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Currently, the Russian Federation is a member state of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), which includes the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic and the Russian Federation.

The powers, rights and obligations of the customs authorities are enshrined in Federal Law No. 311-FZ "On Customs Regulation in the Russian Federation".

What are customs authorities

Customs- this is a single federal centralized system of bodies carrying out activities in the field of customs.

Structure of customs authorities

The customs authorities of Russia consist of:

1) Federal Customs Service(FTS of Russia) is a federal executive body authorized in the field of customs;

2) regional customs departments(RTU), which include:

  • Central Customs Administration (CTU);
  • North-Western Customs Department of NWTU);
  • Southern Customs Administration (UTU);
  • Volga Customs Administration (PTU);
  • Ural Customs Administration (UTU);
  • Siberian Customs Administration (STU);
  • Far Eastern Customs Administration (FETU);
  • North Caucasian Customs Administration (NCTU).

3) customs;

4)customs posts.

As a general rule, customs posts are subordinate to customs offices, customs offices are subordinate to regional customs administrations, and regional customs administrations are subordinate to the Federal Customs Service of Russia.

There are also customs offices of direct (direct) subordination to the FCS of Russia, which include: Vnukovo, Domodedovo, Sheremetyevo, Central Energy, Central Base, Central Excise, Crimean, Sevastopol, Kaliningrad Regional Customs.

Customs authorities are located at checkpoints across the State Border of the Russian Federation.

Main functions of customs authorities

The customs authorities perform the following main functions (duties):

  1. conduct customs control, improve the methods of customs operations and customs control, create conditions conducive to the acceleration of trade when importing goods into the Russian Federation and exporting goods from the Russian Federation;
  2. contribute to the development of foreign trade of the Russian Federation, foreign economic relations of the subjects of the Russian Federation, the acceleration of trade;
  3. keep customs statistics of foreign trade, statistics of mutual trade of the Russian Federation with the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union and special customs statistics;
  4. levy customs duties, taxes, anti-dumping, special and countervailing duties, customs fees, control the correctness of the calculation and timely payment of the said duties, taxes and fees, take measures to enforce their collection;
  5. ensure compliance with the procedure for the movement of goods and vehicles of international transportation;
  6. ensure compliance with the established prohibitions and restrictions in relation to goods imported into the Russian Federation and exported from the Russian Federation. Read about the rules for the import of parcels in the article at the link;
  7. ensure, within their competence, the protection of rights to objects of intellectual property;
  8. detect, prevent, suppress crimes and administrative offenses;
  9. promote the implementation of measures to protect state security, public order, the morality of the population, the life and health of humans, animals and plants, the protection of the natural environment, and the protection of the interests of consumers of goods imported into the Russian Federation;
  10. carry out, within their competence, control over currency transactions related to the movement of goods across the customs border, as well as the import of goods into the Russian Federation and their export from the Russian Federation;
  11. contribute to the development of the export and transit potential of the Russian Federation, optimize the structure of exports, protect the interests of domestic producers using customs regulation, constantly improve the customs control system, which contributes to the optimal use of the resources of customs authorities;
  12. provide measures to counter the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism in the exercise of control over the movement across the customs border of the currency of the Member States of the Customs Union, securities and (or) currency valuables, traveller's checks;
  13. explain to interested persons their rights and obligations in the field of customs legal relations, provide assistance, within their powers, to participants in foreign economic activity in exercising their rights when performing customs operations in relation to goods and vehicles of international transportation;
  14. ensure the fulfillment of the international obligations of the Russian Federation in the part relating to customs affairs, cooperate with customs and other competent authorities of foreign states, international organizations dealing with customs matters;
  15. carry out informing and consulting in the field of customs affairs, provide, in accordance with the established procedure, state bodies, organizations and citizens with information on customs matters;
  16. carry out research and development in the field of customs.

Duties of the customs authorities

In the performance of official duties, officials of the customs bodies are obliged:

  1. observe the rights and legitimate interests of citizens, participants (foreign economic activity), carrying out activities in the field of customs;
  2. maintain the level of qualifications necessary for the performance of official duties;
  3. perform other duties established by the official regulations in order to fulfill the functions assigned to the customs authorities.

Rights of customs authorities

The customs authorities, in order to perform the functions assigned to them, have the following rights:

  • require documents, information, the submission of which is provided for by the provisions of the customs legislation of the Customs Union, the legislation of the Russian Federation on customs affairs and other legislation of the Russian Federation, control over compliance with which is entrusted to the customs authorities;
  • check the identity documents of citizens and officials participating in customs operations;
  • require individuals and legal entities to confirm their authority to perform certain actions or carry out certain activities in the field of customs;
  • carry out operational-search activities in order to identify, prevent, suppress and solve crimes, the production of urgent investigative actions and inquiries on which are assigned by the criminal procedural legislation of the Russian Federation to the jurisdiction of the customs authorities, to identify and identify the persons preparing, committing or committing them, as well as in order to ensure their own safety;
  • bring persons to administrative responsibility in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses;
  • use, in urgent cases, means of communication or vehicles belonging to organizations or public associations (with the exception of means of communication and vehicles of diplomatic missions, consular and other institutions of foreign states, as well as international organizations), to prevent crimes, preliminary investigation on criminal cases on which the criminal procedural legislation is assigned to the competence of the customs authorities, the prosecution and detention of persons who have committed such crimes or are suspected of committing them.

    Property damage incurred in such cases by the owners of means of communication or vehicles shall be reimbursed by the customs authorities at the request of the owners of means of communication or vehicles at the expense of the federal budget in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation;

  • detain and deliver to the official premises of the customs authority or to the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation persons suspected of committing crimes, who have committed or are committing crimes or administrative offenses in the field of customs (violations of customs rules), in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • produce documentation, video and audio recording, filming and photography of facts and events related to the import of goods into the Russian Federation and their export from the Russian Federation, the transportation, storage of goods under customs control, the performance of cargo and other operations with them;
  • submit claims and applications to courts or arbitration courts: on the compulsory collection of customs duties, taxes, customs fees, interest and penalties; on foreclosure of goods on account of payment of customs duties, taxes, customs fees; on the recognition of property as ownerless, etc.

Rights of customs authorities in relation to motor vehicles transporting goods under customs control

Customs authorities have the right to stop motor vehicles, including those not carrying out international transportation of goods, if goods under customs control are transported on these motor vehicles in order to verify compliance with customs legislation by checking the goods and documents for them.

On their own, the customs authorities may stop the said motor vehicles only in the customs control zones created along the State Border of the Russian Federation. In other places, the stop of such motor vehicles is carried out by the internal affairs bodies authorized in the field of ensuring road safety, in cooperation with the customs authorities. In this case, the person driving a motor vehicle is obliged to present the goods, documents for them and the specified vehicle to an authorized official of the customs authority for customs control.

In cases where motor vehicles stop outside the customs control zones, the time for checking the goods and documents on them by the customs authorities and fixing the results of the check cannot exceed two hours.

An act is drawn up on the inspection of goods and documents on them, one copy of which is subject to delivery to the carrier.

Forced placement of these vehicles in the territory of a temporary storage warehouse or in another place that is a permanent zone of customs control is allowed only in case of initiation of an administrative offense case (with a copy of the relevant protocol handed over to the carrier or the person driving this vehicle).

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Why do you need customs clearance of goods?

The success of any production depends on the expansion of the sales market and the automation of the workflow. In the first case, finished products are sold outside the manufacturer's country, in the second case, modern equipment is purchased abroad, which makes it possible to automate many production processes. What is needed for this?

Crossing the border in accordance with all the rules. Each cargo, regardless of whether it is imported into the country or exported, is subject to registration and thorough verification. Those who have ever encountered customs declaration know how responsible and painstaking the procedure is.

That is why large companies have a personal customs broker in their staff or use the services of logistics companies that have this service in their list of offers. Firstly, it is very convenient, since you do not have to spend time studying a bunch of documentation and finding the necessary solutions to a particular problem, and secondly, there are always non-standard situations that only experienced customs brokers will be able to find the best solution when faced with. The most ideal option is to order customs services from a company that is engaged in forwarding and transportation of all types of cargo around the world. Then even the most complex legal issues will be resolved without your participation, and your goods will not stand idle at customs for several weeks.

What to do if you decide to transport cargo without the participation of a customs broker? Here you need to understand that you will have to face two mandatory procedures: the operation to prepare for clearance and the actual clearance of the cargo itself. Much will depend on the specifics of the cargo and the type of transportation. There are several types of customs clearance regimes for international transport, ranging from short-term import or export to import and export. For example, industrial machines, some types of equipment, building materials, vehicles, etc. undergo special processing.

We should not forget about the process of cargo clearance itself, which includes the mandatory registration of documents for the cargo, verification of all financial transactions related to the products (contract, verification of all necessary customs deductions) and at least 4 more operations related to checking the documentation and the cargo itself . It is better, of course, to entrust all customs services to professionals


A government agency in charge of the inspection, control of cargo, goods, etc., transported across the border, and the collection of duties, taxes and other fees on these goods in accordance with established state rules.


from tamga)

a government agency that controls the transport of goods (including luggage and postal items) across the border; collects duties and other fees from transported goods.

Customs are usually located in sea and river ports, at international airports, at border points and railway stations, in large centers of the country.


custom-house) - a state institution in charge of control over the import from abroad and export abroad of goods, things and the collection of duties and fees. Its influence, a kind of imperious influence, is determined by the concepts: customs authorities, customs services, control, inspection, declaration, regime, tariff and barriers. The activities of customs authorities are regulated by customs law and legislation.


a government agency that controls the passage of goods across the border, collects customs duties and taxes on transported goods. In the Russian Federation, the functions of control and supervision in the field of customs are performed by the Federal Customs Service, which is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation. Such data speaks of the nature and scale of its activities. The total value of illegally moved goods and valuables across the Russian border in the first quarter of 2004 amounted to 603 million rubles. against 6.6 billion rubles. a year earlier. During this period, 592 criminal cases were initiated, which is 39% less than in the same period in 2003. 91% of all cases of customs crimes are smuggling, 8% - evasion of customs payments, 1% failure to return from abroad. The total amount of evasion from customs payments amounted to 62 million rubles. (for the first quarter of 2003 - 5.4 billion rubles).

What is interesting about the profession of a customs officer?

Profession customs officer as popular and prestigious, as complex and responsible.
All countries have their own customs, where specialists work to ensure the delivery and export (import) of goods and vehicles across the border. Customs officers often resolve financial issues in the collection of payments, and are engaged in customs clearance.

What is the social significance of the customs officer profession?

In the process of economic development of society, it became necessary to control goods that cross the border of the country in any direction. To do this, they began to establish rules for the import (export) of goods and collect customs payments for their movement. Despite the fact that most people consider customs officers their enemies, no one thinks of abolishing this necessary profession. In addition to replenishing the state budget through payments, the customs service prevents the entry of goods illegally, while ensuring national security and minimizing the threat of terrorism.

It should be noted that the profession of a customs officer is quite complex and multifaceted. The main task of customs officers is to ensure economic state security, to create conditions for the successful development of the state economy. They serve as a reliable barrier to offenders, including smugglers carrying drugs, weapons, currency and various cultural values. The fight against cunning and dodgy violators requires huge skills and experience from customs officers.

Customs officers actively use all kinds of technical means in their work, allowing them to control postal items, hand luggage, packages with cargo, as well as transport.

The main qualities of people with the profession of a customs officer

Honest, responsible and scrupulously fulfilling their duties specialists should deal with the customs business.

The main requirements for customs officers are diligence, literacy, analytical mind, knowledge of foreign languages ​​and excellent health. In addition to these personal qualities include: high concentration, attentiveness, good memory, quick reaction, observation, discipline, good intuition and the ability to understand people.

A translator, a programmer, a psychologist, a lawyer, an economist, and a forensic specialist can be considered a real customs officer. All employees at the initial stage of service in the customs are required to study at the Institute for Advanced Studies and undergo retraining. And over time, experience comes to them (customs instinct).

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state institution (state body, public service, customs body) that ensures the procedure for moving goods and vehicles, things and other items across the customs border, the application of customs regimes, the collection of customs payments, customs control and customs clearance, the collection and processing of information about the moved goods and vehicles, initiating criminal cases on the facts of customs crimes, carrying out inquiries and carrying out operational-search activities, using the method of controlled delivery, monitoring the implementation of sanitary and quarantine rules, etc.; usually located in seaports, airports and on the land border at the intersection of its water, rail and road routes.

In the Russian Federation, T. is a law enforcement agency, is included in the unified system of customs authorities of the Russian Federation and, acting on the basis of the provisions approved by the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation, directly carries out customs business. Creation, reorganization and liquidation of T.


a state institution exercising control over the movement of objects, goods, individuals, services and capital across the customs border of the state and the collection of duties and customs fees stipulated by customs tariffs from these goods.

T. are among the law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation.

The word "T." came from the Turkic word "tamga" - a brand, a sign, since in the XIV-XV centuries. (when the term was borrowed by the Russians) the customs action meant the collection of a special fee for the application of the hallmark.

In the Russian Federation, customs, together with the State Customs Committee and regional customs administrations, form part of the unified system of customs authorities. Depending on the geographic location, the following can be distinguished: a) frontier (after the collapse of the USSR, Belgorod, Dagestan, Sochi, etc. became frontier t.); b) internal (Moscow regional, Sheremetyevo regional, etc.). Depending on the specifics of customs operations, transport can be classified into land, sea, air, and river transport. For example, air flights include Vnukovskaya (Vnukovo airport in Moscow), Sheremetyevo regional (Sheremetyevo and Domodedovo airports in Moscow), Pulkovo (Pulkovo airport in St. Petersburg), and others. port of St. Petersburg), Korsakovskaya (port of Korsakov, Sakhalin region). The possibility of the existence of a T. of a mixed nature is not ruled out, where, for example, there is sea transportation, land transportation, and even postal parcels. In recent years, specialized T. have begun to appear (for example, Energy T., Central Excise T.).

Customs posts of the Russian Federation located on the territory of the region under its jurisdiction are directly subordinate to T., with the exception of those directly subordinate to higher customs authorities.

T. is a legal entity. The main tasks of T.: direct implementation of customs affairs and measures to implement the customs policy of the Russian Federation on the territory of the subordinate region; protection of the economic interests of the Russian Federation; application of means of customs regulation of economic activity; customs clearance and customs control; application of customs-tariff and tax mechanisms in terms of taxes related to goods transported across the customs border of the Russian Federation; implementation of currency control; combating smuggling and other crimes in the field of customs, with violations of customs rules; management, provision, coordination and control over the activities of lower customs posts.

To implement its tasks, T. has the rights to: issue non-normative legal acts; demand and receive free of charge from state bodies, local governments, commercial and non-profit organizations, as well as officials and citizens, documents and information necessary to fulfill the tasks assigned to T.; give consent to the placement of goods and vehicles under a certain customs regime; to carry out customs inspection, customs control in other forms; identify goods and vehicles moved across the customs border; control, within its competence, the foreign economic activity of legal entities and individuals; collect unpaid customs payments in an indisputable manner; hold accountable for violation of customs regulations; initiate criminal cases if there are signs of smuggling and other crimes in the field of customs affairs, terminate criminal cases or suspend proceedings on them; independently transfer criminal cases and materials about crimes to the preliminary investigation body or the prosecutor; seize, in accordance with the customs legislation of the Russian Federation, and transfer, in accordance with the Labor Code, goods, vehicles and other items to federal ownership; apply to the execution of the decision of the customs on the imposition of penalties for violations of customs rules.

The T. is headed by a chief appointed and dismissed by the Chairman of the State Customs Committee.

Profession customs officer as popular and prestigious, as complex and responsible.
All countries have their own customs, where specialists work to ensure the delivery and export (import) of goods and vehicles across the border. Customs officers often resolve financial issues in the collection of payments, and are engaged in customs clearance.

What is the social significance of the customs officer profession?

In the process of economic development of society, it became necessary to control goods that cross the border of the country in any direction. To do this, they began to establish rules for the import (export) of goods and collect customs payments for their movement. Despite the fact that most people consider customs officers their enemies, no one thinks of abolishing this necessary profession. In addition to replenishing the state budget through payments, the customs service prevents the entry of goods illegally, while ensuring national security and minimizing the threat of terrorism.

It should be noted that the profession of a customs officer is quite complex and multifaceted. The main task of customs officers is to ensure economic state security, to create conditions for the successful development of the state economy. They serve as a reliable barrier to offenders, including smugglers carrying drugs, weapons, currency and various cultural values. The fight against cunning and dodgy violators requires huge skills and experience from customs officers.

Customs officers actively use all kinds of technical means in their work, allowing them to control postal items, hand luggage, packages with cargo, as well as transport.

The main qualities of people with the profession of a customs officer

Honest, responsible and scrupulously fulfilling their duties specialists should deal with the customs business.

The main requirements for customs officers are diligence, literacy, analytical mind, knowledge of foreign languages ​​and excellent health. In addition to these personal qualities include: high concentration, attentiveness, good memory, quick reaction, observation, discipline, good intuition and the ability to understand people.

A translator, a programmer, a psychologist, a lawyer, an economist, and a forensic specialist can be considered a real customs officer. All employees at the initial stage of service in the customs are required to study at the Institute for Advanced Studies and undergo retraining. And over time, experience comes to them (customs instinct).

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Before, we could only guess about how parcels are controlled at customs. Often, our things disappear at customs, parcels are delayed, and in general, the work of customs officers often raises a lot of questions. We, as average citizens, are only users of customs services and do not have access to information about the work of customs. However, things are different now. The veil of secrecy has been lifted thanks to an anonymous source directly related to the work of the customs terminal. How much you trust the following information is up to you. However, there is no smoke without fire. And at least for general knowledge, this article is interesting to read for everyone.
The specific address of the customs office, where the anonymous inspector works, will remain a secret, but the organization of work, which he described, is typical for all the main customs departments in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Here is what became known thanks to the revelations of a customs inspector working in one of the main branches of the customs system.

Customs structure

The functioning of customs (how successful, you judge) is ensured thanks to its structure. It consists of four workshops, each of which has its own specifics of work and its own type of parcels.
The first workshop is the EMS workshop. It checks parcels delivered by import from the express carrier EMS. Separately, in the next workshop, parcels imported from different countries are controlled. In the third workshop there are export sections, where EMS parcels are transferred to the “ball”, and the rest are released in another place of customs. In the fourth workshop, parcels of the smallest sizes, that is, small packages, are processed. Usually these are letters and various documentation. But, despite the fact that the parcels are small, the area of ​​​​the workshop itself has an impressive size, because. the number of "small parcels" is very large. So, for example, up to 10 thousand items can be produced from this workshop per shift.
Envelopes with letters, like other parcels, are also subject to mandatory customs inspection. This is done because they very often send not only paper, but also substances. The organization of the work of the shop for small packages differs from other shops in that envelopes and packages are not issued separately. They pass through the X-ray using a conveyor belt. If nothing prohibited is found in the envelope or package, the parcel is not detained at customs.

Working conditions, schedule and salary of customs officers

The activity of customs officers takes place in two shifts: from 8.00 to 20.00 and from 20.00 to 8.00. Customs carries out control around the clock, without stopping its work. In the main departments, about 20 people are involved in the shift, and this despite the fact that theoretically this number of employees cannot cope with the volume of work. Therefore, other inspectors are sent to help them from the regional offices. For this, they receive a bonus - $ 10-15, which, of course, does not cause much inspiration for work. They are dissatisfied with the arrival of their colleagues and the inspector from the main departments. They spend a lot of energy on training new employees whose business trips last only a month, but their efforts are not financially reimbursed. More precisely reimbursed, but a ridiculous amount.
The inspectors claim that they can cope with large volumes of work themselves, they just want a decent financial reward for this. And in fact, the effective work of inspectors is quite possible. After all, the norm of one customs inspector is to release 200 parcels per shift. But, according to customs officials, this norm is quite feasible and even overfulfillable. They can complete it in half a day. But it is clear that no one has a desire to work more than they should, if they do not pay extra for it.
The question should arise before the state: what to do in the current situation - to pay more or to rewrite the norms of output per shift? But this issue has not yet arisen, so it remains only to hope for the hard work of customs officers who will control as many parcels as is objectively possible. By the way, according to an anonymous source, customs officers do just that. They are interested in the great fruitfulness of their work no less than ordinary citizens. Therefore, the actual release rate per shift is about 300-350 parcels.
The EMS workshop employs 4 to 8 people per shift. During this time, they manage to release 1200-1300 parcels. Of course, there are many more shipments.
As it became known, the official salary of a customs inspector is $150. But bonuses and allowances are still added to it. They are always calculated, except when the employee was on sick leave. Thus, it turns out that the salaries of customs inspectors are as follows. A regular inspector gets $500, a senior inspector $700 and a chief inspector $850. In addition, inspectors receive vacation pay. Their number is calculated depending on the length of service. Radiologists, since they are engaged in hazardous work, are entitled to an additional 20-day vacation. But these are not all pleasant bonuses. There are also holiday and quarterly bonuses. They reach $300.
For customs control operators, the salary is calculated depending on the number of shifts worked. Operators mostly work 24 hours a day and it's a very difficult schedule. There is no rest, as such, because the free day is spent on sleep and on the road back and forth. Operators receive about $900 for their work in this mode.
For loaders, the schedule is even more difficult. To be honest, it's not at all clear how they can work like that. Their shift is 36 hours! Weekends are even shorter – 12-24 hours! They say that the loaders do not complain, because they generally work illegally. Allegedly, many of them do not even have passports and registration and live right at the customs office, almost never going out. The attitude towards these employees is, in principle, normal, although by and large, many do not even consider them to be people, treating them as a working tool. There are about 150-200 loaders working at customs, their salary is no more than $300.
By the way, there is also an administration at customs, but almost no one sees these people and they remain unknown to most employees.
At customs, there are special training courses, for example, training as a radiologist. To obtain a particular position, customs officers pass an exam.
As for the working conditions, we can say that they are satisfactory. The only problem is with Wi-Fi, because there are very few computers with Internet access at customs. Sometimes, in order to find out any information, an employee has to go to the computer through the entire workshop, the size of which, of course, is huge. Such a “campaign” takes a lot of time, and the parcels stagnate at that hour.

Discipline of customs officers

The organization of work of customs officers and their discipline are of a high level. Here they work not on trust, but on clear control. At the end of the shift, a large number of workers gather at the exit from the workshop, waiting for their turn for inspection. But in addition to every shift control, operators and loaders are inspected at each exit from the workshop! The security service is inspecting the property using a metal detector. Sometimes a member of the department's security service is present during the search. The possibility of collusion between employees and the security service is excluded, because the guards change regularly. In addition, in each workshop there are video cameras with a wide coverage of the territory. If an employee has been caught stealing or any other violation, the most severe measures are taken against him. There is also the possibility of criminal liability.
But, nevertheless, at their own peril and risk, customs officers still try to steal. Operators control inspectors and may ask them to let "too light" parcels pass. And this happens quite often - the package just arrived, and already empty.
Loaders also steal. They get caught stealing more often than other employees. Basically, they "take" for themselves valuable investments of small size: phones of the latest brands, expensive lighters, etc.
Operators have also been seen stealing. In general, many people want to play by their own rules. However, as for the inspectors, they have never been caught stealing - neither parcels nor attachments.

How is the control of parcels

If the inspector finds a prohibited cargo in the parcel, then a notification is sent about it or it is sent back. But by no means is it thrown away. If substances are found in the parcel, then the OBKN is called to customs.
What is interesting is that for each country it is possible to single out its own specifics of the goods, that is, what consumers order from there most often. And here are the main trading directions that can be identified.
USA. The states send us the most diverse goods, ranging from the most popular: clothing, electronics, cosmetics, ending with household goods and other household items. Everything comes from the USA, except substances. American parcels, as a rule, are issued quite quickly. Inspectors rarely inspect them. Basically they learn nesting with a declaration.
Germany. The Germans send us parcels with attachments that do not have a rich assortment. The most common cargo from there is electronics. They also send personal items. Often there is a delay in the customs of parcels from Germany. This is due to the fact that often there are problems with the translation of the German language. Customs officers are forced to use dictionaries or translators. Also, difficulties arise with declarations, which are very often filled out manually. It also happens that the parcel goes through customs with a copy of the declaration, and this, of course, affects the control process, slowing down its speed.
Great Britain. This country is not particularly surprising with its product, which, however, comes in the most diverse. The range is as follows: clothes, shoes, electronics. The currency indicated in the declaration is the pound sterling.
Japan. Against the background of other countries, Japan "pleases" customs officers not only with investments - documents, disks, sweets, clothes, but also with declarations and invoices. As a rule, they deliver customs officers a lot of trouble. A large number of parcels delivered from Japan are addressed to legal entities.
Taiwan. From Taiwan, almost every customs office, including Russian customs and Ukrainian customs, receives parcels with electronics. But it does not do without "surprises" - substances also come across. However, a completely different country is leading in the supply of substances. This is China.
China. China accounts for 90% of drug trafficking. That is why parcels delivered to customs from China are X-rayed in 99% of cases. Most parcels are inspected. According to cynologists, cases of detection of a potent substance (made in China) have become more and more frequent recently, smelling which a person dies in just three days. Allegedly, the Chinese thus want to reduce the number of our people.
In addition to substances, many other things also come from China. And the recipients are outraged why the parcel was detained at customs from China. Now it is possible that citizens who are waiting for a Chinese package and aware of the problems associated with substances will be a little more tolerant.
And if we continue the topic of substances, then we note that substances are found at customs quite often. So, for example, seven parcels with narcotic substances were once detected during a shift. Some parcels with substances are known to the OBKN in advance and employees of this service can monitor the movement of the parcel from another country. The OBKN does not have a definite and constantly repeating pattern of actions, each time they can act in a new way. For example, they delay some parcels immediately, while others can be allowed further and monitor their progress.
Italy. The country-boot at customs is known as a supplier of clothing. The contents of almost every parcel are precisely things for the wardrobe. Of these, 98% are the assortment of the Yoox online store. The confiscation of a pallet with Italian shipments will please the customs inspector most of all. And if you received a notification about your Italian parcel, then most likely its value exceeded the allowable customs value of your country. For Russia and Kazakhstan it is 1000 euros, for Ukraine - 300 euros, and for Belarus this cost is only 60 euros.
It should be noted that the cost of the parcel does not include delivery. Only the cost of the investment is taken into account. To identify users who repeatedly exceed the allowable customs value, customs officials use data from the PR. They don't have their own database. If you want your package to be missed, but at the same time underestimate its value, then at least do it believably. There are chances. But if you go too far, and the inspector opens your package, which reveals an invoice with the real value ... wait for a notification.

Inspection of attachments

As soon as the parcel is at customs, the inspector has the right to open it and inspect it, even if theoretically it does not contain dangerous or prohibited contents. The operator is engaged in opening and repackaging, the duties of the inspector include only inspection. If possible, the operator tries to pack the parcel so that it returns to its original form. A mandatory requirement for the operator is to maintain the integrity and integrity of investments, as well as to ensure the safety of further transportation. In a word, the parcel and its contents must reach the recipient without any damage. When the courier brings the parcel, the recipient is advised not to sign for its receipt until he carefully examines it.
If the parcel came to you damaged, how can you find out who is to blame - customs or the carrier? Everything is quite simple. Customs inspectors have two types of designations, or rather colored tape. Its color is the determinant. If the parcel is pasted over with red tape, it means that it was inspected at customs. If you find green tape and the parcel is damaged, it means that the carrier is to blame and the customs officers did not touch it. Inspectors do not use transparent adhesive tape, so if you find it on the parcel, this indicates that it was most likely pasted by the sender, who is worried about the safety of the attachment.
Very often you can hear the question: if a small hole is found in the received parcel, into which even a hand cannot fit, and at the same time all the contents are in place, can we assume that the parcel was inspected inside? The answer to this question is that if there is no red tape on the parcel, then the parcel was not inspected at customs. But on such a parcel there should be a green adhesive tape, and an act on damage and a possible difference in weight (serving and actual) should also be attached.
Parcels sent for export are always scanned at customs. Each parcel is checked.​

Forbidden attachments

The most famous prohibited attachment is a weapon. And parcels with it, of course, in most cases, will be sent "for notification." Weapon parts are also prohibited for transportation. However, both the weapon and the details for it are different, as well as the attitude of the inspectors towards them. Some inspectors indiscriminately stop parcels with apparently prohibited attachments, while others pay attention to the origin and purpose of the weapon (or its parts). So, for example, the sight can be for a sniper rifle, or maybe for a hunting weapon. If the inspector sees that the weapon or its part is not dangerous, then, as a rule, he misses the package. But some inspectors, not wanting to figure out what and why, simply stop such parcels. And they have the right to do so, because by and large the inspector cannot understand all types of attachments, for this he uses expertise, phytocontrol, etc. The parcel is all the more sent for notification if the origin of the attachment is in doubt, for example, if there is no factory packaging, marking, and if the status of the parcel is difficult to determine.
But if the inspector absolutely cannot distinguish an ordinary toy from a dangerous cargo, and stops your parcel or, even “better”, sends it back, write a complaint against such an inspector. He should be punished, and the package should be sent to you.
They stop at customs and send parcels with dishes and other things from the Wehrmacht “for notification”. The recipient must individually explain the status of the package.
If you are going to receive a package that contains a box of cigars, be sure that the inspectors will pay attention to both the size of the box and its appearance. No matter how hard you try to outwit the customs officers, you most likely will not succeed. Neither filling out the declaration with a false attachment, let alone an honest one, will save your package from x-rays, and you, accordingly, from notification. The parcel will be opened, a description will be made and it will be sent back.
On the list of prohibited goods, it is worth mentioning that there is not a single mention of any prohibited brands in it. Well, except that these brands belong to prohibited goods. But there is, for example, a list of things that cannot be considered goods for personal use and this should also be taken into account.
As soon as the parcel has arrived at the customs control of the inspector, it undergoes X-ray control. If nothing prohibited is found in the parcel, then, in general, there are almost no delays. If the X-ray found a prohibited attachment or a trading lot in the parcel, then the parcel is either sent back or goes “for notification”.

Delayed parcels at customs

Parcel at customs may spend different time. It can be examined very quickly, or it can be delayed for 2-3 days. How quickly a package clears customs depends on many factors. For example.
1) Invoice content.
The speed of work of inspectors depends on how the sender filled out the invoice. For example, if the parcel contains 50 pairs of socks, it is not necessary to write each pair separately on the invoice. Write that your parcel contains 1 set of 50 pairs of socks. If it was bought at a discount in some online store, even better. So write it down. This will lull the inspectors' vigilance, and they will not inspect every pair of socks. In a word, it is better to include the quantity of goods in the name, and in the quantity already indicate how many sets you have. Such filling will significantly speed up the verification time. Even if you have, for example, 5 different t-shirts, but of the same brand and the same size, list them as a set, indicating that it is one piece, but it contains five t-shirts. The only thing you should not do when filling out the declaration is to use the word "gift" for the name of the attachment. Parcels with such an attachment are sent for X-ray.
If your parcel was stopped due to the fact that they took it for a consignment, then most likely, in fact, it is such. Don't order ten identical bags, but order several and different ones. Then you won't have any problems.
2) Workshop workload
There are different situations at customs. Including those when the number of parcels is huge and customs officers cannot cope with all shipments. It also happens that the parcel is waiting for its turn for 2-3 days. Sometimes it is impossible to get into the workshop - the whole room is filled with pallets.
Despite the fact that the parcel may be delayed at customs due to the workload of the workshop, it is impossible to lose the parcel in the workshop. Pallets move around the shop all the time. Some are sent to customs, others to transit, others to return, and others to shipment. Therefore, the package cannot get lost somewhere in the corner and go unnoticed by loaders (or operators).
By the way, the track number, which is provided to the recipient for tracking the parcel, is issued by the carrier. Customs does not do this.
3) Sending country
As noted above, each country has its own specific product. And it is the type of attachments sent from a particular country that affects the speed of the work of inspectors. That is, when checking, for example, parcels from China, Pakistan, Thailand, Germany, the inspector works slowly, because he carefully examines all attachments. If parcels from Italy and the USA are checked, then the work, of course, goes an order of magnitude faster.
4) The work of customs officers
Loaders at customs are different, they have different working capacity and speed of work. Their pace of work is especially noticeable in the EMS shop, where they need to deliver pallets to the operator.
The operator, alone or together with the loader, disassembles the pallets, taking out the declarations from all the parcels in order to hand them over to the inspector. Thus, the speed of the entire customs system depends on the speed of its individual components, that is, loaders, operators and inspectors.
In general, summing up the work capacity of the customs, we can say that it copes with the volume of shipments. Thanks to the desire of the inspectors to exceed the norm (200 parcels), customs releases up to 400 parcels per shift.​

How to assert your rights

If there are not enough things in your package, then you can determine which inspector was involved in the release. On the declaration you can find his personal seal. Also in the parcel there must be an act of actual investment with a description. This act must be signed by the inspector and the operator. With evidence in the form of official documentation in hand, write a complaint and expect a response.
There is a special group at customs, whose duties include consideration of complaints from citizens. Therefore, write a complaint if you think that your rights have been violated - your parcel was delayed or its contents were spoiled (stolen).
In most cases, the truth should remain with you, because customs officials are interested in exhausting the conflict as soon as possible. But if the situation is completely uncontrollable and you cannot get justice, write a complaint addressed to the president. Customs officers are very afraid of this. And if your complaint reaches its destination, and the actions of the customs officers are interpreted as an offense, they will be fired in accordance with the current legislation. Know that the presidential administration is the highest authority capable of influencing the activities of the customs services.
Remember, the most important thing in dealing with customs is not to communicate with them verbally. All your negotiations must be in writing - this is the only way you can get any result. And be sure that if customs officers have violated their authority, they will be held accountable.

Considering prestigious professions, many yesterday's schoolchildren study the Internet and ask friends. Nowadays, customs officers, along with the military and the police, are the guarantor of the protection of the Motherland from criminals and drugs. That is why the question "customs - what kind of profession" is so interesting to many.

Wikipedia suggests that a customs officer is a person endowed with state powers to control people and goods crossing the border, as well as to monitor the timely payment of state duty and customs duty.

In Russia, the first mention of customs dates back to the 17th century. Then in every city there was such a service, which was led by the head elected by the people. Employees were subordinate to him, whose position was called "kissers", in our time these are customs inspectors. In the 18th century, Peter I introduced the position of controller, and the manager began to be called oberzollner.

In those days, they still did not understand what kind of profession it really was, how dangerous and unpredictable it was.

From ancient times, customs was considered expensive for the elite. It is not easy for “mere mortals” to get into the sphere where fabulous sums of money sometimes rotate and there is an opportunity to make useful contacts.

Becoming a graduate of a university in the field of customs does not mean that the student will immediately take a high position. They usually start with the position of ordinary employees. Career growth provides for obtaining the position of a senior customs inspector or head of a department. If you make a brilliant career in this field, you can even take the chair of the head of the state apparatus. However, inexorable statistics show that more than 90% of specialists occupy the position of a simple inspector throughout their work in the customs industry.

Duties of a customs officer

The main duties of a representative of the profession include:

  • paperwork;
  • collection of customs fees and duties;
  • conducting personal searches of citizens when crossing the border;
  • checking cargo at customs posts, in areas of airports and railway stations;
  • confiscation of items prohibited for transportation abroad and importation into the country;
  • timely and prompt detection of contraband;
  • investigation of offenses related to the competence of customs.

This profession implies several narrow specialties, which include: a passport control officer, a checkpoint employee, an employee of the department and others. Knowing who can work after graduation and who cannot, future customs officers choose a faculty and specialty before submitting documents to an educational institution.

Duties of a customs officer

The main areas of activity in the field of customs affairs are as follows:

  • Clearance of goods or vehicles at customs means weighing the transported items, transporting them, filling out accompanying documents.
  • Customs and currency control - the commission by a civil servant of actions performed to verify that persons comply with the established rules for the transit of goods. These can be individuals or legal entities, and the list of goods contains not only goods, but also vehicles, currency, jewelry. Such control is carried out by checking the documents of everyone who crosses the border or leaves the country. If a customs officer is concerned about something, he has the right to conduct a thorough inspection of the cargo, as well as a personal search of the person leaving / entering. If information is received that goods that do not comply with customs rules and are contrary to law are stored in a warehouse or in any other room, they are also subject to inspection. This event is not limited in time.
  • Operational-search activity is a set of measures, the purpose of which is to prevent the phenomena of the importation of drugs, terrorism, illicit trafficking in firearms and other types of weapons. The specialist necessarily cooperates with other power units whose competence includes such actions. He must provide information obtained in the course of work to the federal authorities upon request.

Useful video: specialty "Customs"

Who can be a customs officer

Citizens of the Russian Federation who are able to perform their duties, based on acceptable business and personal qualities, can work at customs. If a candidate is appointed for the first time, in some regions they are placed on probation for a maximum of one year.

Note! Customs officers are assigned a title corresponding to the position. They must wear a uniform that distinguishes them from other non-departmental employees.

Customs officers are protected by the state, citizens must comply with all their requirements unquestioningly. Otherwise, they can use firearms, physical force and other means of confrontation legally. Customs officers cannot combine work in this area and business activities.


Who is suitable for this profession

The profession of a customs officer is mostly routine, not providing for the realization of the creative inclinations of the individual. In some cases, such work can be dangerous and even boring, but it always remains very responsible. The state entrusts the protection of security, in particular its economic component, to the customs officer. The “disease of the 21st century” at customs is corruption, ignoring by specialists of their direct duties and a lack of competent employees.

The duties of customs officers include meeting trains, checking documents for compliance with international and Russian legislation. Often in this industry, cynologists who train dogs for the timely detection of prohibited goods, in particular drugs, are in demand.

Take note! Whether the profession of a customs officer is suitable for a girl is hard to say. If she is ready to take on a huge responsibility and put up with an irregular work schedule, she will be happy to take on any position after a certain check. According to statistics, in this area a small percentage of women - about 35%.

Girls customs officers

Important personal qualities for work

Thinking about whether it is worth going to work in the customs service, you need to soberly assess your strengths and capabilities. The profession of a customs officer is associated with a risk to life and health, it leaves an imprint on the personality of an employee. The psychology of a customs officer is complex; full-fledged work requires a high level of patriotism, honesty and integrity. There are frequent cases when they try to bribe a customs officer, and only a person whose principles do not allow betraying his homeland can refuse a large sum.

Among the mandatory personal qualities of an employee are:

  • quick reaction to danger;
  • observation;
  • diplomacy;
  • sociability;
  • punctuality;
  • developed intuition;
  • high level of stress resistance;
  • the ability to organize a large flow of information.

Particular attention is paid to intuition. It is not always possible to check a huge flow of people in a certain period of time. In this case, you need to intuitively feel whether a person is carrying a prohibited load, evaluate the signals of his body, tension or relaxation at a distance.

Training of specialists

Advantages of the profession of a customs officer

Any customs officer speaks of the extreme importance of his profession. He equates himself with a military defense officer, guarding the security of the country. It is difficult to argue with this statement: the economic security of the state is often based on customs officers. They prevent the importation of drugs that corrupt the population, block the passages for smugglers.

Among the advantages of the profession are:

  • high demand in any region;
  • solid salaries;
  • benefits (large pension and the ability to retire early);
  • the acquisition of such personal qualities as a penchant for analytics and a good memory.

In the service, you can acquire a large amount of knowledge. Even if a specialist leaves the position before he retires, he can apply for a good job that is not related to this area. With such a base, you can work as security managers, getting very good money.

the customs post

Negative aspects of the profession of a customs officer

There are also a lot of disadvantages in this case, these include:

  • constant discomfort associated with strong psychological pressure on the personality of a customs officer in the performance of his duties (by unscrupulous citizens);
  • high staff turnover, especially at checkpoints;
  • high level of corruption;
  • constant stress and lack of sleep;
  • irregular working hours;
  • deterioration of health due to prolonged depression and neuroses.

Where to enter

Only strong personalities who realize themselves to the maximum and do not lose their human appearance under the influence of financial temptations can go into this profession. Many applicants for a position in this field are interested in , where to get professional education.

Useful video: reviews of students of the specialty "Customs"


Customs students study in many higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation. SibFU (Siberian Federal University), which produces competent employees, has proven itself well. You can get acquainted with the areas of activity of specialists on the official website of the university. It trains customs officers who can resist corruption, are familiar with the psychology of a criminal, and can identify him by a combination of external signs.

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