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Composition by Ivan Voinovsky, son of Vladimir...

Hello my dear grandfather!
Your grandson Vanya is writing to you. Grandpa, I love you very much. Take me to your place for the summer. AND?
I sat down to write you a letter because I want to tell you about how and why my dad punished me. Probably, you raised him very little as a child, so he comes off on me.
Today is a day off, and I wanted to sleep, but my younger sister Natasha woke me up. Well, why can't she sleep on weekends? How to go to the kindergarten, so she moaning: “I want to save!”, And then neither light nor dawn woke up and ran to me. Usually she runs to her mother and father, but her parents are cunning, they closed their door and did not let her in. The older sister Anastasia, your beloved granddaughter, chatted all night with her fiancé on the cell phone, and corresponded with text messages. She, too, closed the door to her room and sighed.
I say to Natasha: “Come on, let's sleep!”, And she told me: “No! Tawai! I want to walk. You were about to ride me on a pisipedi!”.
Nothing to do. I had to get up. True, not immediately. We fought a little. Natasha loves to win me. Then she brought the Primer and we repeated the letters she had already learned. You know, grandfather, but she already knows how to write a few words herself, one of which is “grandfather”. It's a pity that you very rarely visit us, practically never visit us at all, otherwise Natasha would show you how she writes. She has her own small notebook, pen and pencil.
When we were playing, dad and mom got up.
After breakfast, I helped Nastya dig up a piece of land for planting cabbage. At eleven o'clock my friends came for me. I took Natasha with me, and we went for a walk on a bicycle.
And where we just weren't. First of all, we went to Energetikov Street to ride on a big swing. With the boys, we swayed very hard and flew high. The wind whistled in my ears. Natasha is still small, so they didn’t ride her sister much, but she was still capricious. I put her crying on the frame of a bicycle, and we went to jump on a hammock. It's also close to home. However…
Grandpa, don't think that I jumped on a hammock like on a trampoline in a circus. No! I swayed on it and jumped into a large pile of sea sand. A bungee hung nearby, on which it is also very cool to swing. Oh what fun we had.
Home were going to go through the "kupalka". This is where the warehouses of the vegetable store used to be. Dad said that a long time ago you built them with your team when you worked as a builder. In their place is now a fish processing plant. He is not big. The adults made a small lake next to it. The water in it is not very clean, but it warms up well under the sun, and you can swim.
We left our bikes and splashed and played in the water. Natasha washed her face and jumped with me, splashing and laughing merrily.
After swimming, my sister and Denis and I went to the big house. We argued for a long time, swimming in the lake, whether construction was going on there or not. It turned out that this house is still under construction. Builders from Uzbekistan work here. Many I know. They invited me to visit last year.
When we got home, Denis offered to go through the fields. Grandpa, you know, it's simply unthinkable to drive through the fields and not stop at Lysaya Sopka. And as you remember, this is a small detour of three kilometers. If I were alone, without Natasha, I would immediately turn around. That's just…
We were already returning, that is, we were walking through the field to the house. I look, and on the road there is a car similar to ours. Come closer. Dad is driving. He doesn't look at me kindly. Natasha and I were delighted. Dad, it seems, did not notice our joy. He only said: "Natasha, get in the car, and you'll be at home in two minutes."
I pedaled fast. Later, the father could not come home. At home, I washed my face and thought: “Why is dad so angry? What did I do wrong? ”, And when I looked at the clock, I understood everything - the hands of the dial showed half past eight in the evening.
No, grandfather, after all, you brought up dad very little when he was little. Well, is it possible to punish for this?! Natasha and I just took a walk, and nothing happened.
Grandfather, don't think, dad will never flog me with a belt, as the parents of my friends do. Do you know how he punished me? My father calls it occupational therapy. At first I read the stories of J. London, and then weeded raspberries.
Grandpa, take me to your place for the summer. At least I'll get some rest.
Your loving grandson Vanya.

Shortly before the New Year, people are in a hurry, thinking intently, visiting shops. The excitement is due to the preparation for the holidays. If for adults the New Year is another occasion to spend time with the family, for children the holiday is associated with a miracle. To make it happen, be sure to write a letter to Santa Claus with your child.

Even if the pen does not obey or the letters lie unevenly on the paper, my parents and my writing instructions will come to the rescue.

What to write in a letter so that Santa Claus will answer

It is really possible to send a message and receive a holiday greeting in return. With the support of parents, even a first-grader will cope with the task.

  • Talk to your child and discuss writing a message. The child will tell the idea of ​​a letter, because throughout the year he was obedient and wants to be rewarded for good behavior in the form of a welcome gift.
  • Tell your child where Grandfather Frost lives, how he celebrates the New Year holidays and to whom he gives the best gifts. The kid will be able to dream, give free rein to fantasy and independently decide on a gift.
  • Grandfather Frost will not like it if you write only requests for presents. Start your message with a greeting. Be sure to include your name, as the wizard has many children.
  • Briefly describe the achievements over the past year: learned to swim, mastered the English alphabet, helped dad with carp fishing, helped mom around the house.
  • Politely ask Santa Claus to give the desired gift. Specify several gifts so that the fairy-tale wizard chooses the best one.
  • At the end of the letter, thank your grandfather, congratulate you on the upcoming holidays, and say goodbye until next year.

If the child has mastered the technique of reading and writing, he will write a letter on his own. Advise him to carefully prepare for the process, prepare paints and pencils, because the news to a good grandfather without a drawing will turn out to be boring. Let the child draw a winter landscape: a Christmas tree, a snowman, bunnies and a few snowflakes.

Santa Claus contact address in Russia and Finland

You can put a letter to Santa Claus anywhere: in the refrigerator, under the Christmas tree, on the balcony or under the pillow. In this case, parents know what the children want to receive for the New Year holidays, but they also have to answer the message.

To get an answer from a good grandfather, the letter is sent by mail, after putting it in an envelope, sticking a stamp and writing an address in Russia or Finland.

  1. Russia: Santa Claus, Veliky Ustyug, Vologda region, Russia, 162340.
  2. Finland: Santa Claus, Joulupukin kamman, 96930 Napapuri, Rovaniemi, Finland.

Many parents consider the desire of a child to send a letter to Santa Claus a moment of fun. In fact, the process strengthens the kids' faith in miracles. What can we say about the boundless joy from the received answer.

3 Sample Text Letters to Veliky Ustyug

Now let's look at examples and a sample text of a letter to Santa Claus. After carefully reading, you and your child briefly and clearly state your thoughts and wishes. Additional information will be useful to those who have difficulties in writing a message.

  1. Greetings, Santa Claus! Sashenka is writing to you from St. Petersburg. This year I moved to the third grade, I study hard and listen to my parents. I like to play football. I really want to get a small puppy for the New Year holidays. I hope you make this dream come true. I promise to behave in the coming year diligently and study perfectly. Goodbye!
  2. Dear Santa Claus, I am looking forward to your arrival. On the eve of the New Year, together with my parents, I will decorate a Christmas tree, prepare a gift for you, which I will make myself and learn a rhyme. I promise to study well, to be kind and polite. I would like you to please me with magical sweets from Veliky Ustyug and a radio-controlled car. Misha.
  3. Hello Dedushka Moroz! Masha is writing to you. I'm 10 years old. Thank you for the gifts that you made me happy before. I love math, drawing and board games. I dream of getting a teddy bear. I promise to be a good and obedient girl. I look forward to meeting you.

While writing a letter, children are interested in why adults do not write messages to Santa Claus. If the child is persistent and wants the parents to take part, agree. It's so fun to find a small, but nice gift under the Christmas tree for the New Year holidays. It doesn't matter who does the wizard's work. The main thing is to keep the faith of kids in magic and miracles.

About a month before the New Year, children begin to look forward to the holiday. Yes, this is not surprising. The shops are already dressed up, there are Christmas trees here and there around the city, and pre-holiday cartoons are on TV. Therefore, the eve of the holiday is the time to send a message to the New Year's wizard. How to write a letter to Santa Claus? See examples of such messages below.

How to write a letter

Which message is more pleasant to hold in your hands: a checkered sheet or a landscape sheet with a color illustration? Of course, the second option is more attractive to everyone. There is no clear answer to the question of how to write a letter to Santa Claus? This must be decided by each child on their own. We just give recommendations that can be used in the work.

The letter should be written on beautiful paper. It is advisable to take tinted for such a case. And of course, you need to draw a New Year's illustration on it. Some say that if a child does not have artistic talent, then he should not upset Santa Claus with an ugly drawing. But it's not. After all, children love to draw. And they may not succeed just because their parents do not believe in them and do not give them the opportunity to practice often. So let the child draw as best he can.

It is worth paying attention not only to the letter itself, but also to the envelope. Examples of letters to Santa Claus are given below.

Main points of the message

In order not to seem ignorant, you need to write a letter according to a plan. After all, when there is a clear structure in front of your eyes, then it is simply impossible to forget about some point. How to write a letter to Santa Claus?

  • The first paragraph should be a greeting. It is worth saying hello to the New Year's wizard and his assistants. Snow Maiden, snowmen, hares, horses and deer will be pleased to hear words of welcome.
  • And now it’s worth congratulating Santa Claus on the upcoming holiday and wishing him all the best, and most importantly, long life and health.
  • The third point is to analyze your own year. Write what went well, what you should be grateful for the passing days, what successes have been achieved and what failures have befallen in your endeavors.
  • And now it's time for promises. You need to write what the child promises to do in order to receive a gift. And you can also write expectations for the year, and not in terms of gifts, but, as it were, your own version of the desired development of this year.
  • And only after that you can ask for gifts. Moreover, it is desirable that this was not a list of 20 items, but one most cherished desire. And the less material it is, the better. But you can ask for gifts not only for yourself, but also for parents and friends. And you can even take care of your pets.
  • After the request, you need to express gratitude for the fact that Santa Claus spent his time reading the letter and in the future will spend time fulfilling his desire.
  • And of course, do not forget to say goodbye to the good wizard.

Example of a letter from a boy

A kid of kindergarten age is not yet able to write a letter on his own. Therefore, in this difficult task, parents should help him. And it is they who must figure out how to write the text of a letter to Santa Claus. But leaving a little boy idle is also worthless. Therefore, he can draw a postcard or beautifully design a letter written by his mother's hand. As well as all his good and evil deeds, the boy must remember on his own. And coming up with a New Year's resolution is also quite within his power. An example of a letter to Santa Claus:

Hello Santa Claus! Hello, Snow Maiden, snowmen and bunnies!

Happy holiday to you. May your year be successful and happy.

This year I behaved well, did not fight with the boys, did not offend my parents and helped wash the dishes. I also cleaned up after myself toys and clothes.

Grandpa, please give me a dog. I will love her very much. I promise to feed and walk her.

Thank you in advance. I believe that you will help fulfill my cherished desire.

Sample letter from a girl

Almost all children want to get a toy for the New Year. And beautiful and expensive. But not always parents have the money for such a gift. Therefore, if children's letters to Santa Claus consist of such requests, and sincere ones, then, willy-nilly, such a requirement will have to be fulfilled. But at the same time, it is necessary to explain to the child that for such an expensive toy you will have to try all year. You can even ask not only to write a list of your promises in a message to the New Year's wizard, but also to hang this sheet on the wall. Here is an example of a letter to Santa Claus:

Hello, Santa Claus, hares and Snow Maiden!

Happy holiday to you all! Congratulate your trio of white horses.

This year has gone well, and I really hope that the next one will be even better. I made great progress in drawing and learned to read. I can even write some letters. They promise that next year I will do more English, writing and reading, and also try to love arithmetic.

And for this to happen, I beg you, grandfather, give me a new doll from the Monster High collection. My girls really want to see another sister nearby.

Thank you very much for last year's gift. I kept all my promises and I hope I won't let you down again this year.

Sample letter from a student

Unlike small children, a child of 12 years old can already compose a message on his own. How to write a letter to Santa Claus? You need to work according to the standard scheme given above. Here is a sample letter from a junior high school student:

Hello Dedushka Moroz!

Happy New Year! Hope it went well and fun for you. Here I have too. I have worked hard and plan to continue next year to work the same way.

I promise that I will obey my parents and grandmother. I also promise that I will walk the dog and play with the kitten.

Please give me a tablet. We already have one, but he is my father's, and his father picks him up in the evenings. And I want to have mine. But not only for toys. I can watch tutorial videos on it.

Thank you very much in advance.

Sample letter from a schoolgirl

School-age girls want to grow up faster, so their desires usually flow in this direction. How to write a letter to Santa Claus, we discussed above, and now let's see an example:

Santa Claus, hello! Hello, Snow Maiden!

Happy holiday to you!

This year I behaved well and finished the quarter with straight A's. Mom says that if I study just as well, I will get a gold medal. This year I went to art school and learned to draw well. But I don't want to be limited to paper.

Santa Claus, please give me cosmetics. I want to learnNot onlydraw on paper, but also create beautiful makeup. Mom won't let me use her make-up bag.

Thanks for helping me.

Santa Claus address

The letter was written, packed in a beautiful envelope, now it's time to go to the post office. Where to write to Santa Claus? The letter can be addressed to Verkhny Ustyug. Index 162390. And do not forget to write the cherished words Santa Claus Post. But we can surprise schoolchildren who want to send a letter on their own, without the help of their parents. Even if you write “Santa Claus” on the envelope, then such a letter will find its addressee. Postal employees have been redirecting messages to the New Year's wizard for more than a year.

But Santa Claus reads not only paper letters. He also has email. Here you can send both a letter typed on a computer and a photograph of a handwritten message.

Hello grandfather!

Your great-grandson is writing to you.

Now, on the eve of the 65th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, we all remember the people who, one way or another, were affected by this war. Veterans come to school, remember those terrible years. Pupils write essays, talking about close and unfamiliar people whose fates were distorted by the war. I also wrote an essay about my mother's paternal grandfather. But about you, about my grandmother's father, I know almost nothing. But it's not right. You didn't hold me on your knees, you didn't take me for walks, you didn't talk about the war. And I suddenly wanted to turn to you, to talk to you.

Grandpa Seryozha, I know so little about you. You were a tanker, died at Stalingrad. Your surname is Danilishen. That's all. Grandmother (or rather, great-grandmother) did not receive a funeral for you, because you were not scheduled. How often during that war, people's relationships did not continue. Fate quickly united, and the war separated - very often forever.

I don't know how you fought. But I'm just sure that you were a good soldier and did your duty to the end. I read in a history textbook that the 84th tank brigade participated in the Battle of Stalingrad. Maybe your tank was part of it.

I don't know how you died. Maybe your tank was hit and you found the last refuge in your war machine? Maybe a sniper's bullet hit you as you climbed out of a burning tank? Maybe you and your comrades defended one of the houses - fortresses in Stalingrad. Maybe you died of wounds in the hospital without seeing how the 62nd and 64th armies close the ring, how Field Marshal Pauls surrenders, how the long chain of Nazi prisoners is stretched. May be…

I'm proud of you, all of you. You didn't flinch, you didn't give up! They didn’t throw away their weapons, they didn’t become numb in fear and meanness, declaring: are we fighting for this? You fought and died and won so that we might live.

Grandfather, you wouldn't blush for us either. Your granddaughter, my mother, has been teaching children for almost 25 years. She is a good teacher: children love her, parents respect her. My brother and I study. I'm already in 9th grade. However, I don't know yet what I'll do after school. But definitely something interesting and useful. We have a normal family: we love sports, trips to nature; we welcome guests. And we just try to live honestly, so that, as my mother says, it would not be a shame to look people in the eye.

And I will definitely come to Volgograd. Of course, I would like to come with the whole family. Slowly climb Mamaev Kurgan, go to the Hall of Military Glory and find your last name - after all, I can’t do anything else for you.

I read somewhere that "there are no victims of war at all." I consider my grandmother injured, who never saw her father, my mother, who called a stranger (albeit a very good one) grandfather, herself, because she didn’t sit on your lap, didn’t touch your orders, didn’t hear your stories.

I'll never get an answer from you, but that doesn't matter. We remember you, you are alive in our memory - that's the main thing!

Your great-grandson Linar.

Municipal educational institution

"Srednedevyatovskaya secondary school"


9th grade student

Khaliullina Linara


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