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It was put into effect by the resolution of the Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization, Metrology and Certification of August 22, 1996 N 525

Interstate standard GOST 10856-96


oil seeds. Method for determination of moisture content

Instead of GOST 10856-64


1 Developed by the All-Russian Research Institute of Grain and its Processing Products (VNIIZ)

Introduced by Gosstandart of Russia

2 Adopted by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Minutes N 9-96 of April 12, 1996)

State name

Name of the national standardization body

The Republic of Azerbaijan


Republic of Armenia

Armstate standard

Republic of Belarus


The Republic of Kazakhstan

State Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Kyrgyz Republic


The Republic of Moldova


Russian Federation

Gosstandart of Russia

The Republic of Tajikistan

Tajik State Center for Standardization, Metrology and Certification


Turkmenglavstate inspection

State Standard of Ukraine

3 Resolution of the Committee Russian Federation on standardization, metrology and certification dated August 22, 1996 N 525, the interstate standard GOST 10856-96 was put into effect directly as state standard Russian Federation since July 1, 1997

4 Instead of GOST 10856-64

Information data
Reference regulatory and technical documents

This standard applies to oilseeds, including soybeans, used as raw materials for the oil and fat industry, and establishes an air-thermal method for determining moisture content.

The essence of the method is to determine the weight loss of the oilseed sample, expressed as a percentage (hereinafter referred to as moisture), dried in an air-heating cabinet at fixed parameters: temperature and drying time.

The air-thermal method is used in determining the moisture content of oilseeds during reception, storage, dispensing and shipment, as well as in control determinations.

1 Sampling method

Sampling - according to GOST 10852.

2 Equipment, materials and reagents

Electric drying cabinet SESH-3M with heating drying chamber up to 150°C and with a temperature controller that ensures the creation and maintenance of temperature in the working area of ​​drying 100 - 140°C with an error of ±2°C. Permissible deviations of the supply voltage of the drying cabinet from the nominal should not exceed () V. In case of large deviations, an AC voltage stabilizer with a power of at least 2000 VA of any type should be used.

Apparatus for accelerated cooling of oilseed samples after pre-drying type AUO.

Electric moisture meters.

General purpose laboratory scales with a permissible weighing error of ±0.01 g.

General purpose laboratory scales with a permissible weighing error of ±0.1 g.

Electrocontact glass mercury thermometer with a measurement range of 50 - 150°С, with an error of ±2°С according to GOST 9871.

Desiccators according to GOST 25336 version 2.

Porcelain inserts for the desiccator according to GOST 9147 version 1, if the desiccant is calcium chloride; version 2, if the desiccant is sulfuric acid.

Banks with a capacity of not more than 1000 cm 3.

porcelain cups.

Metal bottles with lids 20 mm high and 48 mm in diameter.

Bottles with a height of 15 mm and a diameter of 77 mm with a mesh bottom and a lid (mesh), the size of the mesh holes is 0.45 mm.

Razor blades or scalpels for cutting seeds.

Sample scoop.

Signal clock.

Crucible tongs.

Vaseline technical.

Calcium chloride technical in accordance with GOST 450 or sulfuric acid in accordance with GOST 4204 (density ρ - 1, 84 g / cm 3), or other desiccants.

Note. It is allowed to use other reagents, materials and equipment with technical specifications not less than those indicated.

3 Preparation for analysis

3.1 A sample weighing (300 ± 5) g of oilseeds is isolated from the average sample.

3.2 The isolated seeds are placed in a tightly closed vessel, filling it to two-thirds of the volume.

3.3 Oilseeds that have a temperature different from the temperature of normal laboratory conditions (20 ± 5) ° C are kept in a closed vessel until the seeds reach the temperature of the laboratory room.

3.4 At the bottom of a thoroughly washed and dried desiccator, place calcined calcium chloride or other drying agents. Depending on the duration of work, but at least once a month, calcium chloride is calcined in a porcelain cup until it turns into an amorphous mass. When using sulfuric acid, its density is checked (if ρ is less than 1.84 g / cm 3, the acid is replaced).

The polished edges of the desiccator are smeared with a thin layer of petroleum jelly.

3.5 New bottles are dried in an oven for 60 minutes at 130°C and placed in a desiccator to cool completely.

Cleaned and dried bottles in circulation are also stored in a dessicator.

3.6 Moisture is determined in isolated seeds using electric moisture meters to select a variant of the method.

3.7 For oil seeds with a moisture content of up to 18%, the determination is carried out without prior drying. For seeds with a moisture content of more than 18%, the determination is carried out with preliminary drying.

3.8 The moisture content of peanut, castor and soybean seeds is determined by drying the seeds, previously cut into pieces about 2 mm thick. The seeds of all other crops are dried whole.

4 Conducting an analysis

4.1 Before starting the determination, the seeds are thoroughly mixed by shaking the vessel in different directions and planes.

4.2 Moisture determination with pre-drying

4.2.1 The seeds prepared for determination are poured into the divider bucket or other open container.

Then, a weight of seeds weighing 20.00 g is taken from different places with a scoop into a dried and weighed with an accuracy of the second decimal place.

The remaining seeds are again placed in a tightly closed vessel.

4.2.2 Before drying the seeds, the movable contact of the thermometer is set to 105 ° C and the cabinet is connected to the mains. After reaching a temperature of 105°C in the chamber of the drying cabinet, the contact thermometer is turned off and the cabinet is heated to a temperature of 110°C. Then the thermometer is turned on and quickly placed in a drying cabinet with a sample of seeds. Free nests of the cabinet are closed with plugs. The duration of the temperature recovery to 105°C in the SESh-3M chamber should not exceed 4 minutes. Drying time is 10 minutes.

4.2.3 At the end of the pre-drying, the bottles with oilseeds are removed from the drying chamber and placed in the nests of the AUO type cooler, where they are cooled for 3-5 minutes. Free cooler nests are closed with plugs. After cooling, the mesh bottle with dried seeds is weighed to the second decimal place. The soy, castor and peanut seeds are then crushed (see 3.8).

4.2.4 While the bottles with seeds are being cooled, the SESh-3M oven is being prepared for further work. To do this, set the electrocontact thermometer at a temperature of 130°C and turn on the heating.

After reaching a temperature of 130°C in the chamber of the drying cabinet, the electric contact thermometer is turned off and the cabinet is heated to a temperature of 140°C.

4.2.5 Remove two clean, dried metal bottles from the desiccator and weigh them to the second decimal place.

4.2.6 Dried and cooled seeds from the mesh weighing bottle are transferred to two dried and weighed metal weighing bottles and the weight of each sample is adjusted to 5.00 g, after that the weighed weighing bottles with seeds are closed and placed in a desiccator.

4.2.7 The electrocontact thermometer is turned on, and the weighing bottles with seeds are quickly placed in the cabinet. And first they put a lid in the nest, and on the lid - a bottle. Free cupboard slots are filled with empty bottles. In this case, the temperature of the cabinet usually drops, which is indicated by the switching on of the signal lamp. The duration of the signal lamp burning should be no more than 10 - 15 minutes.

Drying in a cabinet is carried out for 40 minutes, counting from the moment the signal lamp is turned off for the second time, that is, from the moment the temperature is set to (130 ± 2) ° C.

4.2.8 After 40 minutes, the weighed bottles of seeds are removed from the cabinet, covered with lids and transferred to a desiccator, where they are cooled for about 15 - 20 minutes (but not more than 2 hours). Chilled bottles with seeds are weighed to the second decimal place and placed in a desiccator until the results are processed (but not more than 2 hours).

4.3 Moisture determination without prior drying

4.3.1 From the seeds prepared for moisture determination (see 3.1, 3.2, 3.8 and 4.1) into two dried and weighed metal weighing bottles, weighing 5.00 g each, after which the weighted weighing bottles with seeds are closed and placed in a desiccator.

Drying of samples is carried out in the sequence specified in 4.2.4, 4.2.7, 4.2.8.

4.4 Determination of moisture content in shelled peanut seeds

4.4.1 In unchulled peanut seeds, moisture content is determined by drying the cut seeds together with their shells previously removed.

4.4.2 In a sample of peanut seeds weighing 5 g, the shell is first removed from them, then the hulled seeds are cut into pieces about 2 mm thick or into 8 - 12 pieces. All shells and cut seeds are placed in dried and weighed metal weighing bottles and weighed, bringing the sample weight to 5.00 g.

Sample drying is carried out in the sequence specified in 4.2.4, 4.2.7, 4.2.8.

5 Processing results

5.1 Moisture content of seeds with preliminary drying W, %, is calculated by the formula

where m is the mass of a 20-gram sample of seeds after preliminary drying, g;

m 1 - weight of a 5-gram sample of dried seeds after drying, g.

Moisture calculation is carried out for each 5-gram sample. The arithmetic mean of the results of two parallel determinations is taken as the result of the analysis.

Intermediate calculations according to the formula are carried out with an accuracy of the fourth decimal place, and the result - to the second decimal place.

Example. If the mass of seeds after drying a 20-gram sample was 17.82 g, and the mass of seeds after the final drying of a 5-gram sample was 4.35 g, then the moisture content will be equal to

100-17, 82*4, 35=100-77, 5170=22, 48%.

5.2 Seed moisture without pre-drying W 1,%, calculated by the formula

where m is the weight of the bottle with seeds before drying, g;

m 1 - weight of the bottle with seeds after drying, g;

m 2 - the mass of an empty bottle, g.

5.3 The allowable discrepancy between the results of two parallel determinations with a confidence level P = 0.95 should not exceed 0.25% abs. If the allowable discrepancy between the results of two parallel determinations is exceeded, the analysis is repeated.

5.4 For the final result of the analysis, the arithmetic mean of the results of two parallel determinations is taken and this value is put down in the quality document, rounded to the first decimal place.

5.5 In cards for analysis or in laboratory journals, the results of the determination of moisture are put down without rounding.

5.6 The rounding of the results of the analysis for affixing in the documents on the quality of oilseeds is carried out as follows:

if the first of the discarded digits (counting from left to right) is less than 5, then the last stored digit is not changed; if equal to or greater than 5, then the last stored digit is increased by one.

5.7 During control determinations of humidity, the allowable discrepancy between the control and initial (arithmetic mean of the result of two parallel determinations) determinations should not exceed 0.5%.

5.8 In the control determination, the result of the initial determination is taken as the final result of the analysis, if the discrepancy between the results of the control and initial definitions does not exceed the allowed value. If the discrepancy exceeds the allowable value, the result of the control determination is taken as the final result of the analysis.

GOST 10856-96
Group C19



Moisture determination method

oil seeds. Method for determination of moisture content

MCC 67.200.20
OKSTU 9709

Introduction date 1997-07-01


1 DEVELOPED by the All-Russian Research Institute of Grain and its Processing Products (VNIIZ)
INTRODUCED by Gosstandart of Russia

2 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Minutes N 9 dated April 12, 1996)
Voted to accept:

State name

Name of the national standardization body

The Republic of Azerbaijan


Republic of Armenia

Armstate standard

Republic of Belarus


The Republic of Kazakhstan

State Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Kyrgyz Republic


The Republic of Moldova


Russian Federation

Gosstandart of Russia

The Republic of Tajikistan

Tajik State Center for Standardization, Metrology and Certification


Turkmenglavstate inspection


State Standard of Ukraine

3 By Resolution of the Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization, Metrology and Certification dated August 22, 1996 N 525, the interstate standard GOST 10856-96 was put into effect directly as the state standard of the Russian Federation from July 1, 1997.

4 INSTEAD OF GOST 10856-64

5 REVISION. June 2010



Partition number

GOST 450-77

GOST 4204-77

GOST 9147-80

GOST 9871-75

GOST 10852-86

GOST 25336-82

This standard applies to oilseeds, including soybeans, used as raw materials for the oil and fat industry, and establishes an air-thermal method for determining moisture content.
The essence of the method is to determine the weight loss of the oilseed sample, expressed as a percentage (hereinafter referred to as moisture), dried in an air-heating cabinet at fixed parameters: temperature and drying time.
The air-thermal method is used in determining the moisture content of oilseeds during reception, storage, dispensing and shipment, as well as in control determinations.

1 Sampling method

1 Sampling method

Sampling - according to GOST 10852.

2 Equipment, materials and reagents

Electric drying cabinet SESh-3M with heating of the drying chamber up to 150 °C and with a temperature controller that ensures the creation and maintenance of temperature in the working area of ​​drying 100-140 °C with an error of ±2 °C. Permissible deviations of the supply voltage of the drying cabinet from the nominal should not exceed (220) V. In case of large deviations, an AC voltage stabilizer with a power of at least 2000 VA of any type should be used.
Apparatus for accelerated cooling of oilseed samples after pre-drying type AUO.
Electric moisture meters.
General purpose laboratory scales with a permissible weighing error of ±0.01 g.
General purpose laboratory scales with a permissible weighing error of ±0.1 g.
Electrocontact glass mercury thermometer with a measurement range of 50-150 °C, with an error of ±2 °C according to GOST 9871.
Desiccators according to GOST 25336 version 2.
Porcelain inserts for the desiccator according to GOST 9147 version 1, if the desiccant is calcium chloride; version 2, if the desiccant is sulfuric acid.
Banks with a capacity of not more than 1000 cm.
porcelain cups.
Metal bottles with lids 20 mm high and 48 mm in diameter.
Bottles with a height of 15 mm and a diameter of 77 mm with a mesh bottom and lid (mesh), mesh opening size 0.45 mm.
Razor blades or scalpels for cutting seeds.
Sample scoop.
Signal clock.
Crucible tongs.
Vaseline technical.
Technical calcium chloride according to GOST 450 or sulfuric acid according to GOST 4204 (density -1.84 g/cm), or other desiccants.
Note - It is allowed to use other reagents, materials and equipment with technical characteristics not lower than those indicated.

3 Preparation for analysis

3.1 A sample weighing (300 ± 5) g of oilseeds is isolated from the average sample.

3.2 The isolated seeds are placed in a tightly closed vessel, filling it to two-thirds of the volume.

3.3 Oilseeds, which have a temperature different from the temperature of normal laboratory conditions (20 ± 5) ° C, are kept in a closed vessel until the seeds reach the temperature of the laboratory room.

3.4 At the bottom of a thoroughly washed and dried desiccator, place calcined calcium chloride or other drying agents. Depending on the duration of work, but at least once a month, calcium chloride is calcined in a porcelain cup until it turns into an amorphous mass. When using sulfuric acid, its density is checked (if less than 1.84 g/cm, the acid is replaced).
The polished edges of the desiccator are smeared with a thin layer of petroleum jelly.

3.5 New bottles are dried in an oven for 60 minutes at 130 °C and placed in a desiccator to cool completely.
Cleaned and dried bottles in circulation are also stored in a dessicator.

3.6 Moisture is determined in isolated seeds using electric moisture meters to select a variant of the method.

3.7 For oil seeds with a moisture content of up to 18%, the determination is carried out without prior drying. For seeds with a moisture content of more than 18%, the determination is carried out with preliminary drying.

3.8 The moisture content of peanut, castor and soybean seeds is determined by drying the seeds, previously cut into pieces about 2 mm thick. The seeds of all other crops are dried whole.

4 Conducting an analysis

4.1 Before starting the determination, the seeds are thoroughly mixed by shaking the vessel in different directions and planes.

4.2 Moisture determination with pre-drying

4.2.1 The seeds prepared for determination are poured into the divider bucket or other open container.
Then, a weight of seeds weighing 20.00 g is taken from different places with a scoop into a dried and weighed to the second decimal place mesh weighing box. The weighing box is closed and weighed to the second decimal place.
The remaining seeds are again placed in a tightly closed vessel.

4.2.2 Before drying the seeds, the movable contact of the thermometer is set to 105 ° C and the cabinet is connected to the mains. After reaching a temperature of 105 °C in the chamber of the drying cabinet, the contact thermometer is turned off and the cabinet is heated to a temperature of 110 °C. Then the thermometer is turned on and quickly placed in a drying cabinet with a sample of seeds. Free nests of the cabinet are closed with plugs. The duration of the temperature recovery to 105 °C in the SESh-3M chamber should not exceed 4 minutes. Drying time is 10 minutes.

4.2.3 At the end of the pre-drying, the bottles with oilseeds are removed from the drying chamber and placed in the nests of the AUO type cooler, where they are cooled for 3-5 minutes. Free cooler nests are closed with plugs. After cooling, the mesh bottle with dried seeds is weighed to the second decimal place. The soy, castor and peanut seeds are then crushed (see 3.8).

4.2.4 While the bottles with seeds are being cooled, the SESh-3M oven is being prepared for further work. To do this, set the electrocontact thermometer to a temperature of 130 ° C and turn on the heating.
After reaching a temperature of 130 °C in the chamber of the drying cabinet, the electric contact thermometer is turned off and the cabinet is heated to a temperature of 140 °C.

4.2.5 Remove two clean, dried metal bottles from the desiccator and weigh them to the second decimal place.

4.2.6 Dried and cooled seeds from the mesh weighing bottle are transferred to two dried and weighed metal weighing bottles and the weight of each sample is adjusted to 5.00 g, after that the weighed weighing bottles with seeds are closed and placed in a desiccator.

4.2.7 The electrocontact thermometer is turned on, and the weighing bottles with seeds are quickly placed in the cabinet. And first they put a lid in the nest, and on the lid - a bottle. Free cupboard slots are filled with empty bottles. In this case, the temperature of the cabinet usually drops, which is indicated by the switching on of the signal lamp. The duration of the signal lamp burning should be no more than 10-15 minutes.
Drying in a cabinet is carried out for 40 minutes, counting from the moment the signal lamp is turned off for the second time, that is, from the moment the temperature is set to (130 ± 2) ° C.

4.2.8 After 40 minutes, the weighed bottles of seeds are removed from the cabinet, covered with lids and transferred to a desiccator, where they are cooled for about 15-20 minutes (but not more than 2 hours). Chilled bottles with seeds are weighed to the second decimal place and placed in a desiccator until the results are processed (but not more than 2 hours).

4.3 Moisture determination without prior drying

4.3.1 From the seeds prepared for moisture determination (see 3.1, 3.2, 3.8 and 4.1) into two dried and weighed metal weighing bottles, weighing 5.00 g each, after which the weighted weighing bottles with seeds are closed and placed in a desiccator.
Drying of samples is carried out in the sequence specified in 4.2.4, 4.2.7, 4.2.8.

4.4 Determination of moisture content in shelled peanut seeds

4.4.1 In unchulled peanut seeds, moisture content is determined by drying the cut seeds together with their shells previously removed.

4.4.2 In a sample of peanut seeds weighing 5 g, the shell is first removed from them, then the hulled seeds are cut into pieces about 2 mm thick or into 8-12 pieces. All shells and cut seeds are placed in dried and weighed metal weighing bottles and weighed, bringing the sample weight to 5.00 g.
Sample drying is carried out in the sequence specified in 4.2.4, 4.2.7, 4.2.8.

5 Processing results

5.1 Moisture content of seeds with preliminary drying, %, is calculated by the formula

where is the mass of a 20-gram sample of seeds after preliminary drying, g;
- weight of a 5-gram sample of dried seeds after drying, g.
Moisture calculation is carried out for each 5-gram sample. The result of the analysis is taken as the arithmetic mean of the results of two parallel determinations.
Intermediate calculations according to the formula are carried out with an accuracy of the fourth decimal place, and the result - to the second decimal place.
Example. If the mass of seeds after drying a 20-gram sample was 17.82 g, and the mass of seeds after the final drying of a 5-gram sample was 4.35 g, then the moisture content will be equal to

100-17.82 4.35=100-77.5170=22.48%.

5.2 Moisture content of seeds without prior drying, %, is calculated by the formula

where is the weight of the bottle with seeds before drying, g;
- mass of bottles with seeds after drying, g;
- mass of empty bottle, g.

5.3 The permissible discrepancy between the results of two parallel determinations with a confidence probability = 0.95 should not exceed 0.25% abs. If the allowable discrepancy between the results of two parallel determinations is exceeded, the analysis is repeated.

5.4 For the final result of the analysis, the arithmetic mean of the results of two parallel determinations is taken and this value is put down in the quality document, rounded to the first decimal place.

5.5 In cards for analysis or in laboratory journals, the results of the determination of moisture are put down without rounding.

5.6 The rounding of the results of the analysis for affixing in the documents on the quality of oilseeds is carried out as follows:
if the first of the discarded digits (counting from left to right) is less than 5, then the last stored digit is not changed; if equal to or greater than 5, then the last stored digit is increased by one.

5.7 During control determinations of humidity, the allowable discrepancy between the control and initial (arithmetic mean of the result of two parallel determinations) determinations should not exceed 0.5%.

5.8 In the control determination, the result of the initial determination is taken as the final result of the analysis, if the discrepancy between the results of the control and initial determinations does not exceed the permissible value. If the discrepancy exceeds the allowable value, the result of the control determination is taken as the final result of the analysis.

FA for technical regulation and metrology

provision of information from the database "Products of Russia"

Information system "Dangerous Goods"

GOST 10856-96

Group C19



Moisture determination method

oil seeds. Method for determination of moisture content

MCC 67.200.20
OKSTU 9709

Introduction date 1997-07-01


1 DEVELOPED by the All-Russian Research Institute of Grain and its Processing Products (VNIIZ)

INTRODUCED by Gosstandart of Russia

2 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Minutes N 9 dated April 12, 1996)

Voted to accept:

State name

Name of the national standardization body

The Republic of Azerbaijan


Republic of Armenia

Armstate standard

Republic of Belarus


The Republic of Kazakhstan

State Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Kyrgyz Republic


The Republic of Moldova


Russian Federation

Gosstandart of Russia

The Republic of Tajikistan

Tajik State Center for Standardization, Metrology and Certification


Turkmenglavstate inspection


State Standard of Ukraine

3 By Resolution of the Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization, Metrology and Certification dated August 22, 1996 N 525, the interstate standard GOST 10856-96 was put into effect directly as the state standard of the Russian Federation from July 1, 1997.

4 INSTEAD OF GOST 10856-64

5 REVISION. June 2010



Partition number

This standard applies to oilseeds, including soybeans, used as raw materials for the oil and fat industry, and establishes an air-thermal method for determining moisture content.

The essence of the method is to determine the weight loss of the oilseed sample, expressed as a percentage (hereinafter referred to as moisture), dried in an air-heating cabinet at fixed parameters: temperature and drying time.

The air-thermal method is used in determining the moisture content of oilseeds during reception, storage, dispensing and shipment, as well as in control determinations.

1 Sampling method

1 Sampling method

Sampling - according to GOST 10852.

2 Equipment, materials and reagents

Electric drying cabinet SESh-3M with heating of the drying chamber up to 150 °C and with a temperature controller that ensures the creation and maintenance of temperature in the working area of ​​drying 100-140 °C with an error of ±2 °C. Permissible deviations of the supply voltage of the drying cabinet from the nominal should not exceed (220) V. In case of large deviations, an AC voltage stabilizer with a power of at least 2000 VA of any type should be used.

Apparatus for accelerated cooling of oilseed samples after pre-drying type AUO.

Electric moisture meters.

General purpose laboratory scales with a permissible weighing error of ±0.01 g.

General purpose laboratory scales with a permissible weighing error of ±0.1 g.

Electrocontact glass mercury thermometer with a measurement range of 50-150 °C, with an error of ±2 °C according to GOST 9871.

Desiccators according to GOST 25336 version 2.

Porcelain inserts for the desiccator according to GOST 9147 version 1, if the desiccant is calcium chloride; version 2, if the desiccant is sulfuric acid.

Banks with a capacity of not more than 1000 cm.

porcelain cups.

Metal bottles with lids 20 mm high and 48 mm in diameter.

Bottles with a height of 15 mm and a diameter of 77 mm with a mesh bottom and lid (mesh), mesh opening size 0.45 mm.

Razor blades or scalpels for cutting seeds.


Sample scoop.

Signal clock.

Crucible tongs.

Vaseline technical.

Technical calcium chloride according to GOST 450 or sulfuric acid according to GOST 4204 (density -1.84 g/cm), or other desiccants.

Note - It is allowed to use other reagents, materials and equipment with technical characteristics not lower than those indicated.

3 Preparation for analysis

3.1 A sample weighing (300 ± 5) g of oilseeds is isolated from the average sample.

3.2 The isolated seeds are placed in a tightly closed vessel, filling it to two-thirds of the volume.

3.3 Oilseeds, which have a temperature different from the temperature of normal laboratory conditions (20 ± 5) ° C, are kept in a closed vessel until the seeds reach the temperature of the laboratory room.

3.4 At the bottom of a thoroughly washed and dried desiccator, place calcined calcium chloride or other drying agents. Depending on the duration of work, but at least once a month, calcium chloride is calcined in a porcelain cup until it turns into an amorphous mass. When using sulfuric acid, its density is checked (if less than 1.84 g/cm, the acid is replaced).

The polished edges of the desiccator are smeared with a thin layer of petroleum jelly.

3.5 New bottles are dried in an oven for 60 minutes at 130 °C and placed in a desiccator to cool completely.

Cleaned and dried bottles in circulation are also stored in a dessicator.

3.6 Moisture is determined in isolated seeds using electric moisture meters to select a variant of the method.

3.7 For oil seeds with a moisture content of up to 18%, the determination is carried out without prior drying. For seeds with a moisture content of more than 18%, the determination is carried out with preliminary drying.

3.8 The moisture content of peanut, castor and soybean seeds is determined by drying the seeds, previously cut into pieces about 2 mm thick. The seeds of all other crops are dried whole.

4 Conducting an analysis

4.1 Before starting the determination, the seeds are thoroughly mixed by shaking the vessel in different directions and planes.

4.2 Moisture determination with pre-drying

4.2.1 The seeds prepared for determination are poured into the divider bucket or other open container.

Then, a weight of seeds weighing 20.00 g is taken from different places with a scoop into a dried and weighed to the second decimal place mesh weighing box. The weighing box is closed and weighed to the second decimal place.

The remaining seeds are again placed in a tightly closed vessel.

4.2.2 Before drying the seeds, the movable contact of the thermometer is set to 105 ° C and the cabinet is connected to the mains. After reaching a temperature of 105 °C in the chamber of the drying cabinet, the contact thermometer is turned off and the cabinet is heated to a temperature of 110 °C. Then the thermometer is turned on and quickly placed in a drying cabinet with a sample of seeds. Free nests of the cabinet are closed with plugs. The duration of the temperature recovery to 105 °C in the SESh-3M chamber should not exceed 4 minutes. Drying time is 10 minutes.

4.2.3 At the end of the pre-drying, the bottles with oilseeds are removed from the drying chamber and placed in the nests of the AUO type cooler, where they are cooled for 3-5 minutes. Free cooler nests are closed with plugs. After cooling, the mesh bottle with dried seeds is weighed to the second decimal place. The soy, castor and peanut seeds are then crushed (see 3.8).

4.2.4 While the bottles with seeds are being cooled, the SESh-3M oven is being prepared for further work. To do this, set the electrocontact thermometer to a temperature of 130 ° C and turn on the heating.

After reaching a temperature of 130 °C in the chamber of the drying cabinet, the electric contact thermometer is turned off and the cabinet is heated to a temperature of 140 °C.

4.2.5 Remove two clean, dried metal bottles from the desiccator and weigh them to the second decimal place.

4.2.6 Dried and cooled seeds from the mesh weighing bottle are transferred to two dried and weighed metal weighing bottles and the weight of each sample is adjusted to 5.00 g, after that the weighed weighing bottles with seeds are closed and placed in a desiccator.

4.2.7 The electrocontact thermometer is turned on, and the weighing bottles with seeds are quickly placed in the cabinet. And first they put a lid in the nest, and on the lid - a bottle. Free cupboard slots are filled with empty bottles. In this case, the temperature of the cabinet usually drops, which is indicated by the switching on of the signal lamp. The duration of the signal lamp burning should be no more than 10-15 minutes.

Drying in a cabinet is carried out for 40 minutes, counting from the moment the signal lamp is turned off for the second time, that is, from the moment the temperature is set to (130 ± 2) ° C.

4.2.8 After 40 minutes, the weighed bottles of seeds are removed from the cabinet, covered with lids and transferred to a desiccator, where they are cooled for about 15-20 minutes (but not more than 2 hours). Chilled bottles with seeds are weighed to the second decimal place and placed in a desiccator until the results are processed (but not more than 2 hours).

4.3 Moisture determination without prior drying

4.3.1 From the seeds prepared for moisture determination (see 3.1, 3.2, 3.8 and 4.1) into two dried and weighed metal weighing bottles, weighing 5.00 g each, after which the weighted weighing bottles with seeds are closed and placed in a desiccator.

Drying of samples is carried out in the sequence specified in 4.2.4, 4.2.7, 4.2.8.

4.4 Determination of moisture content in shelled peanut seeds

4.4.1 In unchulled peanut seeds, moisture content is determined by drying the cut seeds together with their shells previously removed.

4.4.2 In a sample of peanut seeds weighing 5 g, the shell is first removed from them, then the hulled seeds are cut into pieces about 2 mm thick or into 8-12 pieces. All shells and cut seeds are placed in dried and weighed metal weighing bottles and weighed, bringing the sample weight to 5.00 g.

Sample drying is carried out in the sequence specified in 4.2.4, 4.2.7, 4.2.8.

5 Processing results

5.1 Moisture content of seeds with preliminary drying, %, is calculated by the formula

where is the mass of a 20-gram sample of seeds after preliminary drying, g;

- weight of a 5-gram sample of dried seeds after drying, g.

Moisture calculation is carried out for each 5-gram sample. The result of the analysis is taken as the arithmetic mean of the results of two parallel determinations.

Intermediate calculations according to the formula are carried out with an accuracy of the fourth decimal place, and the result - to the second decimal place.

Example. If the mass of seeds after drying a 20-gram sample was 17.82 g, and the mass of seeds after the final drying of a 5-gram sample was 4.35 g, then the moisture content will be equal to

100-17.82 4.35=100-77.5170=22.48%.

5.2 Moisture content of seeds without prior drying, %, is calculated by the formula

where is the weight of the bottle with seeds before drying, g;

- mass of bottles with seeds after drying, g;

- mass of empty bottle, g.

5.3 The permissible discrepancy between the results of two parallel determinations with a confidence probability = 0.95 should not exceed 0.25% abs. If the allowable discrepancy between the results of two parallel determinations is exceeded, the analysis is repeated.

5.4 For the final result of the analysis, the arithmetic mean of the results of two parallel determinations is taken and this value is put down in the quality document, rounded to the first decimal place.

5.5 In cards for analysis or in laboratory journals, the results of the determination of moisture are put down without rounding.

5.6 The rounding of the results of the analysis for affixing in the documents on the quality of oilseeds is carried out as follows:

if the first of the discarded digits (counting from left to right) is less than 5, then the last stored digit is not changed; if equal to or greater than 5, then the last stored digit is increased by one.

5.7 During control determinations of humidity, the allowable discrepancy between the control and initial (arithmetic mean of the result of two parallel determinations) determinations should not exceed 0.5%.

5.8 In the control determination, the result of the initial determination is taken as the final result of the analysis, if the discrepancy between the results of the control and initial determinations does not exceed the permissible value. If the discrepancy exceeds the allowable value, the result of the control determination is taken as the final result of the analysis.

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official publication
Sat. GOSTs. -
M.: Standartinform, 2010


OIL SEEDS Moisture Determination Method

Official edition



1 DEVELOPED by the All-Russian Research Institute of Grain and its Processing Products (VNIIZ)

INTRODUCED by Gosstandart of Russia

2 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Minutes No. 9 dated April 12, 1996)

State name

Name of the national standardization body

The Republic of Azerbaijan


Republic of Armenia

Armstate standard

Republic of Belarus


The Republic of Kazakhstan

State Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Kyrgyz Republic


The Republic of Moldova


Russian Federation

Gosstandart of Russia

The Republic of Tajikistan

Tajik State Center for Standardization, Metrology and Certification


Turkmenglavstate inspection

State Standard of Ukraine

3 By the Decree of the Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization, Metrology and Certification dated August 22, 1996 No. 525, the interstate standard GOST 10856-96 was put into effect directly as the state standard of the Russian Federation from July 1, 1997.

4 INSTEAD OF GOST 10856-64

5 REVISION. June 2010

© IPK Standards Publishing House, 1996 © STANDARTINFORM, 2010

This standard cannot be fully or partially reproduced, replicated and distributed as an official publication on the territory of the Russian Federation without permission federal agency for technical regulation and metrology



Moisture determination method

oil seeds. Method for determination of moisture content

MKS 67.200.20 OKSTU 9709

Introduction date 1997-07-01

This standard applies to oilseeds, including soybeans, used as raw materials for the oil and fat industry, and establishes an air-thermal method for determining moisture content.

The essence of the method is to determine the weight loss of the oilseed sample, expressed as a percentage (hereinafter referred to as moisture), dried in an air-heating cabinet at fixed parameters: temperature and drying time.

The air-thermal method is used in determining the moisture content of oilseeds during reception, storage, dispensing and shipment, as well as in control determinations.

1 Sampling method

Sampling - according to GOST 10852.

2 Equipment, materials and reagents

Electric drying cabinet SESh-ZM with heating of the drying chamber up to 150 °C and with a temperature controller that ensures the creation and maintenance of temperature in the working area of ​​drying 100-140 °C with an error of +2 °C. Permissible deviations of the supply voltage of the drying cabinet from the nominal should not exceed (220 + C) V. In case of large deviations, an AC voltage stabilizer with a power of at least 2000 V A of any type should be used.

Apparatus for accelerated cooling of oilseed samples after pre-drying type AUO.

Electric moisture meters.

General purpose laboratory scales with a permissible weighing error of +0.01 g.

General purpose laboratory scales with a permissible weighing error of +0.1 g.

Electrocontact glass mercury thermometer with a measurement range of 50 - 150 °C, with an error of +2 °C according to GOST 9871.

Desiccators according to GOST 25336 version 2.

Porcelain inserts for the desiccator according to GOST 9147 version 1, if the desiccant is calcium chloride; version 2, if the desiccant is sulfuric acid.

Banks with a capacity of not more than 1000 cm 3.

porcelain cups.

Metal bottles with lids 20 mm high and 48 mm in diameter.

Bottles with a height of 15 mm and a diameter of 77 mm with a mesh bottom and lid (mesh), mesh opening size 0.45 mm.

Razor blades or scalpels for cutting seeds.

Official edition

Sample scoop.

Signal clock.

Crucible tongs.

Vaseline technical.

Calcium chloride technical according to GOST 450 or sulfuric acid according to GOST 4204 (density p - 1.84 g / cm 3), or other desiccants.

Note - It is allowed to use other reagents, materials and equipment with technical characteristics not lower than those indicated.

3 Preparation for analysis

3.1 A sample weighing (300 + 5) g of oilseeds is isolated from the average sample.

3.2 The isolated seeds are placed in a tightly closed vessel, filling it to two-thirds of the volume.

3.3 Oilseeds, which have a temperature different from the temperature of normal laboratory conditions (20+5) °C, are kept in a closed vessel until the seeds reach the temperature of the laboratory room.

3.4 At the bottom of a thoroughly washed and dried desiccator, place calcined calcium chloride or other drying agents. Depending on the duration of work, but at least once a month, calcium chloride is calcined in a porcelain cup until it turns into an amorphous mass. When using sulfuric acid, its density is checked (if p is less than 1.84 g / cm 3, the acid is replaced).

The polished edges of the desiccator are smeared with a thin layer of petroleum jelly.

3.5 New bottles are dried in an oven for 60 minutes at 130 °C and placed in a desiccator to cool completely.

Cleaned and dried bottles in circulation are also stored in a dessicator.

3.6 Moisture is determined in isolated seeds using electric moisture meters to select a variant of the method.

3.7 For oilseeds with a moisture content of up to 18%, the determination is carried out without prior drying. For seeds with a moisture content of more than 18%, the determination is carried out with preliminary drying.

3.8 The moisture content of peanut, castor and soybean seeds is determined by drying the seeds, previously cut into pieces about 2 mm thick. The seeds of all other crops are dried whole.

4 Conducting an analysis

4.1 Before starting the determination, the seeds are thoroughly mixed by shaking the vessel in different directions and planes.

4.2 Moisture determination with pre-drying

4.2.1 The seeds prepared for determination are poured into the divider bucket or other open container.

Then, a weight of seeds weighing 20.00 g is taken from different places with a scoop into a dried and weighed to the second decimal place mesh weighing box. The weighing box is closed and weighed to the second decimal place.

The remaining seeds are again placed in a tightly closed vessel.

4.2.2 Before drying the seeds, the movable contact of the thermometer is set to 105 ° C and the cabinet is connected to the mains. After reaching a temperature of 105 °C in the chamber of the drying cabinet, the contact thermometer is turned off and the cabinet is heated to a temperature of 110 °C. Then the thermometer is turned on and quickly placed in a drying cabinet with a sample of seeds. Free nests of the cabinet are closed with plugs. The duration of the temperature recovery to 105 °C in the SESh-ZM chamber should not exceed 4 minutes. Drying time is 10 minutes.

4.2.3 At the end of the preliminary drying, the bottles with oil seeds are removed from the drying chamber and placed in the nests of the AUO type cooler, where

their cooling for 3-5 minutes. Free cooler nests are closed with plugs. After cooling, the mesh bottle with dried seeds is weighed to the second decimal place. The soy, castor and peanut seeds are then crushed (see 3.8).

4.2.4 While the bottles with seeds are being cooled, the SESh-3M drying oven is being prepared for further work. To do this, set the electrocontact thermometer to a temperature of 130 ° C and turn on the heating.

After reaching a temperature of 130 °C in the chamber of the drying cabinet, the electric contact thermometer is turned off and the cabinet is heated to a temperature of 140 °C.

4.2.5 Remove two clean, dried metal bottles from the desiccator and weigh them to the second decimal place.

4.2.6 Dried and cooled seeds from the mesh weighing bottle are transferred to two dried and weighed metal weighing bottles and the weight of each sample is adjusted to 5.00 g, after that the weighed weighing bottles with seeds are closed and placed in a desiccator.

4.2.7 The electrocontact thermometer is turned on, and the weighing bottles with seeds are quickly placed in the cabinet. And first they put a lid in the nest, and on the lid - a bottle. Free cupboard slots are filled with empty bottles. In this case, the temperature of the cabinet usually drops, which is indicated by the switching on of the signal lamp. The duration of the signal lamp burning should be no more than 10-15 minutes.

Drying in a cabinet is carried out for 40 minutes, counting from the moment the signal lamp is turned off for the second time, that is, from the moment the temperature is set to (130 + 2) ° C.

4.2.8 After 40 minutes, the weighed bottles of seeds are removed from the cabinet, covered with lids and transferred to a desiccator, where they are cooled for about 15-20 minutes (but not more than 2 hours). Chilled bottles with seeds are weighed to the second decimal place and placed in a desiccator until the results are processed (but not more than 2 hours).

4.3 Moisture determination without prior drying

4.3.1 From the seeds prepared for moisture determination (see 3.1, 3.2, 3.8 and 4.1) into two dried and weighed metal weighing bottles, weighing 5.00 g each, after which the weighted weighing bottles with seeds are closed and placed in a desiccator.

Drying of samples is carried out in the sequence specified in 4.2.4, 4.2.7, 4.2.8.

4.4 Determination of moisture content in shelled peanut seeds

4.4.1 In unchulled peanut seeds, moisture content is determined by drying the cut seeds together with their shells previously removed.

4.4.2 In a sample of peanut seeds weighing 5 g, the shell is first removed from them, then the hulled seeds are cut into pieces about 2 mm thick or into 8-12 pieces. All shells and cut seeds are placed in dried and weighed metal weighing bottles and weighed, bringing the sample weight to 5.00 g.

Sample drying is carried out in the sequence specified in 4.2.4, 4.2.7, 4.2.8.

5 Processing results

5.1 Moisture content of seeds with preliminary drying W, %, is calculated by the formula

W= 100-t ■ t x,

where m is the mass of a 20-gram sample of seeds after preliminary drying, g; t 1 - weight of a 5-gram sample of dried seeds after drying, g.

Moisture calculation is carried out for each 5-gram sample. The result of the analysis is taken as the arithmetic mean of the results of two parallel determinations.

Intermediate calculations according to the formula are carried out with an accuracy of the fourth decimal place, and the result - to the second decimal place.

Example. If the mass of seeds after drying a 20-gram sample was 17.82 g, and the mass of seeds after the final drying of a 5-gram sample was 4.35 g, then the moisture content will be equal to

100 - 17,82 4,35 = 100 - 77,5170 = 22,48 %. 67

5.2 Moisture content of seeds without preliminary drying W\,%, is calculated by the formula

(t - /yar ■ 100

1 t - t 2

where m is the weight of the bottle with seeds before drying, g; t 1 - weight of the bottle with seeds after drying, g; t 2 - the mass of an empty bottle, g.

5.3 The allowable discrepancy between the results of two parallel determinations with a confidence probability P = 0.95 should not exceed 0.25% abs. If the allowable discrepancy between the results of two parallel determinations is exceeded, the analysis is repeated.

5.4 For the final result of the analysis, the arithmetic mean of the results of two parallel determinations is taken and this value is put down in the quality document, rounded to the first decimal place.

5.5 In cards for analysis or in laboratory journals, the results of the determination of moisture are put down without rounding.

5.6 The rounding of the results of the analysis for affixing in the documents on the quality of oilseeds is carried out as follows:

if the first of the discarded digits (counting from left to right) is less than 5, then the last stored digit is not changed; if equal to or greater than 5, then the last stored digit is increased by one.

5.7 During control determinations of humidity, the allowable discrepancy between the control and initial (arithmetic mean of the result of two parallel determinations) determinations should not exceed 0.5%.

5.8 In the control determination, the result of the initial determination is taken as the final result of the analysis, if the discrepancy between the results of the control and initial determinations does not exceed the permissible value. If the discrepancy exceeds the allowable value, the result of the control determination is taken as the final result of the analysis.




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