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Target: Familiarization of preschoolers with the origins of Russian folk culture, acquaintance with Christmas ritual holidays.


Introduce the ritual of caroling;
- introduce children to folk games, songs, carols, divination, dances;

Develop emotional responsiveness, attention;

To cultivate interest and respect for the past, for the history and culture of their people.

The phonogram of a Russian folk song sounds.

Children! Ordered up to you
Bring the decree at this hour,
prepared by myself
Our mother - in winter.
(Reading the order.)
Every year, this day,
As the sign says,
People of the city, village
Come to the holiday!
Surely everyone should
To be at the Winter Festival.

Hey, hurry up everyone here!
Kolyada came to visit.
We will joke, grimace,
Run, jump, have fun.
Give me your hand, friend!
We are waiting for you all in a fun circle!
Children dance to the soundtrack of the song "The Moon Shines", performing the movements shown by adults.

Leading: I invite you to celebrate a great holiday - Christmas The story of the Slavic holiday "Kolyada"

The Slavs began the holiday decorously - dinner in their native home. Woman baking round bread. The whole family gathered at the table. The table was covered with a tablecloth, under which straw or hay was placed. On the table is a Christmas kutyadakasha. Be sure to have an ikrendel pie on a platter, and they also baked animal figures from wheat dough for the holiday - cows, lambs, goats, cockerels and hens and shepherd men.

They decorated tables, windows of the hut (between the frames), they were sent as gifts to relatives, neighbors, acquaintances and children, they were presented to carolers. Here the whole family sits sedately at the table. Only the elders speak, they remember the year (good and bad in it), and the younger ones listen, although they can’t wait to get outside as soon as possible - to carol! At the end of the meal, the children took part of the remaining kutia to their grandparents, as well as to the homes of the poor, so that they could celebrate. Neither the food nor the tablecloth was removed until the morning, believing that the souls of the deceased parents would come to the table to also eat.

Carolers dress up as a bear, horse, goat, cow, and this is an ancient symbol of abundance. Boys and girls “dress up in hari (masks)” of horses, goats, cows, bears and other animals, and mummers walk around the yards, sing carols - songs glorifying Kolyada, who brings good to everyone. They glorify the owners, wish well-being to the house and family, and for this they demand gifts, jokingly predicting ruin for the miserly.

Previously, occasionally, the gifts themselves: cookies, loaves - were called Kolyada. Kolyada was symbolized by a sheaf or a straw doll, which was sometimes brought to the hut at Christmas with songs. The rite of caroling consisted of a kind of exchange of gifts, gift for gift. The carolers "gave" prosperity to the peasant house for the whole year, and the owners gave them goats, as well as pies, cheesecakes, beer, and money.

It is worth saying that in many areas of Russia, bread products were considered the main gift. On the eve of Christmas, roes were baked especially for distribution to carolers. Carol songs have always been varied. And this diversity depended on in which region, even in which district caroling took place.

Leading: Let's wish each other Merry Christmas and sing "Carol":

Kolyada! Kolyada!
And sometimes carols
Christmas Eve!
The carol came
Brought Christmas!
Kolyada is young
Went through new gates
And then Frost
Overgrown through the tyn.
He brought the cold
So grandfather Arkhip became young.
Frost is not great
Yes, he does not order to stand.
The frost does not order to stand,
It's time for us to carol!

Kolyada, Kolyada, would you like a pie?
With onions, peppers
With a mosquito heart.

This holiday is the longest, it is cheerful and ancient. Our ancestors drank, ate, had fun for two weeks.
Pie game.
Children stand in two lines facing each other. A participant depicting a "pie" sits between the ranks. Everyone sings:
Yes, he is tall
Yes, he is wide
Yes, he is soft
Cut it and eat it.
While singing, at the words "high-witted" they raise their hands up, "wide-width" - spread to the sides, "soft" - stroked on the stomach. Immediately after the words "Cut it and eat it", one participant from each line runs towards the "pie". Whoever touches the "pie" first, takes him to his team, and the loser remains to portray the "pie".
The group with the most pies wins.

And now we offer you a game -
Measure strength, as happened in the old days.
We invite the strongest guys,
Come on, stand up, strong men, in a funny row.
tug of war

Leading: Although the game, but in it a hint of good fellows lesson!

Do you want to listen to my New Year's fairy tale?

Only your help will be needed for me ... I will give you noise instruments. We will tell the story together.

Distributes noise instruments to children

Fairy tale-noisemaker "Christmas Tree"

A Christmas tree grew in the forest standing still with arms outstretched
Squirrels jumped on its branches - jump forward (tap the xylophone with a stick)
A woodpecker flew “fly” or slap hands on the sides.
and loudly pounded his beak - stretch the index fingers forward, drum them on the body (knock with sticks).

Sometimes a big bear passed by - we walk, waddling from foot to foot (slowly tapping the drum with our palms)
Sometimes a little bunny ran - bouncing in place (playing the xylophone)
In the evening, the breeze blew on her - we blow
At night, the stars lit up over it - stretching out the index fingers, as if we draw dots-stars above the head (we play on a triangle)

In the summer, mosquitoes flew around her - we move our fingers in the air, saying "z-z-z"
In winter, white snowflakes fell on her - drawing points from top to bottom with index fingers, we show how snowflakes fall (we pinch the strings).

(voicing a fairy tale with noise instruments)

Leading: Thanks guys, we got an interesting fairy tale.

Christmas does not happen without divination. Especially girls love to guess. Find out your fate.


Guess-guess girl

In which hand will you get

Life will roll

Prettier - dress up

Youth will get...

And let's take a guess...

The light goes out. The leader lights a candle.

In every cup of grain your destiny is hidden. Every thing is a prediction.

Several children take objects out of the cup.

Coin - to wealth

Bread - to a full life

Mirror - for new outfits

Leading: And let's tell fortunes, we'll look under the pots.
(The game “Fortune-telling on pots” is being played. There are five pots on the table in the middle of the hall.)
Children lead a round dance and sing: A pot with tops, tell us, my friend - what will come true, what will happen? Let the bad stay. (A towel is taken out of the pot - a towel).

presenter: Towel! It spreads far ... a long road awaits, a journey.
(Children walk in a circle again, pronounce the words. The second pot is with a bun).

presenter: Bulka! The mouse runs in the upper room, drags the loaf into the house. There will be prosperity in the house, well-being.
(Children hold hands and walk in a circle again, pronounce the words. There is a ring in the third pot).

Presenter:Ringlet! Sow flour, bake pies! Soon there will be guests, and grooms for the girls!
(In the fourth pot - a ribbon).

Presenter:Ribbon! Walking through the field, weaving a Russian braid, weaving it with silk. Overflowing with gold! Ribbon - to wealth, profit.
(In the fifth pot - a button).

presenter: Button! Oh, the bug walked along the mound, threw the good on the washcloth. We all live a happy life in a big family.

Leading: The next fortune-telling by profession for children: what comes across will come true (the following items are in the bag):

1. Scissors for children - hairdresser

2. Centimeter - tailor

3. Book - writer, scientist

4. Musical instrument - musician

5. Paints - artist

6. Thermometer - doctor

7. Car - driver

8. Monet - accountant, cashier, banker.

Leading: And, there is also such a sign - if you catch a star from the sky ... and you make a wish, then it will certainly come true. Catch wish stars.

presenter: Guys, catch stars, make a wish. Just take care of the stars.

Leading: And of course, they played different games, which we will play with you.

The game "Zhmurki"
"Zhmurka" is blindfolded, forced to turn around several times, then asked.
- Cat, cat, what are you standing on?
- At the pot.
- What's in the pot?
- Kvass.
- Catch the mice, not us.
The participants in the game scatter, the "blind man's blind man" catches them. The one he caught becomes a "blind man".

Leading: And now the game is not entertainment

And with great, great meaning

So that the spikelet is long

To make flax grow tall

Jump as high as you can

You can jump over the roof.

The game "Miracles in the sieve."

4 saucers, 20 peas, 2 spoons. To the music, one pea must be transferred from one saucer to another.

"Grandpa's Rhymes"
Always in any village there was a grandfather who knew more than all jokes, jokes, proverbs, sayings and tongue twisters, ditties. Children are encouraged to take part in the competition.
1. “You can’t speak all the tongue twisters, you can’t pronounce them” (the participants themselves or the presenter offer the tongue twisters).

2. A ram - a bully climbed into the weeds.

3. Like on a hill, on a hill
Thirty-three Yegorkas are standing.

4. How much the sieve did not eat,
Never been full.

5. There is a vine on the cart, a goat by the cart.

Let's play the game "Hot Pie"

Two teams are selected, which stand in two lines (in each alternation: a boy, a girl) facing each other. The condition is that the players must keep the ball under their chin, during the transfer it is impossible to touch the ball with their hands in any case, while it is allowed to touch each other in any way, so as not to drop the ball.

"Golden Gate"
The Golden Gate is not always missed.
The first time is forgiven, the second is forbidden,
And the third time we will not miss you!

Leading: You are smart guys

Guess the riddles!

1. Front patch,

back hook,

middle back,

There is a bristle on the back.

(Carolers guess: piglet).

2. Not a rider, but with spurs,

Not a watchman, but wakes everyone up.

(The carolers guess again: a rooster).

3. Little boy

In a gray coat

Wandering across the field

Stealing hemp!

Flies through the yards

Collects crumbs!

(Carolers are thinking ... Sparrow)!

4. Humpback cat

The girls rub their shoulders.

In the morning

Went out of the yard

Lying on the shore

Didn't swim in the water!


5. Knock-knock in the forest,

In the hut blunder blunder,

In the hands of the ring-ring,

On the floor - top-top.


Sitting in summer and running in winter. (skates)
A piece of wood is uphill, and a horse is downhill. (sled)
12 brothers follow each other, they do not bypass each other. (12 months)
A white fur coat dressed the whole world. (snow)
No arms, no legs, but he can draw. (freezing)
Who has a piglet that is not clamped into a fist? On his feet are hooves, he eats and drinks from a trough. (piggy)

Leading: They had fun at the feast for the eyes, they deserved a treat!

Treats children with donuts

Did you like everything?

What do you remember more ?

Leading: To all good people

We wish you well, gold and silver!

fluffy pies,

Soft pancakes!

Good health!

Butter cow!

To whom we sing songs, it will come true,

That will come true, it will not pass.

The event ends with a fun dance to the song "Ice Ceiling"
(In accordance with the text, children perform movements).

To download material or !

Kuznetsova I.A.

Musical director of MBDOU

Kindergarten "Mishutka"

Entertainment scenario "Christmas carols"

for all age groups of kindergarten

Target. To form love for folk traditions in the minds of children through acquaintance with Russian folk holidays.

1. cultivate love and interest in folk holidays,

2. introduce children to the ritual of caroling in Russia, increase vocabulary

3.Create a good mood.



Children of preparatory groups - mummers

Attributes: treats for children, musical instruments, a shop with pots, items for divination, bags for playing, a broom, snowballs in a box

To the music, children of middle and junior groups enter the hall and sit on chairs


Hello guys! Hello dear guests!

So the New Year's fuss is over, it's time for the bright joyful holiday of Christmas!

Child senior group reads a poem

Snowflakes are spinning quietly, a fairy tale comes to our house,

Christmas tree, gifts, pictures - we call it all Christmas!

The stars in the sky sparkle, but only one is brighter than all.

He proclaims joy to us, the feast of Christmas.

On this magical holiday, everything is suddenly filled

Faith, Hope, Love and the light of goodness around!


From Christmas to baptism, holy days come - Christmas time.

Cheerful Christmas time - round dances and carols!

Do you guys know what Christmas is? (children's answers)

Well, you have to tell and, of course, show.
Those who know, come out and tell us about Christmas time!

Children of the middle group recite a poem
This holiday is the longest, it is cheerful and old!
Our ancestors drank, ate, had fun for two weeks.
From Christmas to Epiphany, having prepared a treat,
They sang different carols, went around the yards to Christmas time.
They dressed up and joked, they waited for the holiday and loved it.
So let's meet him now!

Skomorokh runs to the music


Hello red girls!

Hello good fellows!

Hello dear guests!

Give, God, to those who are in our house,

Good hostesses, dear guests!

The Lord would endow you with both life and life and health!

Get it together, man thy people, go for a walk!

Row up, take your rattles! Yes hurry up with the whole family chalu!

From all doors, from all gates to us for the holiday hurry!

Who is good atto work, he knows how and weight pour!

Hey, carol, baby, golden beard!

Come, carols, open the gate!

Children enter the room preparatory group in suits

Christmas carol.

1. How frost freezes the nose on the street,

He doesn’t tell you to stand for a long time, he tells you to serve soon!

Kolyada, Kolyada, we wish you well!

Entertainment for children of the middle group "Christmas carols"

Holiday progress:

The hosts of the holiday Arina and Zimushka come to visitgroup

Arina and Zimushka together : (with bow)

Hello hostess!

We sow, we sow, we sow.

Happy New Year!

Mistress. Thank you, happy New Year too.

Arina and Zimushka together :

Allow me, hostess, to stand under the window,

Carol to tell.

"Aunty, good,

Give me something nice

Donut and cake,

Yes, pork leg"

Mistress.Kolyada is young, you want a pie?

Now I'll feed everyone

I'll cut each piece.

Arina and Zimushka together :

Kolyada is youngwe want pie!

Don't cut, don't break, serve the whole pie!

Mistress. All, so all

Substitute the bag

I'll get you a pie.

(The hostess puts a pie in a bag.)

Arina : Guys, today we are celebrating Christmas time - this is a Russian folk holiday. Do you want to know how it is celebrated? come with uscaroling!

(Childrenmiddle group"Cornflowers" go to visit"Fidget" singcarols, then go together to"To dreamers" also singcarols, (in each group leaders repeat their words) then they all go together to the music hall to continue the celebration.)

To the music hall"Good evening people" children are included"mummers" . A boy walks ahead of everyone and carries« Christmas star » .

Children : Camecarolopen the gate!

Open the gates and receive guests!

As we entered, yes, in a good house.

Hello hosts!

Good day, good day(bow)

Arina : good afternoon good people(with bow)

Let it be a happy holiday

Happy holiday to all

I wish you happiness from the bottom of my heart!

Arina : So the first month of winter has begun - January. A week passed after the meeting of the New Year and in Russia they began to celebrate the merry time of Christmas time, every day people walked in the evenings near their villages, sang songs, dressed up in outlandish costumes. And even these days it was customary to beg under the windows, performing special songs, which were calledcarols. And now you guys and I went to visit andcaroling. Guys, do you knowcarols? Come out and tell me.

1 child :

Just like ourcarol

Neither small nor great.

She comes to your door

Yes, bow to everyone!

2 child :

I am a little boy

I play the pipe

I amuse you all.

And you people know

Give me candy.

3 child :

Shchedryki - buckets, give me dumplings!

There are few dumplings, give fat,

Ham, sausages, a spoonful of porridge.

If you don't give me a pie, we'll take the cow by the horns!

4child :

Kolyad, carols, kolyadin,

I am alone with my father.

short jacket,

Give, hostess, a pie!

5 child :

I am a little boy

Climb up the closet

Put on a red cap

Please, piglet.

Arina :

Thank you, dear friendscarolerswho came to us with congratulations(Puts a treat for the children in the basket) . Now try to solve some riddles.

1. The old man at the gate dragged away all the heat.(Freezing)

2. The girl Belyan came, the whole glade turned white.(Snow)

3. The tablecloth is white dressed the whole world.(Snow)

4. Flowed, flowed and lay under the glass.(River)

5. An old grandfather, he is a hundred years old, built a bridge across the river, without hands, without an ax, without a wedge.(Freezing)

Winter : Guys, the riddles are all about me, about Zimushka! I Zimushka-winter came to visit you to celebrate the holiday with you. In the traditional folk calendar winter is not only the richest in holidays, but also the longest season. When the harvest is already harvested, there comes a periodentertainment. "Summer is for trying, and winter is for walking" . Guys! What holiday is the most magical, winter, fun?

Children : New Year!

Winter : and after this holiday, Christmas time begins "fromChristmasChrist on January 7 and continue until baptism on January 19 ”and today they gathered for Christmas celebrations.

Do you know poems about winter?

educators : We will sing a song about you"On a visit to the winter-winter" .

Winter : Do you guys want me to tell you interesting nursery rhymes?

Children :


The game"Pretend!"

Winter :

The cat was warming at the gate,

I washed my mouth with my paw,

Hairdresser cockerel

Gave her a comb

He brushed the cat...

Educator and children :

Winter :

The bear hovered in the clouds

He drank tea with crows.

Suddenly, towards the crocodile,

Once - and swallowed the bear,

Swallowed like a midge...

Educator and children :

No, this does not happen - it's pretend.

Winter :

In the morning, grandmother Barbara,

Mosquito carried from the market,

Sees : near wattle

Pig with piglets

Dancing to the harmonica...

Educator and children :

No, this does not happen - it's pretend.

Arina : Our winter is winter, although it is frosty and cheerful. We will continue the holiday, we will play games!

The game“We will buy a grandmother for ourselves a chicken ...”

We will buy, grandmother, a chicken for ourselves

We will buy, grandmother, a duck for ourselves

Duck ta-ta-ta-ta

Hen by grain kudah-tah-tah

We will buy, grandmother, a turkey for ourselves

turkey folds-folds

Duck ta-ta-ta-ta

Hen by grain kudah-tah-tah

We will buy, grandmother, a kitty for ourselves

kitty meow meow

turkey folds-folds

Duck ta-ta-ta-ta

Hen by grain kudah-tah-tah

We will buy, grandmother, a dog for ourselves

dog wow wow

kitty meow meow

turkey folds-folds

Duck ta-ta-ta-ta

Hen by grain kudah-tah-tah

We will buy, grandmother, a pig for ourselves

Piglet grunts-grunts

dog wow wow

kitty meow meow

turkey folds-folds

Duck ta-ta-ta-ta

Hen by grain kudah-tah-tah

We will buy, grandmother, a cow for ourselves

Flour-Flour Cow

Piglet grunts-grunts

dog wow wow

kitty meow meow

turkey folds-folds

Duck ta-ta-ta-ta

Hen by grain kudah-tah-tah

We will buy, grandmother, a horse for ourselves

Horse yoke-go-ki

Flour-Flour Cow

Piglet grunts-grunts

dog wow wow

kitty meow meow

turkey folds-folds

Duck ta-ta-ta-ta

Hen by grain kudah-tah-tah

We will buy, grandmother, a TV for ourselves

Announcer la-la-la-la

Horse yoke-go-ki

Flour-Flour Cow

Piglet grunts-grunts

dog wow wow

kitty meow meow

turkey folds-folds

Duck ta-ta-ta-ta

Hen by grain kudah-tah-tah

Arina : Children, let's start this with yougame :

The game"Golden Gate"

Two drivers receive names -"moon" and"sun" . They become facing each other and, joining their hands, raise them up, forming a collar. The rest of the players, holding hands, pass through this gate. Players depicting these gatessing :

Golden Gate

They don't always miss.

The first time - sorry.

The second time is forbidden

Well, for the third time

We won't miss you! -(Lower hands.)

The one who was outside the gate remains at"moons" and"sun" . He is asked where he would like tostay : U"moons" or at"sun" . The detainee answers and becomes the player he chose. Thus everythingdistributed : who - to"sun" , and who to -"moon" .

When everyone is distributed, the team"sun" and team"moons" arrange a tug-of-war. Who will pull. That team won.

Arina : That's how fun our Christmas holiday turned out to be!

Winter : Yes, it turned out to be a fun walk, songs, dances, and competitions. This is where the holiday ends. Goodbye, guys.

(Under the soundtrack of the song"If there was no winter" , the children leave the room.)

Tasks: Introduce the ritual of caroling; to form children's knowledge about the calendar and ritual holiday; cultivate love for Russian folk art, good feelings; contribute to the development of positive emotions.

Lesson progress:
The children enter the room. They sing a song in a round dance.
Song to the music “Like ours at the gates” (between verses, a loss to musical instruments)
It has come Christmas We have been waiting for him for a long time.

Christmas time is celebrated by the people: have fun and sing.
Guys, it's Christmas time. Come on, guys!
And Ovsen and Kolyada will be with us? Yes?

Children: Yes!

M.R: What is Kolyada?

Haven't you guys heard? Well, you have to tell and, of course, show.
Days from Christmas before baptism are called holy days - holy days. These days it is customary to joke, sing funny songs, play, give gifts, go to visit.
What is Christmas time?

This holiday is the longest,

It's funny and old fashioned.

Our ancestors drank, ate,

We had fun for two weeks.

Dressed up and joked.

So let's meet him now!

M.R: We invite everyone to our holidays!
Games and puzzles are waiting for you.
Waiting for fortune-telling, dancing, laughter!
Enough jokes here for everyone!
You don't want to play with the goat.
The game "The goat went through the forest" Holding hands, the children stand in a circle and walk counterclockwise. The goat moves clockwise inside the round dance, choosing a princess for herself. Then, together with the princess, they perform movements according to the lyrics of the song:
The goat went through the forest, through the forest, through the forest,
Look for a princess, princess, princess.
Come on, goat, let's jump, jump, jump.
And kicking legs, kicking, kicking.
And clap, clap, clap.
And with our feet we stomp, we stomp, we stomp.
Shake our head and start again.

M.R: What have you played? Why don't you ask riddles?
1. The old man at the gate dragged away all the heat. (Freezing)
2. Flowed, flowed and lay under the glass. (The river is frozen)
3. A cheerful horse runs around our village. (Winter storm)
4. The tablecloth is white dressed the whole world. (Snow)
5. Old basket, new tire. (frozen lake)
6. The fur coat is new, but there is a hole in the hem. (hole in the river)
Children stand in a circle and sing the song "Sanochki"
M.R: Tay, tay, fly into the game with me, you, play.
Folk game "Burners"

Children go in a circle in one direction, leading a circle in another, pronounce the words:

Burn, burn bright

To not go out

Look at the sky

The birds are flying

The bells are ringing

The driver with a handkerchief touches two players standing nearby, after

One, two, three run! - they run around the circle in opposite directions, their task is to take the handkerchief first.
M.R: Without fortune-telling, what kind of Christmas time, let's tell fortunes, guys (a bag with an object)

You should be a cheerful singer (microphone)
2. Be beautiful for you (mirror)
3. Learn to read (book)
4. You will draw well (felt-tip pens)
5. You will be an athlete (ball)
6. You will be beautiful (comb)
7. There will be a good appetite (spoon)
8. You will be a master (instrument)
9. You will be fast (car)
10. Be slim (dumbbells)
11. You will be a musician (pipe)
12. You will be rich (cabbage)
M.R: Oh boy, it's Christmas time!
Shall we start caroling? (children come out to sing a song)
Song "Kolyadka" Russian folk song
1 child:
Geese - swans flew!
We are little ones, carolers,
We've come to glorify
Praise the owners!

2 child: Give the kids a snout
And we have a bag of happiness for you!

3 child: Give us a kilo of candy
For a whole year you live without trouble
4 child: For any meal
There will be joy and fun!

Carols, carols, the children have gathered!
They went through the village, they found a grandmother carol,
Our grandmother Kolyada called all the guys.
She called all the guys, gave everyone gifts.
Happy holiday everyone
FROM Merry Christmas!
And now it's time to distribute the Christmas treats to the guys!

Name: Entertainment scenario for children 5-6 years old "Christmas carols"
Nomination: Kindergarten, Holidays, entertainment, scenarios, performances, dramatizations, Middle group

Position: teacher of the highest qualification category
Place of work: MBDOU Kindergarten Shunga villages
Location: Shunga village, Kostroma district, Kostroma region

Entertainment scenario for children 5-6 years old
"Christmas Carols"

Target: to form in children an interest in Russian folk culture.

Tasks: continue to acquaint with Russian traditions (caroling, folk games), develop artistic and creative activities by familiarizing with household items, customs, games, instill patriotic feelings in children.

Event progress:

Children in Russian folk costumes enter the hall to music with noise instruments, stand in a semicircle.


- Everything is covered with white snow -

Winter fairy tale celebration.

A star shines brightly

Christmas is coming!

The holiday is bright, long-awaited,

Every home welcomes a guest.

Light shines around

All that is dear to us all of a sudden!

The mummers went home

Sang songs here and there.

The carol song was called

Christmas was glorified in it.

New Year's festivities are over, it's time for a joyful holiday - the Nativity of Christ. From the very baptism - bright days - Christmas time.

Here's how it was:

Child 1:

- The holiday is coming - Christmas

Good, hope triumph!

With them the carol comes

Ringing songs start!

Child 2:

- Kolyada-kolyada,

Give me a piece of the pie

Treat delicious

Nobody will be sad!

Child 3:

- Give honey gingerbread,

Let's be healthy all year round

Bread you will not regret

Fill it with milk!

Child 4:

- Give spoons to carols.

Very tasty, check it out!

Good people, go

Bless the carol!

Cheerful and smooth

Orthodox holidays!

Child 5 (singing):

- I'll sit on your doorstep

I'll eat a birthday cake

To be good

Gold and silver!

Child 6 (singing):

- So that the cows lowed,

And the calves were not bored.

The cattle yard is full

Chickens and pigs!

Child 7:

- Are you good or not, mistress,

Open a window for us.

Throw cakes in our bag,

A generous time has come for carols!

Carolers pass through the hall, the audience throws treats into the bag.


- You need to call the rooster

Celebrate Christmas with us

A child dressed as a cockerel comes out, dancing to a folk tune.


- Come on out, kids!

It's time to play!

Children stand in a circle, the cockerel inside the circle chooses the hen.

Children in chorus:

- Our cock is very brave,

A big one flew up on the fence,

He sang a resounding song.


- Oh, you chickens - Corydalis,

Come out to the carols!

Throw us a little grain,

So that the road is smooth.

There will be lard in our porridge,

So that my family pecks.

Hens are beauties

Carols will love it!

Come out, dance

Make fun of us carols!

Children perform dance moves to a Russian folk tune.

Children in chorus, turning to the presenter:

- Did you like the game?

Now it's time to eat!

Take out the samovars

Feed all the kids!

Cookies and gingerbread!

Happy holiday to all!


- Sit down at the table in two rows,

Tea drinking is preparing a miracle - carols!

Children go to the group to drink tea.


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