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The food delivery service in New York is an opportunity to quickly, easily and without much effort and time to enjoy fresh and delicious dishes from a variety of cafes and restaurants in the city, if you do not have a desire to visit. For some, the food delivery service is new, someone has been using it for many years, but the fact remains: home delivery of food in New York is convenient and beneficial for most citizens, regardless of their income level or social status. When ordering food with home delivery, you can always choose a delivery service for yourself and a menu that is suitable both in terms of taste and price.

This service is most relevant among those who spend most of the day at work and cannot or do not want to dine in a restaurant or with food brought from home. As practice shows, food delivery to the office is much more convenient for employees of firms and organizations than visiting the nearest cafeteria or other institution. Catering. By ordering lunches in Brooklyn, a person saves himself from having to look for empty restaurants, and at lunchtime this is very difficult; stand in line and choose dishes from what is on the restaurant menu. You can order food at any time, calculating how much it will be delivered, and the food will be delivered exactly at the beginning of lunch, which will allow you to enjoy fresh and tasty dishes without having to heat them up in the microwave. Thus, all its qualities are preserved and usefulness is not lost.

Food delivery in Brooklyn

Food delivery in Brooklyn is no less popular among those who, for whatever reason, cannot or do not want to cook on their own. By ordering food at home, you can quickly feed the whole family and even guests with any dishes, regardless of your cooking skills. The home delivery service will make it possible to forget about eating semi-finished products forever, as well as exclude cooking from the list of your daily tasks, thereby freeing up several hours of your time, which can be spent with much greater benefit. This service useful in most different situations: if guests unexpectedly arrive at your house, if a reason for celebration suddenly appears in your house, or if certain ingredients have run out at home, but you don’t want to go anywhere today. And parents who are forced to leave their children at home for the whole day can no longer worry about what their child eats.

Food delivery for cooking in New York

However, if you want and know how to cook, it is possible to order groceries at home in New York. This service is different in that not the ready-made meals themselves are delivered to the house, but the products for their preparation. The service is useful for those who know perfectly well what they will eat, but at the same time do not want to collect a basket in the supermarket on their own, and then carry several packages of groceries home. After all, it is known that even with a small family of three or four people, a weekly grocery shopping can turn into hard labor, since food often takes all hands, and you have to drive them home by car. It is much easier in this case to voice the names of the products that you need and in the near future to take them at the doorstep of the house, thereby saving strength, time, nerves and, possibly, even money. In addition, by ordering groceries at home, you can eliminate the risk of purchasing low-quality or expired products, which, unfortunately, are found even in famous supermarkets and grocery stores.

Home delivery of food in New York is fast and profitable

Why should you use a listing directory when ordering food, rather than the website of any particular store or food supplier? It's quite simple: the ad catalog offers a much larger range of products and prepared food than any hypermarket or reputable restaurant with a rich menu. The ad directory includes a wide variety of companies, some of which offer unique or rare dishes, which is especially true for gourmets or people who love variety in food. You should not ignore the savings factor: using the ad catalog you can find the most favorable prices for certain products. This opportunity will certainly be useful for large families in order to reduce the budget for food, but at the same time maintain the usual menu and mealtime routine.

Remember, home delivery service is modern way delicious and healthy to eat, even without going out and not knowing how to cook the simplest dishes.

23.10.18 55 509 61

How to open and ruin a business, and then bring it to a plus

Friends from Yaroslavl launched a food delivery service, but after 10 months the project was on the verge of collapse.

Victor Sikirin

spoke to the owner of the food delivery service

Vlad went out of business, and then restarted it with a new partner. Now the service brings them 120 thousand rubles a month.

Why food delivery

At the end of 2016, Vlad and his friend Nikolai decided to launch a restaurant-level ready-to-eat meal delivery business. They saw such services in Moscow.

In Yaroslavl, only two local companies worked on the delivery market at that time. Vlad and Kolya did not like their services: the food was offered tasteless and the service was not popular.

Vlad tried to lose weight and knows how difficult it is to eat right on his own: you need to calculate the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, buy food and cook. So he offered to solve the pains of fellow customers like him and deliver healthy, restaurant-quality meals.

The guys were guided by people who have no time or are too lazy to calculate calories, and then cook. In all dishes, the caloric content and the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates are calculated. There are no fried and fatty foods on the menu: everything is steamed, baked or boiled, without sugar and with a minimum of salt.

First launch for 240 000 R

In a few days, Vlad and Kolya found a 40 m² room with a kitchen at Avito for 25 thousand rubles a month. It had all the necessary communications and furniture. The only thing missing was the equipment. 85 thousand rubles were spent on it.

At the same time, they made a website and hired a cook with a nutritionist, who were also found through Avito. For 2 evenings, Vlad and Kolya came up with a menu of 70 dishes: they looked at the experience of other services, took into account the cost and listened to the advice of a nutritionist and a chef. Tested recipes at home in the kitchen.

30 000 R

spent Vlad and Kolya on the online cash register

For the first 2 weeks, food was cooked in our own dishes, then we bought a new one for 15 thousand rubles from the turnover. The rest was bought gradually: meat grinders, a blender, graters, a core cutter for apples, a waffle iron, an air grill, a juicer, openers, a stone remover, a form for laying food and baking, a coffee grinder - to grind nuts in it.

Entrepreneurs invested 5,000 rubles in targeted advertising and connected an online cash register for 30,000 rubles. Vlad and Kolya did not think that people would actively order food from an unknown service, but in two weeks they collected 200 thousand rubles. The amount was enough for the purchase of food, dishes, some equipment and the first salaries of the team.

To start, you need to notify the opening of Rospotrebnadzor. The institution must prepare documents and permits, comply with sanitary and fire regulations. Within 3 years, inspectors can come at any time and demand documents. For 2 years of work, no one reached the entrepreneurs. In the corner of the buyer there is a book of reviews and suggestions, the texts of the laws "On the Protection of Consumer Rights", "On the Protection legal entities”, rules for trade and provision of services, and sanitary and epidemiological requirements.

Employees who come into contact with products need health books. Entrepreneurs hired experienced chefs who already had them.

Delivery earned 3 weeks after the start.

Launch costs - 240,000 R

Staff salary

90 000 R

Kitchen equipment

85 000 R

IP registration and online cash desk

35 000 R

Premises for rent

25 000 R

5000 R

Something went wrong

A month later, the owner announced that he would rent the premises to another entrepreneur who offered a higher price. For Vlad, this was a lesson - you need to conclude a long-term lease for at least a year in order to insure yourself against such cases. They didn’t fight for a place - they decided to look for a bigger option to accommodate both the kitchen and the office.

The menu turned out to be poorly balanced: customers complained about the taste, quality of products and recipes. After trying the service for a week, they didn't order delivery again.

Entrepreneurs did not keep financial records. Half of the items on the menu earned nothing: the ingredients were too expensive. For example, Kolya wanted to add more shrimp to the menu, but spending on them ate up almost all of his weekly profit. Vlad insisted that shrimp can be replaced with chicken - it is cheaper, but the calorie content is the same.

Contradictions and management errors accumulated, and customers continued to refuse the company's services. Since March 2017, the project went into the red, and Vlad went out of business.

After 10 months of work, "Everything is ready" had only 20 customers and losses.

Second launch for 650,000 R

After leaving the business, Vlad met Denis, an experienced entrepreneur and owner of a restaurant, several shops and industries.

They learned that Kolya was selling "Everything is ready" for debts. In October 2017, Denis bought the business for 350 thousand rubles - Nikolai owed this amount to suppliers and friends. Vlad and Denis went to: brand, technology, premises, marketing channels and menu.

Entrepreneurs hired an administrator, a sales manager, a buyer and couriers. On optional equipment, furniture, marketing and a new website spent another 300 thousand rubles.

Premises and renovation

Vlad and Denis started in the premises, where the service “Vse is ready” moved during the first launch. There has never been a kitchen - it had to be customized to meet the requirements of catering organizations.

To save money, Vlad did almost all the work himself: he installed a hood, plumbing in the kitchen, made a dry warehouse for storing non-perishable products, and tiled the walls in the kitchen.

62 000 R

spent Vlad and Denis on repairs

Commercial kitchen equipment draws more current than home appliances. For example, an oven works without interruption for 8 hours - an ordinary household network will not stand it, everything will overheat in it, close and the work of the entire kitchen will stop. I had to change the wiring, and they also made it so that each device worked independently of the others. Now, if something burns out, the equipment will simply be plugged into another outlet. The calculation and plan of individual wiring from an electrician cost 15 thousand rubles. Friends helped with the work.

Repair - 62 000 R

Hood components

20 000 R

wiring plan

15 000 R

Dry warehouse

10 000 R

Wiring materials

5000 R


5000 R

Tiles in the kitchen

4000 R

Hood installation project

3000 R


The premises include a kitchen, warehouse and office.

Every month, Vlad asks employees what to buy. For example, there is not enough pan and you have to work for an hour and a half longer - that means they buy it. The manager is in charge of shopping. 10 thousand rubles a month are allocated for spending. They are cumulative: everything that is not spent this month can be used next, and vice versa. If you bought something for 9 thousand rubles in May, then in June you can spend 11 thousand rubles. But if you had to spend 15 thousand rubles in July, then in August only 5 thousand will remain for modernization. This is convenient - you can clearly plan expenses and not go beyond the budget.

5000 R

spends on household goods and hygiene products per month

Another 5,000 is spent every month on household goods: detergents, personal hygiene products for cooks and cleaners, shoe covers, gloves, hats, slippers and sponges.

The new refrigerator cost 40 thousand rubles. Entrepreneurs decided to save money and took 3 refrigerators restored after repair for this money. One broke right away. The guys returned it together with another, still working, paid 5,000 rubles extra and bought a new one - it's more reliable. Now the kitchen has 4 refrigerators and 1 chest freezer.

Save money on furniture. For example, new stainless steel cutting tables cost 3000-5000 rubles apiece. Vlad bought 5 used for 10 thousand. For two days he laundered, cleaned, collected and polished them, but he saved 15 thousand rubles.

Furniture, appliances and utensils for the kitchen - 157 000 R

3 refrigerators, used36 000 R
2 convection ovens for baking, new26 000 R
Freezer for frozen food, new20 000 R
Blenders, mixer, steamer, air grill, coffee grinder, juicer, waffle iron, new20 000 R
Crockery: knives, pots, bowls and small things, new15 000 R
2 sinks (one for dishes, another for ingredients), new14 000 R
5 stainless steel cutting tables, used10 000 R
Racks and shelves, used10 000 R
Delivery of equipment, movers5000 R
Package sealer1000 R

3 refrigerators, used

36 000 R

2 convection ovens for baking, new

26 000 R

Freezer for frozen food, new

20 000 R

Blenders, mixer, steamer, air grill, juicer, coffee grinder, waffle iron, new

20 000 R

Crockery: knives, pots, bowls and small things, new

15 000 R

2 sinks (one for dishes, another for ingredients), new

14 000 R

5 stainless steel cutting tables, used

10 000 R

Racks and shelves, used

10 000 R

Delivery of equipment, movers

5000 R

Package sealer

1000 R

Furniture and equipment for the office - 71 000 R

2 laptops

30 000 R

Safe for money and documents

20 000 R

3 tables and chairs

15 000 R

5000 R


1000 R

Menu and products

The menu is developed jointly by the chef, nutritionist and Vlad. The nutritionist calculates the calorie content and nutritional value, the chef comes up with the recipe, and Vlad thinks it's cost-effective.

Before the restart, there was a single menu for a week without options - 1200 kilocalories of three meals a day. Clients didn't like it: some wanted less, some more. Now “Everything is ready” has 13 menu options: taking into account the calorie content, the number of meals, the duration of the program and the days of the week.

If the client does not know what he needs to choose for the goal, he can consult with a nutritionist for free on the Internet. Often they make up an individual menu: for example, one client does not eat chicken - beef is put in the dish instead.

Twice a year, ready-made meals must be handed over to the sanitary and epidemiological supervision to check for compliance with the standards.

It is important that the finished products look like in the photo. This is monitored by the administrator and Vlad himself. Sometimes dozens of servings are thrown out and remade due to their inconsistency appearance reference. If you do not redo, you can lose customers.

The margin on products is 45%, but entrepreneurs want to bring it up to 50%. The minimum cost of 3 meals for 800 kilocalories per day is 3000 rubles per week. Maximum - for 5 meals for 2000 kilocalories per day. A week will cost 8680 rubles, a month - 33 thousand. More often, customers order an option with 1200 kilocalories and 5 meals on weekdays. It costs 6510 rubles per week.

3000 R

costs the cheapest set of dinners for 800 kilocalories per day


3 cooks, 2 cleaning assistants, a nutritionist, an administrator, a purchaser, 7 couriers and a director - Vlad work in "Vse is ready". Denis does not have a clear position - he is engaged strategic management and corrects the work of the team.

The work shift starts at 13:00 and ends at 22:00. 2 cooks and 1 assistant work in the shift. During the day, chefs prepare lunches for tomorrow, pack them and leave them in the refrigerator until morning. If the chefs do not have time to prepare orders before 22:00, they are paid for a taxi to their homes. This happens several times a month. Overtime work paid extra.

The administrator receives calls and communicates with customers. He draws up a map of orders for tomorrow, maintains internal documents (acts of write-off, purchases) and monitors the expiration date of products. The administrator also monitors the health of the staff and every morning checks for rashes or cuts on the skin of workers.

The buyer is responsible for the suppliers. He orders products, monitors their quality, works with documents and checks licenses. Each delivery of vegetables and fruits is checked for the presence of nitrates. If they are more than the norm, the products are returned to the supplier for replacement - this item is also spelled out in the contract. This happens 4-5 times a month. Then the buyer himself goes to buy products in a store or market. Vse is ready has 6 large suppliers and dozens of small ones - shops and markets.

Staff salary for August 2018 excluding taxes

80,000-150,000 R (90 R per point, including gasoline costs)

55 000 R (130 R / hour)


36 000 R

Cook assistants

19 000 R (90 R / hour)


19 000 R


12 000 R

Packing and shipping

At first, the packaging was purchased in Moscow. They were cardboard containers with plastic inserts that constantly leaked. Each cost 18 rubles.

After the restart, cardboard containers were replaced with plastic ones from the Yaroslavl supplier - they are airtight and do not leak. One piece costs 7 rubles. A full set of packaging for 5 dishes with a menu and stickers, designed for a day, costs 30-40 rubles.

In the morning, couriers come for orders and deliver them from 6 to 11 am.

So far, "Everything is ready" does not work with payment through the site. You can pay for the order only with a courier - in cash or by card through the terminal. At the first order, the client pays the full cost of meals for one or two weeks or a month.

Clients and Marketing

80% of clients are women aged 28 to 45. They have an average or high income, they care about their health, they want to lose weight and save time.

Our former compatriot based in Chicago works for Uber Eats. The guy told what it is and how much a courier can earn on food delivery.

I work through mobile applications, has repeatedly shown you what it is. Basically, of course, this is Uber Eats - an application through which any user can order food delivery from a restaurant or the delivery of any small package, for example, give a jacket to a friend that he forgot. Yes, it is easier for Americans to pay for delivery than to go somewhere.

On the screen of the phone, the money earned in a week in Uber Eats: $ 1,296.2 (74,000 rubles). The system works very simply: you register and start, in fact, to work. You work when it's convenient for you, as much as you want, you arrange lunch for yourself when it's convenient. The application has a list of orders indicating the start and end points, you choose the order that is convenient for you and start fulfilling it. You can walk, ride a bike, scooter, etc. I took a used bike for $30 (1,700 rubles) and have absolutely no complaints.

As you can see, on Monday I earned the most, on Tuesday I worked quite a bit, on Wednesday I took a day off. The next week continued more steadily.

Trip Earnings - earnings from trips at the usual rate, Tip - tips (well, where without them in the States?), Sometimes they give in cash. The most interesting item is Promotions. This is earnings due to increasing delivery cost factors (for example, when it rains like a bucket or sleet with a strong wind) and promotions ala "complete 5 more orders and we will send $ 20".

To be honest, on average working week it turns out 100 dollars less than on the screen for the period February 19-26.

materials are taken from open sources

The second birthplace of pizza after Italy is America, although Americans are sure that the popularity of pizza is solely their merit. What the Italian expatriates who have opened their shops and pizzerias in Boston, New York or Chicago have really succeeded in is pizza delivery in America. One of the first take-away pizzas was the pizzerias Sbarro, Papa John's, Pizza Hut and Domino's Pizza. We all know and love their products well, even though they are so different.

The way America loves pizza is not loved in any country in the world. On the Internet, you can find many sites that combine network and single pizzerias in each city. The most popular and convenient pizza delivery search engine in America is By the way, there is not only pizza, but also sushi, burgers, barbecue, American and Mexican food, pancakes and coffee - all with delivery anywhere in the city. Enter the address into the search bar on the main page, select pizza from the food categories, the price level in the menu and click "find restaurants".

1. New York

There are more than 1,000 restaurants in New York with ready-made food delivery, of which almost a fifth offer Italian cuisine. Pizza delivery in America is free, the minimum order amount in different cafes starts from $8. For example, Papa John's Pizzeria in New York has a menu of 12 pizzas starting at $8.99. Shipping starts from $10. There is a pickup service, which in a more familiar expression is called take-away. Of course, when buying a pickup pizza, there is no minimum order amount.

2. Los Angeles

More than 300 restaurants in Los Angeles have their own staff of couriers and prepare take-away food. About 50 delivery services specialize in pizza. Many pizzerias won't take orders below $20. If you can pick up your order yourself, there is no minimum amount. Pizzerias that only work for pickup:

  1. pizzeria Casa Nostra (average pizza preparation time is half an hour; Margarita - $ 14; the menu has a lot of salads, pasta and hot chicken),
  2. pizzeria Hard Times Pizza (Pizza Margherita - $ 12.25, Caesar salad - only $ 3; a large selection of salads, pasta, snacks; the order is prepared from 10 minutes to half an hour),
  3. Sbarro Pizzeria (there is a night and day menu; pizza is sold in slices, but it is possible to order one pizza as a whole; a slice of branded New York pizza costs $ 3.29).

3. Boston

In the homeland of Sbarro, there are no problems with pizza delivery now, not like half a century ago. Most of Boston's pizzerias don't deliver pizza, but they can make it for you to take away. Cappy's Pizza & Subs pizzeria has its own delivery service. Delivery time is 45-60 minutes. Margherita pizza costs $ 11.99.

American food home delivery

It is generally accepted that American food is synonymous with junk food. But with our company you will discover the cuisine of a distant continent from a completely different angle. For example, try scalding Mexican dishes: fajitas and burritos, tostados and quesadillas. And you will find out that the lion's share of the menu in the capital's American cuisine restaurants is occupied by grilled vegetables and completely dietary salads.

But the main thing in American cuisine is, of course, incredibly tasty, juicy, properly fried steaks! Only for the sake of them you can once and for all abandon the usual fast food. However, if you are not yet ready for such feats, Deliverykin Express couriers will bring you good old hamburgers or sandwiches, french fries and crispy chicken nuggets for lunch or lunch. In any case, you will be full, because everyone knows that American cuisine restaurants can compete in the size of portions only with hospitable Russian hostesses.


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