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rare (important) bird

Wed You hooked up this little prince ... forced your daughter to propose, and you think that you yourself have now become important bird...

Dostoevsky. Uncle's dream. 12.

Wed From merchants - well not a big bird.

Ostrovsky. Festive sleep before dinner. 2. Neuedenov.

Wed Really, what do you think, Anna Andreevna, what are we like now birds became ... high-flying, damn it.

Gogol. Auditor. 5, 1.

Wed They ran like crazy from the tavern: “I came, I came and I don’t pay money” ... Found important bird!

Gogol. Auditor. 5, 8. Luka Lukic.

Wed Of what kind should this cock come of?

What kind of bird could this be?

Wed C "est un merle blanc.

White Thrush.

Wed Rara avis.

Rare bird.

Pers. sat. 1, 46.

Wed Rara avis in terris nigroque simillima cygno.

A rare bird on earth is like a black swan (speaking of Lucretius and Penelope).

Juven. sat. 6, 165.

Wed Corvo quoque rarior albo.

Less often than a white crow.

Juven. sat. 7, 202.

Wed Alba avis.

cic. fam. 7, 28, 2.

Wed Τίς εστιν ορνις ουτοσί .


Wed Λευκος κορώνας .

Macar. 5, 52.

  • - "... A particularly important area is an area that is located in the inner zone, and for the physical protection of which special requirements are imposed in connection with high level threats..." Source: ORDER of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated 02.08...

    Official terminology

  • - see Cuckoos...
  • - one of beautiful birds New Guinea and the adjacent islands, which, together with the genera of loforins, frilled birds, and some others, forms a special family of tooth-billed songbirds ...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - who is an influential or holding an important, high position person; Chief...

    Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language

  • - Razg. Express. A person who occupies a high social or official position, has power, great influence. - Where is he going? - I think in Paris or London. - Hm! .. So, an important bird? ...

    Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

  • - IMPORTANT, th, th ...

    Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

  • - Wed. You hooked up this little prince ... you forced your daughter to propose, and you think that you yourself have now become an important bird ... Dostoevsky. Uncle's dream. 12. Wed. Of the merchants - well, the bird is not so great ...

    Explanatory-phraseological dictionary of Michelson

  • - See RUSSIA -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Razg. Iron. An important, significant person. SHZF 2001, 22; Mokienko 1989, 56; Glukhov 1988, 8; BMS 1998, 638...
  • - Razg. Iron. About a person with a high social position. BTS, 109; ZS 1996, 31, 219; SPP 2001, 358...

    Big dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - Zharg. school Shuttle. Head teacher. ...

    Big dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - noun, number of synonyms: 36 big shot the boss of the boss in ranks the important person the important bird the important figure the important figure the important person the important person vee-ay-pee the vip the vip-person ...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - noun, number of synonyms: 34 big shot the boss of the boss in ranks an important person an important bird an important figure an important figure an important person an important person vi-ip vip vip-person ...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - noun, number of synonyms: 35 big shot the boss of the boss in ranks an important person an important person an important figure an important figure an important person an important person vee-ay-pee VIP person vipar ...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - noun, number of synonyms: 32 big shot big shot boss of the boss in ranks important person important person important bird big shot important person important vee-ay-pee vipar ...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - noun, number of synonyms: 34 authority big shot the boss of the boss in ranks an important person an important person an important bird an important figure an important person an important person vee-ay-pee vip ...

    Synonym dictionary

"important bird" in books

"Important" person

From the book Don't Bastards, or Scout Children Behind Enemy Lines author Gladkov Teodor Kirillovich

"Important" person Behind the door came the clatter of numerous feet, the barking greeting of the sentry "Heil Hitler!" He was wearing a fashionable black coat with gray astrakhan


From the book Campaigns and Horses author Mamontov Sergey Ivanovich

IMPORTANT POSITION Before us was the large industrial center of Yuzovka (later Stalino). The viscous river Kalmius flowed here. This is a historical river, because earlier it was called Kalka, on it the Russians first met the Tatars in 1223 and were defeated by them. Just at that time

1 What is this bird? Or maybe not a bird - a plane? This is pop star Paulo Coelho, a writer who has sold a hundred million of his books.

From the book Mag. Biography of Paolo Coelho author Morais Fernando

1 What is this bird? Or maybe not a bird - a plane? It's pop star Paulo Coelho, the writer who has sold a hundred million of his books On a cloudy May evening in 2005, a huge white Air France A600 gently descends on the wet runway of Budapest's Ferihegy Airport. two hour

Important detail

From the book It was worth it. My real and incredible story. Part I. Two Lives author Ardeeva Beata

An important detail The most important thing: in an attempt to lose weight, all women should make sure that their hormonal balance is normal (these consultations are carried out by gynecologists-endocrinologists) - otherwise any diet will surprise you with the absence of effects. Well, and then this is important


From the book Youth Yesenin author Prokushev Yuri Lvovich

An important milestone That poet, who destroys enemies, Whose native truth is the mother. Yesenin "Poet" Family Council. Departure to Spas-Klepiki. Exam and escape. In the classroom and boarding school. "Meeting" with Pushkin. Teacher and pupil. poetic rivals. Recognition of talent. New friends. Circle at Panfilov. AT

important person

From the book Dream came true by Bosco Teresio

An important person “God is looking at you” - Margarita often repeats these words. She allowed the children to play pranks in the nearby meadows, and when they ran out of the house, admonished: "Remember that God is looking at you." If you noticed that the guys looked askance at each other or tried

Chicken is not a bird, but a very tasty bird!

From the book Dietary Secrets of the Court of Madrid author Gerasimova Natalia

Important service

From the book Heroes before meeting with the writer author Belousov Roman Sergeevich

Important middle

From the book The Formula for a Decent Life. How to build your well-being with the Matrix of Life author Angelite

An important middle Above the base is the next important part of the Pyramid of Stability, which houses the second matrix - the Matrix of Patience and Accumulation. Since the pyramid tapers towards the top, we need a little less energy in the second matrix than in the first one. Our

Important information

From the book Search for Spiritual Consciousness author Klimkevich Svetlana Titovna

Important Information 862 = When a person acts under Divine guidance, he creates a Great Body of Light (26) = "Numeric Codes" of the Kryon Hierarchy. 02/05/2009 (02:20) We slept and write further, that is, the reader should be imbued with the importance of the moment. This information is very necessary

Important adjustment

From the book Passing the milestone. Keys to Understanding the Energy of the New Millennium by Carroll Lee

An Important Adjustment Humanity's potential is amazing right now, but for the sake of reference, it's time to go back a bit and look at some of the main points related to how you set up your challenge. We're about to give some potential to the trait you're about to


From the book 1612 author


From the book Vasily Shuisky author Skrynnikov Ruslan Grigorievich

AN IMPORTANT MILESTONE The execution of Peter Turgenev and Moscow merchants, the death sentence for Prince Vasily Shuisky heralded a turn to terror. The pardon of Shuisky and his brothers and their return to the Duma marked a turn in the development of the intrigue. Calling himself the son of Grozny, the impostor must


From the book Vasily Shuisky author Skrynnikov Ruslan Grigorievich

AN IMPORTANT MILESTONE The execution of Peter Turgenev and Moscow merchants, the death sentence for Prince Vasily Shuisky heralded a turn to terror. The pardon of Shuisky and his brothers and their return to the Duma marked a turn in the development of the intrigue. Calling himself the son of Grozny, the impostor must

Important number

From the book Mysteries of Russian History author Nepomniachtchi Nikolai Nikolaevich

Important figure So what was this mysterious place, which has not been demanded by big science to this day? According to P.A. Rappoport, an inventory made in 1664: “Borisov’s town on the Porotva River is stone, and there are buildings in it: The gate is 2 sazhens long.

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The project of 5th grade students of MBOU "Secondary School No. 24", Cheboksary "Feathers in Russian Phraseology"

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Our goal: Find out which bird names are more common in phraseological units. Find out what character traits of a person are symbolized by birds

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Our tasks: 1. Find out if the students of my class know phraseological units about birds. 2. Find out what the names of some birds symbolize in Russian phraseological units. 3. Find out if the name of the bird in phraseology is always associated with it. 4. Make a table on the topic. 5. Prepare a section on birds in the thematic dictionary "Our smaller brothers in Russian phraseology."

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The course of the research: 1. We studied the educational literature. 2. Conducted a survey of class students. 3. We found out that - 50% of students in our class know from 6 to 10 phraseological units 35% - from one to five phraseological units 15% more than 10 phraseological units that include the name of a bird. However, only 7% of students try to use phraseological units in their speech.

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Swan Swan song. - The last, usually the most significant, product of someone, the last manifestation of talent, abilities.

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Peacock Neither peahen nor raven. - A person who, in his views and interests, moved away from some and did not join others. In borrowed plumes. - Crow in peacock feathers (I.A. Krylov "Crow"). So they say in mockery about a person who wants to appear more significant than he is, and therefore looks ridiculous and pathetic.

Slide 8

Crow croaks like a raven. - Predicts usually misfortune. Prophetic raven. White crow. - In a figurative sense - a rare in its qualities, an extraordinary person, sharply distinguished by something from environment. The expression has been known since 60-127 AD. Crow in peacock feathers (I.A. Krylov "Crow"). So they say in mockery about a person who wants to seem more significant than he is, and therefore looks ridiculous and pathetic. Where the raven did not bring the bones. - Very far. Count the crow. - Stare around, spend time in idleness. Neither peahen nor raven. - A person who, in his views, moved away from some people and did not join others. Frightened crow. - About a man who became afraid of everything after some events. A crow cannot be a falcon. In ancient beliefs, the raven is mysterious, smart, understanding, silent. In German phraseology, he is a scoundrel, outrageous, gluttonous. For example: Crow parents - abandoning their children. In Russian phraseology, he is omniscient, frightened.

Slide 9

Goose Most often, this bird symbolizes an experienced, cunning person. Like water off a duck's back. - Nothing. Geese tease. - Invoke anger. Goose pawed. - Cunning, clever. So as not to tease the geese (Krylov "Geese"). Allegorically - do not offend anyone, do not affect pride, do not annoy.

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Turkey Turkey in Russian phraseology symbolizes swagger, stupidity. Among the Kyrgyz, it is a symbol of grumpiness, among the French - stupidity. Pouted like a turkey Stupid turkey.

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Chickens On chicken legs. - Allegorically - about something very fragile, unstable, unreliable. Worn like a chicken and an egg. - Pay special attention. Chickens for laughs. - It makes no sense, it's stupid. Like a chicken paw. - Unintelligible. Wet chicken. - A weak-willed, spineless person. Blind chicken. - Nearsighted. Chickens don't eat money. - Lots of. Get like chickens in cabbage soup. - Get into unexpected trouble, into trouble. Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.

slide 12

Rooster Everyone knows the rooster - poultry with a red comb on the head and special growths on the legs - spurs. For its importance and cocky character, the image of a rooster is used for comparison. Important as a rooster. Cocky as a rooster. Walk like a rooster. Look like a rooster. Red rooster. - Fire, arson. Release the red rooster. - Start a fire, set something on fire. Hamburg rooster. Get like chickens in cabbage soup. - Get into unexpected trouble, into trouble. But people paid attention not only to the gait and cocky character of the bird. Singing is what the rooster is famous for.

slide 13

Cuckoo The cuckoo praises the rooster for praising the cuckoo. (I.A. Krylov "The Cuckoo and the Rooster".) An ironic remark - about mutual praise, immoderate flattery. Swap a cuckoo for a hawk. - Choose the worst from the bad, make mistakes.

slide 14

Sparrow Shorter than a sparrow's nose. - About a short period of time. Shot sparrow. - A very experienced person who is difficult to fool, deceive, an experienced person. Old sparrow. - Grated kalach (You can't fool an old sparrow on chaff). .

slide 15

Tit Tit did glory, but did not light the sea (I.A. Krylov "Tit") So they say ironically about a braggart, about a man who promises a lot and cannot fulfill anything. Pigeon. With a goofy nose. - Very little. Swallow The first swallow. - The earliest, very first signs of the appearance, the onset of something. One swallow does not make spring (Aesop). The meaning of the expression: you can not draw a conclusion, generalizations on the basis of any one case, an insignificant fact. Magpie Chatty magpie. - Chatty person.

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Eagle Scientists note that even in the III millennium BC. in the Sumerian states there was a coat of arms - an eagle with a lion's head. The coat of arms of the Byzantine Empire was a double-headed eagle. The eagle was carved on state seals. For example, by the end of the 15th century, two images were finally fixed on the seals of the Russian state: on the one hand there was a horseman striking a snake, on the other, a double-headed eagle. In the XVII century. these images began to be considered the Russian state emblem. Observing the behavior of a bird, noticing its characteristic features, people created proverbs and sayings: An eagle breeds an eagle, and an owl gives birth to an owl. The eagle does not catch flies. The eagles fight, and the youngsters get feathers. Phraseologisms: The eagle looks like the eagle flies

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Falcon Goal like a falcon. - Very poor. This phraseological unit is not associated with a bird: a falcon is a battering ram. Goal, but a falcon. - Poor, but proud and independent. Proverbs: The falcon is small, but daring. And the falcon does not fly above the sun. The pig will not give birth to the Falcon. Don't scare the falcon with a crow. A crow cannot be a falcon. Since ancient times, the people called a beautiful, brave, daring man a falcon.

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Birds Black grouse Sleepy grouse. - A person who loves to sleep. Deaf chick. - A person who is hard of hearing. Magpie Chatty magpie. – Chatty man Forty guests called Ostrich Runs like an ostrich

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Bird An important bird. - A person in a high position. Free bird - Free bird. - A free, independent person. Live like a bird in the sky. - Carefree. High flying bird. - An influential person. Low flying bird. - A person who does not occupy a prominent, significant position in society. Blue bird. - This is the secret of things, a symbol of happiness; that which embodies for someone the highest happiness. Shooting bird. - A very experienced person who is difficult to deceive. You can see the bird in flight. “You can see what a person is, judging by his actions, deeds of behavior. Bird's-eye. - From above, from a very high altitude. On bird rights. - Without legal grounds. Yellow-mouthed chick. “A young man with no life experience. Results We studied the literature on the topic. We learned that in the Russian language there are a lot of phraseological units in which the names of birds are found. We noticed that not all phraseological units containing the names of animals are associated with it. For example, a goal is like a falcon. We believe that the table we have created will help you learn more about the symbolic meanings of animals. We believe that the reference dictionary we have created will enrich the speech of our peers.

slide 22

Used resources Adamova E.A. Winged words. - M.: Children's literature, 1979 Allikmets K.P., Metsa A.A. Let's talk, let's talk. - L .: Education, 1987 Bulatov M. Winged words. - M.: Enlightenment, 1958 Gvozdarev Yu.A. Stories about Russian phraseology. - M .: Education, 1988 Sergeev V.N. New meanings of old words. - M .: Education, 1987 Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language. -M.: Russian language, 1986



s, and. In the screw: the sign "X", meaning unpacking.

Dictionary of Efremova


  1. and.
    1. A warm-blooded vertebrate animal with a body covered with feathers and down, with two legs, wings and a beak.
    2. :
      1. Such animals bred for personal farming (chickens, geese, ducks, turkeys).
      2. The meat of such birds is used for food.
      3. A dish made from such meat.

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language


important bird- high in position, position, rank

Visible bird in flight- by the manner of behavior, by actions, deeds, it is immediately clear what a person is

Live like a bird of the sky- to live carefree

shelled(or shot) bird- seasoned person

rare bird- exceptional person

Blue bird- about what for someone embodies the highest happiness

Dictionary Ushakov


bird, birds, female

1. An animal from the class of vertebrates, with a body covered with down and feathers, with a beak, two limbs and wings. Predator birds. Domestic birds. Singing birds. Migratory birds. The bird flapped its wings.

2. trans. use ironically to designate a person as the owner of some properties, in expressions: an important bird, a bird is not great, what kind of bird etc. (unfold fam.). Sometimes you dined at my place with him, but did you manage to get a good look at what kind of bird it was? Goncharov. “From the merchants - well, the bird is not so great.” A. Ostrovsky.

Phraseological dictionary (Volkova)


Early bird (unfold) - about a person who gets up early.

-It's time, my child, get up: yes, you, beauty, are ready! O, P my early dash! A. Pushkin.

shelled (or shot) bird (unfold) - an experienced, experienced, accustomed to everything person.

his clerk was shelled bird. Gogol.

bird's milk (unfold joke.) - fantastic, unprecedented food, which is only lacking in the general abundance.

-And the stone house, and the garden, and all sorts of establishments, berries, fruits - all their own. Only bird's milk did not have. Saltykov-Shchedrin.

bird's eye view[translation fr. expressions a vol doiseau]

1) from a height, from a place where everything can be seen at once.

Under them, from a bird's eye view, the city spread, the river swirled.

2) trans. superficially without going into details iron.).

All of them, maybe good people, you can not judge them from a bird's eye view.

On a bird's eye(live. joke.) - it is said about a room using something. accidentally, without solid grounds, position.

He can’t decide anything, he’s here on a bird’s right.

Ozhegov's dictionary

Fri And CA, s, and.

1. A feathered and downy vertebrate with wings, two limbs and a beak. Singing birds. Migratory birds. Water birds. How n. heavenly live (not worrying about anything).

2. collected Animals such as the subject of breeding, hunting, food. Domashnaya st. Broken st. Ice cream st.

3. In some combinations: about a person (colloquial). What is this p.? (who is this?; ironic). Small p.(about an insignificant person; neglected). Important p.(about someone who occupies an important position or put on airs). P. high-flying (about who occupies an important position). Free p.(about a free, independent person).

Blue bird 1) living in the mountains of South Asia songbird family thrush with black and blue plumage; 2) a fabulous bird with blue plumage as a symbol of elusive happiness [after the name of the fairy tale play of the same name by M. Maeterlinck].

| reduce birdie, and, and.(to 1 value).

| adj. avian, ya, ye (to 1 and 2 values). Bird flock. Bird's Nest. Bird's cage.

bird language(disapproved) incomprehensible, meaningless speech.

Bird Market a market where they sell dogs, birds, pets.

Sentences with "bird"

The predator, which overtook a green bird with a red head, did not leave a bone or a shred of flesh from it, only it tore off all its unfit for food clothes from it and folded it near the stump, or maybe it’s the feathers thrown on the leafy feathers boldly to the stump by the wind …

It is the most common form of mating in birds.

What was the point in taking the life of a simple-minded creature in this way, which all its years, despite their rude, stupid, cruel joylessness, skillfully rejoiced at so little that, probably, would not be appreciated by any flower, beast or bird?

Indeed, a little later, Vladimir Putin announced that 19 American enterprises would be excluded from the list of poultry meat exporters to the Russian Federation.

However, monogamy in birds is often combined within a species with other forms of marriage.

F. P. Filin showed the originality of the North Slavic vocabulary related to the features of the terrain and natural phenomena, the names of plants, fish, animals and birds, and the terms of agriculture.

The dragon has four lungs, so the relative area of ​​gas exchange is even greater than that of birds.

Gradually, the green bird subjugated the whole life of the twins.

Availability of livestock and poultry in rural households in five regions of Russia in 1991 and 2001 shown in the table

It got dark in the forest, but the entrance to the cave was illuminated by the pink reflections of the fire, on which Mila was roasting the bird caught by Yurka.

please tell me a few phraseological units about birds) and got the best answer

Answer from Elena Konyukhova[guru]
In the previous answer, not phraseological units are presented, but proverbs. Phraseologism is a lexically indivisible, stable phrase reproduced in ready-made(at full speed, to the nines, not in the tooth with a foot).
In phraseological units, in contrast to free phrases, the lexical meaning of the phrase is determined as a whole.
The lexical meaning of a phraseological unit is close to the lexical meaning of one word, therefore, a phraseological unit can often be replaced with one word, for example: far away - far away, put sticks in wheels - interfere.
LIKE WATER OFF THE GOOSE (Do not respond to reproaches)
DEAF COCK (A person who does not react to others)
UGLY DUCKING (An ugly person who is mocked and laughed at)
SWAN SONG (The last most outstanding work of any author, the last manifestation of talent)
WET CHICKEN (1. A pathetic, depressed person; 2. A weak-willed, spineless person)
THE FIRST SWALLOW (The earliest, very first signs of the onset of something)
BLUE BIRD (Symbol of happiness)
Pay attention to such a phraseological unit, which is often correlated with our feathered friends. But this is fundamentally wrong.
Goal like a falcon (stress on the second syllable). There is no comparison with a falcon. Scientists suggest that the falcon (and not the falcon) is an iron-bound log, which Russian troops used in ancient times as a battering ram when taking besieged cities. It was really smooth, naked.

Answer from Oleg Chernov[active]
shot sparrow
wet chicken
like water off a duck's back
nightingale is flooded
a swan song
Goal like a falcon
Got like chickens in a pluck
With a goofy nose
Like a chicken paw
Blue bird
Kursk nightingale
deaf grouse
Release the red rooster
Only the Indian cock thinks
Catch (count) crows
White crow
yellowmouth chick
Look for heat - a bird
Talkative like a magpie
black as a raven
First swallow
Chickens don't peck
wet chicken
Chickens for laughter
Dumb as a duck

Answer from Anastasia[guru]
important bird, shot bird, free bird,
a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush,
Every bird loves its nest.
Each bird feeds with its own nose.
As a bird lives, it does not sow, it does not reap.
The bird is red in singing, and the man in skill.
The bird is red with the feather, and the man with the mind.
A chicken is not a bird, a bum is not a person, a talker is not a master.
The tree is not looking for the bird, but the bird is looking for the tree.
Beyond the sea and the tit is a bird.
To know a bird by its feathers, and a fellow by speeches.

Answer from Ivan Ermakov[active]
White crow

Answer from Mikhail Levin[guru]
"Look Semyon, don't break your pen!"

Phraseologisms about birds are very common, because in their lives people observe birds every day, notice their features, talk about them.

White crow
In nature, albino individuals are sometimes found, which have a lighter color in comparison with relatives. They stand out sharply against the general background. Therefore, a person who stands out for something in the team is called a "black sheep".

Like water off a duck's back
Feathers of any waterfowl do not get wet, water droplets easily flow from them. When a person is absolutely indifferent to something, they use the phraseological unit “Like water off a duck's back”.

The expression is applied to people who get away with all misconduct, remain without consequences. Synonymous with "Get out of the water." As you know, in waterfowl feathers remain dry after they have been in the water.

From a cannon at sparrows (shoot)
Spend a lot of effort and money on a simple, uncomplicated business. Acting irrationally.

deaf as a grouse
During the mating, the black grouse does not hear anything so much that the hunter can get close enough to it.

newspaper duck
Inaccurate or deliberately false information. Phraseologism appeared after a hoax article about a killer duck eating its relatives was published in one publication. Later, the author said that it was a hoax and since then all unreliable articles are called "newspaper ducks."

decoy duck
Hunters use stuffed birds during the hunt to lure prey. In life, a decoy duck is a person specially introduced into the team to collect compromising information.

Chickens for laughter
It is customary to talk about a situation that is so funny that even stupid chickens will laugh at it.

wet chicken
The chicken is afraid to swim, her feathers easily get wet in the water and her appearance after that becomes ridiculous and miserable. Therefore, when a person has a very miserable appearance, he is called a "wet chicken."

Like a chicken paw
Chicken footprints form intricate and intricate patterns. Therefore, when a person has very confusing handwriting, it is customary to say that he writes "like a chicken paw."

a swan song
There is a legend that in the last minute of his life the swan sings a song. The last work or talented work of a famous person is usually called the “swan song”.

Wanted bird's milk
So it is customary to talk about a person who wants something obviously impossible.

Got like chickens in the cabbage soup / in the pluck
In the villages, when it was necessary to prepare a hearty meal for unexpected guests, poultry meat was used instead of pork and beef. The meaning of the expression is to suddenly get into trouble.

Spread your wings
Start living or acting in full force, from the heart.

Shooting bird, shooting sparrow
A person with rich life experience. Experienced person.

Pie in the sky
Something elusive.

Grab the bird by the tail
Catch luck.

First swallow
Events or actions indicating the approach of something positive, joyful.

Hide your head like an ostrich
In moments of danger, the ostrich hides its head in the sand or under its wing, believing that in this case it will be safe.


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