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What are long statuses? These are statements famous people , which do not fit in the status line and break off at the most interesting place. You can make long statuses if you use the Opera Internet browser. The usual length of a status in a contact is 160 characters. If you enter a contact through Opera and left-click on a status, you will be able to edit it. In an empty space, you must press the right mouse button and select the source code. Then on the keyboard we hold down CTRL + F, enter maxlength, press Enter. With all these actions, we make long statuses. The browser will highlight maxlength="160", all that remains is to delete it and click on "Apply changes", which can be seen at the top left. Now everything is ready, and you have long statuses - 250 characters long.

After all In Contact, everyone will find something to their liking. You can comment on photos, posts on the walls of friends, write messages to friends. In other words, communicate! This is what it was designed for social network. Long statuses, of course, express your idea in sufficient detail, but few people will be interested. The user, seeing a message longer than a couple of lines, decides that there are too many letters for him, and goes to read other, shorter and more capacious, and therefore interesting messages. After all, this is a real art - to learn how to briefly express what you can talk about for hours, you just need to learn this.

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Sometimes, when reading the notes on the wall of the person dearest to you, you see inscriptions like - I love you. And you realize that, compared to yours, their love is microscopically insignificant... and you're just afraid to tell about your feelings...

When one leaves, it is not the defeat of the remaining. It's a draw. Happiness does not go to anyone ... but a gap can be a defeat for the one who leaves, if he begins to regret it, even when they stop regretting him ...

Happiness is not in money, - the proverb says, you can’t argue with that, probably it is. But on the other hand, with money, in anticipation of happiness, time can pass very remarkably!

Hello, please give me the cheapest bluetooth headset. - What is your phone model? - I don't have a phone. I just talk to myself on the street, I want people not to shy away.

She smells of chocolate, watches movies in funny slippers, he quotes phrases about love. She has forgotten how to cry, but loves the tears of the sky. He loves hot coffee and milk chocolate. good fairy tales. A girl with porcelain blue-gray eyes and somewhere in them a drop of tenderness is hidden ...

The scariest story in my life was when I went to sea! We bought 5,000 baby dolls in bulk from China. Suddenly a wave... the ship tilted... and all these dolls open their eyes at the same time and say: "MA-MA"!!!

How often in life, when we make mistakes, we lose those we cherish ... Trying to please strangers, sometimes we run away from our neighbor ... We lift up those who are not worth us, but betray the most faithful ones ... Who loves us so much, we offend, and we ourselves are waiting for an apology ...

They are everywhere..we have all seen them and live in fear of seeing them again...Monsters with red faces who don't know that the foundation should be chosen according to skin color, not orange...

She kissed him so passionately that his eyes darkened for a while, and when he came to he was gone, only the taste of vanilla and cinnamon remained on his lips ...

I will live my life with someone who, even in the biggest quarrel, will say "I need you" ... who will fight with me for our love ... who will not let me be afraid of anything, even that I can lose him. ..with those who, having heard "I don't love you" from me, will hug and say "I'll have to love" ..with those who, even when busy, can find time to call and ask "how are you, my love?"

I think in VKontakte, in addition to the "friends" tab, you need to add a couple more: "buddies", "crossed paths a couple of times", "yeah, it happened"

One day I'll grow up and forget my logins and passwords, I'll stumble upon my diaries after many years, I'll turn on some song from the "music" column: "I'll sit on the floor and cry bitterly.

Everything is so easy on the internet. Click the "friends" button and now you have a new friend. And it is not at all necessary to help him out in trouble, to help. You are "friends" now.

My love for you is like a tender, fragrant rose, which is absolutely defenseless, because it has no thorns, and your love is like a cactus - you only know how to hurt my heart!

We say, "Thank you for being you," when we can't say, "I love you." We say: "I have no reason to live anymore" when we want to be dissuaded from this. We say "It's cold in here" when we need someone's touch. We say "I don't need anything else from you" when we can't get what we want. We say, "I didn't pick up the phone because I was busy," when we're ashamed to admit that hearing that voice no longer brings us joy. We say, "No one needs me," when we really don't need one single person. We say "I can handle it" when we feel embarrassed to ask for help. We say "You're a good friend" when we forget to add "...but you can't be more to me." We say "That's not the point" when we know we have no choice but to reconcile. We say "I trust you" when we are afraid that we have become a toy. We say "Forever" when we don't feel like looking at the clock. We say: "I was there" when we can not find an excuse for ourselves. We say so many things that when the last three unused words remain on the tongue, we purse our lips, look at the floor and are silent ...

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Elvira, I understand that I am terribly guilty, but listen to me, please.
- No, Zimovsky, today you will listen to me. I used to think that you were cunning and arrogant. Where it is profitable, there you graze, for the money, for the sake of sex.
- Elvira...
- Shut up please. And yesterday I realized that you're just rot. You are an arrogant complete cynic, for whom everything is just like that, a husk. And I was a fool, my God, what a fool I was. But you know, Zimovsky, I'm glad, I'm glad, because now there is at least one woman on Earth who will never, ever say YES to you again!

For some reason, we often look for our ideal man on the cover of a glossy magazine and do not understand that the photographer, make-up artist, and stylist made him ideal. In fact, the ideal man may not know at all that he is ideal. He never even thinks about it, he just lives. He lives according to the laws that his mind, conscience, soul dictate to him. If he invites you for a cup of coffee, then he really wants to treat you to coffee, and when he helps in a difficult situation, believe me, your thanks to him are enough. The ideal man does not know how to speculate. The ideal man shows his feelings without fear, without looking back, without adjusting for public opinion, because he is real. You ask ... where to get it, such an ideal one? ... I will answer you ... I don’t know, but one thing is certain - since I am writing about it, it means that it exists!

How do people get lonely? After all, life is in full swing around, full of friends, work colleagues, and you are all alone. Strange, right? Although, this oddity has a clear explanation - you are lonely when you were abandoned, when he or she left you. Well, immediately there is a feeling that everyone has abandoned you. It's a very scary feeling. Your space asks only one question "WHY?" Why did the beloved person who was nearby yesterday, whom you heard, saw, looked into his eyes, suddenly moved away? And the worst thing is that none of the answers will suit you. But now he is doing something somewhere, eating, drinking, watching TV, maybe even having fun with someone ... It would seem much worse, but it turns out that there are things even worse: it’s scary to feel abandoned by everything while still with the person you love.
Feel free to tell your loved ones that they are irreplaceable, don't take it as a sign of weakness, it's a sign of strength. Life is very short, so don't waste your time. Talk to your loved ones, because they deserve it. Everything in our life would be different if we learned to listen not only to ourselves...

People usually marry with deprived imagination. Look - 2 people meet, something breaks out in them, they start walking in parks, restaurants, cinema, they walk for a long time ... And then that's it, the fantasy ends. And they are thinking here - Evpaty-Kolovraty, we haven’t been to the registry office yet!

Have you ever thought about how a woman feels in this demanding world of males? It's a giant slalom. A woman must be extremely flexible and at the same time remain rigid. It must be gentle and strong at the same time. Agree, is this not a super task for those whom we call the "weaker sex"? According to the position in which tolerance applies only to men, the whole world boils down to the following: if a man is said to be ambitious, then a woman, under the same circumstances, is aggressive. If a man is excited, then a woman is hysterical. And when a man is unleashed and sociable, a woman is a prostitute, nothing else... The standard of a modern woman is contradictory. At work, she must behave like a man, and when she returns home, she must put on an apron and portray the keeper of the hearth.

I could dream of anything. I could swim with dolphins or eat a whole pie without any repercussions, but instead I'm here with you two. It must mean something!
I'm even afraid to ask...
- I think... I think I love you both.
- You can't, you're not like that!
“Only because I've always been a good, shy little girl who was so afraid to think outside the box, especially when it came to love and sex. But now I'm leaving this little girl in the past.
- What exactly do you propose?
- I can love both of you. I don't have to be yours or yours - I suggest that you two be mine.

Ladies and gentlemen, I have been a vampire for almost three thousand years, and now the American Vampire League assures you that we are just like you. And, probably, to a small extent, it is. We are narcissistic, we only care about our needs, no matter what it costs, just like you. Global warming, endless war, toxic waste, baby corpses, genocide. These are all minor expenses in the pursuit of your sports cars, huge TVs, blood diamonds, designer jeans, ridiculous gaudy villas. Empty indicators of stability soothe your trembling, weak-willed souls. But no, after all, we are nothing like you. We are immortal because we drink real blood, the life-giving, nourishing blood of people. And that's the truth the vampire league would like to hide from you, because, to be honest, drinking human blood is expensive today, so they pretended to be kind to push through their vampire rights amendment, but, rest assured, all vampires are exactly the same, as I. Why should we strive for equality? You are no match for us. We'll suck all your blood after we've drunk your children to the bone. And now about the weather. Tiffany?

Quentin Fields was a basketball player, he was also a son, a brother, someone's teammate, someone's friend. I didn't know Quentin Fields. And now I'll never know.
Have you ever wondered what would happen if you were no more? If you suddenly disappeared?
How would the world react?
No matter what you imagined, it's not like that. There is nothing romantic about death. Sadness is like an ocean. It's deep and dark and bigger than any of us. And pain is like a thief in the night... Quiet, persistent, unfair... weakening, thanks to time, faith and love.
I didn't know Quentin Fields, but I envy him because I see how his absence affects people who didn't know him. Because I can see that he meant something to them. And I know that he was loved.
People say that Quentin Fields was a great basketball player, graceful, agile, inspiring. They say that in some games it looked like he could fly. And now he really does...

We are all fighting. It's part of life, part of survival. Do you have someone who can support you while you fight?
- Not. And this is the worst. Loneliness is an oppressive feeling that makes me feel like there is no magic left in the world...
- I know that the future is scary and the world can bring trouble, but you should know that when you feel like you are in despair, someone will definitely come to you. Help is out there and remember, you are not alone.

Julian: Brooke, before I met you, I thought that I had everything in my life so that I could be happy. I just didn't have anything to compare it to. Then you came into my life! And everything changed - I realized how empty it was before you. And my former life would no longer be able to make me happy if it were not for you. Brooke, I love you for absolutely everything: I love you for being so demanding of me as no one ever is; I love you because you look at me like no one else has ever; I love you because you love me like no one else ever! I can't imagine my life without you. And if in a couple of minutes you tell me: “I agree”, then I don’t have to imagine. And by the way, you look amazing!

Brooke: Julian, before I met you, my life revolved around only one thing - around me. And I liked it in my own way, but then I met you and you managed to see me behind all this. You taught me to trust, you taught me how to open up to people and what it's like to truly fall in love! It is impossible to put into words how much I love you, so I will tell you why I love you: you see this world like no one else and you appreciate everything, including me. There are no more people like you in the world, and if in a couple of minutes you tell me: “I agree”, I will spend the rest of my life trying to see the world through your eyes and I will appreciate everything, including you - the most unusual, amazing and insane handsome man whom I have met.

Everyone in life had such a moment that they stumbled and fell. Here you lie and think that there is no more left to fight ...

Having touched all the ugliness of our life out of the corner of our eye, a strange feeling of disgust and hatred for it wakes up.

Life is like a phone without a network. At first, you look for her long and hard, but when you catch her, the understanding comes that no one is waiting for your call.

When you have planned everything, life suddenly happens to you.

Best Status:
Today life once again gave me a powerful kick in the ass for my childish naivety, as if hinting that I knew my place in this ill-fated and cruel world. And then you think, what could I hope for?

When rage doesn't want to be alone, it takes sadness along with it. Together they come to anger, which also hides sadness and hides powerlessness.

Sometimes it seems that people with a sad look understood something in this life or went through its severe trials and pain.

Only real fools take life seriously, they don't understand that they won't get out alive anyway.

Life is a bad thing. Everyone dies from it.

There are things that teachers cannot teach, life teaches these things.

Rich is not the one who has a lot, but the one who has enough!

Life is just a long way to death...

Childhood is a whole long field of naive eavesdropping, hearing what is not supposed to.

If you ask me in 200 years what is happening in Russia, I will answer - they drink and steal. (Saltykov-Shchedrin)

Men cheat for the same reason dogs lick their balls: because they can. This is part of the physiology.

Life goes out like gas from a lighter. No fire and stench

Life is complicated, but only for those who are trying to understand what life is.

I found my place in life, but it is occupied ...

Sometimes time likes to repeat old stories...

Our life is like in a chicken coop - move your neighbor, shit on the bottom one.

Life goes by so quickly, as if it is not interested in us.

Life is shit, but we are with a shovel

Life is beautiful even when tears flow down your cheeks ... but when you cry, you don’t think so

In our radiant sky there is always a dark spot - and this is our own shadow.

The secret desires of a person are easy to guess. It is enough just to listen to what he most often scolds and criticizes.

do you want something?? – yes, strong coffee without sugar, “Davidoff black”, and so that the heart could not stand it

Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want doesn't mean they don't love you with all their heart.

Hello! How are you? -Yes, everything is great! But you don’t even realize that I’m writing about the fact that I’m super choking in tears ...

It's time to change not the status, but something in life...

At dusk there is no difference between the absence of light and the absence of darkness.

We get used to smiling at those who do not want to smile, and look great at the moment when we want to scream in pain ...

Life is terrible only when you think about it, but when you live it, it is beautiful!!!

Yesterday's kids are no longer interested in their once favorite toys, fairy tales at bedtime ... For some, drugs and alcohol become a priority. It's "fashionable". They sit on the Internet for a long time. And what's in there? Instead of emotions - emoticons. Take everything to heart => Suicide. And what will happen next?

There is only one white stripe in my life - a roll of toilet paper

Life is controlled by two - Horseradish and Toad, hell knows everything, and the toad strangles everyone ..

Everything in life is going well, that's just past

Nowadays, sleeping with a person can be a non-committal trifle, but giving flowers is already a serious step ...

Life gives a lot to think about, but little time!

They say that our life is a striped zebra. My life is a black donkey!

Life is a game! conceived sucks, but the graphics are awesome!

a decisive step in front is the result of a good kick from behind

Life, of course, is not sugar ... but it will pull with beer.

Better to burn out than dissolve (Kurt Cobain)

I pour coffee, take out a chocolate bar, take my favorite book and close myself in the kitchen for half an hour. “Mom, what are you doing there?” - Children, do not interfere, I am doing a good mother for you ...

At night: - Maaam, bring water. - Get up and bring it! - Well, maaam, well, bring it. - You will whine, I will give you a belt! - Well, you will get up behind the belt, at the same time bring water.

We would give up a lot if we weren’t afraid that others would pick it up… Sometimes a dialogue with oneself leads to disappointment in oneself…

She wandered the streets, these wet and gray streets, as gray as her soul... soiled and thrown into the trash

When a woman is not with a man, he starts doing stupid things. When a woman is not next to a man, she starts to do dirty tricks.

She will smile, dream, invent and will definitely become the greatest joy in the world for someone ..

The law of life: there are always a lot of beautiful boys in public transport, but for some reason they are not in their personal lives

In a moment of all-consuming fear, a person is able to love everyone who shares this fear with him.

And why are men afraid of women? So what can a woman do? Well, spoil the mood, well, break life ... Well, that's all!

The only way to enjoy life is to be fearless and not be afraid of defeat and disaster.

There are no sadder words than "everything could have turned out differently" ...

She loves to break the rules. Therefore, she has a bad reputation. No, not because of her behavior. She just lives the way others want.

Look out the window at 5 am, the world is so beautiful without people

Hiding a tear under a smile, I dream about you in a dream. I love, I scream, I cry ... what do I mean in your life ???

They don't beat the recumbent! IT'S BEING SUPPOSED!!

Sweet girl, but sad. Kind, sensitive, but artificial joy ... Nonsensical, smart and disobedient, callous to certain people ...

Time does not heal, alcohol heals, seconds spent with someone else heal. Treat long streets and avenues in the lights, huge glasses behind which you can not see tired eyes, treat dreams of summer, oh new life and time. Time does not heal, time passes by, but nothing changes ...

Why all these showdowns through messages in contact or SMS? Wouldn't it be better to sit next to each other, have a good talk and understand that you are made for each other

The higher the culture, the more refined the rudeness.

Life is shit, but we are with a shovel

She loves to dream... Although no, she lives in dreams. She thinks about things that will never come true all the time. And he believes ... that the wait will not be long ..

My business? For all "norms", for him - "the best". And only for the best friend: “The sun, there’s nowhere to go…”

There are people I regret meeting

If you love life, don't waste time - time is what life is made of

We are silent when we need to scream ... we stand when we need to run ... we laugh when we need to sob and lose what cannot be lost in any way ...

now she rarely cries at night, she only tells her mother about the most important thing, now access to her heart is closed, and you are unlikely to understand what she is so often silent about..

Temporarily unavailable. She left to arrange her personal life. Where, I don't know. When I return, with whom and what kind is unknown ...

Vanilla lipstick, long eyelashes, mountains of chocolate and the night she stopped dreaming about him..

Life loves to escalate darkness in order to later shine brighter with its bright side.

She stopped blushing her cheeks and dyeing her eyelashes so thickly, she began to distinguish what it means to love and fall in love ..

It's bad, very bad, that people don't purr like cats. It would be immediately clear how a person treats you and, if anything, you could purr in response

She walks along the main street of the city with her friends... She laughs out loud... And she doesn't care what people around her say... She is happy!.

She doesn’t carry expensive Gucci perfume for a kilometer. She doesn't hit the pavement with her heels.. She smells of cinnamon coffee and wears Nike.. And you love her like that because she's real, because she's.. Yours.

Life is beautiful ... and don't care that it's not true !!!

Ad! Lost the meaning of life. Please refund...

I want a black streak to come in my life... black sea, black caviar, black bentley =))

It's closed, hard to get through. She's sick, it's hard not to fall in love with her.

It is better to love and lose than not to love at all.

who cares what others think, huh? Look into your heart and do what will make you happier.

There is no need to smile in the face of a person if there is so much hatred in the soul ...

Remember, if it's hard for you, then you are on the right path, in the right direction.

A resourceful person, if his face falls into the mud, gets up and convinces everyone that she is healing and he did it on purpose

I'm not the last bastard ... Behind me, two more occupied.

I hid from the cruel reality under a warm blanket ...

Only fools never change their minds

Ability to smartly fill free time- there is the highest level of personal culture ...

Sometimes you even have to simulate a shipwreck so that the rats run away further

Sometimes, when you feel that everything is in chocolate, life is beautiful, you turn your back on it, but that's when it hits right in the head!

she sobbed for a long time, sitting on the tiled floor, with a glass of cognac and a crystal ashtray in front of her .. after all, she left beautifully, with her head held high ..

Today I feel bad, but tomorrow I will definitely smile for you ...

She doesn't say anything, she knows too much.. Wears a smile out of habit.. Here she is, look! She is hated by all, she is adored by the elect.

I will drink, smoke, swear .. And wait until YOU tell me “enough” ...©

You will live a lot - you will soon grow old.

If you want to be Great in life, then first you must overcome the Great laziness within yourself!

Long statuses with meaning are only for you. Do not leave hidden messages in them, and do not regret anything. Just look ahead!

Status matters to them.

  1. Each person is the result of many of his own choices. Even complaining about fate is also a choice.
  2. Falling asleep, do not think about troubles. Just say "thank you". For those who came into your life, and those who irrevocably evaporated from it.
  3. If earlier people were fading away from epidemics, today they are fading away morally - due to banal fatigue, and because of this - unwillingness to do anything.
  4. Man is born to think, but sometimes thinking is the last thing. Especially when everything is already thought out, and nothing has been done.
  5. Lie where needed. Do not cut the truth where you are not asked for it. There is nothing good in the moral devastation of a person in this way.
  6. Setting up in our time no longer surprises anyone. A much bigger surprise is the honesty and dedication.
  7. Don't take judgment to heart. Stay yourself. Only in this way can you rise above the offender.

Beauty is deceptive

Long statuses about life are strong and at the same time touching sayings. They allow you to think, they allow you to get enough of the meaning.

  1. Only the happy know that happiness is a process, not an end point. Therefore, it is important to have what you want to strive for.
  2. Do not cut from the shoulder: look around, take a look, think, and only then act. But also never sit idle.
  3. You cannot love for money or for beauty. But it is also impossible to love for the inner world alone.
  4. If you're trying hard and still failing, maybe you're just doing something wrong.
  5. Believing in immortality is much easier than realizing that everything needs to be done in one single life.
  6. Someone who asks you for trust definitely doesn't intend to earn it. He once again hopes for beautiful words.
  7. Every mistake needs to be taken care of. But not much more than common sense dictates.

Life without prescriptions

It is difficult to realize that happiness can come right at this moment. To do this, you should start with little things - read long statuses about life with meaning.

  1. Don't you think that getting married in order not to understand in time that you feel good alone is at least strange?
  2. As soon as you want to listen to gossip, think about it, what can a cat care about who she subsequently eats?
  3. In order to get rid of bad habits in the name of prolonging life, find out if there is something worth it in it? It's sobering.
  4. Involuntary hypocrisy is part of the culture, it is something that is in each of us. The absolute truth would kill everyone.
  5. Admitting your shortcomings is hard. Dealing with them is even more difficult. But this is the only way to correct them.
  6. If you win friends only through flattery and pretense, you are practically doomed to lose them very soon.
  7. In order to be feminine, you do not need to hide your weaknesses. To be human too.

Sometimes it's not worth looking for the answer at all

If you have something to live for, you are not necessarily happy. If you have nothing to live for, then you are not necessarily unhappy. About this and not only - in long statuses about life with meaning.

  1. If you are tormented by the fact that you cannot forget a person, stop: someday you will forget about him altogether.
  2. Do not chase ideals, even if it is proper nutrition or some kind of manners. Grow, but never lose yourself!
  3. Alcohol has a bit of charm, a bit of polish, and a bit of luxury. As with everything that is presented in small quantities.
  4. It is necessary either not to betray a childhood dream, or in time to find an alternative to it. Otherwise, you will have to suffer bitterly.
  5. We sometimes do not realize that instead of a black life streak, we are most afraid of boredom.
  6. In order to not be bored in the real world, you need to work for this. First of all, pull yourself out of the virtual world.

Let go without thinking

Going with the majority is fine. But having your own opinion is certainly important. This is what long, but sad statuses are for.

  1. Do not be afraid of life's adversities - they are all within your power. And those that are beyond the power ... you will never know about them.
  2. You should not dream of resorts and beautiful villas. We don't think that a little trip or going to see a good movie can also make us happy.
  3. In a relationship, you shouldn't be afraid of anything. And while your man should not be afraid of you.
  4. It is important to write down your thoughts, release them, let go. They should never interfere with you!
  5. Always go forward, let's know that someone you care about. But don't overdo it!
  6. If you realize that you are jealous, this is already very good. Now do something - you have too much free time!
  7. It only takes a couple of touches to understand if you have an attraction to this person. We constantly force ourselves to think a little more, and more.

Beautiful long statuses with meaning will make you think not only of you, but of all visitors to your page. Get them in the right mood!

The article includes long quotes about life for reflection and personal growth. And here is the first saying: Life is arranged so devilishly skillfully that, without knowing how to hate, it is impossible to sincerely love. M. Gorky

You need not only fearlessness to face your feelings, but also ... submissive tenderness. M. Ray.

Life itself means nothing; its price depends on its use. J. J. Rousseau

If you are afraid of misfortunes, then there will be no happiness. Peter the Great

Nothing can be returned. Nothing can be fixed. Otherwise we would all be saints. Life was not meant to make us perfect. Whoever is perfect has a place in a museum.

At the end of love, as at the end of life, one still lives for suffering, but not for pleasure. The one who fell out of love is usually to blame for not noticing it in time. F. La Rochefoucauld.

Not all wheels have been invented yet: the world is too amazing to sit idly by. Richard Branson

Life is short. And you have to be able to. You have to be able to walk away from a bad movie. Throw away a bad book. walk away from bad man. A lot of them. M. Zhvanetsky

If you have never been in love, then get ready love is coming to you!

Nothing great can happen without an idea! Without the great, there can be nothing beautiful. Gustave Flaubert

Looking to the past - take off your hat, looking to the future - roll up your sleeves!.

It is impossible to be satisfied enough with the love of one's neighbor in God! On the contrary, one can soon complete the path, one can soon be satisfied and fed up with love for one's neighbor, when the object of love is only man. The fire of love requires a lot of food in order to be constant and multiply. When God feeds him, he incessantly strengthens, there is no limit to him; but when it is left to man to nourish it by himself, the food for the fire will soon be scarce, the fire will grow dim, extinguished.

I remember your hands, lips, and with a shudder I dream of feeling them again!

Summer is the time of the year when it is very hot to do things that were very cold to do in winter. Mark Twain

To be able to enjoy the life lived means to live twice. — Martial.

Indecision is worse than a failed attempt; water spoils less when it flows than when it stands still. — Fernando Rojas.

If you want change in the future, be that change in the present.

What difference does it make who is stronger, who is smarter, who is more beautiful, who is richer? After all, in the end, it only matters whether you are a happy person or not. Osho.

Love between friends is destroyed if you envy or become an object of envy, if you inflict or suffer damage, if you dishonor or suffer dishonor, and finally, if you harbor and hold thoughts suspicious of your brother. Saint Maxim the Confessor

We do not receive a short life, but make it so; we are not poor in life, but use it wastefully. Life is long if it is used skillfully. Seneca the Younger

I love the saying every person who comes and comes back has a chance to be better today than they were yesterday. Evgeniy Chervonenko

The limits of decency have expanded to disgrace. Tamara Kleiman

Books are notes, and conversation is singing. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

Don't believe your eyes! They only see barriers.

It's easy to play with a girl's heart when she loves, but that's the meanest meanness.

I consider it a specifically human manifestation not only to raise the question of the meaning of life, but also to question the existence of this meaning. Frankl W.

Whoever wants to enter the path of love, let him take care of himself in relation to all people, whether they are good or bad. Reverend Isaiah

To live is to act with energy; life is a struggle in which one must fight bravely and honestly. N. Shelgunov

If God delays, it does not mean that he refuses.

Act and move as if you are calm, strong, cheerful, etc., it all depends on your specific goal, and you will become calm, strong, cheerful. The more you practice and develop this skill, the stronger it becomes. Tove Jansson, All about the Moomins.

To love is to see a miracle invisible to others. F. Mauriac.

Of all that wisdom brings to you for the happiness of your whole life, the most important thing is the possession of friendship. Epicurus

Do not raise children, they will still look like you. educate yourself

Man is 80% water. If a person does not have a dream or a goal in life, then he is just a puddle.

Genuine happiness is cheap: if you have to pay a high price for it, then it is fake. Coco Chanel

Do not be afraid big expenses, be afraid of small incomes. John Rockefeller

Strive to become market leaders. Own and control critical technologies in everything you do. Steve Jobs

beautiful quotes about life with meaning are obtained from those people who have lived life and understood its meaning!

The world is too small to afford the luxury of making enemies.

If you want to be successful, you must look like you have it. Thomas More

Whoever loves no one himself, it seems to me that no one loves him either. Democritus

Love is a delusion that one woman is different from another. G. Mencken.

What you keep long enough can be thrown away. Once you throw something away, you will need it. Richard's interdependence rule

Kissing Marilyn was like kissing Hitler. Tony Curtis

The main life task of a person is to give life to himself, to become what he is potentially. The most important fruit of his efforts is his own personality. Fromm E.

Do deeds of love, and for deeds of love the Lord will always give you what you need.

Rich people with no convictions are more dangerous in modern society than poor women with no morals. Bernard Show

It's better to be the enemy good man than another bad.

Women have the whole heart, even the head. Jean Paul

If you want to collect honey, don't ruin the hive. Psychologist and educator Dale Carnegie


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