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A word of 5 letters, the first letter is “O”, the second letter is “G”, the third letter is “A”, the fourth letter is “R”, the fifth letter is “b”, the word with the letter “O”, the last is “b ". If you do not know a word from a crossword puzzle or a crossword puzzle, then our site will help you find the most difficult and unfamiliar words.

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Like a stitch on a path I see scarlet earrings. She bent over one, And she came across ten! I bowed, I was not lazy, I scored a mug with a top. Show answer>>

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A student sneaks into an empty dorm room, goes to the window without turning on the light, shakes a cactus out of a flower pot, removes some of the earth and puts a pie wrapped in polyethylene. After all this, he returns the cactus to its place, levels the ground and goes to bed.
In the morning he goes to work.
In the evening he returns, rushes to the pot, digs up the ground, and there ... a note: "Do not scatter your things in visible places. They ate the pie so that it does not deteriorate."

Name of the birds, 5 letters last soft sign and got the best answer

Answer from Yohallenger[guru]
Of all 732 species of birds found on the territory of the Russian Federation, there is only one bird, the name of which consists of 5 letters with "b" at the end. This is a fire.
Ogar, or red duck (lat. Tadorna ferruginea) is a waterfowl of the duck family, the closest relative of the shelduck.
Small settlements of these birds live in northwestern Africa and Ethiopia, but the main population nests in Europe, along its very southeastern outskirts, in central Asia and on the southeastern side of China. In winter, shelducks fly to the south of Asia.
These birds are less common in southeastern Europe and southern Spain, but the shelduck is still very common in much of its Asian part. Perhaps they will move further west, to Iceland and Great Britain. The European population of red ducks is declining, it is likely that most of the settlements of Ogars in Western Europe will soon disappear. These birds are sometimes seen in North America.
A flock of fires. Moscow ZooOgary lay six to sixteen creamy white eggs at a time in burrows, tree hollows, or crevasses away from water, where the clutch will remain for 30 days until the chicks hatch. Usually red ducks live in pairs or small groups, much less often in a large flock. But during molting and wintering, they can gather in large groups on lakes or slow rivers.
Ogari reach 58-70 cm in length and a wingspan of 110-135 cm. The bird has an orange-brown plumage with a lighter head. The wings are white with black flight feathers. Red ducks are good swimmers and look heavy in flight, looking more like geese than ducks. Males develop a dark ring on their neck during the nesting season in summer, while females usually have a white spot on their head. Their voice is a loud cry, similar to the cackle of geese.
In captivity, these birds tend to be aggressive and unsociable, and are best kept in pairs or over a very large area. The stump can be kept together with other species of ducks, but they can still be very aggressive during the nesting season. In Tibet and Mongolia, the red duck is considered sacred by Buddhists. Cinders are also sacred in Slavic mythology.

Name of the birds, 5 letters last soft sign and got the best answer

Answer from Yohallenger[guru]
Of all 732 species of birds found on the territory of the Russian Federation, there is only one bird, the name of which consists of 5 letters with "b" at the end. This is a fire.
Ogar, or red duck (lat. Tadorna ferruginea) is a waterfowl of the duck family, the closest relative of the shelduck.
Small settlements of these birds live in northwestern Africa and Ethiopia, but the main population nests in Europe, along its very southeastern outskirts, in central Asia and on the southeastern side of China. In winter, shelducks fly to the south of Asia.
These birds are less common in southeastern Europe and southern Spain, but the shelduck is still very common in much of its Asian part. Perhaps they will move further west, to Iceland and Great Britain. The European population of red ducks is declining, it is likely that most of the settlements of Ogars in Western Europe will soon disappear. These birds are sometimes seen in North America.
A flock of fires. Moscow ZooOgary lay six to sixteen creamy white eggs at a time in burrows, tree hollows, or crevasses away from water, where the clutch will remain for 30 days until the chicks hatch. Usually red ducks live in pairs or small groups, much less often in a large flock. But during molting and wintering, they can gather in large groups on lakes or slow rivers.
Ogari reach 58-70 cm in length and a wingspan of 110-135 cm. The bird has an orange-brown plumage with a lighter head. The wings are white with black flight feathers. Red ducks are good swimmers and look heavy in flight, looking more like geese than ducks. Males develop a dark ring on their neck during the nesting season in summer, while females usually have a white spot on their head. Their voice is a loud cry, similar to the cackle of geese.
In captivity, these birds tend to be aggressive and unsociable, and are best kept in pairs or over a very large area. The stump can be kept together with other species of ducks, but they can still be very aggressive during the nesting season. In Tibet and Mongolia, the red duck is considered sacred by Buddhists. Cinders are also sacred in Slavic mythology.


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