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  • Sender - one who sends something from one place to another.
  • Destination - the intended recipient of the letter.
  • Postage Stamp - a special sign of postage.
  • Postcode – 6 digits added to the address to make mail sorting easier.

“Hello my dear third graders!

The Russian Santa Claus greets you from his glorious homeland -

the city of Veliky Ustyug, which stands on the banks of the light-streaming Sukhona River.

I often asked my assistants about you. Sometimes they made me happy

sometimes upset. But I know that you have good hearts and you

you can overcome all adversity, and I will help you with this.

Dear my friends! My birthday has already come, and soon -

New Year.

I wish you health as strong as my February frosts. May you have as many friends as there are fir-trees and pines in my forest.

Please Grandfather, write letters to me.


Loving you with all your heart, your

Santa Claus".

  • The response to the letter should be 3-5 days after receipt
  • Envelope and paper must be clean
  • You need to write in neat handwriting, without corrections.
  • Each part of the letter is written with a red line
  • The letter may be accompanied by a drawing

1.Contact ( you you you )

2. Initial phrase about the state of correspondence

3.The main content of the letter, the news report

4. Questions to the addressee, wishes

5. Request for a gift (dream) and rationale

6. Sending hello, farewell

7. Ending and signature, number


Check it out!

  • Has the theme been saved?
  • Did you miss something important?
  • Are the same words and phrases repeated?
  • Perhaps it is necessary to replace some words with more precise ones, better suited in meaning?
  • Are the sentences well connected?
  • What can be praised for?

Remember: if you don't know how to spell a word, ask your teacher, look it up in the dictionary.

Writing a letter

Santa Claus

Prepared by:

Fuflygina Natalia Nikolaevna

This holiday is dedicated to all who believe

in Santa Claus

ordering gifts and writing letters to Santa Claus

Holiday date

It was not chosen by chance, because the New Year is coming soon, preparations are underway for the holiday, buildings and premises are decorated, Christmas trees and festive lights are lit. It's time to make cherished wishes and write a letter to Santa Claus. And there is enough time for the letters to reach their addressee.

In the residence of Father Frost in Veliky Ustyug there is even a separate building for storing children's letters that came here.

Moreover, letters to Santa Claus can be written not only by children, but also by adults, because it is never too late to believe in a fairy tale. And adults, like children, also write letters.

But regardless of who and when wrote the letter, Santa Claus treats all messages very carefully. Fairy Mail (these are the helpers of the winter wizard) answers all letters, the main thing is that the exact return address is indicated.

It must also be said that Santa Claus in every country has different names, but no matter what his name is, he always gladly fulfills all the cherished desires of those who wrote.

What to write?

▪Say hello to Santa Claus! ▪Ask Grandfather about his affairs, inquire about his health.

▪Wish you a Happy New Year.

▪Tell us about your important events in the past year.

▪Now dream up: write what new victories and achievements you expect in the coming year!

What to ask?

▪If you ask for something big and big: be prepared to get something completely different in return. This often happens if it is "this" that Grandfather Frost cannot give you this New Year, and he cannot leave you completely without gifts either.

▪If you are asking for a lot of things: be prepared for the list to be

What to ask?

not completed completely. This happens because Grandfather Frost is very busy during this period, fulfills requests from other letters, and then, a lot of gifts - this is hard, because on New Year's Eve it is necessary to deliver gifts to everyone.

What to ask?

▪If you don't ask for anything... After all, New Year's Eve is a time of magic: if you wrote a letter to Santa Claus, then he will definitely send you

congratulate! Well, then you just have to be happy with any gift!

Rules for writing letters

▪The letter should be short and meaningful, because he is alone, and there are many of us.

▪Be sure to use the magic words “thank you” and “please”.

▪ And the most important rule: write only your cherished desire, do not be shy!

Help for you

Santa Claus Letter Templates

Sample letters to Santa Claus

▪But remember the most important rule: write yourself and only your most cherished desire!


The envelope


Letter to Santa Claus

Santa Claus with letters

Santa's mail

Congratulations from Santa Claus

Child writes

Santa's workload


Letter from..

How to write a letter


template source:

Fokina Lidia Petrovna

primary school teacher

MKOU "Secondary School st. Evsino"

Iskitimsky district

Novosibirsk region


Information sources


Frame 1

Elements are downloaded as an archive

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Slides captions:

Project "Writing a letter to Santa Claus" Grade 2, 2013 Teacher Volchanskaya G.S.

Purpose: To get acquainted with the meaning of correspondence in people's lives, writing as a kind of text that has its own structure and stylistic features; with rules and polite forms of correspondence. Congratulate and turn to Santa Claus as a best friend.

In the north of Russia, in the city of Veliky Ustyug, Santa Claus lives.

Every year Santa Claus receives a huge number of letters from the children of our country.

162390. Russia, Vologda Oblast, Veliky Ustyug They believe that if you send a letter to Santa Claus and tell about your cherished desire, it will surely come true on New Year's Eve. From whom: 2nd grade students MBOU secondary school No. 1 3 352550, Vostochny village, Mostovsky district, Krasnodar Territory.

162390, Russia, Veliky Ustyug, 2nd grade students, MBOU secondary school No. 13, Vostochny Mostovsky district, Krasnodar Territory. Dear Guys! This year I am waiting for your letters! Send your letters to the address indicated on the envelope.


We love to meet Santa Claus And dream about his gifts. But he will still come unnoticed, put gifts and quietly leave. Author Nikita Yaschenko

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Writing a letter to Santa Claus

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Hello Santa Claus! Happy New Year! First of all, I want to wish you good health, because you will need a lot of strength to fulfill all your New Year's wishes and distribute gifts to all children. My name is Alla. I'm in the third grade. I am 9 years old. I try to study for 4 and 5. I like learning English. Not everything works right away, but I try. I also love to sing and skate. We are waiting for the New Year with the whole family. We decorate a beautiful Christmas tree in the house, and in the yard we decorate a real forest beauty with Christmas tree garlands. It turns out beautiful! Our kind, dear Grandfather Frost1 Today's holiday will not take place without you! Be an honored guest on it, bringing joy! I wish in New Year excellent health for many centuries, snowy winters and well-deserved rest all year round! I hope to get a lot of gifts for the holiday, and my main dream is that you can’t buy it in a store - these are good grades. But the greatest desire is for peace to reign on the whole Earth, for all people to be healthy and happy. Now many do not believe in your existence, in a miracle. But I know for sure that you exist, because it is you who create the New Year's fairy tale! All the best and Happy New Year!


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