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SARKASM, -a, m. (book_). 1. A caustic mockery, an evil irony. In the voice sounds with. 2. A caustic, mocking remark.

Watch value SARCASM in other dictionaries

Sarcasm- m. sarcastic mockery, sharp, caustic.
Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

Sarcasm- sarcasm, m. (from the Greek sarkasmos - torment) (book). 1. only units A caustic mockery, caustic irony. His speech was full of sarcasm. 2. Caustic-mocking remark. Throw in sarcasm.
Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

Sarcasm M.- 1. Evil, caustic mockery, caustic irony. 2. A caustic, caustic-mocking remark, expression.
Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova

Sarcasm- Evil, caustic mockery, caustic irony. Sarcastic - expressing sarcasm, full of sarcasm.
Political vocabulary

Sarcasm- -a; m. [Greek. sarkazō (sarkasmos) - I tear meat]
1. Acerbic mockery, caustic irony. Speak and respond with sarcasm. Acrid, evil s.
2. A caustic remark. Stab with sarcasm. Throw in sarcasm.
Explanatory Dictionary of Kuznetsov

Sarcasm- Borrowed from French, where sarcasme goes back to the Greek sarcasmos.
Etymological Dictionary of Krylov

Sarcasm- (Greek sarkasmos - from sarkazo, lit. - I tear meat), sarcastic mockery, highest degree irony, based not only on the increased contrast of the implied and expressed, but also on ........
Big encyclopedic dictionary

Sarcasm- - I tear the meat - a caustic mockery, the highest degree of irony, based not only on the increased contrast of the implied and expressed, but also on the immediate intentional ........
Historical dictionary

And humor to relate to the surrounding reality. Now on TV you can see a huge variety of grotesque elements that cause disgust and rejection. Therefore, citizens have developed a special attitude towards local realities, and now it is difficult to surprise them with something. One of the elements of protecting his fragile psyche, became Sarcasm, which means you can read a little later. I recommend adding our site site to your bookmarks so as not to miss anything useful and intriguing.
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So let's continue what does sarcasm mean? This term was borrowed from the Greek "σαρκάζω", and is translated as "to tear the flesh".

Sarcasm- this is an unpleasant mockery that contains a negative connotation, and usually indicates any shortcomings of a person, phenomenon, etc.

Sarcasm- this is the ability to praise a person so that he is very offended by you

Sarcasm- this is a caustic mockery, the highest degree of irony, a special kind of satirical exposure based on the contrast between the expressed and the implied


You heard Tolyan broke his leg on a snowboard, he was lucky, now he will rest in his crib for a couple of weeks.

Why are you so pale, I suppose you saw your death?

It's good in Germany now, German women are raped every day, it's a pleasure to watch.

Sarcasm is reminiscent of satire, as it tries to combat unpleasant and even hostile phenomena by ridiculing them. Harsh denunciation and ruthlessness are the hallmarks of sarcasm.
Irony is just a white fluffy cat compared to an angry and ferocious bear ( sarcasm). This way of joking is good because in it you can show your indignation and hatred in a veiled way. Not every satirist and comedian dares to use sarcasm in their numbers, so their lot is irony and satire.

Benefits of Sarcasm

Although sarcasm is a negative phenomenon, it has several positive aspects. For example, it can be used as a verbal weapon, suppressing your interlocutor, and not bringing the matter to assault. It will help you show your developed intellect and wit, and become a hidden context, incomprehensible to the uninitiated.
Quite often, elements of sarcasm can be found in pictorial art in order to give greater sharpness to the perception of a particular creation. Aphorisms are simply overflowing with examples of sarcasm, which allows you to make them more vivid and topical.

Disadvantages of sarcasm

Conversation skills that build the intended context in heightened contrast include negative side human wit. Many consider this phenomenon a noticeable drawback and do not welcome it at all in everyday conversation. There are several disadvantages of sarcasm, such as making fun of others and their actions, which ultimately causes a negative perception. A person who has uttered a sarcastic joke seems to be hinting to his counterpart that he does not have high intellectual qualities. Unlike irony, sarcasm rarely causes laughter and joy, and is essentially a form of black humor. With its help, they usually express an unfriendly attitude and even hatred towards something or someone.

It is believed that a small amount of sarcasm in a conversation is good for the brain, because it allows it to work at a more "increased speed".

By reading this article, you have learned what does sarcasm mean, and why you should not resort to this kind of jokes so as not to offend your interlocutor.

The highest degree of irony, based not only on the heightened contrast of the implied and the expressed, but also on the immediate intentional exposure of the implied.

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    ✪ Brotherhood of Language - Sarcasm

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Sarcasm is a mockery that can open with a positive judgment, but in general it always contains a negative connotation and indicates a lack of a person, object or phenomenon, that is, in relation to what it is happening. Like satire, sarcasm involves the fight against hostile phenomena of reality through ridiculing them. Ruthlessness, harshness of exposure - a distinctive feature of sarcasm. Unlike irony, the highest degree of indignation, hatred, finds its expression in sarcasm. Sarcasm is never a characteristic technique of a comedian who, revealing the funny in reality, depicts it always with a certain amount of sympathy and sympathy.

The comic element in a sarcastic denunciation can be quite negligible. In sarcasm, indignation is expressed quite openly. With such sarcasm, for example, Lermontov speaks about his generation: “we are rich, barely from the cradle, with the mistakes of our fathers and their late mind ...”, and concludes his “” with a caustic comparison of the attitude of future generations towards him with “a bitter mockery of a deceived son over a squandered father ".

Due to its direct impact, sarcasm is a form of exposure, equally inherent in journalism, polemics, oratory, and fiction. That is why sarcasm is especially widely used in conditions of acute political struggle. The developed political life of Greece and Rome gave rise to high samples sarcasm in Demosthenes, Cicero and Juvenal.

Deep sarcasm was imbued with the work of the fighters of the young bourgeoisie against feudalism. Rabelais, a humanist who fought against the constraint of consciousness by theology and scholastic science, directs arrows of sarcasm against scholastic scientists, deriving mocking “sorbonates”, “sorbonides”, etc. from the word “Sorbonne”, etc. Voltaire widely used the technique of sarcasm to expose the Roman Catholic Church and her ministers in his pamphlets, and especially in The Virgin of Orleans. In Voltaire's pamphlets, sarcasm against the Church rose to pathos of indignation in the oft-repeated ending: "Ecrasez l'infâme" (Crush the vermin). Swift's sarcasms are extremely diverse in his exposure of various aspects of the social life of his contemporary England.

In popular culture


Examples of sarcasms that have become aphorisms:

  • "The capitalists are ready to sell us a rope with which we will hang them." (Vladimir Lenin)
  • "If the patient really wants to live, the doctors are powerless." (Faina Ranevskaya)
  • “Only the Universe and human stupidity are infinite. Although I have my doubts about the first one. (

What is "SARKASM"? What is the correct spelling of this word. Concept and interpretation.

SARCASM Sarcasm SARKASM (from the Greek sarkadzo - to tear, torment) - one of the types of satirical exposure. Like satire, S. contains a struggle with hostile phenomena of reality through its ridicule. Ruthlessness, harshness of exposure - a distinctive feature of sarcasm. Unlike irony, sarcasm expresses the highest degree of indignation, hatred. S. is never a characteristic technique of a humorist, to-ry, revealing the funny in reality, depicts her always with a certain amount of sympathy and sympathy. The comic element in a sarcastic denunciation can be very insignificant. In S., indignation is expressed quite openly. With such S. speaks, for example. Lermontov about his generation: “we are rich, barely from the cradle, with the mistakes of our fathers and their late mind ...”, and concludes his “Duma” with a caustic comparison of the attitude of future generations towards him with “a bitter mockery of a deceived son over a squandered father.” One of requirements of sarcastic effectiveness is aphorism. S. uses the aphoristic form, for example. Lenin to end the article on Heiden: “What is a philistine? An empty gut full of cowardice and hope that God will take pity. What is the Russian liberal-democratic philistine of the Cadet and para-Cadet camp? An empty gut full of cowardice and hope that the counter-revolutionary landowner will take pity!” (Sochin., Vol. XII, p. 11). Due to its direct impact, S. is a form of exposure, equally inherent in journalism, polemics, oratory, as well as fiction. That is why S. is especially widely used in conditions of acute political and class struggle. The developed political life of Greece and Rome gave rise to high examples of S. from Demosthenes, Cicero and Juvenal. The creative work of the great fighters of the young bourgeoisie against feudalism was permeated with profound sympathy. Rabelais, a humanist who fought against the constraint of consciousness by theology and scholastic science, directs S.'s arrows against scholastic scientists, producing mocking sorbonates, sorbonides, etc. from the word "Sorbonne". Voltaire widely used S.'s technique to expose the church and its ministers in his pamphlets, and especially in the Virgin of Orleans. In the pamphlets of Voltaire, S. at the address of the church rose to pathetic indignation in the often repeated ending: "Ecrasez l'infame." Swift's sarcasm is extremely varied in his exposure of various aspects of the social life of his contemporary England. The S. of Russian revolutionary-democratic writers (Chernyshevsky, Saltykov-Shchedrin, and others) are deeply indignant. ) in their struggle against autocracy, serfdom, liberals. So, in Saltykov we find in a huge number such complete S. expressions as “administrative enthusiasm”, “pupil of the censorship department” (about himself), etc. Lenin used sarcasm with exceptional causticity in his polemics with the liberals, with the Mensheviks, with Trotsky. Thus, in his article “On the Violation of Unity” (vol. XVII, p. 393), Lenin writes about Trotsky: “Trotsky avoids facts and concrete indications because they mercilessly refute all his angry exclamations and pompous phrases. Of course, to stand in a pose and say: a crude sectarian caricature is very clever. It is also not difficult to add even harsher, even richer words about emancipation from conservative factionalism. But isn't it really cheap? Was this weapon taken from the arsenal of the era when Trotsky shone in front of the high school students? In Soviet literature, class-conscious and sharp, S. in relation to the enemy must find and finds favorable conditions for his development. We meet S. at Mayakovsky, M. Koltsov and others.

SARCASM- (Greek sarkasmos, from sarkazo, literally - tearing meat) kind of comic (See Comic), judging ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

SARCASM- SARKASM, sarcasm, m. (from the Greek sarkasmos - torment) (book). 1. only units A caustic mockery, ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

SARCASM- m. 1. Evil, caustic mockery, caustic irony. 2. A caustic, caustic-mocking remark, expressed ... Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova

SARCASM- SARKASM (Greek sarkasmos, from sarkazo, literally - I tear meat), caustic mockery, the highest degree ... Modern Encyclopedia

SARCASM- SARKASM (Greek sarkasmos - from sarkazo, literally - I tear meat), caustic mockery, the highest degree of irony ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

SARCASM- SARKASM (from the Greek sarx - flesh) - sticking into the body; caustic mockery, bitter irony ....


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