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When you use Lite mode, some of your web traffic may go through Google servers before being downloaded to your device. If the page is loading slowly, Google servers may simplify it so that less data gets downloaded to your device. Most of the time, your pages will look and work the same.

If you're using Lite mode, keep in mind that:

  • If you browse in private , Lite mode won't work.
  • Some websites might have trouble finding your location.
  • You might not be able to use pages on a local network, like an internal company site.
  • You might have trouble with premium data services provided by your mobile carrier. You also might not be able to sign in to your carrier's website.
  • When you go to a secure page that uses HTTPS, Chrome sends the URL to Google to load faster. Only the URL is sent, and Chrome doesn't share your cookies or personal data with Google.

Turn on Lite mode

If you're on a page that was simplified, you can go back to the original page without changing your settings. To see the original page, at the top, tap Lite Load original page.

Consider a question from a blog reader: “I have unlimited Internet, but Android blocks the traffic limit of 5 Gb. Is it possible to remove the restriction so that Android does not block traffic and how to remove it?

Indeed, it’s a shame when you pay for unlimited Internet, but in fact you are modestly content with what is installed in Android.

Where to look for traffic settings

To get to the appropriate settings, we will open nesting dolls in turn, one by one. The largest of these is "Applications" (given for Android 5.0.2):

Rice. 1. Open Applications in Android

Having opened Applications in Android, we find Settings there:

Rice. 2. Android Settings

In the settings we need "Data Usage":

Rice. 3. Open "Data Usage"

How to remove the traffic limit on Android


That, in general, is all the wisdom of installing warnings and limiting mobile Internet traffic on Android. I must say that the established warnings and restrictions are valid on Android for any type of Internet use, whether it is accessing the Internet on Android, or to an access point for “wi-Fi distribution”, using mobile applications with Internet access, use email etc. All traffic will be taken into account by this access restriction control system.

Unfortunately, the traffic counted by Android may not match the traffic counted by the mobile operator itself. In my practice, it was when Android had not yet limited Internet access, and the mobile operator had already drastically reduced the speed of the Internet or turned it off altogether.

To avoid this discrepancy (whether we like it or not, mobile operators and Android devices will still always count traffic differently), on Android it is useful to set traffic limits a little less than the mobile operator suggests.

In particular, in fig. Figure 9 shows setting a limit of 2.9 GB with a given limit of 3.0 GB from a mobile operator. With this setting of restrictions, there will be no contradictions between Android and the mobile operator, and Android will notify in time, and then turn off the Internet, without waiting for the mobile operator to do this.

The “Data Usage” option shows mobile data usage statistics and WiFi data. This is very useful when your tariff plan no unlimited internet.

Where can I see traffic statistics?

We go to Settings - Connections - Data usage.

As you can see, the use of mobile traffic for the last month is 0 megabytes (I used only wi-fi). At the same time, I have a warning about using traffic in excess of the set threshold of 2 GB. This is necessary so as not to drain all the money on the phone (and in international roaming not to go into a huge minus). When the threshold of 2 GB of traffic for the last month is reached, the system will issue a warning. And then you can go to home.

Traffic saving

If you have a limited mobile internet package, I advise you to enable this option. The service limits the transmission and reception of data in the background for some selected applications. In addition, programs that use the Internet will be able to access mobile traffic less often than usual. For example, when you open the site, pictures will not load until you touch them.

Enabling traffic saving is simple. On the menu Data Usage - Data Savings.

Additionally, you can specify applications that will not be affected by this restriction, i.e. they will continue to use mobile traffic indefinitely. To do this, go to the menu “Using applications while saving traffic” and activate the necessary programs.

Mobile data usage

Here, in the data usage settings, you can set the frequency of payment (according to the operator's tariff plan) for the convenience of generating statistics on the use of mobile traffic. This is usually the 1st of every month.

The next option is “Overrun Warning”. Set the value based on the Internet package on your tariff plan. I have it 2 GB per month. When the threshold is reached, a warning about overspending will pop up.

Accordingly, you can disable Mobile Internet upon reaching the threshold. The option below “Traffic restriction” is responsible for this. Those. when 2GB is reached this month, mobile data usage will be disabled.

You can not set this option, but immediately set the traffic limit, for example, 4 GB.

Here, the menu also displays data transmission statistics over a wireless Wi-Fi network for the last 28 days. At the same time, it signs which applications have spent how much traffic. For most it will be youtube, like me.

We can prevent the application from using mobile traffic in the background. And additionally allow receiving / transmitting mobile data, even if data saving is enabled. I do not recommend enabling this option.

Network restrictions

This option allows you to prevent apps running in the background from using selected Wi-Fi networks. Applications will also display warnings before using these networks to download large amounts of data (torrents, for example).

Better not to bother with this option at all.

Now mobile Internet is relatively inexpensive, but this is no reason to scatter it left and right. Full unlimited still costs a pretty penny, and many operators, by the way, are already refusing such a luxury.

Most of the available tariffs are conditionally unlimited, that is, they give a certain and rather limited amount of traffic per day or month. If you exceed the limit, then the speed will drop to the level of a dial-up modem and it will become impossible to use the Internet.

Perhaps you do not fit into the volume provided by the tariff or dangerously approaching the limit. Perhaps you want to save some traffic to use it in case of urgent need. In any case, it is useful to be able to save megabytes, and now we will tell you how to do it.

Get rid of pest apps

Increased traffic consumption is not always associated with your appetites. Often, the unjustified gluttony of individual applications is to blame. Such scoundrels sit in the background and constantly transmit and send something. You can find them using a standard tool that is built into any current version of Android.

  1. Go to android settings.
  2. Select Data Transfer.
  3. Select Mobile Data Sharing.

Here you will see the general graph of mobile traffic consumption, and below it - the rating of the most voracious inhabitants of the system.

To moderate the ardor of an individual application, tap on it and turn off the background mode. After that, the trickster will not be able to receive and send data in the background.

The problem is that in order to identify bastards, you need to understand what is the normal Internet consumption for a particular application. Obviously, the browser, music and video streaming services, and maps are capable of eating hundreds of megabytes, but offline-oriented and working with a small amount of data have nothing to do on this list.

Set alert and traffic limit

  1. Go to android settings.
  2. Select Data Transfer.
  3. Select "Payment Cycle".

The billing cycle is the date when the subscription fee is charged. Usually on the same day a new Internet package is given. Specify it so that the system knows the date when the traffic counter was reset.

  1. Turn on Alert Settings.
  2. Select Warnings.
  3. Specify the amount of traffic, upon reaching which the system will inform you about it.

If you want to severely limit the traffic consumption, enable "Set traffic limit" and specify the value, upon reaching which the system will turn off the mobile Internet.

Disable app updates via mobile network

  1. Go to the settings of the Google Play app store.
  2. Select Auto Update Apps.
  3. Select the "Only via Wi-Fi" option.

Enable Data Saver in Android

  1. Go to android settings.
  2. Select Data Transfer.
  3. Select "Traffic Saver".

After turning on the data saving mode, the system will disable background data communication for most applications, which will significantly reduce the overall traffic consumption. To allow background data sharing for individual applications in economy mode, tap on the corresponding item.

Save bandwidth with Opera Max

In fact, the Opera Max application does the same thing as Android's built-in data saver mode, that is, it blocks background data, but it looks a little nicer and more visual.

Turn on data savings in individual apps

Any normal developer, if his application works with potentially large amounts of data, allows you to optimize traffic consumption using settings. For example, almost all tools from Google are able to save precious megabytes of mobile Internet.

Google Chrome

  1. Go to settings Google Chrome.
  2. Select "Traffic Saver".

In addition to Google Chrome, the traffic saving mode is provided in the Opera browser.


  1. Go to YouTube settings.
  2. Select General.
  3. Turn on the "Traffic Saver" mode.

Google Maps

  1. Go to Google Maps settings.
  2. Turn on Wi-Fi Only and follow the Your Offline Maps link.

Offline maps allow you to save hundreds of megabytes of traffic. Be sure to download your area of ​​residence and don't forget to add the areas you plan to visit in the near future.

  1. Click "Other Area".
  2. Use the pan and zoom gestures to select a download area and click Download.
  3. Click the gear icon in the upper right corner of the Downloaded Areas menu.
  4. Select "Download Settings" and select "Wi-Fi Only".

Google Press

  1. Go to your Google Press settings.
  2. Select "Data Saver Mode" and select "On".
  3. In the "Download" section, turn on the "Only via Wi-Fi" mode.

Google Photos

  1. Go to your Google Photos settings.
  2. Find the "Use mobile data" section and turn off the option for photos and videos.

Google Music

  1. Go to your Google Music settings.
  2. In the Playback section, lower the quality when transferring over a mobile network.
  3. In the "Download" section, allow to download music only via Wi-Fi.

If necessary, allow music playback only over Wi-Fi.

Google Music can save albums for offline listening. You can download music to your device when you have Wi-Fi and play it without an internet connection.

  1. Go to the artist's album list.
  2. Click on the vertical ellipsis icon in the lower right corner of the album and select "Download" from the menu that appears.

Google Movies

  1. Go to your Google Movies settings.
  2. In the Mobile Streaming section, turn on Show Warning and Limit Quality.
  3. In the "Downloads" section, select "Network" and select "Only via Wi-Fi".

Keep track of your carrier's rates and options

Often a person overpays for communication simply because he is sitting on an outdated tariff. Ask what's new with your operator. It's possible you can get more internet for less money.

Samsung's new Android Oreo smartphones (Galaxy S, Galaxy Note, and A phone series) have a new icon that looks like a triangle with arrows inside.

What it looks like on Samsung smartphones

In another way, this function is called "data saving"

The triangle icon with two arrows inside is displayed in line with the battery indicator in the notification bar.


The “triangle with arrows” icon stands for “traffic saving”. When the icon appears on the screen, it indicates that the data saving feature is active.

Most applications require the Internet to be activated and work. When the device is in a Wi-Fi zone, the user does not have to worry about mobile traffic. But as soon as the smartphone leaves the zone free internet, the waste of mobile traffic begins, it continues even when the application is in the background. And the user may not even notice how the limit will be exhausted. Especially in order to save mobile traffic, the saving function was developed.

Traffic saving:

  • significantly reduces the use of mobile data;
  • stretches the term battery life devices;
  • blocks notifications.

How to remove the traffic saving icon

Data saver can be active by default


  1. Click the "Settings" icon.
  2. Go to the "Connection" section (may be called "Connections").
  3. Then to the "Use of data" section.
  4. Click "Data Saver" to disable the feature.

Overall, this is a useful feature that saves money and extends battery life. But if the user is in WiFi zone, there is no need for this option to work.


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