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« feeder

for wintering birds »

Implementation of the content of the program in educational areas: "Construction"

Types of children's activities: playful, communicative.

The goals of the teacher : Develop design skills, spatial thinking.

Planned results - targets for preschool education To expand children's ideas about wintering birds, about how and what they eat in a harsh winter.

2. To teach children how to build a bird feeder house according to the model; analyze the sample, highlight its main parts (base, walls, roof), explain their functional purpose.

3. Learn to build a feeder-house of three types building material(brick, triangular prism, plate); connect parts horizontally and vertically in a vertical structure; correctly connect the parts of the structure into the whole building; visually check the correct execution of the sample.

Materials and equipment : pictures of birds and bird feeders; bricks (2 pcs.), triangular prisms (2-3 pcs.), a thin square-shaped plate (1 pc.) or cardboard for each child.

organized activities of children

    Organizing time.

Together with the children, watch the birds at the feeder from the window, read a poem by N. Nishchev

How many birds to our feeder
Arrived? We will tell.
Two tits, a sparrow,
Six crows and doves
Woodpecker in colorful feathers
Everyone had enough grains.

    Lesson progress:

The teacher shows the children pictures of birds, asks them to name them.

Questions for children when looking at pictures:

- Who is it? (This is a bird.)
- What does she have? (A bird has a head, body, tail, beak, paws, feathers, wings, eyes.)
- What about her eyes? (Small, black.)
- What head? (Round, small.)
- What body? (Oval, long.)
What is the bird's body covered with? (With feathers.)
- What is her beak (paws, tail)?

Then the teacher tells what the birds eat, how difficult it is for them to have a cold winter, shows pictures of bird feeders, invites the children to make such feeders themselves.

Questions for children:

- What do birds eat? (Grains, seeds, breadcrumbs.)
- How do they eat? (They peck.)
- What do they feed on? (Beak.)

2. The teacher shows the children a sample of the design of the house-feeder (two bricks and two prisms), offers to carefully consider it: select the main parts of the feeder (side and top) and select the necessary parts of the building material for constructing each of them, explains how to connect the parts in vertical design.

Questions for children when looking at the sample:

- What's this? (Feeder.)
- What does the feeder have?
- How many walls does the feeder have?
What are the walls made of?
- What do you need to start building?
- Is this brick standing or lying?
How should the bricks be placed? On the wide or narrow side?

The teacher builds a bird feeder, explaining: “The main thing is to correctly position the wall bricks. One brick should be exactly placed opposite the other. One prism (roof) must be carefully placed on top of the walls, then another prism (the second part of the roof). The teacher teaches to carefully work with the details of the building material. "Now build the same feeders as I have."

3. Physical education minute


The birds are sitting in the nest

And they look out into the street.

They want to take a walk

And quietly all fly.

(Children "scatter" - they wave their arms like wings.)

4. Independent work of children. The educator leads practical activities children, encourages statements that accompany the process of work.

Questions to children during work :

- Take this brick. Show me. What kind of brick is this? (Long.)- Sasha, what did you take?- Did you lay or put a brick (roof)?- Did you carefully put the roof on?- Did you put the bricks opposite each other?- What did you get?- Did you get a feeder?- What will you take? (Brick, roof.)- Will you lay or put up a brick?What are you putting the roof on? (For bricks.)- Where are the walls of the feeder? Show Lena.- Tell me, Lena, what is it? (This is a feeder.)- What are you doing, Masha? (I'm building a feeder.)- And what does Olya do? (She builds a feeder.)- What did you do, Vanya? (I put a brick. I put a plank.)

5. Reflection.

- Look at the feeder houses we got.- What feeder do you have, Masha? (I have a big one.)- And what kind of feeder do you have, Vanya? (I have a small one.)- How many feeders did we get? (A lot of.)

Abstract of the lesson on designing from natural material "Two".
Goal: improving the practical skills of working with a variety of natural material, skills of fastening and joining parts of toys with the help of tools, glue. The development of imagination, fantasy, creativity in children.

Materials and tools: fir cones, pistachios, acorn cups, foam plastic, plasticine, twigs, peas, paper, paints, scissors, awl, brush.
Course progress.
The teacher tells the children a fairy tale: “Penguins lived in the north: dad, mom and their little penguin son. He went to school and always got good grades. But once he played too hard and did not learn his lessons, he got a deuce. Mom began to scold the baby, dad began to tap his beak out of chagrin. Shame on the penguin. He gives his word that he will correct the mark and be a diligent student.”
Then the teacher leads a conversation about penguins: “Penguins live in Antarctica on the sea coasts. They live in packs and feed mainly on small fish. Penguins vary in size. emperor penguin
reaches a length of 117 centimeters. The smallest penguin is 40 centimeters long.
Their wings serve as flippers when swimming. On the legs between the toes there are membranes, which also helps while swimming. Feathers resemble scales.
Penguins lay 1-2 eggs on the coast and both parents incubate them. Little penguins often die from cold, hunger and predators.
Educator: “Today we will do a sketch based on a fairy tale that I told you. (I show a drawing on this topic and talk about the sequence of creating a scene).
To make a penguin, we take a large spruce cone and turn it with the scales down. From plasticine we make a head, pea eyes, a beak, two triangles of red paper. Penguin wings can be made from the peel of pistachios (or lionfish, ash, maple), strengthening them between the cone scales with plasticine. Paws can be made from acorn cups, for which they are stuffed with plasticine and strengthened at the bottom of the cone with a small twig pointed at both ends. Holes are made in parallel with an awl in the cone and in the cups
For a greater resemblance to penguins, the cone-trunk and pistachio peel-wings can be painted with black and white gouache.
We make all penguins in a similar way. Accordingly, we select the size and shape of the cone for each character.
We cut out the ice floe from foam.
When the toy is ready, the teacher invites the children to play, to develop the plot of this fairy tale further.

Attached files

Purpose of the lesson:

To teach children how to make bird feeders for wintering birds from various materials.

Develop creative imagination, artistic taste, accuracy in work.

To instill in children good feelings and a desire to take care of feathered friends.

Material: plastic bottles, colored paper, cotton wool, tree branches, bird pictures, scissors, glue, brushes.

The course of the lesson in the senior group

The teacher offers to go to the window and admire the beauty of the winter landscape.

The teacher reads poetry

See lesson attachment

Educator. Why do birds ask for help in winter?

It is very difficult for birds to survive in winter when white snow falls and cold winds blow. You know that some birds fly away to warmer climes, while others, the most daring ones, stay for the winter. Now we will find out what kind of birds they are.

Riddles about wintering birds (with images shown)

small bird

Has legs

And he can't walk.

Wants to take a step

- It's a jump.


Knocking all the time

Trees are hollowed out.

But they are not crippled

But only heals.

Red-breasted, black-winged,

Likes to peck grains

With the first snow on the mountain ash

He will appear again.


This predator is talkative

Thievish, fussy,

chirping white-sided,

And her name is ... (Magpie)

Kar-kar-kar! Kar-kar-kar!

That's the whole repertoire.

Announces the crown of the maple

With your singing...

Educator. - Well done, you guessed all the riddles!

- What birds did you see on our site, in the park in winter?

How can we help the birds in winter?

– What can we do about it?

What can we make bird feeders out of? (from plastic bottles, boxes, buckets, etc.)

- Feeders made of plastic bottles are light, comfortable, unsuitable material is used for their manufacture. Please note that the feeder has holes cut out. What are they needed for? To make the feeder attractive, you can decorate it.

Examination of a sample feeder from plastic bottle. Explanation of the work to be done.

Independent work of children. The teacher helps the children as needed.

What are our feeders made of? What shape are our feeders? How can we feed the birds in winter?

End of class

Poems are read by the educator (Appendix)

Summary of the organization and conduct of classes on cognitive development in the second junior group. Subject: "Bird feeder"
Program content:
- Introduce children to natural phenomena.
-To form an interest in birds, to recognize them by their appearance.
-Reinforce the concepts of "many" and "one".
-Exercise children in the construction of Kuizener's sticks.
- Develop observation, attention.
- To bring up a caring attitude towards birds, the desire to feed them in winter.
Preliminary work:
- daily bird watching at the feeder for a walk
- pictures of birds
- paper snowflake
- a drop of water
- Kuizener's sticks
You are winter-winter
You came with frost.
White snow fluffy
Spinning in the air.
And the earth is quiet
Falls to bed.
-Guys, snowflakes came to visit us. They greet the children.
Children look at snowflakes.
How many rays does she have? (a lot of)
-How many snowflakes? (three)
- I wonder why they came to us? (winter came)
Snowflake tells her story: “I live high in the sky. It's cold and lonely there, I often look at the ground, at people. They are so kind, friendly and I wanted to be with them at least for a moment. A cold wind blew and I flew to you.
Children with a teacher depict snowflakes: they spin, “fly”.
-Guys. Snowflakes covered the whole earth with snow, it became so beautiful, white, but the birds became cold and hungry, it was difficult to get food under the snow.
Remember what birds we saw at our feeders?
-Look at this bird - showing a sparrow
-What does a sparrow have? (head, beak, eyes, wings, tail, legs).
What color are his feathers?
-What does a sparrow do? - Pecks grains, crumbs.
- How does he behave at the feeder?
The sparrow is bold, nimble, quickly flies up and flies away.
- Listen, I'll read a poem about him.
I am a cheerful sparrow
Gray little thief.
I'm careless and talkative and timid, chief, chief.
Midges serve me as food,
Crumbs serve me as food
I am cunning and playful, fussy. Chiv, chiv!
My days are hard in winter
- No crumbs, no insects,
That's when I'm silent, barely alive, chiv, chiv.
How does a sparrow scream? (chiv, chiv)
-Therefore, we feed the sparrows in winter, we pity them. This is how the sparrow complains: "My days are hard in winter, there is not a crumb, not a bug."
The teacher shows a titmouse. The review goes the same way. Reads a poem by A. Barto "Titmouse".
Jumping nimble tit
She doesn't sit still
Jump - jump, jump - jump,
Twisted like a cricket
I sat down for a minute
She scratched her chest with her beak,
And from the track to the fence,
Tiri - Tiri, shadow - shadow - shadow.
The teacher shows a bullfinch. The review goes the same way. Reads a poem.
In the garden where the finches sang
Today look-
Like rose apples
On the branches of snowmen.
-Well done! All the birds were remembered and told about them. Let's play. You will all be birds. I will say the words, and you will fly away to the houses on the word “ay”. Birds sit, peck and fly away.
The bird sat on the window:
Sit with us for a while.
Sit down, don't fly away.
The bird has flown away!
What good birds! And now you guys again, Sit down, calm down. See what's in your envelopes? It is necessary to put together a whole bird out of parts and say what kind of bird you have.
Reads a poem by R. Bukharev "Feeding Trough"
Slowly, slowly, the snow is falling.
A man walks quietly in the snow
In a hat and a fur coat,
The red sled is being carried along.
In the sled, the bird feeder turns yellow:
For kinglets, bullfinches and tits.
Falling, falling, falling snow
Good road to you, man!
So we will now go for a walk and feed the birds with crumbs and grains of seeds.

Tatyana Shagaeva
Abstract of the design lesson "Bird Feeder"

Goals: to encourage designing, to bring up the desire to take care of birds; to teach to distinguish objects by size, to learn to build in a circle, to perform movements for the teacher.

Materials and equipment: different types grains (millet, seeds, etc.) in boxes, 5 liter bottle, empty milk bags, pencil, scissors, awl, 2 bags, bird figurines (sparrow, chickadee, crow, magpie).

Lesson progress

Org. moment.

Children watch birds from the window.

The teacher talks about the life of birds in winter - It is necessary to take care of the birds in winter: feed, do not offend.

Main part. Design.

Educator: We will make a feeder from a milk bag and a bottle. We will make windows in them so that birds fly there and peck at grains.

The teacher together with the children makes a feeder.


Teacher: And now we will play. You will be sparrows and I will be your mother sparrow.

Mother sparrow calls her children

fly to me quickly

Today we start

We learn to fly

Get up in a circle

Let's start

Walking in a circle - the children "flap their wings", the mother shows the movement and moves away. While mom is watching, the children walk in a circle. Mom fell asleep and the sparrows scattered in all directions. Mom wakes up

Chick chirp what a noise what a scream

Get in the circle soon

And learn to fly again

Children stand in a circle, the game is repeated. Then mom sprinkles again:

I dozed off for a minute

The sparrows went wild

I will strictly follow you now

So that you grow obediently like sparrows

Educator: So our feeders are ready. Now let's put some grains in there. And what? Big and small. Now you will need to hang the feeder on a tree so that the birds can have a delicious lunch.

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