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Thermal power plant

Thermal power plant

(TPP), a power plant that, as a result of burning fossil fuels, receives thermal energy, which is then converted into electrical energy. Thermal power plants are the main type of power plants, the share of electricity generated by them in industrialized countries is 70-80% (in Russia in 2000 - about 67%). Thermal power at thermal power plants is used to heat water and produce steam (at steam turbine power plants) or to produce hot gases (at gas turbine power plants). To obtain heat, organic matter is burned in the boilers of thermal power plants. Coal, natural gas, fuel oil, combustibles are used as fuel. At thermal steam turbine power plants (TPES), the steam produced in the steam generator (boiler unit) rotates steam turbine connected to an electrical generator. At such power plants, almost all the electricity produced by TPPs is generated (99%); their efficiency is close to 40%, unit installed capacity - to 3 MW; coal, fuel oil, peat, shale, natural gas, etc. serve as fuel for them. combined heat and power plants. They generate approximately 33% of the electricity produced by thermal power plants. At power plants with condensing turbines, all exhaust steam is condensed and returned as a steam-water mixture to the boiler for reuse. At such condensing power plants (CPP) approx. 67% of electricity produced at thermal power plants. The official name of such power plants in Russia is the State District Power Plant (GRES).

Steam turbines of thermal power plants are usually connected directly to electric generators, without intermediate gears, forming a turbine unit. In addition, as a rule, a turbine unit is combined with a steam generator into a single power unit, from which powerful TPPs are then assembled.

Gas or liquid fuels are burned in the combustion chambers of gas turbine thermal power plants. The resulting combustion products are fed to gas turbine that rotates the generator. The power of such power plants, as a rule, is several hundred megawatts, the efficiency is 26–28%. Gas turbine power plants are usually built in a block with a steam turbine power plant to cover the peaks. electrical load. Conventionally, TPP also includes nuclear power plants (NUCLEAR POWER STATION), geothermal power plants and power plants with magnetohydrodynamic generators. The first thermal power plants operating on coal appeared in 1882 in New York, in 1883 in St. Petersburg.

Encyclopedia "Technology". - M.: Rosman. 2006 .

See what a "thermal power plant" is in other dictionaries:

    Thermal power plant- (TPP) - a power plant (a set of equipment, installations, apparatus) that generates electrical energy as a result of the conversion of thermal energy released during the combustion of fossil fuels. Currently, among thermal power plants ... ... Oil and gas microencyclopedia

    thermal power plant- A power plant that converts the chemical energy of a fuel into electrical energy or electrical energy and heat. [GOST 19431 84] EN thermal power station a power station in which electricity is generated by conversion of thermal energy Note… … Technical Translator's Handbook

    thermal power plant- A power plant that generates electrical energy as a result of the conversion of thermal energy released during the combustion of fossil fuels ... Geography Dictionary

    - (TPP) generates electrical energy as a result of the conversion of thermal energy released during the combustion of fossil fuels. The main types of thermal power plants are: steam turbines (predominate), gas turbines and diesel. Sometimes TPP is conditionally referred to ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    THERMAL POWER PLANT- (TPP) an enterprise for the production of electrical energy as a result of the conversion of energy released during the combustion of fossil fuels. The main parts of a thermal power plant are a boiler plant, a steam turbine and an electric generator that turns mechanical ... ... Great Polytechnic Encyclopedia

    Thermal power plant- CCGT 16. Thermal power plant According to GOST 19431 84 Source: GOST 26691 85: Thermal power engineering. Terms and definitions original document ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    - (TPP), generates electrical energy as a result of the conversion of thermal energy released during the combustion of fossil fuels. TPPs operate on solid, liquid, gaseous and mixed fuels (coal, fuel oil, natural gas, less often brown ... ... Geographic Encyclopedia

    - (TPP), generates electrical energy as a result of the conversion of thermal energy released during the combustion of fossil fuels. The main types of thermal power plants are: steam turbines (predominate), gas turbines and diesel. Sometimes TPP is conditionally referred to ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    thermal power plant- šiluminė elektrinė statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: engl. thermal power station; thermal station vok. Wärmekraftwerk, n rus. thermal power plant, f pranc. centrale electrothermique, f; centrale thermoélectrique, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas

    thermal power plant- šiluminė elektrinė statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: engl. heat power plant; steam power plant vok. Wärmekraftwerk, n rus. thermal power plant, f; thermal power plant, f pranc. centrale electrothermique, f; centrale thermique, f; usine… … Fizikos terminų žodynas

    - (TPP) A power plant that generates electrical energy as a result of the conversion of thermal energy released during the combustion of fossil fuels. The first thermal power plants appeared at the end of the 19th century. (in 1882 in New York, 1883 in St. Petersburg, 1884 in ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

TPP is a power plant that generates electrical energy as a result of the conversion of thermal energy released during the combustion of fossil fuels (Fig. D.1).

There are thermal steam turbine power plants (TPES), gas turbine (GTES) and combined-cycle (PGES). Let's take a closer look at TPES.

Fig. E.1 Scheme of TPP

At TPES thermal energy used in a steam generator to produce high pressure steam that drives a steam turbine rotor connected to an electric generator rotor. Such thermal power plants use coal, fuel oil, natural gas, lignite (brown coal), peat, and shale as fuel. Their efficiency reaches 40%, power - 3 GW. TPES, which have condensing turbines as a drive for electric generators and do not use the heat of the exhaust steam to supply thermal energy to external consumers, are called condensing power plants (the official name in the Russian Federation is the State District Electric Power Plant, or GRES). The GRES generates about 2/3 of the electricity produced at the TPP.

TPES equipped with heating turbines and giving off the heat of the exhaust steam to industrial or domestic consumers are called combined heat and power plants (CHP); they produce about 1/3 of the electricity produced at thermal power plants.

Four types of coal are known. In order of increasing carbon content, and thus calorific value, these types are arranged as follows: peat, brown coal, bituminous (fat) coal or coal and anthracite. In the operation of TPPs, mainly the first two types are used.

Coal is not chemically pure carbon, it also contains inorganic material (up to 40% carbon in brown coal), which remains after coal combustion in the form of ash. Sulfur can be found in coal, sometimes as iron sulfide and sometimes as organic constituents of the coal. Coal usually contains arsenic, selenium, and radioactive elements. In fact, coal is the dirtiest of all fossil fuels.

When coal is burned, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide are formed, as well as sulfur oxides, suspended particles and nitrogen oxides in large quantities. Sulfur oxides damage trees, various materials and have a harmful effect on people.

The particles released into the atmosphere when coal is burned in power plants are called "fly ash". Ash emissions are strictly controlled. About 10% of suspended particles actually enter the atmosphere.

A coal-fired power plant with a capacity of 1000 MW burns 4-5 million tons of coal per year.

Since there is no coal mining in the Altai Territory, we will assume that it is brought from other regions, and roads are laid for this, thereby changing the natural landscape.


The principle of operation of a combined heat and power plant (CHP) is based on the unique property of water vapor - to be a heat carrier. When heated, under pressure, it turns into a powerful source of energy that sets in motion the turbines of thermal power plants (TPPs) - a legacy of such a distant era of steam.

The first thermal power plant was built in New York on Pearl Street (Manhattan) in 1882. St. Petersburg became the birthplace of the first Russian thermal station, a year later. Oddly enough, but even in our age high technology Thermal power plants have not yet found a full-fledged replacement: their share in the world energy sector is more than 60%.

And there is a simple explanation for this, which contains the advantages and disadvantages of thermal energy. Its "blood" - organic fuel - coal, fuel oil, oil shale, peat and natural gas are still relatively available, and their reserves are quite large.

The big disadvantage is that the products of fuel combustion cause serious harm. environment. Yes, and the natural pantry one day will finally be depleted, and thousands of thermal power plants will turn into rusting "monuments" of our civilization.

Principle of operation

To begin with, it is worth deciding on the terms "CHP" and "TPP". To put it simply, they are sisters. A "clean" thermal power plant - TPP is designed exclusively for the production of electricity. Its other name is "condensing power plant" - IES.

Combined heat and power plant - CHP - a type of thermal power plant. It, in addition to generating electricity, supplies hot water to the central heating system and for domestic needs.

The scheme of operation of the CHP is quite simple. The furnace simultaneously receives fuel and heated air - an oxidizing agent. The most common fuel at Russian thermal power plants is pulverized coal. The heat from the combustion of coal dust turns the water entering the boiler into steam, which is then fed under pressure to the steam turbine. A powerful steam flow makes it rotate, setting in motion the generator rotor, which converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.

Further, the steam, which has already significantly lost its initial indicators - temperature and pressure - enters the condenser, where after a cold "water shower" it again becomes water. Then the condensate pump pumps it to the regenerative heaters and then to the deaerator. There, water is freed from gases - oxygen and CO 2, which can cause corrosion. After that, the water is again heated by steam and fed back into the boiler.

Heat supply

The second, no less important function of the CHPP is to provide hot water (steam) intended for central heating systems of nearby settlements and domestic use. In special heaters, cold water is heated to 70 degrees in summer and 120 degrees in winter, after which it is supplied to the common mixing chamber by network pumps and then goes to consumers through the heating main system. Water supplies at the thermal power plant are constantly replenished.

How gas-fired thermal power plants work

Compared to coal-fired CHPs, CHPs with gas turbines are much more compact and environmentally friendly. Suffice it to say that such a station does not need a steam boiler. A gas turbine plant is essentially the same turbojet aircraft engine, where, unlike it, the jet stream is not emitted into the atmosphere, but rotates the generator rotor. At the same time, emissions of combustion products are minimal.

New coal combustion technologies

The efficiency of modern CHPs is limited to 34%. The vast majority of thermal power plants still operate on coal, which can be explained quite simply - coal reserves on Earth are still huge, so the share of thermal power plants in the total amount of electricity generated is about 25%.

The process of burning coal for many decades remains virtually unchanged. However, new technologies have also come here.

The peculiarity of this method is that instead of air, pure oxygen released from the air is used as an oxidizing agent during the combustion of coal dust. As a result, a harmful impurity - NOx - is removed from the flue gases. The remaining harmful impurities are filtered out in the process of several stages of purification. The remaining CO 2 at the outlet is pumped into tanks under high pressure and is subject to burial at a depth of up to 1 km.

"oxyfuel capture" method

Here, too, when burning coal, pure oxygen is used as an oxidizing agent. Only in contrast to the previous method, at the moment of combustion, steam is formed, which drives the turbine into rotation. Ash and sulfur oxides are then removed from the flue gases, cooling and condensation are carried out. The remaining carbon dioxide under a pressure of 70 atmospheres is converted into a liquid state and placed underground.

"pre-combustion" method

Coal is burned in the "normal" mode - in a boiler mixed with air. After that, ash and SO 2 - sulfur oxide are removed. Next, CO 2 is removed using a special liquid absorbent, after which it is disposed of by landfill.

The five most powerful thermal power plants in the world

The championship belongs to the Chinese Tuoketuo thermal power plant with a capacity of 6600 MW (5 en / unit x 1200 MW), occupying an area of ​​2.5 square meters. km. She is followed by her "compatriot" - Taichung TPP with a capacity of 5824 MW. The top three is closed by Russia's largest Surgutskaya GRES-2 - 5597.1 MW. In fourth place is the Polish Belchatow TPP - 5354 MW, and the fifth - Futtsu CCGT Power Plant (Japan) - a gas-fired TPP with a capacity of 5040 MW.

The energy hidden in fossil fuels - coal, oil or natural gas - cannot be immediately obtained in the form of electricity. The fuel is burned first. The released heat heats the water and turns it into steam. The steam rotates the turbine, and the turbine is the generator rotor, which generates, i.e., generates, electric current.

Scheme of operation of a condensing power plant.

Slavyanskaya TPP. Ukraine, Donetsk region.

This whole complex, multi-stage process can be observed at a thermal power plant (TPP) equipped with power machines that convert the energy hidden in fossil fuels (oil shale, coal, oil and its products, natural gas) into electrical energy. The main parts of the TPP are a boiler plant, a steam turbine and an electric generator.

Boiler plant- a set of devices for producing water vapor under pressure. It consists of a furnace in which organic fuel is burned, a furnace space through which combustion products pass into the chimney, and a steam boiler in which water boils. The part of the boiler that comes into contact with the flame during heating is called the heating surface.

There are 3 types of boilers: smoke-fired, water-tube and once-through. A series of tubes is placed inside the fire-burning boilers, through which the products of combustion pass into the chimney. Numerous smoke tubes have a huge heating surface, as a result of which they make good use of the energy of the fuel. The water in these boilers is located between the fire tubes.

In water-tube boilers, the opposite is true: water is let through the tubes, and hot gases are between the tubes. The main parts of the boiler are the furnace, boiler tubes, steam boiler and superheater. In the boiling tubes, the process of vaporization takes place. The steam formed in them enters the steam boiler, where it is collected in its upper part, above boiling water. From the steam boiler, the steam passes to the superheater where it is additionally heated. Fuel is thrown into this boiler through the door, and the air necessary for burning the fuel is supplied through another door to the blower. Hot gases rise up and, bending around the partitions, pass the path indicated in the diagram (see Fig.).

In once-through boilers, water is heated in long serpentine pipes. Water is pumped into these pipes. Passing through the coil, it evaporates completely, and the resulting steam is superheated to the required temperature and then exits the coils.

Boiler plants operating with reheating of steam are integral part installation called power unit"boiler - turbine".

In the future, for example, to use coal from the Kansk-Achinsk basin, large thermal power plants with a capacity of up to 6400 MW with power units of 800 MW each will be built, where boiler plants will produce 2650 tons of steam per hour with a temperature of up to 565 ° C and a pressure of 25 MPa.

The boiler plant produces high-pressure steam, which goes to the steam turbine - the main engine of the thermal power plant. In the turbine, the steam expands, its pressure drops, and the latent energy is converted into mechanical energy. The steam turbine drives the rotor of a generator that generates electricity.

AT major cities most often built combined heat and power plants(CHP), and in areas with cheap fuel - condensing power plants(IES).

CHP is a thermal power plant that produces not only electrical energy, but also heat in the form of hot water and steam. The steam leaving the steam turbine still contains a lot of thermal energy. At the CHPP, this heat is used in two ways: either the steam after the turbine is sent to the consumer and does not return to the station, or it transfers heat in the heat exchanger to water, which is sent to the consumer, and the steam is returned back to the system. Therefore, CHP has a high efficiency, reaching 50-60%.

Distinguish CHP heating and industrial types. Heating CHPPs heat residential and public buildings and supply them with hot water, industrial ones supply heat to industrial enterprises. The transfer of steam from the CHP is carried out over distances of up to several kilometers, and the transfer of hot water - up to 30 kilometers or more. As a result, thermal power plants are being built near large cities.

A huge amount of thermal energy is directed to district heating or centralized heating of our apartments, schools, and institutions. Before the October Revolution, there was no district heating for houses. Houses were heated by stoves, in which a lot of firewood and coal were burned. Heating in our country began in the first years of Soviet power, when, according to the GOELRO plan (1920), construction of large thermal power plants began. Total CHP capacity in the early 1980s exceeded 50 million kW.

But the bulk of the electricity generated by thermal power plants comes from condensing power plants (CPPs). We often call them state district power plants (GRES). Unlike thermal power plants, where the heat of the steam exhausted in the turbine is used to heat residential and industrial buildings, at CPPs, the steam used in engines (steam engines, turbines) is converted by condensers into water (condensate), which is sent back to the boilers for reuse. IES are built directly at water supply sources: near a lake, river, sea. The heat removed from the power plant with cooling water is irretrievably lost. The efficiency of IES does not exceed 35–42%.

According to a strict schedule, wagons with finely crushed coal are delivered to the high overpass day and night. A special unloader overturns the wagons, and the fuel is poured into the bunker. Mills carefully grind it into a fuel powder, and together with air it flies into the furnace of a steam boiler. Tongues of flame tightly cover the bundles of tubes in which the water boils. Water vapor is formed. Through pipes - steam pipelines - steam is directed to the turbine and hits the turbine rotor blades through nozzles. Having given energy to the rotor, the exhaust steam goes to the condenser, cools and turns into water. Pumps feed it back to the boiler. And the energy continues its movement from the turbine rotor to the generator rotor. In the generator, its final transformation takes place: it becomes electricity. This is the end of the IES energy chain.

Unlike hydroelectric power plants, thermal power plants can be built anywhere, and thereby bring the sources of electricity closer to the consumer and arrange thermal power plants evenly across the territory of the economic regions of the country. The advantage of thermal power plants is that they operate on almost all types of fossil fuels - coal, shale, liquid fuel, natural gas.

Reftinskaya ( Sverdlovsk region), Zaporozhye (Ukraine), Kostroma, Uglegorsk (Donetsk region, Ukraine). The capacity of each of them exceeds 3000 MW.

Our country is a pioneer in the construction of thermal power plants, the energy of which is provided by a nuclear reactor (see.

Depending on the capacity and technological features of power plants, it is allowed to simplify the production structure of power plants: reducing the number of workshops to two - heat and power and electrical at power plants of small capacity, as well as power plants operating on liquid and gaseous fuels, combining several power plants under the leadership of a common directorate with the transformation of individual power plants to workshops.

There are three types of management at energy enterprises: administrative and economic, production and technical, and operational and dispatching. In accordance with this, the governing bodies were also built, bearing the names of departments or services, staffed by employees with appropriate qualifications.

Administrative and economic management the general director carries out through the chief engineer, who is his first deputy. (The General Director may have deputies for the administrative and economic part, financial activities, capital construction, etc.). This includes functions for planning and implementing technical policy, implementing new technology monitoring of uninterrupted operation, timely and high-quality repairs, etc.

Operational management of enterprises is carried out through the dispatching service. The duty dispatcher is operationally subordinate to all lower-ranking duty officers at power enterprises. Here, one of the features of the management of energy enterprises is manifested, which consists in the fact that the staff on duty is in double subordination: in operational terms, they are subordinate to a higher duty officer, and in administrative and technical terms, to their line manager.

Based on the approved plan for energy production and repair of equipment, the dispatching service spreads the operating mode, based on the requirements of reliability and efficiency and taking into account the availability of fuel and energy resources, outlines measures to improve reliability and efficiency.

The functions of individual employees are determined by the functions of the relevant bodies - departments and services. The number of employees is regulated by the volume of functions performed, depending mainly on the type and capacity of the station, the type of fuel and other indicators that are expressed in the category assigned to the enterprise.

The administrative and economic head of the station is the director, who, within the rights granted to him, manages all the means and property of the power plant, manages the work of the team, and observes financial, contractual, technical and labor discipline at the station. Directly subordinate to the director is one of the main departments of the station - the planning and economic department (PEO).

The PEO is responsible for two main groups of issues: production planning and labor and wage planning. The main task of production planning is the development of long-term and current plans for the operation of thermal power plants and control over the implementation of planned operation indicators. For the correct organization and planning of labor and wages at the TPP, the department periodically photographs the working day of the main operating personnel and timekeeping of the work of the personnel of the fuel-transport and mechanical-repair shops.

TPP accounting carries out accounting of cash and material resources of the station (group - production); personnel payroll calculations (settlement part), current financing (banking operations), settlements under contracts (with suppliers, etc.), preparation of financial statements and balance sheets; control over the correct spending of funds and compliance with financial discipline.

At large stations, for the management of the administrative and economic department and the departments of material and technical supply, personnel and capital construction, positions of special deputy directors (except for the first deputy chief engineer) for administrative and economic issues and capital construction and assistant director for personnel are provided. At high power plants, these departments (or groups), as well as the accounting department, report directly to the director.

Managed by the department logistics(MTS) is supplying the station with all the necessary operating materials (except for the main raw material - fuel), spare parts and materials and tools for repairs.

The personnel department deals with the selection and study of personnel, draws up the hiring and dismissal of employees.

The department of capital construction carries out capital construction at the station or supervises the progress of construction (if construction is carried out by a contract method), and also manages the construction of residential buildings of the station.

The technical manager of the TPP is the first deputy director of the station - Chief Engineer. The chief engineer is in charge of technical issues, organizes the development and implementation of advanced labor methods, rational use of equipment, economical use of fuel, electricity, and materials. Equipment repairs are carried out under the supervision of the chief engineer. He heads the qualification commission for checking the technical knowledge and preparedness of the engineering and technical workers of the power plant. The production and technical department of the station is directly subordinate to the chief engineer.

Production and technical department(PTO) TPP develops and implements measures to improve production, performs operational and commissioning tests of equipment; develops, together with the PEO, annual and monthly technical plans for workshops and planned tasks for individual units; studies the causes of accidents and injuries, keeps records and analyzes the consumption of fuel, water, steam, electricity and develops measures to reduce these costs; draws up technical reports of TPP, controls the implementation of the repair schedule; prepares requisitions for materials and spare parts.

As part of the PTO, three main groups are usually distinguished: technical (energy) accounting, adjustment and testing, repair and design.

The technical metering group, based on the readings of water meters, parameters, electric meters, determines the generation of electricity and heat supply, steam and heat consumption, analyzes these data and their deviations from the planned values; draws up monthly reports on the operation of power plants.

The commissioning and testing group is responsible for the commissioning and testing of new equipment and equipment coming from repair.

The repair and design group is in charge of the overhaul and current repairs of station equipment and the development of design changes (improvements) of individual equipment units, as well as issues of simplifying the thermal schemes of TPPs.

The organizational and production structure of a thermal power plant (production management scheme) can be shop or block.

The shop management scheme has been the most common so far. At workshop scheme energy production is divided into the following phases: preparation and intra-station transport of fuel (preparatory phase); conversion of chemical energy of fuel into mechanical energy of steam; converting the mechanical energy of steam into electricity.

The control of individual phases of the energy process is carried out by the corresponding shops of the power plant: fuel and transport (first, preparatory phase), boiler (second phase), turbine (third phase), electrical (fourth phase).

The TPP shops listed above, as well as the chemical shop, are among the main ones, since they are directly involved in the technological process of the main production of the power plant.

In addition to the main production (for which this enterprise is created), auxiliary productions are considered. Auxiliary shops at TPPs include:

Thermal Automation Workshop and measurements (TAIZ), which is in charge of thermal control devices and autoregulators of thermal processes of the station (with all auxiliary devices and elements), as well as supervision of the state of the weighing facilities of shops and stations (except for car scales);

machine shop, which is in charge of general station workshops, heating and ventilation installations of industrial and service buildings, fire and drinking water supply and sewerage, if the repair of station equipment is carried out by the TPP itself, then the mechanical shop turns into a mechanical repair shop and its functions include scheduled preventive repairs of equipment all shops of the station;

Repair and construction a workshop that carries out operational supervision of industrial service buildings and structures and their repair and maintains roads and the entire territory of the power plant in proper condition.

All departments of the station (main and auxiliary) in administrative and technical terms report directly to the chief engineer.

Each department is headed by a department head. For all production and technical issues, he reports to the chief engineer of the TPP, and for administrative and economic issues - to the director of the station. The head of the workshop organizes the work of the workshop team to meet the planned targets, manages the workshop's funds, has the right to encourage and impose disciplinary sanctions on the workshop workers.

Separate sections of the shop are headed by craftsmen. The foreman is the head of the site, responsible for the implementation of the plan, the placement and use of workers, the use and safety of equipment, the expenditure of materials, wage funds, labor protection and safety, the correct regulation of labor and other tasks facing the foreman, require him not only technical training, but also knowledge of the economics of production, its organization; he must understand the economic indicators of the work of his section, workshop, enterprise as a whole. Masters directly supervise the work of foremen and teams of workers.

The power equipment of the workshops is serviced by the workshop operational staff on duty, organized into shift teams (watches). The work of each shift is supervised by duty shift supervisors of the main workshops, reporting to the station engineer on duty (DIS)

DIS TES provides operational management of all station operating personnel on duty during the shift. The engineer on duty is administratively and technically subordinate to the chief engineer of the TPP, but operatively he is subordinate only to the duty dispatcher of the power system and carries out all his orders for the operational management of the production process of the TPP. In operational terms, DIS is the one-man head of the station during the corresponding shift, and his orders are unconditionally carried out by the nominal duty personnel of the station through the respective shift supervisors of the main workshops. In addition to maintaining the mode, DIS immediately responds to all problems in the shops and takes measures to eliminate them in order to prevent accidents and defects in the operation of power plants.

Another form of organizational structure is block diagram.

The main primary production unit of a block power plant is not a workshop, but an integrated power unit (unit), including equipment that implements not one, but several successive phases of the energy process (for example, from fuel combustion in the boiler furnace to electricity generation by the generator of the steam turbine unit) and does not having cross-links with other aggregates - blocks. Power units may include one turbine unit and one boiler providing it with steam (monoblock) or a turbine unit and two boilers of equal capacity (double-block).

With a block diagram, there is no separate control of various types of main equipment (boilers, turbines), i.e. "horizontal" control scheme. The equipment is controlled according to the "vertical" scheme (boiler-turbo unit) by the unit's duty personnel.

The general management of the power plant and control over the operation of equipment and operating personnel is concentrated in the operation service, subordinate to the deputy chief engineer for operation.

It is planned to have a centralized repair shop (CNR) that repairs all station equipment, subordinate to the deputy chief repair engineer.

Operational management of the station is carried out by shift engineers on duty of the station, who are administratively and technically subordinate to the deputy chief engineer for operation, and in operational terms - to the duty dispatcher of the power system.

In contrast to the station with a workshop structure, the main primary production unit of a block station, as noted above, is one or two double blocks controlled from one control panel. The maintenance personnel of one control panel (for one or two units) includes the on-duty head of the unit or block system (two blocks), three-shift assistants to the head of the block system (panelboard, turbine and boiler equipment); foremen on duty (for turbine and boiler equipment), two linemen of auxiliary equipment (turbo and boiler units). In addition, linemen for the bager pumping station, ash removal, hydraulic structures, coastal pumping station and auxiliary workers are subordinate to the head of the block system.

The head of the block system is the operational manager of the operation of the equipment of the block and two (dual) blocks, responsible for its trouble-free and economical operation in accordance with the rules of technical operation. One of his assistants is on duty at the block control room and keeps a logbook. Two other assistants control the operation of boiler and turbine equipment during their shift.

The foremen on duty, with the help of linemen, control the technical condition of the boiler and turbine equipment on site and eliminate the identified defects. The crawler of the bager pump house, together with auxiliary workers, maintains the ash removal system. The waterworks crawler maintains the water supply system.

The fuel and transport facilities of the station, led by the head of the fuel supply shift, are allocated as an independent production unit.

Directly report to the duty engineer of the station is an electrical engineer, an engineer - instrumentation and automation, a master chemist and a master in oil management.

In addition to duty (shift) personnel, the operation service includes station laboratories: heat measurement and laboratory control of metal, electrical laboratory (including communications), chemical laboratory.

The currently used organizational structure of high-capacity block power plants can be called block-workshop scheme, since along with the creation of power boiler-turbine units, the shop division of the station and the centralization of control of all station "boiler-turbine" units in the combined boiler-turbine shop are preserved.

In addition to the boiler and turbine shop (KTTs), the station's organizational structure includes: a fuel and transport shop (with the participation of heat supply and underground utilities); chemical workshop (with a chemical laboratory); shop of fuel automatics and measurements (with heat-measuring laboratory); shop for adjustment and testing of boiler and turbine equipment; workshop for centralized repair of equipment (with a mechanical workshop).

For stations with a capacity of 800 MW and more, a separate dust preparation shop is provided. At plants with a capacity of more than 1000 MW, burning multi-ash fuel and having a complex set of hydraulic structures, in organizational structure the hydraulic engineering shop is turned on.

The Boiler and Turbine Shop (KTC) is in charge of the technical operation of all boiler and turbine equipment of the station (including all auxiliary equipment) and the operational management of all power (boiler and turbine units).

The shift supervisors of the dual power units, which are controlled from a common (for two units) shield, are subordinate to the CHC shift supervisor.

The fuel and transport workshop includes: a fuel warehouse, railway tracks and rolling stock, an unloading shed, car dumpers, car scales and fuel supply lines.


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