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In the current economic environment, when gasoline prices are becoming prohibitively high for a large circle of people, and the environmental situation in large cities leaves much to be desired, such an alternative fuel as propane-butane is becoming more and more relevant. This gas station business plan will help you create your own idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthis business and start it from scratch. An example will indicate the main subtleties and difficulties when opening.

Rationale for the business plan

It is planned to organize this business in a medium or large city with a population of more than 200 thousand people. At the moment, two filling stations of the federal brand and five filling stations of regional companies operate in the current region. The saturation of the supply market for this type of fuel can be assessed as average. We list the main requirements for potential customers:

  • Fuel quality.
  • Compliance with the cost of fuel market.
  • Convenient location and entrance.
  • Opportunity to work with organizations by bank transfer.

To ensure a stable position in the market, it is necessary, first of all, to install information boards with the price of gas and its name. It will also be quite effective to place outdoor advertising on roads with a large number of passing cars with directions and other information about the new filling station. Working with corporate clients will also be an important part of developing a base of regular customers. Next, consider the risks that may arise in our business plan:

  • Interruptions in the supply of fuel.
  • Low profits or poor demand associated with pricing.
  • Small volumes of sales.

In order to level the first risk, it is necessary to conclude agreements with several suppliers supplying gas to filling stations. To overcome the second difficulty, it is necessary to monitor gas prices from competitors with sufficient frequency and, by analyzing demand and the information received, to pursue an optimal pricing policy. To solve the third problem, it is necessary to carry out promotions to attract new customers, think over a system of discounts for regular customers and conclude contracts with organizations that have cars in their fleet that use liquefied gas as fuel.


In this case, it is planned to attract funds from the investor in the amount of 70%, to use own funds for the remaining 30%.

Since in our case it is planned to work with both individuals and legal entities, LLC is chosen as the form of ownership.

The optimal taxation system in this case is the simplified tax system of 15%, since most of the costs are for the purchase of fuel, wages and electricity.

For the work of the organization, the main OKVED 50.50 "Retail trade in motor fuel" is selected.

To obtain a license and permits in various inspection organizations, as well as to train personnel, it is planned to use the services of a specialized organization, the cost of these services will be 1,000,000 rubles.

Personnel search

For the full-fledged work of the filling station, three operators and three tankers will be required, the work schedule is shifted. Before starting work, employees must be trained and receive supporting documents. You will also need a part-time accountant and a director.

Premises for rent

It is planned to rent an area next to the gas station with convenient access for cars. In this case, the lease of additional office space is not planned. The requirements for a leased piece of land are as follows:

  • Asphalted entrance and the site itself.
  • Three-phase power supply.
  • Possibility of installing a gas storage tank and a pavilion.
  • Possibility of installing an illuminated information board at the entrance.

The total area is 100 sq. m. m.

The average rental price is 20,000 rubles. It is expected to prepay the rent for three months in advance.

To start the operation of the gas filling station, it will be necessary to install the pavilion of the cashier-operator and a container with a distribution column for two sleeves. It will also require equipment commissioning. To perform the above works, it is planned to apply to an organization engaged in the sale and installation of equipment for gas filling stations on a turnkey basis.

In total, at launch, you will need 1,713,000 rubles.

Business promotion

It is planned to promote business in two directions: online and offline.

Offline type of promotion of this business is outdoor advertising.

It is necessary to place banners on the main roads and highways of the city, indicate the driving directions and place information about discounts and special offers. It is also necessary to send commercial offers to organizations that have a fleet of vehicles equipped with LPG.

For online promotion for the B2B sector, it is planned to create a landing page. The following tools are used to promote it: SEO, targeting and contextual advertising.

In total, for the first three months it is planned to spend 150 thousand rubles on advertising. After this period, the monthly costs will be 20 thousand rubles.

Cost calculation

On launch

As originally planned, 70% of the funds are allocated by the investor, and 30% from own funds.


How much does the business bring

The tax base will be:

1,110,000 - 1,041,000 = 69,000 rubles.

Subtract from it the cost of the UST and get: 69,000 - 31,600 \u003d 37,400 rubles.

37,400 x 0.15 = 5,610 rubles will be the monthly tax.

The net profit will thus be:

69,000 - 5,610 = 63,390 rubles per month.

The profitability of the business is:

(63,390 / 1,110,000) x 100 = 5.71%.

This indicator is quite acceptable for this type of business at the first stage. With a competent pricing policy, the acquisition of regular customers, profits will only increase. Methane refueling brings a stable income year-round, seasonality has little effect on demand. In addition, the use of gas as the main motor fuel causes less harm to the environment and, if used correctly, increases the life of the internal combustion engine.

Since the driver is obliged to disembark passengers when refueling with gas, you can equip a quick service cafe. A warm room in the winter and a cool one in the summer will attract people, who in turn will buy coffee and fast food, which will bring additional income to the gas station.

Based on a profit of 63,390 per month, we will calculate the payback period, taking into account the fact that 70% of the profit is received by the investor, the remaining 30% will be used to return their own investments: 3,075,000 x 30% = 922,500. This is an investment of own funds for opening .

Profit: 63,390 x 30% = 19,017 rubles per month.

922,500 / 19,017 = 48.5 months. Full payback comes in a little more than 4 years.

Business Outlook

There are several directions for expanding business: the creation of a network of filling stations in the region, with an increase in the number of filling stations, the attractiveness of the offer increases, since common brands are trusted to a greater extent, and therefore, sales increase at each existing filling station. The second profitable direction is the opening of a cafe for passengers and drivers. The third direction is to open a specialized store selling HBO components and replacement parts.

As an addition to the store, it is possible to carry out diagnostics, repair and maintenance of HBO systems, this does not require a specially equipped box, it will be enough to install a canopy on one of the walls of the store and carry out diagnostics and maintenance under it. Along the way, the demand for gas at filling stations will increase.


Opening a car gas filling station is a stable source of income with minimal risks, subject to all the standards for such organizations. The supply market for liquefied hydrocarbon gas does not have much competition, and at the same time, more and more motorists are switching their cars to this type of fuel, which opens up prospects.

It should be noted that this gas filling station business plan with calculations takes into account the loading of gas filling stations below the average, respectively, with an increase in sales volumes, an earlier payback will come and, accordingly, a greater profit.

A gas filling station as a business requires a lot of money and knowledge. Before starting a business, it is important to do market research and evaluate the chances of success. Many owners of private cars have long switched to gas fuel, and there are more and more people who want to switch to such an economical fuel. Every third car runs on gas, so this business is very profitable and promising.

Selecting a point for gas filling stations

How to open a gas station? Of course, you need to start by choosing a location that guarantees the success of the enterprise. These may include marketplaces, high-traffic intersections, locations along major highways, industrial areas, and residential areas. Find the perfect place for your gas station, and in order not to be mistaken, it is worth contacting local realtors. AGZS should be located at a distance of at least 50 meters from residential buildings.

Supplier search

Find a reliable gas supplier. To do this, you need to compare prices and talk with representatives of all companies in the region. If you have trucks and tanks to transport fuel, you can search for a supplier and enter into agreements yourself.


For the AGZS device, you need to purchase:

  • gas storage tanks (underground or surface);
  • gas distributing installation;
  • computer system with a package of accounting for fuel consumption.

The filling station allows you to safely fill propane and butane cylinders.

Today there are three main methods of refueling with gas:

  • pumping;
  • pumping and evaporation;
  • pumping and compressor.

The pump-evaporative method is the most expensive and most efficient. At the stage of drawing up a business plan, it is necessary to take into account the number of installed pumps.

Gas station registration

Works with oil and gas products are strictly regulated by the state. To simplify the process of obtaining licenses and permits, you can seek the help of a petrochemical specialist or talk to the owners of a similar business. Liquefied gas sales license is mandatory. To register, you need to register an LLC. In addition, you need to obtain a building permit from the city authorities. To do this, experts conduct a study of the site and assess the suitability for the installation of gas filling stations.

How much should you invest in a business?

A lot of money is needed to create a gas station. It is impossible to name a certain amount for starting a business, since the cost may vary depending on the location, size of the station, the number of filling points, the quality of additional services.

To draw up a business plan and understand how much it will cost to open a point, you need to take into account the following costs:

  • the cost of acquiring land for gas filling stations;
  • the cost of installing underground tanks;
  • investment in equipment and facilities;
  • the cost of obtaining permits and licenses;
  • gas supply.


To work at a gas filling station, operators, cashiers and managers are needed. To be successful, it is worth selling gas at a competitive price, creating a loyalty program for regular customers, rewarding employees and being friendly with visitors. Hire promising guys and girls as operators. If at the initial stage of the business it is planned to open one point, you can get by with one operator.

Thinking about how to open a gas station, you need to immediately sketch out a plan for a diner on the territory of the station and understand how much space to allocate for it. This establishment can bring additional income. The cost of a corner with drinks and a small shop can be added to the cost of starting a business. In addition, it is worth allocating a room to a mechanic for the provision of car maintenance services.

The cost of gas fuel is approximately $ 1, at the gas station you need to set the price a few kopecks lower than that of competitors. Salaries for employees can be quite high, because the costs quickly pay off.

Business Profitability

Due to the fact that gas fuel is in high demand, the business will quickly pick up. Therefore, it makes sense to take a short-term loan to purchase equipment. In addition, you can attract investors. According to experts, one gas filling station per month brings up to $20,000 in profit.

Security and advertising

Specialized equipment for gas filling stations avoids emissions and gas leaks. The state of the environment and the safety of personnel health are guaranteed by modern devices and energy saving systems. To ensure the safety of your employees, it is worth installing video cameras.

Having two or three gas filling stations, you can achieve success. After all, no matter how many customers there are, their number is constantly increasing. The increase in traffic congestion on the roads contributes to a steady increase in the number of filling stations. In order to find a place among competitors, each gas filling station owner must quickly respond to price changes in the market, ensure safety and a high level of service. It is worth establishing a gas filling station convenient schedule for customers. Strict bookkeeping and reporting will help you properly plan your business and take into account losses.

Gas filling today is a fairly cost-effective and popular option for your own business. At the same time, it requires serious start-up capital and is unlikely to suit a beginner. So, how to open a gas station, what is required for this, and over what period you can recoup your investment, we will find out further.

How much does it cost to open a gas station

Opening a gas station is practically no different from a normal one. The main difference lies in the purchased equipment, which must be checked by the specialists of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. To open a gas station, first of all, you need to create a business plan. It should take into account all expenses, and add a small margin for unforeseen expenses to the amount received. The following is an example calculation:

  1. . Decide for yourself whether you want to buy or rent a site for a business. Each of the options has its pros and cons. For example, paying monthly rent can be a heavy burden, especially at first. In addition, the owner of the site can demand his property from you at any time, if the lease term has not been agreed in advance. One way or another, the cost of renting is much cheaper than buying, and is about 3 million rubles.
  2. Building . The cost of construction depends on your project and the desired size of the gas station. In addition, the price will be affected by the availability of additional services for customers, for example, a minimarket, tire fitting (see), etc. The average cost of construction fluctuates between 6-8 million rubles.
  3. The documents . One of the most important points, since opening a gas station without proper permits and confirmations is simply impossible. The collection of documents is not only a lengthy, but also an expensive process, which, depending on the region, may require from 500,000 to 1,500,000 rubles.
  4. Equipment and raw materials . The internal arrangement of your organization is carried out almost before the opening. It requires another 3 million rubles.

14 million rubles - that's the average cost to open a gas station. Approximately 1 million rubles can be added to this figure as an amount for additional unforeseen expenses, for example, if the profit received at first is not enough to purchase raw materials or pay rent, etc. In addition, it is important to take into account the salary of staff, which averages 25,000 rubles per person. Thus, if the staff consists of 5 people, this is already 100,000 rubles per month.

We collect the necessary documents

Proper paperwork is the most important thing you need to open your gas station. The collection of documents is a procedure that requires visiting a number of different organizations, collecting additional paperwork and, of course, a lot of time. You can do this yourself or entrust the entire process to specialists in collecting documents, who will do everything for you in a short time for a small amount.

If you still decide to collect on your own, then here are the documents you need to open your own gas station:

  • First you need to register as an entrepreneur. The ideal option is the registration of an individual entrepreneur: it provides a minimum taxation, is issued quickly and on favorable terms. In addition, there is the option of registering a legal entity, i.e. companies. The procedure takes place in the tax service. Here you will also need those corresponding to the type of your activity.
  • One of the important documents is a lease agreement for a refueling site or a document confirming ownership. It will need to be presented in almost all organizations in the future.
    Pay special attention to the fact that the selected site must comply with fire safety standards, which can be found in the relevant authority. Without this, your gas station will be built illegally.
  • Then it is necessary to prepare the project of the gas station itself. First, you work out the details together with the designer, after which you submit the finished work to Rospotrebnadzor. Specialists must give written permission for the construction of the facility. Without this, it is forbidden to proceed to further actions.
  • Also, before you open a gas station, you will need to obtain a number of permits. To do this, we turn to the following authorities: sanitary and epidemiological station, fire and environmental services. Additional permits will need to be obtained if you provide additional services to clients. For example, if a food service or a minimarket is open on the territory of the gas station, a permit to sell products will be required.
  • A special license will be required for the storage of fuel and its sale. This document is issued by the Ministry of Energy.
  • Then, in order to open a gas station, you will need to find a suitable fuel supplier. A fixed-term or open-ended contract is concluded with him, which should always be at your fingertips.

Before the opening of gas stations, presented in your organization, for their compliance with existing standards.

Should I give preference to franchising?

Franchise work is a fairly modern and profitable option for starting a business, which allows a novice businessman to work under a brand that has already made a name for itself. There are also a number of other benefits:

  1. Help in opening from knowledgeable professionals. You will be able to get advice from experienced people on all issues related to starting a business.
  2. There will be no need to create your own business model - you will be provided with a ready-made one.
  3. Getting fuel from a trusted supplier.
  4. The average cost of start-up capital is reduced, if only because you will no longer need additional advertising, finding the right fuel supplier, etc.

The main disadvantage of this method is that you will have to give part of the proceeds (see also) to the company that provided the franchise. Despite this, franchising is considered more profitable than independent work.

Motor transport has firmly entered our lives. The number of cars on Russian roads is increasing every year. As you know, any vehicle needs to be refueled, so the popularity of gas stations is steadily growing. But the constant increase in the cost of gasoline leads to the fact that a significant part of drivers converts cars to gas fuel, which is cheaper and more economical. Today, not every gas station is able to provide its customers with the opportunity to refuel a car with gas, so the question of how to open a gas station is very relevant. Such a business is not only in demand today, but also promising in terms of investment.

No matter how many gas filling stations open now in Russia, they are all provided with permanent work, so you can safely join this business.

Basic documentation required for the operation of a gas filling station

Before that, it is necessary to draw up a business plan, obtain a license, draw up a number of documents, find a site suitable for a gas station, purchase all the necessary equipment, settle the issue with the supply of raw materials and recruit personnel. A business plan is the most important document that allows you to clearly analyze all aspects of organizing and running a business. This plan should contain information about the financial costs for renting or purchasing a territory for refueling, for the purchase of equipment, wages for employees, repayment of loans and other nuances that will affect the success of business. In addition to expenses, the document should display all income, thanks to which one can hope for a quick payback of funds invested in gas filling stations.

To organize a gas filling station, it is necessary to select a land plot and issue a permit for its operation. Such a document is compiled by a commission, which includes representatives of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, SES, traffic police and other control and supervision services. The drawn up act should be submitted to the local administration, which will give the final permission to use the land area under the gas filling station. The gas station should be located close to a busy highway. In this case, you can count on a large number of customers. To conduct a business selling fuel for vehicles, you need to obtain a license to operate explosive equipment and premises, as well as obtain a conclusion on the compliance of the gas station with all safety requirements.

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Purchase of equipment and conclusion of an agreement with a supplier of raw materials

After completing the necessary documentation, you need to start purchasing equipment for the gas station and looking for fuel suppliers. Before choosing equipment, you need to decide what gas will be sold at the gas filling station. There are 2 types of gas fuel, which today fuel vehicles - it's methane and propane. Each of them requires its own special equipment, so it is very important to competently approach the issue of choosing installations for gas filling stations. Russia is dominated by gas stations selling propane. This fuel is the most profitable for motorists, since gas-balloon equipment for it costs much less than methane and it is more often installed in vehicles.

It is necessary to conclude an agreement with the gas company that will provide raw materials for gas stations. Before doing this, you need to discuss all the important issues with a representative of the company and sign an agreement on the most favorable terms for the owner of the station. When signing a document, one should refrain from ambiguous wording of the clauses of the contract and make sure that everything in it is spelled out clearly and understandably. An experienced lawyer can help with the conclusion of an agreement, so a businessman should enlist his support. It is best when the same company is the supplier of equipment and raw materials for the gas station. But today in Russia there are very few such large companies, so you will have to sign agreements on all deliveries with different legal entities.

Many are interested in the question of how much it costs to open a gas station? Its construction in a large city will cost the entrepreneur 10-30 million rubles. In a small town, you will need about 2 million rubles. Given the demand for gas stations, the monthly profit from them can reach 1 million rubles. With a successful business, the full return on investment comes in 3-4 years.

But every car requires refueling, so in this article we will talk about gas refueling as a business.

Before you open your own business, you need to draw up a detailed business plan for gas refueling. Determine the profitability of the idea, the approximate amount of investments, the payback period and the profit from the business.

Advantages of gas refueling

Price. It's no secret that today gasoline is quite expensive, gas is much cheaper and more economical. Therefore, today many people buy cars converted to this fuel. Prices for such cars are slightly higher, but the fuel savings are significant. Every year the number of cars refueling with gas will grow, so the prospect of opening a gas station is quite large.

Refueling construction. Building and equipping a gas station is much cheaper than a regular gas station. This is also a significant plus, especially for beginners who have limited capital.

Opening your own gas station is a costly business, but worth it, this is a great option for investing free money for large entrepreneurs.

How to open a gas station? Where to start a business?

First, you need to register your activity. It is illegal to start work without filling out all the documents.

Business registration

Before you open a gas station, you need to obtain a license for activities, draw up a package of documents, find a place to build a gas station.

  • First of all, register as a sole trader or limited liability company (legal entity).
  • Get OKVED codes;
  • Prepare a draft filling complex and coordinate it with Rospotrebnadzor.
  • Obtain permits for activities from SES, environmental, fire services;
  • Obtain a license for the storage and sale of fuel from the Ministry of Energy;
  • Conclude contracts for the supply of fuel;
  • Carry out workplace assessments.

Construction of a gas station

First of all, you need to choose a suitable land plot and rent it. Consider such a nuance as the favorable location of the future gas station. It is best to open a gas station on a road with active traffic. Also, it is important that there is a gas station or a tire shop nearby. By the way, we recommend reading in our country.


The most expensive part of the idea of ​​opening a gas station is the purchase of equipment. You can take out a loan or purchase equipment on lease. To refuel gas cylinders, you will need at least one gas dispensing station. The station will be refueled by tanks filled with liquefied gas.

Buy only high-quality equipment, safety depends on it, so saving is inappropriate.

Fuel supply

If you purchased the equipment, the next stage is the conclusion of contracts for the supply of fuel.

There are two main types of gas: methane and propane.

Propane is a liquid gas. It is transported by gas tank trucks. After that, it enters the tanks of an automobile gas filling station, and then, respectively, into the tanks of cars.

Methane is a natural gas that is used to heat homes and cook food. It is used at an automobile gas-filling compressor station, by transportation through a gas pipeline network.

When refueling cars, gas (methane) is compressed under pressure and fills the tank of the vehicle.

The price of methane is much lower than propane gas, but methane fueling equipment is much more expensive. Therefore, you choose. Having decided, it will be necessary to conclude contracts for the supply of fuel for gas filling stations. Choose the most profitable suppliers who offer good quality fuel and the best prices. Do not rush, weigh everything carefully before signing the contract. It is best to entrust this matter to knowledgeable, experienced lawyers.


To serve customers, gas filling stations need to hire staff. Gas stations are open around the clock, so you need to organize work in shifts. To do this, you need to hire at least 4 refuellers, 2 cashiers, as well as an administrative and technical employee who will monitor the condition of the equipment and be responsible for security.

Profit and business payback periods

Most people wonder how much it costs to open a gas station. No one will give you an exact answer, everything will depend on many nuances, such as land lease, construction of the filling station itself, purchase of equipment and fuel. The average amount of investment in a business is about 10-30 million rubles. With successful work, the costs will pay off no earlier than in 3-5 years.

It is not easy to find funds to open a filling station on your own, but you can use the help of investors or take a long-term loan.

Business profit

There is certainly a benefit in opening an automobile gas station. This business is promising, although quite costly at the initial stage. It is suitable, most likely, for successful businessmen who want to profitably invest the available funds.

I hope these tips will help you start your business. Good luck!


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