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Search Priority

Priority placement will raise the organization in search results on Maps. According to our data, the first ten positions in the list receive 86% of clicks.

green label

Grabs the attention of Maps users, makes your organization stand out from the rest, and helps customers find you.

extended card

Convince the user to choose you: add a logo, a showcase with goods and services, information about discounts or an action button to the organization card.

Accommodation cost

from 1 730 rub/month*
* The minimum duration of placement is 3 months.

    "Priority Placement in Yandex.Directory"/Services means a Yandex service related to displaying the Customer's Organization Card in a higher position in relation to other organization cards, as well as placing the Customer's Advertisement in the Customer's Organization Card (if applicable).

    Organization Card - a block on the Yandex.Maps Service containing information about an organization, including: organization name, address, website and social networks, opening hours, type of activity and other information. At the same time, the Card of the Customer's organization means the Card of the organization in respect of which the Customer purchases the Service.

    Advertising means advertising materials of the Customer, which can be placed in the Organization Card and are aimed at drawing attention to the goods (including works, services, results of intellectual activity, events, means of individualization of the organization and (or) goods, works, services) of the organization, in relation to which the Services are purchased, including:

    • organization logo (png format image, no less than 244×272 pixels, no more than 150 KB),
    • image in the header of the Organization Card (png format, no less than 420 × 272 pixels, no more than 500 KB),
    • information about the promotion (announcement - up to 70 characters, promotion graphic banner - png image, no less than 600 × 320 pixels, no more than 500 KB, description of the promotion - up to 200 characters, disclaimer - up to 200 characters),
    • block with additional text information (up to 700 characters),
    • up to 10 offers of goods/services (name of goods/services, image of goods/services (png format image, no less than 240×240 pixels, no more than 150 KB each), prices of goods/services) in a scrolling feed.
  1. The minimum and maximum terms of the Service for one Organization Card with reference to one point of the terrain (organization card) are set as follows:

    • The minimum term is 90 days;
    • The maximum term is 360 days.

    The service can be purchased for any period from 90 to 360 days, with an interval of 30 days.

  2. Service cost:

    3.1. for one Organization Card is calculated by the formula:

    C=B*M_g*M_r*P*D, where

    • B (basic) — base cost per month;
    • M_g (multiplier_geo) - multiplier from Table 1 depending on the location of the organization;
    • M_r (multiplier_rubric) - multiplier from Table 2.1, determined depending on the rubric of the organization in accordance with Table 2. Table 2 and Table 2.1. Rubrics are published on the site: , which is an integral part of these Terms. If an organization has several headings, then the maximum multiplier from the headings of the organization is used in the calculation;
    • P (period) — planned placement period (in months);
    • D (discount) - discount provided in accordance with Table 3.

    B = 4320 rub. (including VAT 20%)

    Table 1

    City Factor
    Moscow 2,5
    St. Petersburg 2
    Moscow region 1,5
    Leningrad region 1,5
    Volgograd 1,5
    Voronezh 1,5
    Yekaterinburg 1,5
    Kazan 1,5
    Krasnodar 1,5
    Krasnoyarsk 1,5
    Nizhny Novgorod 1,5
    Novosibirsk 1,5
    Permian 1,5
    Rostov-on-Don 1,5
    Samara 1,5
    Saratov 1,5
    Sochi 1,5
    Ufa 1,5
    Chelyabinsk 1,5
    Yaroslavl 1,5
    Barnaul 1
    Vladivostok 1
    Izhevsk 1
    Irkutsk 1
    Kirov 1
    Lipetsk 1
    Omsk 1
    Penza 1
    Ryazan 1
    Sevastopol 1
    Tver 1
    Tula 1
    Tyumen 1
    Khabarovsk 1
    Other cities of the Russian Federation 0,8

    Table 3

    3.2. For Cards of organizations recognized as related, it is calculated by the formula:

    C_ch (Cost chain) = C(1)* (1 / 1^ q) + C(2)* (1 / 2^ q) + … C(N)*(1 / N^ q), where

    C_(1), C_(2), … , C_(n) is the cost of the Service for one Organization Card recognized as related, calculated according to the formula specified in clause 3.1. The values ​​obtained for each of the organization's cards recognized as related are sorted in descending order, where С_(1) — maximum cost and C_(N) is the minimum cost;

    1/n^q is the branch multiplier determined in accordance with Table 4; n is the serial number assigned to the Organization Card after sorting in descending order of value. When calculating the total cost of the network, only branches with n less than or equal to 1000 are taken into account. For branches with n=1001 or more, the multiplier is considered equal to 0.

    q(discount_coef) = 0.34

    Table 4

    Ordinal number (n) Multiplier 1/n^q
    1 1,00
    2 0,79
    3 0,69
    4 0,62
    5 0,58
    6 0,54
    7 0,52
    8 0,49
    9 0,47
    10 0,46
    50 0,26
    100 0,21

Yandex maps is an excellent and free source of commercial traffic. I think few people know about this, judging by how little these cards are downloaded with links to promoted sites. But such links still exist. Not to say that I got tons of traffic from this source, but still, the stream of visitors that I managed to get from Yandex Maps was really high quality. Today, the policy of this service has become much tougher, and there are no longer such opportunities as before to poke your links anywhere, especially in highly competitive topics, but there is still a freebie here. This will be discussed today.

I do not pretend to be unique, because today, wherever you spit, our Russian Robinson Crusoe has already been everywhere, and yet, I think, for the general development, and for many who are not lazy, it will be the very thing.

Video - what is Yandex maps

How sites are ranked in Yandex maps

In order to work correctly with Yandex maps and get some traffic from them, you first need to dig deeper, figure out how sites are ranked in the results of this service.

To make it clear, I'll give an example. We go to Yandex maps, enter some kind of query (for example, I entered the query "forex"), we get the results

That is, the issuance is also built here according to a certain principle, and not from the bulldozer. Question: on what basis is the issuance built here?

As you read the previous sentence, you probably thought that I would list these principles below. But let's be realistic. If I, or one of you, knew all these principles by which the issuance is built, we could easily manipulate it. And a person is a greedy creature, so sooner or later the information would leak into the inside, and the issue would be filled with left-wing sites. Even in, IMHO, there is only a small group of people who know for certain what principle the search engine number 1 in Runet is based on. Therefore, I don’t know all the principles for constructing search results in Yandex maps, but based on my own observations, as well as the observations of other people, I can present my assumptions. So, here is my opinion on how the issue is built in Yandex.maps

1. First of all, the first places for certain requests are given to organizations that are listed in Yandex.Directory as a priority. In short, speaking in Russian, in the first places will be those who got into the Yandex Directory on a paid basis. How much does it cost today, see for yourself

Doesn't look very inspiring. Unfastening $500 for three months in the directory is not an option. On a paid basis, any fool can join. Everyone is interested in freebies. So just take note of this information, and move on.

Why do I think that the first places in the search results are occupied, first of all, by those who are ranked first in the Yandex Directory? See for yourself

See the above screenshot for the query "finance"?

Now pay attention to the yellow and white circles on the map and in the results. In the SERPs for this keyword, companies with yellow circles (they are all marked with the number 1) have an overwhelming advantage. They occupy all the first places in the issue. And only starting from the 19th place in the issue (there is the BCS company), the companies added as standard, that is, free of charge, begin. All of them are marked with the number 2. Therefore, I dare to assume that one of the foundations on which the issuance in Yandex Maps is based is precisely the companies added for a fee.

2. Ranking depending on the scale of the map. In other words, the output is built from the center of the map. See for yourself how this happens. We take the same request “finance”, and look at the output when the map scale is set to the whole city. In this case, it is Moscow. Issuance next

In this case, pay attention to the results of text output. That is, on the left. I highlighted the text output results in a frame. You see, Teletrade comes first, Meridian comes second, and so on. The scale of the map is set so that the whole of Moscow is covered.

Now let's zoom in

See. I zoomed in, and now we have a close-up of a section of the area in the Moscow Ring Road area. Notice how the text output has changed (on the left). MoneyGram is already in the first place in the search results for the same query “finance”, and starting from the fourth place are ordinary mortals, that is, those who were added to the Directory for free.

All this suggests that the issuance of search queries in Yandex maps is built from the center of the map. This is clearly seen in the screenshot below, which displays the results for all of Moscow. You see, there are markers (on the map) in the center of the city, and all the rest are just small blue circles. Although, for example, in other places of Moscow, far from the center, there are also companies that have been added for a fee, but when you search on the scale of the whole of Moscow, on the map, close-up marks are visible only for those located in the city center

That is, the theory that the issuance in Yandex Maps is built from the center of the map is confirmed. Why do we need to know this and how it will help in getting traffic from Yandex maps, I will tell below.

3. And one more significant and very important point, which affects the issuance in Yandex maps, is the geographic location of the user. If a person is authorized in Yandex, and a region is set for him, then, of course, the issue will be generated based on his geographical location. Therefore, if you have a region set in Yandex - Moscow, then the results of issuance in Yandex maps will be generated for Moscow. If you set any other city, then the issue in Yandex maps for it will be generated according to paragraphs 1 and 2 described by me above.

Here are three whales on which the issuance in Yandex maps is based. It is clear that there can be thousands and thousands of factors influencing the issuance, but if you don’t be too smart, it turns out something like this. Therefore, armed with this knowledge, we move on to the next stage - studying the principle of extracting traffic from the Yandex Maps service.

How to get traffic from Yandex maps?

Now we already know the whole background, and most importantly, how sites are ranked in the results of Yandex maps. Therefore, without further ado, I get down to business - how to get traffic from Yandex maps?

You can verify that there is traffic in this service by looking at the statistics of Yandex itself.

So, the essence of our method is to add your tags to Yandex maps, and write the address of your site in these tags. What these labels look like, you have already seen above. In our case, the point is only to add these tags as close as possible to the most visible tags (sites).

If we have an auto-related website that focuses on customers from Moscow, then our task will be to get people who are interested in the topic of cars and who live in Moscow. But before you poke your links where you don’t get, you need to see how popular this or that topic is in the Yandex Maps service. That is, if we need traffic for the keywords “auto”, “auto repair”, “auto tuning”, then first we need to look to see if someone is looking for Yandex maps with such keywords. Maybe there is no traffic on this topic. Therefore, in order to approximately estimate the volume of traffic for the given keywords, we go to the service (see), then go to the "On the map" tab, enter the query we are interested in, select the region we need on the map, and look at the statistics.

And we see that in the Moscow region this is more or less even, so we have a reason to rock the boat. For comparison, let's take the statistics for the same request only for the Pskov region

The popularity of this request (“car repair”), expressed as a percentage, is much higher here than in Moscow, but the traffic here is much less than in Moscow. Therefore, it is strategically more profitable to try to get something from the Moscow region and other regions where there is more or less enough traffic for the request we are interested in.

How it works?

Everything is simple. A person is looking for where to repair a car in Moscow, enters the query “car repair” on Yandex maps, and he is shown the results in the form of text output and labels on the map containing a link to sites.

What is being done?

The task is to add a label to the map as close as possible to the leader, which is located at number 1 in the search results. That is, you can slap your mark as close to the leader as possible, either in the same building or nearby.

Video: tags and personal Yandex.Maps

What will happen?

As a result, when people search on Yandex maps for a specific company or address, or by keyword, they will see our label near the SERP leader. Due to this approach, you can get impressions of our site, and, accordingly, free, high-quality and geo-targeted traffic. And most importantly - in the commercial theme.

It is clear that Yandex maps is not an ordinary search, and there is less traffic here, but if you add your marks in many cities, then due to the quantity you can get at least some traffic. And this traffic will be really targeted.

When I wrote this article, I wanted to see how much traffic they get from large sites that occupy first places in the search results of Yandex maps. I wandered around the LiveInternet rating, and looked at which of those who are represented on Yandex maps have open LI statistics. But unfortunately, most of the large sites presented in Yandex maps have LI statistics closed, so I was not able to present any specific numbers here. True, if one of my readers has a desire to go a little furious, then unsubscribe later on the results.

We work with precision

Be sure to know what keywords and how much traffic they have is impossible, so the advice is to pay attention to search suggestions in Yandex maps. They work on the same principle as regular search suggestions in

Given the fact that when adding an address and organization, they all go through pre-moderation, it is unlikely that you will be able to add your site several times in the same city. I'm talking about the free add-on. Therefore, as an option, create subdomains, or simply, if you have a lot of them, and from them put a redirect to the main domain, to which we merge traffic.

In principle, the topic has already been chewed enough. It remains to be said about the pros and cons of this method.


    Traffic is free

    Traffic precisely targeted

Which simply could not interest me. This article provides an example of how Yandex understands the semantic component of reviews left on the Yandex City service, and now more than a year has passed, I think it's time to talk about this in more detail!

What has changed on Yandex Maps

It is pleasant to note that Yandex continues to change, and not only its pleasant visual part is changing, but also the functionality, productivity and usefulness for service users are improving.

I hope that this process will not stop, and Yandex will be able to seriously compete with such services as 2Gis, which, for example, is integrated with search

Judging by the changes that have been taking place throughout the year, Yandex plans to completely and completely transfer information about companies from "maps" to the "city" service, which in turn should become a kind of universal tool for obtaining objective information about companies through user ratings.

And it is on the assessments of the reviews that we should dwell in more detail!

Yandex developers announced an algorithm a year ago, the criteria for which should be not only numbers, but also the semantic content of reviews.

It is not objectively known how many factors and what criteria the City uses to calculate a company's rating. It is reliably known that Yandex calculates the overall rating of organizations and a separate rating of certain criteria.

For example, for cafes and restaurants, special properties (hereinafter parameters) are:

  • Kitchen
  • Service
  • Drinks and bar
  • Interior

For hotels:

  • Accommodation
  • Service
  • Food
  • Location

For cinemas:

  • Movie selection
  • Price-quality ratio

Rating calculation for companies in the Yandex City service

When choosing a site for placement, be extremely careful! Errors inside the sites of Yandex partners can lead to the fact that even the highest quality and positive feedback will turn out to be negative in the eyes of the algorithms.

So the BirMania restaurant earned a low reputation for itself due to the fact that the reviews left on the Giport website (Yandex partner) do not have a rating in the form of micromarking, the authors simply did not rate the company, writing positive reviews, which Yandex considered negative.

I was not able to calculate the points that a company receives in a rating with no markup ratings. In some cases, the value was a little more than three, in others two, in less than one. And this is what leads to the idea that when calculating the rating, algorithms use Additional information from the semantic component.

Analysis of the semantic component

Algorithms that understand and evaluate the meanings of phrases and phrases are complex and intelligent analyzers based on a fairly simple principle.

The algorithm parses the response text into offers, each of which highlights semantic parameter and its characteristics, which in turn are assigned certain evaluation values.

In this case, the global parameter is the place — cafe, additional parameters — cuisine, service, drinks and bar, interior, which in turn have their own rating based on microdata and sematic content ratings.

So the parameter "kitchen" is characterized by the words: kitchen, menu, menu components and the name of the dishes. Characteristics of the word: fine cuisine, delicious dinner, liked the rolls and so on.
Service parameter: price, waiter, service, staff. Characteristics: friendly, attentive, polite, moderate (prices)…

It is not difficult to guess that the words: excellent, excellent and tasty receive the maximum values ​​of the ratings, the antonyms of these words are the maximum negative.

In fact, a structured positive cafe review should look like this:

Great place with wonderful cuisine, inexpensive prices and always attentive and polite waiters.

Unfortunately, such a complex evaluation of semantic content fully works only in reviews of restaurants, cafes and hotels. The rest of the topics, as practice shows, are evaluated according to a simplified version, where the main part of the assessment is the “star rating”, and some reviews generally raise doubts about the performance of the algorithms:

In general, the work done by Yandex is pleasantly pleasing, because now there are much fewer opportunities for posting spam and fake reviews, and there is more objectivity in ratings. This means that everyone who is looking for something on Yandex maps and in the City service will find a worthy company with excellent service, quality goods and democratic prices. Confident and firm 5+ developers, and high expectations for the development of the service.

P.S. For fans of manipulations with algorithms: this rating has nothing to do with the main search, does not affect the ranking and does not convey the reputation of the company to the site, as a result, cheating reviews in the area I described above will not give any results.


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