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"Aloha, New Year!". New Year's scenario for middle school students

Place of work: Municipal Autonomous educational institution additional education"Children and Youth Center"

Scenario of the new year "Aloha, New Year!", or visiting the spirits of "Aleut"

Target: Generate interest in the upcoming holiday. Create a festive Christmas mood.
- generalize knowledge about the New Year holiday;
- to systematize knowledge about the traditions of the holiday in other countries of the world;
- Develop creativity and communication skills.
School students are invited to board a modern liner in order to make an unforgettable journey from the Urals to the Hawaiian Islands, where a party is being celebrated in the wake of the New Year.

scenario plan
In the lobby of the hall, charming flight attendants greet guests, periodically announcing that in 5 minutes boarding of the New Year's airliner will begin.
Inviting guests on board
Flight attendants invite passengers to board. A voice-over announces that the boarding of the 2018 ship on the route "Verkhnyaya Salda - Hawaii" ends in a couple of minutes. The guests take their seats and sit down.
Introductory part
Leading: Good evening, dear friends! We are pleased to welcome you on board our aircraft. On our board you will be offered an unforgettable show program, so you won't be bored. An exciting journey awaits you. And before the flight, I ask you to listen to the rules of behavior in extreme situations.
(Two stewardesses come out, stand on the sides of the hosts and show the announced rules with gestures)
Joke security measures
“During the entire flight, unrestrained fun, Homeric laughter and a fountain of smiles are welcomed on our liner. If you have an urgent desire to go to the dance floor or to participate in competitions, the exits are there and there. In order to avoid an emergency drop in mood, we ask you not to leave the cabin of the liner for a long time during the flight.”
Voice-over: Attention! Attention! The captain of the airliner is talking to you ___________________ Dear guests, you are on board the BC-2018 aircraft. Please take your seats, do not be afraid, take with you good mood, fun, your friends. All passengers must fasten their charming smile and prepare for takeoff. Until the end of the flight, do not be sad and do not leave the aircraft until the captain's special order. Everything is ready for the flight. Flight start.
(The music of the plane's takeoff sounds, a video fragment of the plane's takeoff is on the screen. The light is off at this time)
Leading. The old year ends
Good, good year.
We won't be sad
After all, the New one is coming to us ...
Leading. Accept wishes
You can't do without them
Be healthy and happy!
Happy new year friends!
Leading. Our plane is gaining altitude, and I suggest that we have a little fun so that the flight does not seem long.
Voice behind the scene: Dear passengers, our plane has landed on the island of Hawaii. The weather in the Hawaiian Islands is good, the air temperature is +35 degrees, we wish you a great holiday. Don't forget your luggage!
Screen video: With you was the Brand-Moroz airline, fly only with our airlines.
(The screensaver changes on the screen, wallpapers of the Hawaiian Islands appear. Congratulations from the Hawaiians turn on. Hawaiian music sounds, the host exits.
(Includes the presentation "Excursion to the Hawaiian Islands")
Leading: Welcome to Hawaii! Pearls of the Pacific. Today we invite you to plunge into a flower-tropical paradise.
Leading: Do you know how to say hello in Hawaiian? (the question is addressed to the audience, The correct answer is Aloha). In general, among the Hawaiians, the word "aloha" is universal. It is a greeting, and thanksgiving, and even a declaration of love ...
Leading: Your flight was very long, so I suggest you have fun and play a game called "Limbo" - this is a popular game in Hawaii that has long settled in your countries. No Hawaiian party is complete without it! For this we need 10-12 volunteers.
"Limbo" The essence of the game: two participants stretch a rope over the floor and hold it in their hands at different ends. The task of the players: to the music, walk under the rope without touching it. You should pass by leaning back and bending in the back. The difficulty is that with each circle the rope is lowered lower and lower.
Playing Hawaiian music, the participants pass through the rope. 3-5 min.
While the students are playing, it is necessary to choose two beauties and dedicate them to the “beautiful priestesses”, covering them with a veil and dressing them in traditional Hawaiian clothes. You can choose the "leader" of the Hawaiian party and give him the "attributes" of power.
Leading: Guys, while you were dancing, the local Hawaiians kidnapped two beautiful ladies and initiated them into priestesses of a flower-tropical party, which means that we have a new task.
The Hawaiian Islands are called the crown of "Flower Paradise" because most of the plants that grow here are found nowhere else in the world. I propose to create a dancing bouquet of exotic plants.
exotic dance
This game is played to music. The participants of the game become in a circle. The leader goes to the middle and agrees with the players that they will repeat all his movements after him without delay. But one movement, such as “hands on the belt,” cannot be repeated. Anyone who breaks the rule is out of the game. The game begins on a general signal. The leader makes various dance movements to the music on the spot or, moving in a circle, but at the same time “penalizes” all those who make mistakes. Each time the movement gets faster.
Leading: Guys! We danced too noisily and woke up the spirits of the Hawaiian island, and in order to appease them, it is necessary to make an offering. For this, I will take a tray with your names and announce the will of the spirit.
Delicious relay race
(Alexandra) - Eat a plate of chopped fruit without the help of hands.
(Catherine) - Dance an incendiary dance with pineapples or coconuts under your arms.
(Anastasia) - Pull a lei from anyone present using only your teeth.
(To Evgenia) - Prepare a cocktail "Gift to the Hawaiian spirit."
(Vova) - Exorcise the evil demon from the body of a neighbor.
Host: You are smart, however! Pay attention, our table is rich in different fruits, but what kind of fruit do you think has a large, hard, fleecy shell? Correctly! This is a coconut and I propose to collect as many coconuts as possible on our island!
"Pass the coconut."
Those who wish to take part in the fun (from 7 to 14 people) line up or in a circle. The game is played on the basis of the "play-off" principle, that is, knockout.
Music sounds, the players pass the coconut from hand to hand - having received a coconut from a neighbor, you need to make a turn around yourself and pass it on.
The music stops intermittently. A player who has a coconut in his hands at the moment the music stops is out of the game.
(On the screen is a picture of the Sea)
Leading: Wow .. It has become a little hot, I think it's time to take a walk to the beach and freshen up!
"Fast surfer".
You will need equipment: diving goggles, big shorts, fins, goggles, a towel.
The task of the participants is to run to the beach, put on all the beach accessories, return to the team to sow them, transfer them to another.
Leading: Attention! The spirit of the Aleut has captured one member of your team, you need to save him as soon as possible.
Fun racing
Preparation: For the contest you need two small brooms decorated with colored ribbons (, two chairs or chips.)
Holding the competition: In order to save the participant, you must learn how to fly on a Hawaiian broom. Participants fly on the original vehicle to the specified object (chair, chips) and, returning back, pass the broom further on command. The most mobile group wins.
Leading: The spirits were satisfied, wish you a Happy New Year and wish to see how you are prepared for the New Year's Eve.
New Year's confetti
Training: For the competition, you need to take two small plastic cups, white confetti or popcorn, two deep bowls
Take reusable glasses with rubber bands and nuts - such as hazelnuts or walnuts - reusable
Conducting a competition: Players are divided into several teams of equal age. The participant must carry the festive snow confetti. To do this, with the help of adhesive tape, plastic cups are attached to the legs, into which popcorn or confetti is poured a little. The task of the players is to go the distance without dropping the burden. All "snowflakes" are poured into the bowl.

New Year's cap
Training: For the competition, small caps made of paper, sticks of medium length are needed.
Conducting the competition: Players are divided into pairs. The task of the participants is to quickly put a New Year's cap on the opponent. Paper headdress can only be taken with a stick.
Hummingbird on a palm tree. The main playing role goes to the girls. Men are palm trees, girls are hummingbirds. The dance begins: the “palms” stand motionless, only their “leaves” and “trunks” (arms and torsos) sway, and the “hummingbirds” flutter freely in the palm grove. As soon as the music has died down, each hummingbird must sit on a palm tree - jump into the hands of a young man (or hug him). That hummingbird, which did not get a palm tree, leaves the grove, taking one "palm tree" with it.
Party Final
Leading: Well, each of you today not only rested, but also worked hard, I propose to perform the ritual dance “Giant Lambada” at parting. Everyone knows what “lambada” is and how it is performed.
Lambada dance
Hawaiians need to try to unite all party participants into a single “lambada”, capturing as much space as possible.
Leading: Well guys, I think you liked the Hawaiian Islands, see you soon and happy new year!

Scenario 2 "Summer New Year"
Acting characters: Grandfather Frost (aka Hawaiian), Snegurochka (aka Hawaiian), children.
Duration - 45 minutes.

Hawaiian: Hello dear guys! Summer ... How we wait for it, when autumn rain sows outside the window, when snowstorms rage and winter frosts crackle!
And here it is - the height of the summer reign!

Hawaiian: Let's stop this beautiful time today, albeit for a little while.
So, summer is red, we talk and sing about you!
Hawaiian: - Guys, do you like summer? Why is it wonderful?

Children - flowers bloom
- you can go to the forest for berries
- to fish
- you can see different insects: butterflies, bees, beetles, dragonflies,
- lots of greenery in summer
- you can swim and sunbathe
Hawaiian:..hmm.. Swimming sunbathing, it's like in Hawaii straight. How about we have a real Hawaiian party? Do you agree?
Children: yes!

While the Hawaiian is having a dialogue with the children, the Hawaiian is dressing up as Santa Claus.

Hawaiian: Well, that's great, then we will have a Hawaiian Summer today!
Hawaiian: Well, then for this we need to dress up like real Hawaiians! For this we need flower necklaces.
Hawaiian: there you go! We're almost ready to party. We just have to learn with you the traditional dance in Hawaii - Lambada, who knows how to dance it ??
Well, let's repeat after me ... (shows the presenter)
Then, together, everyone clings to the train and dances the lambada together in one large column. to the tune of lambada)
Hawaiian: Well, how wonderful everyone is doing. danced and laughed! What good fellows you all are, just real Hawaiians! And the party has already started!! Hooray!! Hurray Hurray Fly!!

Suddenly, Santa Claus enters.
D. Moroz: - Hello, dear children! Hello!! Happy New Year!! So what are you celebrating?
The laughter of children and adults
Hawaiian: Oh, grandfather, you must have the wrong address, we have Summer here! Winter is still a long way off...

D. Moroz: how far is it?? And your costumes are Hawaiian, and it’s winter in Hawaii now, you are confusing something ... probably

Hawaiian: oh kids are really in Hawaii and it's really winter now! There is another hemisphere, there is the South! And we live with you in the North! Here comes Santa Claus. Well, Santa Claus, we have here, Actually, it’s really a Hawaiian party, but we only celebrate not the New Year, but Red Summer!

D. Moroz:hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhI’m going, I’m thinking what good fellows have already prepared .. and they have some kind of Summer here .. Summer .. and what is summer, children, tell me what about it anything like this??
Santa Claus: I can’t understand what summer is.

Hawaiian: Grandfather Frost, and you ask the guys, they probably know.

Santa Claus: Guys, explain to me what summer is?

Hawaiian: Let's tell Grandfather Frost what happens in summer and what doesn't happen in winter.

The children are talking.

Santa Claus: How is it that there is no sun in winter? Where does it go?
And the trees? Look out the window, how beautiful they are. You say flowers, don't you? What is that on the windowsill?

Hawaiian: Grandfather Frost, you are right, but in summer the flowers and birds are different. The sun is warm, the leaves on the trees, the grass. Listen to what summer is like. (Children stand around Santa Claus.)

D. Moroz: Oh, that's the first time I hear about it .. I don't know, I don't know, the first time I hear what summer is.

Hawaiian: but I have riddles about summer, let's you guess them, maybe our Santa Claus will understand what summer is?)

(Guesses are written backwards)
1. Hear the singing of mosquitoes,
Time for berries and mushrooms
The lake is warm
Everyone is invited to swim ...
2. A hot ball in the sky shines
Anyone will notice this ball.
In the morning he looks at us through the window,
Joyfully beaming...
3. A snake rushes through the hills,
Bringing moisture to the trees.
washing the shores,
Flowing across the fields...
4. They are light, like cotton wool,
They are floating somewhere in the sky.
Keep the path from afar
5. Here are the diamonds on the leaves,
Along the paths and on the bumps -
What are these miracles?
Shines in the morning...
6. The clouds blocked the sun,
Thunder laughs out loud.
Stripe of lightning in the sky -
So it started...
7. Peas are pouring out of the clouds,
Jumps to us on the threshold.
From the roof he rolls into the garden.
What? It - ...
8. And in June, white snow
Made us all happy again. -
Like a swarm of lazy flies
It flies from the poplars...
9. He will cry over the gardens -
The garden will be filled with fruits.
Even dusty plantain
Happy to wash in the summer ...
10. The sun sets in the evening,
He spends in the sky with a brush.
Doesn't want to leave.
The trace remains...
(I once)
Oh what good fellows, guys all know about Summer!
Well, how does Santa Claus know such a Summer ??
Hawaiian: - Well then, let's all have fun and enjoy Summer!) Let's show Santa Claus how we can have fun?)

The song "Santa Claus and Summer", sing 1 verse.

Santa Claus: What fun! How good!

Hawaiian: Let's all play together???Game1: call me!:
Before the start of the game, everyone sitting in a circle reminds everyone of his name. Everyone is trying to remember each other. Then they all begin to clap their hands together, twice - in their hands, twice - on their knees, in rhythm. The pops shouldn't stop. The first player must name two names - his own and any one sitting in a circle - by clapping his hands. Hearing his name skips one or two intervals (by prior arrangement) and also calls his name and another for two claps of his hands. Since there can be several people with the same name in the circle, arrange for the players to look at the one whose name is called. The main thing is not to bring down the general rhythm of claps and not stop. Then you can complicate the game by eliminating the intervals. For example, one-two, Sveta-Lena, one-two, Lena-Misha, one-two, Misha-Olya, etc.

If one of the participants made a mistake and did not have time to enter on time, his name is replaced with a nickname. Thus, now this person should not be called his name, but a nickname.

Hawaiian: something our Santa Claus is completely unstuck .. it’s probably hot for him here .. but let’s help him with snowflakes. Snowflakes should be blown on D. Moroz.
While Santa Claus is playing with the children, Hawaii is dressing up as a Snow Maiden.

D. Frost comes to life collects a snowflake for himself and puts it in his bosom.
And let's dress up the Christmas tree especially for me, so that he would not be bored, the children decorate it with New Year's toys to the music.

D. Frost:. Oh, what a Christmas tree you have dressed up, beautiful !!, Well done, but I don’t have a granddaughter here ... Let's call her and play with her!

Competitions, relay races from the Snow Maiden:

2 Potato
Invite the children to check attentiveness, observation and speed of reaction. It's very easy to do. Let the guys answer any of your questions: "Potato". Questions can be addressed to everyone, and sometimes it is better to ask one. For example: "What do you have in this place?" (pointing to his nose). The reaction is not hard to imagine. Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game. Do not forget to forgive the most inattentive after the first two questions, otherwise you will not have anyone to continue the game with. Here are some questions to ask: What did you have for lunch today?
- What would you like to eat for dinner?
- And who is late and now enters the hall?
- What did your mother bring you as a gift?
- What do you dream about at night?
- What is the name of your favorite dog? ... and so on.
At the end of the game, give the winners - the most attentive guys - a comic prize - a potato.

3 Floor, nose, ceiling
This game is also a good mindfulness test. It is very simple, its rules are easy to explain. With your right hand, point to the floor and name: "Gender." Then point to your nose (it's better if you touch it), say: "Nose", and then raise your hand up and say: "Ceiling". Do it slowly. Let the guys show with you, and you will call. Your goal is to confuse the guys. Say: "Nose", and show yourself at this time to the ceiling. The children must listen carefully and show correctly. It's good if you cheerfully comment on what is happening: "I see someone in the fourth row has his nose fallen to the floor and is lying there. Let's help find a fallen off nose." The game can be repeated several times with a faster pace. At the end of the game, you can solemnly invite the owner of the "highest nose in the world" to the stage.

4 Crumple up the newspaper
You will need newspapers according to the number of participants.
An unfolded newspaper spreads in front of the players on the floor. The task is to crumple the newspaper at the signal of the presenter, trying to collect the entire sheet into a fist.
Whoever can do it first is the winner.

5 Electrical circuit.
Procedure: the participants of the game sit in a circle at a short distance from each other and hold hands. In the center of the circle is an "electrician", whose task will become clear a little later. One of the participants plays the role of a "power station" and gives a "discharge" - lightly squeezes the palm of the person sitting next to him. That, in turn, passes the handshake to his neighbor, and so on: the "current" is on. He can go clockwise and suddenly his direction depending on the desire of the one who is in this moment received a "rank". The "electrician" must carefully watch the hands of those who make up the "electric circuit" and guess where the "discharge" is at the moment. If he guesses correctly, then the participant who transmitted the "discharge" goes to the center and becomes an "electrician" and sits in a circle.

6 Self-portrait.
On a sheet of drawing paper or cardboard, make two cuts for hands. Participants take each of their sheets, putting their hands through the slots, draw a portrait with a brush, without looking. Who "masterpiece" turned out more successful - takes the prize.

7 Piglet.
Procedure: one of the participants is blindfolded, he is a vada. The rest of the participants are seated all over the room and sit silently, without moving. The driver must find one of them, sit next to him and grunt softly. The participant of the game found by the driver answers him in the same way. According to the timbre of the voice, the driver must identify him and call him by name. If the name is called correctly, then the identified participant in the game becomes the leader, and if not, the game continues in the same composition. At the same time, the driver is not allowed to feel the players, identification occurs only by sound.

8 The missing chair.
Chairs are placed at a distance of 2 - 3 meters. Blindfolded players sit on them. On command, they stand up, take 5-8 steps forward, then each should turn around twice, return to their chair and sit on it. And it's not easy at all and looks very funny!

Father Frost: New Year gifts I have in store for you all.
Receive a bright gift, Oh, I love you all very much. Well, you arranged a holiday for me, but what kind of a holiday for yourself)) SUMMER NEW YEAR we got it, also in the style of Hawaii. Thank you, Children, now I know what it is like Summer. Goodbye, Happy New Year!

Scenario for the New Year in kindergarten

Decoration: Christmas tree, Santa Claus's house (snow walls, icicles, a chest, a calendar on the wall, a table with toys, a bag with gifts), a bear's lair.

The song "New Year" (audio recording) sounds, the children enter one by one.

One group of children hangs toys on the Christmas tree, the other sprinkles confetti, the leader with the children walk in a snake and stop in a semicircle. Everyone clap for the chorus of the song.
Children read New Year's greetings.

1st child:
Happy New Year!
With winter snowy weather
With clear days
With skis, skates,
With a white blizzard
With Christmas tree.
Congratulations kids -
All girls and boys!

2nd child:
We are gathered here today
They got up together in a round dance.
Brings a lot of joy
Every time we have a New Year.

3rd child:
We are not afraid of bad weather,
The coldness of Mother Winter.
A blizzard will howl outside the window,
But we won't be bored.

4th child:
Christmas tree in festive dress
invited us to visit
Can't stand still
Next to her at this hour.

5th child:
Let the poems and songs sound
Let the childish laughter ring
Yes, and adults with us
Having fun is not a sin.

6th child:
Shine with lights, tree,
Call us for a holiday
Fulfill all desires
Make all your dreams come true.

7th child:
With new happiness!
Happy New Year!
Congratulations to everyone
And then,
And we walk in a round dance
We will dance and sing.

8th child:
Santa Claus hurries to the Christmas tree,
He hides a laugh in his beard.
Don't torment us too long
Untie the bag quickly.

Children rebuild in two circles, sing the song "Today the year ends ..."

Dear friends! Moms, dads, grandmothers and you, kids!
We will check now if you know everything about Santa Claus.
answer in unison,
Solve all riddles.

Santa Claus is known to everyone, right? (Yes.)
He comes at seven sharp, right? (Not.)
Santa Claus is a good old man, right?
Wears a hat and galoshes, right?
The trunk is good for our Christmas tree, right?
It was cut down from a double-barreled shotgun, right?
Santa Claus is afraid of the cold, right?
He is friends with the Snow Maiden, right?
The view is beautiful near our Christmas tree, right?
There are red needles everywhere, right?
Santa Claus is coming soon, right?
He will bring gifts, right?

Well, the questions are answered
You know everything about Santa Claus,
And that means it's time
All the kids are waiting for.

Music sounds, the children sit on chairs.

There is such a place on earth - the North Pole. Flowers do not grow there, but on the North Pole lives the one whom everyone loves and waits for - Santa Claus.
For 12 months in a row he sits in his hut and makes intricate toys, then gives them to children. True, over time, children grow up and stop believing in Santa Claus, but then they have their own children and, just like their moms and dads once, they run to the Christmas tree (music) to see what this time brought them a gift from Santa Claus. And until recently, there was still no case that Santa Claus did not appear on time or did not appear at all. But one day ... (music), however, first things first, it was in December ... (The lights turn off, the doors to Santa Claus's house open.)

The song "Santa Claus" sounds.
Santa Claus sits at the table and paints toys with paints, takes out a chest for the second verse of the song.
The White Bear enters.

White Bear:
Listen, Grandpa, it's time!
Father Frost:
Ah-ah-ah, what an opportunity!

He opens the chest, from which a butterfly, fixed on a wire, fluttered out.

White Bear:
Almost ate your fur coat.

Father Frost:
"A little" doesn't count!
White Bear:
Let me help you get ready for the road, hurry up.

He takes out Santa Claus's fur coat from the chest, shakes it out, the fur is sprinkled with flour, like dust, puts Santa Claus in a fur coat, mittens.

Father Frost:
My kingdom is white
Hoarfrost, snow and ice.
Whirlwind blizzard bold
Spins and sweeps. (Sounds of a blizzard.)

White Bear:
Where are the little kids?
Where are my friends?
Lead on the road
It's time for grandpa.

Father Frost:
That's right, sleep tired.
White Bear:
I will wake them up.

Sounds like "Song of Polar Bears". A she-bear leads two cubs, in the hands of an ice floe made of foam.
Dance of the bears.

Bear cub 1:
Santa Claus, tell us now
Have you stocked up a lot of toys for the kids?

Bear cub 2:
The naughty people want to get a toy
They are waiting for you, probably, they do not sleep on New Year's Eve.

Bear cub 1:
Show me what suits who.

Bear cub 2:
And who did you decide to give the best toy to?

Father Frost:
Who was kind, smart,
Pai was a child,
Feel free to get the best toy.

Music, cubs sit at the table with Santa Claus.

Father Frost:
Here is a fun toy (shows),
And his name is...

Bear cubs:

White Bear:
Now say nicely
Who has a carrot instead of a nose?

Bear cubs:
Snowman, snowman.

Bear cub 1:
And here is a funny face!

Father Frost:
Yes, bears, Cheburashka.
And the soldier
with a doll in a bag over there.

Bear cubs:
Where is the matryoshka?
Where is the gnome?

White Bear:
Look, here they are.
Grandfather, quickly revive them. (Pulls toys out of the bag.)

Father Frost:
You, magical icicle,
Show us all a miracle
And bring your favorite toys to life as soon as possible.

Music, Santa Claus touches the icicle, toys come to life and go to the Christmas tree.

A toy:
Slept in a box for a whole year
New Year's toys.
Very bored in the dark
Doll, gnome and parsley.
But nothing faded
Our outfit is just as bright.
We will dance at the spruce
Let the fires burn on it. (The lights are on.)

Dance "Toys".

White Bear:
Well, Santa Claus, it's time, hurry up. Give your cousin a gift (fish) from me.

Father Frost:
Yes, yes, yes, okay.

White Bear:
And a letter to the dense forest of Mikhailo Potapych Kosolapy. (Gives an envelope.)

Father Frost:
I'll pass it on!
The last sheet of the calendar was left on the wall,
Deer are fast, here, it's time for me to go.

He sings, tears off a sheet of the calendar, three "deer" run, they carry a sled.

Our roads are smooth everywhere,
We rush in a whirlwind, without looking back.
You have to go, so sit down,
Hold on to the reins.
So hold on so you don't fall
We will give you a ride.

Music, Santa Claus puts a bag on the sled.

White Bear:
Well, don't stand still!

Bear cubs:
Hold on, Grandpa, hold on!

Father Frost:
I'm not sad on the way with the song,
Hurry up, troika, rush!

The song "Santa Claus" sounds (audio recording).
Deer are driven by sleds, going around the hall, stop.

Father Frost:
Stop, come!

Approaches the den, reads the inscription "Do not wake up until the summer."

Father Frost:
Between oaks and strict fir trees,
The clumsy sleeps in a den. (Knocks.)

Magpie (flies up):
Well, why are you knocking?
Can't you see what's written?

Father Frost:
Ha, don't wake up until summer...
Summer? What is summer?

Here they are, darkness, you don’t know summer.
Stroke-ke, strike-ke,
I carry the news on my tail
So big, but does not know the summer (flies away).

Father Frost:
Oh chatterbox, oh chirping (chasing up the magpie).
I'll lie down in a forest clearing, rest a little.

Tired Santa Claus. The path from the northern latitudes to our middle zone is not close.

Dance of snowflakes and bullfinches.
(At the end of the dance, Santa Claus is covered with a snow blanket.)

The Hare is jumping, he saw Santa Claus's hat under the snow.

What is red in the snow? Carrot?
Pull once, pull another.

Santa Claus appears from under the covers.

Oh! (Runs off.)

Father Frost:
Oblique, and oblique, it's me, Santa Claus.
Go here!

You? Oh, and you scared me to death. I almost died of fear.

Father Frost:
Don't be afraid. Here's a carrot for you, and jump smartly.

In winter ... And a real carrot! After all, it only happens in the summer.

Father Frost:
Summer? What is summer?

When at the forest edge
Daisies bloomed
When the cuckoo sings
Bumblebees are buzzing (jumping).

Father Frost:
I don't understand what summer is like.

Grandfather Frost, and you ask the guys, they probably know.

Father Frost:
Guys, explain to me what summer is?

Let's tell Santa Claus what happens in summer and what doesn't happen in winter.

The children are talking.

Father Frost:
How is it that there is no sun in winter? Where does it go?
And the trees? Look out the window, how beautiful they are. You say flowers, don't you? What is that on the windowsill?

Grandfather Frost, you are right, but in summer the flowers and birds are different. The sun is warm, the leaves on the trees, the grass. Listen to what summer is like. (Children stand around Santa Claus.)

The song "Santa Claus and Summer", sing 1 verse.

To the song "Santa Claus and Summer" (audio recording), children dressed as Butterflies, Flowers, Frogs, Hedgehogs perform the dance "Summer Clearing". Santa Claus rejoices and runs across with a net and a basket.

Father Frost:
So funny! How good!

As Santa Claus had fun, play with us the game "Blind Man's Blind" (blindfolds Santa Claus).

Children name is:

Father Frost:

The Summer Tsar enters the hall, Santa Claus catches him.
(They untie their eyes.)

Father Frost:
And who are you?

Summer King:
I am the King, hello!

Father Frost:
What is this King? I'm in charge in winter.

Grandfather Frost, you are our winter guest, and this is the Summer Tsar. Welcome to our New Year's party.

Summer King:
Thanks for not kidding. Although I’m not used to walking around visiting guests at this time. But since I got here, I'll show you a miracle. I am a king or not a king! My magic staff, serve the service, call the guests to the Christmas tree for the kids. One two Three! It doesn’t work (examines the staff), it seems to be warm. Warm? warmed up? One, two, three miracle show. Does not work? Does not exceed. Looks like the staff hasn't warmed up yet.

And you breathe on it, breathe on it. Warm with warm hands. Come on, children, help the King.

Children help to "warm up" the staff.

The White Bear appears.

Summer King:
What? What a miracle Worn out, or something, staff. Eh, you see, he is not enough heat alone. Spring is needed and summer is red, then the brown bear will wake up.

Is it all the same to your staff. It's warm in summer, and it's warm here. And now it's getting hotter. We'll take the bags and start jumping.

The game "Ride in the bags." (Children are divided into two teams with the White Bear and the Summer King. Who will quickly jump to the little Christmas trees.)

Summer King:
It's warm, it's warm, but it's not summer. What else does my staff need? (Sad.)

Father Frost:
We must rescue the Summer King.
White blizzard, circle,
Make a lot of snow
Invite guests to the Christmas tree
One two Three. (Knocks staff.)

Children in African costumes run out.

Dance "Guests from Africa".

Father Frost:
What kind of guests? I have never seen such.
And how hot it got! (Fanning.)

Music sounds, the White Bear enters with a box of ice cream.

White Bear:
Ice cream, cold ice cream, from the North Pole.

Snowflakes run up to her, treat Santa Claus with ice cream, put it on her forehead so that it does not melt.

Father Frost:
Thank you guys for saving me from the heat.

Summer King:
And I can't be here anymore
I'm running from the cold...
Oh please save me
Bring the life buoy here.

The host throws an inflatable circle.

Summer King:
Into the summer! More like summer!

Father Frost:
And I'm ready to sing and play songs again.

Snowball game.
The game involves two teams of children who stand in pairs opposite each other. One team throws snowballs, the other tries to catch the snowballs in an ice bucket (wrapped in foil).

Santa Claus asks children: "What do you like in winter?"
Children stand in a circle, a musical game is played.

Father Frost:
What do you like in winter?

White meadows
And on a snowy hill
Skis or sleds.
(They imitate skiing to lose.)

Father Frost:
What do you like in winter?

soft drifts,
To ride all day long
Fortress to do.
(Children "build" a fortress.)

Father Frost:
What do you like in winter?

Get dressed warmer
In a warm fur coat
Warm up in the cold.
(They run, raising their legs high.)

Father Frost:
What do you like in winter?

All in different toys
Christmas tree in the big room
On New Year's holiday.
(Clap hands.)

The poem "Did you recognize the winter?" T. Sharygina.

Child 1st:
Deep snow all around
Wherever I look,
A blizzard sweeps and whirls -
Do you recognize winter?

Child 2nd:
The rivers fell asleep under the ice,
They froze motionless.
Snowdrifts burn with silver -
Do you recognize winter?

Child 3rd:
On skis we rush from the mountain,
The wind blows at our backs.
There is no more fun than that time -
Do you recognize winter?

Child 4th:
We will bring thick spruce
For the holiday, our beloved,
We hang beads on it -
Do you recognize winter?

You went, Grandfather Frost, on a long journey,
Sit by our Christmas tree, rest a little.
We have many children
Who wants to read poetry.

Children read poems about winter, a holiday, about Santa Claus.

Get up in the dance!
Sing the song!

Round dance with Santa Claus.

The tree shakes with a branch, continues to listen to poetry.

Reading poetry.
Children sing the song "Herringbone".

Father Frost:
I will blow on you with a magical breeze, and you will all sit quietly (it blows, the children run away to the chairs).
How many people are in the hall,
Have a nice holiday here.
Passed through all obstacles
The snow covered me
I knew that I would be welcome here
That's why I was in a hurry to get here.
Happy New Year!
I wish you all health
Since I came to you again,
It's time to receive gifts.

Takes out a bag of gifts from the sled.
Two white Bear cubs run up to the bag.

Teddy bear 1st:
New Year gifts!
We've been waiting for them all year!
What is in the bright package?
The heart will freeze with joy.

Bear cub 2nd:
What's there? Doll or bear?
Maybe a ball or a book
Maybe there is a car
I dreamed about her for a long time.
Body, steering wheel, big tires,
Real dump truck.

Father Frost:
New Year's gifts I have in store for all of you.
Get a bright gift
Oh, I love you all very much.

The song "New Year" sounds, an audio recording, Santa Claus distributes gifts.

Father Frost:
Happy New Year! See you soon!


Especially! We offer a scenario for its organization, written by a talented author T. Efimova "Unforgettable New Year: memories - a year ahead!", which will help to entertain and captivate friends or relatives gathered at the same table to celebrate their favorite holiday. For the event, you will need simple props, which, like the holiday itself, are easy to make on your own by adding your own ideas and jokes to the proposed version.

Scenario "Unforgettable New Year: memories - a year ahead!"

What is necessary? Garlands, a box for New Year's mail, CDs with popular songs and melodies, adhesive tape, A4 paper, cardboard, pencils, paints or felt-tip pens, scissors (3 pcs.), Whatman paper (4 pcs.), plasticine, newspapers, corrugated and colored paper , bright paper in rolls (the more the better), large plates (2 pcs.), chiffon scarf or scarf (4 pcs.), balloons (20 pcs. or more), cosmetics, jewelry, hat, thick mittens ( you can use oven mitts), a bag for gifts, ribbons (1 m long, from 5 pcs.), rain.

What to make and how to do it yourself?

Christmas mailbox.

Cover a box (for example, from under shoes) on all sides with blue wrapping paper with snowflakes. In the upper part, cut a hole for letters 0.5 by 10 cm in size and make a white large inscription "Mail". The box for letters and wishes is ready. Place sheets of paper, pencils and markers next to the New Year's "mailbox" so that everyone can send holiday messages to each other.

Poster with unfinished phrases.

On whatman paper, in large block letters, write the parts of the sentences and leave an empty space so that they can be added.

Snowman portrait.

On paper, draw a snowman in a bucket instead of a hat and with a broom in his hands. In place of the nose, cut a round hole, the diameter of which is equal to the diameter of the base of the cone, the carrot.


While all the guests are gathering, the presenters offer to cut out snowflakes, stars from colored paper and write wishes on them. All New Year's cards are mixed and put into a "mailbox". The holiday begins with a traditional congratulatory part.

Happy New Year,
I wish you happiness, joy!
Everyone who is single - get married,
Everyone who is in a quarrel - make peace,
Forget about insults.
Everyone who is sick - become healthy,
Bloom, rejuvenate.
Everyone who is skinny - become fuller,
Too fat - lose weight.
Too smart - become simpler,
Nearby - to grow wiser.
All gray-haired - to turn black.
So that bald hair
Thickened at the top,
Like Siberian forests!
To songs, to dances
Never ended.
Happy New Year,
With new happiness,
My dear friends!

Game moment "New Year's mail"

Leading: Dear guests, the snowy breath of winter brought us a huge number of letters with wishes for the holiday. They are stored in the mailbox. Throughout the evening, you can replenish it with congratulations and confessions to anyone. They can be either anonymous or named. Every hour the mail will be checked, new letters will be taken out and sent to the recipients. Well, now we will receive the first “snow” wishes that have arrived. New Year is a truly magical holiday! So let all the good things that will be said today come true, and all wishes come true!

I invite two volunteers to take part in the first New Year's competition. They will play the role of a blizzard that sends its messengers all over the Earth - snowflakes. And to whom they will fly and what kind of message they will bring, we will soon find out.

The essence of the game:

Two volunteers take a snowflake from the "mailbox" (one of those on which the guests wrote wishes). They put a snowflake on their lips, inhale the air and suck up the leaf so that it does not fall. After that, each player chooses the addressee of his message, comes closer to him and sharply blows the snowflake so that it falls into the hands of the addressee or as close as possible to him. After the New Year's messages arrive, the participants who received them read aloud what was sent to them, take the snowflake as a keepsake and become "postmen" themselves who must send the next snowflakes.

The game can be suspended at any time and resumed at the request of the participants or at the discretion of the host. It is not at all necessary to send out all the snowflakes - some of them can simply be read aloud to the hosts or distributed to guests at any time. One way or another, it is best to empty the New Year's "mailbox" after this competition so that the snowflakes do not mix with other congratulations that guests will write throughout the evening.

Competition "Continue the New Year's phrase"

Leading: We have just witnessed original way sending letters and greetings, and some of you have done it most skillfully. Some people are good at working with their hands, while others are good with their heads. Now I propose to identify among the guests a person with the most unconventional thinking. A sense of humor and wild imagination are welcome!

The essence of the competition: On one of the walls there is a poster with unfinished phrases that need to be continued. Adults and older children participate. The person who came up with the funniest ending puts it on the poster.

Options for incomplete phrases can be as follows:

~ There would be no price for Santa Claus if... (he came every day).

~ That snowdrift is bad, which does not dream of becoming ... (ice cream).

~ What does a real tree say about an artificial one? .. (“Solid silicone, nothing else.”)

~ In terms of the amount of paper per person, we occupy one of the last places in the world, and one of the first ... (according to the number of brilliant literary works) etc.

(The competition can be held without additional props (poster). In this case, participants compete verbally in wit, coming up with original continuations of phrases)

Entertainment "Predictions and wishes under the Christmas tree"

Leading:- a magical holiday. Many believe that if you make a secret wish, write it down on a small piece of paper, throw it into a glass of champagne and drink to the sound of the chimes, then it will definitely come true. We thought for a long time and decided so that you do not spoil your stomachs and do not eat papers, we will prepare special wishes-predictions for you. A kind of holiday horoscope or forecast for the coming year.

Assistants carry the bag and empty it Balloons(they should be small, about 10 cm in diameter, so that as many as possible fit in the bag).

Everyone is invited to burst the balloon and find out what awaits them in the new year.

Predictions and wishes may be as follows.

~ There should be only two opinions in the family: one is the wife, the other is wrong!

~ Give useful gifts! Wife to her husband - handkerchiefs, and he gave her a mink coat.

~ Take on the difficult task of squandering the family budget without surrendering.

~ Between worries, between chores, you should diligently lie on the couch.

~ We all sometimes go somewhere,

We go, we swim, we fly like birds,

Where there is an unfamiliar shore ...

The road to the border awaits you.

Board game "How we celebrated last New Year"

AT the rider asks the guests to help him complete the text of the story, in which definitions were omitted. To do this, you need to name any adjectives that the host immediately enters into the gaps in his story. After all the gaps are filled in, the New Year's story is read aloud.

It turns out a lot of fun, especially if you tell those present in advance that adjectives can have any emotional coloring, that is, not only positive, but also negative.

The text of the New Year's story may be as follows.

"It was the most (...) New Year's Eve of the year. We prepared (...) food, dressed up in (...) costumes and began to dance (...) dances. Everyone was (...) and ( ...), especially after they started to say (...) toasts and drink (...) drinks. The holiday became very simple (...)! (...) prizes. In the midst of it, (...) Santa Claus and even more (...) Snow Maiden showed up. We came off to children's songs and were (...), (...). But everything ( ...) ends quickly. We did not notice how (...) the morning of the first of January came, and everyone felt that they (...)! We will remember this (...) holiday for a long time!"

TEAM NEW YEAR GAMES "New Year Tournament"

After the guests have relaxed, eaten and had fun, it's time to start active creative tasks. You can arrange competitions between families, teams of adults and children, men (Snowmen) and women (Snow Maidens).

Leading: Dear guests, until the clock strikes midnight and Santa Claus puts gifts under the Christmas tree, I suggest you take part in the drawing of prizes that we have prepared for you. declared open!

Fanfare sounds, after which the host invites all guests to split into two teams. To do this, they must pull the rain out of the hands of his assistant. Those who get the short one go to the first team, and those who get the long one go to the second one.

(If there are a lot of people at the New Year's celebration, the division into teams can be conditional. For example, the right side of the table is the first team, the left side is the second. Or some of the tables are one team, some are the other. In the second case, it is desirable to indicate which table is which the team is sitting.For example, you can put tinsel in the center or put Christmas tree toy certain color).

- The first stage of the New Year's tournament "New Year's dish"

Leading: New Year is a holiday that many are waiting for with trepidation and excitement, celebrating noisily and cheerfully. Russians have a belief: the richer and more varied the food at the New Year's table, the more fertile the harvest will be. Following this tradition, we announce the first competition - culinary. Our teams will have to come up with an unusual dish using the ingredients available on the festive tables. (any products). And let the more interesting the dish, the brighter the coming year will be!

The host's assistants take out two small tables, the teams take large plates, any products and begin to build a festive dish - something unusual, but related to the New Year's celebration, for example, a Christmas tree, a New Year's toy, a postcard or a snowman. It can be a tower of sandwiches or any New Year's composition, the main thing is to show your imagination. The competition is accompanied by music and lasts five to ten minutes.

When the dishes are ready, the jury evaluates the imagination and skill of the chefs and determines the winners.

- The second stage of the New Year's tournament "Christmas Tree Decoration"

Everyone is invited to paint the toys cut out of cardboard in different colors (abstractionism is welcome) and make large loops on them for easy fixing on any object. Then the facilitator selects several volunteers who go out with their toys to the middle of the room. All participants are simultaneously blindfolded and untwisted. Their goal is to find a Christmas tree and hang a toy on it. You can only go straight and up to the first obstacle, which will be the "Christmas tree". To confuse the ranks of the players, spectators can evenly spread out across the room and get in the way. The winner is the one who hangs the toy on the Christmas tree, or the one who finds the most original place for the toy (for example, on some part of the body or clothes).

Competition of artists "Family portrait of Father Frost and Snow Maiden"

Whatman paper is attached to the wall. Each team is given felt-tip pens and markers, as well as a set of sheets of paper with words denoting parts of the body and attributes of clothing, for example, “face”, “crown”, “beard”, “coat”, “staff”, “torso”, “nails”, etc. Each member of the team, without looking, takes out a piece of paper and draws on whatman paper what is written on the card. As a result, both teams should get Ded Moroz and Snegurochka. The team whose drawing will be the brightest and most beautiful will win.

(The competition will be livelier and more interesting if you turn on fast music that will stimulate portrait artists.

During the competition, the leader and his assistants must monitor how the teams are doing, at what stage they are. As soon as one of the groups completes their creation, the music stops and the drawing process stops).

- Competition of fashion designers "New Year's costume"

Leading: We forgot to warn you that a competition of New Year's costumes is planned for today's holiday. But do not be discouraged: you have plenty of time to prepare. A whole ten minutes. That is how much is allotted for the next competition, which, as you probably already guessed, is called "New Year's Costume". The whole team is involved in it. You need to choose one person - the model on which the outfit will be sewn. The remaining members of the teams will become seamstresses and fashion designers. As materials for the festive “outfit”, you can use everything that is already worn on the model, plus any additional items (Christmas decorations, jewelry, etc.). The main thing in this competition is your imagination and ingenuity. Good luck!

Teams approach tables with costume materials (colored toilet paper rolls, newspapers, corrugated paper, balloons, plastic bags, ribbons and bows that the host and his assistants give out to teams in advance). The music turns on, and the participants begin to "tailor" New Year's outfits.

After the "designers" complete their work, the "models" show off the clothes. The winner is the team that was able to create the brightest and most unusual image.

- Competition of musical pop groups "One word, two words - there will be a song"

The host puts cards with New Year's words in the hat (for example, "Christmas tree", "round dance", "New Year", "snow", "icicle", "snowflake", etc.). Teams take turns drawing cards and reading a word or phrase aloud. Participants must remember the song in which this word or phrase occurs and perform at least one verse. If the players are unable to reproduce the composition, this right passes to their opponents.

The competition is won by the “musical group” that remembers the largest number of songs on the New Year theme.

- Game "Red Nose"

Whatman with the image of a snowman is brought into the hall. Two assistants hold him at the height of human growth so that everyone can see.

Leading: What is the New Year without snow and a snowman? In order not to freeze the noses on the street, we drew a snowy friend of all the kids on the drawing paper. Everything would be fine, only our snowman lost a carrot somewhere, and in place of his nose he has a round hole. Disorder! Please help bring the snowman back to its original form.

The participant is blindfolded and given a cardboard red nose. The player takes five steps back from the place where the poster is located, unwinds three times, and then tries to reach the drawing paper with the snowman, figure out where, according to his assumptions, the nose should be, and insert it in the right place. It is considered that the player coped with the task if he correctly determined the location of the poster and put the carrot into the hole. She fell out of it or remained to hold on - it does not matter.

(Prompting the direction of movement is allowed only to players under the age of nine)

- Game "Santa's Mittens"

Leading: In the next competition, we will check how well you know each other, how much you got close during the festive banquet.

One team lines up, and the second chooses two volunteers. One of them is put on thick mittens (mittens or mittens) and blindfolded, while the other is hidden among the members of the second team. The task of the blindfolded player is to find a member of his team among the rivals. They can be touched and sniffed. The main thing is that the second player is found and returned to the team. In this case, the participant receives a victory point. When the search is completed, the teams switch roles. After one or more rounds (three or four), the winning team is determined, which managed to find and correctly determine the maximum number of its players.

Leading: So our New Year's tournament has come to an end! All its participants withstood the test with dignity, showed creativity, ingenuity, mischief and agility. And while the jury is summing up, I propose to dance and relax at the tables with treats and drinks.

Guests are invited to the table to taste hot dishes and drinks, and recharge their batteries for the dance part.


Leading: The minute is approaching when the clock will strike, and gifts will appear under the tree as if by magic. To make the time fly by, let's dance and play the game "Come on repeat!". The one who manages to repeat all the movements after me and never make a mistake will receive a prize.

(Dance games with repetition of movements are based on the fact that the leader recitative tells some story, poem or verse of the song, setting the rhythm. Music in this case is either not needed at all, or is in the background so as not to drown out the voice of the leader).

- Dance game "Gifts from Santa Claus"

The presenter tells the New Year's story, depicting the gifts that Santa Claus brought for the New Year with movements and gestures. Players try to repeat all the actions of the leader as accurately as possible.

The story could be next.

Santa Claus brought gifts for everyone on New Year's Eve. Dad gave a comb (the host “combs his hair” with one hand). Son - skiing (without stopping “combing”, he moves his legs, as if he is skiing). Mame - meat grinder ("rotates" the handle of the meat grinder with his free hand, "combs" and "goes" on skis). Daughter - a doll that can open and close its eyes, smile and say: "Congratulations!" (depicts this talking doll, “turns” the handle of the meat grinder, “combs” and “goes” on skis).

The most accurate player, who managed to simultaneously complete all the actions and not go astray, is rewarded with a prize.

- Dance game "Santa Claus has a lot of deer"

The game is similar to the previous one. The host reads the poem and shows a pantomime, the participants repeat all the actions after him.

Santa Claus has a lot of deer (shows deer antlers)

They love to dance so much (makes a turn in place).

Stand in the snowdrifts and year after year

Do not stop repeating: "Front hooves!"

(leader shakes hands).

Without ceasing to shake his hands, the leader begins the "dance" from the beginning. With the only difference: at the end of the poem, he replaces the “front hooves” with “back hooves” and adds to the already shaking for a long time hands trampling in place feet.

Then the facilitator reads the poem again from the beginning, only the last line changes: “Do not stop repeating:“ Oh, my eyes! ”. At this moment, the leader, and behind him the participants, add blinking eyes to the stomping feet and shaking hands all the time.

The dance then continues, with the shaking head added to the stomping feet, shaking hands and blinking eyes.

It turns out that the dancers shake their heads and hands, blink their eyes, stomp their feet and at the same time try to perform simple movements that are mentioned in the poem (show horns, make turns). This is quite difficult, since it is necessary to force your body to execute many commands at the same time.

After the presentation of gifts, champagne is poured into glasses, wishes are made, and everyone celebrates the New Year to the sound of chimes.

(A wonderful addition to this scenario would be an impromptu New Year's fairy tale - you can see a version of the fairy tale for a home party

Winter holiday at the children's camp- this is the time of matinees and lights with surprises and gifts, New Year's fairy tales near the Christmas tree with the participation of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden and fun discos. Matinees and lights are game and music programs organized by adults, where children are invited to participate in fun games and competitions and receive prizes and gifts from Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden and their assistants - fairy-tale characters. New Year's fairy tales are more serious events that require preparation, since fairytale heroes the children themselves play in the performance.

Different children come to the camp - some like to be spectators at new year events, others want to directly participate in everything that happens. Of the latter, excellent heroes of New Year's fairy tales will turn out. You need to prepare a fairy tale in advance: you need to prepare scenery and costumes, and the guys must remember their roles well. And of course, you need a script for a New Year's fairy tale! You can come up with a fairy tale on your own or, together with the children, remake a well-known fairy tale by adding Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden to it.

Here is an interesting scenario of the New Year's fairy tale "King Peas" for junior teams. The songs given in the script can, of course, be replaced with those available in the camp)

Adults - a reader, a Narrator (leader), Tsar Peas, a Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, Kashchei the Immortal, Ivan, servants (two people) - instead of adults, children from older detachments can be invited to some roles;
Children - gusli Sadko, Goldfish, Nightingale the Robber, Vasilisa the Wise, buffoons, mummers, wave girls, heroes (three people), two girls in Russian costumes.

- light blue cape dresses for wave girls;
- a yellow dress with gold sequined scales and a goldfish crown.

- the throne of King Peas;
- a scroll and a pen for a decree;
- a chest with a needle;
- a horse (a stick with a horse's muzzle) for Ivan;
- noise instruments (rattles, tambourines, beaters, bells);
- amusing sticks for mummers;
- a handkerchief for the game "Burn, burn bright!".

Children enter the hall, holding hands, perform a round dance “Hello, winter-winter!” (music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by T. Volgina), then they stand in two concentric circles around the Christmas tree.

Reader. She has been going to us for a holiday for a whole year
Green beauty of the forests
Then quietly dressed up in this hall,
And now her outfit is ready.
We all admire the Christmas tree today, it gives us a delicate aroma,
And the best New Year's holiday
Comes with her to us.
When the sparklers shine
When crackers are heard thunder
Happy New Year everyone,
And we will sing at the Christmas tree at the feast.

Children perform a round dance "Christmas tree-sorceress" (F. Finkelstein).

Reader. Cold winds howled
But let the bad weather rage and get angry,
At the festival we will all have fun.
At the holiday we will dance from the heart,
Let's sing our favorite songs
And with Santa Claus we’ll do a little magic
And we will get into his fairy tale.
In that fairy tale, a New Year's miracle awaits us,
There we will meet new friends,
And a good wizard will come from nowhere
Fulfill the wishes of the children.

The round dance sounds (music by G. Portnov, words by V. Suslov), the children take their places in the hall, the host of the evening enters in the costume of a Russian storyteller.

Storyteller. Hello, my dear! Do not amuse you with a fairy tale? There is something marvelous, marvelous, marvelous in it. And if you want, then listen.
Far away, among impenetrable swamps, among untrodden roads, stood the thirtieth state. And they were ruled by King Peas. The king was kind, and his people were cheerful. It was to this kingdom that Father Frost gave Snegurochka, his granddaughter, to live among people, to gain intelligence. And then New Year's Eve came, the last one, after which Santa Claus was supposed to take the Snow Maiden home. That night it all happened.

The teller leaves. King Pea appears, followed by the servants bringing in the throne. The king sits down, the servants stand by.

Peas. Well? What about state affairs? Oh, what's up? After all, today is a holiday. New Year! And since I am a king, then I will issue a royal Decree (the King dictates, the servant writes down).
I am the king
King of all kings
At this festive hour
I issue this decree:
Everyone come to me
To have fun.
Well, there is the Decree, but there is no fun. What to do? Maybe call the Snow Maiden? Snow Maiden!

The Snow Maiden enters, sings "The Snow Maiden's Song" (Music by Y. Slonov, lyrics by O. Vysotskaya).

Snow Maiden. Hello, king-father. Hello dear guests!

Peas. Snow Maiden, help me. I issued a decree on fun, because today is a holiday - the New Year, and the people are not having fun. Why?

Snow Maiden. But how can you start the New Year holiday without Santa Claus? It's high time to call him. Let's all call him together!

The children are calling. Santa Claus appears, sings "Song of Santa Claus", bypassing the hall.

Freezing. Through the mountains, through the forests
I went for a long time to visit you.
With winter gifts
With blizzards, snows,
With skis, sleds,
With songs and dances
To be here on New Year's Eve
Stand under the tree in a round dance.

Children, together with Santa Claus, dance “On New Year's Eve” (music by E. Zaritskaya, lyrics by V. Shumilin).

Freezing. You sing well. But your tree is not on fire. Now I will knock with my magic staff, and it will sparkle. (He knocks with his staff three times, after which the lights on the Christmas tree light up.) Snow Maiden, where are your girlfriends?

Snow Maiden. And I will call them now. In winter, the evenings are long, my girlfriends are all sitting at the spinning wheels and singing songs.

Girls perform the dance "Spinning wheel" (arranged by T. Lomova; music and movement // Exercises, games and dances for children 6-7 years old / Ed.-comp. S.I. Bekina et al. - M., 1984.)

Freezing. Thank you, King Peas, for your greetings and affection, for my granddaughter
Snow Maiden. It's time for us to go home.

Peas. Wait, Santa Claus. Let us on the path to amuse you and amuse you. Hey, buffoons, come out, cheer us all up!

Children dressed as buffoons run out to the Russian folk melody “Oh you, canopy” and perform “Funny Dance”.

Suddenly, Kashchei the Deathless appears. King Pea hides behind the throne out of fear.

Kashchei. What, not welcome an uninvited guest? Thought you'd have fun without me? No matter how! I'll ruin your holiday. Look, Santa Claus, if you lose your granddaughter Snegurochka, you will forever remain among people, and when summer comes, it will melt away.

Freezing. Don't threaten me, Kashchei. Kohl appeared, so be a guest, have fun with us.

Kashchei. If so, I'll have fun. (Evil laughs.) Why don't we dance?

Freezing. Why not dance? Let's!

Ded Moroz and Kashchei dance to the Russian folk melody "Lady". During the dance, Kashchei steals Father Frost's magic staff and disappears.

Freezing. Oh oh oh! How to unravel the cunning of Kashchei? How now to return the magic staff? Otherwise, the Snow Maiden will remain among the people, and when summer comes, it will melt away.

Snow Maiden. Don't be sad grandpa
We have friends everywhere
They won't leave us in trouble.

Guslar Sadko appears.

Snow Maiden. Sadko, my friend,
With great anxiety
I'm coming to you for help.
Sadko. In broad daylight and in the dark of night
I'm always happy to help you.
I'll call the fish for help.

Girls-waves perform a dance to the music from N. Rimsky-Korsakov's opera "Scheherazade" (Fragment from part 2). A goldfish appears.

Fish. Who raised a storm at sea?
Who disturbs me at midnight?
Is that you, Sadko the gusler?
What, someone needs help?

Sadko. Oh forgive me queen
The fish is golden.
Ask for help
I am forced not in vain.
Evil Kashchei, Kashchei the Immortal,
He came to us with a threat
He stole the staff, he is magical
Glorious Frost.
We must take that staff,
And punish Kashchei.

Fish. Sadko, I'm glad to help you.
It is necessary to punish Kashchei,
But I can't do it
You find rich people.

Sadko bows low, the Goldfish and the Wave Girls disappear from the stage.

Sadko. Snow Maiden! golden fish
Will not be able to help us in trouble:
She is beyond the power of the evil Kashchei.
You call the rich.

Snow Maiden. Hey, where are you, Russian heroes?
Come help us!

The soundtrack of the song “Bogatyrskaya” sounds (music by A. Pakhmutova, lyrics by N. Dobronravov), three heroes enter the hall.

Freezing. Who are you, good fellows?

- I am Ilya Muromets.
- I am Dobrynya Nikitich.
- I am Alyosha Popovich.

Dobrynya. On distant outposts we guard Russia,
We drive away treacherous enemies from the borders.

Alyosha. We heard, Santa Claus, about trouble,
And if we can, we will help you.

Ilya. Hey, where are you, robber, where are you, Nightingale?
This is not the time for us to measure our strength.
Only together we can stand in battle,
To overcome evil, pick up a wonderful staff.

The Nightingale the Robber appears.

Nightingale. Well, I'm ready, follow me
And then I myself got tired of robbery.
For a just cause, we will stand with a wall,
Now we will defeat the villain.

The Bogatyrs and the Nightingale the Robber leave.

Peas. Oh, Santa Claus, you do not know my heroes. How strong and brave they are. I, the king himself, are guarded. They will bring you your staff. Have you quieted down, dear guests? Our fun continues.

Reader. Hey play my harmonica
And don't ask for mercy.
Look, enjoy -
Here is the fun in Russia!

Mummers appear with noise: some children have amusing sticks with figures at the end in their hands, others have noise instruments (rattles, tambourines, mallets).

Mummers. We sow, we sow, we sow, Happy New Year!

A dance is performed to the Russian folk melody "Polyanka" (arranged by N. Metlov), with the end of the music, the mummers leave.

Peas. Vidal, Santa Claus, what kind of merry fellows do I have? You will remember us for a long time.

A noise is heard from behind the scenes, the heroes and the Nightingale the Robber appear, their clothes are torn.

Ilya. Frost, we couldn't do anything. And we did not defeat Kashchei,

Dobrynya. Well, let me tell you, he has power!
It took us around the world like that.

Nightingale. I blew on Kashchei, whistled,
And as he blew - I flew away.

Freezing. Yes, my glorious heroes, I see that you got it from Kashchei. Probably, it should not be taken by force, but by cunning.

Peas. Exactly. There is a certain Vasilisa the Wise in my kingdom - this one will outwit everyone.

The tsar calls Vasilisa, a girl in a Russian costume enters.

Vasilisa. Another bow and hello!
I know you need my advice.
You need for sure
Call Ivan the Fool.

Peas. Where is it seen that fools in such a serious matter helped? He will make it even worse.

Freezing. All right, Vasilisa, I will listen to your advice: let Ivan come here.

All children sing the Russian folk song “Like thin ice” (arranged by T. Popatenko). Ivan appears on the "horse" and, together with two girls in Russian costumes, stage a song.

Ivan. If the kings are waiting for me here,
I showed up right here.

Freezing. Listen, Ivan, all hope is on you. Find my staff, save my granddaughter.

Ivan. You, Grandfather Frost, are always happy to serve.

Ivan leaves on a "horse".

Freezing. On a holiday, we can not be bored,
Come out to play.

Games are held: "Burn, burn, clear!" and "Santa Claus and Children" (music by I. Kishko, lyrics by M. Ivensen). After the games, Ivan appears, in his hands is a casket.

Ivan. Santa Claus, I kept my promise.

Peas. Yes, we see you. Where is the staff? And why do you need this chest?

Ivan. In this casket there is a needle, and in the needle is the life of Kashchei. I have only to take the needle in my hands, he will come here himself.

Ivan takes out a needle, Kashchei appears with a staff in his hands and falls on his knees in front of Ivan.

Kashchei. Ivan, have mercy! What are you doing? Give me back the needle! Here is your staff!

Ivan. I’ll take the staff, but I won’t spare you, the villain, otherwise you will again do evil to people. I will break the needle, and your immortal evil will be gone.

Kashchei. Have mercy! Have mercy!

Ivan. You can't be spared. (He breaks the needle, Kashchei runs away screaming.) So the power of Kashcheev ended.

Freezing. Thank you Ivan, you have done a good job for all of us.

Snow Maiden. Thank you, Ivanushka. Now I can return home with my grandfather.

Freezing. But before we leave, granddaughter, the guys and I will sing a cheerful song, and our joy will be the best victory over evil.

The song "Father Frost" is performed (music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by Y. Kharechko).

Freezing. Well done boys! And we sang and played, and most importantly, you helped me bring back my granddaughter Snegurochka. For all the good things, receive delicious gifts from Grandfather Frost and always be as cheerful, kind and courageous.

Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden give gifts to children. The song "Hello, winter-winter!" Sounds.


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