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You will learn where to sell your photos online and how much you can earn from it. Read how to choose the right photo stock and what rules beginner photographers should follow.

13.02.2018 Elena Atyutina

With the advent of gadgets equipped with high-quality cameras, crowds of photographers rushed to sell images on the Internet. Over time, random people were eliminated, and those who really understand this matter remained.

Nevertheless, photography and the sale of exclusive images is a business that can be done by anyone who has artistic taste, time, desire and skills in working with specialized software.

Selling photos online - good money or a waste of time

Thanks to the availability of powerful digital photographic equipment, obtaining high-quality images has ceased to be the privilege of specialists. If you love photography and think you're good at it, you have a great chance of turning your passion into a source of income.

To earn money, you will have to be patient and have a professional camera. If you consistently take quality pictures, turn your passion into a source of income. The most successful, popular images are sold several times.

If you understand that you do not have the skills and abilities of a professional photographer, this way of earning money will not suit you, you will only lose time.

To start making money from your hobby, use simple rules.

Lenses with high resolution will make pictures of the highest quality in technical terms. Cheap cameras create a lot of distortion. If the matrix is ​​dirty, noise, garbage appears on the frames. Buyers are unlikely to agree to purchase such images.

To work on photo stocks, at least a school level of this language is required, since large companies from which the main income comes are foreign.

Foreign photo banks value other people's work and copyright, so they pay good money. Knowing English, you yourself compose a competent description of the picture. Well, correspondence with customers in which case you will conduct without difficulty.

Carefully enter information about yourself: registration means the actual signing of an electronic contract for the sale of photographs.

Where can I sell photos and make money on it

We bring to your attention a list of popular photo stocks.


It is considered the most famous photo bank, which has a large audience and sells faster than other services. However, in order to receive a decent payment, it is necessary to present the appropriate quality and uniqueness of the images.

Registration will require a scanned copy of the foreign passport. To become a Shutterstock contributor, a photographer will have to pass an exam that requires them to accept a minimum number of shots (7 out of 10).

Beginners most often receive about 25 cents for work. Over time, the amount of payment grows due to the growth of the total amount of income.


For registration, you will need a scanned copy of a document that confirms your identity.

The exam is quite strict, consists of five papers. Depositphotos has a user-friendly Russian interface, which is useful for beginners when working with microstocks.


The server is considered the most suitable for novice authors, since it does not require passing an exam and presenting documents during registration. But the quality of the photo should be quite high. The average price per image is $0.2.

istock photo

It is believed that this server has the most stringent check and the most difficult exam among all sites. Unsurprisingly, iStockPhoto pays heavily for images. To register, you must provide a scanned copy of a document that confirms the identity of the author (rights, passport or international passport).

To pass the exam, you must send 10 photos. Good earnings await those people who enter into exclusive contracts.


This is a domestic photo bank founded in Russia in 2006. To register, the author must sign the contract, printed in two copies. The paper should be sent by mail with a photocopy of a document that confirms the identity of the person. After the procedure, you are allowed to upload 20 pictures, which will be considered by the site administration.

Lori does not impose too strict requirements for work: photos are accepted, the resolution of which is from 2 MP. Authors' income depends on image size and license.

Rules for working with photo stocks

Before starting your activity, carefully read the terms of operation of the drain. They will help you avoid mistakes and earn more money.

And learn the basic rules for handling services.

Rule 1. Upload only original photos

In order for the photobank to accept your pictures, you need to upload your own work. Images must be unique and not previously published on the Internet.

The most popular photo themes are:

  • business;
  • family Children;
  • photos of girls;
  • scenery.

Rule 2. Competently fill in meta tags

When uploading an image, specify the following parameters:

  1. Title- name of the picture. It must not exceed 30 characters.
  2. Description- description of the photo. You must enter at least 7 words here.
  3. Keywords- keywords. Their optimal number is 40-50. It is this parameter that determines the number of sales, since the buyer finds pictures from them. Remember, the more keywords you put in, the more likely your image is to sell.

Rule 3

Photobanks adhere to the position that, if necessary, the buyer independently processes the image as he needs. For this reason, it is worth selling a high-quality photo without unnecessary special effects or filters.

However, it is not necessary to completely abandon graphic editors. Even a high-quality image, which was shot with highly professional equipment, requires minimal correction: noise elimination, correction of lighting errors, sharpness, brightness and contrast.

Rule 4: If you're photographing people, upload the model's receipt

When people are photographed, you must have their Model Release. The receipt does not oblige the model to anything: the photostock is trying to protect itself from possible claims and prosecution.

There is no difficulty in preparing the document, the finished form can be downloaded from the photobank. Write in block letters the name of the photographer and the names of all the people in the photo, indicate the data of the model and the author (address, telephone number), date, signature plus the signature of the witness.

Before you get down to business, carefully read the listed tips.

They will help you find the most suitable photo bank.

Each of the photo stores offers its own cost of payment for services.

But, as a rule, there are no significant differences in the prices for the sale of images, so the authors choose the content provider for other aspects.

To receive earnings from a photo stock, you must have an acceptable limit of funds on your account.

Each site determines its own minimum withdrawal amount. For example, on ShutterStock it is $75, Lori - 1500 rubles, Dreamstock - $100.

Recommendation 3. Read the terms of cooperation

Find out whether it is mandatory to pass an entrance exam or whether free registration is possible.

Typically, you need to complete a job that uploads a certain number of photos. Based on its results, the issue of the author's admission to work on the site is decided.

On the Internet, you can find the opinions of experienced authors about photo stocks. They know about all the intricacies of the work, they can name their advantages and disadvantages. After reading the reviews of photographers, you will choose the right photo bank for yourself and will be able to avoid the mistakes that many beginners make.

Recommendation 5. Focus on foreign services

As a rule, foreign sites value the work of authors, so the payment on such sites is higher. Knowing English at least at the level of the school curriculum, you increase your chances of concluding exclusive contracts on foreign servers that promise a large income.

How much can you earn selling photos

When selling images, the client pays the photo stock, and the authors receive about 50% of the cost of each image download - from about 20 cents to $ 2.5. If buyers purchase frames for their publication in calendars, printing of posters or postcards, mouse pads, earnings will be much more. Income also depends on the size of the image that the client chooses: the smaller it is, the lower the price.

If your hobby is photography, then it will not be difficult for you to become a freelancer in this area. But where and to whom to offer the fruits of your creative work? It will be quite difficult for a beginner to decide on this. At first, the thought of and about various magazines may come. But besides this, I would like to remind you that your photographic works may be of interest to publishers of postcards, calendars, companies engaged in the production of souvenirs, local and other media, all kinds of design and advertising agencies. You can make good money on the shooting of celebrations, but experience is required here and any mistakes and overlays should be excluded.

A lot has been written and said about photo stocks. Photostock is a good way to sell non-custom shots. This is a job based on the knowledge of what is in demand on the market for such services today. And in this case, your picture can be sold countless times. For some, working on drains is not very convenient psychologically. The reason for this is the lack of feedback from the customer. It would seem that the picture was created according to all the rules and standards, but for some reason it is not for sale. You can only guess about the reasons for this. Do not forget that there is serious competition on network photo exchanges.

Naturally, the work can be sent straight to your potential clients. But here it is not worth counting on success. However, in this case, you get feedback from the customer and gain valuable experience. And this is important. You will learn to cope with the feeling of resentment when you refuse (some people endure this very hard), and you will be able to respond more flexibly to the demands of your other clients in the future. Gradually, this communication experience will turn into the quality of work, and an increasing number of your proposals will be accepted by customers. Gradually, you will learn how to properly select pictures and offer them to someone who will appreciate them and be able to use them in their work. If we compare the work on the photo exchange and work with a real customer, then the second option is the most advantageous.

There is another way to sell your photos, but for a beginner photographer, it is quite complicated. Although at the beginning of his career, he can become the most productive. This means direct communication with the editors of newspapers, magazines and the management of various advertising agencies. They can be offered both their ready-made works and services for the future, for example, filming reports from various events. But it is often difficult for a beginner to position himself as a professional photographer, and this causes them some psychological discomfort. If you don't receive your order, don't worry about it. After all, your failed customer still has your contacts, and he will certainly not forget about you another time. It is also important that gradually you will be aware of what he needs, what kind of products he needs, and you will more skillfully respond to his requests.

Well, in order for your creativity not to stand still, so that it develops, and the level of your work becomes higher and higher, so that your skills improve and grow, so that your work experience increases, a novice photographer can be recommended to combine all of the above methods trying to sell the fruits of their labor. That is, to send works to photo exchanges on the Internet, to make offers to potential customers, and, of course, to offer them ready-made photographs. In this case, your portfolio will be formed quite quickly and will be interesting and diverse.

The best praise for every photographer is the increased demand for their work. For commercial professionals involved in shooting to order, the criterion for success is the payment of their services by clients, for example, they conducted a photo session or filmed a wedding and received money. However, absolutely everyone can shoot weddings, anniversaries and other celebrations, it is much more difficult to make a name for yourself and win fame among ordinary people in the offline photography genre. Unfortunately, many aspiring photographers do not even think about selling photos of landscapes, animals, children, or their friends over the Internet. And you can earn really good money on this.

Where to buy high resolution photos

With the growth of Internet publications, blogs and websites, the demand for high-quality and unique high-resolution photographs is steadily growing. You can buy and sell photos on the Internet using specialized resources - photobanks and stocks, which contain hundreds of thousands of pictures and photos that can be purchased at an affordable price.

Stock photos today have been widely used in the design of websites, informative and educational blog articles, in the design and creation of banners, flyers and posters, book covers, newsletters, etc. Due to the high demand, creating and posting stock images can be a good source of income for every photographer.

To whom and where to sell photos on the Internet? Where to sell photos online?

  1. So, first of all, you should consider the possibility of implementing images using your own website. If you have an extensive collection of material, selling it can be a really lucrative business. Many photographers immediately reject this option, due to fear of additional difficulties associated with the need to create and promote their own website.
  2. You can also try to sell photos to a magazine. We can talk about cooperation with the yellow press, as well as with more serious publications. The most popular are typical business images and photos depicting show business stars and various famous people. How to sell your photos to a magazine? The photographer should be prepared to communicate directly with the editors of magazines, newspapers and all kinds of advertising agencies that may be interested in both finished work and services in the foreseeable future.
  3. Cooperation with specialized photobanks. Such resources are accessed daily by thousands of users who are planning to purchase unique and interesting images in various genres. The cost of stock photos can vary in a fairly wide range, while their owner can expect to receive from 20 to 60% of the cost of sales.

Where to sell photos online? Among the most popular photobanks are:

  • Shutterstock is one of the most successful and well-known photo stocks on the World Wide Web. Absolutely every novice photographer dreams of exhibiting his work here. Every day, with its help, a huge number of photos in various genres are realized. It is very difficult to get here, for a start, the authors need to successfully cope with 10 test tasks. On average, photographers on Shooterstock earn from $100 to $500, especially popular and successful users can earn up to $10,000-15,000 monthly.
  • iStockPhoto is the oldest photo bank in this market segment. Just like on Shutterstock, new photographers must complete tests before they can submit their work to the photo bank. There is an opinion among experts that the portfolio of this resource is more artistic and original than any other stocks.
  • Fotolia is another well-known stock among photographers, with a catalog of more than twenty thousand photos and videos. The resource is famous for its favorable and democratic terms of cooperation, while photographers do not need to pass any exams - a simple registration is enough to upload a photo.
  • Depositphotos - only the laziest Internet user has not heard about this photo bank today. The site is visited daily by a huge number of unique users from all over the world, while the developers took care of the presence of a Russian-language interface.
  • Lori is the oldest Russian photo bank with the most simple interface, convenient search and a regularly updated portfolio. An important advantage of the service is the presence of an active forum of authors, where you can ask more successful colleagues almost any questions. There are no mandatory exams for beginner photographers, however, there is a limit on available downloads.
  • PressFoto is another successful Russian photobank with an extensive collection of graphics and photos in various genres. To start working on the site, photographers need to upload three unique photos, provide personal data and sign a cooperation agreement with a photo bank.

The stocks listed above are not limited to answering the question of where to sell photos. There are about thirty successful microstocks in Runet, cooperation with which allows you to get a very good income on your favorite hobby.

How to sell photos to a beginner on the internet

Many aspiring photographers are thinking about how to sell their photos and make money from their own work. In fact, nothing particularly complicated is required for this:

  1. A good digital camera with a resolution of at least 8 megapixels. An excellent addition to modern technology will be a macro lens, which will significantly expand the possibilities for obtaining truly original and interesting photos.
  2. High-speed Internet access, which will allow you to upload "heavy" images to stock sites and photobanks.
  3. Access and ability to work with specialized programs and graphic editors. The undisputed leader in this area is the good old Adobe Photoshop.
  4. A minimum knowledge of English will not be superfluous. This will allow the photographer to cooperate with Western photobanks.

For successful sales, you should figure out in advance which topics are most interesting to potential customers of microstocks. So the highest demand for images in the field of business, health, sports and society. High-quality product photos are bought up in stocks like hot cakes. Dogs, cats, flowers, forest and porthole views are among the unclaimed.

No need to be upset if no one bought the first photos. The more images you place in photobanks, the more customers you can attract, thereby gradually increasing your earnings to the desired limits.

How to sell stock photos

All works that are sold in photo stocks must be unique and copyrighted. Of course, there may be exceptions to this issue. So, for example, some specialized resources allow posting old photographs of their deceased relatives to their direct heirs. However, you should not rely on such exceptions and it is best to post only those photos that were created by the photographers themselves. All publications that are posted on the site are carefully analyzed by inspectors and specialists, which is why it takes up to several days to moderate the work.

At the same time, the fact that the photo was approved by the moderators does not guarantee that it will find its buyer. How to sell photos online?

  • Images must have interesting and original content. Among modern users of the world wide web, photos related to sales, SIM, advertising, children, food, beautiful outfits and unique jewelry are in demand. The material proposed for implementation should be evaluated objectively, without relying on the opinion of their relatives and friends.
  • The photo must be of perfect quality. To do this, its author should understand such concepts as megapixels, exposure, noise, focus and framing. By the way, photobanks do not work with film images, only with digital.
  • The format of the future photo is of no small importance, all photobanks work with JPEG images. At the same time, you should take care of the maximum allowable sizes and formats of your photos.

Another important nuance of working with stocks is the sale of photos depicting people. Before an image is displayed in a portfolio, care should be taken to obtain permission from all persons who are in the frame. The relevant document must be uploaded along with the material, otherwise it will not even be considered by the moderators.

Buy vintage photos

Collecting and selling old photographs is not only interesting, but also very profitable. The cost of some copies in this area can reach hundreds of thousands of dollars. Such pictures in our time are turning not only into a source of pride and a piece of family history, but are also used as an original and unusual piece of furniture.

So who can sell old photos to? They are of the greatest interest to collectors who are fond of photographs of bygone eras. Individual photographs that capture unique objects, phenomena or events can have an incredibly high price. In order not to sell too cheap and set an adequate cost for the available material, you can seek advice from professional appraisers. In particular, this indicator can be affected by the quality of the image, its theme, historical era. It is quite logical that the older the image, the higher it is priced in the market. Old photographs are of no less interest to researchers who are engaged in the creation of dissertations and other works. Antique stores are also buying up such materials. They often seek to acquire images at the lowest cost in order to resell them for a profit. It is noteworthy that restored photos are cheaper compared to works that have not been subjected to any processing.

Where can you sell your photos? In fact, there are a lot of options. As you can see from our article, even novice amateur photographers will be able to earn a good income from their hobby, while doing what they really love.

Surely, many in their work faced a lack of high-quality photographs or even their absence. Now these problems are easily solved, since photographs for making brochures, magazines, newspapers, books, website design, etc. can be for just a few dollars legally buy on the Internet on microstock photobanks (and by subscription from 15 cents per picture). By the way, the advantages compared to ordering a photographer are obvious. In particular, buying photos in these photo stocks will cost many times cheaper. In addition, the choice of images is quite huge. Each modern photo bank has more than 50 million high-resolution images (4 to 20 megapixels on average). And the quality of the picture is much better than your photographer would have taken it.

Images are sold under a royalty free license and, depending on the size, cost from one to several dollars. This license allows you absolutely legal use the purchased photo or vector illustration an infinite number of times in various projects. The limitation may be a very large circulation (over 200,000 on average) or the use of a photograph as a commodity.

To make a purchase, you must first register on a microstock, and then transfer money there, that is, "buy credits". They are accepted in the most common way through a credit card or PayPal, and some through Webmoney. The minimum loan amount in photobanks is different, on average it is $10. After purchasing credits, you will be able to download photos in any desired size.

The best photobanks for piece by piece image purchases:

  • (minimum payment $34 for 30 credits). Purchase options: by bank card, PayPal, Skrill, Webmoney, via, bank transfer.
  • (minimum payment 15$ for 11 credits)(purchase example). For all registered users, this photobank gives the opportunity to use their section of free photos (Free Stock Images and Photos).
  • (minimum payment 35$ for 10 credits).
  • is a Russian photo bank, the best option when you need to purchase images through accounting. Learn more about Lori's photobank.

By the way, the more credits you buy at a time, the cheaper the cost of one photo will be in the end.

The best photobanks for wholesale purchases:

if you constantly need a large number of new images(for example, for newspapers, magazines or news sites), it is very advantageous to use the purchase in photobanks by subscription. This option is also suitable for creating an initial archive of photographs or vector illustrations for your work.

The leaders among subscription photobanks are and For example, there are more than 50 million images in the shutterstock database. It offers $249 per month to download 25 photos or illustrations per day (750 images per month). Total for the buyer one photo will cost about 30 cents. If you subscribe for a longer period, accordingly, the final price of the image will be even less. Learn more about buying from Shutterstock.

The DepositPhotos photo bank has even better offers, more subscription options, and lower prices. Its downside, compared to Shutterstock, is that it has a slightly smaller image base. If you compare prices with the most popular tariff plan from Shutterstock, then here you can download 30 images per day for $219 per month (about 900 per month). Total one photo will cost about 24 cents.

It is simply impossible to imagine the Internet without graphic content, photos and pictures. This means that there is a demand for quality graphic materials.

Let's take advantage of this and try to make money by selling high-quality photographs. It is quite clear that if there is a demand for interesting, unusual and high-quality photographs, if more and more web resources appear every day that require graphic design of pages and illustration of text content, then there are special services on the World Wide Web where you can buy and sell graphic content. Such services are called photostocks and photobanks. They are the intermediaries between a huge army of photographers and webmasters who seek to surprise visitors to their sites with unique, previously unpublished photographs.

Photo stocks and photo banks provide an opportunity for beginners and experienced professional and amateur photographers not only to realize their artistic abilities, but also to earn good money by selling illustrations and photographs. On most of these services, it is possible to sell the same photo several times. As a result, a low price set for one sale grows into a decent amount when hundreds or even thousands of webmasters download a photo or illustration.

Organization of earnings on the sale of photographs via the Internet from A to Z

Beginners may have a question: what do you need to do what you love, that is, take pictures, and at the same time be able to receive money for your work? We will answer right away: nothing complicated in the first stages will be required of you. The minimum list of everything you need looks something like this:

  • First of all, you will need a good digital camera. Its resolution must be greater than four megapixels. Also make sure you have a macro lens. This will greatly expand your options;
  • since you will be selling photos via the Internet, you will need good access to ensure that "heavy" photos are uploaded to the pages of photostocks and photobanks;
  • A modern artist and photographer cannot do without programs that allow you to edit and correct photographs and images. The well-known Adobe Photoshop is very well suited for this;
  • Also, minimal knowledge of English will not interfere. This will allow you to work with Western photobanks, which, unlike domestic ones, can provide you with a significant part of your sales.

To start earning from the first posted picture, you need to know which topics are in demand, and which ones are not at all interesting for microstock clients. There is a high demand for photography, the subject of which covers the areas of business, society, health, and sports. Also popular is the so-called subject shooting. Unclaimed are pictures that depict dogs and cats, flowers and forests, the view from the porthole.

Don't be discouraged if no one buys your first photo. Everything comes with experience: the more photos you take and place on photo stocks, the faster you will get both the first buyers and regular customers, the faster your earnings will start to grow.

Catalog of domestic and foreign photobanks

Conventionally, all photobanks and microstocks can be divided into four groups:

  • services with a high level of sales and high earnings,
  • services for beginners
  • services are still little known, but with potential,
  • services with exams, but not taking a leading position among similar resources.

First group. Photobanks with high sales and high earnings

It is very difficult to get into the number of photographers of such resources. To do this, you will need to pass a serious exam, during which your level of skill is assessed. Photos for the exam must be diverse in subject matter, with a minimum size of four megapixels. To successfully pass the exam, you need to post the best pictures. The advantage of such resources is that the number of attempts to pass the exam is not limited, and if successful, photographers have good prospects for high earnings.

To successfully pass the exam, you need to set a clear goal and, after passing the exam, get the opportunity to sell photos in at least one of the photo stocks listed below, since these are the resources that have a high level of sales.


In terms of sales revenue, Shutterstock is the leader (registration description). Ten photographs are provided for the exam. Of these, only seven must be approved. You can retake the exam only after a month, but the number of attempts is not limited.

You can also sell video clips on this service. They can be downloaded without taking the exam, but this is temporary. Naturally, video clips are valued more than photos. One clip costs up to $200, and royalties are 30%. To shoot a high-quality video clip, it is best to use a tripod. This increases the chances of the clip being approved.


Entrance examination in Istockphoto (description of registration) only three photos. However, the requirements for their quality and subject matter are higher. Photos are considered by beginners for several days. If a retake is required, the waiting period will be reduced to one day. A retry is possible immediately and can be repeated many times.

Second group. Photo banks for beginners

Of course, this is a conditional name. These stock photo stocks are easier to get started than the ones listed above, so they are perfect for beginners.

These photobanks do not have an entrance exam, but you can also make money on photos here, as this will increase sales. Pictures that will be created for these photobanks can then be submitted as an entrance exam to higher-level photobanks.


There is no exam on this service, but the requirements for the quality of the posted photos are high, which ultimately allows you to earn money. The disadvantage of the resource is that notifications about the sale of photographs do not come by e-mail.


A fairly popular resource, which also does not have an exam, but it is required to pass a simple test, the main topic of which is copyright. Requirements for photographs are loyal. Sales notification emailed to you. You can earn money, because periodically photos are sold.

Third group. Photobanks with a low level of sales, but with great prospects

With such services, it is easier to get started compared to those listed above. In these photo stocks, there is either no exam at all, or he easily passes the first time. In the photobanks of this group, it makes sense to place several dozen images, since with the growth of their popularity, both sales and requirements for the entrance exam will grow.

Domestic photobank, which recently turned six years old. For registration, each author signs an agreement, which must be printed in two copies and sent by mail, attaching a photocopy of the sender's identity document. After that, it becomes possible to upload 20 photos, which will be reviewed by the administration of the photo bank.

canstock photo

This photo bank offers a simple exam and only requires you to upload three photos.


Fourth group. Photo stocks with exams, but not yet ranked among similar resources in terms of sales

You may not pass the entrance exams in such photobanks the first time. If this happens, then it is better not to waste time on all subsequent attempts, because the level of sales on such resources is not yet so high. It’s better to focus on retaking exams in the photo stocks of the first group.


You need to upload three photos, which will be the exam.


Ten pictures are uploaded as exams.

After registering in these photobanks, you need to confirm your email address. Most often, such letters arrive in the "Spam" folder, so you need to be careful and go through the registration procedure to the end.

The principle of operation of photobanks and photostocks

It is not worth hoping that all the money for your photos will go only to your electronic accounts. Photobanks for their services take a part of the funds that you will receive for the sale of photographs. You can increase your share by transferring exclusive rights to sell your photos to the photo bank.

When uploading a photo to the service, you must specify the meta tags that will characterize your image and appear in the search results. This is where a minimum knowledge of English comes in handy. If you do not know English, you can use an online translator.

For each photo, you need to write a title or Title, not exceeding 30 characters, and a description of the photo, which is called Description. The description must be at least seven words.

Another important characteristic of photography is keywords, in English Keywords. There should be 40-50 of them. These parameters directly affect the number of sales, since it is by them that buyers will find images in the search engine.

To choose the right keywords, you need to describe the action, the season, the color of the object, the material from which it is made, list the objects that fell into the frame, indicate the country, and so on. For each of the words, you can pick up a few more synonyms.

You also need to accurately determine the category in which the photo will be posted.

When you complete all of the above steps, the photo will be sent to the inspector or site administrator for review. In case of refusal to place, most often a letter is sent to your mail, which explains its reason. In some cases, the uniqueness of the image plays a big role. Then the inspector may not pay attention to some of the flaws in the photo. If the photo was rejected, you should not despair, because the inspector's assessment is most often subjective, which means that it makes sense to send the same photo to another photo stock.

To achieve good results and earnings, you do not need to stop halfway. Update downloaded photo albums, add new photos regularly, shape your image by posting only high-quality pictures and a new job with a decent income is provided to you.

If you post photos of famous, recognizable people in the pictures, then you need to accompany the Model Release image - the written consent of the person depicted in the photo. A sample of such a document is in the reference materials of each photobank.

Photographs should not contain logos and trademarks that are registered by companies.

All photographs must be sharp and properly exposed. There should not be any extraneous artifacts in the form of repeated contours, squares, halftone discretization, which appear due to poor-quality file compression in JPG format, in the photo. To ensure a decent image quality, you need to shoot and save the photo in the highest possible quality. In the case of processing in Adobe Photoshop, the quality level must be at least 12.

  • Also, there should be no noise in the photo. This can be achieved by taking photographs with minimal light sensitivity.
  • If you are photographing individual objects, it is best to place them on a white background - dark objects, on a black background - light objects. The color background should be abandoned.
  • On photo stocks it is forbidden to upload the same photo twice, changing the monochrome or colors in it.

Method of withdrawal of funds

Usually the money earned on the Internet goes to payment systems. Western photo stocks work with services such as Moneybookers and PayPal. You can also receive your earnings by bank check, but this is the most difficult way, since you will have to use the services of regular mail. As a result, the receipt of cash will stretch for an indefinite period. Therefore, it is better to master the payment systems.

The international payment system Moneybookers () is adapted for Russians. It will not be difficult to register in it, since the system interface is Russified. Money can be withdrawn to a plastic card and cashed out at an ATM.


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