and sewerage, it will not be difficult to clean the premises, and timely cleaning is the key to a healthy livestock.

Pigs, despite popular belief, do not like dirt, therefore, so that cleaning and other moments of care do not take a lot of effort, you need to mount at least primitive automation.

Every month in the pigsty it is necessary to carry out processing, several times a week the room is ventilated. This allows you to destroy the microorganisms that cause disease. In the pigsty, a room should also be provided for mothers with children, only then the business on any piglets at home will bring benefits. It should be warm, clean, the air should be fresh.

The choice of breed of pigs

Before acquiring livestock, the owner must decide on the choice of breed. All of them are suitable for growing commercially, however, each has its own characteristics that make it more profitable under certain conditions.

Pig breeds

Raise pigs, depending on the purpose. So, there is a division of all breeds into three types:

  1. Greasy - Large black and Berkshire.
  2. Tallow-meat - Big white and Duroc.
  3. Bacon - Landraces and Tamworths.

The breed must be able to take root in the climate characteristic of the area. It is worth asking experienced breeders in the owner's region what breeds they prefer and why.

Piglets should be purchased for feeding at 2 months of age. By this age, they are already quite independent and do not need mother's milk.

If the owner correctly composes the menu and selects good quality feed, then the piglets will gain weight quickly and without problems. A healthy piglet at 2 months old should weigh 15-16 kg. If the weight is much less, it is not easy to raise an animal. If you plan to leave the purchased piglets for a tribe, you need to carefully monitor the degree of their relationship. Pigs, even distantly related, will not give a full-fledged offspring. It is best to purchase pigs for a tribe in different farms. You should not save on buying animals.

Inexpensive individuals often do not meet breed standards and are not suitable for a tribe. Also, piglets bought on the cheap often have a hidden defect or are infected with a disease. It is not necessary to think about breeding such animals.

Breeding requires a boar and several females. If all these conditions are observed when acquiring animals for breeding, then soon the owner will receive healthy, prolific offspring, which means that his business will flourish.

pig fattening

Pigs are bred to obtain various meat products, which means that the owner is primarily interested in his wards gaining weight faster. It is necessary to feed animals, observing all the established standards, it is recommended to select a balanced diet. If the nutrition of animals is not properly organized, does not correspond to age, is not varied, meat products will not achieve the goal. Fattening any piglets for meat at home should be correct, the diet should be entrusted to be compiled by a competent specialist.

The purchase of feed and the correct fattening of pigs for meat at home is a field of activity in pig breeding, where even a small saving can do more harm than good. The fattening of any pigs for meat at home should occur gradually, since the livestock will not gain weight at a rapid pace, and the body of pets, weakened by improper nutrition, is susceptible to disease.

Sometimes saving leads to the death of livestock. Also, the taste of meat directly depends on the diet. So, when buying food for pigs and making sure that pigs and profitable business become interconnected concepts, you should be guided by the proverb “the miser pays twice”.

Realization of meat products

The sale of pig meat and products from it usually does not cause problems. These products are popular with buyers. The only condition: they must all be of good quality, then even the simplest business plan is doomed to success. The tastier the products, the more demand they are in the market.

How profitable to sell pork depends on its quantity. If the farm is small, then it is better to buy a place in the nearest market or to resort to the help of an intermediary, such as a specialty store. You can also conclude an agreement with a small cafe or restaurant that willingly purchase high-quality meat for the kitchen.

If the farm is large, you should think about opening your own store. Meat can be sold in whole carcasses, if an intermediary acts as a buyer. It is permissible to implement it in a cut-up form, if the owner is engaged in this. Under certain conditions, pigs can be sold live to the factory. Usually piglets go well, but some prefer to buy already adult animals - boars and sows. If the pig farm has a surplus of adults, do not immediately reject this option. In addition, selling live does not require documents from the sanitation station, certificates of meat quality, labor for slaughtering animals and processing carcasses.

If the farmer plans to make pork products, you need to take care of the premises and equipment. The simplest thing is to build a smokehouse. Smoked lard and meat go well after something simple, they are more expensive, they are more waste-free than raw meat, they are stored longer.

Not only adults go to the slaughter. The meat of suckling pigs (from 3-4 weeks from birth to 5-6 weeks) is highly valued among gourmets for its juiciness and tenderness. The main thing is to raise the livestock so that all animals are healthy, and the meat and products from it are of high quality, then they will diverge well.

Investments and business payback

Pig breeding as a business at home should be carried out in several stages. The piglet turns into an adult in about six months. If you fatten pigs for meat correctly, at this age the animal can already be slaughtered: the profit received covers all costs, this is a direct way to succeed. As a result, pig farming as a business has a net income of about 30%, if the market situation favors this.

From 100 kg of live weight as a result of slaughter and subsequent processing, approximately 73 kg remain. The more the pig weighs, the more income the owner will receive as a result of its sale. Considering all the factors: leaving the pigs to the tribe, building a barn, buying livestock, feed, etc., the farm will pay for itself in 2 years. According to indicators in the economy, a two-year payback and 30% income characterize pig breeding and raising pigs as a profitable business and as one of the profitable sectors in agriculture.

Pig breeding as a business should be built gradually. Before proceeding with the purchase of equipment and animals, it is necessary to calculate whether the business and breeding of pigs in general is beneficial for the climatic zone and region of residence, whether there are similar profitable farms nearby. It will not be superfluous to ask more experienced colleagues for advice on the pig business. Particular attention should be paid to the following points:

  1. Write at least a short business plan that takes into account all expenses, including those that may arise unexpectedly.
  2. The choice of breed that is grown at home, depending on the purpose of cultivation and climate.
  3. Purchase of fodder for feeding animals.
  4. Installation on a farm of small automation.
  5. The study of the life of animals and the planning of care activities in accordance with this.

Pig farming at home is a profitable branch of agriculture, but this does not mean that the farmer should invest all his money in it without doing anything else. For a pig business, it is better to allocate initially small funds, and then, as profits are made, develop this type of farm. It is worth remembering that pig farming requires not only money from a novice farmer, but also time that he will spend on caring for animals.

At a minimum, the farmer must know how to properly feed a pig for meat, what diet to provide. Careless care, as well as ill-conceived organization of life, can lead to the death of livestock, and the meat industry will not make a profit. If you follow the simple rules for caring for and raising animals, taking into account their diet, pig farming at home is a profitable business that even novice and inexperienced farmers can develop.

Pig breeding is the most progressive branch in animal husbandry, the benefits of which are growing every year. Pig breeding is carried out by large industrial farms, but the industry is open, and anyone who has enough funds can start raising pigs. The main thing that is needed is a good business plan for breeding pigs, an example of which is given below.

The following items must be included in the business plan for breeding pigs:

1. Pigsty - its rent, purchase, construction:

Pigsty Equipment,

heating methods,


Removal of liquid and solid manure,

Maintaining the air temperature

Serving food;

2. Purchase of piglets, number of sows and boars, breed of pigs;

4. Pasture;

5. Farm staff, necessary documents, requirements for this kind of pig farms;

6. Possible risks.

Points 1 to 4 relate to the production part of the plan, point 5 concerns the financial side of the issue.

Production part


Having decided to breed pigs, it is necessary to take care of a suitable pigsty in advance, which is why the pigsty is given the main place in the business plan. At present, there are no problems with the construction of a pigsty, but with limited financial opportunities, construction is not the best option, renting a pigsty would be an ideal solution, therefore, in a business plan, it is worth laying in advance funds to pay regular rent, the amount of which depends on the condition of the premises. Basically, the price for rent is not so high, since there are not so many people who want to rent a pigsty. Also, the list of expenses should include equipment for the pigsty:

1. Heating and ventilation devices;

2. System of automatic distribution of food and water, removal of manure.

It should be remembered that there are two ways to place pigs in a pigsty - group and individual. The choice of method depends on the goals that the manufacturer sets for himself. So, for the production of pigs exclusively for meat and fat, their special placement is not required, therefore, the costs of installing additional partitions and building places will be reduced in this case.

Sows, boars, juveniles and fattening pigs in a pigsty should be kept separately, to accommodate one sow you need an area of ​​​​more than 4 meters, the same applies to boars. Pigs for fattening can be kept together in quantities from 10 to 200 pieces. The number of young piglets in one fence should not exceed 20 pieces. You should think about the placement in advance, and even draw up its scheme on paper, which will avoid the loss of animals possible with a large number of them in one place. Small piglets, for example, can suffocate or injure themselves in the event of a sudden fright.

Funds for the removal of slurry and solid manure should be included in the plan, and should be removed regularly several times a week. You can make good money on manure by entering into a contract with agricultural enterprises to fertilize fields with manure.

Ventilation is an important part of the plan, so purchasing ventilation equipment, or providing natural ventilation by creating open window niches, is necessary. A beginner pig breeder should know that the air in the pigsty must be dry and clean. In winter, air humidity should not be more than 70-75%. Excessive humidity levels will adversely affect the health and productive value of pigs. Poor ventilation will cause animals to get sick more often and eat poorly. When allocating funds for ventilation, it is important to remember that animals do not tolerate drafts and cold, so ventilation should be constantly adjusted depending on the weather conditions outside.

Purchase of piglets, the number of pigs at the initial stage of business development

Experts recommend starting large-scale production with a small number of pigs, with a total number of 350 pieces, of which 10 boars and about 150 sows should be selected, the rest can be fed. All this should be included in the business plan, in addition, the business plan should contain not only the number of pigs, but also their breed, which will be determined by the following information:

Large white sow is recognized as the most profitable breed for breeding in conditions of large and small farms. For a year, one sow gives from 10 piglets, which quickly reach a weight of 120 kilograms. In large farms, it is also profitable to breed pigs of the Siberian breed and the Landrace breed.

All pigs, regardless of breed, are classified as follows:

2. Meat;


4. Meat-bacon;


For business, it is most profitable to buy meat and bacon breeds of pigs, the fat content in them is also sufficient, but there is a noticeable increase in the number of meat.

When developing a business plan, piglets suppliers should also be included in it, while it must be taken into account that buying a large number of piglets from one supplier is not enough to maintain the purity and quality of the breed, so the search for reliable producers should be one of the main places in planning.


A special niche in the costs of breeding pigs is given to the purchase and preparation of feed. Here you should know that there are two types of feed - dry and liquid. For a total of 350 pigs, about 35 tons of grain per year, several hundred kilograms of feed additives, as well as feed mixtures and liquid feed for young piglets and sows will be needed. When using liquid feed, problems may arise with the sanitary and veterinary control services, whose duty is to constantly check the condition of the animals, as well as the conditions in which they are kept. As feed, it is most profitable to buy a large amount of feed, corn, barley and feed flour. To get rid of unnecessary expenses, it is necessary to put into the plan a certain amount necessary for the purchase of containers for storing feed, which will keep the feed from rotting, mold and pests.


An important point of the business plan is the allocation of space for pasture, which means the allocation of funds for the construction of protective and protective structures. The size of the pasture should be included in the plan one of the first. As a fence, you can use wire or wood; you should not create high iron fences that prevent the penetration of air. A wooden fence will be the cheapest and most advantageous for grazing fencing for pigs. At the same time, it is important to allocate several workers for the daily bypass and inspection of the fence for the presence of tunnels and damage.

Financial part


The success of the pig business depends not so much on the amount of money spent, the equipment purchased and the number of thoroughbred pigs, but on the proper organization of the work of the attendants. Such an organization of labor is considered correct, in which there is an expedient distribution of workers, tasks and ultimate goals are clearly set, there is a material interest, and measures of responsibility for dishonest attitude to one's duties are determined. It is important to take into account the fact that the quality of labor and, accordingly, the profitability of the enterprise depends, first of all, on the wages of the farm staff. It is wages that are the main component of the financial part of the plan.

In order to properly organize work on a farm of 350 pigs, the following number of workers is required:

1. Livestock technicians - 1-3 people;

2. Veterinarians - 1 person;

3. Pig breeders - 4-5 people;

4. Handymen - 2-3 people.

In total, the farm staff can reach 12 people, it is on them that wages should be calculated, it is also necessary to calculate the payment of vacation pay, sick leave and other possible unplanned costs.

In order to achieve a high degree of profitability, production should be put on stream, that is, the pace and rhythm of work should be set. This can be done with the correct distribution of time to perform work on the insemination of queens, castration, farrowing, rearing piglets, as well as the time to prepare the premises for receiving new livestock. Groups of pigs for slaughter should be delivered regularly every other day throughout the year, replacing them with already grown piglets. In addition, it is important to form a herd with pigs of approximately the same age, which should be monitored by farm workers.

Monitoring the operation of ventilation, heating systems, distribution of feed and cleaning of manure - all this is the responsibility of the attendants. Veterinarians should conduct regular checks on the livestock, vaccinate and give anti-worms, funds for such procedures should also be involved in the business plan.

Cost Counting

Let's summarize some results, giving the approximate cost of maintaining a farm:

Rent - 100-500 thousand rubles;

Equipment -500 thousand rubles;

Salary - 500 thousand rubles;

Feed - 100 thousand rubles;

Total - 1.6 million rubles a year. An entrepreneur who wants to raise pigs on his own farm should have such initial capital.

Getting income

The pig farm, which contains about 350 pigs, will begin to pay off only after the third farrowing. Thus, there will be enough time to find buyers, and you can earn income not only from the sale of meat and fat, but also from the sale of young piglets. The search for buyers is no less important component of the business plan than the organization of production. In the first few years, income will be an order of magnitude lower than expenses, about 1 million rubles a year with expenses of 1.6 million, but in 2.5-3 years the enterprise will begin to generate income.

Possible risks

Any production is associated with risks, in pig breeding the main and main risk factors are the mass death of pigs as a result of a pandemic that has not always been stopped in time, as well as the simple closure of the farm by the relevant authorities. Fires, theft, the inability to sell products - all this significantly reduces the positive aspects of production. That is why the first thing to do is to insure property and animals. But there is no insurance against the closure of the farm, the only thing that can be done is to carefully study the list of requirements that must be observed on any farm:

1. The farm should be located at the maximum distance from residential premises, settlements;

2. Wastes from production should not enter the wastewater;

3. The area of ​​the farm must be limited and fenced.

You can find out about the documents necessary to open a farm at the local administration, obtaining a permit will be greatly facilitated by a good business plan, which is easy to draw up based on the above.

For aspiring entrepreneurs, many roads are now open, creating your own business in our time is easier than ever before. Most often, young businessmen choose the agro-industrial direction. It also includes raising pigs as a business. Profitability, a business plan, reviews of experienced and successful entrepreneurs in this field - we will consider all this today.

What does it represent?

You can understand the success and demand by estimating the amount of pork consumed by Russians in one year - this is about two million tons.

The creation of a pig farm is only encouraged, because the course is to reduce foreign production and promote domestic production. It is also worth noting that due to the large reduction in imported pork, there is some kind of shortage on the shelves. That is why it is worth quickly joining this area.


  1. Sufficiently small time intervals in which piglets have time to grow up for slaughter.
  2. Finished products, that is, pork, can fully pay for themselves, leaving behind almost no unsellable waste (5% per 100 kilos).
  3. To create a medium-sized working economy, not the greatest amount of money will be required.
  4. Standard sows are capable of producing 10-12 new piglets per cycle.

The above tells us that building your own new business in raising pigs for slaughter is really profitable, especially if you carefully and carefully approach the organization of the business plan and work planning.

What is needed to implement the project?

Many experienced owners of this business advise beginners not to try to jump above their heads by starting a small farm for 10-20 heads. The project can even begin in your country house or on your personal plot, and without registration at all.

Official registration will be needed in the future with the expansion of the business to work directly with stores and large firms. By law, the farmer has the right to engage in the sale of surplus personal products. You don't have to pay sales tax. What is really required is:

  • an area sufficient for the construction of a pigsty and walking pigs in a fenced paddock;
  • the actual pigsty and paddock;
  • piglets;
  • stern;
  • start-up capital.

We equip the future pigsty

The initial organization of pig breeding requires finding a land area of ​​150 square meters for 10 pigs. About a third of the area will be directly occupied by a pigsty.

Under such a room, any barn or ownerless building is perfect. If nothing like this is available, you will have to start building. You must have at your disposal:

  1. Floor filled with concrete.
  2. Pork sections divided by two square meters.
  3. Partitions reinforced with wood or plywood between these sections.
  4. Heat-resistant wall and ceiling coating.
  5. Special "baths" in the floor for more convenient cleaning of manure and other waste from the pig farm.
  6. Quality ventilation.
  7. Lighting.

It is worth taking care of a good litter for pigs. As materials, you can take, for example, straw or sawdust. Do not forget about special feeders and drinkers, which, by the way, must be sealed like a non-spill, so that water and food do not pollute the floor, spreading a sufficiently large dampness.

Choosing the best breed for breeding

Basically, in industrial pig breeding, three categories of breeding pigs are distinguished:

  • Universal - suitable for both meat and lard. Quite meaty and extremely popular. The most famous and purchased representatives of the breeds of such pigs are Mangalitsa, Korean and Chinese.
  • Meat-bacon - white pigs with a long body and pronounced hams and sirloin zone. Most often bought: Belly Vietnamese, Duroc and Donskaya Meat.
  • Meat - black and having a rather variegated color and low fertility. Specifically intended for meat. Most bought: Ukrainian Steppe and Mirgorodskaya.

We buy young animals correctly

The number of purchased heads depends on your capabilities. The optimal ratio is a boar and 8 sows per 150 pig heads. In this case, organizing a business plan for a pig farm, for example, for 100 heads of piglets, it is worth buying one boar and 6 sows. At the same time, mini-slaughterhouses with a much smaller number of heads are also effective.

Small production also has the right to life, but if possible, it is worth starting with at least a hundred heads. When choosing the gilts themselves, feel free to ask questions to the owners, inspect the young and travel to several different farms in search of the best option.

It is important to know about the pedigree, and in several generations at once, because this protects you from possible problems associated with closely related mating or mixing different breeds. In addition, it is worth evaluating the productivity of parents, because it is from them that such qualities as high fertility and good health are transmitted to the piglet, which is clearly expressed in profitability.

Do not rush to make a choice, because it depends on the purchase of young animals how much the investment in your pig breeding business will pay off, how high sales will be, and whether you will lose money. Recently, newcomers have been buying Vietnamese and other Asian pigs, because they are better suited for making quality pork and bacon. They should be described as:

  1. Highly fertile (in the case of sows).
  2. Extremely productive in terms of the availability of meat.
  3. Great for making bacon.
  4. They have an extremely positive reputation both among other farmers and meat customers.
  5. Really well resistant to various kinds of diseases.

Avoid having two boars or a boar and a pig in the same section. The organization of the pigsty also requires that the sow and piglets are generally separated from the others. In addition, there are certain rules for feeding pigs.

It is important to understand that it is impossible to save on feed here. Make a balanced diet so that the animal gains weight, but feels good. And the quality of the food plays an important role in this, besides affecting the taste and texture of the meat.

Feed for pigs is divided into three categories, and the first two try to combine with each other. The third is used extremely rarely, and six months before the heads are sent for slaughter, these feeds are completely excluded from the diet. In fact, the categories are:

  • First: grains like wheat and rye, legumes, peas, carrots, beets.
  • Second: various herbs like clover and alfalfa.
  • Third: lots of vegetables, including potatoes and corn, as well as buckwheat and millet.

Tip: to increase the growth of meat, more green fodder is added to the finished diet, to increase the concentration of fat, they begin to add more potatoes, root crops and barley.

Recruiting the right staff

Personally, you will be able to calmly deal with issues related to documentation, finances and making contacts with suppliers and customers, trusting experienced people. You will need:

  1. A veterinarian is hardly an entrepreneur who has not previously dealt with animals, is able to monitor their health. This person will be able to guarantee the health of piglets for sale for buyers, the quality of meat for customers and the excellent conditions for doing business on the farm for various checks. Regular hiring of a veterinarian is much cheaper than losing even part of the farm.
  2. Livestock specialist - this person will independently deal with the equipment for slaughtering and making meat for sale. One technician is essential to productive work in a factory, and he or she is more technical than you.
  3. Workers - a small farm can be run independently, cleaning up after the pigs, adding food and water to them and filling the pigsty with sawdust. But with the expansion of the project, more hands are required. Ancillary laborers will also help with packing products and monitoring animal activity. Most often, two workers are kept on an average farm.

Here you can download ready-made as an example for free.

Cost calculation

Let's take as an example an average farm for 130 heads, the owner of which does not have its own plot and keeps its own staff of workers. In this case, it is easy to create a table of project costs:

Expense Line Amount of expenses, thousand rubles
1 Plot rental 120
2 Pigsty repair 25
3 Purchase of equipment 500
4 Purchase of young animals and pigs 320
5 Public utilities 20
6 Paperwork 10
7 Wages of workers, technicians and veterinarians 130
8 Purchase of feed 25
9 Unexpected expenses 10
Total: 1170

As a result, the business from scratch in terms of capital investments comes out to the amount of more than a million rubles. Focus on this amount and do not forget that the table also contains monthly expenses such as rent, food purchases, utility bills and wages.

After one six-month cycle, 125 pigs will go for sale or slaughter for meat, because the remaining five will be needed for further breeding. In this case, the owner will receive approximately 3,100 thousand rubles from the sale of pigs for meat, if the price per kilo is currently 250 rubles.

With calculations of semi-annual monthly costs, the profit from the sale is about 1,500 rubles, which will already pay off the costs of opening. Thus, the profitability is approximately six months.

Video: farmer's experience in breeding pigs.

There is an opinion in society that breeding pigs as a business is a highly profitable and uncomplicated business. Is this really true, and why then do not all pig farmers become millionaires without much effort? If you want to start a business in the livestock industry, raising pigs can be a great option, but you must be prepared for the realities of reality and understand that pig farming also requires investment and labor, like any other branch of agriculture.

Sample business plan for breeding pigs

Don't expect pigs to thrive in all conditions and quickly gain weight on kitchen waste alone. To make good money selling high-quality pork and young animals, you will need to build a solid pig barn, equip it in accordance with all requirements, feed the animals with a variety of nutritious feeds, monitor their health, regularly clean the pigsty and pay attention to breeding.

Pig farming can be a good start for a business from scratch, since for a start it is enough to buy a couple of dozen pigs and gradually expand your farm if things go well. Young growth can be sold from the fourth month of life, earning money on the sale of meat, lard and skins. In addition to the farm, you can set up your own smokehouse to earn income from your own smoked pork.

Video about the business idea of ​​breeding pigs

It will be possible to understand whether it is profitable to breed pigs only after drawing up a detailed business plan, taking into account all the features of this livestock industry. A lot will depend on which one you prefer. So, with cold keeping, the cost of building a pig farm will decrease several times, another question is whether you will be able to grow a healthy livestock of pigs in such conditions. There are many options for how you can reduce the initial costs of starting a pig farm, and we will look at some of them below.

The financial part of the business plan for breeding pigs is calculated as follows: the construction of premises and the purchase of the necessary equipment will require 1 million rubles each, for staff salaries - up to 1.2 million rubles per year, for the purchase of feed - 300 thousand rubles. rub. in year. In total, about 3,500,000 rubles will be required to start. Income from the sale of young animals will be 600 thousand rubles. per year, and from the sale of meat - 1.1 million rubles. per year, which together will amount to 1,700,000 rubles. in year. According to these calculations, the payback of the pig farm will be about two to three years.

Pig breeding

When drawing up a business plan, do not forget to include the cost of veterinary services and mandatory vaccinations for piglets in order to avoid the spread of infectious diseases that can kill the entire livestock.

Of course, this is a very arbitrary calculation, and the numbers will vary greatly, taking into account various factors. For example, you can build a pig house on your own from improvised materials or buy an old pig farm and renovate it. Having made, you will significantly reduce the initial costs of pigsty equipment, and the use of modern equipment will allow you to almost completely eliminate manual labor, reducing the cost of staff salaries. Although most domestic businessmen still prefer to work the old fashioned way than spend money on pig farm automation.

Pig feeding

In terms of feed, in the summer you can make your own grass for the pigs and use the roots from your garden as succulent feed all year round. But it will not be possible to do without compound feed, vitamin complexes and special feed additives in the industrial breeding of pigs, because the quality of the meat obtained also depends on the diet of pigs.

Secrets of success or how to make pig farming more profitable

Experts estimate the profitability of pig farming as a business at 30%, but this is far from the limit, and if you wish, you can achieve higher rates.

Video about pig breeding

To turn pig breeding into a real highly profitable business please use the following guidelines:

  • choose the most suitable breed of pigs for your purposes and pay special attention to the selection of piglets - it is better to purchase females and males from different suppliers in order to avoid genetic mutations, and when buying sows, take into account their productivity, milk production, number of teats and the safety of the brood;
  • prevent drafts and dampness in the pigsty, periodically disinfect the premises, destroy insects and rodents;
  • take care of creating suitable conditions for pregnant sows;
  • hire experienced, professional workers - a large pig-breeding complex will require a veterinarian, livestock specialist, several pig breeders and laborers;
  • provide pigs with high-quality, nutritious, vitamin feed, while keeping in mind that feeding boars, pregnant sows and young animals has its own characteristics;
  • do not forget about vaccination and regular examination of animals by a veterinarian so as not to miss the first manifestations of diseases.

Provide pigs with quality, nutritious, vitamin feed

Taking into account all the above recommendations, raising pigs as a business can turn out to be a very profitable business, because quality pork is always in demand. The main thing is to correctly draw up a business plan, assess all possible risks and think about ways to reduce them, as well as draw up an income plan and calculate a break-even sales level.


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