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A rear view camera is not installed on the Lada Grant on a regular basis, but the manufacturer has made the installation procedure for this option as convenient, simple and cheap as possible.

There is an opinion that a rear-view camera is necessary only for beginners who do not yet know how to properly park in reverse. In fact, even experienced drivers allow collisions when reversing, simply because there are areas behind that are not visible through any car mirror.

Today, installing a rear view camera is quite simple, and the price of equipment and the installation itself will pleasantly surprise you. Moreover, you can save on work by installing the camera yourself.


Lada cars use the same regular multimedia systems. If your Grant, Prior or Kalina car has such an MMC, then in any case, the instructions below will suit you.

If you do not have a standard MMC or instead of it there is any other one, but with a color display, then the instruction will differ only in the scheme for connecting the information cable to it. By the way, the video just sorts out the moment with non-standard MMS.

Installing the rear view camera

First of all, we collect all the necessary components:

  • Rear view camera (Chinese stores offer a wide range, costing from 500 rubles and more);
  • mini ISO connector (with blue shoe and tulip);
  • Several meters of wire.

Next, you need to select a location for the camera. Much will depend on what kind of mount the camera itself will have, but on Grant, most often the camera is installed in the bumper (above the license plate), if it is an old-style sedan or in the “saber” (also above the license plate), if it is a liftback, station wagon, hatchback or sedan in 2018. In all cases, the mounting scheme is identical.

Let's consider installing the camera in an overlay above the license plate (saber), since in this case the camera is high enough, it gets less dirty, gives best review, and the installation process is as simple as possible, because you do not need to remove the rear bumper.

5) We lay the cable from the camera to the MMC first through the standard corrugation of the tailgate (the extra wire fits there with great difficulty), and then we lead it through the cabin.

Options are possible here, since the cable can be run along the floor or above the doors. In the first case, it can be led past the instrument panel, in the second case through the right front pillar.
As a result, the wires should reach the back of the multimedia system. But before connecting, you will need to dismantle the lining, and then the MMC itself, in order to make connecting the cable as easy as possible.

Connecting a rear view camera

Explanation. In the trunk:

  • Black wire to ground;
  • Connect the red wire to the +12V green reversing light.

We have a miniISO connector connected to the radio, but you must first bring our “tulip” to it:

  • Ground (outer contact of the tulip) of the connector to pin 16;
  • Positive (inner pin) of the connector to pin 19.

If your car was purchased with a standard MMC, then no additional steps are required at this stage. But for those who independently completed their car with a multimedia system (it is not in the “Standard” and “Norma” trim levels), you need to additionally bring + 12V from reverse to pin No. 1 of the A1 connector of the radio.

Setting up MMS Lada for a rear view camera

Regular MMC additional firmware for the reverse camera is not required. It is enough to activate this function using a special program CAM on/off.

1) We write the program to a USB flash drive using a computer and connect it to the MMC;
2) On the radio screen, hold the "Settings" button, then press "Exit" and "Desktop". After that you get to the desktop operating system WinCE;
3) Go to the folder "My device", then "USB disk" and go to the folder with the program;
4) Run the CamOnOff program file, allow the use of the camera by clicking on the appropriate button;
5) Close the program and desktop;

More details about the process in the video:

6) We turn on the reverse gear and check the operation of the rear view camera.


Another option for installing a rear view camera in the Lada Grant bumper, with wires running along the floor and through the instrument panel:

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Other useful articles on Grant are already on our website in a special section.

The article uses photos from the logbook "Lada Granta Liftback White Cloud".


Alternative menu (shell) for MMC cars Lada Granta, Kalina, Priora. In NewMenu 9, all functionality is divided into separate applications. The main applications - radio, video player, audio player, BT player, AUX, phone and navigation - are located on the main menu screen. Other additional functions of MMC are divided into corresponding applications. For example, application options: Trip computer, Car (displaying a car with doors, indicators, etc.), Climate (for displaying the state of the climate), Motor (for reading and decoding errors, controlling fans), an application for measuring dynamics, an application for street racers (red flash), etc.. There are many applications.
Applications can be uninstalled and installed through the Application Manager. Those. you can create your own MMS functionality. Installed applications are displayed and run in the Applications window.
Some applications can be launched as a screen saver (Trip Computer application). Applications can be launched both by a hot button (the trip computer starts when you click on the Fuel icon in the Kan-panel), and by an event (for example, when check, the Motor application is launched).


  1. Listening to radio, audio files; watching videos.
  2. Connection with the phone via Bluetooth protocol; Speakerphone; the ability to receive, make calls; phone book with a quick search for contacts; listening to music from your phone via Bluetooth protocol (via BTPlayer).
  3. Navigation program launch, simultaneous use with all audio applications.
  4. Playing navigation tips when listening to radio, AUX, music from the phone, when telephone conversation front or rear speakers (mixing).
  5. Support for AUX input (requires hardware upgrade).
  6. Sound settings (balance, equalizer, advanced hardware equalizer settings); screen adjustment, auto-switching day / night mode; turning on the parking camera.
  7. Adjustment of sound alerts, direction and volume of mixing, the ability to immediately make a mixing test.
  8. Kan-panel with vehicle data readings, voice prompts about the state of the car.
  9. Automatic volume control depending on the current speed (auto volume).
  10. Support for navigation programs, support for USB GPS receivers, support for a regular GPS receiver.
  11. Trip computer application: trip data display (speed, revs, gear, mileage, time, consumption, cost, remaining trip, etc.), trip data logging, log viewer with data grouping, mileage accuracy and fuel level adjustment, and etc.
  12. Motor application: reading, displaying, decoding engine errors, resetting ABS errors of automatic transmission SRS, manual and automatic control of engine fans, idle speed control when the car is stationary.
  13. Other applications: file manager, text viewers, calculator, browser and many others.
  14. Switch between all running applications with the Mode (Menu) button.
  15. The ability to change the style of registration, a preview of the changes.
  16. All basic menu settings in one tabbed window.
  17. Saving all user settings (including design) when switching to new version.
  18. Steering column support.

Install, update, uninstall, disaster recovery:

1. Unpack the archive to the root of a USB flash drive or SD card (Install folder).
2. Exit to the MMC desktop. Run the InstallInstall.exe file (white label) from a USB flash drive (SD card). When installing on a clean MMC, there will be a reboot, then the installation will continue.
3. To install the MMC on the internal memory, click Install. To install on the SD card, click Cancel, then click Install.
4. Select drivers for the used USB devices, click Install. If there is nothing, click Cancel.
5. Select the type of MMC. 2190 - MMC standardly installed on the Grant, 2192 - MMC standardly installed on Kalina / Priora. For MMS with standard navigation, select the type with navigation.

1. Unpack the archive to the root of a USB flash drive or SD card (Install and NewMenuSettings folders from the version being installed).
2. Insert a USB flash drive (SD card) and turn on MMC. Reply Yes to the update request.
3. Monitor the update process. Everything will be done by itself. All settings will be transferred to the new version. Upgrading from NM8 is supported (except for design).

1. Exit to the MMC desktop.
2. Launch the Uninstall shortcut on the desktop.

Folder Location
1. Folder with additional settings Copy NewMenuSettings to a USB flash drive or SD card. The folder must be from the installed version of NM.
2. Folder with additional programs NewMenuPrograms copy to SD card.
3. Copy the folder with Navi navigation programs to the SD card. Copy navigation programs to Navi in ​​the appropriate folder. For Navitel 9.1 NavitelOld folder, for Navitel 9.6-9.8 Navitel folder.

Disaster Recovery
If NM fails to start due to ahk error:
1. Create an explorer.txt file on the PC desktop.
2. Copy this file to the root of the USB flash drive.
3. Insert a USB flash drive into MMC, restart MMC, the desktop will appear. If it doesn't work, change the USB flash drive.
4. It is not necessary to delete NM. Restart the NM installation, the settings will be saved.
5. If this did not help, flash the MMC and install NM.

You can not mindlessly delete (clean) files in the StaticStore folder. This will lead to falling off USB devices and problems with the standard shell (connecting a phone and synchronizing the phone book)

Hi all! As promised, I am attaching a photo report of the work done.
The device is useful, but you can do without it) But what is a "luxury" without a rear view camera?

What used:
1. Rear view camera - 370 rubles;
2. Mini iso cable components - 20 rubles;
3. LED lamp T10 6 5630SMD - 150 rubles;
4. Pistons - 22 rubles;
5. Biplast STP 5 mm (1x0.75 m) - 260 rubles;
6. Madeleine STP H (1x0.025 m) - 20 rubles;
7. Insulating tape, clamps - were;
8. Program "Cam on/off" (password: club-lada.rf) - free of charge;
8. I did it myself and the nerves are priceless.

I ordered the camera on August 19 during sales, on September 2 it came to me. For a long time I chose from the photo to stand in place of the license plate light. As a result, I had to add a little:
- heated and bent the latch;
- so that the camera does not dangle and stand more or less straight, because the saber is bent, I glued 2 wedges (marked in the photo).
- prikolhozil cartridge from the stock cover to the LED backlight.

mini iso cable components
Everything is simple here, because. in China, such a lace costs about 300 rubles, and we have almost 600, soldered and assembled it myself:
1. Earth (outer part) of the connector to pin 16.
2. Plus (central part) of the connector to pin 19.

- connector tulip "mother";
- 2 terminals (choose more or less similar to mini iso);
- wire (it was possible not to take it, there is enough at work);
- the blue chip was already in the radio.

Before installing the camera, I set myself the task: do not make a single new hole and do not spoil the standard wiring.
I did it in my free time at work, I apologize for the tautology. And since this time is not very much, then I was engaged in this disgrace for 4 days.
He took off the trim of the tailgate and saber. Got the camera in place.
I dismantled the front panel and trim at the small left window.
The wiring from the camera entered the door into a regular hole, though I had to cut the rubber band, and then cover it with sealant.

The wire from the camera ran along the left side, along the top, behind the rubber bands. Further through the rack, under the front panel and steering wheel, secured with clamps (arrows in the photo), and to the radio.

I connected power from the camera to the left reverse gear (green and black wires). Because there is enough space in the headlight block, I put the wires there without tie-in in the wire. Pressed and fixed with electrical tape.

On the fourth day there was a final assembly. I made a little noise on the tailgate trim and the fuse box cover, maybe it will save some from clicking relays?

Because Since the camera has an LED backlight for the number plate, I had to replace the lamp on the right side with an LED one. But I didn’t guess with the color, it shines more yellow than the LEDs on the camera. (

Instructions for installing the program “Cam on/off”
In order for the rear view camera to work in the standard MMC, the firmware does not need to be changed.
In the MMS main menu, press and hold the "Settings" button. After that, the LADA splash screen appears, and then the radio menu closes, and the Windows CE desktop appears.
Now, to install the program you need:
1. Copy the folder with the program to a USB flash drive.
2. Insert the flash drive into the radio.
3. On the desktop, open the shortcut “My Device” -> USB Disk.
4. Run the exe file from the copied folder from the flash drive.
5. Click the "Allow camera" button.
6. Close the program.
7. Open the “Home” shortcut on the desktop.

Empirically, it was found that the lower edge of the screen corresponds to 20 cm from the bumper to the obstacle. Below is a photo of the image from the camera.

Unfortunately, they were not without them. He took off the tailgate trim, put it in the trunk, where the amplifier from grants has long been lying. Rode like this for a day, as a result, there are scratches on the skin. What can be done to fix it?

That's probably all, if you forgot something, do not blame me, because I stuttered)
If you don't understand something, ask...
Thank you for your attention, everyone

Description DOWNLOAD (453 Kb) Screenshots (2) Statistics

Motorists visiting the specialized Lada Grant forum were still able to find the opportunity to install a camera and other devices. You need to solder to the contacts on the microcircuit, as the guys who developed the first firmware did. They removed the jumper to connect to the computer. So, now the blue adapter will be located behind the MMC - this is the mini ISO input. The deluxe radio already has a blue connector, so all you need is a tulip cable, regular terminals, and properly growing hands to save on plug assembly. Contacts should be connected like this:

"minus" on the tulip to contact C16 from the radio pinout

"plus" on the tulip to contact C19 from the radio pinout

Wires and contacts.

Those who have ever dealt with the installation of amplifiers know what a mini ISO shoe is. It is the same as above, but has a blue color. She will have to work with her. The color of the wire with the tulip connector does not matter, just like the specification of the metal terminals. It is important that the terminal is firmly in contact with the radio block.

For the connected camera to work, flashing is not required. You just need to launch the application from the MMC desktop mode (When the battery terminals are disconnected, the application will have to be installed again, so it is better to save the file in the radio's memory or on a USB flash drive). After that, when switching to reverse, along with mute, the camera will automatically turn on.

Alternative menu (shell) for MMC cars Lada Granta, Kalina, Priora. In NewMenu 9, all functionality is divided into separate applications. The main applications - radio, video player, audio player, BT player, AUX, phone and navigation - are located on the main menu screen. Other additional functions of MMC are divided into corresponding applications. For example, application options: Trip computer, Car (displaying a car with doors, indicators, etc.), Climate (for displaying the state of the climate), Motor (for reading and decoding errors, controlling fans), an application for measuring dynamics, an application for street racers (red flash), etc.. There are many applications.
Applications can be uninstalled and installed through the Application Manager. Those. you can create your own MMS functionality. Installed applications are displayed and run in the Applications window.
Some applications can be launched as a screen saver (Trip Computer application). Applications can be launched both by a hot button (the trip computer starts when you click on the Fuel icon in the Kan-panel), and by an event (for example, when check, the Motor application is launched).


  1. Listening to radio, audio files; watching videos.
  2. Connection with the phone via Bluetooth protocol; Speakerphone; the ability to receive, make calls; phone book with a quick search for contacts; listening to music from your phone via Bluetooth protocol (via BTPlayer).
  3. Navigation program launch, simultaneous use with all audio applications.
  4. Playing navigation tips while listening to radio, AUX, music from the phone, while talking on the phone on the front or rear speakers (mixing).
  5. Support for AUX input (requires hardware upgrade).
  6. Sound settings (balance, equalizer, advanced hardware equalizer settings); screen adjustment, auto-switching day / night mode; turning on the parking camera.
  7. Adjustment of sound alerts, direction and volume of mixing, the ability to immediately make a mixing test.
  8. Kan-panel with vehicle data readings, voice prompts about the state of the car.
  9. Automatic volume control depending on the current speed (auto volume).
  10. Support for navigation programs, support for USB GPS receivers, support for a regular GPS receiver.
  11. Trip computer application: trip data display (speed, revs, gear, mileage, time, consumption, cost, remaining trip, etc.), trip data logging, log viewer with data grouping, mileage accuracy and fuel level adjustment, and etc.
  12. Motor application: reading, displaying, decoding engine errors, resetting ABS errors of automatic transmission SRS, manual and automatic control of engine fans, idle speed control when the car is stationary.
  13. Other applications: file manager, text viewers, calculator, browser and many others.
  14. Switch between all running applications with the Mode (Menu) button.
  15. The ability to change the style of registration, a preview of the changes.
  16. All basic menu settings in one tabbed window.
  17. Preservation of all user settings (including design) when switching to a new version.
  18. Steering column support.

Install, update, uninstall, disaster recovery:

1. Unpack the archive to the root of a USB flash drive or SD card (Install folder).
2. Exit to the MMC desktop. Run the InstallInstall.exe file (white label) from a USB flash drive (SD card). When installing on a clean MMC, there will be a reboot, then the installation will continue.
3. To install the MMC on the internal memory, click Install. To install on the SD card, click Cancel, then click Install.
4. Select drivers for the used USB devices, click Install. If there is nothing, click Cancel.
5. Select the type of MMC. 2190 - MMC standardly installed on the Grant, 2192 - MMC standardly installed on Kalina / Priora. For MMS with standard navigation, select the type with navigation.

1. Unpack the archive to the root of a USB flash drive or SD card (Install and NewMenuSettings folders from the version being installed).
2. Insert a USB flash drive (SD card) and turn on MMC. Reply Yes to the update request.
3. Monitor the update process. Everything will be done by itself. All settings will be transferred to the new version. Upgrading from NM8 is supported (except for design).

1. Exit to the MMC desktop.
2. Launch the Uninstall shortcut on the desktop.

Folder Location
1. Copy the folder with additional settings NewMenuSettings to a USB flash drive or SD card. The folder must be from the installed version of NM.
2. Copy the folder with additional programs NewMenuPrograms to the SD card.
3. Copy the folder with Navi navigation programs to the SD card. Copy navigation programs to Navi in ​​the appropriate folder. For Navitel 9.1 NavitelOld folder, for Navitel 9.6-9.8 Navitel folder.

Disaster Recovery
If NM fails to start due to ahk error:
1. Create an explorer.txt file on the PC desktop.
2. Copy this file to the root of the USB flash drive.
3. Insert a USB flash drive into MMC, restart MMC, the desktop will appear. If it doesn't work, change the USB flash drive.
4. It is not necessary to delete NM. Restart the NM installation, the settings will be saved.
5. If this did not help, flash the MMC and install NM.

You can not mindlessly delete (clean) files in the StaticStore folder. This will lead to falling off USB devices and problems with the standard shell (connecting a phone and synchronizing the phone book)

Allows you to connect a rear view camera to the standard display MMC Lada Granta, Kalina-2, Datsun

For the connected camera to work, flashing is not required. You just need to launch the application from the MMC desktop mode (When the battery terminals are disconnected, the application will have to be installed again, so it is better to save the file in the radio's memory or on a USB flash drive). After that, when switching to reverse, along with mute, the camera will automatically turn on.

FIRMWARE MMS 2190 18 11 2018

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Here you can listen and download songs on request Firmware New for Mms 2190 in high quality. In order to listen to the song, click on the "Listen" button, if you want to download the song or watch the video, click on the "Download" button and you will be taken to a page with the ability to download the song, listen to it and watch the video. We recommend listening to the first song PROSHIVKA MMC 2190 18 11 2018, duration 14 min and 41 sec, file size 19.32 MB.

Firmware New For Mms 2190

Blatnoy Music I'm Golden

Ksyusha marry me

Mehrinigori Rustam Yavash Yavash 2019

Musofir Insonlarni Uzing Asra Ollohim

Cool Music 7

Drag Me Out Necking

Cleaning the speaker

Yeah It's a Cheater Bitch Fucking Fuck

Let's go Let's go to the neighboring village to the disco Clip

Majid Alipour 2019

When I'm You, I'm Stoney Another

8Bit Drum And Bass Deviler Rising Suits

9Yoshli Mustafo Onam Meni

Farrukh Kholmatov Naylayin

Die Damn America Funny

Botir Qodirov Turnalar Jonli Ijro Mp3

Video Bokep Abg Barat Belajar Ngentod

Crab Rave 10 Hours

Ajoyib Sher Ekan Erkaklar Uchun

Bedtime Story Good Night

I remember the happiest day you were there


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