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  • Our Zimushka - Winter, is unusually good, Everything around is white - white with pure snow, It is light and clean in the soul, because the holiday is near. We are all happy, easy - today is Christmas! The Orthodox world rejoices, peace in the soul, everything triumphs. For more than two thousand years of the Nativity of Christ, the light shows us the Way to goodness, the spirit of love bestows upon us all. The heavenly angel brought the message - Rejoice with all the Son of God Jesus Christ. Born in Bethlehem Not in a luxurious palace, no! In a simple sheepshed, the Lord Himself appeared into the world and became the Son of man! Hey shepherds! Here! Hurry! The manger is shining with the sun, the Baby is lying - the King of kings, And the sky-clear look
The Star of Bethlehem That night the earth was in a state of turmoil. The brilliance of a large strange star suddenly blinded mountains and villages, Cities, deserts and gardens. And in the desert the lionesses watched, How, full of marvelous gifts, silently moved chariots Camels and elephants walked importantly. And in the brow of a large caravan, With their eyes fixed on the sky, Three kings in intricate turbans rode to bow to someone.
  • Grigory Gagarin. Nativity.
  • And in the cave, where the torches did not go out all night, blinking and flickering, There the lambs saw in the manger A beautiful Sleeping Child. That night the whole creature was in agitation, Birds sang in the midnight haze. Proclaiming good will to all, the onset of peace on earth.
  • Golden domes At sunrise And crimson shine Narrow windows. Like a ship in sails, The White Temple is beautiful, Like a swan in the sky, Majestic and joyful. Light morning fog Melts imperceptibly, Parishioners hurry to the temple - they celebrate Christmas!
  • Nativity. Natalia Sokolova
  • Together with a bright Christmas, the Fairy Tale enters every home. This miracle has been waiting with hope for a whole year. In the sky, the stars dance singing a bright hymn, And from the earth the churches echo them, the choirs fly high like smoke. good song, kind word the planet lights up, And in the middle of a cold winter, darkness will give way to light.
  • I'm on the night before Christmas I'm watching colored dreams. I'm preparing a celebration From ancient times. I will put gifts under the Christmas tree for friends, I will crumble bread into the feeder of pigeons. And I will smile at my mother: The task is not easy - I am learning to celebrate the birth of Christ.
  • All December in the villages in Russia they were waiting for the Bright Christmas of Christ. They prepared for it, clearing themselves with fasting
  • Fasting prescribed abstinence not only from fast food, but also from bad deeds. At this time, weddings were not held, holidays were not celebrated, which were accompanied by fun and revelry.
  • Christmas Eve - Christmas Eve - was celebrated modestly both in the palaces of Russian emperors and in the huts of peasants. This day was spent in the strictest post. They fasted all day - "until the star", which showed the way for the Magi to the newborn Messiah. On this day, according to the church charter, it is allowed to eat boiled cereals without oil, that is, sochivo, so the day is called nomadic, and in popular pronunciation - Christmas Eve. They also ate meatless pies, wheat bread, dried fruits, and honey.
In peasant life, for Christmas Eve, the housewives cleaned up the huts and chambers: they washed, whitewashed their homes, completed the Brewing of intoxicating and herbal beer for Christmas festivities, as well as cooking and baking. We tried to go to the bath before dark and celebrate the holiday in new clothes. Christmas tree
  • At the end of the evening - caroling. The carol consisted in the fact that the village youth - boys, girls, teenagers - gathered in groups, dressed up in costumes, masks and went home.
  • Calls during caroling:
  • The sparrow is flying
  • twirls its tail,
  • And you people know
  • Cover the tables
  • Receive guests
  • Meet Christmas!
  • Christmas, Christmas
  • There has been a lot of snow
  • We go to dig, earn money
  • Open chests
  • Serve Piglets
  • Hostess with owner
  • happy holiday.
  • Christmas sweets
  • Used resources.
  • rozhdestvenskie-gadanija.html
  • “Orthodox educational portal “Slovo”// Access mode:
  • "Christian site" Kopilochka "// Access mode:
  • Website "Christmas" // Access mode:
  • Made a presentation:
  • Shvidkaya Irina Alexandrovna

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How did the Nativity of Christ (the Savior's birthday), such an amazing event that became a great holiday for all people, happen?

The Archangel of God appeared to the Virgin Mary with the good news that she would give birth to a son - the Savior of the World

The time of birth was approaching, when an order came from the king of that country to take a census of all people. Every resident of the country had to register in his hometown. Joseph and the Virgin Mary came from the family of King David and therefore they had to go, write down their names, to the city of King David-Bethlehem.

When they arrived there, it turned out that a lot of people had come, and all the houses and hotels were occupied. They had to stay outside the city in a cave, where shepherds usually drive their cattle out of bad weather. It was here at night that the Virgin Mary gave birth to the Savior of the world, the Lord Jesus Christ. ,

The first to bow to the Divine Infant were the shepherds, to whom an angel, surrounded by extraordinary light, announced the birth of the Savior.

In addition to shepherds, Eastern sages came to worship the born Savior. The wise men bowed to the Savior and brought Him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.

Since then, 2000 years have passed. And every year we remember the Nativity of Christ, we celebrate it, we rejoice in it. In honor of the Nativity of Christ, people began to arrange Christmas trees, give gifts to each other and, of course, celebrate it especially solemnly in the church.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Objectives: to introduce the events associated with the feast of the Nativity of Christ, with the festive icon of the Nativity of Christ; enrich the vocabulary of children with new words of historical and cultural significance ...


On this day, an unprecedented event took place in the small town of Bethlehem - the Divine Infant, the Son of God, was born into the world. Jesus Christ was born supernaturally from the Virgin Mary, whom we have since...

Extracurricular event "The Legend of the Nativity of Christ"

1. Introductory speech 2. Conversation about the winter Orthodox holidays 3. Scene 4. Cartoon 5. Decoration of the Christmas tree 6. Conclusion This event is aimed at the formation of spiritual and moral...

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The Nativity of Jesus Christ has become the most important event for people all over the world. Jesus (translated from Greek as the Savior), being the Son of God, incarnated as a Man in order to save people from eternal death.

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"God became Man so that man could become God."

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It is known that the birth of Christ was predicted by the Old Testament prophets - this was expected for several centuries. This great event divided world history two epochs - before and after the birth of Christ. All events described by historians before the birth of Jesus Christ are defined as having taken place before our era (BC). And everything that has happened since the moment of the birth of Christ is already called our era (AD). Each year of our time counts from the birth of Christ. And the starting point (that is, the new year) is actually the date of January 7 (according to the new style of the Gregorian calendar adopted by us).

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Christmas is a great holiday. . It is also called Winter Easter.

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And the history of the holiday is as follows… IT WAS LONG AGO, ALREADY MORE THAN 2 THOUSAND YEARS BACK. The Blessed Virgin Mary and Righteous Josephjili in the ancient city of Nazareth. Elder Joseph was betrothed to the Virgin Mary and took care of her like a father. At that time a great census was announced, and the holy family went to the city of Bethlehem, where they were from.

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Mary was about to have a baby. We had to stop somewhere, but there were no places anywhere, because on the occasion of the census, a lot of people arrived in Bethlehem.

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And then Mary and Joseph settled down in a cave into which the shepherds drove their cattle for the night to protect themselves from the cold or rain.

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And so, in a cattle cave, among straw and hay, on a cold winter night, in an environment devoid of not only earthly grandeur, but also minimal amenities, the God-man, the Savior of the world, was born. Mary swaddled the Baby and put him in a cattle feeder - a manger.

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When the Savior was born, a Christmas star shone in the sky.

It is this shining light that we see on all the icons of the Nativity of Christ.

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The shepherds were the first to know about this. An angel told them this message from heaven. The joyful shepherds ran into the cave to bow to the Savior.

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At that time the wise men lived in the east. They were very educated and wealthy rulers. They were called wolves. They have been watching the sky for a long time. And suddenly they saw a very bright star appear in the east. The Magi understood that this was a sign that the Savior of the world was born. The wise men hastened to King Herod with joyful news. And then they went to worship the Savior. And the bright light of the Star of Bethlehem showed them the way.

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The Magi brought gifts to the Newborn Infant: gold - like a king, incense - like God, and myrrh - like a man.

Frankincense is a fragrant tree resin used for worship. Smyrna is a fragrant resin oil.

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Some of the gifts of the Magi have survived to this day. Surprisingly, because they are already 2015 years old! They are located in Greece on Mount Athos in the monastery of St. Paul.

Occasionally, these gifts are taken out for worship by believers in other countries.

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At that time, the evil King Herod ruled the Jewish state. Having learned from the wise men that the King of the Jews was born, Herod became terribly angry and decided to destroy the Baby. But the formidable ruler did not know where the Divine Baby was and issued a terrible decree: “Kill all babies from birth and up to 2 years

By order of Herod, 14,000 babies were killed in Bethlehem.

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But Herod failed to carry out his plan. St. Joseph in a dream received a revelation to flee with Mary and the Child to Egypt, which they did on the same night.

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After the death of Herod, the holy family returns to Nazareth again.

In the city of Nazareth, Jesus Christ spent His childhood and youth.

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For more than 2 thousand years, mankind has been celebrating every year Holy holiday Christmas

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Bethlehem - the city of Christmas - exists today. It is one of the most ancient on Earth. This small town located near Jerusalem (the capital of Israel).

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The Church of the Nativity of Christ has survived in Bethlehem to this day.

And this is the most sacred place in the temple. It is marked with a silver star - it was in this place that the Lord Jesus Christ was born.

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In the north of Israel is the city of Nazareth, where Joseph and Mary came from, and where the childhood and youth of Jesus Christ passed

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The Orthodox Church widely celebrates the great event - the Nativity of Christ

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Temples beautifully decorated

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    Services are distinguished by special solemnity and joy.

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    Often, Christmas nativity scenes are installed in the temple or near it.

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    What is a vertep? This word has several meanings.1. Nativity scene - a cave, the birthplace of Christ.2. Nativity scene - reproduction of the scene of the Nativity of Christ by means of art (theatre, sculpture, etc.)3. Nativity scene is a small folk puppet theater for showing Christmas stories. You can make it with your own hands. In the old days, the Orthodox peoples had such a tradition: on the feast of the Nativity of Christ, people walked the streets with such mini-theaters and showed skits - stories of the Birth of Christ. (This tradition originated in Western countries.)

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    Before such a big holiday, a fast is established, which is called Christmas. And the evening on the eve of Christmas on January 6 - the day of the strictest fast is called Christmas Eve ..

    Christmas Eve - from the word sochivo. This is the name of a special lean dish made from scalded grains of wheat (rice or lentils) mixed with honey, raisins, nuts, and sometimes poppy seeds. Sochivo is used only in the evening, when it is already getting dark, on January 6, after a complete abstinence from food during the day.

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    Christmas is a very joyful holiday! And it lasts right up to Epiphany - 12 days! These holidays are called like this: Christmas, Yuletide or Christmas time. It is customary to give each other gifts, cook delicious food, invite guests, organize festivities.

    Miraculous and unusual events are connected with the birth of Jesus Christ. In Bethlehem, where the Virgin Mary and Joseph came, a lot of people gathered, and there were no free places in the hotel. They had to spend the night outside the city, in a den where shepherds sheltered their cattle from a thunderstorm.

    At the same time, angels appeared to the shepherds in a field near Bethlehem with the news that the Savior had come into the world. As a sign of great joy about the fulfilled promise, the Heavenly host glorified God, proclaiming to the whole universe: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill towards men!”

    The gospel story about an extraordinary star that has risen over Bethlehem has been exciting humanity for more than 2,000 years. In ancient times, the appearance or disappearance of stars was associated with the birth or death of a great person, it is from such ideas that the popular expression “a star rose and a star went out” was preserved.

    The Greeks, Romans, Persians and other peoples believed in the existence of the dependence of people's lives on celestial bodies. However, it may seem strange that the eastern sages-astrologers, having seen an unusual star, immediately went in search of the King precisely to Jerusalem.

    The Magi, the legend has preserved their names: Gaspar, Melchior and Belshazzar, went to Jerusalem to ask where the Savior of the world should be sought. Hearing about this, King Herod, who ruled Judea at that time, became agitated and called the Magi to him. Finding out from them the time of the appearance of the star, and hence the possible age of the King of the Jews, whom he feared as a rival to his reign, Herod asked the Magi: “Go, carefully inquire about the Baby and, when you find it, inform me so that I can go and worship Him” . Lucas Cranach the Elder "Feast of King Herod".

    Then, having received a revelation from God not to return to Jerusalem, they departed by another way to their own country. Enraged, Herod, discovering that the Magi did not listen to him, sent soldiers to Bethlehem with orders to put to death all male babies under two years of age.

    Joseph immediately fulfilled God's command: he put Mary on a donkey with the Christ Child in her arms and went to Egypt. Herod after a while fell ill and died in terrible agony. Then the angel again appeared to Joseph and told him that it was now possible to return to Judea.

    For the celebration of Christmas, believers were preparing for a forty-day fast. Fasting prescribed abstinence not only from fast food, but also from bad deeds. At this time, weddings were not held, holidays were not celebrated, which were accompanied by fun and revelry. The last day of the fast was especially difficult. Before the first evening star, nothing could be eaten at all. The long Christmas service began late at night. It ended at 5 o'clock in the morning. Those who did not go to church for the Christmas service prepared for the rising of the star at home.

    In peasant life, for Christmas Eve, the housewives cleaned up the huts and chambers: they washed, whitewashed their homes, completed the Brewing of intoxicating and herbal beer for Christmas festivities, as well as cooking and baking. We tried to go to the bath before dark and celebrate the holiday in new clothes.

    Christmas Eve - Christmas Eve - was celebrated modestly both in the palaces of Russian emperors and in the huts of peasants. This day was spent in the strictest post. They fasted all day - "until the star", which showed the way for the Magi to the newborn Messiah. On this day, according to the church charter, it is allowed to eat boiled cereals without oil, that is, sochivo, so the day is called nomadic, and in popular pronunciation - Christmas Eve. They also ate meatless pies, wheat bread, dried fruits, and honey.

    At sunset, after the first star, the owner with all the household members stood up for prayer. After the prayer, the elder in the house brought a bunch of hay, spread it in the red front corner on the bench. The hay was covered with a clean tablecloth, and in this place, right under the goddess, an unthreshed sheaf of rye or wheat and kutya, a porridge made from grains of wheat, barley or rice, were placed. The evening began - dinner.

    Half of the collected money was supposed to be taken to the church. In cities, they also went from house to house with songs, arranged round dances and dances, dressed up as bears, pigs, and made terrible masks from various materials. Ordinary people had fun in the squares, where booths, carousels, markets, tea and vodka tents were set up.

    On the second day of Christmas, the most fun and mysterious time for young people began - Christmas time, holy days that last from Christmas to Epiphany, a time of fortune-telling, special rites, when unmarried girls and single guys tried to find out their fate. K. Makovsky "Christmas divination".

    It was one of the important festive events of January, a time of cheerful and inspiring worries and amusements filled with solemn spiritual meaning. At this time, everyone gets the opportunity to be renewed anew along with the birth of God's Son and the advent of the New Year, and at the same time to slightly open the veil that hides his future from a person.

    And although the Orthodox Church has long condemned everyday divination and various methods of divination, three days a year were considered almost mandatory for determining one's fate. It was Christmas Eve New Year(according to the old style) and Baptism. Immediately after Christmas, the so-called scary evenings began. At this time, according to the ideas of the peasants, the evil spirits became very active.

    As if in imitation of the evil spirits that had played out, the guys from the New Year to the eve of Epiphany were freaking out with might and main: they overturned woodpiles of firewood, laid the gates with anything, so that the owners could not go out into the street, climbed onto the roofs and covered the pipes with boards when the stove was fired, the huts were filled with smoke. They knew about these holiday pranks and treated them condescendingly, especially since immediately after Baptism they stopped.

    This divination is considered terrible, but "the most faithful." Not every girl decides on it. The main condition is the night, complete silence, loneliness. Two mirrors are placed opposite each other and illuminated by candles. You can also hold a mirror against a lighted wall. You need to hold it so that a long corridor of mirror reflections is formed, as it were, lit by the lights of candles. At the end of this corridor, the narrowed one should appear. FORTUNE ON MIRRORS

    Divination with the help of a rooster was very common. To do this, fortune tellers laid out on the floor (on the table) a pinch of cereal, a piece of bread, scissors, ashes, coal, coins, put a mirror and a bowl of water. Then they brought in a rooster and watched what he would start to peck first of all: cereal for wealth, bread for harvest, scissors narrowed to be a tailor, ashes for a tobacconist, coal for eternal girlhood, coins for money, if a rooster pecks at a mirror, the husband will be a dandy if he starts drinking water to be a drunkard husband.

    The Christmas nativity scene is a kind of puppet theater that was shown at Christmas and at Christmas time. This action began to exist in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus more than 200 years ago. Christoslavs went from house to house, praising the birth of the Savior, and among the Christoslavs there was a group of children showing a nativity scene. In some families, it was presented as a small family theater, to which neighbors and close friends were invited to the performances.

    Children still make nativity scenes where they show a story that happened more than two thousand years ago. Imagine that we are looking into the window of a small house: at the back of the stage there is a cradle, the Blessed Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph, a donkey and an ox warming the baby with their breath... Smoothly, as if miraculously, an angel floats to the forefront and proclaims the Good News!.. Shepherds and the wise men bow to the baby... The flame of a candle, swayed by the dying breath of the spectators; in an uneven shadow, unpretentious dolls come to life - and a miracle happens! No one will say that this is a fairy tale. That's how it was, that's how it was!

    In churches, on Christmas day, it is customary to set up motionless cribs with mangers and sculptural images of the Blessed Virgin, Righteous Joseph the Betrothed, and the Infant Christ. But more and more often sculptural images are replaced with the icon of the Nativity of Christ. The nativity scene stands in the center of the temple, where everyone who comes to the festive service can bow to the born Savior. And like magicians, we also bring gifts: our prayers, repentance and good deeds.

    Love for the holiday was also expressed by the number of churches and monasteries erected in honor of the feast of the Nativity of Christ. The most famous church in Russia dedicated to this holiday is the Church of the Nativity of Christ the Savior in Moscow. On Christmas Day, December 25, 1812, Emperor Alexander I signed the highest Manifesto on the creation of a temple in honor of the victory over Napoleon's army "... in commemoration of Our gratitude to the Providence of God, which saved Russia from death that threatened her ...

    On the eve of the holiday, a procession and litia are performed - a solemn blessing of bread, wheat, wine, which are distributed to the worshipers after the service, and oil (olive oil and other vegetable oil), with which the priest will anoint the parishioners as a sign of God's blessing.

    TALK TO THE SON ABOUT THE CHRISTMAS Listen, son, throwing away the game, Sit quietly, do not shawl ... ... Maria, Joseph with her It took a long time to go to Judea. But there is no room for them in the hotel, Nobody wanted to help. In a gloomy and cramped cave They decide to spend the whole night. And suddenly - a star in the sky Blows up the twilight in the night, And as if the bright rays froze at the entrance to the cave.

    Joseph shuddered in surprise, As it was said - it came true. And now, under the angelic singing, Jesus Christ was born. Imagine, in a manger, in dusty straw, He sleeps in the flickering rays. And the angel spreads its wings, Sitting on the edge of the manger. The donkey shakes its head, His movements are quiet.

    In the valley the shepherds go to the cave by the starry path. Here at the manger in azure folds Mary. Happiness on the face. And Herod toils in conjectures In his prison - his palace. The Magi are in a hurry. With reverence They carry gifts to the King of Kings... So peacefully the moments fell In that night, which is brighter than all others. Anna Konobeeva, site "Solnyshko".

    Snow wrapped the city in a white veil, Lanterns froze in a silvery haze. I will decorate my house with mistletoe branches, I will garland thuja with holly. Outside the window, a sharp wind will beat, Collect snowflakes, cuddle up to the frame. I will put up a festive tree in the hall, To bloom the fluffiness of the branches with balls. I will put golden candles on the table, And I will hide sweets and gifts under the tree. And together with my family I will celebrate Christmas, The best holiday, joyful and bright! Anna Konobeeva, site "Solnyshko".

    My dear man! Merry Christmas! May your world and may your age Be not severe, God's grace will gush Into the soul and in the breath, So as not to know and not to meet Pain and suffering. Clear days to you and milestones, And new discoveries, My dear man, Merry Christmas!

    Merry Christmas congratulations! In Russia, this holiday is revered. After many days of fasting, we are waiting for the star of Christ to rise. We wish everyone to remember on Christmas - Let twenty centuries have passed - How Christ helped all people, Goodness, as we wish you now!

    Let the blizzard for a whole year, It will sweep you with health, The wind will blow out all the ailments Into the cold courtyard. Let the snow swirl with sparks, So that your faces brighten, And the sly moon On the night of love will deprive you of sleep. May one of the bright stars Give your talents growth, lift your thought up! Let friends decorate life!

    The day of the Nativity of Christ is the day when Christ entered the world with love. This is the day of forgiveness, the day of bright feelings, the day when you need to love everyone. And may all the guns fall silent on this night and on this holiday and not a single rocket rise! May God give silence to the soldiers! And let love for near and far enter our hearts! Merry Christmas!

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    Slides captions:

    Feast of the Nativity

    Christmas in Russia is celebrated on January 7th. People celebrate the birth of the baby Jesus Christ.

    The history of the holiday The Roman emperor announced a census. Everyone had to appear in the city where he was born, so the Blessed Virgin Mary and Joseph went to Bethlehem. They could not find accommodation anywhere (all hotels were occupied).

    At the end of the city they saw a cave, and they stopped in it. In this cave, the son of God Jesus Christ was born, Mary swaddled Him and laid Him in a manger.

    At night, the shepherds saw an Angel in front of them, he said: “I proclaim to you Great joy in this city Jesus the Savior was born, you will recognize Him by finding the Baby lying in the manger.”

    The shepherds entered the cave and bowed to the Child, glorifying and praising God for everything they heard and saw. And Mary kept in her heart everything that was said about the Baby.

    Christmas is a family holiday, Christians ask the Infant Christ for blessings for relatives and friends. Gifts are prepared for each other for the holiday.

    On the night before Christmas, people, singing songs, dress up and go from house to house, congratulate the owners on Christmas and wish them a fruitful year and all the best.

    Christmas Christmas Christmas! It's light in my heart. The holiday of the holy sun has risen Heaven is so clear - a white day in the night. Then a star sends rays to a baby in a manger! The Word became flesh for the sake of our troubles. Christmas - Eternal life light!

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