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Reading 8 min. Views 934 Published on 28.08.2016

Since time immemorial, women have sought to adorn themselves with different, sometimes very in original ways, and mehndi is one of them.

Mehndi is the art of painting the body with henna, which came to us from antiquity.. Polysyllabic patterns can be applied to different parts of the body and be very different. Flowers, dots, curls, waves, images of animals and other elements add up to an intricate pattern that can decorate women's arms, legs, shoulders and other parts of the body.

The advantage of mehndi painting is that, unlike a tattoo, it is a temporary decoration. . Keeps on the skin from 2 to 4 weeks and does not cause any harm to health.

Mendy on the hands is the most common version of such a painting. Most often, women with similar patterns on their bodies can be found in India, Malaysia, Arab countries, North Africa, and Indonesia. But, oddly enough, in Europe and North America mehndi is gradually elevated to the rank of a stylish accessory.

Some Hollywood stars appear in public with original drawings on their bodies, wanting to emphasize their individuality and unusual taste. For some, this causes admiration, and for others, bewilderment. But the fact that these skillful patterns catch the eye is beyond doubt.

What is mehndi? Is it just an unusual decoration, or a painting that carries a certain deep message? Let's deal with this together and be sure to look at the mehndi pictures presented in the photo gallery.

History of the origin of mehndi

Mehndi is amazing and mysterious. The origin of henna drawings of incredible beauty is surrounded by mystery. Where, when and by whom it was invented to make paintings on the body is unknown. There are several opinions about this.

Some scientists believe that the art of mehndi originated in India and from there spread to other Asian countries. Their opponents claim that this art entered India only in the 12th century. But there are also historical facts confirming that even in ancient Egypt, about 5 thousand years ago, ladies from the upper social classes decorated their bodies and nails with elegant drawings. Perhaps this theory seems to be the most reliable.

AT Central Asia and in the East, men have achieved the greatest skill in this matter. They made paint from henna, with which they painted nails, skin, and also dyed their hair. At the same time, the patterns could be incredibly complex.

It was not for nothing that at first only rich people could afford henna drawings. Henna, mixed with aromatic oils, was a very valuable substance that was available only to those who held a high position in society.. But over time, the situation is changing in favor of even the poorest, and henna paste has ceased to be a scarce remedy. Men in ancient Egypt decorated their temples with images of hoopoes, and women painted designs on their faces.

If in Central Asia and India they preferred natural henna without impurities, then in North Africa they often added, for example, soot or charcoal so that the coloring mixture becomes darker (and sometimes rich black).

The inhabitants of India, especially the women of Rajasthan, have achieved special skill in the technique of decorating the skin and nails.. They so skillfully painted the body with complex patterns that it was hard to imagine that someone could do it even more skillfully. In India, this art, in addition to mehndi, has other names: cofer, camphor. By the way, the very word "Mehndi" from Hindi means "henna".

15 top options for the upcoming spring-summer season 2016

Henna is the most famous and traditional tattoo substitute for those who like to decorate their body for a while and depending on their mood.

Temporary jewelry on the hands looks very impressive and attractive.

Henna tattoos, also called biotattoo, they are, in the Indian manner, mehndy (mehndy)

Applied with henna, emphasize the elegance of the back in an open dress

Temporary henna tattoos became popular a few years ago, along with ethnic motifs, yoga and oriental dances.

Henna drawings on the body clearly express the mood of their mistress

Habitual for the countries of the Middle East, North Africa, India and Pakistan, henna drawings on the hands and feet are made extremely rarely and only for thematic photo shoots.

Henna ornaments are different and it all depends on your imagination, experience and skill.

Then, as small ornaments on the back, stomach and wrists are always relevant.

The decor applied with henna on the body, especially in the abdomen, looks very sexy.

Henna painting on the neck looks no less seductive than on other parts of the body.

Drawings on the body with henna - are they harmful to the skin?

Unlike ordinary tattoos, which injure the skin and leave traces for the rest of their lives, a temporary henna tattoo lasts from 5 to 14 days, leaves no marks, and makes the skin softer.

Special tools are needed to apply mehendi

Henna is the crushed leaves of the lavson shrub, the lower leaves of which are used for hair coloring, and the upper ones for drawings on the body. be careful, and before applying the ornament, check the reaction of the skin to an allergy to this material.

Biotattooing is applied both on the outside of the hand and on the inside.

How to make mehendi paste at home?

Do not be upset if the paste does not work the first time. Experience is required to get the right consistency

The Internet is full of information on how to prepare henna for temporary tattoos yourself. We have chosen an easy-to-perform video master class “How to cook mehendi pasta” and invite you to watch this video lesson.

Take Your Time When Preparing Painting Paste

The color of mehendi varies from orange to brown and depends on where exactly the paste will be applied. As a result, brighter, they are obtained on the hands and feet, where the skin is more dense and dry.

Important. After applying the paste, to keep the pattern bright and clear, limit contact with water for up to 24 hours.

Making a henna tattoo yourself at home

There is so much going on when you are trying to design a drawing for the first time.

On the hands, mehendi looks brighter than on other parts of the body.

Henna tattoos can be done in different ways, depending on the mood and the event you are going to.

It's like trying to learn how to drive a car: gas pedal, brake pedal, traffic lights, warning signs, other cars and people showing up at the most inopportune moments and you have to be on your guard all the time.

Video. Master class from a mehendi specialist

The same can be said about biotattoo. When you are trying to create a drawing for the first time, you should know a few important things:

  • what pressure should be applied,
  • what style will the tattoo be,
  • what to do if the lines are thicker or thinner than necessary,
  • what if you don't get rounded lines, or straight lines are crooked,
  • how to make a drawing with dots and wavy lines so that they are uniform

Mehendi is a complex and very painstaking work that is not so easy for a beginner to handle.

It is very easy to get bogged down in numerous issues, while forgetting about other important points.

Choose your favorite temporary tattoo design

As a result, the ornament is easily transferred to the skin.

After drawing the drawing, it remains only to circle it with paste

The result is a beautiful mehendi

Stencils for drawing henna on the body have only one drawback - limited creativity, because. they are already a completely finished tattoo design. But, they are so good that you can always make your own stencil on your own, which you will transfer to the skin from paper.

If you can’t think of anything, you can find many interesting design options for temporary tattoos on the Internet.

Modern fashion is changeable and unpredictable, but ethnic jewelry continues to occupy a leading position in the top fashion trends. Graceful patterns on the skin, bred hand of a skilled craftsman, successfully replace most jewelry. You can find many variants of the name of this exotic art, it is called bio tattoo, but most often it sounds like mehendi or mehndi. But not Hindi - do not confuse. Hindi is one of the languages ​​spoken by the population of India, and mehendi is a traditional Indian dot painting, which has long lost its mystical meaning in the modern fashion of European countries. But that doesn't make it any less popular. At the peak of fashion now are henna inscriptions on the wrist on English language. Due to the temporary nature of the bio-tattoo, it can be applied to both the mother and her beloved girl - a mehendi in the form of a bracelet on the wrist will serve as a beautiful image for the daughter.

Used for Indian painting natural plant pigment. It can be light brown, black and even red. Oriental women firmly believe that painting with white henna for mehendi (as well as red), used for painting legs, increases the interest of the beloved man and causes love. A similar service can be found in many European beauty studios, and this is not surprising. Indeed, in combination with thematic nail art, henna painting on the hands looks incredibly beautiful! However, for such beauty it is not at all necessary to go to a beauty salon, henna painting on the body can be done at home too.

To properly apply mehendi - read carefully helpful tips for beginners. Henna designs are a temporary decoration popular not only in India. With the right application of mehndi lasts about two weeks. If you are a beginner and for the first time trying to create an Indian pattern with your own hands, choose those parts of the body that, in case of failure, can be easily hidden under clothes. For example: abdomen, ankles or forearm.

Before painting on the skin you need to go through a series of preparatory work:

  • protect furniture and clothing from accidental contact with paint. Pigmented henna rubs off skin but not clothes. So be careful;
  • The skin must be carefully prepared before the procedure. To do this, the desired area is scrubbed and degreased;
  • Indian henna colors not only the body, but also the hairs. Therefore, be sure to remove them before the procedure;
  • in order not to be mistaken in proportions, choose a ready-made dye in a tube. Traditional powder breeding recipe henna does not cause difficulties, but for a beginner, a ready-made composition is more suitable;
  • the color of the finished pattern depends on many factors: the time of interaction of the skin with the paint, the density of the skin, the state of health, the phase of the cycle.
  • uneven lines must be removed from the skin as soon as possible with cotton pads soaked in alcohol;
  • those who do the work for the first time are recommended to use ready-made stencils with a pattern. If they are not there, you can pre-draw a pattern on the skin with a cosmetic pencil;
  • make sure that the finished mehendi comes into contact with water as little as possible.

On the first day after applying the pattern, the drawing takes on an orange tint. After another two days, the ornament begins to darken, acquiring a brown tint. Within two weeks, the pattern completely disappears from the surface of the skin.

Let's get to work:

  1. before painting, the skin is lubricated with oil;
  2. then with a syringe, brush or orange sticks on the body is applied pattern. It is necessary to apply paint in a thick layer with a height of at least 2 mm. The saturation of the pattern and the clarity of the lines depend on this;
  3. after applying the ornament paste must dry completely. Average drying time 2-3 hours. The ideal time to get a rich shade is 5-6 hours. You can increase the wear time of the pattern by combining natural drying with the interaction of sunlight;
  4. to remove paint residue, use a cotton pad, dipped in lemon juice;
  5. after completion of the work, the body is lubricated with nourishing oil to give the pattern brightness and brilliance.

Gallery: henna painting on the body (25 photos)

Stencils for mehendi

You can often find craftsmen working with stencils. As a rule, these people work among a large flow of people, and the condition for such a trick can save a lot of time. Such stencils are also suitable for beginners who are unsure of the hardness of their hand. The trick will help you get what you want the first time image without curves and other troubles.

To make stencils for Indian mehendi, we need:

  • printed drawing;
  • stationery knife;
  • scissors.

Let's get to work:

  1. the selected pattern must be printed on thin paper. Dense sheets leave gaps into which paint will flow. Cut out the drawing, leaving about 1 cm indents around the sketch;
  2. then, using a clerical knife, cut out the sketch itself. If the blade is dull, break off the damaged part. A dull blade tears paper, so do not be stingy and boldly break off;
  3. stencil for mehendi is ready!

If you want to extend the life of the stencil, cover the surface of the pattern with nail polish. This little trick increases the life of the stencil to three or four uses at home. After each drawing, thoroughly clean your product with an alcohol pad or cotton pad.

Mehendi on the hands

Hand painting is considered more feminine than male decoration. In modern society, traditional mehendi on the hands can only be found among Hindus, and even then not always. In European countries, mehendi is an exclusively female prerogative.

The most popular places for drawing Indian drawings are hands. Symbols can be applied without delving into the meaning of the sketch. Such an image will only have an aesthetic function, but you can also create a kind of amulet:

  • mehendi in the form of a bracelet encircling the hand, or issuing a monogram on the middle finger, is made by girls who are in search of love. Such an image will bring good luck to its owner;
  • lotus is applied before important events or during a difficult period of life. It will bring its owner good luck in all areas of life;
  • dream catcher is a symbol of non-Indian origin. But this drawing is very popular. The drawing and the real amulet have approximately the same function. Mehendi dream catcher will protect its owner from evil forces;
  • the owl is also a non-Indian symbol. But these charming creatures have conquered many human hearts, so mehendi with the image of an owl is now at the peak of popularity. Such a sketch will enhance the mental qualities of its owner, because the owl is a symbol of wisdom.

Mehendi on legs

Mehendi foot painting is incredible an exciting activity, because this part of the body gives more space for imagination than the hands. In addition, the images on the legs, according to Indian traditions, carry a huge sacred meaning. Images can define a person's desires, character traits, or life values. Therefore, the choice of a pattern for the image on the leg can turn into an amusing trip inside yourself.

When choosing a drawing, it should be remembered that in the art of painting on the body, not only the image is important, but also its location:

  • right leg - mehndi identify strong-willed people who know about their purpose in life. Such people are confidently moving towards the realization of their dreams. They know what they need and how to get it;
  • left leg - reveals a person who is in search of himself. The subconscious desire to make a sacred image on the left leg suggests that for a person it is not so much the result that is important as the path itself;
  • right foot - says that its wearer is selfish, vindictive and dissatisfied with his surroundings;
  • left foot - indicates that the owner of the drawing is in dire need of the support of loved ones and yearns for love. Such people are either unhappy in love or are in search of it.

Now consider the meanings of the most popular patterns for mehendi on the legs:

  • bracelets around the leg can be very diverse: thin, wide, covering the fingers or wrapping around the ankles. Such an image denotes a person who has met his love;
  • feathers are a symbol of wisdom, patience and cheerfulness. Such a pattern is chosen by bright personalities who are able to enjoy every new day;
  • lotus is a female flower. It symbolizes femininity and wisdom;
  • garter - the choice of brave girls. The fair sex, choosing mehendi in the form of a garter, is not shy about their sexuality. They are bright, uninhibited and always ready for adventure.

Henna painting on the body

In India, traditional mehndi is applied only to exposed areas of the body. However, European culture gives more freedom, therefore, in European countries, the fair sex can decorate with patterns not only their arms and legs, but the whole body.

Mehendi on the hips, stomach and back are very popular among European women. The patterns in these places are often openwork and occupy a large area. Drawing mehndi on the body is not an easy task and only experienced craftsmen can do it. Large drawings do not give room for error and are replete with small details. Therefore, when choosing a master to create such jewelry on your body, do not be stingy, because your appearance depends on how confidently the specialist holds the brush.

On the body, you can paint not only with henna, but also with natural paints. The art of painting on the body has formed into a whole direction - body art. Such drawings have nothing to do with mehendi and do not last long. But if an incendiary party awaits you, this is a great option.

How to choose henna

When choosing henna for painting, be careful. Natural henna is only brown. Black and red contains dyes. Before you start painting, test the dye on a small area of ​​the skin. If during the day you do not notice itching, redness or pain around the paint stain, you can safely get to work.

The best option for body painting is henna powder. It is more resistant, and the dye prepared by yourself will definitely not do you any harm. Of course, if you do not add chemical components to it.

After applying the pattern and its complete drying, lubricate the pattern only with natural oils. Olive or almond is best. If you want to prepare a mixture, test the skin reaction to each oil before use. Fragrant oils should only be used in combination with base oils.

Mehendi is an amazing art that has come to us from time immemorial. The first patterns on the body can be traced back to the time of the Egyptian pharaohs. Women of those times used henna not only to create patterns, but also to color their nails and hair. Henna drew arrows on the eyes and even treated some diseases. In the modern world, mehndi has an exclusively aesthetic function, but if you really liked this unique art, enjoy all the delights of magical henna.

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The captivating beauty of mehendi has long ceased to be just an oriental exotic for us. And, as soon as the winter wardrobe is replaced by the spring one, this elegant natural painting appears on the well-groomed bodies of the girls, touched by the tanning of the solarium. Today we will tell you what mehendi drawings are, what types of this beautiful body art are and how to create it yourself. We will also show you how to make your wedding look especially memorable!

What is mehendi? Types of biotatu, the pros and cons of temporary henna patterns

Mehendi or as it is also called “mehndi” is an oriental art of decorating the body with natural henna. Mehndi means henna in Hindi. The original homeland of painting on the body has not been reliably established (some historians call Egypt, others - India). Over the centuries, the technology of mehendi (also known as camphor or cofer) has come down to our days almost unchanged. Unlike classic tattoos that have become widespread in Europe, the people of the East preferred a way of decorating their bodies that does not harm health and does not damage the skin.

And now this cultural tradition has many fans around the world. For some girls, mehendi is just an opportunity to express themselves, paying tribute to fashion. Others see a deep meaning in the incredible beauty of henna patterns, considering them not only a fantastically expressive decoration, but also a powerful protective amulet. There are 4 varieties (styles) of mehndi - Arabic and Asian, Indian and North African (Moroccan):

  • For Moroccan mehendi is characterized by geometry (strict lines) and floral motifs. Often, henna is wrapped around the entire palms or feet due to its antiseptic properties, which are in demand in hot climates;
  • Arabic mehendi style is a floral theme. Most often there is a pattern in the form of a beautiful chaos of small flowers, combined into a single plot;
  • Indian a variety of henna jewelry is a great variety of symbols and plots that correspond to the theme of a particular ritual or holiday (animal images, geometry and floristry). This country is characterized by openwork painting with the effect of socks or gloves, when the pattern almost completely hides the surface of the skin;
  • Asian mehndi is very close in style to Indian. It differs in that it completely paints over the tips and pads of the fingers, the sides of the palms and feet.

The love for mehendi among women and men around the world is due to a number of significant advantages, thanks to which this art has not lost its popularity for many centuries. If you decide to get to know mehndi better, you should take into account all the pros and cons of this ancient art of body art. The benefits of mehendi include:

  • Hypoallergenic. Mehendi does not cause irritation, itching or redness on the skin, as it is performed with the help and fixed with natural;
  • Additional camouflage. At a significant event, for which mehendi is (usually) created, it is important for a girl to look perfect. It is easy to hide moles, age spots or scars (or other skin defects) behind a large openwork pattern;
  • Comfort of the procedure. You won't feel any discomfort or pain either when applying the pattern or when removing it, as henna does not penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin, and needles or anesthesia are not required to fix it. The process of changing one biota to another does not involve painful intervention (information). You can just wait until the henna comes off by itself, sloughing off along with dead epithelial cells;
  • Ease of image change. Unlike a classic tattoo, mehendi designs can be changed about 2 times a month (depending on compliance with the rules for caring for them). The skin of the body will not require long and expensive recovery procedures to prepare for replacing one pattern with another;
  • Beneficial effect on the body. In addition to its bactericidal properties, henna paste applied to the skin helps to accelerate the healing of small wounds, saturates the skin with its beneficial substances, and can even help reduce headaches.

As for the disadvantages of these natural tattoos, the following can be attributed to the essential ones:

  • Fragility. The drawing stays on the skin for up to 4 weeks, and even with the most careful observance of the recommendations, gradually losing its beauty;
  • Limited color range. Natural henna for mehendi is only brown, dark brown and black. For wedding mehendi, white hypoallergenic acrylic paint for body art is used, but this is no longer quite a classic mehndi;
  • Careful care. Since the pattern is created from natural materials with the use of a natural preservative, this fragile beauty requires significant efforts to maintain it in its original-ideal form;
  • Limited choice of application site. Henna is best kept on areas of the body that rub the least on clothes, where the skin is rougher and more dead cells (ankles, back, wrists, back of the head, shins). It can be extremely difficult to decorate these areas of the skin on your own, so it is best to trust the skillful hands of the master.
If the beauty of sketches and photos of ready-made images with mehndi captivated you so much that you want to try to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the East on your own, you need to study all the subtleties of preparing the body for this procedure. And also prepare necessary products and accessories for the step-by-step application of mehendi and subsequent care.

How to draw mehendi at home: preliminary preparation, step by step application, pattern removal

In order for a temporary henna tattoo to turn out to be of high quality and please with its beauty, you should follow a certain procedure for preparing the skin of the body for applying the pattern. How to properly prepare the skin for mehendi?
The preparation steps include the following manipulations:
  • Perform depilation on the selected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin where you plan to place the drawing. Unwanted hair is not needed for two reasons: the hair will be stained with henna and will retain pigmentation even after the pattern has faded. Hair prevents the penetration of henna into the skin and does not allow creating a high-quality and beautiful pattern;
  • Treat the skin, carefully and (you can use special preparations for wax depilation);
  • Conduct an allergy test. Although henna is a safe and non-allergic product, an individual reaction cannot be ruled out. It is also necessary to check the skin for wounds or damage that should be healed before decorating the body;
  • Prepare necessary materials, tools and accessories.

To apply mehendi you will need:

  • Several shades of henna to create a design (if you wish to create a pattern of several color lines). It is best to use ready-made henna in a bag with a narrow spout;
  • Oil to fix the pattern and with which you will blot dried henna;
  • with a sticky layer to create the desired pattern or ornaments (if you do not have artistic drawing skills);
  • Sprays, lotions or gels for deep cleansing of the skin of the body;
  • Disinfector-antiseptic for pre-treatment of the skin;
  • Scrub for processing the selected area where your mehendi will show off. If there is no specialized body scrub at hand, you can use scrubs (peels) for the hands and feet, respectively, if they contain sufficiently large abrasive particles;
  • with which you will wrap the freshly applied pattern, allowing the henna to dry and penetrate deeper into the skin.
When everything you need is at hand, you can start creating!

How to draw mehendi at home: features of the procedure for working with henna

Mastering the art of mehendi is not so difficult. Depending on your artistic skills, you can draw both ready-made (purchased) henna, and independently mixed to the consistency of sour cream. The advantage of homemade henna is the ability to add lemon juice, black coffee or tea leaves to it to make the pattern more vivid, rich and durable. The advantage of the finished material is the convenience of work. A thin nose applies lines of the required thickness, and the unused part of henna can be stored in the refrigerator and reused. All this is especially important for creating mehndi at home by novice craftsmen or non-specialists in body art. You can apply the pattern either using water-soluble paper or by hand (wooden sticks), or use ready-made stencils with an adhesive layer that fits snugly against the skin and allows you to apply henna in layers without flowing under the contour.

During the implementation of the desired ornament, it is necessary:

  • At the site of application of biotat, it is better to pre-steam the skin for better penetration of henna into the opened pores. Then the molecules of the coloring composition of the henna mixture will be more securely fixed in the skin;
  • Prepare the surface on which you will sit in advance. For example, spread out, put your hand (foot) on it, sit down, comfortably turning your hip. Or use it so as not to accidentally drip henna on clothes;
  • Since henna is quickly absorbed, you need to stock up on cotton swabs and lemon juice to correct application flaws. All corrections must be done within a minute so that no traces remain on the skin;
  • For an even application of lines and a uniform exit of the paste, the spout of the cone with henna should be held above the skin, gently pressing on the cone. If you want to get a lighter pattern, apply the paste in a thin and wide layer. And for the density of color and brightness of the pattern, apply henna in layers in 2 stages, allowing the first layer to grab a little;
  • Dry the ornament thoroughly. The biota must be dried for at least 6-8 hours, so you should plan in advance the time for the qualitative embodiment of your artistic idea. Do not expose the mehendi tattoo to water during the day. And immediately after the superimposed layers have dried, do not wash them off, but gently shake off ( scrape off) and apply a fixing oil;
  • The color of henna will fully appear approximately 40 hours after drawing, and in order not to accidentally damage or lubricate it, it is worth wrapping the drawing with plastic wrap for several hours.

If you wish to remove a henna tattoo earlier than 2-4 weeks after application, it is very simple to do this. The lifespan of mehendi can be reduced to 3-4 days if the tattoo is regularly rubbed with soap and often in contact with water.
The finished biotattoo pattern is a capricious and fragile beauty that needs to be taken care of daily so that it pleases you day after day before you wish to embody a new look. How to do it right?

How to extend the life of summer henna body art?
It is necessary to extend the life of the henna pattern immediately after you shake off the dried paste from the skin. During the entire period of wearing your jewelry, you should properly care for it.
The set of measures includes the following actions:

  • A charming and stylish pattern in oriental motifs must be moistened with natural oil before any water treatment. Vaseline or sunscreen will not work, you need sunflower, almond, sesame or mustard oil. Biotat oil treatment is needed daily until the change of image;
  • Ornament of henna while taking a shower or bath is better to just rinse with water. Do not wash or rub it, otherwise the pattern may fade;
  • To make the bio-tattoo look more beautiful and last longer, it is worth reducing visits to the solarium, baths, and not swimming in the sea. Mehendi does not like bleach, salty sea water and intense sweating. If you cannot live without sports, a hot bath, a pool or a sauna, pre-treat with mehndi oil (you can also fix it with a protective film). The drawing on the hands can be protected with a waterproof sunscreen so that you do not have to worry about it while you are busy cooking, cleaning or washing dishes. Don't forget to use !;
  • Friction also shortens the life of mehendi. Choose a place for the pattern so that it has less contact with elastic bands or the edges of clothing items (sleeves, collars, belts, etc.). An excellent choice for summer will be areas with thin skin, practically devoid of sebaceous and sweat glands (back of the hand, neck, abdomen, wrists, calves, collarbone, forearms). And in terms of choosing clothes, it is worth stopping at open and soft wardrobe items;
  • Try to constantly maintain the water balance of the skin. The drier it is, the faster the cells die, the regeneration is accelerated, and the sooner the biota is exfoliated;
  • Avoid contact with alcohol-containing products and bleaching creams! They also shorten the wearing period of the mehendi!

Following all these simple rules and taking care of mehndi for a few minutes during the day, a couple of days after applying the pattern, you will see how natural henna turns from brown to dark rich chocolate. And it will last up to 4 weeks after application.

Wedding mehendi: how to gracefully complement the image of the bride?

Classic chocolate or ocher henna patterns look appropriate in all other cases, except for the main holiday in a girl's life. A popular and spectacular way to complement a wedding dress is the so-called white wedding mehendi, which emphasizes the fragile beauty of the newlywed. It wonderfully harmonizes with the bouquet and veil, becomes a continuation of the wedding dress itself, looks very feminine, gentle and elegant. Temporary wedding body art can be both on visible areas of the skin, and become a kind of surprise for the future spouse (if located on areas of the body covered by the dress).

Mehendi is also safe for the skin, like natural henna patterns, but it has a significantly lower durability - from 1 to 3 days. The reason for this fragility is that natural white henna does not exist, and a special hypoallergenic acrylic paint is used to create a pattern. Hypoallergenic glue is added to its composition, which guarantees the durability of the ornament, but does not cause inconvenience to the bride. White henna does not penetrate the skin, as its natural counterpart does, so caring for wedding mehendi is much easier. A white mehndi for the bride will not be rubbed off or smudged if it is applied to clean, non-greasy skin and fixed on top with ordinary hairspray.

This way of decorating the body of a beauty involves a lot of stylish and original embodiments. These can be openwork “gloves” to the elbow or to the wrist, or lace patterns that complement a dress with bare shoulders (imitation of capes or straps). Jewelry on the face looks no less original and fabulous. These can be floral patterns descending from the eyelids or barely noticeable twigs on the cheeks, flowing into an ornament on the neck. Imitations of stockings or garters, or even an exact image, also look very impressive and romantic. wedding bouquet.

Beautifully made mehendi can easily become the main decoration of the bride, replacing luxurious jewelry. It will look amazing in the photo and will give the young woman a mass. positive emotions both during application, during the celebration, and at the end of the most magical evening of her life.

A stylish and unusual accessory or a kind of amulet for good luck (black or white, chocolate or copper) - once applied to the body, mehendi will hook you with its bewitching beauty and will certainly inspire you to repeat. Do not be afraid to trust your body to henna, experiment on your own or seek the help of a master. Remember that this oriental tale will bring you only positive emotions!

The desire to decorate your body is characteristic of almost every person, so mehendi on the hand is popular. And although this art deserves respect from connoisseurs of beauty, not everyone knows what it is. The fact is that mehendi appeared in Europe relatively recently, they learned about it much earlier in the Arab countries, and mehendi originated in India. And if the European people use body patterns as decoration, then in other countries each pattern has a certain meaning.

talking in simple words, mehendi (mendi) is a painting on the body with henna, which is washed off over time. Such decorations in Europe are called biotatu, that is, tattoos made from natural materials.

Meanings of common images with photos

Most often, mehendi lovers prefer to apply the following patterns on their hands:

  • flowers- as you know, a flower symbolizes femininity, therefore, refined and romantic natures prefer to apply its image;

  • owl- a henna tattoo on the arm in the form of an owl symbolizes the mind, power and wisdom;

  • butterfly- a henna tattoo on the hand in the form of a butterfly brings good luck and health;

  • lotus- in some nations it is considered a holy flower, a drawing on the hand in the style of mehendi, made in the form of a lotus, brings good luck;

  • feather- a drawing in the form of a pen can have several meanings, if it is broken, it means the collapse of hopes, if directed upwards, then it indicates willpower and spirituality;

  • the Dragon- is a symbol of power;

  • cat- a tattoo in the form of a cat, which is applied to the hand, symbolizes cunning and playfulness;

  • "dream Catcher"- provides calm dreams without nightmares, protects from bad thoughts and evil forces.

After reviewing the photo of mehendi on the hand and the meaning of each of the drawings, you can easily choose the one that is most suitable.

On a note! Usually, women and men, when applying temporary henna tattoos in the mehendi style, prefer the animal with which they identify themselves.

Sketches of mehendi on the hand

The advantage of henna designs is that they can be drawn at home. It doesn't have to be an artist. For those who practice applying mehendi on their hands for the first time, easy drawings for beginners are presented. Such tattoos literally consist of several lines. You can also use special stencils.

The photo shows light sketches of mehendi on the hand for beginners.

And those who have already mastered the art of mehendi can move on to more complex patterns. Their sketches are in the photo.

To get a high-quality henna drawing on your hand, before performing mehendi, you should read some recommendations:

  • it is better for beginners to choose henna in the form of a paste, while the tube must be firmly sealed and not deformed;
  • if a decision is made to use henna in the form of a powder, it is advisable to use strong brewing of black tea to dilute it;
  • when adding lemon juice when diluting henna, the color of the temporary tattoo turns out to be more saturated and persistent;
  • after mixing henna, a homogeneous mass should be obtained, the presence of lumps is unacceptable;
  • if you add a few drops of essential oil to the henna paste, the color of the pattern will be more saturated.

Preparing a place for applying a tattoo will also take a little time. First of all, hairs must be removed from the body area. The fact is that the paint penetrates the hair follicle and is removed from there longer than from the skin. As a result, when the drawing is washed, traces in the form of dots will remain for some time. Also, the treated area of ​​the body must first be cleaned with a scrub to remove dead skin cells.

On a note! When using ready-made paste for mehendi, it is enough to cut off the corner of the cone, after which you can start drawing. If henna is used in the form of a powder, after diluting it, the resulting mass should be placed in a syringe without a needle or rolled up a cone of thick paper. Specialists, as a rule, apply the pattern with a brush, stick or metal spatula.

Areas for applying mehendi on the hand

Hands and feet are the favorite body parts of girls for applying mehendi. On numerous photos there are sketches of henna drawings. As for the painting on the arm, there are several areas for temporary tattoos.

  • on the back side- it is this zone that is almost always open to others, so drawing patterns here that conceal a certain meaning is very important;
  • on the wrist- most often on the graceful part of the limb they prefer to draw small stars, hieroglyphs and hearts;
  • on the shoulder- desperate girls decide on mehendi in this zone, who are not afraid to declare their feelings and intentions to the whole world, while often they choose “flashy” images or flirty patterns;
  • on the forearm- it is believed that this is one of the most successful places for a tattoo, sometimes the drawing begins in this area and continues to the very wrist, but most often girls are limited to small and neat pictures.

Of course, you can get a tattoo on the palm of your hand, but this is most often practiced in Eastern countries, and not in Europe.

Mix recipe for mehendi

To prepare a mixture for a temporary tattoo, pure henna is used or combined with bastma, which, depending on the proportions, gives it a burgundy, brown or black color.

On a note! To obtain black, the ratio of bastma to henna is 3:1, brown - 2:1, bronze - 1:2.

Since it is difficult for beginners to determine what color the mixture turned out, it is advisable to first try it on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body, hidden from the eyes of others. In addition, depending on the skin tone, the same mixture in different people can give a different effect.

The mixture is diluted with warm water, and it must be added in small portions, constantly stirring. You need to stop stirring the mehendi remedy when its consistency resembles thick sour cream. It should be homogeneous, without lumps.

In addition, recipes for diluting henna by brewing tea are known, with the addition of lemon juice, essential oil, and sugar.

Mehendi application technique

After preparing the mixture for mehendi, it can be used immediately. If recipes with tea brewing are used, it is advisable to pre-infuse it for three hours. Before performing work, it is worth making sketches of the future drawing on paper or using a finished sketch.

Wash the treated area thoroughly with warm water and soap, and then additionally wipe with alcohol, which will help degrease the skin. After that, you can start drawing the pattern. Henna tattoo on the arm is drawn from top to bottom. This is necessary in order not to blur the finished image.

After applying henna to the hand, it should be kept until completely dry. Depending on the pattern, this usually takes half an hour to an hour. Then it is advisable to lightly rinse the treated area with cold water and pat dry with a towel.

To apply thin lines, the paste cone is cut off slightly to get a small hole. For beginners, experts recommend using disposable stencils. It is enough to attach them to the selected area and fill the holes with henna. Until the mixture is completely dry, the stencils do not need to be peeled off.

mehendi care

The retention time of mehendi on the hand depends on the application area and individual features organism. For example, on palms that are constantly exposed to water and detergents, the pattern will not linger for a long time. On oily skin, it is less durable than on dry skin. Reduces the life of a henna tattoo, the constant use of scrub, oily cream, sunbathing.

In addition, proper care of the pattern is of great importance. After the henna has completely dried and the treated area has been washed with cold water, it is necessary to dry the skin and apply vegetable oil to it. It makes it possible to better fix the pattern on the body. It is also recommended to use protective equipment in the form of gloves when washing dishes. It is better to wash your hands with mild soap with a moisturizing effect, and when choosing creams, choose products that do not contain acids and whitening components.

How to wash off a temporary tattoo?

On average, mehendi is kept on the hands for about a month, and then completely disappears. If the drawing failed and you want to remove it in advance, the procedure will take at least a week.

To get rid of the painting on the hand with henna, it is necessary to apply a scrub on the drawing twice a day and massage thoroughly for several minutes. Then rinse off the product and apply a greasy cream to the treated area. Also, it will not be superfluous to use lemon juice, which has a whitening effect. To do this, you need to squeeze it out of one fruit and carefully rub it into the drawing, and then leave it as a mask for 15 minutes.

it available ways getting rid of mehendi, special means does not exist.

Video: mehendi on the hand

To avoid unforeseen situations when applying mehendi for the first time, novice masters should choose hidden areas of the body for their experiments. In addition, at the first stage you need to use light sketches. The following videos will help you learn how to draw mehendi on your hand correctly.


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