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Over time, absolutely every person is faced with the problem of accumulating unnecessary things. Once they were simply necessary, and now they only take up space in the closet. Hands do not rise just to take it and throw it away, because once all this was bought not so cheaply.

Trapped in unnecessary things

I remember as a child, when my mother came to my grandmother and threw out old unnecessary things from the closet. Grandmother, in turn, defended them vehemently, saying how necessary they were. Time passed, and the same situation repeated itself with me when I come to visit my mother - I see how many unnecessary things have accumulated. It would seem that quite recently the necessary things have now either simply turned into dust collectors, or have been lying on the shelves for years and taking up space. At the same time, my mother says: “We urgently need to buy a new wardrobe, otherwise everything does not fit in this one!”. Gradually, without noticing it, we find ourselves in captivity of unnecessary things.

Unnecessary things in the apartment

In the first place, you can put shoes, because it is she who takes the largest place, especially if you store each individual pair in boxes. For some reason, most often, it is the shoes that we are very sorry to throw away. We all hope to wear those beautiful old stilettos again someday.

The second place of honor is occupied by all our clothes. Despite the fact that there is no free space in the closet, there are frequent cases when there is nothing to wear at the right time, although the closet is full. It hurts the most when good thing It's just impossible to find among such a pile of junk.

Many do not throw away various household and electrical appliances, with the hope of someday giving them for repair. Someone collects various unnecessary waste paper, read at best. Undoubtedly, the list can be continued indefinitely, any person has his own, so dear to the heart, completely unnecessary things.

Things from unnecessary things

If you have the time, and of course there is a desire, you can do a lot of interesting things with your own hands from unnecessary things. For example, you can make a stylish bag from old jeans. You can find many workshops on how to make various crafts from unnecessary things. Read newspapers and magazines are excellent material for weaving baskets and chests. Even from an old shirt, you can make a cool pillow case. The second life of unnecessary things, sometimes an occupation not only useful, but also entertaining.

How to get rid of unnecessary things

The best and noblest way to get rid of unnecessary things is undoubtedly to give them to those in need. Children's things and toys that are in good condition can be taken to the shelter. Sure, it's not easy to pack up, find a shelter and take things there, but you will get a lot of positive emotions helping others.

If your old clothes look decent, you can easily resell them online. This option will bring two-way benefits, because someone can really come in handy with these things, and it will bring financial satisfaction to you. In fact, selling things is not difficult. Ask yourself the question: “where to sell unnecessary things?”, look on the Internet for various message boards. Elementary laziness prevents many from taking the first step, because taking a picture and exhibiting your thing is so “difficult”, it’s easiest to do nothing.

Everyone is familiar with this proverb: "it's hard to carry, but it's a pity to quit." Have you ever had such a relationship when love has already outlived its usefulness. In psychology, such a concept, when you are afraid to break off relationships that have already become obsolete, is called "suitcase syndrome without a handle." When, it would seem, the relationship should be ended, and you are trying to return everything from the beginning, although you understand that the break is about to happen. It turns out that you become dependent on your partner. There are many reasons why you do not break off this relationship to the end, and each of them is individual.
For example, fear of loneliness. Some people think it's better to be with someone, just not alone. No one wants to feel abandoned and abandoned.

Or presence joint children. Here, many women have a stereotype that a child needs a father. But is such a father needed, who disappears at work for days or does not pay attention to the child at all.

Is there some more fear stay an old maid. This opinion, often imposed by the environment, under their pressure, you begin to think that it is indecent to be alone. But, as they say, all ages are submissive to love. It is better to wait for the very thing than to be with just anyone and waste your life on unworthy people.

There is also simple habit when you just got used to the person. Sometimes, apart from memories, nothing connects you, but you are drawn to a person. It also happens that you feel bad with a person, but even worse without him. It can sometimes be very difficult for a person to cope with such an addiction.
Certain features are inherent in such suitcase relations.

For example, you understand that feelings have become obsolete. You felt good before, but now in place of feelings there is only a terrible uncertainty. Or even worse, you began to feel sorry for your partner. No need to regret. Nothing will happen to a person without you, he will continue to live, only without you, your paths will simply diverge. You should not be together just because you are afraid of hurting a person. Think about the fact that if you do not break off this relationship, it will hurt both of you.

Or, for example, your partner manipulates you, or he uses you. Think about whether he really appreciates you that much.
Your relationship has become emod data also if you have lost confidence in a person. You do not believe a single word of his, it brings torment. It's hard to live in conjecture, trying to separate what is true and what is false.

Or you constantly feel guilty before him. Do not dig, do not look for the reason in yourself, do not blame yourself for his problems, because the person is just trying to throw them on himself.

suitcase ratio can manifest itself in such a severe form when your partner not only humiliates you himself, but allows his relatives and friends to do it. And the worst thing is if it becomes a habit. If a person really loves you, he will never allow this, he will never hurt you, he will never allow anyone to hurt you sincerely.

If in any of the above you have learned a little myself So it's time to end this relationship. There is no point in delaying a relationship with a person who has become a stranger to you. No matter how afraid you are, the moment will come when you have to talk seriously, not lie, but tell the reason for the breakup in person. In such a situation, it is better to speak the truth. Speaking vaguely, then, a person may think that there is hope to return the relationship.

When all this will be passed, will have to learn to live without this person. It can be very difficult, after a breakup, emptiness still reigns in the soul, and life seems not to be a joy. All this will pass. Do not try to analyze past relationships, remember every moment. All memories must be let go, otherwise they will hurt again and again. And it's time to start working on yourself.

After all, men like women who know how to fulfill themselves, go forward without looking back. Listen to your desires, fulfill your old dreams, take up your favorite hobby. Just do not tell your friends the story of your love a hundred times, it is hard to bear even the closest friend. There are many other pleasant topics for conversation.

After all, to drag suitcase without handle really hard, do not continue a relationship that has become obsolete. Let them go, and don't let them hold you back. Remember, old relationships are always followed by new ones.

1. Hopelessly damaged things. Stained shirts, stretchy T-shirts, and moth-eaten sweaters don't belong in your closet. Why keep something that you are unlikely to wear at least once?

2. Clothes that don't fit you. The reason, I think, is clear.

3. Old shoes. If it can be brought into a divine form, do it. Couples that are not recoverable are sent to the trash.

4. Worn underwear. When the bra is no longer able to support the chest properly, it's time to replace it with a new one. It's embarrassing to talk about torn underpants - put them in the trash, that's all.

5. Stockings and tights with puffs or holes. Yes, yes, they can still be sewn up and worn under jeans or trousers. Either sew it up at last, or get rid of obviously useless things.

6. Leaky socks. It's the same as in the previous paragraph: sew it up or throw it away - it's up to you, so long as the socks do not continue to lie idle.

7. Jewelry that has lost its former appearance. With jewelry, everything is clear: a broken lock, a torn chain or a dropped rhinestone are quite good reasons to throw away a bracelet or necklace. Jewelry should not be scattered, it is better to give them for repair.

8. Old holiday dresses. Do you think there is a good chance that you will someday wear the outfit that you shone in at high school prom? If the dress is in good condition, try to sell it. If not, well, even with such things one must be able to say goodbye.

9. Shabby bags. And there are wallets. Agree, the chance that you will one day decide to go out with a worn out bag is zero.

10. Old bathing suits and swimming trunks. Say goodbye without regret to all stretched and faded pieces.

11. Spare buttons for clothes you no longer wear. After all, what are you going to do with a set of completely different buttons?

Cosmetics and personal care

12. Old cosmetics. First, since you haven't used it yet, it's unlikely that you'll ever need this eye shadow, lip gloss, or foundation. Second, they have an expiration date. When it came to an end, it's time to say goodbye to the product.

13. Dried nail polish. Even if you dilute it with a special liquid, it still cannot be compared with fresh. Throw away without hesitation.

14. Eau de toilette samples. Why save them if you don't like the scent?

15. Samplers of cosmetics. Either use it or throw it away, there is no middle ground.

16. Old toiletries. A bald toothbrush and a cracked soap dish are not something that should be carefully stored for many years.

17. Stretched hair bands. Here is good news for connoisseurs of rubber bands-telephone wires: bathe the rubber bands in boiling water, they will be as good as new.

18. Invisible hairpins. Shake out the drawer with cosmetics or the box where you store jewelry, you will surely find a few hairpins there. Since you do not use them, then there is no point in storing them.

19. Almost finished cosmetics and household chemicals. There is a little money left on the bottom, it seems like it’s time to throw it away, but the toad is strangling. Give the toad a fitting rebuff and send almost empty bottles and jars to the trash can.

Food and kitchen utensils

20. Spoiled products. Will you eat them? So no one will, so feel free to send the old-timers of your refrigerator to the trash can.

21. Old spices and seasonings. Like other products, they have . When it comes to an end, it's time for the spices to leave your kitchen cabinet.

22. Unnecessary circles. Throw away those with cracks and chips, and take the whole ones that you don’t use for some reason to work. They will definitely come in handy there.

23. Old sponges for washing dishes. By the way, they should be changed regularly, and this should be done before the sponge starts to smell.

24. Pots and pans with scratched non-stick coatings. What's the point of this cover when only one name is left of it?

25. Empty jars and jars. Why keep them at all is not clear. Apparently, in the hope that someday all this will come in handy. Let's be honest, did it come in handy at least once? If not, goodbye, jars!

26. Kitchen utensils you don't use. Give a completely new one to friends, throw out the used one.

27. Food containers you don't use. And at the same time, those that have lost their former appearance - the lid cracked, for example.

28. Assorted dishes. Once upon a time there was a tea couple, then the cup broke, but the saucer survived - or vice versa. It seems nothing terrible, but using such dishes is not very pleasant. So it's time to send her to rest.

29. Broken kitchen utensils. And again: you can use them, but not very pleasant. So why keep it?


30. Old towels with stains or holes. It is frankly unpleasant to wipe yourself with them, so throw them away without hesitation.

31. Worn bed linen. If it just faded, that's all right, but torn sheets and duvet covers are a direct road to a landfill.

32. Shabby rugs from the bathroom and hallway. Their life was already not easy, why prolong suffering?

33. Old pillows. Still, they are no longer as plump and soft as before.

34. Extra hangers. Leave as much as you need to hang clothes and the rest in the trash.

35. Unnecessary flower vases. Give away, sell or dispose of them in any other way.

36. Trinkets. A figurine of a pig, presented to you on the occasion of the onset of the year of this animal, is appropriate once every 12 years. Release the pig to freedom, do not torture. Souvenirs from travels and fridge magnets will make her an excellent company.

37. Christmas decorations that do not please. A garland where several light bulbs do not burn, a glass ball that, instead of a factory fixture, is held on a cunningly curved wire - do not turn the Christmas tree into an exhibition of junk.

38. Broken electronics and household appliances. If you still haven't fixed it, then you don't really need it.

39. Spare parts for furniture. Gather up all those parts and screws that seem to multiply by fission and throw them straight into the trash can.

waste paper

40. Old checks and bills. Since the warranty period has ended, it means that there is no point in saving the check. And here are the receipts utilities worth keeping at least.

41. School and university textbooks. You probably won't need them. Give them to the library, so there will be at least some use from the books. And you can throw out the notes with a clear conscience.

42. Postcards and invitations to weddings. If they are dear to you as a memory, leave them, but it makes no sense to keep a stack of postcards with on-duty wishes for happiness and health.

43. Newspapers and magazines. Including those that you wrote out at school for foreign language lessons. You never know, suddenly you still keep them.

44. Discount cards for stores you don't go to. It is logical: if you don’t go, then you don’t use cards.

45. Discount coupons that have expired. They won't give you a discount anyway.

46. ​​Junk from the mailbox. Catalogs of amazing products, flyers with discounts from the nearest store, and similar printed materials should be stored where they belong: in the trash can.

47. Instructions for assembling furniture. It is unlikely that you regularly disassemble and reassemble a closet or chest of drawers.

48. Guides. Why hoard paper brochures when you can use electronic versions guides?

49. Children's drawings. Whether it's your creations or your children's drawings, it's hard to let go. Pull yourself together and leave only those that you like the most.

50. Duplicate photos. In case you do not trust cloud storage and prefer to store printed pictures in photo albums. And with the clouds you are in vain, they are much more convenient.

51. Old diaries. Since they lie dead weight with you, throw them out already - and that's it.

Miscellaneous little things

52. Boxes from household appliances. The very ones that are kept by thrifty citizens on cabinets. When the warranty period ends, the boxes should be sent to the trash can.

53. Expired drugs. It is unlikely that any comments are needed here.

54. Old mobile phones. Is your nostalgia for bygone times so strong that you can still keep it, which are unlikely to ever turn on?

55. Unnecessary smartphone accessories. Sooner or later you still have to get rid of them, so why put it off until later?

56. Dried flowers. Get rid of sentimentality and throw out those dustbins.

57. Old stationery. Stickers, dry markers and pens, folders for papers, and all that.

58. Wires are unknown from what. Everything is simple here: if you know exactly why this cable is needed, and at least sometimes use it for its intended purpose, let it live. The rest should disappear from your house.

59. Old CDs and DVDs. Music you don't listen to anymore computer programs, which you are unlikely to ever use, films that you have watched more than once ... Why do you need all this?

60. Souvenirs from promotions. Suppose they handed you a T-shirt, where the logo of a milk producer flaunts across the chest. Will you wear it? No, right?

61. Gifts you don't use. Or the ones you just don't like. Give them to people who will appreciate the gifts at their true worth.

62. Used batteries. Hand them over for recycling, there is probably a collection point for batteries and accumulators in your city.

63. Toys for animals. Of course, those to which your pet is indifferent. It is unlikely that he will ever change his mind and decide that a mouse on wheels or a squeaky rubber chicken is the dream of his life.

64. Board games where there are not enough details. They won't be able to play well.

65. Wrinkled bows and ribbons for gift wrapping. Since they have lost their former appearance, then it is not worth decorating a gift with them.

66. Small coins. However, you can not throw them away, but put them in a piggy bank. A decent amount will be typed - exchange it at the bank.

Order in the house is order in the head, so make it a rule to arrange such cleaning from time to time. By the way, what would you add to this list?


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