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A well-known bard is suspected of fraud on an especially large scale. The former Deputy Minister of Economy was also arrested in this case. Sverdlovsk region

Singer Alexander Novikov. Photo: Anton Novoderezhkin / TASS

A court in Yekaterinburg placed famous singer Alexander Novikov under house arrest. The performer of songs full of prison romance is suspected of fraud for 36 million rubles.

Earlier, Mikhail Shilimanov, former Deputy Minister of Economy of the Sverdlovsk Region, was arrested in this case. We are talking about fraud on an especially large scale - deception of shareholders of the Queens Bay residential complex. Apartments in this residential complex should have been rented out a few years ago. Shareholders have repeatedly staged rallies and appealed to various authorities. Alexander Novikov, according to SPARK, was previously listed as a co-founder of a construction company, but then dropped out of its owners.

Andrei correspondent“Houses in the village were supposed to start renting back in 2012, but today there are three houses, of which the third has not yet been completed. Shareholders of the housing complex accused Alexander Novikov and his partner Mikhail Shlimanov, this is the former deputy minister of the Sverdlovsk region in the field of energy, of embezzling funds, of withdrawing the funds of shareholders. Actually, why they are accused of fraud on an especially large scale.

As the shareholders told Business FM, it was supposed that an elite residential complex would be built on the shore of the lake. The billboards had the phrase "heaven on earth".

Many equity holders invested in the construction, because they believed it was Alexander Novikov, says Anna Krindach, chairman of the All-Russian Public Movement for the Protection of the Rights of Deceived Interest-holders “Strength in Movement”.

Anna Krindach Chairman of the All-Russian public movement in defense of the rights of deceived equity holders "Strength in Motion"“In my opinion, deceit was initially laid down, because communications were not laid to this “paradise on Earth”. The main thing is communication. That is, it turns out that in an open field the territory is fenced with a fence, I myself have been there several times, I tell my impressions, where there are no utilities. It is very expensive to conduct more communications to this "paradise on Earth", and it turns out that mass advertising. Behind her stood Alexander Novikov. The people who told me, and the deceived shareholders told me, I know many from this cooperative, they told me: “Why did we buy it?” Here are promises, not apartments, but simply promises to build this paradise. Behind this was a singer, we respect him very much, chansonnier Alexander Novikov. We believed that he would definitely not deceive us.” Here people got into the mortgage. I know a woman, Olga, she pays 34 thousand a month so far in a mortgage for this "paradise". She still sings at the conservatory here. There was a hunger strike, I talked to everyone again in the summer. People pay mortgages, got into a loan and still pay loans and have nothing. It is impossible to get into the territory, there is a guard, a fence. The problem is that this land is owned by Alexander Novikov, that is, it is his property. And the change of the builder, no matter how the regional authorities try to solve this problem, he does not give any land. I can be wrong, for 200-something million, that is, very expensive.

In court, Alexander Novikov said that it would not be possible to complete the complex with the money collected from the shareholders, there would not be enough funds. As a result, a verbal skirmish ensued between the chansonnier and the equity holders. The events were recorded by the Ural RIA Novy Region:

“- Having put me under house arrest, shooting me and putting me in jail, you are mistaken that you will get apartments! You will never get them!

We'll get!

Because we need a new arrival of shareholders.

We will get (apartments) and you will get yours.

You will be responsible for slander!”

Earlier, Alexander Novikov stated that he was the same injured shareholder as everyone else. The court arrested the chanson singer for two months. That is, if house arrest is not extended, Novikov will be released on Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Published on 23.12.16 17:23

Chansonnier Alexander Novikov was accused of fraud, and he made a scandal in court.

The Verkh-Isetsky District Court of Yekaterinburg chose a measure of restraint for the famous bard Alexander Novikov in the form of house arrest for a period of two months, TASS reports.

The court chose a measure of restraint for Novikov in the form of house arrest in Yekaterinburg for two months, until February 22, 2017. During the trial, the musician pleaded not guilty.

"I leased the land that belonged to me to the developer, I did not steal any intcbatch one penny, I didn’t even see this money ... I have no desire to ask for indulgence, I didn’t do anything and didn’t steal anything! If you want to arrest, arrest me, it’s not prison that’s terrible for me, dishonor is terrible,” Novikov said.

Alexander Novikov is a Soviet and Russian poet and songwriter in the genre of urban romance. The musician also received the Chanson of the Year award several times. In 1985, the musician was sentenced to 10 years in prison for selling counterfeit products, but he was released five years later. Later, the verdict was overturned by the decision of the Supreme Court of Russia due to the lack of corpus delicti.

Bard Alexander Novikov, who was charged with fraud in the Queens Bay case the day before, was given a preventive measure. The Verkh-Isetsky District Court placed the artistic director of the Variety Theater under house arrest for two months, the correspondent of the Portal website reports. He will spend this time in an apartment in the house on Nikolai Nikonov.

At the beginning of the meeting, the defense announced a petition for a measure of restraint in the form of bail, the money for which was collected by the Variety Theater. The court announced a 20-minute break for the defense to familiarize itself with the case file. When the meeting resumed, the investigator petitioned for house arrest for the bard, as he often visits other cities in Russia, as well as abroad, and can affect the course of the investigation. He was supported by the Queens Bay shareholders present in the hall, who said they were afraid of Novikov. The lawyer in response stated that due to the house arrest of the artistic director at the Variety Theater, New Year's events could be disrupted.

Novikov spoke very emotionally: “I am accused of embezzling the funds of shareholders, but on the contrary, I tried to help them. Do you know what was built for a much larger amount than the funds collected from the shareholders? Finally, the bard promised that those shareholders who turned against him with a statement would never receive an apartment.

Alexander Novikov, artistic director of the Variety Theatre:

The bard also said that the accusation is based on the testimony of Larisa Assonova, who admitted that she helped Novikov and Shilimanov steal money.

While waiting for the court’s decision, Novikov shared with his lawyer: “And in prison now is dinner, pasta. Ah, today is Friday. So uh." As a result, judge Vitaly Androsov announced that Alexander Novikov, who is charged with embezzlement of 35 million rubles, will spend two months under house arrest.

After that, the bard told reporters that placing a public person under house arrest is savagery. “Can you imagine the insanity and idiocy of the investigation?” he said and added that there would be no more construction until new shareholders come. “And after all this, they won’t come.”

Earlier, the Verkh-Isetsky Court chose a preventive measure for the chansonnier's partner, the former Deputy Minister of Economy of the Sverdlovsk Region, Mikhail Shilimanov (it is believed that the money of several dozen shareholders of the ill-fated village was transferred to the accounts of these two people). He was arrested for two months - until February 18, 2017.

Recall that yesterday, investigators of the Main Investigation Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Sverdlovsk Region changed the procedural status of a chansonnier - after interrogation and two confrontations, he turned from a suspect into an accused.

The Queens Bay Housing Cooperative was established in 2010. 70 shareholders were involved in the construction project. They contributed money for the future construction of apartments in the amount of 150 million rubles, but no housing was built. The construction was frozen in 2011.

Olga Kuraeva

Verkh-Isetsky District Court of Yekaterinburg sent a famous chansonnier under house arrest Alexandra Novikova, accused of embezzlement of 35.6 million rubles. from 65 equity holders of the Queens Bay housing cooperative. His business partner, the former Deputy Minister of Investment and Development of the Sverdlovsk Region, Mikhail Shilimanov, will spend two months in a pre-trial detention center as part of a criminal case. Mr. Novikov is sure of his innocence and intends to appeal the court's decision.

Today, the Verkh-Isetsky District Court of Yekaterinburg sent under house arrest for two months the famous chansonnier, artistic director of the Ural State Variety Theater Alexander Novikov. His business partner, former Deputy Minister of Investment and Development of the Sverdlovsk Region, Mikhail Shilimanov, was arrested for two months, which he will spend in a pre-trial detention center. Both were charged under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (large-scale fraud). The investigation charges Mr. Novikov with theft of 35.6 million rubles, Mr. Shilimanov - 41 million rubles. during the construction of the Queens Bay Club Village in Yekaterinburg.

The construction of the club village "Bay Queens" of 56 households began in 2008 in the village of Izoplit on an area of ​​4.6 hectares (the site is owned by chansonnier Alexander Novikov). The construction was planned to be completed in 2012. The construction was financed from the funds of the consumer housing and construction cooperative (HCC) "Queens Bay" created by LLC GK "Domberi". According to the SPARK-Interfax system, Mr. Shilimanov was registered as a director of Domberi on June 1, 2010. 65 shareholders became members of the cooperative with a total amount of contributions of more than 150 million rubles. In 2011 construction works were suspended. In November last year, the regional prosecutor's office, based on the statements of the shareholders, opened a criminal case under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

During the court session, as a matter of restraint, it became known that Alexander Novikov received the status of the accused yesterday - during interrogation at the Main Investigation Department (GSU) of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Sverdlovsk Region. As part of the interrogation, the investigators held face-to-face confrontations between Alexander Novikov, Larisa Assonova (one of the leaders of the cooperative) and witnesses. “From December 1, 2010 to December 31, 2012, Alexander Novikov was the head of the Queens Bay housing cooperative and, with the participation of Mikhail Shilimanov and Larisa Assonova, stole 35.6 million rubles. Face-to-face confrontations, testimony of witnesses, and expert opinions point to his guilt, ”said representatives of the investigation, suggesting that the court send the chansonnier under house arrest. They were supported by more than a dozen deceived shareholders who were present at the meeting.

[...] The question of "Queens Bay" was raised during a meeting with the governor by Dmitry Rozhin, a representative of the village's equity holders. He stated that there is documentary evidence of the withdrawal of funds by the developer in the person of the bard Alexander Novikov and the former Deputy Minister of Economy of the Sverdlovsk Region Mikhail Shilimanov.

In response, Khinshtein spoke rather sharply.

Alexander Khinshtein, Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation:
- For me, it is extremely surprising that Alexander Vasilievich [Novikov] did not appear at the meeting, although he promised me. As far as I know, this is not the first case: the Nikitsky Gate residential complex was completed at the expense of the regional resource. Perhaps my words will reach him. Alexander Vasilievich, let everyone be responsible for their words, in other words, for their own market.

The Verkh-Isetsky District Court of Yekaterinburg placed the famous chansonnier Alexander Novikov under house arrest, accused of embezzling 35.6 million rubles. from 65 equity holders of the Queens Bay housing cooperative. His business partner, the former Deputy Minister of Investment and Development of the Sverdlovsk Region, Mikhail Shilimanov, will spend two months in a pre-trial detention center as part of a criminal case. Mr. Novikov is sure of his innocence and intends to appeal the court's decision.

Today, the Verkh-Isetsky District Court of Yekaterinburg sent under house arrest for two months the famous chansonnier, artistic director of the Ural State Variety Theater Alexander Novikov. His business partner, former Deputy Minister of Investment and Development of the Sverdlovsk Region, Mikhail Shilimanov, was arrested for two months, which he will spend in a pre-trial detention center. Both were charged under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (large-scale fraud). The investigation charges Mr. Novikov with theft of 35.6 million rubles, Mr. Shilimanov - 41 million rubles. during the construction of the Queens Bay Club Village in Yekaterinburg.

The construction of the club village "Bay Queens" of 56 households began in 2008 in the village of Izoplit on an area of ​​4.6 hectares (the site is owned by chansonnier Alexander Novikov). The construction was planned to be completed in 2012. The construction was financed from the funds of the consumer housing and construction cooperative (HCC) "Queens Bay" created by LLC GK "Domberi". According to the SPARK-Interfax system, Mr. Shilimanov was registered as a director of Domberi on June 1, 2010. 65 shareholders became members of the cooperative with a total amount of contributions of more than 150 million rubles. In 2011, construction work was suspended. In November last year, the regional prosecutor's office, based on the statements of the shareholders, opened a criminal case under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

During the court session, as a matter of restraint, it became known that Alexander Novikov received the status of the accused yesterday - during interrogation at the Main Investigation Department (GSU) of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Sverdlovsk Region. As part of the interrogation, the investigators held face-to-face confrontations between Alexander Novikov, Larisa Assonova (one of the leaders of the cooperative) and witnesses. “From December 1, 2010 to December 31, 2012, Alexander Novikov was the head of the Queens Bay housing cooperative and, with the participation of Mikhail Shilimanov and Larisa Assonova, stole 35.6 million rubles. Face-to-face confrontations, witnesses' indicators, physical evidence and expert opinions point to his guilt," the representatives of the investigation said, suggesting that the court send the chansonnier under house arrest. They were supported by more than a dozen deceived shareholders who were present at the meeting.

Alexander Novikov's defense and the prosecutor's office considered the petition unfounded. “Given that Mr. Novikov is a public figure, the case is at the final stage, the accused will not be able to put any pressure on the witnesses, and also that during the investigative measures he did not try to hide from the investigation, we believe that his restriction of freedom or isolation is not needed,” said a spokesman for the prosecutor’s office. “There is no reason to talk about the damage of 35.6 million rubles, since the volume and cost of the work performed have not been determined,” added Alexander Novikov’s lawyer. During the meeting, a petition was received for the provision of bail by the Ural State Variety Theatre.

However, Judge Sergey Androsov appointed Alexander Novikov house arrest as a preventive measure until February 22, 2017.

Alexander Novikov reacted negatively to the court decision. “I'm going to appeal my house arrest. This is the wildest decision,” he said. However, he maintains his innocence. “I have never been a member of the Queens Bay housing cooperative, but simply provided the land that belonged to me to the developer for rent. I didn't get a single penny from this deal. I am a decent person, I did not hide and did not steal anything. The accusation is based only on the words of Larisa Assonova, who confessed, making a deal with the investigation,” Mr. Novikov noted.

Olga Kuraeva, Yekaterinburg


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