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Speech by the UID propaganda team "The Tale of How Khan Established the Rules"

Chernikova Elena Vladimirovna
Senior counselor, English teacher
KSU "Economic School-Lyceum Zhezkent"

Material Description:
The scenario is intended for carrying out promotional activities aimed at the observance by students of the rules of the road. Also, the material can be used at class hours on a given topic, competitions of YID teams (young traffic inspectors), school lines, concerts, etc. The development will be useful for both class teachers and organizing teachers, psychologists, counselors, teachers of traffic rules or auto business. Participants in this scenario can be students of both elementary school and middle and senior levels. Using this material, you can shoot a video for later demonstration without involving students.
The scenario is compiled in accordance with the traffic rules of the Republic of Kazakhstan, so there may be some discrepancies with the traffic rules of the Russian Federation.

Target: activation of the school staff in the work to prevent child traffic injuries.
- study and consolidation by students of knowledge of traffic rules;
- involvement of schoolchildren in the promotion of road safety rules;
- mastering the practical skills of using traffic rules in everyday life.

Additional material:
- traffic signs;
- costumes, auxiliary props (at the discretion of the organizers);
- cuts of musical inserts and backing tracks for songs
1) Michel Telo - Ai se eu te pego,
2) Duet - Russian folk
3) Potap and N. Kamenskikh - Freaky Spring
4) "Who wants to be a millionaire"

- Readers
- Khan
- Valiant warriors
- Princess
- Police officer
- Driver
- Presenter

Khan sits on the stage with his back to the audience. Two readers come out to the music (national melodies).

Reader 1:
Until the days of laptops and iPhones,
Among the rivers and mountains peaks,
In the middle of the steppes
Khan ruled over his people
He was fair and wise.

Reader 2:
The normative code was
Rules, statutes invented
So Khan decided to leave a mark in history
And come up with a new and special law!

Reader 1:
To be closer to the people
Khan called a referendum,
Where everyone could say a word
Carry a bright thought
To give advice, to bring life experience into the course of events.

Khan(turns around, stands up and says solemnly): Start the glorious tournament as soon as possible, collect more guests of honor to us!

(Car horn, solemn music sounds)

Reader 1: The rumor went around the whole Khanate,
Everyone was ready to compete in invention.

Reader 2: Everyone strove to arrive to the Khan as soon as possible,
To surprise the lord with great ideas.

(2 batyrs come out on improvised horses,
sing to the motive of the song Michel Telo - Ai se eu te pego)

Batyr 1 (starting with chorus):
Here we are, here we are
Brave warriors.
A lot has been seen
Jumped around the world.

But we were surprised
Miraculous, different
We got the book
And we share with you.

Batyr 2 (verse):
The book that traffic rules is called
Many rules are amazing, simple.
What will be useful to everyone in the bustle of the road,
Prevention will serve the rest.

To avoid accidents and injuries,
It is necessary to follow a set of elementary rules.
Signs, traffic lights, markings, intersections, -
It seems complicated, but it's actually simple.

(They give the Khan a book on traffic rules, he carefully examines it)

Khan: Yes, the book is good! Tell me more about these wonderful rules!

Batyr 1: Well, listen and see!

Music is playing (introductory part from the composition Duet - Russian Folk), 4 girls take the stage, who take turns reading information about signs in rap style, explaining traffic signs (the signs are behind the stage, a certain sign is taken out for each verse, or the signs can be held in hands, demonstrating to the audience):

Girl 1:
Road signs, signals, markings.
Adults know, children know
If you get behind the wheel of your car,
Take knowledge of the rules to boot.

Girl 2:
If you see this sign
Know that he is not just
To avoid problems
Make way for everyone
(Give way sign)

Girl 3:
Here is the ground crossing
People walk all day
You, the driver, do not be sad,
Pass the pedestrian!
(crosswalk sign)

Girl 4:
Overtaking sign
At this point it is immediately clear:
Overtaking others is dangerous!
(no overtaking sign)

Girl 5:
The sign of the drivers is intimidating,
Vehicles are prohibited from entering.
Don't try rashly
Drive past the brick.
(no entry sign)

The girls bow and leave, leaving signs on the stage.
Khan and one of the batyrs come out.

Khan: Yes, these signs are wonderful, and the book is good! I want to know more about her, tell me, young man!

Batyr: There is a princess beyond the sea that you can’t take your eyes off. At night it illuminates with light, during the day the light of God overshadows. Khan's was in such a hurry to the referendum that she suddenly got into an accident.

During these words, a girl (Princess) and a boy appear on the stage, portraying the Driver of the car. The scene of the collision of two cars is played out. A policeman approaches them.

(Car signals, alarms)

Another girl enters the stage (News presenter).

(Music from the news)

Presenter: Attention attention! Crime news. At the crossroads, a luxurious royal car collided with the car of a negligent father. Reporting from the scene.

(Sounds a song to the tune of "Crazy Spring" by Potap and Nastya Kamensky)

I'm going to the red light like a plague,
In the sun, so as not to squint, I pulled on my glasses
And next to me sits my five-year-old son
And there is no car seat in my car.

Police officer:
Once we received a signal from the scene of an accident
A car was speeding down the street
Our dad did not install a car seat
The baby was severely injured in the collision.

She came, and the protocol was drawn up for us by a freaky spring
He is not up to sleep.
Picked up the chair late
Freaky spring, freaky spring.

Everyone sings:
Freaky spring has come and demolished the roof for you and me
And work for the traffic police added-la-la-la-la-la-la!

Police officer(referring to the driver): Inspector Ivanov! We will not let you go until you pass the exams in the traffic police!

Driver: Yes, I know everything!

Police officer: Now let's check!

(Buzzer beeps, then TV game tune "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire")

Presenter: Attention viewers! The program "The smartest" is on the air. So first question! We answer "yes" or "no".
Can you drive on a red light?
Driver: YES!
Presenter: The correct answer is "no". The light is green, driving allowed?
Driver: NO!
Presenter: The correct answer is "Yes". Is it allowed to transport children under 12 in the front seat of a car without a special car seat?
Driver: YES!
Presenter: This is the wrong answer, the correct answer is "No". And the last question: do you always need to know the rules of the road?
Driver: NO!
Presenter: The correct answer is YES, YES, YES!

The policeman, the Princess, the Driver and the Host leave.

Khan: so that there was order everywhere, I thought and decided that in our glorious khanate everyone should be friends with traffic rules!

(Sound of horn. The whole team comes on stage)

Every adult on the planet
And all the little kids
The rules must learn
And strictly observe them!

(Melody from "Yeralash")

Music plays, participants bow, leave the stage.

Agitation brigade of the consolidated detachment

YID MBOU secondary school №5

G. Korolev 2011

Sounds the introduction of the song "We must believe the young" exit of the team

1 Jewish man: Young walkers!
Future drivers!

2 judovets: Motorists!
Children and parents!

3 judovets: Guests in the hall, all our viewers!
Do you want to see the UID team?

4 yuidovets: Welcome to the UID team
City district of Korolev

All: Zebra

1 Jewish man: Our motto

All: Take it as a rule
Follow the rules

The backing track sounds "We must believe the young"
girls in colored t-shirts run out onto the stage, sing and dance

Today we will gather in a close circle
And tell everyone around about the rules
Because they need to know
And always skillfully apply.
Passenger, driver or pedestrian
Only the one who is safe on the road
Who treasures his beautiful life
Never violates, not in a hurry.

Chorus: Let's try
Engage in UID
Learn the laws of the roads
Walk where you can
And be careful
And follow the rules!

1 Jewish man: And so friends, there are two issues on the agenda:
What to do? And where to start?

2 judovets: Yes, after all, over the 12 years of the existence of the detachment, we seem to
already talked about everything.

3 judovets: Well, what are we going to talk about now?

4 yuidovets: And if you try...

1 Jewish man: No it's boring

2 judovets: So you need...

1 Jewish man: No need.

3 judovets: Maybe...

1 Jewish man: What are you? We will not be understood.

4 yuidovets: Well then...

1 Jewish man:

But let's try this.
This cannot be tolerated.
This must be fought!

Phonogram ("plasticine crow")

The Jews sing in chorus: One funny tale, or maybe not a tale
We want to tell you about the rules of the movement.
After all, if they are violated, and there is no doubt about it,
It may be very bad, which can be proved!

Julia: Once a sad uncle, or maybe not sad,
It's not hard for any man to understand.
He was taking his mother-in-law, his beloved mother-in-law, to the station,
Came for a year to stay a little.

A husband and wife are sitting in front of the car, the husband is driving. Grandmother and grandson are in the back seats. Child plays psp.
The husband is gloomy silently, drives the car.

Wife: Mom, what a pity that you have to leave!
Honey, are you upset too?

Husband: Crazy! (sarcastically) Mom, what time is your train?

Mother-in-law: At 18.10

Wife: Oh my God! Mom, you said that 19.10!!!

Mother-in-law: Well, I messed up.

Husband: Don't worry mom! I will do my best for you to catch your train!

The whole family makes a movement, symbolizing that the driver has sharply pressed the gas pedal.

Child: about! Cool, dad!

Julia: Exceeding the established speed of the vehicle by more than 60 kilometers per hour entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of two to two and a half thousand rubles or deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of four to six months.

Music from the beginning

Sasha: In a completely different car, more precisely in a Mercedes,
A cool uncle rode with his pregnant wife.
And the lady in position did not know what she wanted,
And the tired husband really dreamed of getting home.

Husband and pregnant wife are driving.

Wife: Honey, I'm hot. Turn on the air conditioner!
Husband turns on.

Honey, I'm cold! Turn off!
Husband Turns off.
Not! Still hot. Can we open a window?
The husband (annoyed) opens the window.
Ugh! What gassiness! I have nothing to breathe.
Better air conditioning.
The husband, silently, closes the window, turns on the air conditioner.
The displeased wife nervously fans herself with a fan,
drops it, tries to pick it up.
It does not work. The belt is still in the way.
I'll unfasten him.
Unfastens the belt. Still can't lift.
Dear, my fan fell. Pick it up please.
The husband nervously throws the steering wheel, distracted from the road,
bends over the fan

Silent scene, the participants freeze.

Sasha: Passengers are required, when traveling in a vehicle equipped with seat belts, to be fastened with them. Passengers are prohibited from distracting the driver from driving the vehicle while it is moving.

Motorcyclist in a leather jacket and motorcycle helmet. Behind him is a friend.
She pats her friend on the shoulder, he opens the helmet,
turns to her, she shouts:

Friend: Hurry up! Get over this Mercedes!

Biker: No problem baby!

Friend: Hurry up!

Vova: When riding a motorcycle, the passenger must
be wearing a motorcycle helmet.

The squeal of brakes, the sound of broken glass, all participants in the movement
falling in different directions


The moral of this tale, and maybe not a fairy tale,
Of course, everyone who wants to live long will understand.
After all, the rules of traffic are worthy of respect,
It is very important to remember them, they must be taught to everyone.

(everyone stands up, removes the elements of the costume)

1 Jewish man:

The roads will be great
If it's safe to drive

2 judovets:

Fasten your strap
Happy journey everyone.

3 judovets:

Two solid - impossible,
Even if carefully.

4 yuidovets:

Follow the traffic rules and be friends with the traffic police.
Final song. Everyone takes the stage
music sounds "Who, if not us !!!"
Time affects days and events
Time sometimes makes us hurry
But it is also known that haste is fatal
The traffic police calls everyone around:
How to obey all the laws of motion,
Be careful on the way every time
People should know this without a doubt
After all, our TOMORROW depends on us.

Who, if not us, is the power of the generation.
Who, if not us, for the rules of the movement,
Who, if not us, squad of the decade,
Who, if not us, for years, for centuries.
Who, if not us, is a single team,
Who, if not us, propaganda laws,
Who, if not us, will master all the rules,
Who, if not us, the YIDovtsy of Russia!

The scenario of the performance of the UID "Zebra" team in 2009.
Staged song "Traffic Lights"

YIDovets (parrot) -
YIDovka girl-
Elephant -
Monkey -

Act one

(to the music, the youths appear on the stage, unfold the pedestrian crossing, set up a traffic light)

YIDovets: Gather your thoughts!

Young woman: Be patient!

Together: We're starting our show!

YIDovets: Listen and watch carefully.

Young woman: Everything you see...
Everything you hear...

Together: Be sure to tell your friends!

Action two

(the phonogram of "Street Noises" sounds, the YID members part. He puts on a parrot wig. Elephant and Monkey appear on the mesonscene, the baby elephant is frightened by all the horns and squeal of brakes)

Baby elephant:(frightened) Street, street... What's the picture?
Rushing with a growl of creepy cars.
How can the elephant cross the road,
To get home faster?

Monkey:(mockingly) Oh, you crybaby! Oh, and whiner!
Hey guys take a look:
I found the problem, dude...
Legs in hands and - run!
Nothing will happen to you.
It's not a beast at the wheel!

(grabs the Baby Elephant by the hand, runs across the road. They freeze at the screech of brakes)

Act Three

Parrot: Shops, squares, houses -
People are in a hurry, cars are flying,
In the age of speed, an elephant will be brought down
Who runs, embraced by fear.

Young woman: Like air, blue skies and clear water
We need traffic rules!

Parrot: Yes Yes Yes! Yes!

Young woman: Our main assistant on the way is a traffic light,
We will talk about it now.

Parrot:(pointing to a green traffic light)
Green is life! Green is joy!
And a safe path, and the first grass.
And if the traffic light looks green,
Then you can step. Saying to yourself: It's time!

(Song to the motive "If there was no winter")

1st verse
Girl: Even if the head is empty or the wind
don't run a red light for anything in the world!
Only the bull, having become furious, always rushes to red,
Well, you are a smart animal - do not take risks in vain!

2nd verse
Parrot: (referring to Baby Elephant)
Yellow caresses the eye with a sunny hello,
Only we still don’t have a yellow light ...
Be patient, my friend, just a little, wait a little,
So as not to become a cake on the high road.

3rd verse:
Monkey: Life is preparing miracles for you and me!
I realized that it's not worth risking your head ...

Elephant: Traffic lights will wink bright eyes.
Well, if it is not there, we will find the "Zebra"!

4th verse:
All together: We will all cross the right path together,
After all, the red eye of cars shines very strictly!

Parrot: We performed on stage
To prove to all of you
That the rules of the road
Even the animals must know!

Young woman: To live without knowing grief,

Baby elephant: To run!

Monkey: Jump!

Parrot: And fly!

Young woman: You gotta traffic rules
Observe always and everywhere!

(cheerful music sounds. The heroes leave, taking the scenery)

Nelli Sargsyan


propaganda and agitation of the Rules of the road among preschoolers.


– preservation of the life and health of young pedestrians in a constantly evolving and increasingly complex transport environment; - education of responsibility for one's behavior on the street and on the road;

– development of an adequate perception of possible dangerous situations;

– formation of knowledge, skills, habits and habits of safe behavior.


uniform of the UID squad, emblems, music recording, audio equipment, traffic rules posters, visual material with traffic situations.

Expected results:

– reduction of child road traffic injuries;

– adequate perception of possible dangerous situations;

- the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of road traffic;

- A developed system of creative self-development of the individual.

Members Events:

older children preschool age, school students, educators, specialists, parents.


To the song "Young traffic inspector"

the UID detachment comes out, performs a dance.

1. Hello, Liza! Hello Sasha!

2. Hello, Dimochki, Vlady, and Masha!

3. Hello, Lyosha, and Ksyusha, and Vanya!

4. Hello girls!

5. Hello boys!

6.- The lights of your eyes are fervently burning.

7.- Command - (TOGETHER)- UID welcomes you!

8. - Guys, UID means - Young Traffic Inspector! We have come to you in guests from school We are in 6th grade.

1.- Our squad is called - (TOGETHER)- "Good road of childhood."

2.- Our motto:

Together: - Children are supposed to know the rules of the road! You, my friend, trust them: Be safe and sound!

3.- Our chants:


Good road childhood, With you here we are in the neighborhood.

We will learn the rules of traffic together,

To value your life and health!

4. - Guys, we would really like to make friends with you, but do you want to be friends with us?

5. - And in order to get to know you better, we will perform our anthem for you - the main song of the UID detachment.

The detachment's anthem is played to the motive of the song "By the way of good".

6. - By the way, we were told that there are very smart children in your kindergarten, and that you all know the rules of the road, is that true? 7. - Well, then we would like to repeat the traffic rules with you and see if you remember them well!

8. Our school YID-squad, Stand together in a row About all the rules and signs We will tell for the guys.

1. Around the city, down the street They don't just walk around When you don't know the rules, It's easy to get into a mess.

2. Be attentive all the time And remember in advance d: The driver and the pedestrian have their own rules!

3. - And now let's check if you know the rules of behavior on the road! Get ready to listen carefully and respond in unison!

4. Cars are racing. Immediately, jump, The ball flies to the roadway. Everyone should remember, friends, What to run for the ball ... (answer children: IT IS FORBIDDEN)

5. All the guys are pedestrians, Remember, friends, always: All traffic lights Will we perform?. (answer children: YES)

6. I put a friend on the frame And rushed the bike. It’s clear to us, guys, with you - So you can ride ?. (answer children: NO)

7. Got behind the wheel, pedal, Always remember the rules, If the light is green, Can you go further ?. (answer children: YES)

8. - Now we invite you to a fun dance!

Fizminutka to the music "Rules of the road"

1. - And now we will play with you in game: question answer! If you act according to the rules of the road, then together answer: "It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!". And if not, shut up.

2. - Which of you goes forward, only where the transition is?

3. - Who flies forward so fast that he does not see a traffic light?

4. - Who knows that the light is green, means - the path is open?

5. - And what does the yellow light always tell us about attention?

6. - Who knows what the red light says - there is no road?

7. - Which of you is going home, along the roadway?

8. - Which of you in the close minibus gave way to the old lady?

1. - Well done, guys. You really know the rules of behavior on the road. Well, unfortunately it's time for us to say goodbye.

2. - But we will often come to you in guests, can?. We promise to prepare riddles, games, fairy tales for you next time according to the Rules of the Road.

3. - And you promise us to study the rules and never break them, good!

Together: - Goodbye, friends! See you soon!

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Speech by the UID squad

"Traffic light"

MBOU Veselevskoy sosh, Naro-Fominsk municipal district

2014 – 2015 academic year year

Hello friends!

All. Hi people!

Who lives in the Naro-Fominsk region!

The current issue is

Road traffic!

And she demands a lot of respect for herself!

Welcome to the propaganda team of MBOU Veselevskaya secondary school

All. "Traffic light".

Our motto…

Vova: The most important is the pedestrian! Wherever he wants, he goes there!

Let's not let Vova spoil our performance! Our motto is different...

It is without a doubt!

Vova does not teach the rules ...

And someday you'll get...

And our motto is simple!


We bear the proud name of UID

We live in harmony with the law.

We know the rules, we follow them

We teach younger students.

Vova: Yes, I know all this, also for me, Young traffic inspectors ... Well, I passed once on yellow ...

Well, if you know, then tell me what to do when the green traffic light is on?

Vova: You need to run as fast as you can, that's what to do!

No, Vova, it's not right! First you need to see if there is a fast moving transport nearby!

It may turn out to be the same Vova at the wheel!

(sing to the motive of the song “A blizzard sweeps along the street”)

There is movement along the street

Vova stepped into the crossing without fear.

You stay, stay!

But Vova is not worth it

And does not wait for the yellow light to burn out.

In our city since which

A traffic light has been put up for you.

If the traffic light is yellow,

He won't let us cross the road.

Here to play pranks, interfere with the people -

All. Forbidden.

Be an exemplary pedestrian

All. Allowed.

Go around the back of the bus, look left and right at the same time.

If you are 14 years old, then your transport is still a bicycle.

At 16, you get on a moped.

And when you turn 18, get in a cabriolet, my friend.

And remember, getting behind the wheel of a bicycle, car and moped

If you don't know the rules, if you don't follow them

All. That trouble can not be avoided.

Vova: I understand everything

(goes backstage and exits in the form of a road)

Something The audience is quiet, can't you read poetry to them?

On the road all day

Strong motion,

Don't stop the flow

Even for a moment.

Transport is different on the road:

Passenger and cargo,

public and private,

Passenger urban.

They drive on the road

All on the right side

This is the traffic rule

Operates in the country.

Pedestrians on the road

Would be in danger

But there's a pavement for them

Along the roadway.

On the highway outside the city

There are no sidewalks

Along the edges of the curb

And behind it is a ditch.

People on the sidelines

Must move

Transport towards

From the left side.

Crossing the road

We will always find:

striped track

Drawn on it.

A road sign is placed next to:


Here the road crosses

All conscious people.

If under an intersection

There is an underground passage

On it across the road

Every pedestrian walks.

Regulates movement

Complicated fixture

Under the name of the traffic light.

It shines brightly for you and me

colorful lights,

And we are talking about them.

Cross the road to you on the street always

And prompt and help talking colors.

The red light will tell you: "No!" restrained and strict.

Yellow light gives advice to wait a bit

And the green light is on - "Come in!" He speaks.

If a traffic light

Not at the crossing

look to the left

Before you go

in the middle of the road

Look to the right

Skip the transport

And then go.

On the road

Don't ride kids

Not on a scooter

Not on a bike.

Children play in the yard

Transport is on the road.

It didn’t happen that trouble

Don't go play there.

And always in any game

Stay in the yard.

On the road

Could be bad luck

Be able to say “STOP!” to yourself in time, and your health and life will be safe.

STOP! - when you decide to go to the red light of the traffic light.

STOP! - when you run across the street in front of a nearby vehicle.

STOP! - when you turn the roadway into a playing field.

STOP! when you disregard the rules of the road.

Remember! There are so many difficulties on the roads!

Remember! There are thousands of cars on the roads!

Remember! There are many crossroads on the roads!

All: Remember - these rules are needed!

So that you live in peace - without troubles and without worries,

You learn the rules of traffic by heart.

Good luck! And be smarter.

By car or on foot

Respect each other people

To not be sad later.

Every time I go out on the road

Remember the rules and follow them!

After all, the driver, he is a friend of the pedestrian

So it was, so it is and so it will be.

All: You know!

Song to the motive ("Let them run clumsily")

Do not run along the road, but you need to look strictly

Everything that rides and moves there.

We study the traffic light, how green turns on,

Let's go and look around!


Everyone needs to know these traffic rules by heart!

All attention to the road, so that you can go calmly!

And we will not rush, we will never forget,

Caution is above all!

We cross the zebra, checking all the way,

Missing if rushing, auto


Holidays coming soon, hooray!

Let the kids rest!

Hurry, hurry to the fresh air!

But so as not to overshadow the rest,

Students should remember

What danger awaits on the road!

Reminds me of red light

All: Traffic rules have no holidays!

1. Promotion of traffic rules among children and adolescents.
2. Formation of stable skills of safe behavior in the streets and roads of cities among preschoolers and schoolchildren.

Preliminary preparation:
1. Students draw posters "We are for road safety", "Road signs".
2. Prepare the uniform for the performance.


Squad leader:

Detachment UID "Crossroads" presents!

(Dance exit of the detachment to the intro of the song "Rybka" by the Fabrika group)
The whole squad sings and performs clear dance moves:

When you join our team,
You will see the commander.
He is only glad to all newcomers,
After all, you brought manpower to the UID.
There's a propaganda group here
And we have a group
There is also an inquiry group
We work very, very well!
And if we have difficulties
DPS inspector will help
Now, if everyone went to the UID, then there would be order on the road!

(Rebuilding for verses, each member of the squad speaks loudly): We are the new UID squad change! This is what my form says The Crossroads squad, of course, is big
Everyone works here zealously with a soul! People's problem is mine
After all, being indifferent is not for me I am a citizen of my Russia
And I do everything I can to help her. The ninth school has a crossroads, Dangerous, sometimes, it's not easy with him A letter was addressed to the OGAI as soon as possible "Policeman" you put for children The answer came back quickly friends.

(in chorus the whole squad):

Where there is a traffic light - "police officer" is not allowed!!!
To save everyone's life
Everyone needs agitation and propaganda!

(The introduction of ditties sounds, at this moment rebuilding for dance accompaniment of ditties)
(The whole squad sings)

1 ditty:

Who runs across the road
Those will be punished very severely.
To know in advance
There is an underground passage
Oh, one more time
Listen to the rules for you
Oh, one more time
Follow our order.

2 ditty:

Caution on the road
Take care of your hands and feet
Remember the rules everywhere
Otherwise, be in trouble.
Oh, one more time
Lucky this time
Oh, one more time
Suddenly this is the last time.

3 ditty:

Both trolleybus and bus
Walk around behind you
So as not to lose forever
Of his exuberant head.
Oh, one more time
Listen to the rules for you
Oh, one more time
Follow our order!

(Rearrangement for verses)

Know all the rules must -
Important for everyone's life!
After all, the car is not a toy
You can't joke with her!
traffic rules you should know
And always follow them!

(Rebuilding for the dance accompaniment of the song "Three White Horses")

The whole squad sings:

We meet many signs on the road
We must all remember them.
Where can the kids cross the road?
We are a detachment of UID always to help
Since a faithful friend of the traffic police is next to us
And then there will be no accidents on Earth
We will know the road signs
Everyone should take it higher
And we fly to Mars
How to find out from them with traffic rules.

(exit of the Martians in colorful costumes)


We heard, earthlings
What have you created here UID,
And UID is not alone
We see that he is friendly with the traffic police
Yes (pause) the UID squad and the Martians need it.
Help us friends
We can't live without rules!

Whole team says:

Everyone is happy at Crossroads
Martians to accept in the detachment.

(Rebuilding in a round dance to the introduction of the song "New Year" by the Disco Crash group)

The whole squad sings:

The New Year is rushing towards us, the traffic light is sparkling!
Green, yellow, red - the road is safe!
We love everyone, we teach everyone!
Come join us - we'll tell you everything we know!

(They leave the stage to the music)

The performance of the Agitation Brigade of the UID "Crossroads" detachment was held on the eve of the New Year. Lyrics for songs-alterations were written by me.


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