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valuable document of a working citizen. There are records of all labor facts, they calculate the service life for applying for a pension. The insert is a mandatory extension; for expediency, it is sewn inside the main document.

What it is

The application inside the book is listed as additional flyleaf. Due to the fact that the form form has a limited number of pages, an insert is assigned to it in order to continue recording the employee's work activities when the form ends.

Previously, inside the labor office, records were calmly crossed out and new ones were signed on top. Now this option is unacceptable, it is strictly forbidden to cross out. It is also not allowed to purchase a new book if the old one has already ended, there is no room for a new entry. Cannot be pasted clean sheets. There is simply no other design option.

For example, an application for an employee who is retiring has been prepared, orders have been issued, and you just need to fill out a worksheet and submit it. And suddenly it turns out that the book does not have a place to write about the dismissal. Anticipating the fact that the pensioner will no longer need a document, the personnel services make a note elsewhere so as not to spend money on the insert. According to the norms, it is still required to draw up an application, even if the entry is the only one.

The application is carefully sewn with a thick needle to the main document between the cover and the last page. They attach it after marking on the first sheet of the main document “Insert issued” and filling in personal data about the employee. Procedure in progress automatically, in case of untimely duty, the responsibility lies with the employer, for his indifference he will receive a fine.

Who buys

Forms and applications are strictly accountable documentation that records the life of a worker. The employer is required to keep and maintain the forms. According to the rules, the employer is obliged to purchase the forms, the accounting department should keep the blank forms, and the personnel department should issue them.

In the cash book, maintained by the accounting department of the organization, records are recorded with all transactions related to the acquisition, spending of new forms and applications, where the series, number of each document are indicated, and a stamp is placed.

The Human Resources Department or another department that processes the hiring and dismissal of an employee conducts accounting book. It fixes the movement of work books, applications. If the document is issued to the employee again, then the operation is recorded in the ledger indicating all the required data.

Where and how can I buy

Buy work book with an insert is most correct in the organization where the employee goes to work. It is impossible to purchase a form in any other places, otherwise there is a risk of acquiring a fake. Only specialized institutions have the right to issue valid forms.

According to the rules, the employer draws up an agreement with a specialized institution, acquires a batch of forms from them, which is recorded in the income and expense book with a serial number.

When inserting an insert, it is necessary record this fact. Therefore, on the front side of the form, they put the stamp “insert issued” with a serial number. If there is no stamp, then write with your own hand.

The number of inserts is not indicated anywhere. If one employee needs them in large quantities, it is worth considering the presence of the main document, otherwise the insert will become invalid.

Model 1973 release.

The title page indicates the series and number, the coat of arms of the USSR is printed, the inscription: "Labor book".

A sample of the work book of a collective farmer, 1975 issue.

It was issued to rural citizens who were members of the collective farm.

New sample in 2003.

Issued to employees of Russian companies.

Form cost

The price of the form is said when buying, not when issuing. If suddenly the cost turns out to be high, then the employee pays the costs only for the purchase.

Some organizations take payment in cash, in another case, the cost is deducted from the salary. Must be required consent from the employee to withhold. The employee is obliged to write an application to the chief accountant, manager for the deduction from the salary of the amount for the cost of the insert. The application is written to free form.

The price depends on the sample, if the old one is 120 rubles, the new one is 180 rubles. The form is not charged for only if it is damaged by an employee of the personnel department.

If a citizen has lost his work book, there is no need to be upset. He should go through the organizations where he previously worked and ask him to make entries again in a new document. Thus, work experience is restored.

In case of lack of time and a large number of entries, a specialist is hired. For every organization where he has to go to restore the record of labor activity, you will have to pay from 500 to 1500 rubles. The year of manufacture also affects the cost.

Normative base

By Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 10.10.2003 No. 69, work books of a new sample are used. If the old model is used, then they have the same force. Samples from 1973 are also taken into account. They also need to be accepted and filled out.

If necessary changes are made on the title page. A sample work book of a collective farmer for further filling in it is not subject to entry, it can only serve to calculate insurance experience worker. For this reason, a former collective farmer must draw up and issue a new document when applying for a job in an organization of a different form of ownership.

Additional information is below.

In Russia, the document was introduced with the advent of Soviet power: the first document appeared in 1918. Active distribution began in the 50s, since the availability of labor made it possible to simplify the procedure for calculating a pension. Since that time, various acts and sample forms have been issued, according to which the book was to be filled out.

How to get a new one legally

Usually the need to obtain a document arises when applying for a job: lack of work and employers implies the absence of a book.

In accordance with Decree 225 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the first work book must be issued by the employer himself, while it is acquired at the expense of the company . To fill it out, the employee must provide to the personnel department:

  1. The passport.
  2. The document on the received education: diploma, certificate, record book. The last two documents are required if education has not yet been completed.
  3. Additional documents. This may be a military ID, a university diploma, if it was not available when applying for a job, or certificates from previous jobs, if the employee draws up a duplicate to replace the lost one.

Today, a work book is a document made in the form of a small (about a quarter of an album sheet in size) stitched work "diary". It notes:

  1. Citizen's data: full name, date of birth, education, profession (specialty), date of filling.
  2. Information about all places of work: name of the organization, position, date of employment, order number.
  3. Information about the dismissal: date of dismissal, reason, signature of the citizen that he is familiar with this information.

The employer himself, or rather, the person appointed by his order (usually the personnel department), is engaged in filling out the book. The same employee is responsible for storing, maintaining, recording and issuing documents.

An employee who gets a first job does not have to worry about anything at all: the employer must do everything himself. The employee does not even need to write an application for the issuance of a book, since it is the first and is issued in accordance with the law.

If the document was lost, the employee must apply to the place of the last job and write an application for a duplicate. This is necessary to control the use of forms in the company.

Second labor

In some cases a citizen may need two labor: for example, when applying for a second job. The law does not prohibit having two documents, but it does not directly allow it either. When applying for a second position, an employee is obliged to report this and bring a certified copy of the available labor.

The second employer cannot force the employee to bring the original.

In some cases, the second labor may be needed to deceive. For example, if a woman decides during pregnancy to get a second job, go on maternity leave and receive money in two places at once. This is a scam.

The same applies to situations where an employee decides to get rid of the labor, in which an unpleasant reason for dismissal is noted (for example, theft or going to work drunk). To refill the labor he will have to bring certificates from all places of work that he worked for them. The letter will state the reason for the dismissal.

Where can I buy blank paper

The need to purchase a clean work book usually occurs extremely rarely for a citizen . The HR department is mainly responsible for its acquisition.: he acquires blank forms in a stationery store and monitors their "expenditure".

But it happens that the employer, for whatever reason, refuses to spend money on empty labor. Forces the employee to buy it on their own. It can be purchased at a stationery store - such forms are completely legal.

It can be difficult to find it: most manufacturers of this document prefer to cooperate with companies and sell in large quantities. The second difficulty is the acquisition of a standard form: in stores outdated versions may be sold. When buying, you need to check for watermarks and other means of protection against forgery.

Is it possible to appeal the refusal to extradite

Refusal of the employer to issue the first labor or its duplicate in case of loss is a violation Labor Code . In this case, the employee can buy a blank document and bring it to the employer if he does not want a scandal. But he also has the right to write a statement to the prosecutor's office in connection with the refusal to issue him a document. If, after verification, it turns out that the employer is guilty, he will be fined, and it is also possible to suspend activities for three months.

The work book is a document containing all information about the work experience of the owner. The employer is obliged to acquire, fill out and store it, regardless of whether the document is the first one for the employee or a duplicate. But also a citizen can easily buy a blank book in stationery stores.

Wholesale and retail purchase price

If the document is issued through the employer, labor cost will be deducted from the employee's salary. He may also be asked to pay on the first business day. When ordering in bulk the price is 110-200 rubles.

But buying on your own will also not hurt your wallet much. Price per retail sale will be higher than wholesale - up to 350-400 rubles apiece.

This video contains Additional Information for the restoration of the work book.

An employee during his labor activity can change many positions and places of work, receive a lot of incentives that are entered in the work book. As a result, there may come a time when the corresponding section is completely filled. It is then that the need arises for supplementary document- an insert in the work book. By itself, it has no legal force (paragraph 2, clause 38 of the Rules for maintaining and storing work books, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 04/16/2003 No. 225, hereinafter referred to as the Rules), however, if the insert is sewn into the main document, then the entries in it is conducted in the same way as in the labor itself (paragraph 1 of the same paragraph of the Rules). So the insert has legal force only if it is sewn into the work book.

The answer to this question is given by clause 46 of the Rules, according to which the forms of work books and inserts for them are made centrally in the manner prescribed by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of December 22, 2003 No. 117n. Production is carried out by GOZNAK, while the forms have degrees of protection against counterfeiting. The purchase of such forms is made on the basis of contracts. Contracts, in turn, are concluded either with the GOZNAK association itself, or with distributors who purchase protected forms. The purchased forms are delivered by delivery services, by the employer himself or in any other way that does not contradict the norms of the law.

Who buys an insert in the work book and incorrect registration of the work

The organization found an incorrectly executed entry in the employee's work book. The previous employer made a record of the dismissal of the employee in the section “Incentive information”, and the employee responsible for maintaining work books in the organization continued to make incorrect records by making a record of employment in the organization in the same section.
How to correct errors correctly if you need to issue an insert in a work book: the first entry in the insert will be about the invalidity of previous entries? What date should be indicated when issuing an insert?

Employer lost employee's work book

In the course of the employee's labor activity, the work book is always at the disposal of the employer. In practice, situations are possible when an employer has lost a work book. What should an employee and an employer do in such a situation? We will try to answer this question for both subjects of labor relations.

The main negative point is that in order to issue a duplicate, the employee needs to somehow confirm his length of service and periods of work until the moment of employment with the employer who has lost the work book of the employee. The question of what to do in this case is not directly regulated by law.

The insert in the work book is bought by the employer

A work book is a document of an employee confirming his work experience. All employers, both organizations and entrepreneurs (private notaries, lawyers who have established law offices) must keep work books for their employees if they have worked for them for more than 5 days, and this place of work is the main one (part 3 of article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation ).

By law, an organization (entrepreneur) that provided an employee with an insert in the book can charge him a fee. The amount of this fee is set depending on the costs of the employer for the purchase of the insert (clause 47 of the Rules, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 No. 225).

Who buys the work book - employer or employee

- I came to one company to get a job as a freight forwarder. I talked with the authorities, showed my resume, discussed the working conditions. Everything was wonderful. Suddenly, in the personnel department, they tell me: “You have to pay for copies of your documents.” Well, I paid. Then again: “We will deduct the cost of uniforms from the salary.” Okay, I think so be it. But then uniform requisitions began: for a broken load, although it was not my fault, fines for being late, for smoking at the workplace ... I received a salary that was half what I expected. In general, he spat on such a job, found another.

In accordance with paragraph 47 of the Rules, when issuing a work book or an insert to an employee, the employer charges the employee a fee. The amount of this fee is determined based on the cost of their acquisition. True, if the worker personnel service made a mistake during the initial filling of the work book itself or an insert in it, or the book (duplicate) became unusable through no fault of the employee, the cost of the damaged form is paid by the employer.

The nuances of buying an insert in a work book

Since buying something is a cost, it is quite logical for employees to be indignant if they are trying to calculate the cost of forms from them. After all, the law clearly says who should buy an additional insert in the work book. An explanation is needed here, although the purchase of forms, additions to them is the responsibility of the employer, according to the law, he has the right to deduct the cost of such a purchase from the salary - this is legitimate. The employee is obliged to pay the cost of the forms, despite the fact that they were purchased by the employer.

  1. In case of damage to the form, which the employee bought (paid for), by the employer, including a specialist in the personnel department. In this case, not only damage to the form itself is implied, but also typos / errors when filling out title page. This also applies to the situation of incorrect maintenance of the form.
  2. If there was an emergency that led to the mass loss of forms. In this case, both books and inserts will be lost, since they are an integral part of the document. Then a duplicate is issued with the official registration of all records. It is the employer who bears the costs of its production.

Sale by the employer to the employee of the form of the work book and its insert

The work book is a personal document. But, despite this, the employer should keep it. Most often, employment records are located in the personnel department. All books that are confiscated from employees when hiring are subject to registration in the book of accounting for the movement of labor and their inserts. This document managed by the Human Resources Department. In accordance with paragraph 35 of the Rules, the employer undertakes to issue to the employee his work book with a record of dismissal on the day the labor contract is terminated.

The work book form has a limited number of pages. Often there are situations when records of the entire labor activity of an employee do not fit into the corresponding components of this document. In this case, to continue making entries, inserts are drawn up for sections of the work book in which the corresponding fields have ended. In the work book, this event is accompanied by a special stamp and the record “issued insert in the work book” (a sample can be viewed here).

Employment history

The employer maintains work books for all employees who carry out their main work for hire for more than 5 days.

The form and procedure for compiling work books are approved in two regulatory legal acts:

  • in the Rules, enshrined in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 N 225 (hereinafter referred to as the Rules);
  • in the Instruction, enshrined in the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of October 10, 2003 N 69 (hereinafter referred to as the Instruction).

Information on how the insert in the work book looks and is filled out is also provided for by the indicated regulatory legal acts.

Maintaining work books for all employees, as well as issuing (if necessary) inserts for them, are the obligations of the employer in relation to all employees who carry out their main work for hire for more than 5 days.

Issuance of an insert in the work book (sample filling here)

The case in which the insert in the work book is drawn up is provided for in clause 38 of the Procedure. According to the specified paragraph, if one of the sections in the work book is completely filled out, then the subsequent information for this section is entered by issuing an insert, which is filed with the work book. The procedures for maintaining a work book and an insert to it are identical.

Please note that the issuance of the insert must be necessarily reflected in the income and expense book for accounting for the forms of the relevant documentation, as well as in the book for recording the movement of work books and inserts in them.

Is the insert valid without a work book?

An insert without a main document is not valid. This follows both from paragraph 2 of clause 39 of the Rules, and from the very form of the insert, which contains the corresponding inscription.

Therefore, if, for example, a newly hired employee did not provide a work book, but only an insert in it, then no matter what entries are contained in the insert, the employer entering new entries into it without providing the main document - the work book will be unlawful.

Who should buy an insert in the work book?

The obligation to maintain work books is assigned to the employer (, paragraph 3 of the Rules).

Therefore, maintaining an insert in the work book, as well as acquiring the required number of inserts, is the responsibility of the employer, and not the employee.

Application for an insert in the work book (sample)

The application form from a person authorized to maintain work books for issuing appropriate forms to him is not provided for by law. Such an application is made in any form.

For example:

Chief Accountant of MUE "Sotsstroy"

S.R. Alferov


I ask you to issue 1 (one) form of an insert to the work book for the report.

Deputy Head of the Human Resources Department ___________ Rossomahina V.Yu.

Why do you need an insert in the work book?

An insert in the work book (together with the work book itself) is needed to record the length of service, it reflects information about the employee, the work entrusted to him, transfers, dismissals and their reasons, as well as incentives for success in work.

Here is additional material for the report on the seminar "Employment book: we draw up, fill out, correct" (lecturer Zhuravleva I.V. - consultant on personnel records and labor disputes, scientific editor of the journal "Personnel Decisions", author and teacher of the advanced training course "School personnel officer").

Where do we get work book forms? It is the employer who must purchase them, since the Rules state that he must have an adequate supply of work book forms and inserts in them.

What the words "sufficient supply" mean, the Rules do not specify. And this is natural, because in each organization the concept of "sufficient supply" is interpreted in its own way. Somewhere they hire new workers every six months, and only people with work experience, and therefore with work books.

Consequently, new work books have to be created extremely rarely: unless someone needs a new book to replace the lost one or if they need to make a duplicate of the book. Therefore, it is quite enough to have one or two forms of work books in stock for such an organization. But since they accept people with work experience, it means that one of the workers may well need an insert in the book. Therefore, forms of inserts in such an organization must have five to ten pieces, if not more, depending on the total number of employees in the organization.

And in another organization every month they hire new employees for several dozen people - this happens. Moreover, a large number of young people come who get a job for the first time. Accordingly, there are a lot of work book forms, and insert forms are needed in a much smaller amount.

So here the employee responsible for maintaining the books must decide for himself, based on the specifics of his organization, how many and what forms you need to have.

A very important question is where exactly to purchase the forms of work books and inserts in them. Both of these are protected printing products, so only the printing houses of the GOZNAK Association, which are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Finance, are allowed to print them. And other organizations can also distribute them, but strictly under contracts with the GOZNAK Association and having the right to work with protected printed products.

As a rule, most companies that sell stationery also legally sell blank work books.

If you have doubts whether this or that organization is the official distributor of forms, then you can always check this by asking her for documents on the right to sell forms. At the same time, you should be offered the following selection of contracts: a copy of the contract of a large wholesaler with the GOZNAK Association, from which he bought the forms, and a copy of the contract with this wholesaler of the company from which you bought the book forms. That is, all these agreements together will confirm that you have the forms legally.

So, firstly, only the employer can purchase a work book and, secondly, only from official distributors of forms. Any other way of acquiring forms of work books and inserts in them can be considered as a violation of labor legislation, liability for which is provided for in Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. Therefore, it is not clear where to acquire book forms, on the run, it is very, very risky. And in no case should you accept the forms of books brought by employees.

You, probably, just like me, have seen people in the subway passages offering to buy work books, diplomas, certificates, and the like. It is clear that they mean fake completed work books, but there are naive people who sincerely believe that these are just forms of work books and buy them.

And there are some amazing cases. A personnel officer comes to my seminar and brings a certain document, on the cover of which is written "employment book". But it is impossible to call this "document" a work book, because it is not one. Although it contains, it seems, all the details of the book's letterhead, however, neither its color, nor the size, nor the paper, I'm not talking about watermarks and other protection methods, do not correspond to the approved samples. It's just that some printing house made a cliché according to the model given in the Rules and began to print it, perhaps not even understanding what the violation was doing. And you can't even say that it's a fake: it would be a fake if it was on the letterhead that it was printed by the GOZNAK Association, but there was no such indication. People bought these forms of books and, getting a job in some small organization, brought them there. And there, work books were kept by a person who had no idea how exactly a real work book should look like, and therefore he began to fill out this incomprehensible form.

By the way, this is another argument in favor of the fact that it is better to entrust the maintenance of work books to a personnel officer, and not to some other employee in addition to his main labor functions. After all, he may be ignorant in matters of registration of personnel documentation.

Read the full text of the seminar in the magazine "The main book. Conference hall" 2013, No. 03


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