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17.02.2013 08:00:28

Recently I went to the Land of Smiles - Thailand. There, by the way, 13 types of smiles are distinguished, but only the Thais themselves distinguish them. I have acquired the habit of simply smiling at a stranger, which is already a lot in our harsh lands.

It is said that it was the mild climate and the abundance of food that formed the special philosophy of the Thais. It is based not only on Buddhism, but also on three concepts: sanuk, suai, sabai. "Sabay" is found especially often - in the names of cafes, websites, conversations. And slowly this word entered my lexicon. But about all three "elephants" of Thai life in more detail.

Sanuk is about getting physical pleasure. Physical comfort in all its manifestations. The best sanuk is food, and even greater sanuk is food in a big friendly company. The researchers noted that after one meal, the Thai immediately begins to think about another. I am a witness to the fact that they can eat anytime, anywhere and for any amount. Small merchants-chefs move along the streets, who are ready to get a brazier before our eyes and cook noodles with meat or seafood, and usually there is also a cart with fresh fruits, which easily turn into cold cuts or freshly squeezed juice.

Big sanuk also television, especially entertainment programs. I was not fond of watching TV either at home or in a foreign land, but somehow I checked out the show of fat men dancing for weight loss at dinner. Surely this idea will soon move to the domestic screen. In general, thoughtful conversations or serious reading is not sanuk. Everything should be light, relaxed, relaxing. Maybe that's why it's so common. massage rooms- like we have flower stalls or pharmacies.

But walking is not a sanuk at all. For in the former Siam it is believed that only poor people walk on foot. Therefore, farangs (foreigners, from English foreigner) previously caused a lot of surprise. Now, I hope, they are used to crowds of loitering tourists. Although I myself did not go on foot very often: either I hired a “tuk-tuk” (something like an open minibus), or I rode a motorbike (scooter), of which there are many.

Suai (sway) - the pursuit of beauty. The guides told us that the Thais strive to dress better than their means allow - as long as it is beautiful and neat. And again, crowds of farangs in shorts and T-shirts used to shock the local population, since they are not at all inclined to expose their bodies. Living in beauty is what people in Thailand gravitate towards. They carefully decorate the houses of spirits, hang garlands of fresh flowers on the steering wheel of a car, many men have large multi-colored rings on their hands.

Well, the most important word for me is "sabay". This is spiritual harmony, which should accompany throughout life and completely exclude swearing, screaming, discontent, etc. from it. If there is no sabai at work, then the Thai will leave it sooner or later. If there is money and it can be spent to secure a sabai, then the Thai will do it. To be sabai-sabai - that is, complete comfort and unity with the world. By the way, death is considered sabai-sabai - liberation from suffering. So someone's death in Thailand is not accompanied by such grief, as is customary with us. Fortunately for me, during my stay, none of the locals died, so I did not observe this fact with my own eyes, but it is characteristic of people who believe in the existence of life after life.

These three words - sanuk, suai and sabai - are filled with even more meaning for the Thais themselves than I could reflect. At the word "sabai" they all just blur into a smile of nirvana. I don’t know if there is such a thing in their classification, but I saw it and now I try to stay in it as often as possible. So sabai-sabai to you!

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There are many countries by the sea where you want to relax your body and soul. But only for Thailand, relaxation is part of the culture. What are "sanuk" and "sabay" and how to achieve them? You will find tips in our material

Every Thai in his life strives for two - “sanuk” and “sabai”. Sanuk - spiritual comfort, sabai - bodily. They do not always coincide, but if they do, earthly Nirvana is reached. Do you see a carefree slumbering Thai? He caught a sanuk and a sabai at the same time!

I sat down on a bench, took off my shoes - good! Photo: Shutterstock
Between couples, the Buddha himself ordered to rest. Photo: shutterstock
It is easy to relax your soul and body at the same time when a big horned friend is nearby. Photo: Shutterstock
Traveling is the time to relax. Photo: Shutterstock
But at work, you can take a nap for an hour. This is where the hammock comes in handy. Photo: Shutterstock
Even if you are in the service, is this a reason to strain? Photo: Shutterstock
We take an example from a huge ancient tree: it knows for sure that wisdom is in peace. Photo: Shutterstock
You don't even need to take a nap. The main thing is to get all-round pleasure! Photo: Shutterstock
It is best, of course, to catch sanuk and sabai on the beach. Photo: Shutterstock

Good afternoon, my dear friends!

When you immerse yourself in any topic, the information begins to come by itself from the most different sources. So, when I wrote about, I first listened to the recordings of Konstantin Sheremetyev. I like his webinars, articles - he always describes any emotional states, situations so accurately, and certainly offers recipes for a way out of a problem that has arisen.

At the same time, all the advice at first glance seems so simple, long known, that people sometimes, nodding their heads in agreement, forget about them here. But in vain. So the technique given in the article "Tornado" - a walk, has long been known to everyone. A forest or the shore of a reservoir, the singing of birds, trees, beautiful flowers in summer can restore balance to a person, peace of mind, at least for a while.

To find a solution to the problem and get out of an unpleasant situation, you must also perform the second part of the technique: deliberately think about the situation, look at it from the outside, note how you yourself trigger this or that emotional state. Only after doing this work, you can learn how to manage emotional states - slow down the rotation of any whirlwind and let your "shark" swim. Let him float on without you.

Also, having clicked the TV remote control in the morning in search of information about the weather, she stopped at a program dedicated to acquaintance with Thailand. It would seem exotic, which is unacceptable for a Western person, although it is so great to immerse yourself in this world, at least for a vacation period. But this is only the first impression.

With a closer acquaintance, it turns out that for your success in life and health, you can learn a lot here. At least you can get a visual idea that the pleasure of life, work, comfort, joy, attentive attitude to your health is not a luxury, but a necessity.

Management of emotional states in Thai.

If Russians at a meeting greet each other with a wish of health, then the Thais will certainly inquire: “Sabai dimai?”, Which means: “Do you have a sabai today?” Sabai is lightness, convenience, a state in which nothing bothers you when you feel the joy of life and pleasure. If there is no sabai, then there is no need to live - the Thais direct all their efforts to restore it.

If sabai represents bodily comfort, then sanuk is nothing but spiritual comfort. This duet is like a left and right hand for a Thai. , fun, the ability to find the bright side in life, meeting friends - all this is sanuk.

I think that many of us would not refuse this state. There are so many materials on the Internet on the topic of achieving harmony with the outside world, about the secrets of achieving a state of mental and bodily comfort, but Thais, unlike representatives of Western civilizations, do not strive for a state of balance, they simply stay in it almost constantly - “sanuk - sabai”.

To this it is also necessary to add suai - the desire for beauty. Thais have a heightened sensitivity to everything beautiful. It was obviously formed thanks to the stunning beauty of nature that surrounds the local population: amazing jungle with bright flowering vines, turquoise water of the purest sea.

You will never hear remarks addressed to you, being in the circle of Thais. Suphap - courtesy at the level of a cult. The level of politeness for Thais reflects the level of culture and civilization. If a person does not know how to behave properly, they simply will not talk to him. They do not tolerate any conflicts, disputes, quarrels. Politely smiling, they will patiently wait until the excited interlocutor calms down.

And another component in managing the emotional state of the Thais is suphapaphap or health. It pays great attention to personal hygiene, healthy eating, traditional Thai medicine. Temple medicine, its support is under the auspices of the royal family.

All this allows Thais to remain slim and thin, even at sixty they can look like thirty.

The desire of tourists to visit this amazing place is connected not only with its extraordinary beauty of landscapes, but also with the invariable friendliness of the locals, their cordiality. The smile has become calling card Thais.

Sabai, sanuk, suai, suphap, suphaphap - be polite, calm, healthy, enjoy your work and communication with friends, enjoy life.

Managing the emotional state allows you to avoid discomfort, suffering, problems. Maybe this is the secret of happiness, which the Eastern sages have long discovered?

Sanuk, Sabai, Suai - three main words in the life of a Thai

There are "three Cs" at the foundation of the Thai mentality. Sanuk, sabai and suai - these are the three sonorous words that everyone who wants to visit Thailand should remember. These words carry a very important semantic load, as if defining life position residents of Thailand.

This word means simple but pleasant concepts - “pleasure”, “joy”, “experience pleasure”, “be funny / cheerful”, “have a good time”. Sanuk is physiological comfort.

The main (“official”) correspondences to this word in Russian: the phrases “to be healthy”, “to be comfortable”, “to be light”, “to be comfortable”, “to experience satisfaction”, “to feel great”, “to go smoothly (to happen / occur without problems or complications)”.
A wide range of translations, not quite equivalent in Russian (and in many other languages ​​too), but still something in common in all these meanings is visible. And it is precisely this, elusive-thin, ephemeral, light - that is the quintessence of the word-concept "sabai". Satisfaction and peace, as well as the absence of "tension". After all, you need to live without straining, without worrying, without indulging in worries and anxieties. It is necessary to avoid problems and not create them for others, enjoying life and indulging in life's pleasures without the slightest doubt or hesitation. Sabai is spiritual comfort.

Beauty and the desire for it in all its manifestations is one of the main driving forces Thai mentality and culture. In the pursuit of everything beautiful, Thai culture manifests itself as fully as possible - both classical and modern, both secular and cult. Thais love "suai". If it’s expensive to dress, if decorating a home, then using bright colors, often in the style of “gouge-eye”, if building a temple, then it’s always in gold, etc.

First of all, the Thais care about the manifestation of politeness (that is, "suai" in oral speech), erected almost into a cult. That is why a conversation with a Thai in a raised voice is unacceptable and not constructive, most likely you will not be able to solve your problem by shouting, they will simply ignore you and do everything not to help you. Thais really appreciate the ability to politely and sustainedly conduct a dialogue (even a little with show-off) in tense and conflict situations. Therefore, if you want to demand something from the Thai, stock up on politeness, patience and perseverance so that your request is “suai” in form and does not violate the principles of “sanuk” and “sabai”. You will be surprised how easily your problems are solved.

Sanuk-sabai is when everything is super, the buzz is physical and spiritual at the same time. In the life of a Thai, everything should be sanuk. If the job isn't a sanuk, try turning it into a sanuk or fuck that job. It is known that only Thai money cannot be kept in place. If he is sick of what he does, then you can’t force him for any gingerbread. Sanuk and sabai are unrelated concepts. There is a sanuk without a sabai and vice versa. For example, if you sit in the cinema and enjoy the session, then this is sanuk, but if you feel hungry at the same time, then it’s already “mai sabai” (not sabai).

Sanuk and Sabai are those states of consciousness that all Thais strive to experience. "Sabai-Sabai" is comfort, and hence the pleasure and convenience of the physical body. That is, when a person feels comfortable, convenient, warm and satisfying. When the body, the body - well. It (the body), first of all, of course, is well fed. It fell asleep. It's warm. It is beautifully dressed. And he is comfortable sitting, lying, standing. When everything is good in the material - this is a complete "Sabay-sabay", and that is - "Everything is OK, no problem"

Going to the movies is sanuk. Go to Thai boxing - sanuk. Going to a cafe with friends in the evening to eat and chat is both a sabai and a sanuk. Buying a car is hoo what a sanuk, well, a sabai too, and of course, everything should be “suai”.

Well, the skill lies in combining sanuk and sabai in oneself, while maintaining the “suai”. And that is, spiritual joy from life and physical health, comfort and external manifestations of beauty.

No matter what country the tourist comes from, no matter which tour operator meets him, no matter what city or province the tourist will live in and how fashionable or economical his hotel will be, but everywhere a new guest will be welcomed with the words "Welcome to Thailand! - Land of Smiles!"

So why "Land of Smiles"? Is everyone here always smiling at each other? Yes and no. One can only say unequivocally that it is not shameful to smile in this country, a person who walks down the street and smiles (it doesn’t matter to passers-by or to himself) does not cause any negative emotions (remember other countries for comparison). It is impossible not to smile in response to the always sincere smile of a Thai or Thai, and among Thais there is not a single person who would not smile in response to the smile of another person. And this is not the duty smile that is accepted in Europe, and even in Russia, but a real, sometimes delightful, person. What is the matter here, what is the secret or the recipe?

What is "Sanuk" and what is "Sabai"?

Banal expression, but "everything is simple!". Most of the people of Thailand preach national philosophy " Sanuk", in an approximate translation (it is impossible to find the exact word in Russian), this means something like "Live only with pleasure" or. which is more understandable to "our" person, "look for comfort in everything you do." No matter how well you live this or that Thai or Thai, no matter what problems or troubles happened to them on a given day, they are always smiling and friendly... And they do this, of course, not for others, but for themselves.

If such a concept as " Sanuk"implies a spiritual state, then to refer to approximately the same state, but physical, there is in Thailand" Sabay"! That is, life is a pleasure without the application of special physical (extra) efforts. There is something to eat today - Sabay! There is a place to spend the night - Sabay! Why bother? Thailand (especially tourist areas) has never been a country where people would starve people.Even considering average earnings Thais are about 4,000 baht per month, they always feel much more comfortable both spiritually and physically than, for example, Russian or European citizens.

If in response to a question about how you are doing, you want to express the maximum degree of physical satisfaction, you can answer: " Sabay-sabay". Any Thai will understand this expression and will be flattered by attention to his language and such words in particular. In fact, "Sabai" is more important for the people of Thailand than "Sanuk". or public heights, in general, a rather "convenient" philosophy ... :)


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