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You succeeded: you successfully sold your product or service to the user. But will the client come back again? Sometimes just a good service and a good offer is not enough. Over time, the client's emotional effect of contact with you weakens. How to awaken old feelings?

That's right: a good information occasion is needed. If all processes are correctly organized, then each service is already . But don't limit yourself to this.

Your not yet regular customer / buyer / client will be pleasantly surprised when he receives from you not an offer to purchase, but a simple nice letter. Just a sign of attention.

Push messages

It is a highly effective marketing tool. If you have an application in addition to the site (instead of the site), then be sure to consider a reminder message strategy. They help to remind the client about themselves, increase the return, as well as user engagement. The right push should be useful: you need to create it, focusing on the user, on his needs and problems. You have to make his life better.

It's just a marketer's dream: the user himself allows you to intrude into his life at absolutely any moment. You have just been given an incredible opportunity to take advantage of it. If you don't live up to the customer's expectations, you're likely to get your shop shut down quickly or your app removed altogether to avoid configuration puzzles.

A push message is a tête-à-tête conversation. Agree that for the dialogue to take place, your remarks must be relevant, informative and interesting.

Of course, a standard message that is systematically repeated in the feed is not a good example. Let's figure out how to remind the client about yourself and do it well.


To give you an example, I have a trainer app where I can set up a small workout program for exactly seven minutes. On those days when I forget about my morning exercise for a short time, the application writes: “Got seven minutes?”. I understand that I have free seven minutes, I feel ashamed and I go into the application and start exercising.

LinguaLeo (an application that helps you learn English) also has good motivators.

Change the sound of a push message

Thanks to this option, you can compare favorably with other applications that attack the user's phone. The main thing is not to overdo it. The sound should not be unpleasant, frightening or too long.

More benefits

On the net I found a great example from Burton Snowboards that really make a customer's life better. What are they doing? They just send notifications about snowfalls. Any snowboarder would love to ride his board on plump fresh snow. Such a reminder is really helpful.

Think about what you can say useful. Are you a home delivery company? Send interesting/useful facts about products. For example, about the fact that green olives and black “olives” are actually the fruits of the same tree. The only difference is the harvest time. Or that spaghetti is plural. One thing is called spaghetto.

Be Specific

Just a couple of sentences that contain maximum information. Let's take a look at the “Everybody Cook!” app, whose push notifications can be seen in the screenshot above.

Perhaps the guys decided that the mystery could spark interest. But it is not always the case. For example, I don’t want to waste my time on anything I don’t know. What if there is a goose recipe that cannot be bought? Or some cupcake that I can't stand.

I think that I am not the only person who does not want to waste time on the unknown.

trigger emails

Many customers disappear immediately after purchase. You might think that the reason for this is the high prices. But most of the time, they just forget about you.

Let's say that there is a certain Natasha who wants to order shoes in your store. But then she doesn’t have money, then she can’t decide to buy, then she just flies out of her head and there’s no time even to open the site. Or maybe she forgot the name of the site ... In general, there are plenty of reasons.

How to remind a client about yourself: a return letter

Show your concern for the customer. Offer him a special promo code (as shown in the example), free shipping, a demo version, and stuff like that. An unexpected bonus will not only remind you of you, but also motivate those who were thinking about the price or product to buy.

If the customer abandoned the cart

If a visitor comes to your site, collects a bunch of stuff, and then abandons the cart unattended, gently let him know about it. The intention to make a purchase is still there, it remains to develop it.

Wait a month, and then send a trigger email to the client, which will indicate all the abandoned products and descriptions for them. Add reviews - let the client feel supported by the correctness of his choice.

Also, an abandoned cart can be a sign that a visitor to your store has doubts about the price. You can easily solve this problem - promise to take the goods back within a certain time or give a discount on shipping. With the help of these techniques, a customer who left you can become a real buyer.

Long live surprise!

Customers need to be pampered, especially regular ones. Loyalty is the key to easily open the chest with success. Use trigger mailing to strengthen relationships with your customers.

Idea: send a gift certificate, test a new service, offer a free consultation, and so on.

A few more informational occasions for reminders

Send a postcard

The most popular and non-irritating reminder occasion is a birthday greeting.

How to find out the cherished date?

  1. Ask at check-in (simplest).
  2. Give a discount to those who were born in winter (summer, spring). In exchange for a promotional code, ask for a photo with a passport.
  3. If you have a group on social networks, you can use the data from the members' pages.

Talk about changes

What is the reason for such a frenzied popularity of reality shows? People like to follow the lives of others. Of course, the method is risky, but I advise you to try. Tell your client about a new employee, about moving to a new office, about a new contract that will allow you to improve your quality of service / product.

Tell me where have you been

Of course, we are not talking about the director's vacation or a trip to the dacha of the chief accountant. Tell, for example, about exhibitions and fairs where you look for new products for THEM.

With your story, you will not only show that you care about your customers, but also unobtrusively inform about a new arrival.

Ask for feedback

If your relationship has developed successfully (you quickly delivered the goods, provided a quality service, everything went smoothly), then invite the client to write a review about the cooperation. A happy and satisfied client will be happy to meet you, and his response will help you in SEO promotion.

And one more thing: talk to the user in the same language. Don't be smart and don't be boring. Be simple. Send out what the user wants to hear… not what YOU want to tell them.

By the way, we have a lot of articles-instructions in which there are a lot of practical tips with a history of many years of practice. To receive all this wealth as quickly and reliably as possible, I advise

A friend or relative has borrowed a considerable sum of money. Time is running out, and the debtor seems to have forgotten about his obligations ... I don’t want to spoil relations or lose my own money. How to politely remind of a debt? We'll have to be in the role of a diplomat and a psychologist!

Only calmness: how to remind about debt without a quarrel

The irresponsible attitude of the debtor infuriates. But your goal is to get the money back, not to quarrel forever. Therefore, follow the “rule of three NOTs”.

  • Don't use aggression. Insults, accusations, scandals will not speed up the process. On the contrary, the situation will worsen. Some defaulters will only benefit from a quarrel - as an excuse to disappear from your life along with the money.
  • Don't torture yourself with guilt. It's not a shame to be reminded of the debt. The borrower asked you for a favor, you did a good deed. But kindness should not turn into spinelessness.
  • Do not pursue the debtor with daily reminders, calls, reproaches. Psychological pressure is worse than open aggression. It is clear that if a person does not return the money, he simply does not have them.

This rule allows the creditor and the debtor to get out of an unpleasant situation, while maintaining dignity.

How to culturally remind about debt

The situation with unpaid debt requires patience and understanding. It is important to keep a balance between the desire to restore justice and the preservation of friendship. The issue can be resolved delicately. Psychologists offer the following methods.

  • Feel free to ask. As the due date approaches, ask a relative or friend a simple but firm question: “When do you think you can pay me back?”
  • Reinforce the importance of return. When asking about debt, add a good reason why you care about paying on time. For example: “I need to take my son to a sanatorium soon. Could you repay the debt by the end of the month?”
  • Ask about what the debt was taken for. Before asking for a payout, ask a softening question: “Well, how is your new TV, does it work well?”
  • Specify deadlines. Choose a specific date. A few days before it approaches, meet with the borrower to talk about the return.
  • Offer an installment. It may happen that a friend or relative is not able to repay the debt in full. You need to go forward and lighten the burden on him. Say: “Maybe you will repay the debt in installments? How about 3 thousand a month?
  • Make a replacement. It became clear that a friend would not be able to return the money. Maybe he has some valuable property? Offer the exchange yourself: “Your grandfather left a wonderful collection of stamps. Come on, will you give it to me instead of a debt? A friendly tone and humor will brighten up the situation.

You need to choose a method of action depending on the personality of the debtor and your relationship with him.

Most people at least once in their lives faced with the need to borrow money and lend themselves. It is good if the debtor turned out to be a responsible solvent person and returned the finances on time. But what to do when he is in no hurry to return? In this case, it is necessary to figure out how to remind a person of a debt tactfully, but in such a way that it has real consequences.

When is the best time to remind about debt?

It is much easier if, at the time of granting the amount of money on loan, the parties agreed between themselves on the return period. Better yet, get it in writing. In this case, you can take a short break and, after two or three days, gently ask to fulfill your obligations.

When initially no date was determined, then there are no strictly defined time frames here. It all depends on a number of factors:

  • How much was borrowed and for what purpose. If a person asked for money for a funeral or treatment of a loved one, then the demand for return can be delayed. In the case when finances were needed to buy a new fur coat, then it is worth recalling the return before the end of the season, while the owner wears it.
  • What is the relationship between the debtor and the lender? If they are relatives or even just colleagues, then, perhaps, you should not demand money back in a week. In this case, it is desirable within the family to find out how the borrower's finances are, whether he has a job that provides sufficient income. The most difficult thing is to return the parental debt. In this case, it is better to think carefully about whether it is worth asking about money at all. Maybe it's better to forgive those finances.
  • How urgently the money was needed by the lender himself. When farce-major circumstances arose in life, such as the need for treatment, a serious event, then you should not hesitate to demand money back at any time. But it is desirable to do this as correctly as possible, especially if you value relations with the debtor.

The lender has the right to decide when and how to remind the person of the debt

Which method should be used

The main thing when demanding to return a debt is not to remember the feeling of guilt. Every person who asks for a loan should be well aware and understand that he does not take them forever and that they are the property of the lender. At the same time, a balance should be struck, because the goal will be to get your money back, and not at all a quarrel with the debtor. Therefore, the conversation must be built correctly and accurately.

Consider how to correctly hint about a person’s debt. In this case, it is better to start the conversation with an abstract topic, and not immediately ask about money. It will be better to talk about the borrower first. This psychological technique will enhance the goodwill. Then you should talk about your situation. For example, about the upcoming anniversary. And then, continuing the topic, ask for a refund, backing up your request with a reasoned need. At the same time, although it is correct, but firmly, a deadline for return should be set, otherwise a person may decide that the process of return can be stretched in time.

Anyone who is afraid to talk on sensitive topics, fearing to offend the interlocutor, can take advantage of the achievements of modern technology. So, it is permissible to send an SMS message by phone. Social media can also help. In private online correspondence, it is also permissible to ask to pay off your debt.

There are situations when the process of claiming your money back can be hampered by a number of social factors. For example, when a subordinate lent money to a boss or someone lent it to a friend, and even just when a man gave a debt to a woman. But in this case, do not be shy. Demand back your property decently. It’s just desirable to start a conversation with a phrase about your own financial difficulties, and then gently lead to the idea of ​​the need to fulfill your financial obligations.

Should humor be used in this case? Only if there is confidence that the interlocutor also has it. But at the same time, a request for a refund should not look like a joke.

If there is no certainty that the debtor is currently solvent, then it may be worth offering to return the money in installments. Either way, it's better than not getting them back at all.

No matter how awkward it is, it is necessary to remind about debts

The debtor does not respond - what to do

A citizen who lends money should understand that when lending a large amount of money, it is advisable to take a receipt from a person. In case of refusal to return the loan, it will be taken into account as evidence when applying to the court.

Alternatively, the fact of borrowing can be confirmed by the testimony of witnesses. If there are at least a couple of them, then in the court the scales will then tip in favor of the plaintiff. That is, if there is evidence or a receipt, or better, both of them, a statement of claim should be drawn up in court with a demand to force the debtor to pay the entire amount due.

If you have supporting documents, you can contact the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. This organization maintains a register of legal entities that have the legal right to recover debts.

In the service sector, it is not uncommon for the debt to remain with a regular customer. Of course, no one wants to lose a trusted customer, but it’s worth it to unobtrusively remind about money at the next visit. To do this, it is enough to say aloud the cost of the new acquisition and add on the old debt, deriving the total amount.

According to the British Direct Marketing Association, every pound invested in email marketing in 2015 generated a return of 38 pounds. Want to achieve the same results, but do not know how to write a letter to a client?Then use the bestsample letters to clientswhich we have collected for you in this review.

How to write a letter to a client

You think about customers all the time, but it's not mutual. To capture their attention and get ahead of your competitors, you need to regularly remind yourself of yourself. Emails are great for this. According to the authors of the Pipedrive blog, there are a few tricks that can work in your favor:

  1. Patience and more patience. Bring the potential buyer to the deal gradually by regularly sending him .
  2. Agree on a strategy in sending letters to clients with the marketing department, so as not to be too intrusive and not clog the client's mailbox with repeated information.
  3. Use a CRM system. It will simplify the technical side of communication with clients and speed up the work with mail.

A CRM system is a handy program that helps keep records of clients and transactions, records all calls, and also helps to conveniently organize correspondence with a client. For example, the program integrates with the mail service (you can connect an unlimited number of mailboxes) and allows you to save the history of correspondence directly in the counterparty card. If a new client wrote to you, then you can create a deal card directly from the incoming letter.

And now the most interesting thing: to send a letter to a client from CRM, you don't even have to type text. With the help of the document designer, you can create a set of letters for all occasions and send them to clients in two clicks. SalesapCRM itself will substitute the name and other data of the client in the letter. Want to know the details? Then press .

Letters to clients: examples and ready-made samples

We have compiled a selectionbusiness letters to clientswhich you can take as a sample. All you have to do is fill in the details.

1. Are you writing to a potential client for the first time? Send this short message:

Topic of the letter: Perhaps you are our new client

Hello, [Name].

We [brief information about the company].

If you are interested, I am ready to discuss the possibility of cooperation. Let us know what time it would be convenient for you to call.


2. Tell the potential client about the successful experience of cooperation with his competitors:

Topic of the letter: Keep up with competitors

Hello, [Name].

We have been successfully working with [competitor X and Y] in [field of activity] already [so much time] and together they achieved good results. You can find detailed information about them here [link to case/review].

We will be glad if you join us.


3. If you received contacts of potential clients at a business event, send themoffer lettersuchsample:

Topic of the letter: More about our company

Hello, [Name].

I hope you liked it too [event] and would like to thank you for your interest in [Company name].

I am attaching more detailed information about our company. I will be glad to discuss all your questions by phone.


Reminder letters

4. Some time after sending letters to the client offering services or more information remind about yourself:

Topic of the letter: Do you want to discuss something?

Hello, [Name].

I hope you have had the opportunity to read my previous letter and learn more about [additional information].

Do you have any questions or thoughts on my proposal? I would be happy to discuss them by phone or in person. When will you have time for this?


5. If you can show the effectiveness of your proposal in numbers, then share them in letters to company clients. Facts convince better.

Topic of the letter: A few facts you might not know about [Company name]

Hello, [Name].

I recently sent you an email about [Company name] and I think we could be useful [your company].

Our clients are seeing growth [specify indicators] when used [name of product and service]. We also offer [tell about promotions] and [mention other great deals].

If you want to know the details, please let us know, and we will agree on negotiations by phone or at a meeting.

I look forward to an answer.


6. Offer customers a trial period or free samples. Buyers are more willing to make a deal if they test the product first.

Topic of the letter: Gift for your company

Hello, [Name].

A few days ago I sent you information about [the product's name] and now I propose to try it in action.

I have created/attached some guest logins/free samples/vouchers that can be used to access/receive [product or service]. Share them with your colleagues. It would be interesting to hear their opinion.

I would be happy to discuss everything in more detail by phone or in person. I'm sure we can really be of service to you in [field of activity].


7. If you are not sure that you are corresponding with an employee authorized to negotiate, ask him to help you reach the decision maker:

Topic of the letter: I hope you can direct me to the right person

Hello, [Name].

A few days ago I sent you an email about [company or product] and now I doubt that I turned to the address.

Are you the one who decides on the issue that interests me? If not, could you help me get in touch with the right person in your company?

Waiting for your reply.

8. Use this text of the letter to the client if, after meeting with him, you want to ask him about his future plans:

Topic of the letter: your plans

Hello, [Name].

Thank you for your time. Now I would like to know how you see the further discussion of our issue.

If you are still interested, please let us know about your plans.

Waiting for your reply.


9. After meeting with the client, remind him of the following negotiation steps:

Topic of the letter: Action plan for the near future

Hello, [Name].

Thank you for taking the time - today's meeting was very productive. Let me briefly remind you how we will proceed:

[The date]: I will send you [contract/full set of documents].

[The date]: You will give me comments and wishes.

[The date]: We will make all final changes and sign the agreement.

If you need to discuss anything before that date, let me know.

10. Make upsuchletter to the clientif at the meeting he wanted to get additional information:

Topic of the letter: Information on your request

Hello, [Name].

We were glad to meet personally with representatives of your organization. I promised to send you additional information about [question]- they are in the attached file.

Ready to answer any questions. Feel free to call me at [number] at any time or write to this address.


If the client does not contact

11. If the client did not answer the phone , use the followingletter writing sample:

Topic of the letter: Couldn't contact you

Hello, [Name].

I wanted to discuss with you [question] but you are probably busy. Please call me at [number] Or let me know when it's convenient for you to call me.


12. Didn't get through to the client and left him a voice message? Complete it with the following letter:

Topic of the letter: Didn't call you

Hello, [Name].

I called you recently to discuss [question].


13. If a client persists in not responding through all channels, they may have a lot to do. Use this template - even a very busy person can find a couple of seconds for an answer:

Topic of the letter: Short answer required

Hello, [Name].

Unfortunately, I can't get in touch with you. I believe that you are very busy or no longer interested in our services.

Please indicate the appropriate answer in your reply:

  1. Please leave me alone!
  2. Too busy, text me again in a month please.
  3. I will contact you myself.


14. If you want to unobtrusively remind yourself of yourself, share information with the client that will be useful to him:

Topic of the letter: Useful information for your business

15. If a client is late with payment, remind him of this:

Topic of the letter: Delay of payment

Hello, [Name].

[The date] I sent you an invoice by email. Payment has not yet been received, so please inquire if your finance department has received our invoice? If necessary, I will send it again. I expect payment from you within a week.

Thanks for your help.


These templates will save you time for real communication with clients. And to achieve greater effect, automate the creation and distribution of templates through . right now - it's free and only takes a couple of minutes.

An advanced computer user will never worry about forgetting some important dates, such as the birthdays of his loved ones, friends, dates of scheduled meetings or upcoming events, but simply make the computer remind him of this in time.

As well as possible, programs from the reminder category are suitable for this, which have many functions and settings. But, not all users have a desire to install additional software on their computer.

If your hands grow from the right place :), then thanks to this instruction, you will be able to make very effective reminders for yourself using the regular tools of the Windows 7 operating system, which, in addition to being launched at the appointed date and time, will also open on top of all the others open windows.

It will be impossible not to notice them! To do this, carefully follow all the steps I suggested.


Go to the start button menu:

All Programs - Standard - Utilities

and launch Task Scheduler.

Click on "Actions" and "Create a task...".

In the "Name" field, write an informative name for the task being created and make sure that the "Run only for registered user" checkbox is checked, since on .

Go to "Triggers", click on the "Create" button:

  • select the "Scheduled" task;
  • set parameters (reminder frequency, reminder date and time);
  • in the "Advanced Options" section, configure the settings you need and click the "OK" button.

Go to "Actions", click on the "Create" button:

  • select the action "Start the program";
  • in the "Programs or script" field, write CMD;
  • in the "Add arguments" field, write, for example, the following code and click the "OK" button.


  • /C TITLE Remind about Irina's birthday&ECHO (this is how the title of the displayed window will look like);
  • .ECHO(empty line);
  • & (line separator);
  • TIMEOUT -1(the window will close after pressing the key).

If you write TIMEOUT 20, then the window will automatically close after 20 seconds. Again, press the "OK" button.

This is how the reminder will look at the date and time we have appointed.


Go to the "Task Scheduler" in the "Active Tasks" section and double-click on the task we created earlier. If it is not in the list, click the Refresh button.

In the "Selected item" section, click on the "Delete" button.

Confirm task deletion.

So, dear readers of the blog, we have learned with you, without installing additional software, how to create effective reminders and delete them!


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