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1. What is a sales technique?

Let's talk with you about trainings, courses and generally about teaching sales techniques.

Technique (ancient Greek τεχνικός from τέχνη) - art, skill, skill.

So what needs to be taught to teach technique? Art training? Mastery training? Skill training? The fact is that art, skill and skill are something that, in principle, cannot be taught, it can only be developed.

If we move a little away from the classic definition of sales techniques and what they are, and get closer to sales techniques, I would give it the following definition:

Sales technique is an individual skill system that allows you to make a sale.

Let's take a closer look at each of the words of this definition in order to understand how to properly conduct sales technique training, are popular courses suitable for this?

1.1. Individual

I believe that sales techniques, including telephone sales, should be based on individual features sales manager. Depending on the degree of development of certain features of the manager, he has one or more leading abilities:

  • the ability to arrange the interlocutor;
  • ability to analyze client's business processes;
  • ability to find the optimal solution for the client;
  • high organization, etc.

A manager to one degree or another may possess these skills, but one of his features will be the leading one. The one that will make him stand out from the rest of the average. The manager must build his technique of personal and telephone sales, relying on this particular strength.

1.2. System

Possession of any one skill cannot lead to a quality sale. The rest of the skills should support the leading skill and not be the weak link. Therefore, a system is needed, even if it is set to maximize the use of one or two skills. If other skills are not honed, you need to without fail conduct or courses on sales techniques.

1.3. Skills

A skill is an action formed by repetition and bringing to automatism. A very precise definition. You can study a lot of books, but not learn how to sell. For successful sale it is necessary for your brain to automatically give out the “right” words and perform actions that will lead to a sale. Therefore, a skill is knowledge put into practice as many times as it allows you to automatically use it during sales. In the process of selling, brain activity will be directed to the analysis of incoming information in order to use one or another skill.

Based on this definition of sales technique, it becomes clear that it needs to be developed. You can call this process "teaching technique" or, but now you understand that this phrase does not reflect reality. . When you see an ad for a boxing school, it doesn't say "Teaching the Art of an Olympic Champion." It says "training in boxing." But whether a person becomes an Olympic champion depends on a million more factors.

2. What are the sales techniques?

2.1. Active sales technique

Not all managers can work in active sales ah because here, among other things, you must always look presentable, be charming and 100% charged with energy. I won’t lie if I compare an active sales manager with an actor on stage. If part of the non-verbalism can be hidden in telephone sales, then everything will emerge in the client’s office: doubts about one’s own words, fawning, annoyance, a tired look, etc. Therefore, before you go to meet with a client, take care of the appearance and control of psycho-emotional reactions.

In general, active sales are not much different from, for example, telephone sales: there is also a structure (acquaintance, identification of needs, presentation, work with objections, completion of the transaction), script work (if you don’t have it, I recommend creating ). The difference, by and large, is that in active sales one must have increased observation and the ability to “read” non-verbal.

2.2. Telephone Sales Technique

In telephone sales, everything is more complicated and easier at the same time. Of course, the big difference is whether it is an incoming or outgoing call, as well as the first or tenth in a row. Unlike active sales, where a manager can visit no more than 5 people per day, a telephone sales manager manages to talk with hundreds of customers of varying degrees of “readiness”. Based on this, the telephone sales technique is aimed at saving time, which allows you to implement a conversation script. Without it, we would spend an unacceptable amount of time on each client.

The essence of the telephone sales technique boils down to 3 things: the speed of call processing, maintaining in crm, script. Therefore, it is so important to work out each of these points to automatism.

2.3. Techniques to increase sales

First of all, we are interested in the sales technique of increasing the average check, cross-selling and the need to always close deals. One phrase at the end of the conversation can increase sales several times. For example: “Do we book?”, “Issue an invoice?”, “Will you take it?”. Despite the apparent simplicity, many managers are sure that unsuccessful communication with the client, his intonations, objections, etc. they talk about a 100% guarantee that he will never buy. However, this is not the case… Always close the deal!

To increase the average check, it is not always enough to simply offer. Most often, this is a kind of “multi-move” that grows from the principle of three YES, from a deep understanding of the business, from special conditions (allegedly) specifically for this client. And it's good if you have several special offers, which should be named according to the increase in the size of the discount.

Becoming a successful salesperson is a little easier than becoming an Olympic champion, but it’s also impossible to “teach” this, you can only develop it, but to what level ... You can make a mistake already at the stage of diagnosing a leading ability, in which case no courses on sales techniques or training will will help. To develop the skill, I recommend taking this test and finding out your strengths. And for those who are self-confident and want to improve their skills, we provide further assistance in finding employment for successful managers

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  • Sales physical goods from scratch

    The first 50 steps to creating your own
    online store or one-pager

    How to successfully launch sales in your online store or one-pager
    and within a few weeks receive stable income even if you have
    there is nothing but great desire!

    What are we talking about?

    Hello, my name is Alexander Zalogin.

    Most likely, if you are on this page, you already know a little about me.

    For more than 2 years, I managed to launch several commodity businesses, online stores and one-pagers, with virtually no start-up capital, to a branch network with 20 branches throughout Russia and several successful commodity one-pagers, which in total brought more than 5 million rubles.

    Among them:

    And a few more fairly large projects that I do not want to show on this page in order to avoid copying.

    Why am I telling this?

    Not because I want to brag about my earnings. I want to show that since I did it (and, by the way, many of my students already did it, though in slightly smaller numbers than mine), then you are capable of it.

    Here are some recent projects from my students:

    You too can create your own successful commodity business! You just need to take a ready-made proven model, and consistently apply it to your online store or one-pager.

    However, at the same time, I understand that the first steps are the most difficult. Starting from zero to the first more or less noticeable income, at least a stable $ 1000-1500 per month. Further, having a stable income, it is already much easier.

    I am often approached with this very question - Alexander, help me start. But my long trainings to the result are too expensive for beginners, I understand this. Therefore, I decided to issue a more detailed step by step instructions at the start

    In this training, I will detail the first 50 steps that will allow you to:

    • Choose a sales model: a full-fledged online store or a simple one-pager
    • Choose a niche
    • Good to understand it
    • Create a selling website
    • Correctly place information on it
    • Get your first orders in FREE ways
    • Run first advertising campaign (contextual advertising, teaser advertising or targeted advertising on VKontakte)
    • Find a supplier
    • Check the supplier for integrity
    • Purchase the first batch of goods
    • "Call" customers
    • Pack and ship the first goods
    • Take the first money from your commodity business
    • Run viral marketing(for people to talk about you)
    • Officialize your business
    • Hire the first employees (in the office or remotely)
    • Create a solid foundation for further takeoff

    Handouts that you will receive with this training:

    Express training "Quick"

    Video lesson "Legal aspects of online business"

    Recording of the live performance "Hiring employees in an online project"

    Ad templates for free classifieds boards

    List of 1000 free classifieds boards

    Sales script templates, booster and selling SMS messages

    Templates of technical specifications for creating an online store or one-pager

    detailed plan lessons:

    Module 1:

    Full-fledged online store or one-pager
    - Online store. Pros and cons
    - Single page. Pros and cons. Which of these models is right for you?
    - The structure of the selling online store
    - The structure of the selling one-pager
    - Information for newcomers who do not have an IP / LLC

    Module 2:

    Choosing a niche for a one-pager and an online store
    - Categories of goods that are in regular demand
    - Products that solve "pain"
    - Goods with WOW effect
    - Narrow goods
    - Professional niches
    - Ways to quickly test niches

    Module 4:

    What to do when an item is out of stock?
    - Script for a conversation with a client incoming call
    - Script for a conversation with a client with an incoming request
    - Script outgoing call to the client with closing on the target action
    - Sales SMS Templates

    Module 5:

    Top 5 simple ways to find a supplier
    - A way to quickly check the supplier for integrity
    - Script of communication with the supplier
    - Methods of delivery of goods from the supplier to you
    - Methods of payment for goods to suppliers (if the supplier is a legal entity)
    - First purchase of goods

    Module 6:

    prepaid or post. paying for customer service?
    - 3 proven ways to take an advance payment from a client
    - Sending goods by logistics companies
    - List logistics companies
    - List courier companies
    - Sending goods by transport companies
    - List transport companies
    - Sending goods by Russian post
    - Pitfalls when working with Russian mail
    - Special video on the correct packaging of goods

    Module 7:

    How to make sure that the goods sent by you are guaranteed to be picked up from the post office?
    - Customer repeat sales model
    - Collection and monetization of the client base
    - Scripts of "boosting" calls
    - Scripts of "service" calls
    - Templates of "boosting" SMS

    Module 9:

    The legal side of the issue of one-pagers and online stores
    - Who will suit the form of ownership "IP"?
    - For whom is the form of ownership "LLC" suitable?
    - What do you need to open your legal entity and when - exactly what should be done?

    Module 10:

    Hiring the first employee in the office
    - Hiring remote employees
    - Freelance and outsourcing
    - Templates of terms of reference for freelancers
    - A contract template for hiring an employee (even if you do not currently have legal entity)

    Lesson scheme:

    Update: What will NOT be discussed? - In this training, I will not tell you the technical details - how to set up the site, how to connect payment scripts, and so on.

    The seminar is mostly “for their own” – too many ask. Therefore, I spend in an express format a custom marathon (when we are going online in the evening, and in a row we give out all the information "to the stop").

    Without PR, a long series of letters and active sales. Who needs it - you know that you need it. If in doubt, definitely not here. For those who do not have time and miss - you are simply unlucky, and we do not work with losers.

    Training format:

    You can take the training in a mode convenient for you by downloading all the files you need to your computer.

    Access to all handouts will be provided to you immediately after payment, all the necessary links will be sent to you by e-mail.

    Training cost

    The cost of the training is only 5490 rubles.

    Now you need to click on the "participate" button, enter your data and thus reserve the share price for yourself.

    About the author:

    Alexander Zalogin

    Internet Marketing Practitioner.

    Owner of several wholesalers and retail businesses, such as:

    What will you get as a result?

    As a result, you will have a clear step by step guide to start your online store and one-pager, all the necessary handouts, templates and instructions to help you get started.

    Why am I doing this training?

    Everything is quite simple: now we are writing a new book on this topic, which is why we need content and feedback from you :)

    Special Bonus:

    In addition, as a bonus for this training you will receive:

    Video course "How to make money on an online store without investments"

    Standard cost:
    2799 rubles, free for you!

    P.S.: Sign up for the training now, there will definitely not be a second time at this price. :)

    Reviews and results of participants

    Valery Tretyakov

    Review of the training " Profitable business with China"

    But just yesterday, having bought a laptop for 50,000 which I had wanted for a long time, but I still couldn’t make up my mind and when I saw exactly the same amount in my pocket for the rest, I was pleasantly surprised) Therefore, I want to thank you and Alexander Dunaev for helping to build a business and really brought to the result, thank you!)

    And I wish all the other participants of the training "Profitable Business China" to achieve the best results in the entire history of this training! For those who still doubt the above, I recommend signing up for a training, finally pull yourself together and start changing your life for the better!)"

    Tatyana Vasilyeva

    Inga Makaryan

    Feedback on the training "Workshop of online stores"

    "Friends, I would like to thank our trainers! I really liked the training "My online store". My results: In a month after the end of the training, I made 60 thousand, maybe not so much, but I did it myself!

    And we can say that everything is from scratch. I sell wholesale and retail. Well, somewhere, some money was needed to buy goods. I feel the market, the buyer, I learned to determine the demand, which was really the most difficult, and a real barrier in my previous endeavors.

    Over the past year, this was my best investment! Everything was explained in an accessible and understandable way, and most importantly, they supported us and gave good advice, feedback by our actions.

    Respect to our coaches Alexander Zalogin and Alexander Dunaev!!! THANKS!"

    Artemy Sergeev

    Ludmila Salantieva

    Sergei Gavrilov

    Olga Cheraneva

    Andrey Managers

    “I have been looking at such trainings for a long time, but I decided to sign up with Alexander Zalogin and Alexander Dunaev.

    1. Guys are always in sight! Participants as invited speakers at many high-profile online e-commerce marathons. 2. They do not hide and do not work at times, they are constantly in business, which means that they are on the crest of a wave and know their business, keep their finger on the pulse. 3. Experience and practice is the most important thing. 4. Personal successes and very real achievements 5. Not afraid of new things

    What the training gave me 1. Finally, I started making money on the Internet, not much yet, but it's worth working and investing, there is great potential in this area! 2. Understanding and practice of how and what to do, in what sequence. 3. I overcame some erroneous stereotypes that held me back 4. I don’t depend on anyone to earn money, I’m my own boss command 6. New connections 7. Looked at the world from the other side. 8. We burned some chips, which are difficult and, most importantly, expensive to reach on your own."

    Svetlana Petrovna

    Tatiana Kulygina

    Feedback on the training "Fast sales through one-page sites"

    "For me, the training Quick sales through one-page sites was a good start in the world of Internet business. Detailed step by step videos and audio instructions, in a short time helped to navigate the schemes and techniques of online sales, helped create their sites from scratch, taught how to sell on the Internet. I thank our teachers, Aleksandrov Zalogin and Dunaev, for their mentorship, attention and patience in resolving technical issues and successfully building our business. A firm desire to bring the participants to the result .. As a result, after the last dynamic webinars with feedback that encouraged them to take action, the first orders and sales began ..., And at the end of the course, I realize that now I can independently conduct business online, scale my results!

    Denis Demidov

    Feedback on the training "Fast sales through one-page sites"

    "If you have the desire to build profitable online business, namely to sell goods through an online store, then you have come to the right place. Alexandra (Zalogin and Dunaev) are excellent coaches. They "babysit" us like children. Every class always starts with: How are you? How are your sales? If something is wrong, then adequate advice to correct the situation always follows. Those. the guys are really interested in us to start earning, and not just "paid? - got info? - fuck off!". At the time of the purchase of the training, I did not have enough free funds to take the training top level(I took it at a minimum), which I now regret a little, tk. The guys turned out to be very interesting, there is a lot to learn. I am sure this will not be my last training with them.”

    Andrey Managers

    Feedback on the training "Fast sales through one-page sites"

    "I have been looking at such trainings for a long time, but decided to sign up with Alexander Zalogin and Alexander Dunaev. 1. The guys are constantly in sight! Participants as invited speakers at many high-profile online e-commerce marathons. 2. They do not hide and do not work at times, they are constantly in business 3. Experience and practice is the most important thing 4. Personal successes and very real achievements 5. They are not afraid of new things What the training gave me 1. Finally, I became earn on the Internet, not much yet, but it is worth working and investing, there is a great potential in this area!2. Understanding and practicing how and what to do, in what sequence. 4. Earnings not dependent on anyone, I am my own boss 5. Having signed up for the training, I kicked myself with my money, and not only fell, but received support both personal from the speakers and team 6. New connections 7. Looked at m ir on the other hand. 8. We burned some chips, which are difficult and, most importantly, expensive to reach on your own."

    From this article you will learn:

    • What is active selling and when does it apply?
    • What are the main stages of active sales
    • How to use the active listening technique
    • How to deal with rejections in the active sales process
    • What kind typical mistakes allow managers in active sales and how to deal with them

    The goal of any business, whether it is selling toys or large appliances, is to make a profit. To achieve it, various tools are used to promote products on the market, expand the circle of consumers and, ultimately, win a leading position in their segment. One of them is the technique of active sales. The essence of this tool is the ability of the seller to convince the buyer of the need to purchase a product that can satisfy his needs. Managers must master the technique of increasing sales, sales representatives and sales consultants.

    Who needs an active sales technique and when

    Active sales- This is a type of interaction between the seller and the buyer, in which the initiative comes from the one who needs to sell their goods or services. The peculiarity of this technique is that the consumer may not know about the existence of this product.
    A distinctive feature of the active sales technique is that the client did not plan the acquisition, but was convinced of its necessity in the process of communicating with the manager. At the same time, the seller in many cases is faced with the task of not only direct sales, but also an independent search for buyers.
    The most developed area of ​​application of the active sales technique is the b2b (“business-to-business”) segment. This is where it gives the best results at the lowest cost. When selling goods or services to corporate partners, it is much more efficient and cheaper to offer them directly using this technique than to use mass advertising.
    Highly important feature active sales- the lack of an urgent need for the client to buy. When it exists, he himself is looking for a product or service. With the help of this technique, either the promotion of new products unknown to the consumer, or the sale of goods and services in a highly competitive environment. How to find out the hidden needs of the client? Find out in the training program
    The scope of active sales techniques is extremely wide. However, its use is not always justified. If we are talking about the sale of consumer goods to individuals (the so-called FMCG), it is more expedient to act differently. Outlet with constant traffic and competent marketing will bring higher profits than using the technique of active sales. Conversely, if you need to promote a specific product in which a narrow circle of consumers is interested, it is more profitable to call a few large potential buyers than to invest in advertising.
    As already mentioned, the technique of active sales is most widely used. in the b2b segment:

    • Sales Representatives. Their task is to promote the product by offering directly retailers. going around the shops and trading companies, managers conclude agreements on long-term cooperation. The technique of active sales is presented here in direct communication between the seller and the buyer. This is a fairly developed market segment with a large number of people involved in it. Competition in this area is quite high, not only between different sellers of similar products, but also between agents of the same company.
    • Telemarketing for small and medium businesses. The technique of active sales through telephone calls is very widespread. In a similar way, both various services and certain types of goods are sold. Telemarketers in the process of communicating with the client bring him to the need to purchase a particular product.
    • Sales of expensive business equipment. Trading in specific goods requires a long multi-stage preparation, starting with a call to a potential buyer and ending with the signing of multi-million dollar contracts. Compliance with the technique of active sales is necessary at every stage.
    • Sales of goods to other countries and cities. Promotion of products to remote consumers by negotiating by phone or e-mail.

    For b2c ("business client") segment the use of active sales techniques is also not excluded. Its use is especially justified at the stage of promoting a new product. However, some companies have made the technique of active sales the basis of their existence. This is known to all network marketing when consumer goods are offered directly to an individual bypassing retail.

    Types of active sales to individuals:

    • telephone sales. This type of trade is widely used in the sale of a variety of goods and especially services (Internet providers, cable TV, kitchen appliances, maintenance plastic windows etc.).
    • Internet sales. The network provides unlimited possibilities to promote products using active sales techniques.
    • Door-to-door tour. This method is gradually becoming a thing of the past due to its low efficiency.
    • Various promotional activities. Active sales on the streets or in shopping malls using various ways to attract the attention of customers, for example, sound amplifying equipment.
    • Sellers in public transport. Merchants offering small goods passengers of commuter trains and metro. They can rightly be considered the pioneers of active sales techniques.

    Learn how to properly clarify customer objections. Find out in the training program

    Active sales technique: pros and cons

    Positive factors of active sales:

    • Creation of a consumer base for the stable sale of goods.
    • The buyer can become a regular customer through the efforts of the seller.
    • Constant contact with the consumer.
    • The possibility of increasing sales due to the use of active sales techniques.
    • The emergence of the buyer's need to purchase goods as a result of the influence of the manager.
    • The ability of the seller to use his personal qualities to achieve the goal.

    Negative factors of active sales:

    • Manager's earnings are directly dependent on sales growth.
    • Communication with a large number of potential consumers.
    • High requirements for personal qualities specialists.
    • The need to train staff in active sales techniques.
    • Improving communication standards with prospective buyers.
    • Monitoring the compliance of personnel with the requirements.

    What is the technique of active sales: the main stages

    • Stage 1. Establishing contact.

    Successful completion of this task largely determines whether communication will take place. Therefore, in the technique of active sales, special attention is paid to this stage.
    Known rule of three will help to establish a friendly atmosphere. Thrice calling a stranger positive emotions, you set it up for a positive attitude towards yourself. Naturally, depending on what kind of active sales option is used, the ways of creating a favorable impression will be different.

    In personal communication, presentable is of great importance. appearance, smile, compliment to future client. If you communicate by telephone, a pleasant voice, friendly tone and courtesy in conversation play a major role. For active sales via the Internet, a technically competent design of the site and a detailed description of the product can become a decisive factor.
    After establishing contact with the intended consumer, you should find out if he needs your product. The technique of active sales does not imply a negative answer to this question.

    • Stage 2. Identification of needs.

    This stage sets the task for the manager to bring the buyer to the idea that the product or service you offer is urgently needed for him. This is one of the key points of the technique of active sales.
    The main problem of many sellers consists in the premature presentation of the goods. In an effort to grab the customer's attention, managers give out a lot of information, touting the merits of the product. This is what they consider the main thing in the technique of active sales. However, without prior preparation of the listener, such eloquence is often wasted. The client can interrupt the conversation by refusing further communication. To avoid this mistake, you should not skip the stage of identifying needs. As a result of using the technique of active sales in potential client it should give the impression that he himself made the decision to purchase the product.
    The most effective way to lead a person to the thought of buying your product is the ability to ask. This is the basis of the active sales technique. With a competent approach and skillful formulation of questions, a person has no choice but to answer them. The more a customer talks, the more likely you are to sell him your product..
    By asking questions in a certain sequence and responding correctly to the answers ( active listening), you will ensure that the buyer himself will tell about his needs. You will only have to skillfully present your product as the only possible means of satisfying them. In this case, the technique of active sales will fulfill its function.

    • Stage 3. Product presentation.

    By understanding the needs of the customer, you have prepared him to learn about the benefits of your particular product. At this stage, you simply repeat the thought that is valuable to the client, and finally convince him of the need to complete the transaction. The technique of active sales involves the presentation of the product. The product should be presented depending on its specifics, using all kinds of listener's attention and applying various psychological techniques. The purpose of the presentation is to demonstrate the advantages of the product.
    An obligatory moment should be an indication of the benefit that the buyer will receive by purchasing your product. Professionals use the client's own statements for this, obtained at the stage of establishing needs. It is the individual approach that appeals to all people that is one of the distinguishing features of the active sales technique.
    The presentation should not be too long so as not to tire the client. 5-7 sentences are enough, characterizing the product and proving the need to purchase it. Specialists in the technique of active sales do it masterfully.
    At the presentation stage, it is imperative to tell the client colorful stories about third parties. Their content should clearly show the benefits that consumers have received as a result of purchasing your products. The active selling technique takes into account that people are always guided by others, which means that such stories motivate them to buy your product. In addition, few people like to be a pioneer, and stories about the successful use of a product or service by third parties reassure and set them up to make a deal.
    Even the most successful presentation does not guarantee that the consumer will not have questions and objections regarding the purchase of a particular product. Therefore, you should be ready for the next stage of the sales increase technique.

    • Stage 4. Work with objections.

    The client can express his doubts throughout the conversation. Knowing the technique of active sales allows the manager to tactfully suppress objections, reduce their number, overcome the resistance of the buyer and, as a result, bring him to the transaction.
    Objections are bound to be. A consumer protest against a purchase offer is an indispensable element of active sales. It is human nature to have a positive attitude towards one's own decisions and to resist if they are imposed from outside. The task of the manager is to use this technique to convince the buyer that his opinion is very valuable to you. No matter what the client says, we agree with him. Thus, you make a person feel his independence and the right to independent decision-making. This is one of the key points of the technique of active sales.
    However, when agreeing with the buyer's objections, you must present your own counterarguments that will convincingly prove to the consumer the need for the purchase.
    After you have dealt with the resistance of the client, the final moment of the active sale comes.

    • Stage 5. Completion of the transaction.

    The logical result of applying the technique of increasing sales is the fact of purchasing a product.
    You prepared the client, talked about the merits of the product, fended off his objections. There comes a point when it becomes clear that stop presenting, it's time to finish. There should be a direct offer to buy the product.
    The technique of active sales involves several options to obtain consent to the transaction. For example, you make a short summary. It is worth paying the attention of the buyer to those advantages of the product that he noted for himself and voiced in the conversation. Once again, in accordance with the technique of active sales, reminding him of the benefits that this product will bring to him, you will thereby push the client to think about the need to purchase.
    After that, the transaction is completed.

    What is the PPP Active Selling Technique?

    When training managers, a scheme is used PPP (attract attention, interest, sell). Let's take a look at each of the steps:

    1. To draw attention.

    The complexity of the active sales technique for beginners is that the product should be sold to a person who is not in the mood to buy. The main task at the first stage is the need to interest the client, to achieve his location in order to be able to present your product. This is the mastery of the active sales technique manager.
    Phrases to grab attention are well-formulated questions. The technique of their compilation is not as complicated as it seems. The answers of your interlocutor to them should be only positive. For example, "Do you want to spend less on cellular communication while gaining more opportunities? or “Do you want to look good without making too much effort?”. There can be many such questions, the main thing is that they arouse interest in your client already at the stage of attracting attention.
    There are frequent cases when the buyer can answer that he is not interested. A manager who owns the technique of active sales must be ready for such a development of events. It will be a big mistake to immediately agree and interrupt the conversation. So you will not give yourself any chance to make a sale, and the client - to make a profitable purchase.
    How to properly respond to rejection? Active sales involve showing interest in the client's problems and helping to solve them.
    The first thing to do is figure out what not to do. If the person is not in the mood to listen to you, by no means start the presentation. This is contrary to the technique of active sales. You're wasting your time. It is also a mistake to try to attract attention by promising discounts or special conditions service.
    In the event of a negative customer response you need to find out the reason why he refuses to listen to you. Tactful questions will help to get the person to talk and identify their needs and objections. The ability to parry them is part of the knowledge of the technique of active sales.

    1. Interest.

    So, you managed to attract attention and set the person to continue communicating with you. Next, you need to achieve an increase in interest in your offer to such an extent that the client has a desire to purchase a product or service. This is also a mandatory skill when using active sales techniques. To interest the client, it is not required to tell about all the properties and benefits of the product. It is enough to voice the minimum required to complete the transaction. How to define it? Listening to the answers to your questions, highlighting the main thing and analyzing, you must find out the needs of the person and, depending on them, present the product, placing maximum emphasis on the fact that with its help the buyer will be able to solve his own problems. The main thing is that the presentation should take place in the form of a dialogue, with the direct participation of the client. Interaction, not a monologue - main principle active sales techniques.

    1. Sell.

    Many will say that there is nothing to describe at this point: he took money from the buyer, gave the goods and wished him good luck. Keep in mind, by doing this, you will lose the client once and for all! Having achieved your goal, in no case should you immediately lose all interest in the buyer. If you want to acquire a permanent customer, the act of active sale must be completed differently.
    Having received money and after giving the goods, we will thank him for choosing the company and leave your contact phone number. An invitation to apply yourself, as well as a request to recommend your services to friends and relatives, will allow you to continue mutually beneficial communication in the future. This will expand your ability to use active sales techniques.
    If possible, take the contact phone number of the client, specify what else of the products you offer may be of interest to him. The technique of active sales should work for the future. Ask for permission to call or email from time to time about news or promotions.
    With this approach, you will not only receive a one-time profit from your customers, but you will also form your own client base. Remember that people tend to trust the opinion of acquaintances when choosing goods and services. Therefore, it is likely that a new consumer will refer their loved ones to purchase your product, which will increase the number of customers and be an excellent result of the sales increase technique.

    AIDA Active Selling Technique: How to Benefit from the Power of Persuasion

    Another frequently used scheme is AIDA. This model is based on two main principles: the power of persuasion and the identification of real or predictable problems with a potential client.
    In this technique the main role is assigned to the sales manager, in particular, his ability to set the buyer to purchase.
    The scope of this model is unlimited. Knowing its basics and the ability to use it will make it possible to make almost any transaction. All AIDA sales techniques are based on:

    1. Attracting the attention of the client.
    2. awakening his interest.
    3. Stimulating desire.
    4. Motivation to action.

    All these stages are already reflected in the abbreviation AIDA :

    • Attention- to draw attention. In the active sales technique, it is the first phrase that should arouse curiosity and help start communication with a person who is not focused on buying.
    • interest- arouse interest. To do this, the technique of increasing sales involves comparing the needs of the buyer with the opportunities that the product provides.
    • Desire- kindle desire. Make it clear how the quality of life will change after purchasing the product.
    • Action- encourage action. Translate the question from the theoretically discussed into the real plane. Discuss the terms of further cooperation.

    AIDA is an active sales technique that requires the manager to be able to convince, because it depends on this whether a potential buyer becomes a real one.

    An effective technique for active sales by phone: the method of cold calls

    This method is most common in large companies selling expensive products in large volumes. When dialing the number of a potential buyer, the active sales manager must be set up for the result, regardless of the possible refusal to communicate. Using this technique, in the first few phrases, you should do everything possible to interest the interlocutor and get a chance to present your product. This requires patience, focus on a positive outcome of the conversation and excellent command of the technique of active sales.
    The specialist should be guided by the following principle: more sales won't come from more calls. 10 calls brought to their logical conclusion will bring a better result than 200 calls made in vain. Proper application of the technique of active sales will help to lead each conversation to success.
    Basic rules of cold calling:

    • Before picking up the phone find out who you are calling. Addressing the interlocutor by name, you already have a potential client to yourself. This is how you let the person know that your proposal is prepared directly for him. This is the basis of the technique of active sales.
    • Find out what the company or person you are offering something to. It is bad form to call with an invitation to buy a product that is of no interest to the client. Of course, such a mistake cannot be completely avoided, but if we are not talking about mass-market goods, but about expensive products, you should be careful.
    • To make you want to listen , come up with a reason for the call that is related to the interlocutor. For example, you read an article about a company in a magazine and want to profitable proposition which will help the company reach a new level of development. Of course, the information must be reliable, otherwise the interlocutor will not trust you.
    • The best reason to call would be something relating personally to the person you are interested in meeting. For example, the head of the company to which you want to offer cooperation expressed his opinion on any issue in a TV show. After complimenting his directness, he will almost certainly agree to meet you. You can refer to the exchange of business cards at some mass event - specialized exhibition technology, etc.
    • One nuance - do not offer anything during the call. The task of selling something on the first call is not worth it. The minimum goal is to make an appointment. It is easy to achieve using the technique of active sales.
    • Everyone is afraid of the standard question: "And for what reason do you want to meet?". If your communication has gone the right way, it will not sound. With proper use of active sales techniques, the entire first conversation should be aimed at intriguing the interlocutor. Make it clear that there are no serious phone conversations. It is worth making every effort to ensure that the meeting takes place. With personal communication, you will have more opportunities for active sales.
    • If you still hear this question - forget the rules. You missed the chance to present the offer at a direct meeting, so it's worth making one last attempt so as not to lose a future client. If you somehow managed to interest the interlocutor, the probability of concluding a deal is still quite high. The rule of active sales technique is not to give up after the first failure.

    Be honest about what you are calling about and insist that you are confident in the value you can bring. Specify the exact duration of the product presentation. So you will make it clear that you value the interlocutor's time and are not going to waste it. If you made a good overall impression and there was a compelling reason to call, you will most likely be given the opportunity to explain the benefits of your offer in person. In this case, you should carefully prepare for it, using the technique of increasing sales.

    Active Selling Technique: How to Ask the Right Questions

    1. Closed questions.

    These include such formulations for which there are only two possible answers - “yes” and “no”. In the technique of active sales, they play a certain role.
    Purpose of the closed question:

    • Get consent.
    • Get confirmation of agreements or assumptions.
    • Refine information.
    • Fix something.
    • End the conversation.


    • Use only closed questions.
    • Ask them at the beginning of the sale.
    • Formulate closed questions to which you can get an unnecessary "no".
    • Ask multiple closed questions in a row. Such communication is more like an interrogation and is unacceptable in the technique of active sales.

    How to correctly set
    Interrogative intonation allows you to turn any declarative sentence into a closed question. This is a matter of technology.

    1. Open questions.

    They require a broad, detailed response. In the technique of active sales, their use is mandatory.
    Purpose of the open question:

    • Talk to the client.
    • Get general information.
    • Understand what is behind the client's statements.
    • Get a pause to think.


    • Use at the end of a conversation.
    • Set open questions on abstract topics.

    How to correctly set
    Start with interrogative pronouns: what? when? why? etc. These questions are very important to learn if you want to use the technique of active sales.

    1. alternative questions.

    The answer is chosen by the interlocutor from two or more options you proposed.
    Purpose of the alternative question:

    • Direct the client's mindset to choose alternatives.
    • Understand the buyer's areas of interest.
    • Provide choices.


    • Include in the question as one of the alternatives what is not profitable for us.

    How to correctly set
    Suggest two or more alternatives and formulate the question, giving the opportunity to choose between them, using the union “or”.

    Well: “How to launch mass sales of physical goods in large cities” . The course at the beginning of March was in a closed section, but today the material was leaked to another forum from a clubbing, it makes no sense to leave it in a closed section, since it has already gone through forums for hides and paid access. Material from a fairly well-known author. The course will be useful for those who are engaged in sales, and especially in cities. Read the detailed description to understand what this material is about, who is suitable, and who is not. The information is fresh, the intensive took place at the end of February! Study while you can. Try, because without practice nothing will work. Material sent anonymous user. Material can be removed at the request of the copyright holder!

    Course Description:

    For whom:

    • You are looking for new opportunities. If you are considering interesting options for a quick start of a new project with a response and results in 2-3 days, then this intensive is for you.
    • You already know about the profitable sale of physical goods with a high margin. At the same time, you don’t have a million dollar budget to enter the CPA market or sell across the country.
    • Do you want more money from the commodity business. You already have sales and you earn, but by introducing one new idea you can get much more profit.
    • You are looking for non-standard approaches. If you want to do something “not like everyone else”, saving yourself from problems with shipments, redemptions and the endless slowness of the Russian Post - come.

    Who it's not for:

    • This intensive will be absolutely useless for those who come just to listen. Listen and once again do nothing, sure that "nothing can be changed."
    • For those who already know everything. If you already know everything and use everything, we have nothing to tell you.
    • Eternal skeptics. Doubting, negative and confident that "nothing can be changed."

    Brief program of the event:

    • Commodity business in Moscow and St. Petersburg.
    • Features of work
    • Selection of suitable goods for sale (and how they differ from those that “go” to the regions)
    • The nuances of working with large cities
    • 2 main things that directly affect your success in sales in large cities
    • Why it's the easiest way to start from scratch
    • Scheme of launching sales in Moscow from "A" to "Z"
    • Which courier and outsourcing service to choose
    • Which companies work without sole proprietorship / LLC and give out money in cash
    • Examples of suitable products for Moscow
    • Processing and sending orders
    • Accepting payments from clients
    • Work with complaints
    • Repeat sales in Moscow
    • One of the main advantages of courier delivery
    • How to achieve high redemption of physical goods
    • How to do business from anywhere
    • How to build the whole process remotely without coming to Moscow
    • Financial accounting and control
    • How to start with only 5,000–15,000 rubles in your pocket
    • First profit in 5 days. What and how to do?


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