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The Zyuzinsky Court of Moscow sentenced the former head of the Central Housing Commission of the Ministry of Defense Andrei Belousov. At one time, he was taken into custody as part of a criminal case on the theft of more than 150 apartments from the military department, but so far he has been convicted of fraud with seven apartments.

The announcement of the verdict in the high-profile case began on December 17 at 14:00, but due to the large volume of materials (over 300 pages), it dragged on for almost eight hours. Only around 22:00 did the judge finish her speech. Andrey Belousov was found guilty on seven counts of fraud on an especially large scale (Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), for each of which he received two and a half years. By partial addition, the total term for the former chief housing officer of the Ministry of Defense amounted to four years and six months in prison, which Belousov will spend in a general regime colony. Another notable defendant was Oksana Savina, the wife of the alleged leader of a group of apartment robbers, ex-adjutant of the former commander-in-chief of the ground forces Valery Danielyan. She was found guilty of one count of fraud and sentenced to two years and four months in prison. The woman was the only one of all the accused who was not in a pre-trial detention center during the investigation, but under house arrest. She was handcuffed right in the courtroom. Two other defendants in the case - Andrey Ionov and Vitaly Isaev - received two and a half years in prison.

Before retiring, Belousov was the head of the 159th department of the GlavKEU of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, which served as the Central Housing Commission of the military department. Absolutely all decisions on the allocation of housing to the officers passed through this department. As investigators suspect, in 2010 Belousov became a member of a criminal group, which at that moment was headed by Danielyan.

However, this group appeared a few years earlier, and initially its leader was former employee 159th Directorate of GlavKEU of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Bazhenov. After resigning from the military department, he went to work in the transport prosecutor's office, and took with him a huge list of apartments with which to spin scams. They were located in houses built by the Ministry of Defense as part of a joint program with the Moscow government and the presidential program "15 + 15". However, mysteriously, the apartments were not displayed in most official documents. According to a Rosbalt source, it was about thousands of virtually ownerless apartments, which were subsequently planned to be used at their own discretion by individual high-ranking representatives of the Ministry of Defense. However, the investigation never reached the level of generals.

According to representatives of law enforcement agencies, having a complete list of thousands of such "orphan" apartments, Bazhenov decided that several hundred of them could be quietly sold. Moreover, at work in the prosecutor's office, he acquired connections in the judiciary and various departments related to real estate registration.

Bazhenov himself did not want to "shine" in this scam, so he turned for help to his friend ensign Valery Danielyan, the ex-adjutant of the former commander-in-chief of the ground forces Alexander Postnikov-Streltsov. Danielyan also involved in the implementation of the scam an employee of the Ministry of Defense Igor Lisov. It was he who began to look for potential buyers for apartments.

To begin with, Igor Lisov began to offer former and active servicemen to get new apartments for "kickbacks" in the amount of 200 thousand rubles. At the same time, none of the officers had rights to housing. However, for remuneration, fictitious extracts were compiled from the order of the head of the Main Apartment Operations Department (GlavKEU) for the right to conclude a social contract for employment between the Kholzunovskaya apartment maintenance unit (it was disbanded before 2010) and the person who paid the bribe. On the basis of this document, former and current servicemen sought recognition of their ownership of apartments through the courts. All technical issues, in particular - manufacturing necessary documents and "work with the courts," Bazhenov conducted.

Then the organizers of the group were offended that expensive housing was going into the wrong hands for only 200 thousand rubles. They began to make fake extracts for figureheads who had nothing to do with the military department at all. After the apartments were registered through the courts for these third parties, they were sold through familiar realtors.

In 2012, Bazhenov died unexpectedly. In the conclusion of the doctors, it was said that he died of a heart attack. However, the circumstances of Bazhenov's death arouse suspicion among the operatives. Immediately after his death, Danielyan came to the apartment, who took away a briefcase with lists of "ownerless apartments", as well as with the seals of GlavKEU, Kholzunovskaya KECh, etc.

However, Danielyan had no connections in the judiciary, and he also did not know how to legally conduct transactions with apartments. Then, according to investigators, Danielyan turned for help to his acquaintance, the former head of the 159th department of the GlavKEU of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Andrey Belousov. And he attracted Stanislav Balyukin, an adviser to the department of the Department of Claims and Judicial-Legal Work of the Ministry of Defense, to the scams. It was Belousov and Balyukin who since 2012 were responsible in the group for the entire legal work and securing the necessary court decisions. The documents of the investigation speak of the theft of 163 apartments, worth over 1 billion rubles. However, some of the defendants claim that since 2010 they have stolen at least 300 apartments.

A series of criminal cases on the fact of the theft of apartments from the Ministry of Defense was initiated by the Main Directorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for Moscow in December 2012. In the beginning, they included "unidentified persons", but then they began to take on concrete outlines. So, officers who received apartments for 200 thousand rubles, realtors who sold stolen property were interrogated. "In a chain" the investigation came to Igor Lisov. He made a deal with justice, in which he testified against Danielyan and other members of the group known to him. After the arrest, Stanislav Balyukin also agreed to cooperate with the investigation.

The Zyuzinsky court found Balyukin guilty only of fraud (Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), he was recently sentenced to four and a half years in prison. Lisin, who made a deal with the investigation, received seven years in a strict regime colony. Now Valery Danielyan and his partners in scams are being tried in the same court.

The FSB officers detained Anatoly Belousov, head of a separate battalion of the traffic police of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate for the Northern District of Moscow, and Vitaly Mamonov, head of the investigative unit of the same Department of Internal Affairs. They are suspected of receiving 1.5 million rubles. from a local resident for not initiating a criminal case against her. The police are conducting an investigation into the matter.

Anatoly Belousov, the head of a separate traffic police department of the traffic police of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Northern District of Moscow, and the head of the investigative department of the same Internal Affairs Directorate were detained by the FSB.

According to Kommersant's sources, the investigation against the two policemen was preceded by a criminal case of a particularly large-scale fraud initiated by the investigative unit of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the SAO of Moscow against a woman who headed a construction company.

After the beginning of the investigation, a friend of the defendant turned to the FSB officers. She said she lent her Building bussiness, and confirmed this with receipts. The applicant told the FSB officers that she had come to the investigative unit of the Department of Internal Affairs to ask if the investigation was planning to seize the property of the person under investigation - the woman wanted to return the money invested in the construction business. According to the applicant, the officer of the unit said that the “arrest” documents for the property had already been prepared, but warned that the investigators might have questions about the applicant herself and she would also become a defendant in the fraud case.

After that, the applicant asked for advice from a police officer she knew - the head of a separate battalion of the traffic police of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the SAO, police lieutenant colonel Anatoly Belousov. He introduced her to Major of Justice Vitaly Mamonov, who was in charge of the fraud case. According to the woman, the police demanded 1.5 million rubles from her. for non-criminal liability. The applicant agreed, but began to record the conversations with Mr Belousov on a dictaphone. After that, she gave him the required amount. She says that she later met with the police more than once, who confirmed their promises and advised her on how to behave.

The FSB officers sent the collected materials to the TFR authorities for a decision to initiate a criminal case on especially large-scale fraud (part 4 of article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) against police officers.

The police are conducting an internal check on the employees of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the SAO of Moscow, as a result of which they will be dismissed from the internal affairs bodies, and their leaders will be brought to strict disciplinary responsibility. This was reported in the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow.

Alexander Alexandrov

As it became known to Kommersant, the Moscow Garrison Military Court put an end to the high-profile criminal case on the theft of 76 apartments from the Ministry of Defense. As a result of fraud, organized by the former head of the central housing commission of the military department Andrei Belousov, apartments instead of waiting lists were received by those who did not need them - including judges, law enforcement officers and even their mistresses. The convicted Belousov will be released in a year, where his accomplices who have served their time will be waiting for him.

As follows from the verdict, the former head of the central housing commission of the Ministry of Defense, Colonel of the Reserve Andrey Belousov, along with another organizer of the scam who received 12 years in a strict regime colony in 2015 - adjutant of the former commander-in-chief of the ground forces of the Ministry of Defense Alexander Postnikov-Streltsov, retired ensign Valery Danielyan, was the organizer of the criminal group. It included several military personnel, realtors and lawyers. Almost all of them have already been convicted, and some are wanted. At the same time, Colonel Belousov turned out to be one of the few who fully admitted his guilt, so his case was separated into a separate proceeding.

As the investigation and the court established, Andrei Belousov played a key role in criminal schemes - he forged the minutes of the meetings of the housing commission of the Ministry of Defense on the distribution of apartments. In them, he entered persons who were not related to military service or the right to housing. In particular, thanks to the officer, several judges, military prosecutors and investigators, as well as their mistresses and relatives, received apartments in Moscow.

During the judicial investigation, the involvement of Colonel Belousov in the theft of 49 apartments in the capital on Marshal Savitsky and Brusilov streets, Lukhmanovskaya street and Metallurgov street (HOA "Terletskaya Dubrava") was proved, and the damage caused by his actions to the state was estimated at 560 million rubles.

Frauds with housing, according to the case, were carried out in the period from 2010 to May 2014 with the help of the then head of the department for accounting and distribution of residential premises of the 159th housing department of the Ministry of Defense, Colonel Vladimir Stadnik (later he managed to work in the capital's military investigation department of the ICR , and at the time of his arrest he served in the Main Military Investigation Department) and the surgeon of the Central Military Clinical Hospital named after Vishnevsky Soslan Pliev.

Despite the fact that the defendant Belousov admitted his guilt, the trial dragged on for almost a year and a half. As a result, the Moscow Garrison Military Court found him guilty of fraud (part 4 of article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) and sentenced him to 5.5 years in prison. At the same time, the sentence handed down to a military man for stealing seven apartments in 2014 went into credit for the term. Taking into account the 4.5 years spent behind bars in the pre-trial detention center, Colonel Belousov has only a year left to spend.

We also note that in parallel with this case, the case of his accomplices, investigator Vladimir Stadnik and doctor Soslan Pliev, was heard in the same court. Two months ago, they were sentenced to three and one and a half years in prison, respectively, for stealing 28 apartments belonging to the Ministry of Defense. total cost 140 million rubles Considering that investigator Stadnik has been under arrest since October 2014, he has practically served his sentence. In total, the courts managed to prove the fact that the defendants in the case stole 76 apartments from the military department, although at the beginning of the investigation it was about 150. The military department, recognized as the injured party in the criminal case, filed claims against all the defendants in the investigation, recovering from them a total of 180 mln rub.

09/07/2017, Officers let mistresses pass without a queue

Oleg Rubnikovich

As it became known to Kommersant, the Moscow Garrison Military Court put an end to the high-profile criminal case on the theft of 76 apartments from the Ministry of Defense. As a result of fraud, organized by the former head of the central housing commission of the military department Andrei Belousov, apartments instead of waiting lists were received by those who did not need them - including judges, law enforcement officers and even their mistresses. The convicted Belousov will be released in a year, where his accomplices who have served their time will be waiting for him.

As follows from the verdict, the former head of the central housing commission of the Ministry of Defense, Colonel of the Reserve Andrey Belousov, along with another organizer of the scam who received 12 years in a strict regime colony in 2015 - adjutant of the former commander-in-chief of the ground forces of the Ministry of Defense Alexander Postnikov-Streltsov, retired ensign Valery Danielyan, was the organizer of the criminal group. It included several military personnel, realtors and lawyers. Almost all of them have already been convicted, and some are wanted. At the same time, Colonel Belousov turned out to be one of the few who fully admitted his guilt, so his case was separated into a separate proceeding.

As the investigation and the court established, Andrei Belousov played a key role in criminal schemes - he forged the minutes of the meetings of the housing commission of the Ministry of Defense on the distribution of apartments. In them, he entered persons who were not related to military service or the right to housing. In particular, thanks to the officer, several judges, military prosecutors and investigators, as well as their mistresses and relatives, received apartments in Moscow.

During the judicial investigation, the involvement of Colonel Belousov in the theft of 49 apartments in the capital on Marshal Savitsky and Brusilov streets, Lukhmanovskaya street and Metallurgov street (HOA "Terletskaya Dubrava") was proved, and the damage caused by his actions to the state was estimated at 560 million rubles.

Frauds with housing, according to the case, were carried out in the period from 2010 to May 2014 with the help of the then head of the department for accounting and distribution of residential premises of the 159th housing department of the Ministry of Defense, Colonel Vladimir Stadnik (later he managed to work in the capital's military investigation department of the ICR , and at the time of his arrest he served in the Main Military Investigation Department) and the surgeon of the Central Military Clinical Hospital named after Vishnevsky Soslan Pliev.

Despite the fact that the defendant Belousov admitted his guilt, the trial dragged on for almost a year and a half. As a result, the Moscow Garrison Military Court found him guilty of fraud (part 4 of article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) and sentenced him to 5.5 years in prison. At the same time, the sentence handed down to a military man for stealing seven apartments in 2014 went into credit for the term. Taking into account the 4.5 years spent behind bars in the pre-trial detention center, Colonel Belousov has only a year left to spend.

We also note that in parallel with this case, the case of his accomplices, investigator Vladimir Stadnik and doctor Soslan Pliev, was heard in the same court. Two months ago, they were sentenced to three and one and a half years in prison, respectively, for stealing 28 apartments belonging to the Ministry of Defense for a total of 140 million rubles.

["Kommersant", 07/03/2017, "The military investigator was sentenced to the fullest extent of the law": As the investigation, and then the court, established, "by forging documents and abusing the trust of employees Arbitration Court Moscow, the association of homeowners "Terletskaya Dubrava" and the department of Rosreestr in Moscow, the defendants illegally acquired the ownership of 28 apartments owned by the Ministry of Defense. Some of them went to the accused themselves, as well as to people from their circle, in particular, an acquaintance of Vladimir Stadnik, relatives of Dr. providing housing. […]
Meanwhile, the case of the organizer of the crime, Andrei Belousov, which has been separated into a separate proceeding, has been heard in the same MGVS for a year now. At the same time, the defendant himself, according to Kommersant's information, allegedly fully admits his guilt in housing fraud on Metallurgov Street. It should be noted that earlier his name had already appeared in several similar criminal cases, and in December 2014, the Zyuzinsky Court of Moscow sentenced Belousov to 4.5 years in prison for stealing apartments in the capital from the Ministry of Defense, but at different addresses. As Kommersant already said, in addition to Andrei Belousov, this high-profile story featured the former adjutant of the commander-in-chief of the ground forces, senior warrant officer of the reserve Valery Danielyan and adviser to the Department of Claims and Judicial-Legal Work of the Ministry of Defense Stanislav Balyukin (received 11.5 years and 8 years in prison, respectively) . In 2011-2012, they stole at least five one-room and two two-room apartments, and the damage caused by these actions amounted to at least 28.6 million rubles. As stated in the verdict, the attackers made fictitious extracts from the orders of the head of the main apartment and maintenance department of the Russian Ministry of Defense for the right to receive social housing for nominees. After that, they forged social employment contracts with the district housing maintenance units, opening financial and personal accounts in the name of the beneficiaries. Then they applied on behalf of the alleged servicemen to the court with a request for the privatization of the previously rented apartments in their names. - Inset]

Considering that investigator Stadnik has been under arrest since October 2014, he has practically served his sentence. In total, the courts managed to prove the fact that the defendants in the case stole 76 apartments from the military department, although at the beginning of the investigation it was about 150. The military department, recognized as the injured party in the criminal case, filed claims against all the defendants in the investigation, recovering from them a total of 180 mln rub.


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