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"Dear friends!

In our digital era, the epistolary genre is rarely addressed, but I came to Channel One in the last century, when people were still writing letters to each other, not text messages. So sorry for such a long message. I dare to hope you know the true reasons for my unexpected transfer to Rossiya 1, where I will lead new program"Andrei Malakhov. Live”, to engage in the Saturday show and other projects.

I remember the day when, as an intern, I crossed the threshold of the Vremya program and for the first time saw a large television from the inside. Only the 91-year-old Kaleria Kislova remained from that “Ice Age” ( former chief director of the program "Time"approx. "StarHit"). Kaleria Venediktovna, colleagues still speak of you with a breath. On TV they will no longer see such people who could build ;-) everyone - both presidents and top officials of the state. You are an example of the highest professionalism!

From the amazing past, I will also miss Kirill Kleimenov, who is today at the helm of information broadcasting. We started together on the Good Morning program. Cyril then read the morning news, and today he has a huge responsibility on his shoulders, he practically lives in the Television Center. Kirill, for me you are an example of self-denial in the name of your favorite business, and there is the highest justice in the fact that it was you who got the office with the most beautiful view of the ancient Ostankino Park. I also admire that you can easily communicate even in such a difficult language as Finnish. When conjugating verbs in my "easy" French classes, I always remember you.

Dear security personnel! Thanks a lot for your help! I took my first steps at Ostankino without your supervision, but then you managed to stop so many fights - both in the Big Wash studio and on the Let They Talk program.

Almost every day of these 25 years, when I entered the TV Center, I met the invariably friendly Oksana Markova, who sells newspapers and magazines. Oksanochka, I already miss your wonderful smile!

Head of the Telecentre Mikhail Markovich Shubin, I will never forget your kind attitude either.

They say that they have now introduced a quota for the issuance of American visas. But there were no obstacles for the amazing Khadoza Mustafina from the Passport and Visa Department, who died not so long ago. And what fabulous pies she treated me to! Svetochka Kazakova, Katya Nazarova, Rita Dovzhenko, Lenochka Semyonova, how many sleepless dawns we met together while receiving visas! Thanks to your participation, all my foreign business trips took place.

Your deputy and my good friend is the news anchor Dmitry Borisov.

Dima, all hope is on you! The other day I saw fragments of "Let them talk" with your participation. I'm sure you will succeed!

One of the main creators of my style is Tatyana Mikhalkova and the super team of the Russian Silhouette image studio! How many styling, and in a matter of minutes, did Regina Avdimova and her magical masters. I think it could not have done without the help of a collection of frogs, which Regina collects for good luck.

My native 14th studio! With tears in my eyes, I recently watched how it was dismantled. Wonderful design, invented by the chief artist of Channel One, Dmitry Likin. Who is able to do better, to endow the scenery with the same inner energy?! Dima is generally a very versatile person. The interiors of the Moscow cinema "Pioneer", the embankment of the park of arts "Museon" are also his creations. And I am also grateful to Dmitry for being one of the first to infect me with love for contemporary art, and this added an incredible cascade of emotions into my life.

My beloved Catherine! "Sister-Capricorn" Katya Mtsituridze! I'm sorry I didn't tell you personally, but as a person who works on the channel and heads Roskino, you understand: I need to grow and move forward. Katyusha Andreeva, you have a cool page on Instagram, and special respect for your likes. Katya Strizhenova, how many shares, starting with " Good morning”, holidays, concerts, our “sweet couple” survived ;-) - and do not count!

The main music producer of the channel Yuri Aksyuta, we also have a rich experience of TV hours spent together. Eurovision, New Year's Lights, Two Stars, Golden Gramophone - it was recently, it was a long time ago ... You brought me to the big stage: our duet with Masha Rasputina still does not allow envious people to sleep peacefully.

Lenochka Malysheva, you were the person who first called in excitement, refusing to believe what was happening. But you need to develop, as a producer of your own program, you understand this better than others. And if along the way I pushed you to new topic ether called "The first manifestations of male menopause" ;-), is also not bad.

And if we continue to joke, I am well understood by another producer of my own show - Ivan Urgant. Vanya, thank you for the numerous mentions of my person and for raising the rating of that rather big part of the audience that spins spinners.

Planning and Financing Directorate - Tatyana Vasilievna Garanina! If anyone can be called a true lady in Ostankino, it's you! The picture was forever imprinted in my memory: the dead of night, the almost empty Telecentre and the fragile, graceful female figure leaving work. And I hope you know: everything that we sang then at your anniversary was sincere and from the heart!

Head of Commercial Directorate Petr Shepin! Among the many events that you helped us hold is a charity marathon in support of residents of the Far East affected by the flood. This is not forgotten!

Zhenya Morozova and Oksanochka Shendler are my Ostankino flower fairies! With your bouquets, especially New Year's compositions, you always reminded me that somewhere else is the season - without cold, freezing rains and gray, overcast skies. I don't know how soon I'll be in your store again, but I hope my 5% discount won't be cancelled.

Andrei Andreevich Pisarev! For many years you were my immediate supervisor, and I am extremely embarrassed that, having written a letter of resignation, I could not help with tickets to the Salzburg Opera Festival and the performance of Anna Netrebko. One thing pleases: an unprecedented excitement reigned there, and you saved $ 20 thousand for the family budget. So much they asked for for one ticket.

Lenochka Queen! In memory of your grandmother - Lyudmila Gurchenko, whom I promised not to leave you in my life, I nevertheless hired you. You yourself know that you were not the most exemplary administrator. But now, having gone through the “Let them talk” school, I dare to hope that you won’t let me down anywhere.

Ilyusha Krivitsky! My flight on the horns of a bull in the "Great Races" will always be on your conscience ;-). But you know how much I love you, and Maxim Galkin is very lucky that he has such a producer in the Best of All program.

And if we are talking about Maxim Galkin ... Max, everyone says that I repeat your television fate ( in 2008, Galkin left Channel One for Rossiya, but returned seven years laterapprox. "StarHit"). I will say more, as a teenager, I, a novice fan of Alla Borisovna, also dreamed of repeating your personal fate ... ;-) And one more thing. I did not comment on your recent video with the castle in the background, because if money had been in the first place in this story, my transfer, as you can imagine, would have happened nine years ago.

The press service of Channel One - Larisa Krymova ... Lara, it is with your light hand I became the editor-in-chief of StarHit magazine. It was you who organized my first meeting with Viktor Shkulev, President of Hearst Shkulev Publishing, where this magazine has been successfully published for the tenth year.

Nikolai Nikolaevich Malyshev, head of the sports editorial office of Channel One, you have always remained for me the standard of elegance and a wise attitude to what is happening. And you will certainly put yourself in my position by agreeing that it's not every day that you get an offer to become a producer of your own show.

The highly respected and very beloved personnel department in the person of Larisa Ivanovna Kulkova, Lyubov Mikhailovna Pukhanova and, of course, Larisa Anatolyevna Nasonova. I saw your sincere tears when I brought the application. This kind of attitude is worth it.

First Deputy CEO- Alexander Faifman. Sasha, we worked closely, with your direct participation, we launched the Big Wash project. I still feel embarrassed that already at the second training session of the Ice Age, when you paired me with Anna Semenovich, I crashed on the ice, and Anya and I didn’t skate anymore ;-).

Well, in conclusion - about the owner of the main office of Ostankino, on the door of which there is a sign "10-01" attached. Dear Konstantin Lvovich! 45 years is an important milestone in the life of a man, 25 of them I gave to you and Channel One. These years have become part of my DNA, and I remember every minute that you dedicated to me. Thank you so much for all that you have done, for the experience that you gave me, for the amazing journey along the television road of life that we have gone through together.

The only request is to take care of your assistants, especially Lenochka Zaitseva. She is not only a very dedicated and professional employee, but she can also claim the role of the chief psychologist of Channel One.

I wrote all this and I understand: a lot has happened in 25 years, and although I am unbearably sad now, only one thing will be remembered - how good we were together. Take care of yourself and your loved ones, my love! God bless us!

Your Andrey Malakhov"

An open letter to Konstantin Ernst and all those with whom I worked for 25 years on Channel One.

Dear friends!

In our digital era, the epistolary genre is rarely addressed, but I came to Channel One in the last century, when people were still writing letters to each other, not text messages. So sorry for such a long message. I dare to hope you know the true reasons for my unexpected transfer to Rossiya 1, where I will host the new program Andrei Malakhov. Live”, to engage in the Saturday show and other projects.

I remember the day when, as an intern, I crossed the threshold of the Vremya program and for the first time saw a large television from the inside. Only 91-year-old Kaleria Kislova remained from that “Ice Age” (former chief director of the Vremya program. - Approx. “StarHit”). Kaleria Venediktovna, colleagues still speak of you with a breath. On TV they will no longer see such people who could build everyone - both presidents and top officials of the state. You are an example of the highest professionalism! From the amazing past, I will also miss Kirill Kleimenov, who is today at the helm of information broadcasting. We started together on the Good Morning program. Cyril then read the morning news, and today he has a huge responsibility on his shoulders, he practically lives in the Television Center. Kirill, for me you are an example of self-denial in the name of your favorite business, and there is the highest justice in the fact that it was you who got the office with the most beautiful view of the ancient Ostankino Park. I also admire that you can easily communicate even in such a difficult language as Finnish. When conjugating verbs in my "easy" French classes, I always remember you.

Dear security personnel! Thanks a lot for your help! I took my first steps at Ostankino without your supervision, but then you managed to stop so many fights - both in the Big Wash studio and on the Let They Talk program. Almost every day of these 25 years, when I entered the TV Center, I met the invariably friendly Oksana Markova, who sells newspapers and magazines. Oksanochka, I already miss your wonderful smile! Head of the Telecentre Mikhail Markovich Shubin, I will never forget your kind attitude either.

They say that they have now introduced a quota for the issuance of American visas. But there were no obstacles for the amazing Khadoza Mustafina from the Passport and Visa Department, who died not so long ago. And what fabulous pies she treated me to! Svetochka Kazakova, Katya Nazarova, Rita Dovzhenko, Lenochka Semyonova, how many sleepless dawns we met together while receiving visas! Thanks to your participation, all my foreign business trips took place. Head of Channel One. World Wide Web”, my classmate and classmate at Moscow State University Lesha Efimov, do you remember how you and I flew to open the channel’s broadcasting in Canada and Australia? I'm sorry we couldn't resume our business trips. Your deputy and my good friend is the news anchor Dmitry Borisov. Dima, all hope is on you! The other day I saw fragments of "Let them talk" with your participation. I'm sure you will succeed! One of the main creators of my style is Tatyana Mikhalkova and the super team of the Russian Silhouette image studio! How many styling, and in a matter of minutes, did Regina Avdimova and her magical masters. I think it could not have done without the help of a collection of frogs, which Regina collects for good luck. My native 14th studio! With tears in my eyes, I recently watched how it was dismantled. Wonderful design, invented by the chief artist of Channel One, Dmitry Likin. Who is able to do better, to endow the scenery with the same inner energy?! Dima is generally a very versatile person. The interiors of the Moscow cinema "Pioneer", the embankment of the park of arts "Museon" are also his creations. And I am also grateful to Dmitry for being one of the first to infect me with love for contemporary art, and this added an incredible cascade of emotions into my life.

My beloved Catherine! "Sister-Capricorn" Katya Mtsituridze! I'm sorry I didn't tell you personally, but as a person who works on the channel and heads Roskino, you understand: I need to grow and move forward. Katyusha Andreeva, you have a cool page on Instagram, and special respect for your likes. Katya Strizhenova, how many actions, starting from "Good morning", holidays, concerts, our "sweet couple" withstood - and do not count!

The main music producer of the channel Yuri Aksyuta, we also have a rich experience of TV hours spent together. Eurovision, New Year's Lights, Two Stars, Golden Gramophone - it was recently, it was a long time ago ... You brought me to the big stage: our duet with Masha Rasputina still does not allow envious people to sleep peacefully.

Lenochka Malysheva, you were the person who first called in excitement, refusing to believe what was happening. But you need to develop, as a producer of your own program, you understand this better than others. And if along the way I prompted you to a new topic on the air called "The first manifestations of male menopause", that's also not bad. And if we continue to joke, I am well understood by another producer of my own show - Ivan Urgant. Vanya, thank you for the numerous mentions of my person and for raising the rating of that rather big part of the audience that spins spinners. Planning and Financing Directorate - Tatyana Vasilievna Garanina! If anyone can be called a true lady in Ostankino, it's you! The picture was forever imprinted in my memory: the dead of night, the almost empty Telecentre and the fragile, graceful female figure leaving work. And I hope you know: everything that we sang then at your anniversary was sincere and from the heart!

Head of Commercial Directorate Petr Shepin! Among the many events that you helped us hold is a charity marathon in support of residents of the Far East affected by the flood. This is not forgotten! Zhenya Morozova and Oksanochka Shendler are my Ostankino flower fairies! With your bouquets, especially New Year's compositions, you always reminded me that somewhere else is the season - without cold, freezing rains and gray, overcast skies. I don't know how soon I'll be in your store again, but I hope my 5% discount won't be cancelled.

Andrei Andreevich Pisarev! For many years you were my immediate supervisor, and I am extremely embarrassed that, having written a letter of resignation, I could not help with tickets to the Salzburg Opera Festival and the performance of Anna Netrebko. One thing pleases: an unprecedented excitement reigned there, and you saved $ 20 thousand for the family budget. So much they asked for for one ticket.

Lenochka Queen! In memory of your grandmother - Lyudmila Gurchenko, whom I promised not to leave you in my life, I nevertheless hired you. You yourself know that you were not the most exemplary administrator. But now, having gone through the “Let them talk” school, I dare to hope that you won’t let me down anywhere.

Ilyusha Krivitsky! My flight on the horns of a bull in the "Great Races" will always be on your conscience. But you know how much I love you, and Maxim Galkin is very lucky that he has such a producer in the Best of All program. And if we are talking about Maxim Galkin ... Max, everyone says that I am repeating your television fate (in 2008, Galkin left Channel One for Russia, but returned seven years later. - Approx. "StarHit"). I will say more, as a teenager, I, a novice fan of Alla Borisovna, also dreamed of repeating your personal fate ... And one more thing. I did not comment on your recent video with the castle in the background, because if money had been in the first place in this story, my transfer, as you can imagine, would have happened nine years ago.

The press service of Channel One is Larisa Krymova ... Lara, it was with your light hand that I became the editor-in-chief of StarHit magazine. It was you who organized my first meeting with Viktor Shkulev, President of Hearst Shkulev Publishing, where this magazine has been successfully published for the tenth year.

Nikolai Nikolaevich Malyshev, head of the sports editorial office of Channel One, you have always remained for me the standard of elegance and a wise attitude to what is happening. And you will certainly put yourself in my position by agreeing that it's not every day that you get an offer to become a producer of your own show. The highly respected and very beloved personnel department in the person of Larisa Ivanovna Kulkova, Lyubov Mikhailovna Pukhanova and, of course, Larisa Anatolyevna Nasonova. I saw your sincere tears when I brought the application.

This kind of attitude is worth it.

First Deputy General Director - Alexander Faifman. Sasha, we worked closely, with your direct participation, we launched the Big Wash project. I still feel embarrassed that already at the second training session of the Ice Age, when you paired me with Anna Semenovich, I crashed on the ice, and Anya and I didn’t skate anymore.

Well, in conclusion - about the owner of the main office of Ostankino, on the door of which there is a sign "10-01" attached. Dear Konstantin Lvovich! 45 years is an important milestone in the life of a man, 25 of them I gave to you and Channel One. These years have become part of my DNA, and I remember every minute that you dedicated to me. Thank you so much for all that you have done, for the experience that you gave me, for the amazing journey along the television road of life that we have gone through together. The only request is to take care of your assistants, especially Lenochka Zaitseva. She is not only a very dedicated and professional employee, but she can also claim the role of the chief psychologist of Channel One.

I wrote all this and I understand: a lot has happened in 25 years, and although I am unbearably sad now, only one thing will be remembered - how good we were together. Take care of yourself and your loved ones, my love! God bless us!

Yours Andrey Malakhov

From Channel One, by publishing an open letter to Konstantin Ernst. The resource he chose was StarHit magazine, of which the TV presenter was "part-time" editor-in-chief. The site, which is part of the same publishing house as the magazine, published the first interview given by the TV presenter after the silence associated with rumors of his departure.

The TV presenter's open letter begins with the following words (author's spelling retained):

"Dear friends!

In our digital era, the epistolary genre is rarely addressed, but I came to Channel One in the last century, when people were still writing letters to each other, not text messages. So sorry for such a long message. I dare to hope you know the true reasons for my unexpected transfer to Rossiya 1, where I will host a new program "Andrey Malakhov. Live", deal with the Saturday show and other projects ... "

This is followed by a long longread, the essence of which can be conveyed in words - "extended" thank you. "Malakhov thanks his colleagues and friends - from the leaders Yuri Aksyuta and Alexander Faifman to TV presenters Ivan Urgant and Elena Malysheva. He also addressed with gratitude to Maxim Galkin, "transitional period "which he is now repeating from one channel to another. At this point in the letter it is said that if money mattered to Malakhov, he would have gone to the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company 9 years ago.

The appeal to Ernst is at the end of the letter:

"Well, in conclusion - about the owner of the main office of Ostankino, on the door of which there is a sign" 10-01 ". Dear Konstantin Lvovich! 45 years is an important milestone in a man's life, 25 of them I gave to you and Channel One" "These years have become part of my DNA, and I remember every minute that you dedicated to me. Thank you so much for everything you did, for the experience that you passed on to me, for the amazing journey along the television road of life that we went through together."

Now, on Channel One, instead of one evening talk show, the viewer essentially received two. And one Malakhov was replaced immediately by two presenters. This is Dmitry Shepelev, who begins to "warm up" the audience a little earlier, telling chilling personal stories in the show "Actually", and after him comes "Let them talk" with Dmitry Borisov. "I'm not a magician, I'm just learning," Borisov might have said. But they are already gradually getting used to him, although they will still be compared with Malakhov, who now hosts a show on the Russia 1 channel, for a long time.

By the way, in his letter Malakhov - "elder" and "dinosaur", who worked for a quarter of a century on Channel One - blessed his younger colleague in a certain way. "Dima, all hope is on you! The other day I saw fragments of "Let them talk" with your participation. I'm sure you will succeed!"

Published on 21.08.17 01:08

On the website of the Starhit magazine, TV presenter Andrey Malakhov, who is also the editor-in-chief of the publication, published an open letter to the General Director of Channel One Konstantin Ernst and all the channel's employees, where he thanked all his colleagues personally for the long joint work and the experience gained.

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“Dear Konstantin Lvovich! 45 years is an important milestone in a man's life, 25 of them I gave to you and Channel One. These years have become part of my DNA and I remember every minute that you intkbbee dedicated to me. Thank you so much for everything that you have done, for the experience that you gave me, for that amazing journey along the television road of life that we went through together, ”the text of the appeal says.

Note that in his open letter, Malakhov, addressing his colleagues, does not name the true reasons for the “unexpected transfer to Rossiya 1”, where he will lead the new program “Andrey Malakhov. Live", but they hope that they are known to them.

As the TV presenter explained in an interview with the Wday online publication, he was no longer satisfied with the position of a “soldier”, who is always in submission.

“Before his birthday (Malakhov turned 45 in January - approx.), there was a crisis of the genre in absolutely everything. was subordinate. A man-soldier, following orders. But I wanted independence. I looked at colleagues, they became producers of their programs, they began to make decisions themselves. And suddenly an understanding came: life goes on, and you need to grow, get out of the tight framework, "explained his decision to leave Channel One Malakhov.

According to the presenter, the last straw for him was the move of the studio of the program “Let them talk” from Ostankino.

“And Ostankino is my second home. It has its own aura, energy. Our team never changed the studio either. It was a place of power. We went in and understood what needed to be done. how they dismantle the studio "Let them talk. I don't know what to compare what I felt. Probably, if they brought me to the morgue and showed how they dissect a person close to you. And like this: drop by drop they burned everything that was expensive, to which I was mentally attached, - the presenter summed up.

As Topnews previously reported, Andrey Malakhov left Channel One for the Rossiya-1 TV channel, and a new presenter, former newscaster Dmitry Borisov, appeared in the Let They Talk program.

Officially, the reason for Malakhov's departure was not named. According to one version, they tried to impose political topics on the host, which he categorically refused to cover on the talk show.

Dear friends!

In our digital era, the epistolary genre is rarely addressed, but I came to Channel One in the last century, when people were still writing letters to each other, not text messages. So sorry for such a long message. I dare to hope you know the true reasons for my unexpected transfer to Rossiya 1, where I will host the new program Andrei Malakhov. Live”, to engage in the Saturday show and other projects.

I remember the day when, as an intern, I crossed the threshold of the Vremya program and for the first time saw a large television from the inside. Only 91-year-old Kaleria Kislova (former chief director of the Vremya program) remained from that “Ice Age”. Kaleria Venediktovna, colleagues still speak of you with a breath. On TV they will no longer see such people who could build ;-) everyone - both presidents and top officials of the state. You are an example of the highest professionalism!

From the amazing past, I will also miss Kirill Kleimenov, who is today at the helm of information broadcasting. We started together on the Good Morning program. Cyril then read the morning news, and today he has a huge responsibility on his shoulders, he practically lives in the Television Center. Kirill, for me you are an example of self-denial in the name of your favorite business, and there is the highest justice in the fact that it was you who got the office with the most beautiful view of the ancient Ostankino Park. I also admire that you can easily communicate even in such a difficult language as Finnish. When conjugating verbs in my "easy" French classes, I always remember you.

Dear security personnel! Thanks a lot for your help! I took my first steps at Ostankino without your supervision, but then you managed to stop so many fights - both in the Big Wash studio and on the Let They Talk program.

Almost every day of these 25 years, when I entered the TV Center, I met the invariably friendly Oksana Markova, who sells newspapers and magazines. Oksanochka, I already miss your wonderful smile!

They say that they have now introduced a quota for the issuance of American visas. But there were no obstacles for the amazing Khadoza Mustafina from the Passport and Visa Department, who died not so long ago. And what fabulous pies she treated me to! Svetochka Kazakova, Katya Nazarova, Rita Dovzhenko, Lenochka Semyonova, how many sleepless dawns we met together while receiving visas! Thanks to your participation, all my foreign business trips took place.

Head of Channel One. World Wide Web”, my classmate and classmate at Moscow State University Lesha Efimov, do you remember how you and I flew to open the channel’s broadcasting in Canada and Australia? I'm sorry we couldn't resume our business trips.

Your deputy and my good friend is the news anchor Dmitry Borisov.

Dima, all hope is on you! The other day I saw fragments of "Let them talk" with your participation. I'm sure you will succeed!

One of the main creators of my style is Tatyana Mikhalkova and the super team of the Russian Silhouette image studio! How many styling, and in a matter of minutes, did Regina Avdimova and her magical masters. I think it could not have done without the help of a collection of frogs, which Regina collects for good luck.

My native 14th studio! With tears in my eyes, I recently watched how it was dismantled. Wonderful design, invented by the chief artist of Channel One, Dmitry Likin. Who is able to do better, to endow the scenery with the same inner energy?! Dima is generally a very versatile person. The interiors of the Moscow cinema "Pioneer", the embankment of the park of arts "Museon" are also his creations. And I am also grateful to Dmitry for being one of the first to infect me with love for contemporary art, and this added an incredible cascade of emotions into my life.

My beloved Catherine! "Sister-Capricorn" Katya Mtsituridze! I'm sorry I didn't tell you personally, but as a person who works on the channel and heads Roskino, you understand: I need to grow and move forward. Katyusha Andreeva, you have a cool page on Instagram, and special respect for your likes. Katya Strizhenova, how many actions, starting from "Good morning", holidays, concerts, our "sweet couple" withstood ;-) - and do not count!

The main music producer of the channel Yuri Aksyuta, we also have a rich experience of TV hours spent together. Eurovision, New Year's Lights, Two Stars, Golden Gramophone - it was recently, it was a long time ago ... You brought me to the big stage: our duet with Masha Rasputina still does not allow envious people to sleep peacefully.

Lenochka Malysheva, you were the person who first called in excitement, refusing to believe what was happening. But you need to develop, as a producer of your own program, you understand this better than others. And if along the way I prompted you to a new topic on the air called "The first manifestations of male menopause" ;-) , that's also not bad.

And if we continue to joke, I am well understood by another producer of my own show - Ivan Urgant. Vanya, thank you for the numerous mentions of my person and for raising the rating of that rather big part of the audience that spins spinners.

Planning and Financing Directorate - Tatyana Vasilievna Garanina! If anyone can be called a true lady in Ostankino, it's you! The picture was forever imprinted in my memory: the dead of night, the almost empty Telecentre and the fragile, graceful female figure leaving work. And I hope you know: everything that we sang then at your anniversary was sincere and from the heart!

Head of Commercial Directorate Petr Shepin! Among the many events that you helped us hold is a charity marathon in support of residents of the Far East affected by the flood. This is not forgotten!

Zhenya Morozova and Oksanochka Shendler are my Ostankino flower fairies! With your bouquets, especially New Year's compositions, you always reminded me that somewhere else is the season - without cold, freezing rains and gray, overcast skies. I don't know how soon I'll be in your store again, but I hope my 5% discount won't be cancelled.

Andrei Andreevich Pisarev! For many years you were my immediate supervisor, and I am extremely embarrassed that, having written a letter of resignation, I could not help with tickets to the Salzburg Opera Festival and the performance of Anna Netrebko. One thing pleases: an unprecedented excitement reigned there, and you saved $ 20 thousand for the family budget. So much they asked for for one ticket.

Lenochka Queen! In memory of your grandmother - Lyudmila Gurchenko, whom I promised not to leave you in my life, I nevertheless hired you. You yourself know that you were not the most exemplary administrator. But now, having gone through the “Let them talk” school, I dare to hope that you won’t let me down anywhere.

Ilyusha Krivitsky! My flight on the horns of a bull in the "Great Races" will always be on your conscience ;-). But you know how much I love you, and Maxim Galkin is very lucky that he has such a producer in the Best of All program.

And if we are talking about Maxim Galkin ... Max, everyone says that I am repeating your television fate (in 2008, Galkin left Channel One for Russia, but returned seven years later. - Approx. "StarHit"). I will say more, as a teenager, I, a novice fan of Alla Borisovna, also dreamed of repeating your personal fate ... ;-) And one more thing. I did not comment on your recent video with the castle in the background, because if money had been in the first place in this story, my transfer, as you can imagine, would have happened nine years ago.

The press service of Channel One is Larisa Krymova ... Lara, it was with your light hand that I became the editor-in-chief of StarHit magazine. It was you who organized my first meeting with Viktor Shkulev, President of Hearst Shkulev Publishing, where this magazine has been successfully published for the tenth year.

Nikolai Nikolaevich Malyshev, head of the sports editorial office of Channel One, you have always remained for me the standard of elegance and a wise attitude to what is happening. And you will certainly put yourself in my position by agreeing that it's not every day that you get an offer to become a producer of your own show.

The highly respected and very beloved personnel department in the person of Larisa Ivanovna Kulkova, Lyubov Mikhailovna Pukhanova and, of course, Larisa Anatolyevna Nasonova. I saw your sincere tears when I brought the application. This kind of attitude is worth it.

First Deputy General Director - Alexander Faifman. Sasha, we worked closely, with your direct participation, we launched the Big Wash project. I still feel embarrassed that already at the second training session of the Ice Age, when you paired me with Anna Semenovich, I crashed on the ice, and Anya and I didn’t skate anymore ;-).

Well, in conclusion - about the owner of the main office of Ostankino, on the door of which there is a sign "10-01" attached. Dear Konstantin Lvovich! 45 years is an important milestone in the life of a man, 25 of them I gave to you and Channel One. These years have become part of my DNA, and I remember every minute that you dedicated to me. Thank you so much for all that you have done, for the experience that you gave me, for the amazing journey along the television road of life that we have gone through together.

The only request is to take care of your assistants, especially Lenochka Zaitseva. She is not only a very dedicated and professional employee, but she can also claim the role of the chief psychologist of Channel One.

I wrote all this and I understand: a lot has happened in 25 years, and although I am unbearably sad now, only one thing will be remembered - how good we were together. Take care of yourself and your loved ones, my love! God bless us!


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