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- a bird of prey, the largest representative of falcons in the world. The so-called "ghost" merlin, which received its nickname for a specific "smoky" color, is one of the most cruel birds of prey in the upper latitudes of the Arctic. While hunting, drives down prey in flight or falls like a stone from the sky at breathtaking speed to strike prey
on the ground. Breeds on remote cliffs in remote parts of Canada and Alaska. Gyrfalcons in North America are protected from most of the threats coming from humans and a warming climate. They are rare winter guests in the northern states of America.

Falco rusticolis
Squad: .
Family: Falcons (Falconiformes).
Genus: Falcons.
View: .
Names in other languages: Gyrfalcon (English); Faucon gerfaut (French); Gerfalke (German); Halcun Gerifalte (Spanish);
The name probably comes from Old Norse, but linguists do not fully agree with this statement.

Physical characteristics:

Male gyrfalcons reach a size of 48-61 cm, females about 51-64 cm;
Weight of males 800-1.325 g, females 1.000-2.100 g;
Adult males are much smaller than females: males weigh less than 1.5 kg on average, while females weigh about 2 kg on average. Both males and females tend to change color frequently, ranging from almost pure white to dark grey-brown.
The oldest merlin met by a human, male, at least 14 years old in Wisconsin in 2015.


Although the classic color gyrfalcon is white with black spots, there are individuals with shades of white, gray and dark brown. In North America, gray birds are more common than the other two. Adult birds are more heavily rippled on their back, wings, and tail. The color of the legs and feet of adult birds is yellow, while that of young birds is pale gray. White color prevails in birds living in the upper latitudes of the Arctic, darker in birds in Labrador. Birds in Iceland are predominantly gray in color. white and gray in color, are also equally distributed from west to east throughout Russia and Siberia in particular.


The habitat of gyrfalcons is mainly arctic tundra. When they fly south during the winter, they look for areas such as open fields, coastlines, dunes, prairies, and scrub steppes.
Also, the natural habitat for birds of prey such as gyrfalcons is high ground, hills and mountains in the arctic and alpine tundra of northern Canada and Alaska, in areas with abundant partridge populations or near nesting or waterfowl colonies, rocky coasts, sea islands , barren rocky lands, river bluffs, lakeside bluffs and mountainous terrain up to 1,500 km. Vegetation in the habitat of these birds of prey is mostly stunted. it different kinds sedge, cotton grass, lichen, moss, willow and birch. But sometimes they run the risk of hunting in small forests and spruce forests along beaches or dunes. in winter gyrfalcons leave the highest latitudes and altitudes, and may travel relatively far south, such as the northern United States. There they tend to be found in open areas below 900 km above sea level and at altitudes with a high abundance of birds for hunting, including coasts, waters, fields, meadows, bushes and river valleys.

Feeding and hunting gyrfalcon:

Hunted gyrfalcons mainly on open area, sometimes they fly high and attack from above, but more often
moving fast and low, clinging to the ground. They often sit on the ground.

The main prey of gyrfalcons are such species of partridge as white and tundra, but these birds of prey also prey on other birds, including marine, waterfowl, waders, and even songbirds. As you know, they do not mind hunting, if possible, for such birds as sage grouse, huntsmen, gulls, terns, fulmars, auks, pheasants, crows, magpies, tap dances, savannah buntings and Lapland plantains. Even such as hawks, owls and even their fellow falcons sometimes become prey for gyrfalcons. They may also prey on small animals such as hares, ground squirrels, lemmings, and young arctic foxes. they track down their prey from very high positions, sitting on rocks or directly in the sky.

Attacks merlin on its target with a sharp blow from above, bringing it down to the ground and dragging it further along the ground, and not missing it in the air; kills the victim by breaking through the chest. can fly low and sneak up on prey and chase prey for long distances to drive it, or soar above it, harassing it with deceptive dives down.
During the breeding season, female gyrfalcons often hide leftover food that the young chicks cannot eat at one time in the vegetation near the nest, so that later they don't have to worry about finding food for themselves or their chicks. Little is known about foraging outside the breeding season. In a number of cases, it was possible to catch gyrfalcons butchering frozen partridge in the middle of winter in the Aleutian Islands. During the breeding season, the gyrfalcon family needs an estimated 1-1.5 kg of food per day. That's about 2-3 partridges a day, adding up to about 150-200 partridges eaten between nestling after birth and before they fledge.

Merlinbird, attributed by ornithologists to the falcon family, among whose members it is considered the largest. And this is true, because even males of such birds, which are usually smaller than females, are half a meter or more in length. At the same time, the size of females can in some cases reach 65 cm with a mass of 2 kg.

If we compare the described representatives of the family with fellow falcons, then their tail is noticeably longer, but the wings, on the contrary, are shorter; the brow ridges are more developed, and the plumage is softer. But the main difference between the gyrfalcon is its size, since ancient times it has been considered a great advantage over falcons in commercial hunting, for which these birds have been used by humans along with other falcons for many centuries.

Gyrfalcon bird

The gyrfalcon is also much larger than its fellow peregrine falcon - no larger than a crow. However, these representatives of the feathered kingdom are similar to each other purely outwardly. And also the gyrfalcon resembles the indicated relative in voice, but unlike it, it makes more hoarse sounds: “kyak-kyak”, and reproduces them in tone lower and rougher.

Sometimes it turns out like a drawl: “cake-cake”. But a high and quiet trill can be heard from this bird in the spring. In the air, the gyrfalcon rushes quickly and moves forward rapidly, rises high and does not soar. Such birds are rightfully ranked among the most hardy.

What does a gyrfalcon look like? This massively built bird stands out for its unusual, variegated and beautiful colors, intricate pattern consisting of combinations of white, gray, brown and other color areas, but its abdomen is usually lighter than the main background of the feather.

The wings of these creatures are pointed, large; a protrusion stands out on the beak; paws of a yellow shade, powerful; the tail is long. In the color of various varieties of such birds, white, brown, black and silvery areas may predominate, and the pattern of their feather cover also differs.

Gyrfalcon in winter

But the best way to understand the features of the appearance of these birds is by stroking in the photo of a gyrfalcon. Similar ones are found mostly in the northern regions of Eurasia and America, they live in subarctic and even more severe - arctic zones, but are also widespread much further south.


The question of the number of subspecies and species of these birds causes a lot of controversy among ornithologists. Including the question of how many forms of these representatives of the winged fauna are specifically found in our country is considered controversial. For example, at first it was assumed that the Norwegian, Icelandic and polar gyrfalcons belonged to three different types.

Now it is generally accepted that all northern varieties are one species, divided into a number of subspecies and geographical races. There are just as many difficulties with the classification of other forms of these birds. But let's describe each of them in more detail.

1. norwegian gyrfalcon. These are found on the shores of the White Sea, in Lapland and Scandinavia. Generally merlinmigrant , but only partly. Depending on the habitat, it can be sedentary. But settlers in the northern regions, such as representatives of the Norwegian variety, usually tend to move south with the onset of cold weather. Therefore, in winter they can be observed in various regions of Central Europe, sometimes even in the more southern areas of this continent.

norwegian gyrfalcon

The described species resemble falcons in their coloration. They have a brown-grayish color of the top of the plumage, which is decorated with bluish-smoky stripes and spots. Their head is dark, the tail is bluish-grayish in color. The lower part of their plumage is light. There is a sharp tooth on the upper jaw of the beak. A bright yellow ring stands out around the eyes of such birds. The wing length of members of this species averages about 37 cm.

2. Ural Gyrfalcon, which is larger than the previous one, is mainly distributed in Western Siberia. However, in certain time years, such birds are able to migrate to other areas. For example, such gyrfalcons were seen in the Baikal region, in the south of Altai, even in the Baltic states. These birds differ from the Norwegian variety in a lighter color with a wide regular transverse pattern.

Ural Gyrfalcon

The feathers of their heads are of a light ocher hue and dotted with longitudinal lines. Sometimes completely white specimens are found among birds of this type. More recently, they were considered to be completely separate species, but now the views of ornithologists have changed.

3.white gyrfalcon in the Middle Ages, that is, during the period of popularity of falconry, it was considered the most valuable and preferred by others for its beauty, although such birds then, as now, were very rare.

white gyrfalcon

These birds in ancient times were a worthy gift and were presented to prominent military leaders and rulers during a period of political disagreement in order to achieve an agreement, peace and stability. For the most part, such beautiful winged creatures with snow-white feathers are found in the northern regions, in the coldest latitudes.

4. gray gyrfalcon. Such birds are found, as a rule, in the east of Siberia. And they differ from the Ural variety only in minor details of appearance. In particular, they have fewer variegated body markings. But even in size, the representatives of these two forms are the same.

Gray gyrfalcon with prey in flight

5. Altai gyrfalcon- mountain subspecies, which is considered rare. It is usually found further south than relatives. In addition to Altai, such birds are common in the Tien Shan, Sayan Mountains, Tarbagatai. There are cases of their migrations to Mongolia, Turkmenistan, Siberian lands. The coloration of these birds is considered more uniform than that of relatives, and there are two types: light (more rare) and dark.

Altai gyrfalcon

In conclusion, the description of the subspecies (today they are most often referred to as one species: “gyrfalcon”) should once again be clarified that all of them are still insufficiently studied, and their classification is blurred. For example, most ornithologists believe that only one form of these birds is common throughout Arctic America and Greenland, and their gray and white colors should be considered only individual changes inherent in certain individuals. However, not all zoologists agree with this point of view.

Lifestyle and habitat

The way of life of these birds is also insufficiently studied. It is known that those forms of gyrfalcons that live in the northern regions usually spread along the Polar Sea during nesting periods and settle on rocky shores. Gyrfalcons are also found in the forest zone, in particular, they inhabit these areas in Siberia, Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, and also in the north of the American continent.

But even in this case, they tend to settle not far from the seas, large rivers and other significant water spaces. And this is understandable, because the northern regions, where this type of birds usually settle, for the most part are rich in life near the waters.

Gyrfalcon on the hunt caught prey

As already mentioned, some of the gyrfalcons, depending on the place of distribution, can be sedentary, while others of them wander in winter, moving to forest and forest-tundra belts that are more favorable for life. Other forms of migration are also known. In particular, some mountain subspecies, for example, the Central Asian, moved from the highlands to the valleys. Gyrfalcons also make other movements.

Gyrfalcon in the red book or not? Undoubtedly, this is a rare representative of the feathered fauna, as a result of which it was included in the book. And its numbers are constantly decreasing. The reason for this is the expansion of the living space of human civilization, while many individuals die as a result of the activities of poachers, falling into their traps.

The capture of gyrfalcons is also popular in Russia, because these birds can be sold abroad for very decent money. Since ancient times, they have been valued as birds of prey for hunting. And many lovers still appreciate these birds. In nature, gyrfalcons are able to attack even a bear if it poses a danger to their chicks. But only the most courageous and formidable of birds decide to attack the gyrfalcons themselves. Basically, only golden eagles pose a danger to them.

Gyrfalcons have enviable health and very strong immunity, and therefore diseases among these representatives of the feathered tribe spread little and are rare. However, living in captivity, such birds are at great risk of infection, because they do not have immunity against microbes that live in the human body. That is why the captured gyrfalcons die very often.


Merlinpredatory bird and unusually formidable. Such hunters like to settle in the immediate vicinity of the habitats of gulls, guillemots, as well as other representatives of the auk family, near the so-called bazaars or bird mountains. At the same time, they attack the members of these colonies and feed on them.

The main food for gyrfalcons are medium size birds, and sometimes even mammals. The daily rate of meat consumed for the described representatives of the winged fauna is approximately 200 g. Gyrfalcons usually carry out their meals not far from the place of winter camps or nests. Here you can easily find in a multitude of lying remains of bones and half-eaten food, plucked wool and feathers of the victims of such predators.

Gyrfalcon eats prey

The attack of the gyrfalcon resembles the way the falcons attack. In the process of hunting, they are able to rise to great heights, from where they fall, folding their wings, at great speed, attacking prey. The impact of their beak is able to immediately deprive the object of attack of life. They can break his neck or bite through the back of his head. In some cases, they carry the victim with them, grabbing it with their claws. Gyrfalcons are able to attack birds right in the air.

Merlin tends to hunt alone. This also applies to periods of rearing offspring, but only in given time pairs usually look for prey in the aisles of one chosen and conquered forage area. For young chicks, the father catches and brings the prey. The mother cuts it for the cubs: it tears off the limbs and head, and also plucks it. All these preparations are made outside the nest so that there is no dirt and rotten body parts of the caught living beings.

Reproduction and lifespan

In relations with the opposite sex, these representatives of the feathered tribe have strict monogamy, that is, the resulting pairs remain with each other for the rest of their lives. As a rule, gyrfalcons nest in the rocks, choosing comfortable bare niches or crevices as a habitat for future chicks, most often covered from above by a canopy or ledge.

Nest of gyrfalcons on a tree

Their nests are rather unpretentious constructions, and for the device their females simply lay out feathers, moss and dry grass in rocky ledges. In some cases, parents act even easier if they manage to find suitable abandoned nests of other birds, most often golden eagles, buzzards, ravens, they occupy them.

But, having found a convenient place, these birds tend to return there again and again every year. They constantly equip it, using it for decades, in some cases for centuries, passing it on to future generations. That is why such nests eventually become more and more comfortable and grow, sometimes reaching a meter diameter and a height of up to one and a half meters.

Gyrfalcons also make nests in the rocks.

Eggs are usually laid by such birds up to five pieces at a time. But more often, after all, there are fewer of them in the masonry. The size of the eggs, which are brown, are even smaller than chicken ones, and they usually have a mass of no more than 60 grams. Incubation lasts a little over a month. Growing and feeding the chicks lasts about eight weeks.

And somewhere in the second half of summer, the new generation becomes old enough and strong enough to leave the nesting place. But parents continue to take care of their cubs for up to four months, and until about September, the broods tend to stay together. At the age of one year, young birds mature enough to have their own offspring. And the total life span of a gyrfalcon in the natural environment can be about 20 years.

Gyrfalcon is the largest species of the falcon family. These birds live on the Arctic coast and the adjacent islands of Europe, North America and Asia.

For the winter, gyrfalcons fly south and settle in the central regions of Siberia, the Scandinavian countries and Canada. One of the subspecies is found in the Sayan Mountains, in Altai, and the other subspecies is found in the Tien Shan.

The northernmost habitats of gyrfalcons are Franz Josef Land, Greenland and Svalbard. It was previously believed that these birds do not leave the mainland and live in the tundra and mountains. But today it is known that gyrfalcons overcome a huge space and go to the drifting ice.

The appearance of the gyrfalcon

Females are larger than males. In length, females reach 50-65 centimeters, and the sizes of males range from 48 to 60 centimeters.

At the same time, females weigh 1200-2100 grams, and males - in the range of 800-1300 grams. The wingspan of these birds is 125-160 centimeters.

The coloration of gyrfalcons is different, for each representative of the species it is individual. Birds can be silver, black, brown or white. Black plumage, as a rule, is inherent in females. In Siberia, gyrfalcons have a light brown, almost white plumage. The belly is light, diluted with a pattern of intricate shape.

There are no significant differences between the color of females and males. The tail of the gyrfalcon is long, the limbs are yellow, there is a protrusion on the beak. The voice of birds of this species is hoarse.

Gyrfalcon behavior and nutrition

The diet consists of other birds and mammals. Gyrfalcons hunt, like all falcons, falling on the victim from a height down and grabbing it with powerful claws. The predator tries to kill the caught prey immediately, for this he powerful beak bites through the victim's head or breaks her neck.

Gyrfalcon is a majestic bird.

Gyrfalcons hunt birds directly in the air. If it is not possible to kill the victim in flight, then the gyrfalcon sits down with it on the ground, where it finishes it off. Favorite prey are white partridges and various types of sea birds: sandpipers, gulls, small raptors.

From mammals, gyrfalcons prey on voles, polar and ground squirrels. In rare cases, they feed on carrion, this happens only during the period of starvation.

Basically, gyrfalcons lead a sedentary life. In winter, not all representatives of the species go south. Yes, and it is difficult to call the forest belt and light forests bordering the subarctic zone, the south. The subspecies living in the Tien Shan moves to the valleys for the winter, where it is easier to find food in cold weather.

Reproduction and lifespan

Gyrfalcons form pairs for life. Rocks are nesting sites. Females do not build permanent nests. For the nest, a bare ledge of rock is selected, on which grass, moss and feathers are laid.

Gyrfalcons are fearless predators.

Sometimes gyrfalcons occupy abandoned nests of golden eagles. A couple uses one nest for several years, so over time it grows and becomes more solid. Nests are up to 1 meter in diameter and up to 1.5 meters high.

Gyrfalcons lay from 1 to 5 eggs, but most often, 2-4 eggs. The size of an egg is slightly larger than the size of a matchbox. Eggs weigh only 60 grams. The incubation period lasts 35 days.

By 7-8 weeks, the young leave the nest. The young generation acquires complete independence from their parents at the age of 4 months. Sexual maturity in gyrfalcons occurs at 1 year. AT wild nature The life expectancy of these birds is 20 years.

Enemies of gyrfalcon in nature

These feathered predators do not have many natural enemies. Of the birds they dare to attack only

The largest falcon. The weight of the male is slightly more than 1 kg, the female - up to two. The color varies from almost white to brown-gray above and whitish with streaks below. "Mustache" is almost imperceptible. The voice is a hoarse "kyak-kyak-kyak" or a drawn-out "peek-peek-peek", similar to the voice of a peregrine falcon, but rougher and lower.

Spreading. Gyrfalcon reliably nests in the forest-tundra zone, woodlands of the Putorana Mountains, less often in the extreme northern taiga of Evenkia. On the Arctic coasts and islands, nesting is not noted. As a nesting species, it was found in the upper reaches of the river. Upper Taimyr. In some years, nesting of gyrfalcon in the Byrranga mountains is not ruled out. The northernmost meeting on the island of Bera, in the Taimyr Bay and on the river. New. Nesting is also noted on the river. Boganide, on the river. Yamnaya, near Tolstoy Nose at the mouth of the Yenisei in the upper reaches of the Lower Tunguska. The Gyrfalcon nested on the Putorana from the lake. Ayan in the north to the southern bend of Kotui in the south, most often gyrfalcon nested in the central part of the Putorana Mountains. The nesting range includes a strip of larch woodlands between 69° 30" and 72° 30" N. latitude. (forest-tundra and a strip of extreme northern taiga). Gyrfalcon nests were found here on the river. Lukunskaya and the middle reaches of the river. Makus-Kamyustakh and southwestern Taimyr. Nesting is possible on the Yenisei near the mouth of Galevka. In the post-nesting time, in September-October, gyrfalcons migrate to the north, where white partridges concentrate in the southern tundra before winter migrations. After moving the main flocks of partridges to the south, in November-December, gyrfalcons return to the forest-tundra and the extreme northern taiga, where most of them remain for the winter in areas of mass partridge wintering: along the Yenisei from its mouth to Turukhansk and along the rivers of southern Taimyr and northern Evenkia . In addition, in December-January they are found in the lower reaches of the Khatanga. In the forest-tundra of Taimyr, in autumn and winter, the gyrfalcon is regularly found in the Norilsk region, near Potapov on the Yenisei, on Lake Khantai. In the period of post-nesting migrations, it is noted much to the south: it was met in November near the village. Krutoyar of the Nazarovsky district, previously recorded on the territory of the Republic of Tyva, and now the gyrfalcon is found nesting in the Sayan Mountains on the Sai-Taiga plateau.

Habitat and lifestyle. The nesting habitats of the Gyrfalcon are mainly associated with rocks and coastal cliffs, rarely nesting on large larches. For example, in the Putorana Mountains, all known nests were found on sheer cliffs of river valleys and streams, nesting on larches was not found. Nevertheless, earlier nests were noted on larches in the forest-tundra - Tolstoy Nos on the Yenisei, the river. Yamnaya, N. Kachoma is a tributary of the Lower Tunguska. The number of eggs in a clutch is 3-4 (color options), the number of chicks in a brood is 2-3, more often 2. The duration of incubation is about a month. Departure of chicks in mid-July (July 8-17 in the Yenisei basin). Migration of young from nesting sites begins in August. Unbroken broods were observed in August and September.

main food white partridges serve as gyrfalcons in the forest-tundra. The dependence of seasonal distribution, distribution details, and the fertility of gyrfalcons on partridges is clearly revealed. Nomadic gyrfalcons also hunt water birds. In addition, in winter, gyrfalcons eat jackdaws, crows, pigeons, in a forest area - black grouse and hares.

Population and limiting factors. The number of the Putoran population of gyrfalcons is estimated at 160-200 pairs annually. Separate nesting pairs here account for territories from 150 to 380 km 2 (on average 250 sq. km). The number fluctuates depending on the number of white partridges - the main food at the beginning of the breeding season, with a low abundance of partridges, gyrfalcons apparently do not breed. In the upper reaches of the river Ayan and the surroundings of the lake of the same name, the nesting sites of the gyrfalcon were located on a site of 110 km, six pairs nested here. The distance between residential nests was 7-30 km, in one case - 55 km. In the valleys of the Delocha and Kotui rivers, two occupied nests were 25 km apart. On the route of 350 km along the river. Kotuy in 1984 four nests were noted - 40, 45, 350 km. Two nesting pairs were found at the southern bend of Kotui, 40 km apart, and one nest was found at the mouth of the river. Moyero. In total, there are about 800 nesting gyrfalcons on the Putorana, however, only a third or a fourth of the population nests. For the gyrfalcon, this is a rather high population density.

Protective measures taken and necessary. Gyrfalcon everywhere is subject to protection. It is included in the Red Book of the RSFSR, in Appendix II of the CITES Convention. It is necessary to identify the main nesting sites and create a cadastre of nests of this species in order to form micro-reserves and natural monuments on the ground. To promote more widely the uniqueness of this falcon and the preservation of its nesting territories.

Compiled by: A.A. Baranov, "Birds Central Siberia"(

Appearance and behavior. A medium-sized predator (noticeably larger), while the largest of the falcons, powerfully built, relatively broad-winged and long-tailed, with well-developed "trousers" on the lower leg. Body length 48–63 cm, weight of males 0.8–1.3 kg, females - 1.4–2.1 kg, wingspan 110–160 cm. Rarely soars, more often uses gliding and flapping flight when hunting, usually open sits on elevated places in the tundra.

Description. The color of the plumage of adult birds varies from smoky gray, with a frequent dark pattern of transverse and arrow-shaped streaks on top, with transverse stripes or arrow-shaped spots on the sides and with drop-shaped streaks on a light background below, to almost pure white, with rare dark arrow-shaped and transverse streaks on the back and wings. Usually there are dark, light gray and white color morphs. The iris is dark, the orbital ring, cere and unfeathered parts of the legs are yellow.

The juvenile specimen has a generally darker color background with a brownish tint, on the underside there are thick, dark, mostly longitudinal streaks, a dark “mustache” on the cheek is better developed. In the white morph, the plumage of young birds differs from the plumage of adults only in the longitudinal, and not in the transverse, swept or tear-shaped form of streaks on the body and wings. Orbital ring, cere, unfeathered parts of legs are bluish-gray. In a flying bird, the wings are relatively wide, the tail is elongated, with frequent transverse stripes; in birds of the white morph, they may be weakly expressed. By color, size and proportions, a bird sitting or flying with a flapping flight can be confused with.

The gyrfalcon differs from it in more pointed wings, the absence of a wide white eyebrow, eye color (always dark), a less frequent and regular mottled pattern on the underside of the body. It differs from the peregrine falcon in all ages by its noticeably larger size, the absence of a dark cap and a “whisker” under the eye, contrasting with light cheeks, wings less pointed towards the top, and an elongated tail. Flapping flight with slower strokes, unhurried. It differs from it by the absence of brownish and buffy tones in the plumage, by more pronounced transverse stripes on the tail; the young bird is reliably distinguished only by its large size and more massive build.

Distribution, status. The area is circumpolar, inhabits the tundra, forest-tundra, northern woodlands, rocky sea coasts of the north of Eurasia and North America, for the winter most of the birds (mostly young) migrate south - from the forest-tundra to the forest-steppe, some remain in nesting places. Rare, included in the Red Book of Russia, no more than 50 pairs have been preserved in its European part. Birds of the white morph are extremely rare in our region. The number continues to fall, mainly as a result of illegal trapping on roaming and the collection of nesting chicks for falconry (gyrfalcon is a popular bird of prey).

Lifestyle. The basis of food is white and tundra partridges, it also hunts other birds, lemmings, hares. It catches prey both in the air and on the ground. It can feed on carrion, falls into traps. Nesting territories of permanent pairs remain for many years. Nests early, still in snow, in niches of rocks, coastal cliffs, occupies nests of predators and ravens on trees or geodetic towers (sometimes renovating them).

Clutch contains 2-4 (up to 7) eggs, usually not ocher, but white with rusty spots. The female incubates for 28–30 days, the male carries her prey, sometimes replacing it for a short time. The first downy outfit of chicks is white, the second is grayish-white. At the nest, the couple is aggressive, actively driving away enemies. Gyrfalcon nests provide protection from ground predators and geese and other birds nest successfully.

Post-nesting migrations can pass both south and north of nesting sites; the direction of movement depends on the presence of places of concentration of white partridges. On autumn-winter wanderings, it adheres to open and mosaic biotopes. The final adult attire acquires by 3-4 years of age.

Gyrfalcon ( Falco rusticolus)


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