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How to sell your photos: the beginning of the experiment. February 3rd, 2014

As promised, I'm posting the results of my experiment, which I started to find out if it's possible to make money for travel by selling my photos. It has always seemed tempting to me to have my photos provide me with finances for traveling. And who would refuse such a thing, speaking between us? So I slowly but surely approached the point where I wanted to put theory and dreams aside and try to implement what I had planned in practice.

There is such a business on the Internet - selling photos: each person can register on the website of a photo agency as an author and offer their photos for sale. The photo agency will take the lion's share of the profits, but at the same time supply you with clients. You can open your site yourself and try to sell photos on your own - such a phenomenon was described in the Bible (Gen. 38-9), but this essay is not about that. Studying the question of how to make money on a photo, I found two working models. I will briefly describe them.

First model. There are so-called "macrostocks" where your masterpiece can be bought for several thousand dollars. The downside of this approach to selling your own photos is that they may not buy a single photo in a year. Also, in exchange for money, you give away the rights to this photo, and sometimes even the right to exclusive use. In addition, in order for your photo to be paid serious money, it must be flawless, both from an aesthetic and technical point of view. We should also not forget that you will have to compete with the best of the best in the field of commercial photography.

Second model. There are also "microstocks" in the network - sites where you sell photos, while remaining their copyright holder and owner. You are simply paid a fee, and you are allowed to use your photo - this sales model is called royalty free. Under such conditions, you will receive from a quarter to two dollars for your photo, which, of course, is negligible compared to the fees paid to macrostock authors. But there is good news - you can sell your photo at least a thousand times. Yes, and the requirements for the technical perfection of the photo are reduced, which means that the competitors are weaker.

I decided to take the easy route and see if people are willing to pay anything for my photos, rather than hypothetical thousands? That's why I chose microstocks. A little analysis of the market showed that there are several large players, and about two dozen small agencies trying to sell your photos. Considering that I am a beginner in this business, I decided to first register on nine sites that seemed promising to me. Some of these sites do not require anything for you to register, while others require you to submit a few works to see how good your photos are and what value they represent in terms of commerce.

Looking ahead, I’ll say that in the first month, only five of the nine sites I had sales. The remaining four sites have not yet brought me any income. However, I tracked how things are going on such sites for people with a large portfolio - there are sales. Therefore, the root of success is a large and high-quality portfolio (who would doubt it!).

Since uploading photos to sites takes a significant amount of time, it is better to focus on the portfolio in the first stage, "uploading" photos to the five main sites. So I decided for myself. In other words, more photos on fewer sites will bring in more money than fewer photos on more sites.

You are probably still interested in moving from lyrics to numbers.
So, in terms of profitability, my sales were distributed on the sites as follows:

At the same time, my portfolio grew from 0 to 100 photos. And we can say that on average there were 50 photos in my monthly portfolio, because. every day I regularly uploaded photos to stocks in small batches. Money, in principle, is not big, but the portfolio itself is negligible. I have seen people who have it up to 20,000 photos. And you can only imagine what earnings can be with so many jobs. I don't think that the number of even 10,000 photos is still achievable for me, but I suppose that it can be increased to a thousand works this year. And therefore hope for an increase in overall profits. If you earn $300/month, then in a year you will get $3600, which, in principle, is enough for one trip from which I will bring another batch of photos for my portfolio. Thus, it can be assumed that with an optional occupation in this business, in a couple of years, the portfolio will grow to the size to provide me with two or three trips a year, without diverting funds from the family budget.

Sounds tempting, doesn't it? Now, every time I sit down at the computer and I have a desire to play a computer game, or read the stupid news and gossip of the blogosphere, I open a photo editor and prepare some photos for my portfolio. For example, the counter of one of the games that I often played shows that I spent five hundred hours on it. This time for me flew by unnoticed, and what is most unpleasant - to no avail. In five hundred hours, I would have managed to take at least 1,500 photos. With such a portfolio, I would most likely allow myself another trip. The present. A real adventure in which you yourself participate, and not a drawn little man in scenery invented by someone.

If suddenly someone wants to try himself on this path, then I advise you to start simple - select ten good photos from your archive. If you have a full-frame camera, then it is better to choose from photos taken with an ISO value of no higher than 800. If you have a cropped carcass, then choose only photos taken at ISO 100 or 200. Stock editors do not like the noise that occurs in photos with high ISO values . The photo should be sharp, but not noisy. From practice, I’ll say that trying to take a sharp high-resolution photo at high ISO values ​​\u200b\u200bis an unpromising task. Most likely, the editors will not miss such a photo - noise will appear on it. And it is important to please the editors - after all, it is they who decide whether to let you as an author on the site or not. Most of the required sites have an entrance exam. If you fail the exam, then the next exam will be rescheduled for a period of a week to a month (depending on the site). In other words, you can't take an exam every day. On one of the sites, I lost a whole month before I was able to pass the test.

When choosing a photo for the exam, do not try to find a picturesque frame. Think artistic last. If the photo doesn't match the noise, color balance, sharpness, or any other criteria that are responsible for the technical side of the quality, then the editor will not consider it as something artistic.

In order to get the first and almost instant sales, I recommend SHUTTERSTOCK, which together brought me more money than all the other sites combined. I sold 44 works in a month, which means that on average I sold three works every two days. This month the portfolio will increase, which means that there is hope that the volume of sales will also increase. Wait and see.

And yes - It is not necessary to have photos of exotic countries or rare animals. They buy anything. It can be a dirt texture, a leaky faucet, an apple core, or something else that is not at all exotic or picturesque. The main thing is to start somewhere. If someone is interested, then I can write a short article on the topic "How to prepare a photo for sale and an exam on photo agency sites."

Here is a completely unremarkable photo of a dandelion - bought. I believe that everyone has the opportunity to take such photos. :)

Sfotkal on the market - nothing special - bought 2 times already.

Stray dog ​​- posted as an experiment. The experiment was a success - bought 3 times.

Well, what do you think - will I leave due to my photos by the new year somewhere on a trip or is it unrealistic?

UPD 2016: My undertaking was crowned with success a year later. You can read about it here:

Many of us dream of extra income. About one that will help to make a profit, without much labor. In the age of the rapid development of the photographic industry, when almost every person with an average income can buy a camera, it has become easy to do.

Many of us know that there are special sites on the Internet that deal with the purchase and sale of photographs. These are the so-called photobanks. Of course, even in this field of activity, you can encounter scammers, but you should not worry. It will be enough to study this information. There is a certain list of photo banks, which includes both foreign versions of stock photo banks (with the possibility of Russian translation), and the most popular Russian ones.

Here you can see a huge number of photos that are located in certain group categories. Advantages of these sites:

Absolutely any person, having started working here, can earn money on photographs taken with his camera or phone;

On the other hand, the owners of other sites, blogs and pages in social networks, as well as webmasters will be able to buy the photo they like;

A huge positive characteristic for such resources: the availability of options for buying the rights to use your photo, for example, in a newspaper or magazine.

The most interesting thing is that in many photobanks you can sell the same photo several times. Thus, by uploading high-quality images just once, you can earn repeated profits from them. And if you want to advance in this area, then this is also a great advertisement for the services of a novice photographer.

So, the list of current and developing photobanks today:

1. Dreamstime is among the best in terms of popularity, and in terms of attendance it is in the top three. Actually, this is a global photobank, but there is also an interface in Russian.

2. Fotolia - photo bank, which is one of the largest resources involved in the same name. He always has profitable offers, plus excellent conditions for cooperation. Its open spaces contain not only more than 20 million photographs, but also various videos, as well as vector illustrations.

3. Lori is an excellent Russian service for buying and selling photos. Functionally compiled catalogs allow you to easily find all the sections with pictures you need and choose the appropriate option. The resource is always up to date and updated with new high-quality photographs that can be bought at an affordable price.

4. Depositphotos - a photo bank where you can easily find a huge number of different photo and video products from around the world. It has a lot of sales.

5. Shutterstock - perhaps the most popular photo bank. All the photos presented by him are of high quality, respectively, and are valued higher among buyers. Getting to Shutterstock is not so easy, this is a place for select photographers, but they pay more there. Want to test yourself and learn how to make good money -

This article is for those who are interested. photographers And illustrators. Not necessarily professionals, but rather for advanced amateurs for whom photography and illustrations hobby. And this hobby can be put to good use! Your images can not only be published on the web - they can be earn money! At the same time, the most pleasant thing is not that someone buys them, but that they useful to people And are used in various designs, magazines, books, advertisements, etc.


What is stock photography?

Figure 1 shows examples of stock photos:

Royalty Free (RF) Rights Managed (RM)
a) Isolated green grass on white background (green grass on a white background): this photo recently had an anniversary 1111 downloads on Shutterstock :-) b) The building of the Moscow City Council (City Hall) in Moscow (Tverskaya Street): two sales in ROSPHOTO - design of exhibition stands; editorial use, internal pages

Fig.1. Stock Photo Examples

In the first case (Fig. 1, a) a typical stock image. This is some object taken isolated ("for cropping") on a white background. In this example, it is green grass. Such a photo is quite versatile and can be used by a designer for various tasks (as a template). This explains the rather large number of sales in Shutterstock's micro-patent photo bank - more than 1000 downloads, but for a small price, according to royalty-free(RF) licenses.

In the second case (Fig. 1, b), a photo from another photobank specializing in the sale of rights managed(RM) photos. We get more from one RM-licensed sale than from the sale of one RF-image on Shutterstock, but for the given photo there were only two such sales.

Despite the fact that the fee for the RF image is small, in the end (for the same period) the "green grass" brought in several times more profit than the more expensive RM image of the city hall. begs conclusion: you can earn as much money in micropatent (microstock) photobanks as in expensive professional photobanks!

Each photo bank has its own specifics (zest). Conventionally, all photobanks can be divided into two categories:

  • First- these are microstocks or micropament photobanks (from the English. micro And payment- small payment), where, as a rule, simple images are sold at low and medium (!) prices, but a large number of times. Examples are Shutterstock, iStockphoto, Dreamstime, 123RoyaltyFree, domestic LORI, as well as BigStockPhoto, DepositPhotos and others.
  • Second the category is traditional ("expensive") photobanks focused on Rights Managed images or selling photos at expensive prices - an order of magnitude or two higher than on microstocks. These include: Alamy, Corbis, Getty Images, domestic ROSPHOTO, domestic LORI (Lori has an analogue of an RM license).

To feel the difference, let's compare the price of an RF image like "green grass on a white background": on iStockphoto Large (~3000x2000) will cost $7.8 (6 credits), and on Alamy it will cost $220 (28 times more!). But there is a nuance here! The fact is that RF licenses for different photo banks may differ.

In fact, Alamy's RF license corresponds to iStockphoto's Extended RF license. Extended means extended (virtually no restrictions on the use of the image). If you calculate the price of an extended license for iStockphoto, then it can even exceed the price of Alamy!

Note: microstacks are not quite rightly called micropament photobanks. First, as we have already seen, we are talking about the so-called standard RF license with certain restrictions. Secondly, these photobanks are gradually filling up with more and more quality works and observed trend price increases and accordingly fee increase photographer/illustrator. By the way, traditional photobanks are also gradually changing their pricing policy, for example, Alamy has already introduced a sale from $1 for low-resolution images (essentially a microstock price).


What types of licenses are there?

What is a license agreement? The buyer of your image pays license for this or that usage images for some time(or no time limit). The following uses can be distinguished: commercial usage, editorial use and personal usage. Editorial use does not require a release from the model or owner ( or ). An example would be photographs of celebrities for publication in the press and news publications.

should be distinguished royalty-free(Royalty Free) and rights managed(Rights Managed) conditions. Royalty-Free license imply multiple image usage in various projects. As a rule, these are simple photographs and illustrations, for example: images of objects on a white background, food, textures, flowers, people isolated, etc. Many people think that RF-image can be used in any way. Actually it is not! The license agreement of each photo bank clearly stipulates how the image can be used and what restrictions for its use. For example, Shutterstock's Standard RF license does not allow you to print calendars and posters with this image for sale. This type of license usually has restrictions on circulation and time of use.

rights managed suggests one-time use in one project. The price of a photo depends on the purpose, format, circulation, terms, territory of use and is usually an order of magnitude or two higher than that of Royalty Free. Here I would include, first of all, very interesting photographs with a "completed" composition, which are not ashamed to be printed in large format and hung on the wall.

Before submitting your image to a photo bank, decide on its category: Royalty-Free or Rights Managed? Simple photographs and illustrations, which are the working material for the designer, should be sold as Royalty-Free in the so-called micropatent stock photobanks. Micro payment is translated at a "small price", but this does not mean that you will earn "penny"! Usually good stock image for sale many times and in the end it can bring in more income than selling a "cool" Rights Managed image (which is not a fact that it will ever be sold at all).

Here are examples of well-selling (my) RF images on iStockphoto:

Examples of RM images sold through ROSPHOTO:

On the other hand, selling a unique photo for "penny" is also not the case! For such images, an RM or more expensive extended RF license is suitable (not all photo banks have it).

When choosing a license type, consider content photos and subject matter photobank. For example, the photographs shown in Fig. 3 are well suited to the theme of the cities ROSPHOTO or LORI, where they were sold. But it is unlikely that they would bring the same income if I sold them on microstocks. The same can be said for complex landscapes, shots of wild animals, insects, rare plants, and so on. On microstocks, such topics are of little demand, but here is how RM-images like photos can be successful.

On the other hand, simple images from Fig. 2 is unlikely to be bought by anyone at a high price (in the same ROSPHOTO), so they have a place in microstocks.

As mentioned above, there is a so-called Extended Royalty Free license (Enhanced or Extended Royalty Free License). Unlike the standard Extended RF, it allows you to use the image almost without restrictions and for more commercial purposes, for example: making posters, calendars, postcards for sale, printing in large quantities (more than 500,000), etc.

Options: unlimited replication (100 credits); unlimited users (50 credits) Options: posters, calendars or other similar publications, cr at mousepads or mouse pads (circulation: 10,000) (50 credits) Options: templates for e-cards, web ads, etc. (75 credits)

Fig.4. Sample images sold under an Extended RF license from iStockphoto

Extended RF licenses support many microstocks. But unlike the RM-license, this option is additional (that is, you cannot sell it in microstocks only as Extended RF). In order not to set this option for each image, you can usually check the box "enable Extended RF for all photos" in the profile.

In addition, a few words should be said about the sale exclusive rights on the image (Sell the Rights) and selling images exclusively(Exclusive images). These are two different things.

Sale exclusive rights a photograph is usually expensive (for example, on the order of several hundred dollars). The buyer becomes the full owner of the image (of course, you retain the copyright!) and can use it exclusively from the moment of purchase (but not for resale of course!). For example, in the Dreamstime photobank you can enable the option to sell exclusive rights " Sell ​​the rights (SR-EL) and even expose its price. As soon as the image is sold exclusively, the photo bank will "lock" it and you should be removed immediately this image is from other photobanks within 72 hours (no later than). Under this license, the image can be sold in total once.

Sale images exclusively for a specific photobank means that you sell a photo or illustration under an RF license only in this photo bank and nowhere else. Usually not allowed to sell the same photo elsewhere RM-licenses, but not by RF! For Dreamstime, this option can be set for a specific image " I upload this image exclusively", and for iStockphoto you must fully accept the "Exclusivity program". However, if you sell RF exclusively (only on iStockphoto) you have a surcharge (depending on your status). Exclusive image (Exclusive image) means that its variations(similar images) too will not be sold in other stock agencies (for example, shots of the same model, but in a slightly different pose).

Let's get to the topic how to sell photos in photobanks. Let's start with the question of how to prepare a photo for sale.


Image Requirements

4.1. Image size

Most stock photo banks have a minimum image requirement 4 Megapixels. This is, for example, a picture of 2000x2000 or 2500x1600 pixels. Some accept smaller images (i.e. iStockphoto has a minimum size of 1600x1200 pixels), but these are becoming rarer and rarer.

4.2. File format

  • JPEG most High Quality. When saving from Photoshop, you need to select the maximum value Quality: 12;
  • color depth: 8 bit;
  • color space: RGB;
  • color profile (Color Profile): sRGB, AdobeRGB(not all photobanks understand the profile, so if you are not sure better save in sRGB! If the image is in sRGB space, then it is not necessary to embed the color profile in the JPG file. Note: Usually digital cameras use sRGB profile by default).

Some photobanks, such as ROSPHOTO, PROFI-IMAGE, accept TIFF 8 bit on CDs.

4.3. Image quality

Main technical requirements To photographs:

  • The subject must be in focus(in some photobanks, inspectors may reject photos with a too shallow depth of field, so if you used a shallow depth of field to highlight some detail or object, you should indicate this in the description);
  • noises must be minimal- to reduce noise, you can slightly go through the noise reduction (in Photoshop filter Filter-> Noise-> Reduce Noise) and then reduce the photo (make a resample);
  • Not should be rough shadows(harsh shadows) - this primarily applies to shooting on a white background;
  • image should be properly exposed: there should be no overexposed, for example, a white sky; underexposed (Underexposed) photo is also bad;
  • it is necessary to avoid glare (reflections), "bunnies" (lens flares), color fringing around contrasting details (purple fringing);
  • Not should excessively raise sharpness- there should be no artifacts (artifacts) and "jagged" (jagged).

Technical quality occupies an important place in stock photography. Before submitting, carefully review the entire photo at 100% scale. How to prepare an image for a photo bank will be discussed in a separate article.

Note. One way to evaluate quality of your images is to compare them with top images (having a large number of downloads). You don't have to buy them for this! In some photobanks you can download stock images for free. Of particular note is Shutterstock, where each week resounds for free one photograph and one illustration (vector). At the moment, the photobank itself chooses photos for the category "Free photo of the week" (free photo of the week) and "Free vector of the week" (free illustration of the week) with the consent of the author of course. Now here are the most popular images for the entire history of the photo bank (from top downloads).

If the image is unique and interesting, then an experienced quality inspector can turn a blind eye to minor flaws. But in some microstocks, there are reviewers who try to formally follow the instructions - they can easily reject your "masterpiece" :-)


Requirements for illustrations

In some photobanks, for example, in Shutterstock, along with vector illustrations, their rasterized versions are sold well. For the most successful illustrations, it makes sense to upload a rasterized vector version (approximately 4000x3000 pixels), but do it at some interval, for example, one month. For raster drawings, the requirements are the same as for photographs - see p.p. 4.1 and 4.2 (image size and file format). The rest of this section will focus on vectors.

So, the main technical requirements for vector images:

  • file EPS- format compatible with 8th version Adobe Illustrator(AI);
  • additionally required jpeg file illustration preview (preview size depends on the photo bank, see below in the description for a specific photo bank, usually 450x450 pixels is enough);
  • illustration should be editable(editable), that is, the one who bought it can, if desired, open it in illustrator and modify something, for example, remove some elements;
  • before sending to the photo bank, you need to: "unlock" all layers (unlock your layers) and assign appropriate names to them;
  • fonts(fonts) must be translated V curves(paths/outlines). Fonts should be avoided, at least as the main element. Commercial fonts are usually licensed for their use with certain restrictions. It is assumed that those fonts that are in the illustration are used by you legally;
  • All lines must be closed(close all shapes);
  • Hidden (invisible layers), points not attached to anything, garbage and unnecessary objects outside the sheet are not allowed.

Note. Since 2010, Shutterstock has been accepting EPS compatible with 10th version Adobe Illustrator, although the eighth version of . Maximum file size 15MB.

What can't ship:

  • slightly different variations of the same thing, for example, variants of the same illustration that differ only in colors;
  • copies from other people's images: you can not "outline" bitmap drawings and photographs that are not the author of you. If a photo/drawing served as a prototype for the vector (you are its author), then you must also upload this photo/drawing to iStockphoto (upload instead of a low-resolution release).

Which images are the most popular (required)

Top 50 popular stock images/illustrations can serve as a starting point Shutterstock. In addition to the list of images, this photobank publishes the Top 100 most popular keywords (from search queries). These words are good to use when attributing your images.

What topics sell well? What required photobanks?

So this is:

  • original conceptual images (concepts);
  • People in offices, both in groups and individually, at work, on vacation (people);
  • original textures, abstractions, backgrounds, effects (abstract, backgrounds, textures);
  • food, people absorbing it (food, eating);
  • lifestyle- image, lifestyle (usually something cheerful);
  • subject families(family);
  • subject holidays(holiday, seasonal themes);
and so on.

In demand images where the object (people, objects) on a background with non-distracting details is best isolated on a white background (isolated or cut-out).

What not required:

  • home photo (pets, everyday pictures of people);
  • flowers (almost all photobanks are filled with flowers, they accept something extraordinary);
  • not interesting and simple (elementary) backgrounds, abstractions;
  • pictures of computer equipment: disks, mice, cables (look for an unusual angle!)
and so on.

It's good when the image is versatile enough and can be used in various designs. For beginner stock photographers, I recommend the book "Photos for Sale". It was written by famous freelance photographer Lee Frost. freelancer from English. translated as freelance artist. Stock photography is creative activity. Free your imagination! Notice in everyday life and write down interesting ideas for pictures, so that later they can be turned into an image. Think about composition think like a designer!


View from the side of the image buyer or think like a designer!

When shooting for a photo bank, it is useful to imagine yourself in the place of a designer and think about how your image will be used. So, for example, it is not at all necessary that the composition be balanced (holistic). A royalty-free image is usually used by a designer as a working material and can be padded with something else, such as text in free space.

Usually good stock image a simple image with a single idea (concept) is considered not cluttered with unnecessary details, preferably on a uniform background. It is good if there is a place for advertising text. Designers really like images for "cropping", that is, on a white background (isolated objects). At the same time, a white background obtained photographically (due to illumination, without Photoshop) is valued.

What else affects the success of the image:

  • permission- a large image resolution indicates a more professional technique, which allows you to indirectly judge the level of the photographer. Plus, a large image costs more - the fee for it is higher;
  • framing- many buyers like empty fields around the subject. This imposes fewer restrictions on the use of the image - the designer himself will crop it as he needs. On the other hand, good framing attracts a potential buyer. As a solution, you can take two pictures: one is cropped close, as you see fit, and the second with "fields";
  • image processing- it is necessary to very carefully sharpen and "crush" noise (if necessary), practically do not increase saturation (saturation) and pay great attention to contrast (it is contrast that primarily determines the success of a small preview).

Additionally, I recommend that you read the article "Think Like A Designer" on the iStockphoto website. As they say, "take care of your honor from a young age" - try to think about your image right away and not post any "crap" :-) at least in reputable photo banks.


Property Release

When using images containing real estate (architecture, that is) for commercial purposes, permission or a receipt from the owner is required Property Release. You can use the Property Release from iStockphoto as a basis.

Please be aware that there are a number of architectural structures that have promotional restrictions such as: The Louvre, Louvre Pyramid (Paris), Eiffel Tower (Paris, night view only), Reichstag Glass Dome (Berlin), Rockefeller Center ( New York), etc. There are also a number of objects and products that also can not be used for promotional purposes: Coca Cola, Rubik's Cube, Barbie Doll (Barbie), Mississippi Steamboat, Oscar statuette, etc.


How to get earned money?

Not so long ago, this issue was closed for our country (USSR) - now it has become easier with this. Money from the photobank is sent by check or electronic transfer or PayPal (PayPal does not work for Russia yet). Check It usually takes 10-20 days to Russia (sometimes longer, up to 2 months). Upon receipt, you hand over the check to the bank for collection (cashing). This procedure usually takes 1.5 months. You can usually find out if the bank accepts checks for cashing on the bank's website. Something like "... accepts personal checks and other payment documents of foreign banks for collection" should be written.

Electronic transfers faster and more convenient: for Russia it is (as well as WebMoney or directly to the account). Your Moneybookers wallet receives the money you earn from the photo bank. You get a plastic card (account) in a bank (for example, in Sberbank) and transfer money from Moneybookers there. The Moneybookers website supports the Russian language (and technical support too). Instructions on how to work with Moneybookers are on the microstock website. Issues related to finances (cashing a check, paying taxes, Moneybookers, etc.) are periodically discussed on the stock photographers forum.

Step-by-step instruction By paying taxes from the sale of photos, illustrations by Russian authors is given in the article "Paying taxes from photography in Russia".


Registration in the photobank

Registration in photobanks is free. Please see the Shutterstock photobank registration example when completing the required fields. Some photobanks require a scan of an identity document (see the description for a specific photobank), some photobanks require you to pass an entrance exam.

WITH what age Can register And sell your photos/images through photobanks? In most photobanks, in order to join them, you need to be of legal age (for Russia 18 years). The exception is the domestic photobank LORI, you can work with it with 14 years A: Passport and registration number of the Pension Fund (PFR) are required.

Be sure to indicate correct data. If you want to phone number, specify it in international format(for example, +7-900-123-00-00). If you need an address, then the real address. The photobanks presented below are large, reputable organizations. Already tested and not only by me. It will just be a shame if the photo bank starts to generate income, and at one fine moment it "bans" (blocks the account) for false data.


Workplace of a stock photographer/illustrator

What do you need to work? You will need computer With internet. It is better that outgoing traffic is free (most providers have it).

It is desirable to have the following photographic equipment (minimum):

  • digital mirror 6 megapixel camera (better than 8 megapixels - some photo banks make high demands on RM-photos, for example, from 3600 pixels on the long side);
  • macro lens(any macro, usually they are all sharp and contrasting).

Today, you can buy a completely working used DSLR 6-8 Mpix for 9-14 thousand rubles, a new one costs more - from 15 thousand rubles. A new makrik costs 10-15 thousand rubles, a used one can be found cheaper, for example, a used SIGMA 105 / 2.8 costs about 8.5 thousand rubles.

  • DSLR from 10-12 megapixels;
  • a set of optics: tele- and wide-angle lenses (fixes are better);
  • light (flashes, preferably four - two for the object, two for the background; soft boxes, reflectors, umbrellas, etc.), backgrounds (primarily white);
  • subject table;
  • tablet (for illustrator);
  • assistant, finally :-).

Is the game worth the candle?

Is it profitable to sell images through photobanks? Is it possible to earn money on it? I will answer right away - you can! There are people who are professionally engaged in stock activities. Here, for example, evaluate the portfolio and the amount of downloads from these two photographers: lisegagne (630085 downloads) and Yuri_Arcurs (177819 downloads). In Russia and the former USSR, there are also stock photographers of about the same level. The situation is no worse for illustrators, take a look, for example, at the portfolio -M-I-S-H-A- (59738 downloads).

Stock photo business is developing, the skill of the authors is growing and the quality of the work is increasing, in connection with this, the prices for images and, accordingly, the fee to the authors are increasing. Microstocks are gradually transforming into mid-level photobanks. There are more and more photographers and illustrators for whom photobanks are becoming the main type of professional activity (bring the main income).

What gives stock photography for a beginner photographer/illustrator? First of all, it is to gain experience and improve your skill. Secondly, recoup costs for photographic equipment. For the pros, a photo bank is an opportunity to sell unclaimed developments, at least. By investing in a photobank now, you are investing in the future.

Recoil, usually, does not begin immediately (with the possible exception of a photo bank Shutterstock where the new image can hit the weekly Top 50 in several days). Success is determined not so much by the size of the portfolio, but by its quality and relevance. Nothing prevents you from trying yourself as a stock photographer / illustrator (registration in photobanks is free), but it is quite possible to make a profit from this business. It would be a wish! :-)


Photobanks(tested and promising)

In conclusion, I will give a list of photobanks that actually generate income and are promising for further cooperation. A more complete list of photobanks is presented in the summary table.

> Shutterstock

One of the most profitable and promising photobanks! Accepts photos, illustrations (both vectors and bitmaps), 3D renderings, video footage. To sell images, you must pass an exam (10 images). For selling video footage no exam required! Features of registration and about the entrance exam are written on the page "Shutterstock. Registration in the photo bank". Images from 4 Megapixels.

Fee: $0.33 - $0.38 for a standard Royalty Free license (initially $0.25 up to $500); $28 for extended license (Extended RF). Since August 2008, an analogue of a piece sale (On Demand) has been introduced - a fee from $0.81 to $2.85.
Note: new feature on Shutterstock since July 2009. There was a section Tax Center (Tax Center). For non-residents of the United States (that is, citizens of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, etc.) it is necessary to fill out the electronic form W-8BEN - for more details, see the section Tax Center - filling out the tax form.
Video: 30% from the sale of a video clip, that is, from $3 to $15.
Note: The success of the photo bank is largely determined by the "cunning" subscription system ( 750 images for $249 per month for a standard license). The buyers include major US publishers who are constantly in demand for a large number of images.

Method of receiving money: , PayPal, by check in the mail.

This feature has been observed: The more actively you upload images, the better your sales go. Shutterstock has a kind of image rating system whereby a "fresh" photo or illustration can easily be in the Top 50 in a week and thereby "spin"!

Illustrations: JPEG preview 450x450 pixels, loaded with the vector. The names of jpg and eps files must match. When filling in the "Category" field, you must select "Illustrations / Clip-Art", for illustrations it can also be "Backgrounds / Textures" and "Abstract".

Shutterstock has practically become a photobank of illustrators :-) - for this you don’t have to go far, but just look at the weekly Top 50. Most of the places in it are occupied by illustrations!

In this photo bank, they are too picky about noise and shallow depth of field. Despite this, "pop" images such as acid grass and unnaturally blue skies are in demand. For example, a couple of images uploaded by me (for testing) (drawn in the shop in 5 minutes) sold well and sometimes sales still happen :-)

> iStockPhoto

Accepts photos, illustrations (including vectors), 3D rendering, flash, video clips. Before selling images and videos, you must pass an exam and pass an entrance test - see "Admission Test on iStockphoto (VIDEO) ".

Fee(on a non-exclusive basis): images: 15% of the sale, i.e. from $0.15 to $2.25 (for a standard Royalty Free license); for an extended license can be up to $60. Video: 15% of the sale, i.e. from $2.25 to $13.5.

Method of receiving money A: , PayPal, Payoneer card, check in the mail. Note. The fee depends on the size of the image (video clip). When working with a photo bank on an exclusive basis, the fee increases (in proportion to the level - Canister Level), but you cannot sell any Royalty Free images (even those that are not on iStockphoto) through other photo banks. The ban does not apply to Right Managed images.

Illustrations: JPEG preview 2800x1900 pixels (minimum), loaded with the vector. If the vector is traceable from a photo, then you additionally need to upload a ZIP archive with this photo in low resolution. You can also include alternative formats of your vector in the zip file - AI, PDF, JPG (but not required). The names of jpg-, eps- and zip-files must match.

> Dreamstime

A large stock photo bank that does not require an entrance exam. Accepts photo, illustrations(including vectors), 3D. In my opinion, they have one of the most convenient sites (including image uploads). Along with Corbis, Getty Images, as well as Shutterstock, it is included in the list of the most successful microstock photo banks (microstock agencies) - see the article "Photo wars: A $2 billion business gets rough" for more details. The "Resources->Utilites" section has some useful information for a stock photographer.

Fee: 50% on a non-exclusive basis.

Method of receiving money: , PayPal, Payoneer (the photobank itself issues a MasterCard card).

Note: photo bank for an amateur - some sales are growing well, others not so much. Personally, I've been sympathizing with this photo bank more and more lately and I'm starting to work more closely with it. Less demanding on the quality of received images. It can be recommended to beginner stock photographers and illustrators. Here you can sell the image exclusively(Sell the Rights) and even assign for it its price. Minimum size: 3 Megapixels.

Dreamtime every month holds competitions among authors for the best image on a given topic. The name of the topic is announced on the forum - see "New assignment: ...". The winners receive $300, $200 and $100 respectively, as well as Dreamstime t-shirts. There is also a general competition "Contests / promotions" where the lucky winner can win an Apple iPod.

> 123Royalty Free

Large stock photo bank. Accepts photo, images (including vectors- EPS format and 3D). Images from 6 Megapixels (but not more than 20 MB). Admission is required to pass an exam (10 images). It is felt that this stock agency has its own style, which sometimes shows in the selection of images. I also like the way the work is presented on the website of this stock agency.

Fee: $0.36 when selling by subscription; up to $5 - piece sale; up to $130 for an extended license.

Method of receiving money: , PayPal, by check in the mail.

Note A: Passport scan required upon admission. When registering, check the box "Sign-up as 123rf photographer/contributor".

Domestic photobanks:


This photo bank is similar to Shutterstock and iStockphoto, but Russian and smaller. But develops! Accept here royalty-free(Royalty Free) and Rights Managed images. Essentially this first microstock domestic photo bank. To sell Rights Managed images, you need to contact the photobank and inform that you want to sell RM-photos (they must be in a separate folder or create a separate account for them).

Fee from 20% before 50% from the sale (depending on the size), that is, for commercial use, this is from 150 before 3350 rubles. Payments are delayed by 9-12 months, so order a withdrawal in advance!

Note. Despite the fact that the minimum withdrawal amount is specified in the contract 3000 rubles, you can withdraw any amount if you pay 50 rubles commission for processing the payment. Those who are annoyed by the "donation" clause in the Agreement can enter the phrase by hand: "Situations of donation by separate agreement with the author / copyright holder in each specific case."

More photobanks:


A new photo bank, but actively developing (now there are already about 1 million images). Accepts photos and vectors. There is a symbolic exam of 5 images. Russian language is supported. A document is required during registration - any identity document will do (internal or international passport or driving license - in JPEG format at least 800x600 pixels). Recommended for both beginners and experienced stock photographers and illustrators.

Method of receiving money: PayPal, Payoneer. Withdrawal from $50.

> BigStockPhoto

Large photo bank (about 5,700,000 images). Accepts photos and vectors, including rasterized ones. Instead of an exam - a simple theoretical test. No document required for registration.

Method of receiving money: , PayPal, by check in the mail.

Note. On September 22, 2009, it was bought by the Shutterstock photo bank in order to further develop it and increase sales.

Instead of a conclusion

In my opinion, it is advisable to work with several photobanks. First, distinguish between Royalty Free and Right Managed images and sell them in different stocks. Secondly, it happens that in one photobank an image is rejected, and in another it is accepted! Thirdly, the number of images in photobanks is growing, and when working with several stock agencies, there are more chances that your photos will be noticed. At the same time, you need to know when to stop and not spread yourself over all photo stocks, but, in my opinion, focus on a few of the most promising and suitable photo banks for you.

For videographers who are going to put their videos up for sale, I recommend that you read the article "Video footage for sale. FAQ on video footage".

Any links to this article are welcome. Some photobanks have a referral program, so I would be grateful if you register using the referral links provided in the article. Good luck with your images!

The best praise for every photographer is the increased demand for their work. For commercial professionals involved in shooting to order, the criterion for success is the payment of their services by clients, for example, they conducted a photo session or filmed a wedding and received money. However, absolutely everyone can shoot weddings, anniversaries and other celebrations, it is much more difficult to make a name for yourself and win fame among ordinary people in the offline photography genre. Unfortunately, many aspiring photographers do not even think about selling photos of landscapes, animals, children, or their friends over the Internet. And you can earn really good money on this.

Where to buy high resolution photos

With the growth of Internet publications, blogs and websites, the demand for high-quality and unique high-resolution photographs is steadily increasing. You can buy and sell photos on the Internet using specialized resources - photobanks and stocks, which contain hundreds of thousands of pictures and photos that can be purchased at an affordable price.

Stock photos today have been widely used in the design of websites, informative and educational blog articles, in the design and creation of banners, flyers and posters, book covers, newsletters, etc. Due to the high demand, creating and posting stock images can be a good source of income for every photographer.

To whom and where to sell photos on the Internet? Where to sell photos online?

  1. So, first of all, you should consider the possibility of implementing images using your own website. If you have an extensive collection of material, selling it can be a really lucrative business. Many photographers immediately reject this option, due to fear of additional difficulties associated with the need to create and promote their own website.
  2. You can also try to sell photos to a magazine. We can talk about cooperation with the yellow press, as well as with more serious publications. The most popular are typical business images and photos depicting show business stars and various famous people. How to sell your photos to a magazine? The photographer should be prepared to communicate directly with the editors of magazines, newspapers and all kinds of advertising agencies that may be interested in both finished work and services in the foreseeable future.
  3. Cooperation with specialized photobanks. Such resources are accessed daily by thousands of users who are planning to purchase unique and interesting images in various genres. The cost of stock photos can vary in a fairly wide range, while their owner can expect to receive from 20 to 60% of the cost of sales.

Where to sell photos online? Among the most popular photobanks are:

  • Shutterstock is one of the most successful and well-known photo stocks on the World Wide Web. Absolutely every novice photographer dreams of exhibiting his work here. Every day, with its help, a huge number of photos in various genres are realized. Getting here is very difficult, for a start, the authors need to successfully cope with 10 test tasks. On average, photographers on Shooterstock earn from $100 to $500, especially popular and successful users can earn up to $10,000-15,000 monthly.
  • iStockPhoto is the oldest photo bank in this market segment. Just like on Shutterstock, new photographers must complete tests before they can submit their work to the photo bank. There is an opinion among experts that the portfolio of this resource is more artistic and original than any other stocks.
  • Fotolia is another well-known stock among photographers, with a catalog of more than twenty thousand photos and videos. The resource is famous for its favorable and democratic terms of cooperation, while photographers do not need to pass any exams - a simple registration is enough to upload a photo.
  • Depositphotos - only the laziest Internet user has not heard about this photo bank today. The site is visited daily by a huge number of unique users from all over the world, while the developers took care of the presence of a Russian-language interface.
  • Lori is the oldest Russian photo bank with the most simple interface, convenient search and a regularly updated portfolio. An important advantage of the service is the presence of an active forum of authors, where you can ask more successful colleagues almost any questions. There are no mandatory exams for beginner photographers, however, there is a limit on available downloads.
  • PressFoto is another successful Russian photobank with an extensive collection of graphics and photos in various genres. To start working on the site, photographers need to upload three unique photos, provide personal data and sign a cooperation agreement with a photo bank.

The stocks listed above are not limited to answering the question of where to sell photos. There are about thirty successful microstocks in Runet, cooperation with which allows you to get a very good income on your favorite hobby.

How to sell photos to a beginner on the internet

Many aspiring photographers are thinking about how to sell their photos and make money from their own work. In fact, nothing particularly complicated is required for this:

  1. A good digital camera with a resolution of at least 8 megapixels. An excellent addition to modern technology will be a macro lens, which will significantly expand the possibilities for obtaining truly original and interesting photos.
  2. High-speed Internet access, which will allow you to upload "heavy" images to stock sites and photobanks.
  3. Access and ability to work with specialized programs and graphic editors. The undisputed leader in this area is the good old Adobe Photoshop.
  4. A minimum knowledge of English will not be superfluous. This will allow the photographer to cooperate with Western photobanks.

For successful sales, you should figure out in advance which topics are most interesting to potential customers of microstocks. So the highest demand for images in the field of business, health, sports and society. High-quality subject photos are bought up in stocks like hot cakes. Dogs, cats, flowers, forest and porthole views are among the unclaimed.

No need to be upset if no one bought the first photos. The more images you place in photobanks, the more customers you can attract, thereby gradually increasing your earnings to the desired limits.

How to sell stock photos

All works that are sold in photo stocks must be unique and copyrighted. Of course, there may be exceptions to this issue. So, for example, some specialized resources allow posting old photographs of their deceased relatives to their direct heirs. However, you should not rely on such exceptions and it is best to post only those photos that were created by the photographers themselves. All publications that are posted on the site are carefully analyzed by inspectors and specialists, which is why it takes up to several days to moderate the work.

At the same time, the fact that the photo was approved by the moderators does not guarantee that it will find its buyer. How to sell photos online?

  • Images must have interesting and original content. Among modern users of the world wide web, photos related to sales, SIM, advertising, children, food, beautiful outfits and unique jewelry are in demand. The material proposed for implementation should be evaluated objectively, without relying on the opinion of their relatives and friends.
  • The photo must be of perfect quality. To do this, its author should understand such concepts as megapixels, exposure, noise, focus and framing. By the way, photobanks do not work with film images, only with digital.
  • The format of the future photo is of no small importance, all photobanks work with JPEG images. At the same time, you should take care of the maximum allowable sizes and formats of your photos.

Another important nuance of working with stocks is the sale of photos depicting people. Before an image is displayed in a portfolio, care should be taken to obtain permission from all persons who are in the frame. The relevant document must be uploaded along with the material, otherwise it will not even be considered by the moderators.

Buy vintage photos

Collecting and selling old photographs is not only interesting, but also very profitable. The cost of some copies in this area can reach hundreds of thousands of dollars. Such pictures in our time are turning not only into a source of pride and a piece of family history, but are also used as an original and unusual piece of furniture.

So who can sell old photos to? They are of the greatest interest to collectors who are fond of photographs of bygone eras. Individual photographs that capture unique objects, phenomena or events can have an incredibly high price. In order not to sell too cheap and set an adequate cost for the available material, you can seek advice from professional appraisers. In particular, this indicator can be affected by the quality of the image, its theme, historical era. It is quite logical that the older the image, the higher it is priced in the market. Old photographs are of no less interest to researchers who are engaged in the creation of dissertations and other works. Antique stores are also buying up such materials. They often seek to acquire images at the lowest cost in order to resell them for a profit. It is noteworthy that restored photos are cheaper compared to works that have not been subjected to any processing.

Where can you sell your photos? In fact, there are a lot of options. As you can see from our article, even novice amateur photographers will be able to earn a good income from their hobby, while doing what they really love.

You will learn where to sell your photos online and how much you can earn from it. Read how to choose the right photo stock and what rules beginner photographers should follow.

13.02.2018 Elena Atyutina

With the advent of gadgets equipped with high-quality cameras, crowds of photographers rushed to sell images on the Internet. Over time, random people were eliminated, and those who really understand this matter remained.

Nevertheless, photography and the sale of exclusive images is a business that can be done by anyone who has artistic taste, time, desire and skills in working with specialized software.

Selling photos online - good money or a waste of time

Thanks to the availability of powerful digital photographic equipment, obtaining high-quality images has ceased to be the privilege of specialists. If you love photography and think you're good at it, you have a great chance of turning your passion into a source of income.

To earn money, you will have to be patient and have a professional camera. If you consistently take quality pictures, turn your passion into a source of income. The most successful, popular images are sold several times.

If you understand that you do not have the skills and abilities of a professional photographer, this way of earning money will not suit you, you will only lose time.

To start making money from your hobby, use simple rules.

Lenses with high resolution will make pictures of the highest quality in technical terms. Cheap cameras create a lot of distortion. If the matrix is ​​dirty, noise, garbage appears on the frames. Buyers are unlikely to agree to purchase such images.

To work on photo stocks, at least a school level of this language is required, since large companies from which the main income comes are foreign.

Foreign photo banks value other people's work and copyright, so they pay good money. Knowing English, you yourself compose a competent description of the picture. Well, correspondence with customers in which case you will conduct without difficulty.

Carefully enter information about yourself: registration means the actual signing of an electronic contract for the sale of photographs.

Where can I sell photos and make money on it

We bring to your attention a list of popular photo stocks.


It is considered the most famous photo bank, which has a large audience and sells faster than other services. However, in order to receive a decent payment, it is necessary to present the appropriate quality and uniqueness of the images.

Registration will require a scanned copy of the foreign passport. To become a Shutterstock contributor, a photographer will have to pass an exam that requires them to accept a minimum number of shots (7 out of 10).

Beginners most often receive about 25 cents for work. Over time, the amount of payment grows due to the growth of the total amount of income.


For registration, you will need a scanned copy of a document that confirms your identity.

The exam is quite strict, consists of five papers. Depositphotos has a user-friendly Russian interface, which is useful for beginners when working with microstocks.


The server is considered the most suitable for novice authors, since it does not require passing an exam and presenting documents during registration. But the quality of the photo should be quite high. The average price per image is $0.2.

istock photo

It is believed that this server has the most stringent check and the most difficult exam among all sites. Unsurprisingly, iStockPhoto pays heavily for images. To register, you must provide a scanned copy of a document that confirms the identity of the author (rights, passport or international passport).

To pass the exam, you must send 10 photos. Good earnings await those people who enter into exclusive contracts.


This is a domestic photo bank founded in Russia in 2006. To register, the author must sign the contract, printed in two copies. The paper should be sent by mail with a photocopy of a document that confirms the identity of the person. After the procedure, you are allowed to upload 20 pictures, which will be considered by the site administration.

Lori does not impose too strict requirements for work: photos are accepted, the resolution of which is from 2 MP. Authors' income depends on image size and license.

Rules for working with photo stocks

Before starting your activity, carefully read the terms of operation of the drain. They will help you avoid mistakes and earn more money.

And learn the basic rules for handling services.

Rule 1. Upload only original photos

In order for the photobank to accept your pictures, you need to upload your own work. Images must be unique and not previously published on the Internet.

The most popular photo themes are:

  • business;
  • family Children;
  • photos of girls;
  • scenery.

Rule 2. Competently fill in meta tags

When uploading an image, specify the following parameters:

  1. Title- name of the picture. It must not exceed 30 characters.
  2. Description- description of the photo. You must enter at least 7 words here.
  3. Keywords- keywords. Their optimal number is 40-50. It is this parameter that determines the number of sales, since the buyer finds pictures by them. Remember, the more keywords you put in, the more likely your image is to sell.

Rule 3

Photobanks adhere to the position that, if necessary, the buyer independently processes the image as he needs. For this reason, it is worth selling a high-quality photo without unnecessary special effects or filters.

However, it is not necessary to completely abandon graphic editors. Even a high-quality image, which was shot with highly professional equipment, requires minimal correction: noise elimination, correction of lighting errors, sharpness, brightness and contrast.

Rule 4: If you're photographing people, upload the model's receipt

When people are photographed, you must have their Model Release. The receipt does not oblige the model to anything: the photostock is trying to protect itself from possible claims and prosecution.

There is no difficulty in preparing the document, the finished form can be downloaded from the photo bank. Write in block letters the name of the photographer and the names of all the people in the photo, indicate the data of the model and the author (address, telephone number), date, signature plus the signature of the witness.

Before you get down to business, carefully read the listed tips.

They will help you find the most suitable photo bank.

Each of the photo stores offers its own cost of payment for services.

But, as a rule, there are no significant differences in the prices for the sale of images, so the authors choose the content provider for other aspects.

To receive earnings from a photo stock, you must have an acceptable limit of funds on your account.

Each site determines its own minimum withdrawal amount. For example, on ShutterStock it is $75, Lori - 1500 rubles, Dreamstock - $100.

Recommendation 3. Read the terms of cooperation

Find out whether it is mandatory to pass an entrance exam or whether free registration is possible.

Typically, you need to complete a job that uploads a certain number of photos. Based on its results, the issue of the author's admission to work on the site is decided.

On the Internet, you can find the opinions of experienced authors about photo stocks. They know about all the intricacies of the work, they can name their advantages and disadvantages. After reading the reviews of photographers, you will choose the right photo bank for yourself and will be able to avoid the mistakes that many beginners make.

Recommendation 5. Focus on foreign services

As a rule, foreign sites value the work of authors, so the payment on such sites is higher. Knowing English at least at the level of the school curriculum, you increase your chances of concluding exclusive contracts on foreign servers that promise a large income.

How much can you earn selling photos

When selling images, the client pays the photo stock, and the authors receive about 50% of the cost of each image download - from about 20 cents to $ 2.5. If buyers purchase frames for their publication in calendars, printing of posters or postcards, mouse pads, earnings will be much more. Income also depends on the size of the image that the client chooses: the smaller it is, the lower the price.


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