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Tatyana Adamova
theatrical activity. Dramatization musical fairy tale"Kolobok" in the second junior group

Theatrical activity. Dramatization of a musical fairy tale« Kolobok» in second junior group


Expand children's ideas about Russian folk fairy tales

Establish semantic connections between characters, focusing on gestures, facial expressions, movements of the head, limbs, torso

Learn to understand the motives of the behavior of characters

Learn dramatize through intonational expressiveness, act on behalf of the role, reflecting the interpersonal relationships of the characters

To teach to understand the feelings and experiences of the characters, to show sympathy, to be better aware of their own experiences;

Continue to refine and enrich the vocabulary of preschoolers

Raise interest in joint activities

To instill in children love and interest in fairy tales

Cultivate kindness towards each other

Develop children's mathematical, communication skills,

Develop creative initiative

Develop fantasy, imagination, improvisational skills, evoke a joyful emotional mood in children,

Develop intonation expressiveness of speech, articulatory apparatus

Familiarize with musical works

Cultivate a sustained interest in theatrical and gaming activities

Material: beanies fairy tale characters, musical accompaniment.


Hello dear guests! Guys, welcome our guests!




Dear viewers, our children have prepared a performance for you. They were very prepared and worked hard.


Russian traditional story« Kolobok» . Russian folk melody sounds.

Once upon a time there was an old man with his old woman

In a small hut.

Lived, lived - did not grieve,

Many, many years have passed!

Grandfather dug the earth

I planted a garden with my grandmother.

The old man tells the old woman: Come on, old woman, scratch the box, mark the bottom of the pan, if you can scrape up the flour on bun.

Storyteller: The old woman is did: I scratched the box, broomed the bottom of the barrel and scraped two handfuls of flour. Kneaded dough, rolled bun, baked and put on the window to cool.

Fidget - Kolobok

To stand on the window,

But he decided "I'll run away,

I'll loosen up a bit."

rolled Kolobok

Past the trees and birches.

Suddenly our naughty

Met the Bunny.

The hare enters music

Hare: Kolobok, bun, I will eat you! (Kolobok jumps to the side)

Kolobok: Don't eat me, hare, I'll give you a song sing:(sings)

I bun, bun,

Scraped across the barn,

According to the bottom of the barrel,

Mixed with sour cream

Planted in the oven

It's cold on the window.

I left my grandfather

I left my grandmother

From you, a hare, I will leave for a long time! And rolled bun further - only the hare saw him!

Storyteller: BUT The gingerbread man rolled down the road

Gray wolf under the feet.

The gray wolf licked his lips,

AT He knows a lot about koloboks.

The wolf enters music.

Wolf: Kolobok, bun, I will eat you! (Kolobok jumps to the side)

Kolobok: Don't eat me wolf, I'll sing you a song (sings):

I bun, bun,

Scraped across the barn,

According to the bottom of the barrel,

Mixed with sour cream

Planted in the oven

It's cold on the window.

I left my grandfather

I left my grandmother

I left the rabbit

From you, wolf, I will leave for a long time! And rolled kolobok further!


Suddenly towards Potapych himself,

He growled, raised his paw.

Comes under music bear

Bear: Kolobok, bun, I will eat you! (Kolobok jumps to the side)

Kolobok: Don't eat me, clubfoot, I'll sing you a song (sings):

I bun, bun,

Scraped across the barn,

According to the bottom of the barrel,

Mixed with sour cream

Planted in the oven

It's cold on the window.

I left my grandfather

I left my grandmother

I left the rabbit

I left the wolf

From you, bear, I will leave for a long time!

The bear only saw him.


BUT the bun rolled somersault

Straight through the grove

And suddenly the Fox met,

I saw Kolobok.

The fox enters music

Fox: Hello, bun! What a ruddy, good!

Kolobok was delighted that they praise him and sang his song. And the fox and He speaks:

Fox: What a glorious song, only I have become old, I can’t hear well, sit on my nose and sing one more time.

He jumped on the fox's nose and sang: I bun, scraped along the box, along ...

And his fox - am! And ate!


Fairy tale is a lie Yes, there is a hint in it, and a lesson for our children!

Under the Russian folk music kids come out, bow, the teacher calls everyone by name.

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Dramatization of the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man" teacher Akopyan M.A.

in the younger group.

Purpose: to introduce children to the art of the theater through joint theatrical activities.

Tasks: to teach to embody the idea in the role, to respond in time to the cue and enter the role; develop the ability to expressively embodied in the role and develop the ability to improvise.

Methods and techniques:

Interviews with children and parents. Preparation and decoration of the scene. Theatrical performance of a fairy tale. Vocabulary work on the formation of the correct diction in the pronunciation of the phrases: “rosy side”, “I will leave for a long time”, “place in the barn, scrape in the bottom of the barrel”.

Implementation stages:

1. Working with children: reading the fairy tale "Kolobok", retelling the fairy tale, inventing a new ending to the fairy tale, table theater, playing episodes of the fairy tale "Kolobok"

Working with parents: A conversation to determine the parents to play roles, looking for costumes for a fairy tale together with the teacher.

2. Creative-search stage

(directly educational activity)

Joint work with children on composing an ending to the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man" (communication)

Distribution of roles and rehearsals

Playing out different situations

3. Effective-practical stage


Dramatization text

(there is a house, trees, Christmas trees, a grandmother and a grandfather, a hare, a wolf, a bear, a gingerbread man and a fox).

From behind the door comes a child dressed as a grandfather, with a basket in his hands and nothing in it.

Presenter (educator): There lived a grandfather and a woman. Once the grandfather says to the woman

Grandfather (child): Hey, grandmother, I want to eat something, I walked through the forest and didn’t get anything, bake me a kolobok.

The grandmother (girl) looks out from the house: there is no flour to bake from.

Grandfather: Grandma, don’t be lazy, come on, you go it, mark the bottom of the barn in the bottom of the barn, scrape maybe and pick up a handful of flour.

Presenter (educator): Grandmother didn’t have anything left, she did just that: she broomed in the barn, scraped a handful of flour along the barrel, kneaded the dough and baked a bun and put it on the window to cool.

Gingerbread man lay down, lay down, got up and ran.

Gingerbread Man: Almost dried in the oven,

And now they decided to eat

I can not take it anymore,

I will run away from home.

And the bun rolled away.

Then grandfather and grandmother came out, they look, but there is no kolobok.

Grandma (girl): Grandfather, look, he ran away!

He didn't even say goodbye to us!

Grandfather (boy): It's all you - wait and wait, sit and sit (Grandfather waved his hand and went into the house, and grandmother followed him).

The bun rolls and sings a song:

I am a bun, a bun

According to the barn metyon,

Scraped by the bottom of the barrel

I left my grandmother

I left my grandfather.

The gingerbread man rolls and the Hare meets him.

Hare (child): Kolobok, Kolobok, I'll eat you.

Kolobok (child): Do not eat me, Hare, but listen to my song

I am a bun, a bun

According to the barn metyon,

Scraped by the bottom of the barrel,

I left my grandfather

I left my grandmother

And from you hare I will also leave.

He sang a bun and rolled on.

The gingerbread man rolls and the Wolf meets him.

Wolf (child in a wolf mask): Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man, I'll eat you.

Kolobok: Do not eat me, Wolf, but listen to my song

I am a bun, a bun

According to the barn metyon,

Scraped by the bottom of the barrel,

I left my grandfather

I left my grandmother

And from you wolf I will also leave

A bun rolls and a bear meets it.

Bear (child in a bear mask): Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man, I'll eat you.

Kolobok: Don't eat me, bear, listen to my song

I am a bun, a bun

According to the barn metyon,

Scraped by the bottom of the barrel,

I left my grandfather

I left my grandmother

And from you, bear, I will also leave.

I sang a bun and rolled on

A gingerbread man rolls and a fox meets him. She saw the bun and was delighted.

Fox (girl in a fox mask): What a blush, what a yellow, delicious (strokes her stomach).

Kolobok by I liked that the fox praised him and sang a song:

I am a bun, a bun

According to the barn metyon,

Scraped by the bottom of the barrel,

I left my grandfather

I left my grandmother

I left the rabbit

I left the wolf

Walked away from the bear

And I will also leave you fox.

But the fox was cunning and said to the bun.

Fox: I have become old, deaf, come closer to me and sing your song again.

Presenter (educator): But the gingerbread man turned out to be even more cunning, he told the fox.

Gingerbread man: and you, fox, close your eyes, I'll come to you.

The fox did just that, closed her eyes and the bun and let's run away. The fox opened her eyes, but the bun didn’t.

This is where the fairy tale ends.

Dramatization of the fairy tale "Kolobok" 2 junior group No. 2 Purpose: to teach children to tell and act out a fairy tale.
Tasks: to form in children the desire and ability to repeat words and expressions from the text, to cultivate interest and love for fairy tales.
Song "Kolobok" Lyrics of the song Tatyana Morozova
Along the path, along the path
Between the pines - jump and jump
Very fun, playful
The bun rolled.
He left his grandmother
And left my grandfather
Rolled, got lost
Naughty bun!
Jump-jump, bun!
Delicious, ruddy
He looks like a pie

He met a bear
On the path, in the forest.
The bear was very angry
He stamped his big paw!
He left his grandmother
And left my grandfather
Rolled, got lost
Naughty bun!
Jump-jump, bun!
Delicious, ruddy
He looks like a pie
With small raisins (2 times)
Host: Without an idea, without a plot - there will be no fairy tale.
I went all over the country, but I did not find any ideas.
Then a tit flew in and handed me an envelope.
There is a note in it: "The fairy tale is near."
I open the door, I open the windows. (Screen opens)
Well, now I've got the idea.
Suddenly rolled up to me round, lush, sweet,
I'm screaming, "Stop! Where are you going? What's with the scary beast?
Did you fall from the sky? For what? What is the purpose?
He turned to me and replied:
Kolobok: I am a cheerful Kolobok, I have a ruddy side.
Leading: Neither a threat to me, nor a caress with him can not cope.
Where are you from?
Kolobok: From a fairy tale! Time to start!
There lived an old man and an old woman.
Grandfather. Grandma, bake us a bun.
Grandmother. We don't have any pain.
Grandfather. You mark the barn, scrape the bottom of the barrel, pick up flour for a bun.
Educator. So the grandmother did, she swept the barn, scraped the bottom of the barrel and picked up two handfuls of flour. I baked a bun, put it on the window to cool. The bun lay, tired of him, he jumped from the window onto the grass and rolled into the forest. A bun rolls, and a bunny meets it (a child in a hare mask jumps to the bun).
Hare. Kolobok, I'll eat you!
Kolobok. Don't eat me, I'll sing you a song:
I am a bun, a bun
According to the barn metyon,
Scraped in the bottom of the barrel.
I left my grandmother
I left my grandfather
And I'll leave you!
Educator. And the bun rolled down the road, only the hare saw it. The bun rolls, rolls, and towards him grey Wolf(child in a wolf mask). Wolf. Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man, I'll Eat You!
Kolobok. Do not eat me, gray, I will sing a song for you:
I am a bun, a bun
According to the barn metyon,
Scraped in the bottom of the barrel.
I left my grandmother
I left my grandfather
I left the rabbit
And from you, wolf, I will leave!
Educator. And the bun rolled down the road, only the wolf saw it. A gingerbread man is rolling, rolling, and a bear is walking towards him (a child in a bear mask). Bear. Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man, I'll Eat You!
Kolobok. Do not eat me! I'll sing you a song:
I am a bun, a bun
According to the barn metyon,
Scraped in the bottom of the barrel.
I left my grandmother
I left my grandfather
I left the rabbit
I left the wolf
And from you, bear, I will also leave!
Educator. And the bun rolled down the road, only the bear saw it. A gingerbread man rolls, rolls, and a fox (a child in a fox mask) meets him. Fox. Kolobok, kolobok! Play with me for an hour, sing me a song, bun!
Presenter: The bun rolled for a long time and got a little tired. He sang a long song. He sang about how he was born, how he molded himself from flour. He sang about the old grandfather - the fox was listening for now. He sang about the old grandmother - she raised her ears. He sang about a hare and about a wolf, about a bear and about Christmas trees, about mushrooms and about stumps, about flowers and about bumps. He began to sing about the weather - the fox's nose was tired. He began to sing to the fox about the clouds - the fox's arms were tired. The fox's legs are tired ... .. the animals heard the song (all the animals and children appear)
They began to sing along to the song, they began to call the grandmother and grandfather (grandmother and grandfather appear).
Grandmother and grandfather came running and saw the bun. They hugged, kissed, and then took home.
Come join us guys!
I'll treat you to pies
We will sing a song with you.
Kilometers of roads walked without getting tired
Cheerful gingerbread man, singing a song
I left my grandfather, I left my grandmother
I left my grandparents.
And behind the forest across the river I met at the edge
Patrikeevna fox, she sang ditties

The fox says to him: Ah, I have become weak,
Sit closer on the toe, sing about, all over again!
How he left his grandfather, how he left his grandmother
Like he left his grandparents.
Don't be cunning with me, fox, and don't make eyes at me!
Before I hit the road - I read all the fairy tales!
And he left his grandfather, and he left his grandmother
And he left his grandparents.

Attached files

Purpose: to develop the creative abilities of children through participation in theatrical activities and participation in art work together with parents.
Educational tasks:
to teach in theatrical activities to play out situations according to simple plots, to develop emotional responsiveness, to encourage children to engage in joint activities with adults and peers.
to form a steady interest in the process of reading and memorizing what has been read.
continue to develop curiosity, activity, interest in different types musical activity.
To develop the ability to expressively read poetry, using the means of intonational speech expressiveness, conveying one's attitude to the characters and events.
continue to promote the manifestation of creative and creative activity of children.
form ideas about certain types of dangerous situations.
Preparation for the event. Reading the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man", looking at illustrations for the fairy tale, discussing with children the appearance, nature of fairy-tale characters, their actions, assigning roles and memorizing characters' lines, discussing and selecting attributes together with children for staging a fairy tale, making scenery, posters, stage design.
Preparation of the workplace, equipment and materials for the practical part of leisure.
Event progress.
Spectators (children, from other groups) are invited to the hall.
1. Introductory talk
Hello dear viewers! Today we invite you to spend the evening with the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man"!
2. Dramatization of the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man" (based on the Russian folk tale).
Grandfather (parents).
Baba (parents)
All girls and boys
We know they love books
They love stories, they love songs...
And to make it more interesting
Let's show the old tales
But we will tell about them in verses,
Ringing songs Kolobok
Haven't you heard yet?
Is everyone seated? Good time!
Let's start our story...

An old man lived with his old woman
In a small forest hut.
Grandfather once asked:
Bake for lunch
Gingerbread man ruddy, delicious!
You used to bake skillfully.

Baba prepares a kolobok (imitates the process of kneading dough, sculpting the shape of a kolobok with hand movements).

Broomed in the bottom of the barrel
Winged old lady.
I found a handful of two flour -
more is not needed.
Salt added, sand,
Two spoonfuls of sour cream.
The glorious Kolobok came out,
Fluffy and ruddy.
Kolobok appears.

Wait a minute, Grandpa, a bit.
Let the Kolobok cool down!
The gingerbread man is hiding behind the curtain.
Fidget - Kolobok
To stand on the window,
But he decided: "I'll run away,
I'll loosen up a bit!"
Jump from the window - and into the woods
Kolobok rolled.
Past the Christmas trees, birches,
Past butterflies, dragonflies
And different flowers:
Yellow, blue, red.
Sees blue in the sky
And green grass
The sun is red in the sky.
Everything around is great!
Hare comes out to meet Kolobok.

Suddenly our naughty
Met the Bunny.
Hare (important).
I will feast on you.
I haven't eaten since morning.
What you?! Wait, Kosoy!
Listen to the song!
(Sings a song.)

Gingerbread man, fidget,
Bake me for Grandpa
I'm mixed on sour cream
At the window I'm cold.
I left the old people
Jump from the window - and that was it!
Great hare honor:
Eat a ruddy gingerbread man!
The hare listens to the song in fascination, and the Gingerbread Man runs away through the forest.
Round dance game "A gray bunny is sitting."

Suddenly a wolf appears in his path.
Rolled up on the road
Gray wolf under the feet.
He knows a lot about koloboks...

How are you by the way, kolobok!
I am very hungry.
I'll eat you, my friend, -
I'll be full until the night!

What are you, what are you, Gray Wolf!
You don't eat me!
Better sit on a stump
Listen to the song.
(Sings a song.)
Gingerbread man, fidget,
Bake me for Grandpa
I'm mixed on sour cream
At the window I'm cold.
I left the old people
Jump from the window - and that was it!
He deceived the Bunny gloriously,
I'll leave you for a long time!

With the last words, Gingerbread Man runs past the Wolf further into the forest.
Finger game "We shared an orange"

And then the Bear comes out to meet him.
Suddenly, Potapych himself met him.
He growled, raised his paw:
Come on, Kolobok!
I'll have a bite!

What are you, what are you, clubfoot!
Put your paw down.
Better my song
You listen - I'll sing.
(Sings a song.)
Gingerbread man, fidget,
Bake me for Grandpa
I'm mixed on sour cream
At the window I'm cold.
I left the old people
Jump from the window - and that was it!
I ran away from the hare
And from the bad wolf.
And, Toptygin, from you
I won't be gone long!
Mobile game "At the bear in the forest"

The gingerbread man runs through the forest. Stealthily, the Fox comes out, sits on a stump.
Rolled somersault
Straight through the grove...
For a long time, or for a short time, he rolled.
I found myself at the edge.
How can trouble not happen here,
If the sly Fox
She sat on the edge of that
Red tail warmed in the sun.
The fox gets up and goes to Kolobok.

I saw Kolobok
And to him from afar
Moved towards
With kind words.
How handsome you are, Kolobok!
How blush and cheerful!
They say that you, my friend,
You know a lot of songs...

Gingerbread man, fidget,
Bake me for Grandpa
I'm mixed on sour cream
At the window I'm cold.
I left the old people
Jump from the window - and that was it!
I left the Bear
And from the Wolf and the Hare,
And Lisa behind Kolobok
Don't get caught either!

Fox (slyly).
I'm kind of deaf...
Come closer, friend.
Sit on my toe,
Sing louder one more time.
Kolobok (sings louder).
Gingerbread man, fidget,
Bake me for Grandpa
I'm mixed on sour cream
At the window I'm cold.
I left the old people
Jump from the window - and that was it!
I left the Bear
And from the Wolf and the Hare,
And Lisa behind Kolobok
Don't get caught either!
General dance "We're going to play."
(All artists bow out.)

3. Conversation following the results of the fairy tale.
Did you like the fairy tale? How did Kolobok behave when he ran away from home? Why? How will Grandma and Grandpa feel when they find out that Kolobok was eaten by the Fox? Do they need to sympathize? Next time we will see a different story with you.

Thank you for your attention, see you soon.

Mambetova Kamilya Mamasalievna

Preschool educational institution "Golden Key", the city of Kuibyshev Novosibirsk region, caregiver

Synopsis of the GCD "Staging game based on the fairy tale" Gingerbread Man ".

“Staging game based on the fairy tale “Gingerbread Man”. Abstract of the lesson in the younger group

goal: to arouse children's interest in fairy tale, to dressing up; promote the activation of speech; encourage them to use excerpts from fairy tales in your own game; perform actions in a dramatization game fairy tale"Kolobok".

Planned result: tries to convey expressively fabulous image; participates in the game - dramatization by fairy tale"Kolobok"; speak phrases from fairy tales; carry out the actions referred to in fairy tale.

Materials and equipment: Suits (elements) characters fairy tales(aprons, hats, masks, decorations: house, trees.

Course progress.

Educator: Guys, do you want to be in today fairy tale kolobok and be its heroes.

Children: Yes.

Educator: Then everyone close your eyes. One, two, three - found themselves in fairy tale we! Look at the costumes of an old man, an old woman, a bunny, a wolf, a bear, a fox. Dasha, let's be an old woman, Misha - old men, Vika - a hare, Kostya - a wolf, Stas - a bear, Varvara - a fox, and we are all the rest koloboks. (children dress up) .

Educator: There lived an old man and an old woman. The old man is talking to the old woman. Misha: Come on, old woman, scrape the box, mark the bottom of the pan, can you scrape up flour for me bun.

Educator: The old woman took the wing, - Dasha takes it with her wing.

Scraped on the box - scratching.

And she scraped two handfuls of flour, kneaded flour on sour cream - the dough interferes.

concocted kolobok - rolls kolobok on the table.

I fried it in oil and put it on the window to chill - Dasha puts the kolobok goes to the window.

Educator: Kolobok lay down, lay down, took it and rolled - from the window to the bench, from the bench to the floor, along the floor to the door, jumped over the threshold - and into the passage, from the passage to the porch, from the porch to the yard, from the yard through the gate, further and further. (children are built by a locomotive behind the teacher and go) Roll bun on the way To meet him a hare.

Vika : Kolobok, bun I'll eat you.

Educator and children: Don't eat me, hare, I'll sing a song for you:

I - bun, bun,

I'm scraped in a box,

By the bottom of the barrel is metyon,

Mixed with sour cream

Yes, spun in oil

On the window it's cold

I left my grandfather

I left my grandmother

From you, hare, I will leave for a long time.

Educator: And rolled bun further only his hare saw. (hare leaves) Here to roll kolobok further, (children follow the teacher by a locomotive) and a wolf meets him. (the wolf comes out the children stop).

Kostya: Kolobok, bun I'll eat you.

Educator and children: Do not eat me, wolf, I'll sing a song for you:

Children sing a song, the teacher helps. (wolf leaves)

Educator: And rolled bun further only his wolf and saw.

and a bear meets him (the bear comes out the children stop).

Stas: Kolobok, bun I'll eat you.

Educator and children: Don't eat me, bear, I'll sing a song for you:

Children sing a song, the teacher helps. (bear leaves)

The teacher says: And rolled bun further only his bear and saw. Here to roll bun, and towards him a fox (the fox comes out the children stop).

Barbara:. Kolobok, bun where are you rolling?

Educator and children: I'm rolling along the path.

Barbara: Kolobok, bun sing me a song!

Children sing a song, the teacher helps.

Fox: Ah, the song is good, but I hear badly. Kolobok sit on my nose and sing one more time, louder.

Educator: Kolobok jumped on the fox's nose (the teacher puts a round cookie on the fox's nose) and sang, and the fox - am and ate it (the fox eats cookies, the children run to the chairs) .

Educator: Here fairy tales the end and it's time for us to return to kindergarten. We will come here again, but next time. Close your eyes: one, two, three - again in group we!


Guys in what fairy tale we were today?

What do you remember the most?

What heroes fairy tales would you like to become next time?


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