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In different periods of the year, different services and goods are popular, opening up huge opportunities for seasonal earnings. Catching the seasonal trend, you will get a quick income for the summer or winter, and devote the rest of the year to other things or study.

In the catalog of business ideas, aspiring entrepreneurs will find answers to the questions:

  • How to open a seasonal business
  • Which business will do for your region
  • Which business is suitable for the summer and winter season
  • How much money can you earn in one season
  • How to run a seasonal business all year round

🔥 Why is seasonal business convenient?

Demand for goods and services fluctuates throughout the year. For example, in the summer season, hotels, souvenirs and points of sale become especially in demand on tourist destinations. fast food- for example, stalls with ice cream or hot dogs.

In winter, the excitement about the New Year begins. People start preparing months in advance, and from October to April, gifts, original products and packaging are especially in demand.

Having caught a trending business idea, it is easy to earn a substantial amount of money in a few months. The rest of the year can be devoted to other work or business, study, recreation.

🎓 Who is seasonal business suitable for?

Seasonal business can be opened anywhere in the country! Quantity will vary by region. options but they are everywhere. This is an ideal business for students - after all, they have holidays in the summer and have the opportunity to devote time to their own business.

However, a seasonal business is suitable for any entrepreneur who can devote time intensively to his business for several months.

🔍 Seasonal business features: how to choose

Choose the business that suits you depending on the season, region or product / service. For example, if you are a student and are free in the summer, open a small summer cafe outdoors or a cotton candy stand. From spring to autumn, you can grow and sell fresh vegetables and fruits from your summer cottage. During periods of holidays or major events - accept tourists for accommodation.

Before the school year, you can start sewing an exclusive school uniform or selling original stationery. Before a series of holidays (New Year, February 23, March 8) - to make unusual gifts self made.

💰 Seasonal business options

In the catalog you will find many options for business ideas, thanks to which you can make money quickly. Here are some profitable options:

Demanded business for tourist destinations

Paid beach - an interesting idea for a resort business

Wedding dress rental is a business that makes people happier

Thinking about starting a business, every entrepreneur wants his investment to quickly pay off and bring stable income. However, in practice this combination is quite rare. Thus, a business with a steady demand for a product or service usually requires significant investment in initial stage and pays off for a long time, but then, as a rule, brings a stable income.

While a business that has a pronounced seasonality, with proper planning, pays off quickly enough, which every entrepreneur would really like. However, it is not necessary to expect a stable income in this case, since there are 2 opposite phases here: “season” - a period active sales, when the demand for a product is very high and the entrepreneur receives most of the annual profit in a few months, and the “off season” is a period of decline in sales or their complete absence, when the business incurs losses or, at best, works to zero.

Which business to choose: one that pays off quickly, brings high profits during the season, but is unstable during calendar year, or a business in which investments will pay off for a long time, but with a stable demand for a product or service all the time without sharp ups and downs?

Entrepreneurs who nevertheless chose a seasonal business and a quick payback, even at the stage of business planning, they should ask themselves: what to do during a period of recession or a complete lack of sales? How to prepare for this and what measures to take in order to survive and stay afloat? After all, not every seasonal business can hold out for the rest of the year on the profits received during the season of active sales.

So, in the store of swimwear and beach accessories in the summer, there is a high demand for goods. However, it is in such high demand only 2-3 months a year. Although in the cold season, many Russians began to go to the sea abroad, the demand for swimwear still remains at a rather low level in the autumn-winter period. How to distribute the profits received over the summer and hold out until the next season? Is it worth taking drastic measures - completely closing the store and laying off employees, refusing to rent an office and a warehouse in order to minimize all expenses during this period, and start all over again before the start of the next season? Or should we try to avoid such situations and make every effort to ensure that high-season sales allow the owner and his employees to feel confident throughout the year - introduce additional products, hold promotions and all kinds of sales?

The BIBOSS portal found out how entrepreneurs who own a business with a pronounced seasonality get out of the situation.

Ilya Konoplev

Franchising Director of the World Gym network in Russia

The fitness business is very subject to seasonal influence, these seasons are predictable and we understand that “long contracts” are practically not sold in the summer and people traditionally do not prioritize spending on fitness in their budget. Clubs' revenues in the summer months are 30-40% lower than in spring or autumn. To offset this, fitness clubs include “short” offers for the summer, which attract working capital at the expense of those clients who continue to train, and make much easier conditions for club membership than in the high - autumn and spring seasons. In summer, if you wish, you can buy a card for two at the same price, etc.

Traditionally, expenses are pressed down - group training schedules are cut - there are still few people in the clubs, sometimes you even have to turn on the super-saving mode, but the whole point of management is to be ready for the low season and, on the one hand, have a pillow, and on the other - a pool of services that generate revenue even in a low season in terms of club membership sales. For us, it's personal training.

If there was an objective force majeure, and due to too early spring, we would, for example, begin to lose revenue due to the fact that people stop buying workouts, then clubs can include activities to attract a new audience, increase the entry of corporate clients, offering business corporate training with a significant discount. It does not last long, but it loads the staff and brings in revenue. That is, in fact, there are no miracles, and if it breaks somewhere, because it is thin, then you need to keep several directions in the assortment and focus on them.

Ivan Ershov

Head of the Franchising Department of the Unium Educational Centers Network

Perhaps, each type of business has its own seasonality, and this is especially felt in education. It is summer, in the educational business, that is a huge drawdown.

In the summer season, we get out of the situation by introducing additional courses, arranging outreach programs, and organizing other educational events.

Planning. We are always sensitive to budgeting and resource allocation throughout the year, therefore, initially, when drawing up and approving a budget with franchisees, we consider the low season to be zero, thus we reinsure ourselves as much as possible and avoid unpleasant surprises.

Of course, this is not all that can be done in order to “survive” the low season, but it is competent planning and budgeting that allows us to be calm throughout the year.

For a good entrepreneur, having a low season is more of a plus than a minus! It is during the low season that additional tools and ideas appear on how to improve the situation, energy suddenly appears that does not allow you to “relax”, and clear focuses on specific tasks. This is the power of a downturn in sales - it is he who helps entrepreneurs get out of their comfort zone and start doing a little more than in the days when customers themselves come to you. Only after that, we begin to apply all the tested cases and in the high season, as a result, we see a completely different business, playing with new colors! But without striking a finger, you should not wait for manna ... Business, whether it works on a franchise or it's your own business, requires involvement and certain labor costs.

Almost every business has seasonal fluctuations. In some areas, these fluctuations are insignificant (about 20-30%), which can be corrected by various promotions, gifts for regular customers, or simply wait out this period.

However, there are cases in which seasonality is pronounced, when a decline in sales or their complete absence forces business owners to take drastic measures.

Anna Polyakova

Head House Bikini

We have been selling swimwear and beachwear via the Internet for 3 years. In our case, with the onset of autumn, the volume of sales and the number of applications fall by 5-6 times.
The most important thing is to reduce the cost.
At the end of August, we begin to cut costs: we close the store, we fire all employees. Now there are many companies that are ready to remotely take on part of the work and it will cost much less than keeping an employee on staff. For example, in autumn we use delivery services. Payment only on the fact. There are orders - you pay for delivery, no - you risk nothing. Similarly, you can transfer the processing of orders to outsourcing.
A decline in sales is the time to work on the brand and company awareness. While the volume of orders is not so large, it is possible to engage in SEO-promotion of the site. Just during the seasonal drawdown, you can reach the top of the search for mid-frequency and wide-frequency queries. You can engage in the promotion of social. networks, hold contests among subscribers, increase activity in public, work with the media, etc. In addition, I recommend taking the time to educate yourself. It can be seminars or books, biographies of great businessmen. The work done will help prepare for the next season. The main thing is to be able to make a profit in the season and benefit "out of season".

Nikita and Anastasia Kuimov

Creators of "Enchanted Christmas Balls with warm wishes", a seasonal and family business for the production and sale of handmade balls with natural flowers, in Russia and the USA

Our business is deeply seasonal and although we plant flowers for our balloons in April, sales do not start until September, and the main ones are from December 1 to December 31. The book says that corporate orders must be issued before the start of summer, in practice - this is a rarity. We turned a minus into a benefit - we work remotely for 10 months a year. We do not need to pay rent for an apartment, ride in a stuffy subway - we travel the world and develop other projects. In general, it is not important how much you earn, but what you can afford with this money. Actively working 2 months a year and resting 10, we feel richer than people who work all year with 2 weeks off. While traveling, we came up with the Whistle board game, which we will sell in the summer, using winter developments.

Roman Sabirzhanov

Founder, - serial opening of hotels

Hostels in the regions are an example of a seasonal business. Cities like Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Sergiev Posad, St. Petersburg are in demand among tourists in the spring and summer months. During the off-season, these hostels' profits drop to zero. Some hostels in St. Petersburg close during the low season to save on wages and room maintenance.

The most correct way is to negotiate with the owners about a flexible rent. High season rents are higher than low season. Better yet, fix a percentage of the profits, as they do in Europe. But during the season, hostels in such cities make excellent profits. And those projects that were able to build a sale additional services such as selling coffee, pastries, breakfasts, make a profit higher than that of competitors.

Thus, we see that most companies prefer to significantly reduce costs during the sales downturn, lay off some employees and wait out this time, preparing for the new season. And all kinds of promotions and discounts can only be called a supportive measure that allows companies with seasonal business to stay afloat. But what to do if the profit received during the season is not enough to hold out the rest of the time? Or is the entrepreneur not satisfied with this “survival” and wants to make a profit throughout the year, while maintaining his seasonal business?

How can a seasonal business survive?

One of the most profitable options for an entrepreneur is to open another seasonal business, whose period of active sales begins when the first seasonal business experiences a decrease in buying activity. It is in this situation that the entrepreneur will always win with money, and for each season he will have a peak in sales in one of his businesses. These may be adjacent areas, or they may be areas that are completely unrelated to each other.

For example, rental of bicycles and roller skates is in demand from mid-March to early October. is the season for this business and the period of maximum profit. At the same time, having opened a “winter” business for renting skates, skis and other equipment, the entrepreneur will receive maximum profit from the second business, at a time when it disappears in the first “summer” business. A similar pattern can be seen in the Yandex.Wordstat query history. The graph clearly shows how the demand for a product or service changes throughout the calendar year, thanks to which you can track trends and seasonality of requests that are of interest to the entrepreneur.

The owner of the fur coats and fur products shop receives the main income in winter, luring buyers in the summer with big discounts and selling goods at low prices in order to somehow stay afloat. However, by opening a department with summer clothes and swimwear in parallel, you can make a profit even during the off-season of your main business, thereby creating a kind of safety cushion for your pocket.

Take, for example, tire fitting, whose services are in demand in the middle of autumn and spring. It is at this time that you can see long queues of cars whose owners want to change summer tires to winter tires, and vice versa. Tire owners even have to hire additional workers during this period in order to withstand such an influx of customers. However, it is this time that is the so-called season for this area, and, accordingly, the period of maximum profit. But what to do the rest of the time, when there are no more people who want to change tires? You won’t last much on one tire repair and their pumping. You can earn additional profit during the year, for example, by providing rubber storage services. This will allow the business to raise additional money. In addition, customers who left the rubber for storage in this particular tire fitting can be offered a discount on the subsequent replacement of rubber. And then be sure that this client will not go to another tire shop, but will come to you (of course, subject to the quality of the services provided).

Many business owners go to extreme lengths: invest in optional equipment and open a nearby car wash or car service, which will bring a steady income throughout the year and offset the sharp decline in demand for tire services. The advantage of such a combination of types of business, in addition to profit diversification, is that they create an additional flow of customers to each other. And similar tricks can be invented for almost every area of ​​\u200b\u200bseasonal business.

Thus, having correctly thought out the combination options various kinds business, you can get the maximum possible profit at any time of the year, in each of the seasons.

Additional risks

Seasonal fluctuations must be taken into account at the very beginning., when developing a business plan and starting a business. An entrepreneur needs to clearly understand when in his field of activity there are downturns in sales, and when there is a sharp surge. And it is necessary to prepare for each of these periods in advance.

In addition to periods of significant decline in purchasing activity, seasonal business has additional risks that sometimes do not depend on the entrepreneur and can bring all the efforts and plans for the upcoming season to nothing. First of all, these are the weather conditions. For example, a cold summer leaves the owners of stalls with ice cream and soft drinks, firms selling and installing air conditioners without sales, while an abnormally warm winter reduces the demand for down jackets and fur products, reduces the number of people who want to go skiing or ice skating, etc. .

It must be remembered that seasonal business also requires the timely purchase of the next batch hot commodity to due to delays in transport company or the lack of the necessary goods from suppliers, not to lose customers who want to buy the goods here and now, and, accordingly, the long-awaited profit. All these moments should be calculated in advance and be prepared for such a scenario.

Sell ​​what you already have.

  • Decide what is in demand in your city and what you yourself like. What is hard to get in your city? Do you have access to something that can be bought in bulk low and sold high?
  • Used books, newspapers and magazines are often sold on the street. You can buy something in second-hand bookshops, pick up from grandparents, but the easiest way is to empty your own cabinets. So you will not only get rid of unnecessary things, but also be able to earn.
  • You can also buy antiques and semi-antiques at flea markets and then sell them. Did you get an antique porcelain doll from your relatives that you don't need? Sell ​​it to someone who needs it!
  • Toy swords or knives are often sold in packs of many. Consider selling them at the entrance to a themed festival or any other similar event.
  • AT countryside or in areas of dacha cooperatives there is always a good trade in firewood and logs for stoves. If you have a supply of firewood you do not need - do not waste time!
  • Along the roads outside the city and in small towns, fruit and other products are often sold. If you have apple or cherry trees in your dacha, the fruits of which always go to birds, consider selling the harvest. In the villages, eggs, mushrooms, potatoes are also often put at the gates - this can be in a good way get rid of excess food that you and your family can't eat and make some money from it.
  • Sell ​​something that you can make yourself.

    • You have creative hobby? Start selling the results of your work!
    • Ceramic products are usually sold at specialized fairs. Ceramics is good because it can be sold both together with products and as handicrafts next to artists. Sell ​​pots, cups, vases, figurines, whistles and anything else you can imagine.
    • On the street markets or fairs are always striking photographs and paintings. Create a bright expressive image, and the buyer will find you himself. Remember that it's important not to overcharge because people don't like to carry around a lot of cash, even if they've come to the fair specifically. Offer discounts for buying multiple items.
    • Jewelry is always a success, but this product becomes especially popular before the holidays - people buy them both for themselves and for their loved ones. Jewelry will be a good gift for New Year, and birthday parties, so be prepared to sell them any time of the year.
    • Sculptures, leather and wood products are popular at thematic festivals and fairs (for example, historical ones).
    • Before entering the rock festival, T-shirts with the image of performing musicians are sold well. Printing a pattern on a T-shirt can be ordered at any specialized company, so prepare in advance and stock up on T-shirts of different sizes.
  • Sell ​​your own food.

    • Do you enjoy cooking? Share your cakes or pies with others.
    • Boiled corn with salt sells well in season. Often it is sold directly from bags on the go. Pack it in bags and foil to make it easier for your customers to eat.
    • Homemade lollipops are in high demand. If you manage to cook them so that they do not melt under the sun, you can quite well sell them to all the children passing by.
    • People can never get past the smell of mouth-watering meat pies or pasties. If you decide to cook them, you can be sure that they will not go unnoticed by passers-by. The only danger is that many question the quality of street meat.
    • Sell ​​lemonade, coffee or tea. These drinks will come in handy in any situation. Invent your own recipes, come up with an interesting design for glasses.
  • Sell ​​something intangible.

    • If you're a top-notch blues guitarist, put on a performance in the street and let people throw money in your hat - that's what the musicians of the 30s did.
    • Paint faces with special paint at events where many children gather. Your service will be very popular with parents of babies.
    • Draw cartoons. If you are a master at drawing caricatures, passers-by will be happy to pose for you, especially in the tourist areas of the city. Such a drawing can be a wonderful souvenir from your city.
    • Put on puppet shows. Such performances are popular at major outdoor festivals.
    • Working as a mime on the street might also be a good idea. People always watch memes with curiosity, especially if they manage to show something really non-trivial.
  • Change seasons not only a calendar designation, but also a significant change in the way of life of ordinary citizens, which naturally forms a seasonal increase in demand for certain types of goods and services. At the same time, each of the seasons, and there are as many as four of them, has its own specific features and needs, at the same time, the summer season is traditionally considered the most active for business. There are several reasons for the popularity of the summer season.

    Reasons for the popularity and prospects of the summer season in business:

    A large increase in demand for specific types of goods and services, the consumption of which is much lower at other times. The list of such goods is quite extensive - from beer (consumption growth in the season is 100%), ice cream and ending with water activities and so on.

    A kind of price collusion of all participants in summer types of business, of course, this cannot be called collusion in the literal sense, however, the very specifics of the seasonal business “forces” all entrepreneurs to adhere to a certain pricing policy. Under such pricing policy We understand minimum margins of 100 - 200%. The most striking example is large chains hypermarkets, which, even when declaring the same prices everywhere, add an additional 10-15% to the price in resort areas. You will be on vacation, check for yourself, so a high margin is guaranteed by the market itself.

    The last reason is the rather interesting approach of the consumers themselves, who in the summer season, which evokes associations with holidays and recreation (even outside holidays), are ready to spend money without regard to the expediency and the very cost of such goods and services. It's summer anyway.

    Based on the reasons why a business for the summer is promising in itself, let's move on to the very rating of business ideas that are promising for the summer.

    In the honorable first place for business ideas promising for the summer, there is a remote trade in souvenirs, ice cream or beer with kvass.

    Despite such a different category of goods, on the one hand, ice cream, on the other hand, souvenirs, and both products are perfect for business in the summer. The reasons, as you understand, are banal, and both are very popular among vacationers, and in both cases, the seasonal margin on such goods is more than 100%. What is needed for such a summer business?

    There are two options for running such types of business in the summer:

    The first option is economy. In this interpretation, a novice entrepreneur does not have start-up capital. Then you can get by with a small investment of money and we need:

    • - agree on a place;
    • – rent a freezer or shop window;
    • - we take the goods for sale, for a short period of time it is quite real.

    Actually, we are all starting to run our business for the summer, profitability, as I have already said, is over 100%, but payment for a place will be a significant expense item, during the season the cost of good places is growing by leaps and bounds.

    Option two - in this case, we mean the presence of relatively serious (as for a small business) financial capital. In such cases, it is optimal to develop, which is said from the origins of the business. In addition to what is in the first you will have to.

    In the version with ice cream, it certainly looks like this:

    • We purchase an apparatus for making soft ice cream and frozen yogurt (about this new and).
    • We place several tables near the outlet (not a cafe, but just tables).
    • Add a coffee machine.

    Regarding the trade in beer and kvass, alas, a simple and at the same time legal option street production beer and kvass do not exist, so this direction is possible only as an economy representative office. By the way, you can read about how realistic it is to make money on your own.

    And so in the field of trade, business ideas for the summer:

    1. - remote retail ice cream;
    2. – portable summer trade in kvass and beer;
    3. - remote seasonal trading souvenirs, photo magnets.

    At the second place of the summer business are the ideas of attractions.

    At the same time, both portable and stationary attractions are running in the summer business. A prominent representative of portable attractions can be a zorb, and a variety of stationary trampolines. Although this includes a variety of shooting ranges, ranging from traditional pneumatics to more modern archery, crossbow shooting ranges and even darts (the last few years have been very popular because of their mobility). Additionally, you can recall a number of summer rides cars, making medallions. Frankly speaking, among the huge list of attractions, it is rather difficult to single out the most promising ones for business for the summer, they all have pros and cons.

    The most popular business ideas for summer attractions:

    1. - trampolines;
    2. – pneumatic shooting ranges;
    3. - crossbow shooting range (due to novelty);
    4. - production of coins and medallions;
    5. – shooting ranges with darts balloons;
    6. game attractions(cars, horses, etc.).

    The third place for business ideas suitable for the summer is the remote preparation of sweets.

    First of all, we are talking about cotton candy and popcorn, and the first and second options do not require large financial investments, plus minimal space requirements make them great small business ideas. These ideas have already been considered in more detail, read the article making cotton candy, making popcorn as a small business.

    True, the ideas of such a plan do not end there; business ideas in the form of making Hungarian rolls (the idea is really new for us), sweet donuts are not bad for the summer. All such areas are characterized by the presence of one apparatus for the manufacture of the product itself and minimal requirements for space and resources. In this context, there are a lot of ideas and you can easily find something really new and unique for a particular region.

    The main advantages of such business ideas for the summer season are technological simplicity and minimal investment with high production profitability. On the other hand, they have a number of significant shortcomings in the form of "floating" legislation in terms of sanitary control, and on the latter, as a rule, there are a lot of issues, most of which have to be resolved amicably with the regulatory authorities.

    The most popular of these business ideas aimed at the summer season are:

    1. - cotton candy;
    2. - popcorn;

    In fourth place are small business ideas for the summer in the form of "extreme" entertainment.

    Speaking the word extreme, we mean simply unusual entertainment and with a certain taste of adrenaline. This includes a number of water activities, among which are:

    1. - riding a jet ski;
    2. - water skiing;
    3. - fishing from a boat or boat.

    Regarding water activities, it can be noted that in each of the cases they require start-up capital, although practice shows that even such an expensive thing as a jet ski is quite able to pay for itself in one or two summer months. But there are pitfalls, the fact is that all such entertainment is quite dangerous and requires some preparation from the owner.

    On the other hand, the wedge did not converge on water entertainment and on land you can arrange such entertainment, we are talking about horseback riding, photography with exotic animals (although it is possible with banal pigeons). At the same time, the summer season is also a tourist season, that is, hiking trips have proven themselves very well. And the latest peak of fashion is costume parties in nature - you can read more about it here.

    A complete list of such ideas cannot exist, in principle, because the very essence of such entertainment lies in providing a person with something new and unusual, and here there is an opportunity for a complete flight of imagination of a novice entrepreneur. As a simple example, last year an acquaintance managed to organize a set of groups for hang-gliding flights, while he himself does not know how to fly, as a result, for such a flight it was necessary to sign up two weeks in advance.

    The fifth place of honorable summer business is occupied by the services sector.

    In summer, along with the growth in demand for entertainment in the resort regions, the demand for fairly familiar and ordinary services is also growing sharply. Such excitement makes it possible to earn a whole galaxy of people of certain professions during the season.

    Business as a profession for the summer:

    1. - massage therapists, services in this category are at least twice as expensive, plus long queues are formed in the resort regions. Another plus is not a picky attitude to the quality of the work of the massage therapists themselves, who are still resting.
    2. - cosmetologists and manicurists. Both categories are wildly popular, because during the day on the sea or the river, and in the evening you need to relax and you need to be beautiful, a phenomenon from my purely masculine logic is quite strange, but the fact remains.
    3. - hairdressers, for this category, business ideas for the summer look a little strange and come down mainly to braiding. Despite the one-sidedness, such work can bring 200-300 dollars per day, which is not even bad for seasonal work.

    Practice shows that today such a summer business is not only in demand by entrepreneurs, but most importantly by consumers, which ensures their prospects.

    Do not forget to subscribe to the blog, there are reviews of ideas for other seasons ahead, not a single summer business, there are interesting ideas for those who have a desire to develop their business in the entertainment industry and have a desire to smooth out seasonal fluctuations in demand by moving to other niches.

    Almost every business direction depends on seasonal factors, whether it is the provision of services or trade. The chances of success increase several times if seasonal features are taken into account when planning activities.

    Summer- the most fruitful time of the year for entrepreneurial activity. This applies not only to business sharks, but also to newcomers. In the summer season, the business will not only cover investments, but also bring good profits.

    Summer business- This is an idea that you should think about in advance and draw up a plan of action. Consider 10 year old business ideas.

    1st Place: Selling Ice Cream

    Ice cream trade- a very common summer business. Its popularity is explained by the relatively low rent per place and a large markup on goods (30-40%). There are a lot of people who want to. Already in May, all refrigerators of wholesale warehouses are emptied and the best places are sorted out. But despite the competition, this seasonal business brings good profits.

    Business benefits:

    idea with minimum investment;
    does not require special knowledge;
    high demand for goods in the summer.

    Business Disadvantages:

    Binding to weather conditions;
    a huge number of competing organizations.

    How to organize an ice cream trade? Initially, you need to find a wholesale company in which the purchase of goods will take place. In addition, you need to rent or buy a refrigerator. In advance, you should find a trading place and deal with its equipment: conduct electricity, put an umbrella and a chair. After or during the solution of technical issues, register an IP. For such a business, the most optimal taxation system is UTII. If there is no desire or opportunity to sell yourself, then you need to hire a seller. Wage ice cream sellers usually depends on the amount of goods sold.

    The second place is occupied by the business of selling kvass and draft beer.

    The idea of ​​​​a summer sales business has its advantages:

    business profitability;
    a large number of buyers.

    Business Disadvantages:

    This business requires many special title documents;
    subjected to strict control by government agencies;
    a huge number of entrepreneurs in this industry;
    the likelihood of expenses in addition to promoting the business, for example, to settle difficulties with the administration.

    How to start a summer draft drinks business? We rent a place or premises. This is worth doing in the first place, as it may be difficult to obtain permission from the authorities. When the issue with the place of activity is settled, we find a supplier of products. It is desirable to go to a direct distributor. Work with wholesale companies risky, due to high demand, they may not deliver the goods. Next up is the equipment. If you work with a distributor company, then it will provide its rental, otherwise you will have to buy the equipment. After arranging the outlet, it's time to hire employees and register an individual entrepreneur with the most optimal taxation system -. You need to take care of all the nuances of trading draft drinks. If you install tables, then you need to organize a dry closet.

    Third place: zorbing, water balloons

    You can earn money in the summer of 2016 by organizing a summer attraction in the form of water balls. Zorbing came to us from America and Europe several years ago and has been very popular until now and has brought good income to the owners. But much has changed and interest in this entertainment has faded.

    Benefits of Zorbs:

    ease of device and creation.


    The legal status of these attractions is not obvious, hence the wary attitude towards them on the part of the authorities;
    a large number of competitors;
    restrictions on the installation area of ​​the attraction.

    This summer business does not require a special approach to organization. It is necessary to buy water balls or zorbs themselves, a pool and a special slide. After that, it is necessary to notify the authorities about the placement of the attraction. Negotiations should be made with the precinct of the district in which the activity will be carried out.

    In fourth place is the seasonal business for the sale of cotton candy and popcorn

    Selling popcorn or is a great idea for a summer business, as it does not require a large start-up capital to organize it.

    This summer business provides the following benefits:

    It does not have to be regarded as a seasonal business;
    minimum starting capital;
    weather conditions do not significantly affect the number of buyers.


    Cautious attitude towards such business of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station and other control bodies;
    high degree competition.

    To bring a summer popcorn business to life or cotton candy first you need to purchase equipment for the manufacture of these products. After that, you need to rent a place, having agreed with the authorities. The next and last step will be the registration of an individual entrepreneur, and the choice of a profitable taxation system for an entrepreneur - UTII.

    Fifth place: organization of a sports facility for shooting - a shooting gallery

    You can make money in the summer of 2016,. There are different options for arranging shooting ranges: crossbow and beam shooting ranges, interactive laser shooting ranges, etc. Such a seasonal business has become one of the most common and successful in 2012-2013. But this type of activity also has its advantages and disadvantages.


    Minimum starting capital;
    high business profitability;
    simplest way organizations.

    Disadvantages of opening a shooting range:

    Specificity of demand, only for a narrow circle of people;
    strict safety rules to be followed;
    The business operates only during the season.

    How to organize? We find a room. It should be spacious so that customers can move freely. We will coordinate future activities with the local precinct. We buy or rent equipment for shooting range. We recruit employees and register IP. Please note that the contract should be concluded for several years, since the operation of the shooting gallery during one season may not pay off.

    Option six: trampoline

    operates only during the season, but manages to bring a good income to its owner. It is difficult to talk about high profits due to the huge number of competitors, but this activity is undoubtedly cost-effective. Much depends on the passability of the point. A trampoline located in a crowded place can be a good income.


    Among the summer business ideas, it stands out for its ease of creation;
    does not require big investments and maintenance costs are minimal;
    there are always customers.


    High competition;
    expenses will be covered only after a couple of years, but the trampoline will last much longer and make a profit in subsequent years;
    responsible for the health of young customers, there is always a chance of injury on a trampoline.

    The steps for organizing this business are the same as for the above options, but there are nuances that are important to mention:

    1. If you hire a ticket seller, then you need to consider a system for controlling the number of tickets sold, since it is very easy to deceive the owner in this matter;

    2. Seriously approach the choice of an employee who will keep order and security. Jumping on a trampoline is a very traumatic activity.

    Option seven: souvenir shop

    This summer business idea is a tried and true way to make money during the season. People tend to buy souvenirs or magnets "as a keepsake" about the city they have visited. And if they bought a magnet this summer, they will definitely buy it next. The premium for souvenirs is 200-300% of the cost, which, of course, is a huge plus for the entrepreneur. Do you have a hard time believing in numbers? This is easy to check. Pay attention to the cost of souvenirs sold at resorts in your city, the price will be several times lower.

    So, the summer souvenir business and its advantages:



    Resorts tend to have a lot of competition;
    due to high competition, lack of places for trade;
    binding business to weather conditions and the number of tourists.

    What do you need to do to set up a business? First you need to think over the details: the assortment of goods, the design of the souvenir shop, and so on. The eye of a passing by should catch on an interesting detail, so you should be creative in the design of the outlet. When everything is thought out, we rent a place for a souvenir shop. We register IP, choosing UTII.

    In eighth place are sellers of coffee and fast food

    Today, outlets selling coffee and fast food are no longer so popular. Such a summer business is losing momentum and this is due to the increase in consumer demands and the tightening of control by government agencies. It should be borne in mind that starting a business is not easy, as one has to invest in a civilized point of sale equipment. The competition is high, besides, the owners of the "booths" are expanding their business, leaving no chance for the "shrubs". Real profits are received by entrepreneurs who have been doing this for a long time. The pros and cons of "handicraft" trade are the same as for the sale of souvenirs.

    Ninth place: vegetables and fruits

    Summer is the season for fresh fruits and vegetables, why not make money on it? But the situation in this area began to resemble the situation with the sale of fast food. If a couple of years ago a fruit stand brought a good profit, today this industry is oversaturated. Demand does not keep pace with supply, and many merchants settle in cities and establish permanent businesses. For example, in 2000 it was possible to buy goods from wholesalers, come to the metropolis and successfully sell everything. But after five years, there was practically no place left on the market. Of course, this idea of ​​​​a summer business will bring profit, but you need to try hard to find a good place. But everything is in your hands and success depends on the efforts made and the desire to earn.

    Option ten: providing small services to vacationers

    This summer business idea involves the provision of a variety of small services, such as weaving African American braids, tattoos, massages and more. The advantages of this activity include: minimal costs, profitability and ease of starting a business. But not without difficulties. You will also have to negotiate with the administration, look for a good place and conclude a lease. In addition, in order to provide such services, skills, knowledge and craftsmanship are needed. Therefore, develop your skills, improve your skills and the summer service business will bring income!

    So, the list of summer business ideas has come to an end, I can confidently conclude that each of them can bring you income! The success of the enterprise depends entirely on your desire to earn. And in conclusion, I would like to remind you: find a good place for trade and business profitability is provided.


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