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    The course of the holiday. Music sounds.

    So here we go!

    Smiling sadly to himself.

    And this time is called spring.

    Still full of interruptions.

    The best doctors won't help.

    You will be happy and healthy again.

    We are accustomed to it as a kind and cheerful holiday.
    We love him for pleasant chores, for the smiles of our mothers,
    And that means all women. Mom is the closest, dearest and
    the sweetest person on earth. On this day, it is customary to give flowers.
    Accept from us on a holiday an unusual spring bouquet, which
    consists of songs, dances, and words of congratulations!


    Leading: Oh woman, you are beautiful
    We bow our heads before you.
    You are a mother, and life, and a symbol of beauty,
    You are everything that is incredibly close to us.

    Lina Stern - the first woman - a full member of the USSR Academy of Sciences

    Margaret Thatcher - "The Iron Lady"

    Leading: How wonderful that there is such a day in the year when you can hear so many declarations of love, feel joy and see great happiness and love in the eyes of women. When we talk about a woman, we first of all talk about mom. For any of us, mother is the dearest, dearest person in the world, who gave the most valuable thing - life.

    She taught us disobedient and stubborn goodness - the highest of sciences.
    Talk to me mom talk about something
    Until starry midnight until the very, give me childhood again.


    That the roof has not yet leaked in it,
    And, as if in childhood, the stove breathes bread
    And the house smells of warm milk.

    Chorus: How good, how good under my mother's wing
    Turn off the road, the distant endless road.
    At least for a day, at least for a day to become a carefree girl
    And feel the native warmth.

    2. It's good that the clocks are still running in the house
    And the cricket is alive behind the stove,
    And at the porch there is a birch with a candle
    And gently shines on my heart.

    3. And the windows in the house, as always, to the south,
    So that there is more warmth and light in it,
    To stay in it longer summer,
    And it's all from mother's hands.


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"Scenario of the festive concert by March 8"

Target: Create a festive mood, congratulate all women on the holiday.


    to promote the development of creative abilities in students, the formation of a sense of beauty;

    promote self-realization of children;

    to cultivate a sense of respect for the closest people - mothers.

Location: festively decorated auditorium.

The course of the holiday. Music sounds.

Leading: Good evening! We are glad to see all of you in this hall! Our today's concert is dedicated to the holiday of spring, love and, of course, it is dedicated to you - our dear women. Our lovely, beautiful women, we congratulate you on the holiday of spring! To you the first smiles of spring nature, gentle March flowers and wonderful music. We are gathered today in our festive hall to celebrate the first spring holiday - a holiday of kindness, light, life and love!
So here we go!

The song "The Time Comes" sounds.

    Here comes the eccentric man,

Smiling sadly to himself.

It can be seen that there is some trifle in my head

With the heart, something is clearly wrong.

CHORUS: The time comes, birds fly from the south,

The snowy mountains are melting and there is no time for sleep.

The time comes, people lose their heads

And this time is called spring.

    How long do not treat the heart with validol,

Still full of interruptions.

How many head against the wall do not knock

The best doctors won't help.

    Go to Antarctica without further ado

Right now it's autumn in full swing.

For six months you are without any doctors

You will be happy and healthy again.

Leading: March 8 marks our planet's Women's Day.
We are accustomed to it as a kind and cheerful holiday.
We love him for pleasant chores, for the smiles of our mothers,
And that means all women. Mom is the closest, dearest and
the sweetest person on earth. On this day, it is customary to give flowers.
Accept from us on a holiday an unusual spring bouquet, which
consists of songs, dances, and words of congratulations!

Girls of the 5th grade dance for you.

Leading: Spring walks through the yards in the rays of warmth and light.

Today is the holiday of our mothers, and we are pleased with it!

Spring itself sends greetings to our mothers on spring day:

The ringing of streams and birdsong gives the holiday she.

The sun shines brighter for us on the bright holiday of our mothers.

We invite 1st grade students to the stage. They will sing a song about mom.

Leading: Oh woman, you are beautiful
We bow our heads before you.
You are a mother, and life, and a symbol of beauty,
You are everything that is incredibly close to us ...

The names of many great women will forever remain in history, despite the transience of the modern world. They became an example for many generations:

Valentina Tereshkova, the first female cosmonaut

Sofia Kovalevskaya - the first woman in Europe - professor of higher mathematics

Rosalind Franklin - eminent female scientist

Lina Stern - the first woman - a full member of the USSR Academy of Sciences

Margaret Thatcher - "Iron Lady"

And many other outstanding and selfless women have declared themselves in the world!

"Everything depends on ourselves." 3rd grade students dance for you.

Leading: How wonderful that there is such a day in the year when you can hear so many declarations of love, feel joy and see great happiness and love in the eyes of women. When we talk about a woman, we first of all talk about mom. For any of us, mother is the dearest, dearest person in the world, who gave the most valuable thing - life.

Oh, how beautiful is the word mother. Everything on earth is from mother's hands.
She taught us disobedient and stubborn goodness - the highest of sciences.
Talk to me mom talk about something
Until starry midnight until the very, give me childhood again.

Dance "Talk to me, mom."

Leading: We wish you everything that life is rich in,

Health, happiness, long life!

It will leave a good mark in the soul for the whole year!

The song "How good it is under my mother's wing" will be performed by a 9th grade student Pavlova Victoria.

1. How good it is to have a dear home,
That the roof has not yet leaked in it,
And, as if in childhood, the stove breathes bread
And the house smells of warm milk.

Chorus: How good, how good under my mother's wing
Turn off the road, the distant endless road.
At least for a day, at least for a day to become a carefree girl
And feel the native warmth.

2. It's good that the clocks are still running in the house
And the cricket is alive behind the stove,
And at the porch there is a birch with a candle
And gently shines on my heart.

3. And the windows in the house, as always, to the south,
So that there is more warmth and light in it,
To stay in it longer summer,
And it's all from mother's hands.

Leading: You will not put our unusual festive spring bouquet of songs, dances, and words of congratulations into vases and then throw away dried flowers. We hope that our bouquet will remain in your soul, you will carry it until the next holiday, and you will have a lot of them in your life and we are ready to give them again and again as a token of gratitude and love for you, dear women. Save it, and your soul will always be light and warm from our love for you.

Once again, I would like to congratulate all women on the holiday, wish you health, happiness, love.

Our concert ends here. See you soon!

Host 1: Good afternoon!

Host 2: Hello!

Moderator 1: We are pleased to welcome everyone to this room.

Presenter 2: Happy holiday,
Happy holiday,
Happy holiday,
wonderful, wonderful,
Happy holiday of affection,
Love and attention
With the holiday of female Charm - with the holiday of March 8!

Presenter 1: A woman is spring,
The image is blooming and tender.
A woman is always
The world is radiant, boundless.

Presenter 2: Dear women! The song "Mom's Smile" performed by a 4th grade student Valeria Popova is dedicated to all of you. Meet!

Presenter 1: Among the first days of spring
March 8 is more expensive than all.
All over the earth, for all people
Spring and women are alike.

Presenter 2: Good luck to you, health to you
And we wish you happiness.
And with a gentle holiday of spring

Presenter 1: Welcome to class 1.

Presenter 2: Please accept our congratulations
On International Women's Day!
Let your mood be
Always blooming like a lilac

Presenter 1: May your life be beautiful,
And the children are always happy
Let your house be a full bowl!
Good luck, happiness and kindness!

This wonderful dance performed by grade 3 will not leave anyone indifferent at our holiday

Presenter 1: Mom, mommy ... How much warmth this magic word conceals, which names the closest, dearest person!

Presenter 2: The word "mother" is a special word. It is born, as it were, together with us, accompanying us all our lives.

Presenter 1: Dear teachers! Whether you like it or not, each of us has that little piece that the teacher puts into us as a mother. We know you are worried about us, worried. It is not for nothing that teachers are called “our second mother”.

Presenter 2: Mothers ... There are millions of them, and each carries motherly love in her heart. Women of all races who speak different languages, - they are all sisters in one thing: in their boundless love for their child.

We meet students of the 2nd grade with their beautiful song "Our mother is the most, the most .."

Presenter 1: Spring day, not frosty,
The day is cheerful and mimosa -
It's mother's day!

Presenter 2: The day is cloudless, but snowy,
An excited and gentle day ...
It's mother's day!

Presenter 1: The day is spacious, not capricious,
Day gift, surprise ...
It's mother's day!

Presenter 2: Surprise 6th grade. A song about a declaration of love to your mother "To my dear mother".

Presenter 1: Snow sparkled from the sun's splashes,
And the wind sings recklessly.
In March, nature is not at all strict -
In honor of the holiday of our grandmothers.

Presenter 2: From the southern edges along the expanse of fields
Spring is approaching us;
And it became brighter and warmer in the world -
In honor of the holiday of our mothers.

Lead 1: The expanse of the sky is clear, deep and pure,
And the azure expanse beckons.
Look at the beauty all around
In honor of our sisters.

Presenter 2: With the beginning of spring, celebrate this day
It is not in vain bequeathed.
And we will always dedicate this day

You are in 3rd grade.

Presenter 1: Beautiful mothers - there are a lot of you in the world,
You look into the eyes openly and directly ...

Presenter 2: No matter how far the road calls us,
We are all accompanied by beautiful mothers.

Presenter 1: We rarely bring bouquets to mom,
But everyone so often upsets her ...

Presenter 2: And a kind mother forgives us this,
A beautiful mother forgives all this.

Presenter 1: The performance of the 8th grade student Christina Glotova is dedicated to all mothers. The poem "After all, I'm not 16, mom." E. Asadov.

Presenter 2: A world full of fabulous flowers,
The world with the wondrous rustle of the winds
Accept this spring day!

Presenter 1: The world with the wonderful song of the nightingale.
The world with the sonorous voice of the stream.
Peace with the song of the March drop
Accept this spring day!

Presenter 2: For dear mothers, the song “My heart will always love you” will be performed by a 9th grade student Irina Ponomareva.

Presenter 1: From year to year you are congratulated,
Wish you happiness and warmth
And this year we wish you
Say all kind words.

Presenter 2: Let the spring holiday bring
Only joy, happiness, warmth.
Let all sorrows disappear
There will be no unnecessary quarrels in the house.

Presenter 1: You smile and worries will go away,
Like spring water.
Let only joy be near
Always, always, always

Leading together: ALWAYS!
Presenter 2: Let the first snowdrop
Will give you tenderness!
The spring sun will give warmth!
And the March wind will give hope
And happiness, and joy, and only good!

Presenter 2: Lovely women! We wish you:
Be happy in April and May

Presenter 1: Today and tomorrow, and thousands of years!
The light is on women these days.

Presenter 2: Irina Privalova, a 5th grade student, reads the poem “My Mom” for you

Presenter 1: We congratulate you today
Happy International Women's Day,
We dedicate our poems to you,
We place articles in newspapers
And we sing love songs.

Presenter 2: May women's day never end,
Let the streams sing in your honor,
Let the sun smile at you
And men give you flowers.

Presenter 1: With the first drop, with the last blizzard,
Happy early spring holiday.
Congratulations, we sincerely wish you
Joy, happiness, health, love!

Presenter 2: We say goodbye to you! See you soon!

Host 1: Thank you for your attention!

♦ Heading: .

1 presenter: Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen! We are pleased to welcome you back to this hall.

Lead 2: Most recently, we celebrated the Defender of the Fatherland Day. And tomorrow there will be another favorite holiday for everyone: all girls, girls, women.

1 presenter: All the most best words that will sound today - in your honor, our dear mothers, grandmothers and friends!

2 host:
May your day be bright
May your heart be generous
With all our hearts we wish you happiness,
In the work of joyful victories,
May all misfortunes bypass you
As if they do not exist in nature!

1 presenter: - Accept this concert from us as a gift.

2 host: Students of class 1 "a" congratulate you, they will read poetry for you.

Performance for girls: Boys read a poem for girls.
1. The sun is beautiful in the sky,
The birds are singing merrily.
They wish you joy
And hello spring send!
2. Today we are all smart,
The boots are on fire.
Congratulate you on Women's Day,
Gathered for a parade
3. All shirts are ironed,
All pants are ironed.
We walked around the puddles today.
And we didn't fight
4. We did not go upside down,
Didn't roll on the floor
We did not sit on each other
And do not get dirty in chalk.
5. Today we are like dandies,
In front of you at the blackboard
But more beautiful than our girls
We still didn't!
6. You are beautiful, like stars,
And eyes sparkle with fire.
And your smiles are cute
Outshine the sun during the day
7. You are so nice with us!
You girls are simply awesome!
That's why we all want
Be like you.

1 presenter: Happy holiday of affection,
Love and attention
Happy Women's Charm!
Maybe there is a bigger date
And probably not alone.
Only on the afternoon of March 8
Spring opens!

2 presenter: Happy holiday, dear ladies, 1st grade congratulates you, they give you the Polka dance.

1 leader:
Happy March 8,
Happy spring holiday
With the first flowers
In this bright hour
Our dear women,

2 presenter: The song “Shurochka” performed by Tatyana Solovieva sounds for you.

1 host: A woman is spring,
The image is blooming and tender.
A woman is always
The world is radiant, boundless.

2 host: Among the first days of spring
March 8 is more expensive than all.
All over the earth, for all people
Spring and women are alike.

Lead 1: Students of grade 6a give you their gift. They will perform the Burlesque dance.

2 host: Please accept our congratulations
On International Women's Day!
Let your mood be
Always blooming like a lilac

1 Host: May your life be beautiful,
And the children are always happy
Let your house be a full bowl!
Good luck, happiness and kindness!

2 presenter: The song “Smile” performed by Valitova Ruzili sounds for you.

Lead 1: The word "mother" is a special word. It is born, as it were, together with us, accompanying us all our lives.

2 leader: Dear teachers! Whether you like it or not, each of us has that little piece that the teacher puts into us as a mother. We know you are worried about us, worried. No wonder teachers are called "our second mother."

Lead 1: Mothers ... There are millions of them, and each carries motherly love in her heart. Women of all races, speaking different languages, are all sisters in one thing: in their boundless love for their child.

Lead 2: Pupils of grade 9a give you their dance.

1 presenter: We wish you both happiness and love,
So that all dreams and aspirations come true,
FROM good mood so that you
Nowhere and never parted.

2 host: Health to you for a hundred long years,
And this, right, is worth a lot.
In work-production victories,
In family life - happiness and peace!

Lead 1: For you, our dear women, students of grade 11 are dancing. The dance is called "Gentleman".

Lead 2: We wish you lots and lots of happiness,
A piece of blue sky
And in it - the desired star:
Your love, your dream!

1 host: We wish you happiness and love.
They are more precious than all gifts.
And may all dreams come true
On a beautiful day - March 8!

Leading 2: Students of grade 10a congratulate you. They will sing you the song "Mom"

1 presenter: Snow sparkled from the sun's splashes,
And the wind sings recklessly.
In March, nature is not at all strict -
In honor of the holiday of our grandmothers.

2 leader: From the southern edges along the expanse of fields
Spring is approaching us;
And it became brighter and warmer in the world -
In honor of the holiday of our mothers.

1 presenter: Students of grade 9b congratulate you. They present to your attention the Minuet dance.

Lead 2: The expanse of the sky is clear, deep and pure,
And the azure expanse beckons.
Look at the beauty all around
In honor of our sisters.

1 presenter: With the beginning of spring, celebrate this day
It is not in vain bequeathed.
And we will always dedicate this day

Lead 2: Students of grade 2a sing for you. They will perform "Mamantenka's Song".

1 presenter: Beautiful mothers - there are a lot of you in the world,
You look into the eyes openly and directly ...

Lead 2: No matter how far the road calls us,
We are all accompanied by beautiful mothers.

1 presenter: We rarely bring bouquets to mom,
But everyone so often upsets her ...

Lead 2: A good mother forgives us this,
A beautiful mother forgives all this.

Lead 1: For you, dear mothers, students of grade 7b sing. Song Light Europe.

2 host: A world full of fabulous flowers,
The world with the wondrous rustle of the winds
Accept this spring day!

1 presenter: The world with the wonderful song of the nightingale.
The world with the sonorous voice of the stream.
Peace with the song of the March drop
Accept this spring day!

2 host: Students of grade 3a congratulate you on the holidays, they give you the Quadrille dance.

1 presenter: Lovely women! We wish you:
Be happy in April and May

Lead 2: Today and tomorrow, and thousands of years!
The light is on women these days.

Lead 1: For you, dear mothers, students of grade 10b sing. They will perform a song of their own composition.

2 host: March 8 for all men
One hundred reasons to worry:
Was that gift given
Is the tea well brewed?

Lead 1: How long do soups cook,
How much flour is in the cake?
How should dishes be washed?
Just don't forget!

Lead 2: On this day nowhere lazy
Not found among men -
Cooking, washing, sweeping
All men are one!

1 presenter: Students of grade 4a congratulate you on the dance “I, you, he, she is a friendly family together”

2 host: March 8 - a special day
A day of joy and beauty.
And today we are all ready
Send flowers to teachers.

Lead 1: We used to upset you,
Trouble, anxiety delivered to you.

Lead 2: Sometimes we don’t learn a lesson.
Or we'll be late on the threshold!

Lead 1: But today we will tell you:
You are lovely flowers.
And always smile happily
Like these holidays!

2 host: Students of grade 6b congratulate you on the holidays. They will perform the song "Dear Mom".

Lead 1: February has passed, and again the sun,
And sure enough, spring is here.
Birds, fish, animals woke up,
Nature has awakened from sleep!

2 host: Spring to you joyful and tender,
happy days and pink dreams
Let March give you, even snowy,
Your smiles and flowers!

1 presenter: Students of grade 9b congratulate you. They give you the dance "Dandies".

2 presenter We congratulate you today
Happy International Women's Day,
We dedicate our poems to you,
We place articles in newspapers
And we sing love songs.

Lead 1: May women's day never end,
Let the streams sing in your honor,
Let the sun smile at you
And men give you flowers.

2 presenter: Alexandra Sushentseva congratulates you on the holiday with the song “Mom sang a Russian song”.

1 leader:
So our concert has come to an end.
With respect and love
We wish you many, many years...

2 host:
Great happiness
Good health,
Good deeds and labor victories!
TOGETHER: Happy Holidays!

Concert script for March 8 "The light of a woman, beautiful and high"

The waltz sounds, during the dance the girls freeze - “live picture”, the presenters come out.

leading: A star falls from midnight skies

And the birds fly away to a distant land,

But stays with us forever

The light of a woman, beautiful and high.

The dance continues.

2 host: From heart to heart, from dream to dream

The light of a woman will pave the way invisible,

Open only to eternal goodness,

And truth, and love is unique.

The dews sparkle, the clouds melt,

A new day usually comes.

And the universe shines while

The light of a woman is splashed across the universe.

The dance ends.

Leading: Spring, revival in nature,

Love reigns everywhere.

And we are so young

Mind sparkles, blood rages.

Good evening, dear ladies! We are pleased to welcome you to our holiday concert today. Allow me, on behalf of all the speakers, the entire teaching staff of our school, to congratulate you all on this wonderful holiday of that part of humanity that is called the better half, on the holiday of spring, on International Women's Day!

2 host: Our dear ladies!

Sisters, grandmothers and mothers!

Our entire team is male

Congratulations on spring.

The song is performed by _______________________________________________________________
2 host: The first month of spring, the first drops, the first thawed patches and, of course, the first spring flowers - snowdrops.
1 host: Sparrow ruffled his feathers -

Alive, healthy and unharmed.

Catching the March sun

With every feather.

2 host: And although there are frosts

And snowdrifts outside the window,

A bunch of snowdrops for you

We'll bring it to the house today.

A song is being performed
1 host: The days got longer

And the nights without sleep means

We have spring!

So, love woke up in the soul,

Hearts were beating harder already.

Songs are performed by the folk group "Istoki", artistic director Baibakova Olga Pavlovna ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 host: Here comes this amazing holiday again, when the sun

shines brighter, and more smiles, and louder drops. On this day

men feel like knights and ardent poets.
1 host: On this day, let wonderful feelings of love reign everywhere,

joy and happiness. May this day always be a day

admiration for mother, wife, daughter, sister, girlfriend

for their love, endurance, patience and wise understanding.

2 leading: Our precious women, girls, girls! We

congratulations on your holiday! There will be a song for you

_______________________________ in execution ______________________________________________________________.
1 presenter: Let's take a little excursion into the history of this

Switzerland, Denmark held rallies with demands

Give women equal rights with men. And this one

The day went down in history as International Women's Day.

2 leading: The history was forgotten, but the day remained.

1 presenter: Everything connected with a woman is fine.

2 host: Among the various miracles that captivate and beckon,

The light of a distant star or the eternity of the gray pyramids.

There is one thing that will always stop the eye,

This is a woman, in her nature keeps all the secrets.

1 host: Despite the dominance of pain and evil,

Miracle - a woman kept warm in the house.

Introduced colors and sounds into everyday life,

In hard times, she could be beautiful.

2 host: May human goodness surround you,

The admiration of men, reliable warm hands.

Let the verses and confessions sound again and again,

May your loved ones give you more love.

The song ____________________________ will be performed by Irina Likhtina.
1 host: Lose your mind, get sick

Be alive and dead at the same time

Intoxicated and sober, meek and arrogant,

Mean and generous, deceitful and direct,

Forgetting everything, to live just one,

Be gentle, rough, furious, humble,

Cheerful, sad, secretive, frank,

Jealous, indifferent, kind, evil,

Believing in deceit, fearing the truth,

Drink bitter poison, mistaking it for honey,

To give up misfortune for the sake of happiness,

All this means falling in love with a woman

Those who have experienced love will understand me.

The song is being performed by ____________________________ performed by __________________________________________________________________

2 host: A woman is touching fragility and saving prayer,

this is an incomprehensible mystery and liberated naturalness, this

miracle, magic, fairy tale .... That's life! This is... Mom.
1 student: Mother! The most beautiful word on Earth is "mother"! This is the first

a word that a person pronounces and it sounds the same

gently in all languages ​​of the world.
2 student: Mother! Close your eyes and listen. And you will hear your mother's voice.

He lives in you, so familiar, so dear. Its not

confuse with any other. Even when you get older

3 student: There is no one dearer on Earth than mother,

Mother who gave us life!

And how many warm words they would not say to her, it's not enough,

We all want our mother to live for a long, long time!

4 student: Mom has the kindest and most affectionate heart, the most tender and

gentle hands that can do everything. And in the right and

and the sensual heart of a mother never goes out of love for her

children, it will not remain indifferent to anything.

5 student: She is always and everywhere next to us:

And the first steps, and the first words,

And mom will regret, if necessary,

When our enemies hurt us.

6 student: Mother! You weren't able to speak yet, but she understood you.

without words. I guessed what hurts you, what you want. Mom taught

you to talk, walk... Mom read the first book. From her

you learned the names of birds, that each flower has its own name.

Mom helped you see the first snowflake.
7 student: Life shakes us around the planet:

Today here, tomorrow there

But mom will meet you with a smile every time,

When we come to the native gates.

8 student: And no matter how old you are - 5 or 50 - you always need

mother, her care, her kindness, her participation, her affectionate look. And than

the more your love for your mother, the more joyful and brighter her life.
9 student: We love mother's smile, hands,

And no matter how fast the years run,

And how the grandchildren did not make noise,

She will never stop worrying about us!

10. student: Mother! We wish you, dear,

Health, warm days, kindness!

And know that we need you

Like a ray of sunshine, like air, like water!

1 host: It's bad for us - we call you for help,

If it hurts, "mama" we shout,

We rarely bring joy to her,

For some reason we are more upset.

Well, you are not angry, you are near,

You help with a deed, a word, a look.

The song _________________________________ will be performed by _________________________________________________________________

2 host: Tanyusha in the evening

Came from a walk

And the doll asked:

Girl: How are you, daughter?

Have you crawled under the table again, fidget?

Did you sit all day without lunch again?

These girls are in trouble!

Come to dinner, spinner

(the girl takes the doll, sits at the table)

2 host: Tanyushina's mother

I came back from work

And Tanya asked:
Mother: How are you, daughter?

Played again, probably in the garden?

Managed to forget about food again?

"Lunch!" - Grandma shouted a hundred times,

And you answered: "Now, yes" Now!

These girls are in trouble!

Soon you will be as thin as a back,

Come to dinner, spinner,

(Seats the girl at the table.)

2 host: Grandma is here

Mom's mom came

And she asked her mother:

Grandmother: How are you, daughter?

Probably at school for a whole day

Again, I did not find a minute to eat.

And in the evening I ate a dry sandwich ?!

You can't sit all day without eating!

She became a teacher, and everyone is a fidget.

These girls are in trouble!

Soon you will be as thin as a back,

Come to dinner, spinner.

(everyone sits at the table)

2 host: Three mothers are sitting in the dining room,

Three mothers look at their daughters!

What to do with stubborn daughters?

ALL: Oh, how hard it is to be moms!

The song will sound ____________________________________________

1 host: If you, frowning, argue with deeds,

If so many problems have accumulated,

May it always help

to you in household matters

Adult or still young

Basically a gentleman

And a smile, no doubt

Suddenly touches your eyes.

And good mood

Will not leave you anymore!

Lovely women! Accept a musical gift from all the men present in the hall today
1 man: Woman! What a word!

How late I began to understand!

It is the basis of our whole life.

Wife, lover and mother.

2 man: Woman! What strength!

What power in this word!

After all, a woman loved us all

And excited in each passion.

3 man: Woman! What a joy!

What is the breadth of this word!

In it our life is salt and joy,

Peace and happiness, light and peace.

1 man: Thank you dear women

For your pride, mind and honor,

For your painted faces,

For the fact that you are in the world!

The song ______________________ performed

Male team.
2 host: So that life is not boring until death,

God has broken the human race into halves.

So that life forever has colors,

One of the halves he declared beautiful.

The song _____________________________ will be performed by _______________________________________________________________
1 host: Like an unsolved mystery,

Living charm breathes in her, -

We watch with anxious trepidation

Into the quiet light of her eyes.

2 host: Is there an earthly charm in it,

Or heavenly grace?

Her eyes could pray

And the heart is torn to adore.

HOST: Dear women - grandmothers, mothers, sisters, please accept our most sincere congratulations on this wonderful day and a musical number.
The song will sound _______________________________________________

Performed by __________________________________________________


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