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Holiday script for children in kindergarten

The scenario of the autumn matinee in kindergarten for children 5-7 years old "Autumn Festival"

Molchanova Lyubov Pavlovna, educator of the State Budgetary Institution of the Republic of Arts "RC for children with disabilities", Sayanogorsk

Targets and goals: create a festive mood and emotional upsurge in children Expand knowledge about the signs of autumn, show the uniqueness and significance of autumn gifts for a person. Cultivate a love for nature


If the leaves on the trees turn yellow,

If birds have flown to a distant land,

If the sky is gloomy, if the rain is pouring -

This season is called autumn


Autumn has come, our garden has turned yellow,

The leaves on the birch burn with gold

Autumn paints groves and forests with gold,

Red and yellow wind tears the leaves,

Spinning, spinning in the air, a motley round dance


The sun is warm, the rain is pouring,

vegetables grow and ripen faster,

green cucumber, red tomato.

start an intelligent and serious argument.

Vegetables come out, the Vegetable Queen comes out with them.

scene "Vegetable Dispute".

Vegetable queen:

Which of you from vegetables is more useful and necessary.

Who with all diseases will be more useful to everyone?

Polka dots jumped out, well, a braggart!

Polka dots:

I'm such a good little green boy!

If I want, I'll treat everyone with peas

Queen: Blushing from resentment, the beets grumbled

Beet (important):

Let me say a word

Listen first:

Need beets for borscht

And for the vinaigrette.

Eat yourself and treat -

There is no better beetroot!

Cabbage (interrupting):

You beet, shut up!

Shchi is cooked from cabbage!

And how delicious

Cabbage pies!

Rogue Bunnies

They love stalks.

I will treat the guys

Sweet stalk.

Cucumber (fervently):

You will be very pleased

Eating a pickled cucumber!

And a fresh cucumber

Everyone will love it, of course!

Crunchy, crunchy...

I can treat you

Carrot (coquettishly):

The story about me is not long.

Who doesn't know vitamins?

Drink always carrot juice and gnaw

carrot -

Will you then, my friend, strong,

strong, smart!

Vegetable queen: Here the tomato puffed up and said sternly:


Don't talk, carrot, nonsense.

Shut up a little!

The most delicious and pleasant

And, of course, tomato juice! (pats stomach)

Lots of vitamins here.

Everyone loves to drink it!

I am the spice in every dish

And always helpful to people.

I am not your enemy, but only a friend,

And I'm just called - onion


I am a potato so modest

She didn't say a word.

But everyone needs potatoes:

Both big and small.

Vegetable queen: It's time to end the dispute, it's useless to argue!

A knock is heard at the door. Vegetables crouch on the floor in fright.

Onion: Someone seems to be knocking.

Aibolit enters.

Potatoes: This is Dr. Aibolit!


Well, of course it's me.

What are you arguing, friends?

Vegetable queen:

Which of us, from vegetables,

All tastier and all the more necessary?

Who in all diseases

Will it be better for everyone?


To be healthy and strong

Gotta love vegetables

All without exception!

There is no doubt about it.

In each there is a benefit and a taste,

And I can't decide

Which one of you is tastier

Which one of you is more important.

Where are the sick?

Leading: What are you, what are you, our children are healthy!

Aibolit: So, I got into trouble, mixed up the address.

Where did I get to? (Pulls out letter from pocket)

Who will read? And I can't find glasses (Glasses on forehead)

Leading: Shh one minute, where the letter, the guys will read.

The child reads "We invite you to the autumn holiday"

Leading: Doctor, you came to us for a holiday, we invited. Our vegetables were arguing, ah, you judged them, thank you.

Aibolit: How glad I am that everyone is healthy, And you are ready to solve riddles


The whole summer tried -

Dressed up, dressed up

and how autumn came,

She gave us clothes.

A hundred clothes

We put it in a barrel. (cabbage)


The orange root sits underground,

it stores a lot of vitamins,

Helps kids become healthier

What kind of vegetable is this? (carrot)

Grass above the ground

Burgundy head underground (beet).

The grandfather is sitting in a hundred fur coats,

Who undresses him

He sheds tears (onion)

She is the queen of all vegetables,

Proud of his size.

Looks like a melon from afar

On the red ball is huge too (pumpkin)

It happens, children, different -

Yellow, herbal and red.

Now he is burning, then he is sweet,

You need to know his habits.

And in the kitchen - the head of spices! (pepper)

On the bushes of hothouse red fruits,

Fat, pot-bellied, do you recognize them?

How big berries hang on branches

Eagerly asking for a vegetable salad (tomatoes)

In the summer - in the garden,

fresh, green,

And in winter - in the bank

Strong, salty. (cucumbers)

Leading: And now we will play together with the Queen and Aibolit, do you agree?

The game "Collect Vegetables" is being held

Leading: Guys, today we met with beautiful vegetables and the Vegetable Queen and Dr. Aibolit are here with us, but would you like to meet the beautiful Autumn? Let's invite her over.

Children: (together) Autumn, autumn, welcome! (autumn comes out)

Autumn: Are you talking about me? Here I am, hello my friends. I came to you for a holiday to sing and have fun, let's all sing a song together.

(Song of autumn)

What poems about me do you know?


In a golden carriage

What about the playful horse

Autumn galloped

Through forests and fields.

good sorceress

Changed everything

bright yellow color

Decorated the earth.

Sleepy month from the sky

Surprised by a miracle

Everything around sparkles

Everything spills over.


leaf fall, leaf fall,

The yellow leaves are flying.

Yellow maple, yellow beech,

Yellow circle in the sky.

Yellow yard, yellow house.

The whole earth is yellow all around.

yellowness, yellowness,

So autumn is not spring.


Autumn is walking in our park,

Autumn gives gifts to everyone:

Red beads - rowan,

Pink apron - aspen,

Yellow umbrella - poplars,

Autumn gives us fruits.


We are on a holiday on ours,

Let's spend time together

We will dance with the leaves

And we will call the guests in the circle.


Autumn dear you are ours!

There is no more beautiful you in the world

Aibolit and the Queen

Come out quickly!

(All together dance the dance with the leaves)

Leading: Fallen leaves conversation is barely audible:

We are from maples...

We are from apple trees...

We are with cherries...

From donkey...

From cherry...

From oak...

From birch...

Falling leaves everywhere: On the threshold of frost!

Leading: So our holiday has come to an end, let's say goodbye to our heroes and sing the final autumn song.

(music by G.Gladkov, lyrics by L.Paliy - Song about autumn)

Autumn fun in the younger group.


Attributes : 2 autumn leaves for each child.

Children enter the hall to the music, sit on chairs.
Guys, we came with you to the autumn holiday. Look how beautiful it is around!
Multi-colored paints worked for a long time,
Nature came out beautiful like in a fairy tale,
All multi-colored - that's beauty!
You admire what colors!
Please solve the riddle:
Who is this artist?
Children: Autumn!

In autumn, everywhere is beautiful - in the forest, and in the garden, and in the yard.
Children read poems

1st child:
Autumn holiday in the forest
Light and fun!
Here are the decorations
Autumn is here.

2nd child:
Every leaf is golden
Small sunny
I'll put it in a basket
I'll put it on the bottom!

3rd child:
I take care of the leaves
Autumn continues.
I've been at home for a long time
The holiday doesn't end!

Children perform "Dance with leaves."
Well done guys! And they sang the song loudly, and read poems about the sorceress-Autumn, but there is still no Autumn. Where can we find Autumn, can we follow it into the forest?
Autumn enters to the music.

Hello, here I am!
Hello autumn to you, friends!
Well, since you came to me in the forest -
I promise to show you a hundred miracles!
Let for my guests, so that they have more fun
Animals, birds will come - let's have fun together!
Who will come now you will find out if you guess the riddle:
Walks, pecks grains,
Ko-ko-ko she sings,
And behind her guys
Yellow chickens.
Who is it?

Children: Hen
Autumn: That's right, here's the chicken.

A chicken enters the hall to the music.
I am Chicken Ryabushka, I came to visit you. Hello guys! Hello my chickens!
Hello Chicken! And the guys know the song about you, do you want to listen?
Ko-ko-ko! Of course I want!
Children, standing near the chairs, sing a song

"The chicken went out for a walk."
Ko-ko-ko! What good fellows! And in my yard, not only chickens, but also goslings and ducklings.
Do you know how they talk?
Children: Yes.
Hen: Our ducks in the morning ...
Children: Quack-quack-quack
Hen: Our geese by the pond...
Children: ha-ha-ha
Hen: Our chickens in the window ...
Children: Ko-ko-ko
Hen: And how does Petya the Cockerel sing to us early in the morning?
Children: Ku-ka-re-ku
Chicken kids, do you like to dance?
Children: Yes.
Well, then get up, start a friendly dance!

Children stand in a circle. The chicken shows the simplest dance moves, the children, Autumn and the presenter are dancing. After the dance, the children sit on chairs.
Guys, listen to another poem and guess who it is about?
Rises with the sun.
Ku-ka-re-ku he sings.
There are spurs and a comb
Who is this?
Children: Cockerel

And we know the song about the cockerel.

Children, standing near the chairs, sing the song "Cockerel".

The game "Chicken and Cockerel". (leader conducts)
Part 1 - chickens (all children) run around the hall.
2nd part - “grains peck” - squat down, fingers touch the floor.
Part 3 - a rooster (toy) sings: ku-ka-re-ku - all the children run up to him.
The game is played 2-3 times.
We played well! But it's time for me to go home. Goodbye, kids!
Goodbye, Chicken! Come visit us again!
The chicken leaves.

Guys, did you like visiting me?
Children: Yes.
Autumn: You guys, well done, had fun from the heart!
Thank you for everything and I give you apples!
Thanks Autumn!

We danced and had fun

Songs were sung and frolicked.

But it's time, friends, and we

Disperse home.

Autumn says goodbye to the children, leaves. The children return to the group.


Autumn holiday in the middle group "Gifts of Autumn".

Children enter the hall to the music along with Autumn.


The brushes of the mountain ash burned brightly,

Dresses of aspens became golden.

The sun blushes the groves and forests,

1st child

Outside the window the breeze is having fun -

It will jump up, and then hide.

2nd child

And the leaves run along the path,

Like yellow mice from a cat.

3- child -

Everywhere walks - wanders autumn,

Here the foliage and poplar dropped.

Look - the cheeks of the mountain ash turned red,

Yellow leaves flew down the path.

4- child -

Leaves embroidered with gold

The paths are washed with rain,

In bright hats, mushrooms, you give everything to us, Autumn!

5- child -

Autumn along the path

Walking with the rain

Maples and mountain ash

Quietly undresses.

6- child -

Autumn us to your ball

Today invited

So that no one is late

Autumn asked.

7-child -

Autumn, Autumn come to us, give us magic.

The song "Autumn is coming to visit us."


I bring the harvest

Sowing the fields again

Sending birds to the south

I undress the trees.

But I don't touch the pines

And Christmas trees. I am Autumn. Hello my dear children!

Children greet Autumn.

Autumn . How beautiful it is in our hall, as if we were in a fairy tale!
Everywhere leaves hang, like lanterns burn ...
(walk, admire)
Outside the window, the breeze sweeps the paths,
And circles, and sweeps golden foliage.
What happened in nature guys
Tell me... I don't understand!

Children : This Autumn has come, everything around is gilded!

Autumn. We will arrange a holiday today
Let's enter the autumn fairy tale,
We will dance here, we will play,
Let's sing autumn songs!

Autumn. In the meantime, let's sit down, rest, invite a fairy tale to visit!
Children sit down.)

Oh, guys, hush, hush!
I hear something strange.
Someone is rushing to us here
And it seems to rustle.

Music sounds and Scarecrow appears in the hall.

I dress out of fashion
All the century I stand, as if on a clock,
Whether in the garden, in the field-garden,
I instill fear in the flocks.

That's who it turns out all summer guarded our garden.

Scarecrow: Yes, it's me, Scarecrow! Hello guys! Where are my vegetables?

Green pea:
Everyone knows how good
I am a green pea.
I decorate all dishes
And they respect it.
I'm fresh and crispy.
I am a real cucumber.
I was green in the garden,
I will become salty in a jar.

I am a very important signor,
Ripe, sweet tomato.
Red, juicy and smooth.
I treat everyone, guys,
Who drinks my tomato juice
Not sick for a whole year.

And I, juicy cabbage,
Proud of vitamins.
In cabbage rolls, borscht, salads
I'll be nice, of course.
And how delicious
Shchi my cabbage soup!

I am the ray of all diseases.
I'm the best guys.
Even though I'm bitter, it doesn't matter.
Need to eat me always

No dinner without potatoes
No hot, no okroshka.
Everyone respects potatoes
Who among you does not know me?

We are all from the garden bed,
Remember us guys.

Rich in vitamins
And we need all the guys!

Autumn: And now we will perform a round dance about a green onion and about his girlfriend, a carrot.

Round dance "Garden-round dance".(Children sit down).

Scarecrow: Here is the harvest! Well I tried. It's time to harvest all this harvest. So kids, can you help us?

Game "Harvest"(Children take turns playing).

The leaves were flooded with sunshine
Leaves soaked in the sun
Poured, weighed down
And flew in the wind...
Rustled through the bushes...
You can see them here and there.
The wind turns gold
Sounds like golden rain!

So the breeze brought the leaves to us here! Oh how many there arepoints to the leaves decorating the hall), look!

Child. Leaves all autumn day
Such beautiful
Let's sing a song
About golden leaves!

The song-dance "Leaves" is performed.

Child: Rain, rain, what are you pouring,

Will you let us take a walk?

Rain, rain, mischief,

I'll put on a raincoat

Boots on the feet

And I'll be on the road.

Child: Rain, rain all day

Drumming on glass.

All earth, all earth

Wet from the rain.

Scarecrow . Ah-ah-ah, it's raining, it's stopping us from walking!
Autumn . Scarecrow, but we are not afraid of rain, to drive away the rain, we will all dance!

Dance "Evil cloud.

Scarecrow . Here's an umbrella for you, kids, it's time for us all to play!

GAME "Walk and rain"

To the calm part of the music, children walk, to the “noise of rain” they run away under an umbrella.
Children play 2 times.

Scarecrow: D children, so much fun at your holiday, but I need to protect my garden from uninvited guests, goodbye, until next year! (leaves).

Autumn:( can be given to a child).

Autumn looked into the garden -
The birds have flown away.
Outside the window rustling in the morning
Yellow blizzards.
Under the feet of the first ice
Crumbles, breaks.
The sparrow in the garden will sigh
And sing -
He is shy.

Autumn: And our children sing, try, and finally sing a song

"Autumn" ( in the morning we will go to the yard ...).

Autumn: After summer comes autumn

The wind sings yellow songs to her.

Leaves spread red underfoot,

A white snowflake flies into the blue.

So our holiday ended, today we say goodbye to the golden autumn until next year.

(Children leave the room to the music.)


For mushrooms.

Autumn holiday in the senior group.

Music sounds. The children enter the room. Autumn enters to the music, bows to the children.

Autumn. Hello dear guys. I'm glad you came to visit me!

Let's start our autumn ball!

Children read poetry.

Autumn decorates the squares
Multicolored foliage.
Autumn feeds the harvest
Birds, animals and you and me.

And in the gardens, and in the garden,
Both in the forest and by the water.
Prepared by nature
All kinds of fruits.

The fields are being cleaned
People collect bread.
The mouse drags the grain into the mink,
To have lunch in winter.

Root squirrels dry,
bees store honey.
Grandma cooks jam
He puts apples in the cellar.

Harvest was born -
Collect the gifts of nature!
In the cold, in the cold, in bad weather
The harvest will come in handy!

Autumn. I am autumn - golden,

Today I'm running the show

Queen of the harvest, anyone would recognize me.

I am generous and beautiful, and I shine with gold,

And now to everyone's wonder, I will treat the guests!

In my forest pantries, and berries and mushrooms.

There are a lot of clever guys here, who is ready to go into the forest?

(Children answer in chorus - "We").

Autumn. Show skill, mushrooms must find,

And your mood will help us along the way.

Children sing the song "Mushroom Harvest" by S. Sosnin.

Autumn. Well done my friends, you did your best!

Your harvest is very tasty, now dinner will be glorious!

Children (in turn, one line at a time).

We are not just mushroom pickers,

Mushroom pickers are lucky

Mushroom pickers are excellent

Mushroom pickers are funny

Dancers and mathematicians!

Dance "Spider".

Autumn. I see that you guys are friendly. Now guess my riddles.

There are many trees growing here, and full of miracles,

Animals in burrows and dens, we go with a basket to ... (forest).

What kind of berry is this, poured with blue juice,

What kind of bushes? Look - it's sweet ... (blueberries).

What kind of carpet lies in the forest, embroidered with lingonberries?

We will rest, lie down, oh, in green, soft, warm, (moss).

This house of needles that fell from the lush Christmas trees

There are no windows, no crowns, a hundred tenants are bustling about.

Decorates a strict spruce forest, a bunch of houses ... (anthill).

Autumn. Children, my breeze told me that you know a very good song about me. Let's all listen to her.

The song "Where are you, the sun?"

Autumn. Today I walked through the forest and saw that wonderful mushrooms have grown in our fabulous forest glade, let's hear what they are talking about?

D Children play the scene "Spore of mushrooms."

Mushrooms (children in mushroom caps) are sitting in a clearing. To the light music, Masha joyfully runs in with a basket, she is looking for mushrooms. Stops in front of the first mushroom - White. He slowly rises, grows, and importantly, akimbo, stands in front of Masha.

Masha. Oh what a good fungus

And he looks edible

In a dark hat, with a white leg,

Gives an appetite!

Porcini. Mushroom I'm the best, the best,

And I'm useful too.

To everyone's joy on the table -

Take me to you!

Masha. Oh what a good fungus

And he looks edible

In a dark hat, with a white leg -

Causes appetite.

boletus. boletus is my name,

I'm with my brothers

I grow under birch trees

I drink cold dew

I'm waiting for you to come for me

And take it away in a basket.

Masha takes the mushroom. The boletus takes the White mushroom by the hand, so they follow Masha in a chain. Next on the way - Boletus.

Masha. Oh what a good fungus

And he looks edible

In a red hat, with a long leg,

Causes appetite.

boletus . I am a cheerful boletus!

I grow under aspens

And everyone loves me in the salt,

For the taste and this beauty!(pointing to his hat).

Masha invites the boletus to join her company. Everyone goes on and meets butter. (2 children side by side.)

Masha. Oh what a good fungus

And he looks edible

There are two of them - how similar,

Induce appetite.

Oily. We are fervent butterflies,

In sticky hats with a leaf,

It was not in vain that you came to our forest,

We will go with you too!

(Join other mushrooms). They approach the Amanita.

Masha. Oh what a good fungus

But is it edible?

In a red hat, in white crumbs,

Like a lantern in the forest burns!

Mushrooms .(in chorus). Masha, don't take the mushroom, take care of yourself!

Fly agaric. I am a merciless killer

Flies and other nonsense

My suit is like a parade flag,

You will notice the red color!

I am a bait for strangers!

And I store poison in reserve!

But the mushroom picker meeting me,

For some reason I'm not happy!

Mushrooms (in chorus). Masha! Don't take the mushroom

You take care of yourself!

Masha. I need mushrooms without poison,

Only edible will be happy.

Well, you are an evil fly agaric,

Masha. Here are good mushrooms, sprouted after the rain. (Points to the collected mushrooms).

Mushrooms. Porcini.We are useful and tasty,

boletus . In soup and salty.

Boletus. Children, adults need it so much,

All. We are edible mushrooms!

Mushroom dance.

Then relay races are held with the children.

"Who will name mushrooms more?"

2 teams compete against each other. The team whose members named the most mushrooms wins. (For each name Autumn awards a point- chip.)

"Who will pick more mushrooms?"

2 players with baskets, at the command of the leader, begin to collect mushrooms (fake) scattered around the hall. The winner is the one who collected the most mushrooms.

Dunno in an apron runs into the hall to cheerful music, he holds a pan in his hands.

Dunno. Hello everyone, hello everyone!

How I was in a hurry!

Today is a festive dinner,

I boasted of cooking!

Let them call Dunno

I'm not holding a grudge,

I can do everything - here and there,

I take care of business.

Oh, yes, there are a lot of mushrooms here,

The soup will be nice

Although I cooked soup for a long time,

I'm the chef here!

Autumn. Dunno, don't rush, make friends with the guys, and if you forgot how and from what you need to cook soup, the children will tell you whether the mushroom is edible or not!

Dunno. Oh guys help me

Oh guys tell me!

How to cook this soup?

What is put in the pot?

Autumn. Dunno, first pour water into the pan, (Dunno performs all actions), chop potatoes, onions, carrots, salt the soup. Mushrooms must first be boiled, then added to the soup. Mushrooms should be taken clean, edible. Children, name edible mushrooms!(Children call familiar mushrooms).

Dunno stirs soup with a ladle, puts edible mushrooms there.

Dunno . The soup turned out wonderful.

I excelled as a chef.

The soup is rich and fragrant.

Here comes the bay leaf.

Let the soup cool down.

I'm going to check on you

All you see are mushroom pickers,

But where are the songs? I will listen now!

The song "Harvest" (A. Filippenko, T. Volgina)

Autumn. Well done, children, you have prepared a good song. And let's also sing funny ditties about Autumn for Dunno and all the guests.

Chastushki. Autumn is a delicious time

Autumn loves kids.

Hey guys don't yawn

The harvest is ripe!

In the garden and in the garden

I will find fruits, berries,

Oh, what's not here.

You can make a vinaigrette.

How beautiful is our garden.

There are apples everywhere.

yellow and red,

And the taste is wonderful!

Potatoes grew in the field.

Our harvest is ready!

We planted a little

Dug up seven bags!

A goat climbed into the garden.

Very surprised!

He found a big head of cabbage!

Almost choked!

Lida went out into the garden.

She tucked her hat on.

Crow got scared

Scarecrow scared!

Swan in the garden

Stinging nettle!

Or the ridge hid

Or am I lazy!

We have a big turnip

The whole family was dragged.

Loved for an hour

And then they cooked!

Who has worked hard

Who has not been lazy all summer,

He will be full all winter. Autumn will generously reward!

Dunno . Our autumn is so rich!

How much I learned here!

Thank you guys here

I'm smarter now!

I know how to look for mushrooms

And that you don't have to take everything!

I will take edible

Suitable for eating!

I'm in a hurry to my friends now,

I'll treat them to delicious soup! Goodbye! (Runs away with a pot of soup in his hands).

The children rise from their seats to perform the final song.

Children. Goodbye sweet autumn

The mistress of the pores is golden!

We loved you very much

For affection and warm peace!

Thanks for all the treats

For berries, mushrooms harvest!

But winter is coming soon

(chorus) Dear Autumn, goodbye!

The song "Golden Song".

Autumn. Children, and Dunno left some kind of bundle here, let's see what's in it. (He unfolds, and there are gifts for the children.) After all, he brought you a treat, but forgot to give it back. (He treats the children).

Autumn. Children, thank you for the warm farewell! According to popular belief, I leave with frost. My shift is over, it's time for me to hurry on my way! Goodbye guys, I'll visit you in a year! And now you wait for winter!

(He bows, waves his hand and leaves, children leave the hall to the music).

Organization: MDOU No. 1 "Caramel"

Location: Vologda region, Vologda

Leading Summer flew by quickly

The wind rustled.

Autumn looks out the window to us,

Frequent rain knocks.

Doors opened by the wind

The fan unfolded the leaves,

Gathered birds on the road

They brought us a hotel.

The soundtrack of the song sounds "Autumn knocked on our door" children appear in the hall after Autumn and dance. At the end, they stand in a checkerboard pattern.

Leading Look how much light

And smiles, and guests!

It's a good omen

So the holiday is at the door.

Autumn I came today, children,

Every year I come to you

I always find you funny.

I prepare my outfits for you,

Are you glad to see me?

Children of Rada!

1 child Autumn fox step

Sneaking through the ravines

Along rivers and streams

And along the forest edges.

2 children Steals and at the same time

We paint everything in fox color:

The birch turned yellow

Rowan became red ...

And the maples blushed

And Autumn, closer, closer ... (comes to the fore)

Autumn Yes! I go, children, through the forests

With paint and brush

So that the trees and bushes

Give color to the fox.

The song "Autumn is like a red cat" sounds music. Kulikova (sat down)

Leading The brushes of the mountain ash burned brightly,

Dresses of aspens became golden.

The sun blushes the groves and forests,

Autumn I come to visit as a sorceress

And I rejoice in my beauty.

I, like a kind fairy, nature

I give a crimson-gold outfit.

Dance "Golden Autumn"

3 children Again the leaves swirled

In the dance of gold

Only the sun is getting rarer

Comes to our house.

4 children The days are getting shorter again

There is no more heat.

And the nights got longer

Autumn has come to us. (M. Eremeeva)

Autumn shows the children a basket.

Autumn I came with a basket,

She brought surprises.

5 children What surprises are in your basket?

Tell us quickly!

Autumn Every little surprise

This is Autumn's whim! (takes out a leaf)

I want in this room

Now we are playing with you.

Finger game "Leaves" (all)

Autumn Rustled with leaves Shaking hands overhead

Autumn is golden.

Swirled in the air "Lanterns" up

Having fun playing. "Flashlights" down

Here is a birch leaf Bend fingers in turn

Here is a rowan leaf

Here is an oak leaf

Here is an aspen leaf.

A maple leaf Spread your fingers and lower your hand down

It immediately fell under our feet.

Only Christmas trees stand Connect fingers like the top of a Christmas tree

They don't want to drop needles. Shaking their heads and shaking their fingers

Leading Colored leaves are falling

Autumn has come to visit us again.

Again she pleases us with colors,

This time is wonderful.

Dance "The most gentle waltz" music. L. Gortsueva

Autumn I came today, children,

Celebrate the holiday with you.

And follow me through the forest

It was raining mischievously.

6 children A drop dripped from a cloud

Autumn rain, prickly rain

Finely-finely drizzles,

Get the guys wet!

7 children Teasing rain: "Aw, guys!"

He plays hide and seek with us.

It will let it go, then it will go away,

It will disappear, then it will return.

The rain is falling harder and harder

Along the branches and along the path.

Autumn takes a bell out of the basket and says:

Dili don, dili don

It's a bit of a chirp.

Take the bells

Let's talk about the rain.

The song "Naughty rain" music. Vikhareva (children play bells to the music of the introduction)

Autumn The rain has passed and in fact

All trees shone.

Come out to dance

Celebrate the Autumn Festival.

Dance "Do not be sad" (Autumn holiday looked in ...) At the end, the children remain standing in a circle.

Leading Autumn is golden

Came to visit us

And a lot of gifts

Brought to the children.

Game "Gifts of Autumn"

Autumn (walks in a circle towards the children)

I'm walking on autumn paths

I will find a gift for each

Make-believe on the palms

I will give everyone a little.

Who accepts the gift

He presses his palms to himself, (shows)

Who does not take a gift,

He will spread his hands! (shows)

Carrot. Tomato…

watermelon peel,

mushrooms, mushrooms,

swamp bumps,

pine nuts,

oak acorns,

golden leaf fall,

Heavy autumn rain...

Sauerkraut tub

bug-eyed frog,

apples and pears,

dirty ears,

Jam in a jar

To everyone's surprise

And a pie with potatoes

And the first white snow?

Do you want cucumbers?

You guys are great! (sit down)

Leading Gold autumn,
Red beauty!
Your holiday guys
I like it very, very much.

Autumn Ball is in full swing! Songs and laughter!

Music is calling us all

have fun, dance,

Just don't imagine.

They boldly gave a hand to a friend,

They became couples in a circle!

“Dance “Clap-clap-clap” l.n.m. (sat down)
Autumn I thank you guys
You gave me the opportunity to rest.
At the holiday I am glad to have fun,
But soon I'm on my way back.
8 children What are you, Autumn! Hurry early!
We want to have more fun during the holidays.

Dance "Boom Boom"

9 children Oh what a miracle

Autumn golden forest!

And fly from everywhere

Leaves in a variegated crowd.

10 children How many different sounds

The cone will fall from the tree,

A branch crunches underfoot

The bird will fly up from the tree.

Autumn I have in my basket

Weird surprises.

Delicious surprises -

Major whims.

Who will solve the riddle

That surprise mine gets:

He grew up in a birch forest.

Wears a hat on his leg.

A leaf stuck to it from above.

Did you know? It...

Mushroom kids!

Autumn Yes, there are countless mushrooms in the forest,

There are all kinds of mushrooms.

You rather get up in a circle,

Yes, play with mushrooms.

Game "Pass the fungus" r.n.m. “Oh you, canopy” (parents and children stand in a circle)

Hey guys don't yawn, sing and pass the fungus around

You are transmitting the fungus.

Who has a fungus in his hands -

Come dance in a circle! Who ended up with the fungus

songs, goes into a circle and dances

All other members clap

11 children You are a little more, Autumn,

Play with us.

In a round dance cheerful

Get up quickly.

"Colorful game" music. Savelyeva (together with parents)

Autumn I have a basket in my hands

It contains autumn gifts

All that I am rich with

Brought for the kids.

We had a lot of fun

I am very grateful to you!

And for that I have gifts

I will give you autumn ones.

Autumn Autumn holiday time to close,
And I was very happy for you, kids.
But time cannot be turned back.
The hour has come when it is time for me to go.

Autumn is leaving.

Leading So the autumn holiday is over,

I think he lifted everyone's spirits.

I want to sing, always smile

Children, do you agree with me?

Leading Well, our holiday has come to an end. Until we meet again in this room.

The script of the autumn holiday

"Autumn is wandering at the gate"

in a mixed age group

Children to the music with leaves enter the hall

and perform the Dance with the Leaves


Here the summer is over,
Resounded and turned green
The warm days are gone
And the moths don't fly anymore.

1st. Sad autumn has come
There were no leaves on the bushes,
And all the trees
They are also naked.

2nd. The strong wind blows off your feet,
The storm is coming
Dirt and puddles everywhere -
I won't walk...

3rd. It's raining, they're not too lazy to pour,
We stay at home all day.
This rain... why is it
I am sick, I have a cold.

4th. Autumn is knocking at our door
And after autumn, winter.
We do not expect it, we do not ask,
And she goes by herself!

The song "Autumn knocked on our door"

Children sit down

The girls come out
5th. No, I won't let Autumn in for anything!
Have I ever dressed so warmly in the summer?

6th. Would I sunbathe in autumn,
Or swim in the river, pick flowers?

7th. No, we don't need a dull autumn.
We won't let her in, let her go!


Oh, and sad Autumn at the door:
She was hurt to tears, to tears.
And Autumn is crying with rain at the entrance.
And the weather is getting rainier.

Girls perform "Umbrella Dance"

8th. The day goes by so fast
The night comes on so quickly.
I'm sad, so bored!
Autumn - it's just flour!

Leading . Stop, friends, this is not good,
Boredom can be contagious!
No you don't, no doubt
We are in such a mood!
You look - the forest is all painted,
Only in autumn you can see this.
Its leaves burn with golden fire
And they lie down on the ground with a multi-colored carpet!

Song "Autumn, sweet rustle"

Leading . Autumn, warm and bright,
She brought so many gifts!
So many colors, so much light!
Have you already forgotten it?

9th . But, it’s true, we can’t live without Autumn.
We need to bring Autumn here as soon as possible!


We are waiting for the holiday
Miraculous autumn
She has come to us now!

Autumn comes to the music.

Autumn : Hello, friends,
Here I am!
The summer was hot -
For a long time I was not inferior!
But everything has its time
I arrived at the threshold.
I came to your holiday
Sing and have fun
I want with everyone here
Make strong friends.

Round dance "Autumn in a golden scarf"

Autumn: And now guys
I'll tell you riddles
Say it in order
What grows in the garden?

1. Drop a little under the bush -
Look out into the light ……………….. POTATO.

2. A bush grew in the garden there.
Heard only: crunch yes crunch!
In cabbage soup, hodgepodge is thick.
This is ………………………….. CABBAGE

3. For tops, like for a rope,
You can pull out …………….. CARROT

4. Mi and la, fa and salt -
Musical beans.
Why am I bad for songs?
Also a relative …………… PEA

5. Do not be afraid if suddenly
Will make you shed tears…………. ONION

6. Well done grow in the garden -
Green ……………………….. CUCUMBERS

Autumn: For vegetables to grow
It needs to rain.

Presenter: Suddenly it got dark
There was a lot of noise in the sky
The rain fell a little,
The paths got wet.

Dance "Rain"

Presenter: Thanks rain! He watered the beds well. Guys, look what a rich harvest has grown. Come on, vegetables, tell us about yourself!

Potatoes: Many dishes from potatoes
You can cook
Both simple and complex:
It is boiled, fried, rubbed.
What is tastier in the whole world,
Than a potato in uniform.

Zucchini: Zucchini, zucchini
Lie down on the bed on the barrel,
He looks like a pig
Tail with a thin curl,
But where is the piglet?

Beet: Aunt Fekla,
Red beetroot!
I am salads, vinaigrettes
Decorate with scarlet.
There is nothing tastier
And make borscht.

I am the ray of all diseases.
I'm the best guys.
Even though I'm bitter, it doesn't matter.
Need to eat me always

Green pea:
Everyone knows how good
I am a green pea.
I decorate all dishes
And they respect it.

I'm fresh and crispy.
I am a real cucumber.
I was green in the garden,
I will become salty in a jar.

I am a very important signor,
Ripe, sweet tomato.
Red, juicy and smooth.
I treat everyone, guys,
Who drinks my tomato juice
Not sick for a whole year.

And I, juicy cabbage,
Proud of vitamins.
In cabbage rolls, borscht, salads
I'll be nice, of course.
And how delicious
Shchi my cabbage soup!

All: We are all from the garden bed,
Remember us guys.
Rich in vitamins
And we need all the guys!

Autumn: Well done boys!
And now we will play an interesting game.

And it is called "".

1.Game "Vegetables and fruits"

2. The game "Collect mushrooms (cones)" (Blindfolded)

3. The game "Run the puddles under the umbrella"


Like ours, honey mushrooms
A whole kindergarten grew up.
All sons and daughters
Hiding in leaves.

Dance "Mushrooms" (boys)

Song "Autumn, Autumn one, two, three"

Autumn: Thank you dancers, thank you singers
We had fun, today we are from the heart!

I have been visiting you
Here is the scarf I found.
colorful, painted,
Unusual, difficult!
I offer you friends
Play with a handkerchief!
Want to? Children: Yes!

The game "Magic Scarf" is being held:
Cheerful music sounds, children are freely located around the hall, perform various dance movements. The music suddenly changes to a calmer melody, the children sit down and cover their eyes with their hands. Autumn, straightening out a large scarf, bypasses the guys and covers someone with a scarf.

Autumn: One two Three!
Who is hiding inside?
Don't yawn, don't yawn
Answer quickly!

Children call the name of the child hidden under the scarf. If you guessed it, then they raise the handkerchief. The child, who was under the scarf, jumps to the cheerful music, and all the children clap for him.
Playing, for the last time, Autumn covers with a handkerchief, a basket of apples, imperceptibly brought into the hall. Autumn speaks again. The children say the name of the child.

Presenter: Not! All the guys are here!
What then is under the scarf?

Autumn: We raise the handkerchief
What do we find out under it now!
What is this? ………………
And in the basket?
Children: Apples!

Autumn: I harvested - hard work.
Take a treat - apples without an account.
Eat, yes, be healthy!

Autumn distributes apples to children

Presenter: Thank you Autumn for apples

Autumn: Well guys, I had fun with you. But, it's time to say goodbye. Next year, I will come to you with a new harvest! Goodbye, guys!

Presenter: Goodbye!

(Autumn is leaving)

Presenter: It seemed to us autumn boring and not friendly. And how much beauty and joy in it, especially for those who love to work. Guys, our autumn holiday has come to an end.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 16 "Golden Fish"

The script of the autumn holiday

"Autumn is wandering at the gate"

in a mixed age group


11.11.2018 | We looked at the script 5727 human

It sounds like a Russian folk song. The presenters come out - a girl and a young man in Russian folk costumes.
We all want you today
Greet generously.
On the porch we meet everyone
With a white lush loaf
He is on a painted platter
With white...

The scenario of the folklore holiday "Autumn gatherings"

11.09.2018 | We looked at the script 1919 human

The housewives, Matveevna and Eremeevna, are sitting in the upper room.

MATVEEVNA (looks out the window):
- The time has passed for work -
The field no longer calls.

- Sheaves are threshed,
Enough bread until spring!
And then before the summer -
Praise the Lord for this!

- How...

Scenario of the holiday "Golden Autumn"

11.09.2018 | We looked at the script 4110 human

Leading. The sultry summer has passed away, and now, like a magician, autumn touched the leaves, the forests flared up with golden paint, the fields turned yellow, and crimson and yellow leaves fly, lay under their feet.

Autumn comes to us imperceptibly, furtively. Its first sign is...

Autumn ball at the school "Miss Autumn - 2016"

17.09.2016 | We looked at the script 6456 human

Narration (with music in the background):
Golden foliage swirled
In pinkish water on the pond
Only a light flock of butterflies
With fading flies to the star
I'm in love with this evening
I invite you all to dance
Let it circle like autumn leaves

Scenario of the autumn ball "Autumn katavasia"

17.09.2016 | We looked at the script 8464 human

1. -So the summer is over!
2. -And what now?

1. -And now autumn has come!
2. -What is autumn?

1. -And autumn ... this is - this is a continuation of summer!
2. -It suddenly became twice as bright,
Yard, as in the sun -
This dress is golden
At the birch on the shoulders.

Girls' get-togethers. Osenins - a holiday of autumn at school.

17.09.2016 | We looked at the script 3676 human

The scene imitates the decoration of a Russian hut. The leader enters.
The Russian calendar is not rich in warm days. Red spring will flash. A hot summer will pass with work and worries about the harvest. You look - and autumn is on the threshold. At the end of September, when all...

Scenario of the holiday "Autumn ball-katavasia"

17.09.2016 | We looked at the script 4265 human

Waltz sounds.
Leaders of the holiday: a boy and a girl.
Boy: Good evening, invited guests of our autumn ball. Yes, yes, you are not mistaken, it is the invited autumn ball that will open in a few moments.
Girl. Let me clarify that a ball in the 21st century is not...

Scenario of the autumn ball "Yellow leaves are spinning over the city"

17.09.2016 | We looked at the script 6779 human

Host: Preparing this holiday, I kept thinking - do children like autumn? Autumn, which took away from them a string of joyful and happy vacation days, autumn, which replaced rest by the sea with boring school days, tests and homework... I wandered around...

Autumn ball "One day in the village of Listopadino"

17.09.2016 | We looked at the script 4743 human

In the village of Listopadino
Honest people live
Arranges holidays
At the end of agricultural work

Warm autumn evening
Under the rustle of falling leaves
Reminisce about the past
About the years that once were

This is where Antonovna lives
Every evening at the window
Drinking tea with bagels

Holiday at the school "Charming Eyes". Osenins.

17.09.2016 | We looked at the script 4635 human

1 leader.
Sad time! Oh charm!
Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me.
I love the magnificent nature of wilting,
Forests dressed in crimson and gold ... - this is how A.S. Pushkin once expressed his admiration for autumn nature. I wanted to express my feelings...


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