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The authors of the publication are Dmitry Satin— head of USABILITYLAB, one of the leading usability specialists in Russia and specialists from Ingate Digital Agency — Grigory Zagrebelny and Andrey Stark. The book has a small volume (71 pages), but the content contains "live" examples and is applicable in practice.

A few insights while reading

  • Using the association method to evaluate the characteristics of the site (for example, new design).
  • The active user paradox - the user will try to use the interface at his own discretion until the last (even if you didn’t expect it)).
  • Use images in pictures to grab attention. Here - we can set the direction of the user's gaze.
  • funnel anomaly. The input audience is different from the audience that orders the product/service.
  • Paired person: man-woman. Buying goods in an offline store, when a woman dominates in the cosmetics department, and a man dominates in the building materials department.

If you are just planning to create a website, remember what you read and bet on creating competent human-oriented interfaces.

Do you already have a website? Entrust its review and refinement to usability and user acquisition specialists. And remember, without studying your audience, you deprive your business of development in the long run.

Is it worth reading?

p.s. The book is absolutely free!

The book examines the psychology of Internet users: how decisions are made, what hinders / helps in choosing goods and services, why and why people come to the network. Practical recommendations are relevant both for the site design stage and for existing web resources. You will learn to understand who your client is and what he needs to make a decision in favor of your site/company. © Ingate Digital Agency

From the book you will learn:

  • what users really want;
  • how to make a portrait of a client and attract him to the site;
  • how to control the user's gaze.

Contents of the book "Consumer Psychology"

    • 1.1 Usability: debunking myths.
    • 1.2 What users want.
    • 2.1 Audience analysis to increase conversion.
    • 2.2 "Practical psychology", or How to control the user's gaze.
    • 2.3 Workshop: testing various options.
    • 3.1 Segmentation of the target audience.
    • 3.2 Analysis of site statistics.
    • 4.1 Sales funnel anomalies.
    • 4.2 The user does not come alone.
    • 4.3 Shaping behavior.
    • 4.4 Pair persona, or a look into the future.
  • APPENDIX (Ingate).

The psychology of online users is worthy of a scientific approach and close study: digital technologies are changing our world, our behavior. What will be the culture of consumption tomorrow? How strong will the integration with the digital space be? Who will take the lead in this communications race?

The authors on the pages of the book opened the veil of this new tomorrow, tried to look into the mind of a new consumer - the consumer of the digital age. Not thinking about his needs today, ignoring his fears and desires - means depriving your business of development in the long term.

The psychology of buyers (the psychology of consumption) has been studied in detail and continues to be studied within the framework of social and economic psychology. Dozens of books have been published, hundreds of recommendations have been developed. However, when it comes to the behavior of buyers in the virtual space, it often ends with usability tips and website traffic analysis. Meanwhile, buyers in real life and online are the same people. It's just that they are placed on the web in slightly different conditions: with a high degree of uncertainty and the need to make a choice in absentia from a great variety of offers. How can you help them make a decision? How to understand what they really want? How to make the process of interaction with the virtual environment as comfortable as possible? © Dmitry Satin

How has consumer behavior changed in the e-commerce era? What will help the client to make the right choice? How to control the view of the site visitor? The first book on the psychology of Internet users is the expert experience of UsabilityLab founder, engineering psychologist Dmitry Satin and specialists from Ingate Digital Agency.

The book has already been downloaded 16605 times

Reviews about the book:

Irina Nemtsova (book editor)
It was a real pleasure to work with such material)))

Andrey Sebrant
Dima Satin's book is a very useful read. Thank you!

Tatiana Komissarova
Dmitry, thank you, congratulations. This is cool!
Colleagues, I recommend. Dmitry is a real psychologist, a graduate of the psychology faculty of Moscow State University. I am confident in the professionalism of the material of the book. I have already downloaded it.

Alexander Shmelev
A modern book on psychology should TODAY contain, obviously, more color illustrations than text. I envy Dmitry Satin with envy of no one knows what color. I can't do it myself...

Nikita Androsov
Friends, read on! Dig into the minds of your consumers, explore and be amazed. Thank you, Dmitry Satin for participating in our educational mission!

Dmitry Silaev
Painfully familiar cases of UsabiityLab and a little more… Congratulations on the work done and looking forward to continuing

Daria Kalinskaya
The kids released a crazy book together with Dmitry Satin himself
So now you can not only listen to the father of all usability at conferences and webinars, but also read in a beautiful, albeit electronic, binding)

Oksana Dunina
Friends, we all know that writing an intelligent article or a small manual is a lot of work. What to say about the book.

Yesterday and today, many of us have downloaded and may have already begun to read the book of our dear Dmitry Satin. Let's all thank the author for this work with small and big "thanks". Dmitry, thank you for sharing your bright thoughts!

Oleg Amt
Both the author and the book are great.

Stepan Frolov
An excellent book for anyone involved in e-commerce and working in the field of Internet marketing. With a start!

Valery Belyanin
very nicely published. easily written. Class

Alexander Belousov Thank you! I've wanted to read something like this for a long time!)))) I'm taking it to the library in line!)

Sergey Barkas
Note to the hostess: a free (!) book on managing customer behavior in e-commerce. Author Dmitry Satin is one of the few people whom I consider unconditional authorities in their field. An excellent chapter on the “pair person” - in “family” topics, I am always keenly concerned about the question: who selects the options that suit him, and who nods his head on which option and why. Thank you.

Vladimir Kravtsov
Dima, congratulations! I hope the experience of working with Leroy Merlin helped in writing the book.

Alina Ermakova
Reading in an hour, I advise everyone to skim through the eyes to memorize/remember the "simple truths" that are so important when designing a product.

Sergey Skorokhod
Knowledge and experience must be absorbed. Every business has its own aspect. You may or may not agree with the author, but you definitely cannot skip such books today.

Ivan Belousov
Satin is cool! He has a lot of videos on the usability of sites, he tells very interesting points!

Andrey Gusarov
I advise you to download, read and immediately implement.

". Already more than 10,000 have done it :)

Annotation: How has consumer behavior changed in the e-commerce era? What will help the client to make the right choice? How to control the view of the site visitor? The first book about the psychology of Internet users is the expert experience of the founder of UsabilityLab, engineering psychologist Dmitry Satin

Under the cut is a fragment of the chapter of the second book "On Usability"

Usability is about simplification. But to what extent should a person's life be simplified?

The motto of World Usability Day, which has been celebrated on the second Thursday of November since 2005, is Making Life Easier! If we consider this message the main value of usability, and understand it exaggeratedly, then we can come to a state that is shown in the WALL E cartoon (WALL-E), where robots did absolutely any action for people.

It is clear what kind of world awaits us if we are guided only by this idea. We will reach the point of giving up the physical body! As technology expands capabilities and is constantly evolving, at some point they can lead to the abandonment of the human body, and it will not be needed for anything at all. And then there will be a loss of the human... Maybe this is what Friedrich Nietzsche dreamed about when he wrote that the human must be overcome, and that man is just a bridge to the superman? Don't know. I present myself as a superman to others.

This is a doer, a creator, intense and purposeful, who is helped by technology, not replaced.

Even simpler creatures want some tension in reaching their goal. Experiments on rats have shown that the animal does not always choose the shortest path to the goal. She does not choose the path that the experimenter has prepared for her, but the one that she herself has chosen, even if it is not the most optimal one. For some reason, a living being tries to control itself on its own.

It is difficult to discuss the happiness of a rat, but speaking of a person, we can confidently say that the result obtained without effort does not please him. And successfully overcoming the optimal level of difficulties brings feelings of self-realization and happiness.

It turns out that we must maintain a certain tone in the interaction of a person with technology: there must be tension, complexity in something, but at the same time we need to help the user comfortably (with the optimal expenditure of effort) achieve their goals.

On this topic, I have a joke: how to make the "most ergonomic" computer game? You need to create a big button that says "WIN". You press - victorious fanfares sound! You won!!!

Only from the point of view of human psychology, this is complete nonsense. He plays games to suffer, for the sake of overcoming, for the sake of gaining new experience, and not for the sake of a free win.

A good friend of mine prefers a manual transmission in a car, although with an automatic transmission the driver's hands are freer, for example, in order to manipulate the smartphone screen when plotting a route. To my questions why she likes mechanics more than automatic, she replied: “I want to feel that I am driving the car, and not she is driving me!”

I was very surprised by this answer. Indeed, now much attention is paid to the creation of self-driving cars and aircraft. One of the forecasts, published on behalf of the Pentagon, in the near future, aircraft will take off and land under the control of robots. Automakers are talking about new trucks that will carry cargo without the participation of a driver. Google is launching driverless taxis.

We seem to gladly outsource work to technology in two cases: 1. If it's boring; 2. If it's too much (for example, processing too much data to make a difficult decision, or converting a photograph we took into a Van Gogh painting).

But we leave some tasks to ourselves. The ones we are interested in. The ones that make us feel alive. These thoughts lead me to the idea of ​​the importance of optimum motivation, which has been discovered by animal psychologists in experiments on rats.

Too simple and super-complex tasks are bad motivation. From the first we fall into apathy, from the second - into a panic. But tasks of medium (or, more correctly, optimal) complexity excite us, we enter a state of flow, when the internal motivation of activity is revealed to us. When we do work not for the sake of its result, but for the sake of the process itself, which brings us clarity of mind, a sense of control and fullness of life.

Therefore, I agree with those who believe that the future belongs to technology. Undoubtedly, they will occupy more and more space in our lives, doing for us what we do not want or cannot do. But a person will leave behind the work that is in harmony with his capabilities. Otherwise, a person will have to lose himself and the meaning of his life.

- Don't lose yourself! Read

One of the leading usability specialists in Russia, founder and partner of UsabilityLab, engineering psychologist Dmitry Satin published the book Consumer Psychology: Who Buys What and How Online. The book can be downloaded for free on the Internet.

The book examines the psychology of Internet users: how decisions are made, what hinders / helps in choosing goods and services, why and why people come to the network. Practical recommendations are relevant both for the site design stage and for existing web resources. The information will help online retailers to better understand their customers and what visitors to an online store need to make a decision in favor of your site/company.

Dmitry said that for more than 10 years he has been speaking at Internet conferences in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan, promoting a human-oriented approach to designing user interfaces of electronic services.

“I meet a lot of grateful people with sparkling eyes who ask me when I will start writing books about usability and User Experience. I have decided to no longer put off what is asked of me by those who share common professional values ​​with me. The first free e-book was released on September 26, 2016,” Dmitry Satin told

In less than a day, the book was downloaded more than 2,000 times. The release of the book received hundreds of reposts in social networks, and the author received many words of gratitude and support. To date, the book has been downloaded 2764 times.

What readers of the book will learn:

  • what users really want;
  • how to make a portrait of a client and attract him to the site;
  • how to control the user's gaze.

The book will be interesting and useful to everyone who interacts with users: website developers, interface designers, web analysts, search engine promotion specialists, Internet marketers, advertising and PR departments, website owners and business leaders.

The publication of the second book of the author has already been announced

Its working title is About Usability. This will be the second book in the Human Factor series. A book about Internet users and how to design good products for them.

The book is scheduled to be released by New Year 2017.

Everyone can participate in raising funds for the publication of this book, and receive from the author as a gift for the New Year


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