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Author: Vasiliev Ivan Alexandrovich
Editor: Anna Vysochkina
Publisher: Mann, Ivanov i Ferber, 2013
Genre: Design, etc.

Synopsis for "The Practice of Trademark Creation"

What is this book about

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What is this book about
About how to harness "a horse and a quivering doe" to the cart. More precisely, how to complete a project to create trademark or development corporate identity. Yes, yes, including generating an idea, inventing an image, drafting technical specifications and other production moments, up to registering a domain name and working with printing houses. In the book, you will read about how to bring the creative, technical, and managerial components of the process together.
This is the very practical guide that was so lacking for everyone involved in the development of trademarks and corporate identity.
Why we decided to publish this book
Because it is good with a comprehensive, project-based approach to the topic. All stages - from idea to registration are considered in a clear connection to production and technology. It immediately becomes clear what resources and capacities are needed to solve specific design and production tasks.
Who is this book for?
For entrepreneurs - potential customers of work on the creation of trademarks and corporate identity. For designers and project managers in advertising agencies, advertisers and marketers of medium and large firms.
Book chip
The book gives a working system, the experience of a current specialist. This is a step-by-step guide to action, with examples of graphs, timing and resources.
Due to the consistency of tasks, the company gets the maximum result for the money invested with minimal time. The key moments of each stage are described clearly, without deepening into highly professional "wilds".
From the author
At the beginning of my work as a designer, I did not have textbooks and books that would say: "do this and you will get an acceptable result; everything else depends on your experience and skills. We offer a base that you can apply to real projects". Such a book would have helped me a lot then, in the late 90s. And now I have made an attempt to create something similar.
The works are described quite simply, such a description will suit both entrepreneurs to arm themselves with knowledge, and designers to understand why their work may sometimes be required.
All the described works are reduced to the system, but at the same time they can be implemented separately, depending on the circumstances. This book is a tool in your hands. Apply as needed.
Read the book The Practice of Creating Trademarks - Ivan Vasiliev.

Creating a trademark is a step towards building a brand

"Branding" is very important, but only when there is an understanding of basic things. Without these very basic things, only the name will remain from branding, and not the essence.

A trademark is far from being a brand, these are concepts that are different in meaning, but under an ideal set of circumstances, a trademark should become a brand (I wrote about this earlier, now back to the topic). I will try to describe here the difference between them, as I understand it.

A trademark is a designation (verbal, figurative, combined or otherwise), “serving to individualize goods legal entities or individual entrepreneurs". The law recognizes exclusive right for a trademark, certified by a certificate of its registration. Obviously, a trademark is mostly a formal thing. But I am in favor of doing everything wisely, for ensuring that the trademark is not created just “just in case” and is not a useless formality, but becomes a full-fledged working element in the life of the company.

Creating a trademark is often the second step in building a brand, very important and responsible, but still somewhat formal and completed, while building a brand continues as long as the company exists. Why "the very second", you ask? Because you most likely have already taken the very first step - you have decided to start a new business, release a product, provide a service, or combine several brands. This is what trademarks are most often created for.

If we approach the creation of a sign as one of the first steps towards creating a brand, or at least one of the company's assets, then this process from a formal one will be transformed into an understandable and useful process applicable to the work of an organization. Ideally, a trademark should become a registered expression of the company's reason for being. The reason is in a more global understanding than money - it is in the head of the consumer of the services of this brand.

Now let's take a look at the brand. This concept can be summarized in the following words:



A promise to customers, partners, the world;

Experience of clients and partners;

Their expectations from the brand and

A story of expectations that justified themselves.

Building a brand is an ongoing process that lasts a company's life. And this process is not limited to the creation of a trademark.

To a greater extent, a brand is the perception of a company. He (and it, perception) is in the minds of customers, and not on paper or a business card. But great stories often begin with business cards. This perception and consciousness of a person cannot be taken and registered (unlike a trademark). All these attributes can be acquired only with time. This is what takes a lot of effort to create, build a brand. A strong brand can change trademarks, expand its portfolio, while remaining a guarantor of quality or other properties of services or products, distributing its characteristics to new trademarks. Creating a brand is not only the task of the invited designer (in the global sense of this profession), but also of the entire team of the company (to which the brand belongs), and, again, in the daily and global sense of these words. A good business card and logo will not save if the client was rude in the support service or did not fulfill the warranty obligations. At the same time, if the company's services are beyond praise, then it can have an arbitrarily unsightly logo, and customers will not let the company go to waste, simply because of their loyalty. It is better, of course, to live in harmony - to have a beautiful sign and provide quality services, but this is not always the case. It also happened that the established pool of regular customers of the company resisted the renewal of an outdated trademark. And this hindered the development of the company, because ugly design often discourages new customers from contacting the organization. And for many companies, an increase in the number of customers is development, additional funds to improve the quality of services provided, the speed of service, etc. Therefore, one should not take into account only the opinions of the protesters.

By "branding" they mean many different things at the same time. Some are just a change of sign and corporate identity, others are the creation of a new company management system, and the change of symbols in this case is used to express the renewal of the company and related processes. Many books have been written about company management systems, a couple of the most interesting are "4D Branding" (yes, through "e") by Thomas Gad and "Corporate Religion" by Jesper Kunde. It will be more interesting and understandable for many to use approaches such as ISO certification at their enterprises (it is called differently, contains more scientific formulations, is more related to production, but in fact it is very similar). These are very interesting and important things, but we will not go into them in this book.

By the way, the creation and registration of a trademark are also very different concepts and procedures, and they should not be confused. Creating a trademark is a set of preparatory work, research, search for a name and a graphic solution. Registration is already the crown of work on creating a trademark, formal procedures. But in the book, I decided to focus on the procedure for creating a trademark, because during the execution of these works the entire base is laid - what will be used in everyday work - and here they make the most mistakes. However, it will not be possible to confine ourselves only to preparatory work for understanding, therefore, the book also describes some of the steps that follow immediately after registration - important nuances qualitative exploitation of the obtained results. This is how the complete picture emerges.

Any intelligent designer sooner or later brings his work to the system, or at least thinks about it. It can be fixed and described, or, on the contrary, you can act on a whim (I decided to describe mine). Everyone has their own approach, but the first one is closer and more understandable to me. Personally, it is more convenient for me to work with customers who understand what I am doing, why and why.

Registration is a special process. Looking at someone's finished result without understanding how it was achieved and thinking about reproducing the effect is just pointless. It is impossible to make a decent sign and style only by looking at other works. Or rather, it just won't work. The work (its main volume) is completely different - not in how the mouse crawls on the rug, but the cursor crawls on the monitor. The designer must understand the underlying processes. You can’t just look at the result of the work of colleagues in order to learn. Similarly, it will not work just to look at the result of the work of other companies (specialists) in order to get the same high-quality result. It is necessary to understand, work out and realize the fundamental principles of the company's work in order to make a suitable trademark for it, corporate identity and start creating a full-fledged brand. Here I have described one of the possible processes for their creation.

I am opposed to doing large-scale research just to make a decision. Simply because the situation changes or has already changed during the course of the study.

Therefore, I consider research, as well as other stages of preparation, as one of the mechanisms for organizing the creative process, a source of ideas (not excluding other sources). There are a lot of such mechanisms (every designer has them - ordered or understandable subconsciously), and I describe those that turned out to be close to me. Based on these descriptions, everyone can build their own workflow or add to the proposed set.

In principle, some of the described works and tasks may not be necessary at all if it is necessary to create a corporate identity, and not a trademark or brand. That is, something "just to arrange." To design anything ready to be decorated, no preparation is required (it is already there, so almost all the work is done). But when there is still nothing to draw up or ideas are not clear and not polished, then it is better to do all the preparatory work. Similarly, with the creation of a brand (not corporate identity design) - a brand can be not graphically designed in any way, but formulated and working in every sense.

Author: Vasiliev Ivan Alexandrovich
Editor: Anna Vysochkina
Publisher: Mann, Ivanov i Ferber, 2013
Genre: Design, etc.

Synopsis for "The Practice of Trademark Creation"

What is this book about

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What is this book about
About how to harness "a horse and a quivering doe" to the cart. Or rather, how to complete a project to create a trademark or develop a corporate identity on time and with a good result. Yes, yes, including generating an idea, inventing an image, drafting technical specifications and other production moments, up to registering a domain name and working with printing houses. In the book, you will read about how to bring the creative, technical, and managerial components of the process together.
This is the very practical guide that was so lacking for everyone involved in the development of trademarks and corporate identity.
Why we decided to publish this book
Because it is good with a comprehensive, project-based approach to the topic. All stages - from idea to registration are considered in a clear connection to production and technology. It immediately becomes clear what resources and capacities are needed to solve specific design and production tasks.
Who is this book for?
For entrepreneurs - potential customers of work on the creation of trademarks and corporate identity. For designers and project managers in advertising agencies, advertisers and marketers of medium and large firms.
Book chip
The book gives a working system, the experience of a current specialist. This is a step-by-step guide to action, with examples of graphs, timing and resources.
Due to the consistency of tasks, the company gets the maximum result for the money invested with minimal time. The key moments of each stage are described clearly, without deepening into highly professional "wilds".
From the author
At the beginning of my work as a designer, I did not have textbooks and books that would say: "do this and you will get an acceptable result; everything else depends on your experience and skills. We offer a base that you can apply to real projects" . Such a book would have helped me a lot then, in the late 90s. And now I have attempted to create something similar.
The works are described quite simply, such a description will suit both entrepreneurs to arm themselves with knowledge, and designers to understand why their work may sometimes be required.
All the described works are reduced to the system, but at the same time they can be implemented separately, depending on the circumstances. This book is a tool in your hands. Apply as needed.
Read the book The Practice of Creating Trademarks - Ivan Vasiliev.

Author: Vasiliev Ivan Alexandrovich
Editor: Anna Vysochkina
Publisher: Mann, Ivanov i Ferber, 2013
Genre: Design, etc.

Synopsis for "The Practice of Trademark Creation"

What is this book about

Read completely
What is this book about
About how to harness "a horse and a quivering doe" to the cart. Or rather, how to complete a project to create a trademark or develop a corporate identity on time and with a good result. Yes, yes, including generating an idea, inventing an image, drafting technical specifications and other production moments, up to registering a domain name and working with printing houses. In the book, you will read about how to bring the creative, technical, and managerial components of the process together.
This is the very practical guide that was so lacking for everyone involved in the development of trademarks and corporate identity.
Why we decided to publish this book
Because it is good with a comprehensive, project-based approach to the topic. All stages - from idea to registration are considered in a clear connection to production and technology. It immediately becomes clear what resources and capacities are needed to solve specific design and production tasks.
Who is this book for?
For entrepreneurs - potential customers of work on the creation of trademarks and corporate identity. For designers and project managers in advertising agencies, advertisers and marketers of medium and large firms.
Book chip
The book gives a working system, the experience of a current specialist. This is a step-by-step guide to action, with examples of graphs, timing and resources.
Due to the consistency of tasks, the company gets the maximum result for the money invested with minimal time. The key moments of each stage are described clearly, without deepening into highly professional "wilds".
From the author
At the beginning of my work as a designer, I did not have textbooks and books that would say: "do this and you will get an acceptable result; everything else depends on your experience and skills. We offer a base that you can apply to real projects" . Such a book would have helped me a lot then, in the late 90s. And now I have attempted to create something similar.
The works are described quite simply, such a description will suit both entrepreneurs to arm themselves with knowledge, and designers to understand why their work may sometimes be required.
All the described works are reduced to the system, but at the same time they can be implemented separately, depending on the circumstances. This book is a tool in your hands. Apply as needed.
You can download Trademark Creation Practice - Ivan Vasiliev.


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