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Program content:

I. 1. Teach children to sculpt a sparrow from plasticine, convey the shape, size of body parts.

2. Lead to plot modeling through the joint composition of individual works.

3. Develop the activity of thinking and imagination, coordination of hand movements.

II. Fix the modeling techniques, divide the plasticine into three unequal parts.

III. Cultivate interest in modeling.

The duration of the lesson is 20 minutes.

Course progress.

Jump and jump, what a bird
Everything is not in place.
In appearance there is no one braver,
A sparrow gallops (all together) smartly.

Children, look, a sparrow flew to us, he said that he had no friends, and you know that sparrows love to fly in flocks. Let's make sparrow friends

Let's look at what a sparrow looks like:

What does the body look like? (It looks like an egg, one end, where the tail is already the other).

What does a sparrow's head look like? (On the ball) Is it smaller than the torso? Yes

What is the bird's beak? (sharp)

What ponytail? (Elongated and slightly flattened).

Look guys, I brought a feeder. Let's blind the sparrows that will fly to the feeder.

What are the names of the birds that stay over the winter? (Wintering) What birds stay wintering? Name..

What will we treat the sparrows that flew to the feeder?

Sit down, guys! Now look how to sculpt a sparrow:

We divide a piece of plasticine into 3 parts: in half and one half in half again.

From the largest we will sculpt the body, it looks like an egg. (we are showing)

The bird has a tail, we pull the tail from the narrow part and flatten it with our hands.

And my head is ready. How are we going to mold it? (We roll the ball and then do not forget about the beak, you need to pinch it).

My sparrow pecks at grains, so his head is lowered to the bottom. From the second small part we sculpt a stand. To do this, we roll the ball and flatten it.

Look what a wonderful sparrow I got.

Fizkultminutka Birds

The birds are jumping and flying waving their arms and jumping

Birds collect crumbs.

The feathers have been cleaned pat your hands

The beaks have been cleaned. stroke the noses

Birds fly, sing waving their hands

The grains peck. "peck" with fingers on the palm

And now you try to blind sparrows.

In the course of work, I ask how to divide plasticine?

What body shape does a sparrow have? What head? At the end of the stack we make eyes at the sparrows.

Finished work children spread on the feeder.

I summarize:

Look what sparrows we got.

I ask two children which sparrows they liked best?

Well done guys, they made wonderful friends for the sparrow, I think they will make friends !!

print Thanks, great tutorial +21

Sparrows surround us everywhere - they live on city streets next to people and are always looking for crumbs and grains. Adults, at times, do not notice these playful chirping birds, but the children rejoice when they see them. We invite you to mold your sparrow from plasticine, thereby introducing children to exciting creativity. Although the birds look brown, it is necessary to use several additional shades, such as beige, white, black. In general, modeling a sparrow from plasticine differs little from creating any other bird.

Other bird lessons:

Step by step photo lesson:

Knead lighter brown or beige plasticine, roll into two balls.

Stick one ball on the second, make a smoother detail, hiding the transition between the torso and head.

Attach the brown flatbread to the head and to the front of the chest, making a smooth transition at the neck.

Add a small sharp beak, it is better to make it from gray plasticine, also stick two black stripes - the base for the eyes.

The tail should be shaped like a triangle. Pull the plasticine into a cake of the appropriate shape and size, cover the surface of the part with many notches from above using a stack.

Attach the tail at the back.

In the form of wide commas, which are a mirror image of each other, complete the wings. Stick on a few white stripes and also make cuts in a stack.

Attach the wings to the sides of the body, starting from the neck area and laying them on the back.

Make also gray paws with three fingers.

Turn the bird with its belly towards you and attach the paws to the light area.

Here is such a plasticine sparrow turned out, of course, he does not jump, does not chirp and does not peck bread crumbs, but it looks quite believable.

Elena Frolova
Summary of modeling classes in middle group"The birds flew in, sat on the feeder"

Subject: Modeling. "The birds flew to the feeder sat down"

Target: To consolidate children's knowledge about the life of birds in winter.

Program content:


To consolidate the knowledge of children about wintering birds. to consolidate the ability to use the stack, to introduce the techniques of modeling pinching, stretching.

Observe the location and ratio of body parts, connect the parts by pressing them against each other.


Develop fine motor skills, attention, coherent speech, creativity in work,

Develop aesthetic perception.


Cultivate independence, perseverance, accuracy.

Integration of educational areas:

Communication, cognition, music, socialization.

Materials and equipment:

Presentation, images (stencils) of birds (tits, bullfinches, sparrows, plasticine (brown and gray), salt dough, stacks and planks according to the number of children, beads and sunflower seeds (for decorating the eyes and beak of a sparrow, feeder.

Methods and techniques: problem situation, conversation, clarification, demonstration, reliance on children's knowledge, help.

Preliminary work:

Conversation about wintering birds (titmouse, bullfinch, sparrow);

Examining illustrations; bird drawing;


Birdwatching on a walk (to fix the children's attention on the details characteristic of each type of bird, crow, sparrow, dove.)

Reading fiction: L. Kvitko “Brave Sparrows”, M. Gorky “Sparrow”, V. Levin “Sparrow Bathing”, Y. Kazakov “Greedy Chik and Vaska the Cat” (abbreviated,

Mobile games "Who lives where",

Didactic games "Name the bird that is gone", "Guess what our house is"

The course of directly educational activities

Educator: Guys, do you like to walk?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Tell me, guys, where do you like to walk?

Children's answers(on the street, in the kindergarten, on the rink, etc.)

Educator: Today I invite you for a walk in the winter forest. But before heading into the winter forest, what do you think we need to do?

Children: Wear warm clothes.

We put on imaginary mittens, a hat, a fur coat.


I invite you to go for a walk in the winter forest,

More interesting adventures, we guys can not find.

Stand one after another, hold hands tightly.

Along the paths, along the path, we are not in a hurry, we do not lag behind

We will all go to the forest together.

(Children hold hands and follow the teacher with a “snake”)

Educator: Guys, look how beautiful it is in the forest! How much snow. Look what a beautiful Christmas tree!

We approach the Christmas tree, we admire.

Educator: Guys, look who is sitting on the Christmas tree?

Children: Titmouse.

Educator: What are they?

Children: Beautiful, small, yellow-breasted, etc.

Educator: Guys, what do you think birds do in the forest in winter?

Children: They play, have fun, get their own food, etc.

We approach the next Christmas tree, Bullfinches sit on a branch.

Educator: Guys, look who is sitting on the branches of this Christmas tree?

Children Bullfinches.

Educator: What are they?

Children's answers.

Educator: Tell me guys, the birds that do not fly away in winter to warm lands, but stay with us for the winter, what are they called?

Children: Wintering birds.

We approach the next Christmas tree (one sparrow sits on the Christmas tree)

Educator: Look, guys, who is sitting on a branch?

Tell me what he is.

Children's answers(the body is rounded, the head is small, round, the wings are small, the tail is elongated, the beak is short, the eyes are black).

Educator: Guys, it seems to me that the sparrow is sad. Why do you think?

Children's answers(he is cold, bored alone on the Christmas tree, he has no friends).

Educator: Guys, how can you help a little sparrow?

Children's answers.

Educator: And let's take the sparrow with us to the nursery and make friends for him.

Hold hands tightly along the paths, along the paths

We don't rush, we don't lag behind Kindergarten we will all go together.

We pass to the table, take off imaginary clothes.

Let's sit down at the tables.

Showing how to sculpt a sparrow:

First, we take pieces of brown and gray plasticine (dough, mix into one lump to get a color similar to the color of sparrows.

Then we divide the brown-gray lump (dough) into three pieces (one large and two smaller ones). From a large piece we sculpt a torso in the shape of an egg, pull the tail from behind (flatten it with our fingers).

We have two identical pieces left. From one we will make a head (we roll a ball between the palms, from the second we will make wings (we flatten a piece of plasticine in the shape of a circle and cut it in half in a stack). We connect the details. We decorate the head (we make a beak from a seed, eyes from beads.

Educator: Look guys what I have (feeder)

What is a feeder for?

Children's answers.

Educator: Let's guys put our sparrows in the feeder.

Whose sparrow did you like the most? Why? What was difficult for you? How did you deal with your difficulties?

Well done guys wonderful sparrows turned out for everyone. Now the sparrow which we brought from the forest will not be bored, you have made many new friends for him. Today, when we go for a walk, we will take bird food with us (I ask one child to bring from a corner of nature) and feed the sparrows and other birds that fly to the feeders .

Abstract of a modeling lesson in the middle group on the topic "Sparrow on the feeder"

Tasks: to teach children to sculpt birds from 4-5 parts, different in shape and size, to develop a sense of form, the ability to compose. Raise interest in nature, the desire to help wintering birds in the cold season.

Preliminary work: bird watching, talking about wintering birds during a walk. Making feeders. Examining images of different birds (sparrow, tit, bullfinch, crow, etc.)

Material and equipment: brown plasticine, stacks, napkins, cardboard box for the feeder. Sparrow image illustration.

Lesson progress:

I read to children a poem by E. Blaginina:

Hungry, cold

Sparrow jackdaws?

Hungry, pigeons,

My gulenki?

Fly to visit

We are full of handfuls!

Peck, visit

Don't be scared, peck!


I remind the children about how we watched during the walk watching the birds at the feeder. How we fed them bread crumbs. Guys, let's remember what sparrows look like?

They are small and round. The head is small, round, on the head there are eyes, a beak. The body is oval on the body there are wings, an elongated tail and paws.

Fizminutka "Birds and the wind"

little birds,

little birds,

They fly through the forest

Songs are sung, (we wave our hands like wings)

A violent wind has flown, (hands up, swaying from side to side)

I wanted to take the birds.

The birds hid in a hollow (we squat down, cover our heads with our hands)

No one will touch them there.

Now we take a piece of brown plasticine and get to work. From a large piece, we blind the body of our sparrow. First, roll the ball between the palms in a circular motion, and then with direct movements of the palms we will make a column out of it. From a piece of plasticine, we will sculpt a head in a circular motion for less. Then glue it to the body. And we will make a bird's beak from a seed. Now we blind the wings of a sparrow. Roll out the ball and flatten it. (showing how to do it). And then we cut the flattened ball in a stack along the floors and stick the wings on one side of the body and on the other side of the body. That we have not blinded our sparrow yet?

(Children's answers).

See how we will do it. We will pull off a small piece from the body and flatten it with our fingers. (I help struggling children). Our sparrow is ready to fly to the feeder.

Summary of the lesson.

I show the children in a playful way the possibilities of conveying the movement of a stucco figurine: I raise my wings, as if a sparrow flies to the feeder, sit on it and begin to peck at the grains.

As they are made, the children carry the sparrows on the feeder.

At the end of the lesson, I read an excerpt from Z. Alexandrova's poem "Bird Tree".

Flocks of birds are flying

At the feeder in the winter garden,

And in the garden, without stopping,

The bells are ringing.


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