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    Select the desired bookmark folder from the list on the left.

","hasTopCallout":true,"hasBottomCallout":true,"areas":[("shape":"rect","alt":"","coords":,"isNumeric":false),("shape ":"rect","alt":"","coords":,"isNumeric":false),("shape":"circle","direction":["top","right"],"alt ":"Bookmarked folders","coords":,"isNumeric":false,"hasTopCallout":true,"hasBottomCallout":false),("shape":"circle","direction":["top", "right"],"alt":"List of bookmarks in folder","coords":,"isNumeric":false,"hasTopCallout":true,"hasBottomCallout":false),("shape":"circle"," direction":["top","right"],"alt":"Find bookmark by name","coords":,"isNumeric":false,"hasTopCallout":true,"hasBottomCallout":false),(" shape":"circle","direction":["bottom","left"],"alt":"Create a new folder, sort bookmarks, import and export bookmarks","coords":,"isNumeric":false, "hasTopCallout":false,"hasBottomCallout":true),("shape":"circle","direction":["bottom","right"],"alt":"Bookmarks transferred from another browser"," coords":,"isNumeric":false,"hasTopCallout":false,"hasBottomCal lout":true)]))\">

Advice. To sort bookmarks alphabetically, in the upper right corner of the page, click Sort By Title.

Bookmarks bar

Bookmarks and bookmarked folders appear in the bookmarks bar under smart line.

","hasTopCallout":true,"hasBottomCallout":true,"areas":[("shape":"circle","direction":["bottom","right"],"alt":"To display only favicon, edit the bookmark to remove the page name","coords":,"isNumeric":false,"hasTopCallout":false,"hasBottomCallout":true),("shape":"circle","direction":["top ","left"],"alt":"Press icon " to access other bookmarks","coords":,"isNumeric":false,"hasTopCallout":true,"hasBottomCallout":false),(" shape":"circle","direction":["bottom","right"],"alt":"Dropdown list of all bookmarks from panel","coords":,"isNumeric":false,"hasTopCallout":false ,"hasBottomCallout":true)]))\">

There are several ways to enable or disable the bookmarks bar:

  • Through the bookmarks menu
  • In settings
  • Using hotkeys

Click → Bookmarks → Show bookmarks bar.

Press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + B (on Windows) or ⌘ + Shift + B (on macOS).

Website favicon on the bookmarks bar

By default, the bookmarks bar only displays the name of the site. You can turn on the display of favicons, and then they will be displayed next to the site names. To save space on the bookmarks bar, you can leave only favicons without site names.

To turn on the display of favicons:

If you want only the favicon without the site name to be displayed in the bookmarks bar:

Bookmark Actions

If you have multiple users on your browser, create a personal profile for each of them. Then the bookmarks of other users will not appear in your list.

Rename bookmark

Advice. To rename a folder, right-click on it and select Rename. Edit the folder name.

Delete bookmark or folder Move bookmark to another folder Create new folder \n

Bookmark import

Transfer bookmarks from another browser Transfer bookmarks from an HTML file

The downloaded bookmarks will be placed:

  • in folder Bookmarks from an HTML file, if the browser already had bookmarks;
  • to the root of the bookmark tree if there were no bookmarks in the browser before.

","hasTopCallout":true,"hasBottomCallout":true,"areas":[("shape":"rect","alt":"","coords":,"isNumeric":false),("shape ":"rect","alt":"","coords":,"isNumeric":false),("shape":"circle","direction":["top","left"],"alt ":"Transfer bookmarks from file","coords":,"isNumeric":false,"hasTopCallout":true,"hasBottomCallout":false),("shape":"circle","direction":["bottom" ,"left"],"alt":"Save bookmarks to file","coords":,"isNumeric":false,"hasTopCallout":false,"hasBottomCallout":true)]))\">

Export bookmarks to a file

Bookmark sync

After synchronization, bookmarks from all synchronized devices (computer, tablet, smartphone) are displayed in the browser.

Bookmark synchronization features:

  • If you add or remove bookmarks on one device, those changes will be reflected on other devices on the network.
  • If you have created bookmarks for the same page on different devices, then the bookmark that was previously synchronized with the server is saved.
  • Bookmarks from devices of the same type are merged into common list. For example, if synchronization is enabled on two computers and a smartphone, then in the bookmarks on the smartphone you will see the section Computer, and bookmarks from two computers will be merged in it.

To view bookmarks on another device:

To turn off bookmark sync:

After that, bookmarks from other devices will not be displayed in the Bookmark Manager.

If the bookmarks are not syncing, check if the Bookmarks option is enabled in the sync settings.

Walking through the expanses of the Internet, of course, we periodically find pages that are interesting or important to us. And naturally, we have a desire to quickly save the address of the page we like in order to return to it again. For these purposes, every modern browser (be it Opera, Mozilla, Internet Explorer or others) has in its arsenal a tool that allows you to create and store lists of bookmarks (favorite pages).

In this lesson, we will talk about how to create (add) bookmarks, using the example of two popular browsers - Opera and Internet Explorer (IE), as well as how to properly store the list of bookmarks so as not to lose it in case of a system crash or after a forced reinstallation .

Working with bookmarksInternetexplorer

So, if you are working in the Internet Explorer browser, you should know that the Favorites menu item serves for these purposes.

The easiest way to add a web page to your list is to select the item on the page you like Favorites - Add to favorites

A window will appear specifying the name and location of the future bookmark:

Here you can change the name (for yourself) and for the convenience of searching in the future, place this bookmark in a separate folder. If the folder does not exist, you can create it. To do this, press the button Add to >>, and then select the name of the folder to save or press the button Create a folder… In the window that appears, type the name of the folder to be created and click Ok:

After that, the new folder will appear in the list and you just have to select it and click Ok:

Now if you click on Favorites, we will see that a new folder has appeared in the list and a new menu item in this folder:

When you click on the created item, we will immediately get to the required page without entering its address.

Thus, you can add as many bookmarks as you like. However, keep in mind that over time there are a lot of these bookmarks, so try to immediately distribute them into thematic folders so that later you don’t get lost and always be able to quickly find the page you need.

If you need to make any changes to the list of bookmarks (rename, move, delete, etc.), then for this you need to select the item Organize favorites..., which opens a window of the same name. In this window, you will have access to all the options for working with the list of bookmarks. Just select the desired item and press the desired button:

I think that you will not have any difficulties with this, and therefore let's move on to how to save and restore bookmarks in case Windows crashes. The fact is that all bookmarks are stored in one file, which is always located in the system partition (drive C) and when the system fails, such a file is naturally not saved, and after reinstalling Windows, we will see that our bookmarks have disappeared.

To be able to restore bookmarks, we need to make a copy of such a file and save it to another partition (for example, D) or to an external storage medium (on a CD or USB flash drive).

In IE, for this you need to select the menu item File - Import and Export

In the window that appears Import-Export Wizard press the button Further, and in the next window, select the desired action. If we want to save bookmarks, then select the item Export Favorites and press the button Further:

In the next window, select the folder that we want to save (usually all favorites) and again press the button Further. After that, we are prompted to choose the place where we want to save the bookmarks. By default this is a folder My documents, but we agreed that for reliability we need to choose another place, so we press the button Review… and choose another location (not on drive C):

After choosing the right place, press the button Further and in the next window the button Ready. After that, the file with bookmarks will be placed in the specified location. In IE, this file is called by default bookmark.htm.

After such an export, you can safely reinstall the system without worrying about losing bookmarks, and when you decide to restore them, do the same: File - Import and Export… - Next, and in the action selection window, select Import favorites. After that, specify the location where this file should be restored from (do you remember where you saved it?) and complete the restoration.

If you do everything right, you will see the following message:

After importing, all bookmarks will be restored to their place and you can see them as usual (Favorites item) or in the second way by pressing the yellow star button. In this case, the bookmarks will be visible not as a drop-down menu, but as a panel on the left side of the IE browser window.

Such a panel is closed by pressing the yellow star again or by a cross in the upper right corner of this panel:

Working with bookmarksOpera

The meaning of working with bookmarks in the Opera browser is the same as in IE, so I will be more concise.

To create a bookmark of the required page, you need to press the item while on this page. Bookmarks - Bookmark a page

To put things in order in bookmarks (delete, move, etc.), you must select the item Bookmark management

The bookmark editor will not open in a separate window, but in a new tab Bookmarks browser Opera. To work with individual bookmarks, use a special menu with bookmark management buttons:

By selecting the desired bookmark, we can perform the same actions with it as in IE and even more. In Opera, for example, it is possible to sort bookmarks and display them in several views, which is much more convenient than in IE. In addition, moving bookmarks from folder to folder can be done by dragging, i.e. click the bookmark and, without releasing the mouse button, drag it to the image of the desired folder, and then release the mouse button. You can delete bookmarks using the corresponding menu button or more fast way- button Delete on keyboard.

Import and export in Opera is also not much different from IE. Selecting a menu item File - Import and Export - Import BookmarksOpera … (or Export BookmarksOpera…):

Next, we also select a place to export (or import) the file and save the file with bookmarks (or restore bookmarks from the file). The only difference in Opera is that the default bookmark file is called opera6.adr.

If bookmarks are restored correctly from a file, you will see a window with a message:

That's actually all!

Now, with just a few clicks and a few seconds of your time, you'll save your bookmarks and always have the peace of mind knowing that you won't lose any important sites from your attention. Just remember to make copies of your bookmarks from time to time and store them in a safe place (in case Windows crashes).

While visiting the Internet, we go to various sites. We will no longer need some and we are unlikely to visit again. And some sites are useful to us. It can be news, sports, educational, entertainment and many others. As a rule, after visiting the site, we close the bookmark in the browser. And after that, if we again want to get to the site from which we left, we will have to type the site address into the address bar again. But over time, the site address can be forgotten and because of this it is incorrectly typed. And it's a pity if we can't get to the site we need. This is exactly what bookmarks in browsers were invented for. They help the average user quickly access a useful site. You only need to click once and the site automatically loads. Today we will consider for beginners how to add bookmarks in browsers.

How to bookmark a site? Let's, as an example, add our Azbuka Ineta resource to the bookmarks of popular browsers.

AT Google Chrome this can be done in various ways. This browser has a bookmarks bar. Initially, it is hidden. To invoke it, follow these steps:

Open the main menu of the browser (1), select Bookmarks (2) - Show bookmarks bar (3). Or use the hotkeys Ctrl + Shift + B (English).

After that, a bookmarks bar will appear under the address bar. As you can see, it is empty, unless, of course, you have previously bookmarked certain sites.

In order for our site to appear on this bookmarks bar, just do the following:

Click on the white star (1) in the address bar on the right. The asterisk has turned yellow, which means the site has been bookmarked. Or use the key combination Ctrl + D. In the window that appears, give a name to the bookmark, the folder where the bookmark will be stored, leave the Bookmarks Panel. After that, click Finish. Now on the left side of the bookmarks panel there is a label with the name of the bookmark (2). As you can see, the tab width is quite large. It's nothing if you have 1-2 bookmarked sites. And if 10-20, and all with names, this will significantly increase the place of the panel. Yes, and this type of bookmarks will probably not be convenient. In this case, you can remove the bookmark name, leaving only the label.

To do this, right-click on the bookmark and select Edit

In the window that appears, delete the Bookmark name field and click Save.

Now the bookmark looks compact and when you hover the mouse over it, a tooltip pops up indicating the site address. Now, in order to go to our site, it is enough to make one click on the bookmark.

But there is a second way to add bookmarks. He's faster. Let's bookmark any other site. For example Go to this site

We bring the mouse cursor to the place indicated by the arrow in the picture, press the left mouse button and, without releasing the button, drag the shortcut to the bookmarks bar. Release the button and that's it, the bookmark has been added. Now we delete, if necessary, the name of the bookmark, in the above way.

Our bookmarks bar looks like this now. In this way, you can add bookmarks to other sites.

That's it, we have learned how to add bookmarks to Google Chrome. Now that you have the experience of adding bookmarks in this browser, you can easily add bookmarks in other browsers such as Opera, Mozilla Firefox. The principle is the same everywhere. I hope you manage on your own

Who taught browsers to create site thumbnails?

All "walkers", like any other software, include only the most necessary, basic functions of web browsers, and additional features are implemented through add-ons (extensions, plug-ins), the writing of which is available to everyone. Browser makers provide the necessary information for this.

So, one of these add-ons (extensions) are visual and very easy-to-navigate bookmarks in the form of small copies of sites, and now the only thing left is to figure out how to add bookmarks to the visual bookmarks of your browser.

Unlike standard (in some browsers "Favorites"), visual bookmarks "live" no longer on the user's hard drive, but on the server of the site on the Web that provides services for their storage. Their advantage over the usual ones lies in the "independence" of the device used to access the Internet.

Visual Thumbnails in Mozilla Browser

Despite the fact that the Chrome browser is in the lead in the ranking of web browsers, there are many more users who are concerned about how to visually bookmark a page in Mozilla than those who are interested in this add-on in Chrome.

You can get to the page with extensions by clicking on the line "Add-ons" in the "Tools" menu or in the menu of the button with three bars on the top right, and also by typing the combination Ctrl + Shift + A.

Here, on the "Get Add-ons" page, you can click on the "More" button (above), which will take you to, where in the "Extensions" menu item there is a "Bookmarks" link. By clicking on it, you can find a suitable variant of visual options by sorting through 1369 extensions.

But in fact, in order to decide how to add bookmarks to visual bookmarks, just go to the "Extensions" page, type the phrase "Visual ..." in the search bar and select any of several suggested extensions (Wishstorage, Tabsbook, Speed Start, etc.).

"Visual bookmarks online 1.081"

By clicking the "Install" button on the right, you will allow this add-on to be downloaded as a service, which can be used from the first click on the "Open a new tab" cross without registration and authorization.

By clicking on the gear button to the right of the search bar, tab settings open, among which there is a "Synchronization" section. When solving the problem of how to add bookmarks to visual bookmarks, we can choose the appropriate way to store them in it and import / export bookmarks from / to an HTML file.

The service, having fixed its presence with an asterisk icon at the top right, allows you to select up to 40 bookmarks (gear button to the right of the search bar) and provide access to them from anywhere in the world. One has only to bring the cursor to the bookmark, as the functions of its editing and deletion immediately light up.

Editing operations include changing the basic data (address, name) and adjusting the image, allowing you to use an individual picture.

You can add a new page to the bookmarks panel by clicking on the cross in the center of an empty bookmark or on the star icon in the upper right.

How to Add Visual Bookmarks in Google Chrome

By default, they are already installed in Chrome, but these are only picture links of the last pages visited by the user. Moreover, the new (last visited) page will appear in the bookmarks only after the browser is restarted, and no keys or their combinations will help, including Ctrl + R (the "Reload" command in the context menu of the page).

Automatically displayed on a new tab, they are devoid of any settings, except for deletion by clicking on the cross in the upper right corner.

Such a thumbnail service, perhaps, will not suit those users who are interested in how to add visual bookmarks to Google Chrome. Therefore, silently click on the three stripes at the top right and select "Additional Tools > Extensions".

If there are no extensions in the opened window, we agree to the offer: "Do you want to view the gallery?", and if there is, then click on the link "More extensions" and get into the "Chrome Web Store".

Here, of course, you can endlessly scroll through the page with countless applications, holding your eyes so as not to scatter. But in order to only learn how to add visual bookmarks in Google Chrome, this

As in the Mozilla browser, here you can also simply type the phrase "visual ..." in the store search at the top right and "+Install" (so the blue buttons on the right are signed) any of several proposed extensions.

Among them are the already familiar service, Evorch, Atavi, Speed ​​Dial and a number of other offers, the installation and configuration of which is simple and understandable for a user of any level, but for example, let's consider how to add a visual bookmark with 3D mode in Chrome.

Visual Bookmarks FVD Speed ​​Dial

We press the "+Install" button, open a new tab and admire the beautiful and effective express panel of visual bookmarks with 3D mode and synchronization functions.

All the necessary sites are in plain sight, and if there are so many of them that "the eyes run wide", you can sort them into groups, to create which you need to click on the cross in the upper right, next to the groups set by default.

For each site, we can create our own thumbnail or use a collection of pictures from the gallery. For the express panel itself, you can also choose your own background if you are not satisfied with the "regular" themes.

Convenient and simple synchronization (a round icon with arrows chasing each other in the menu at the top right) will allow us to have the same selection of sites on different browsers, computers and other mobile devices.

But in order to use sync, we will have to agree to the offer to download the Eversync application from the Chrome Web Store, after which a sync button will appear in the panel on the upper right.

By pressing the indicated button, we will see an offer to log into the EverSync account (if any) or create a new account. We will have to agree to this, because, having figured out how to add visual bookmarks in Google Chrome, we need to figure out how to synchronize them with other browsers and various mobile devices.

Synchronization of standard links

The Ever Sync service can save and synchronize not only FVD Speed ​​Dial bookmarks, but also standard ones (favorites). Click Bookmarks and deal with the window that opens.

Here we can enable/disable auto-sync, merge local and server information (Merge button), replace data on the server (Upload button) and replace local information (Download button).

To transfer (copy) bookmarks to the server, you need to decide between the "Merge" or "Download" actions, choosing the latter if synchronization is being performed for the first time. You can find the copied links by clicking the "My EverHelperAccount" button.

Now the bookmarks copied to the "cloud" can be transferred to any other browser or computer if the EverSync extension is installed on it.

Synchronization of links created in Speed ​​Dial

To close the question of how to add visual bookmarks with 3D mode in Google, we return to the application menu and open the Speed ​​​​Dial tab, where we will synchronize the bookmarks of this extension.

As in the previous case, press the "Download" button, confirm your choice (Ok) and after 10-40 seconds, making sure that "Synchronization was successful" (which will be "reported" by three green checkmarks), close the window.

The Visual Bookmarks are now ready to be used on another computer or browser (if you have the Speed ​​Dial installed).

Visual bookmarks in Yandex browser

Users of Mozilla, Chrome, Opera and a number of other well-known browsers that have Yandex installed as their home page will confirm with what perseverance and perseverance Yandex offers to download their browser.

And these efforts were crowned with success, because this browser is rapidly gaining popularity. Therefore, "for a snack" we will find out how to add a visual bookmark in Yandex.

One of the Yandex elements, the Visual Bookmarks add-on, is also popular among similar services. But if we try to install it in the browser, we will get the following message: "In the "Yandex" browser there is already a display with visuals ...". And by adding a new tab, we will make sure of this.

And in order to "settle" a new miniature of the site on the scoreboard, you just need to click on the "baptized" inscription "Add", enter the site address or its name and add a signature.

In the context menu of each tab, you can unpin it, delete it, change the site, and customize the scoreboard with thumbnails in general.

Judging by the "demand" in RuNet, this function in "Yandex" suits the majority of users. But here, too, we can, just like in Chrome, add a visual bookmark using any other service that we find in the add-ons catalog for Yandex in the Add-ons section in the three-bar button menu at the top right.

It happens that you stumble upon some very interesting site on the Internet, or your friend sends it to you and you just can't wait to keep it for yourself for the future. Or maybe you're away this moment, and you will want to read it somehow later. There are a lot of cases and in each of them bookmarks can help you.

Bookmarks are such a service in your browser, with the help of which, or rather, in which you can add any web page and store it until this page is useful to you again. Naturally, after you visit this site, it is not deleted from there. Usually, access to bookmarks is always placed in the most visible and user-friendly place in the web browser, so that you do not have to look for the pages you like again.

There are also special sites where you can add other sites and store on these sites. It sounds somehow utopian and probably incomprehensible. I'll try to explain in plain language. There are special services where you can store your important and interesting information and have access to it from a variety of computers from anywhere in the world, and, in most cases, directly from your mobile phone.

Bookmarks in the browser

How to bookmark? In order for you to have any page in your browser bookmarks, you need to simultaneously press two keys: Ctrl and D. Such combinations are also called hot keys. This is very convenient, for example, when the mouse does not work well or it becomes too lazy to make unnecessary clicks on the program window. This keyboard shortcut works in almost all popular browsers at the moment, so if you realize that it’s more convenient for you, then you can not get used to it even if you change the program for browsing the Internet.

Let's see how to bookmark a page in different browsers without using all these strange keys and other incomprehensible things.

  • If you use the Google Chrome browser, then I recommend that you read the article on our website (link ""). It describes in detail what bookmarks are for and how to use them correctly.
  • If you use Mozilla Firefox for surfing the web, which is an equally popular Internet browser, then you need to select the "Bookmarks" section in the top menu and click on the "Add" button. Naturally, the page that you are on at the time of adding will add. That is, to bookmark this page, you now need to do the steps that I described in the last sentence.

Online bookmarks

There are also online bookmarks that allow you to find necessary information no matter where you are and whether you are using the browser you bookmarked. Such services are very convenient, for example, when you have a large number of electronic devices that you are using. In such cases, these services are simply irreplaceable!

How to add a bookmark to a contact? Vkontakte allows you to bookmark each user, and also displays all the videos, records and other things that you have put "I like". This is very handy, for example, when you remember some cool picture you saw yesterday and can't remember where to find it. Bookmarks will help you and show what you liked all the time! In order to bookmark a person, you need to go to his profile and at the bottom, under the audio recordings, click on the "Add to bookmarks" link. Ready! Now you can always find this user, even if you have many friends.

How to add a bookmark to Yandex? To do this, you need to go to Yandex.Bookmarks, enter your login and password from Yandex. Mail and click on the "Add Bookmark" button. All! Also, this service allows you to create special folders and sort your finds for easy searching in the future. By the way, if necessary, you can download everything from there to your computer and add it to your browser!


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