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summary other presentations

"Mysteries about spring" - Snowdrifts. Castle. Grandfather Omniscient. Vinogradov. Zhukovsky. Butterfly. Puzzles. Spring. Skis. Levitan. Summer. Words that answer the questions who? What?. Rook. Huge family. In spring, the butterfly woke up. Magpie. Lilies of the valley.

"People's Riddles" - Love your land! Guess, guys, Komi folk riddles!

"Riddles about vegetables" - Dispute of vegetables. Riddles have grown in our garden. Plum. Babies. What is red on the outside is white on the inside, with a green tuft on the head. Yellow girl. One hundred shirts. Collect a picture. Song of vegetables. Vegetable mess. Make up a word. Competition. The hostess came from the market. What we baked in the ashes. Riddles competition. Goby.

"Riddles for children" - Magic forest. Farewell to the ABC. Dirt and ash. Puss in Boots. Treats young children. It's great that we are all here today. Girls and boys. Alyonushka. Fluffy bastard. Wooden bastard. Dunno's best friend. Kashchei. The most insidious villain.

"Riddles for younger students" - Tell the name of the hero. Name a bird that can't fly but can dive. Eight brave kids ford the stream. Name a bird that cannot fly. Seryozhka fell into the snow, followed by Alyoshka. From whom did these telegrams come? May beetles lived under the bushes near the river. The best watchman is a dog. Me, Seryozha, Kolya, Wanda - volleyball team. Now we are students. The birds sat on the pages, they know the true story and fables.

“Riddles about winter” - What kind of girl is this: not a seamstress, not a craftswoman. I come with gifts, Shine with bright lights. What, tell me, did the night bake in the oven for Easter cakes. What an absurd person has made his way to us in the twentieth century. Old, humpbacked, lies near the hut. They fly faster than the wind, and I fly three meters from them. Carrot nose, broom in hand, afraid of the sun and heat. Transparent as glass, but you can't put it in a window. Night, night, tell me what you did in silence.

Nomination "Multimedia technologies in the pedagogical process in preschool educational institutions"

« New Year"- one of the favorite holidays of children of any age. Preschool children are especially happy to meet Santa Claus. In order for the joy and impressions received to be preserved in the memory of children for a longer time, it is advisable to meet again after the holiday in the music hall near the elegant Christmas tree, play New Year's games, hold attractions, and solve winter riddles.

This presentation was created to be shown at the winter entertainment "Farewell to the Christmas Tree" Pupils are invited to solve the riddles of Mother Winter.

Children love to solve riddles, and if the correct answer on the screen “comes to life” in the form of a picture, it is doubly interesting! Solving riddles develops observation, ingenuity, ingenuity, memory, thinking and imagination in children, and also serves as fun and entertainment.

The presentation consists of 57 colorful slides - 26 riddles and 26 animated pictures-answers. The puzzles are grouped into blocks:

1 - riddles about winter, winter entertainment;

2 - puzzles about Christmas decorations;

3 - riddles about forest animals and wintering birds.

The material is accessible and interesting for both toddlers and older preschool children.

The presentation can be used in speech therapy classes kindergarten when getting acquainted with the topics "Winter", "New Year", "Wintering Birds", "Wild Animals". An educator, a speech therapist, a defectologist, as well as parents (at home) can use the material.

Children's riddles are the training of the mind, the expansion of the horizons of children, the acquaintance in a playful way with the outside world, natural phenomena.

Presentation "Mysteries of Mother Winter"

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Slides captions:


I have a lot of things to do - I cover the whole earth with a white blanket, I clean the rivers in the ice, I whiten the fields, houses, and my name is ... WINTER

The end of the year and the beginning of winter!" - That's how they asked me a riddle. Frosts and a blizzard, And snow in the yard, Winter comes to visit us in ... DECEMBER

It flies from the sky in winter, Don't go barefoot now, Every person knows That it's always cold... snow

Walking in the field, Yes, not a horse. Flies at will, Yes, not a bird. winter storm

He draws on the glass Palm trees, stars, felt boots. They say he is a hundred years old, And he is naughty, like a little one. FREEZING

There is one such flower. Do not weave it into a wreath. Blow on it lightly: There was a flower - and there is no flower. snowflake

Carrot white All winter grew. The sun warmed up And ate the carrot. ICICLE

A difficult little man: Appears in winter, And disappears in spring, Because it quickly melts. SNOWMAN

In order not to freeze, Five guys Sit in a knitted stove. MITTEN

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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The quiz is built according to the type of television program “Own Game”. Two teams take part. The game is played in two rounds. Teams receive playing fields with themes and the price of the question (with an increase in the price of the question...

Quiz "Mysteries of the animal world".

Purpose: to expand the understanding of cats and dogs; education of love and respect for animals; teach how to treat your pets....

Quiz "Riddles from the Snow Maiden" (24 questions)

24 slides (questions). Simple questions for any age. 2 slide (1 question) He arranged skating rinks for us, He covered the streets with snow, He built bridges from ice, Who is it? 3 slide (2 question) He arranged skating rinks for us ...

Methodical development. Quiz "Mysteries of Water" for the additional general educational general development program "Research Station" Neptune's Domain

Methodical development. Quiz "Mysteries of Water" for the additional general educational general development program "Research Station" Neptune's Domain "...

The purpose of the lesson: introduce children to the work of folklore - a riddle


personal(self-determination, meaning formation, moral and ethical orientation):

  • to cultivate an attentive attitude to the word, a friendly attitude between students when working in a group;
  • to form feelings of beauty on the basis of artistic texts.

cognitive(working with information, working with training models, performing logical operations):

  • to expand children's knowledge about the genre of oral folk art "mystery";
  • form an idea and develop a scheme for constructing a riddle (learn to guess riddles by keywords).
  • regulatory (management of their activities, control and correction, initiative and independence)

communicative: speech activity, cooperation skills

During the classes

1. Motivation for learning activities.

To keep the class quiet
To remember the lesson
Sit down, children, as if
Quietly falling ... snow.

Please sit comfortably, take a piece of cotton wool in your hands, close your eyes.

Imagine that a snowflake fell on your palm... Light, fluffy, beautiful...

What they felt, what they imagined.

I wish you comfort, tranquility, peace in our lesson.

2. Actualization of knowledge. Self-determination to activity.

What section are we studying?

I suggest you complete a crossword puzzle to set the goal of the lesson.

Who are the glades whitens white,
And writes on the walls with chalk,
sews down duvets,
Decorated all the windows. (Winter)

I lived in the middle of the yard
Where children play
But from the sun's rays
I turned into a stream
. (snowman)

What words helped solve the riddle?

I walk in the field
I fly free
I twist, I grumble,
I don't want to know anything. (Blizzard)

What words helped solve the riddle?

I live under the roof
It's scary to even look down.
I could live higher
If only there were roofs. (icicle)

What words helped solve the riddle?

Softly glowing needles
The coniferous spirit comes from the Christmas tree.
The branches gently rustle
Beads are burning bright.
And swing toys
Flags, stars, .... (crackers)

What words helped solve the riddle?

Not boots, not boots
But they are also worn by legs.
We run in them. in winter:
In the morning - to school, in the afternoon - home.

What words helped solve the riddle?

An asterisk circled
A little in the air
Sat and melted
On my palm. (snowflake)

What will we work on in class?

(Learn to guess riddles based on keywords.)

3. Primary consolidation with pronunciation in oral speech. Work in shift groups.

Why do we need riddles at all?

This is what we will try to find out.

And the motto of this lesson will be the words:
“The riddle does not solve itself -
We must try the power of the mind!”

You will work in groups today. Each group has some information about the riddles. From this information, we must put together our puzzle - expand our knowledge of riddles.

I suggest you take a card, get acquainted with the text and complete the proposed tasks or choose the most interesting from what you read. Your classmates will help you with this. Listen to the opinion of each member of the group. Choose a person to speak.

white color 1.

The very name of the genre “mystery” comes from the word “fortune-telling” - to think, reason. “Fortune-telling” - finding out something hidden, hidden. The riddle was widely used as a test of wisdom both in life and in fairy tales. The main thing is for a person to test his ingenuity, once again look around him - let him see what an interesting world he lives in. A riddle is a “problem” that needs to be solved.

Underline the answers to the following questions in the text:

1. From what word did the name “mystery” come from?

2. What was the riddle used for in antiquity?

Blue 2.

Riddles are one of the most ancient genres of oral poetry. They were invented not only for fun. The ancient Slavs believed that plants and animals understood human speech. Therefore, for example, going hunting, it was extremely imprudent to discuss their plans loudly and frankly. Agree, it is difficult to count on luck when all the forest game is already well aware of your hunting ideas. So the encrypted, allegorical speech was recommended.

Ancient beliefs contributed to the widespread use of secret speech. Livestock was renamed so as not to bring trouble on him, and forest animals - so as not to frighten or arouse their rage. It is known: we are talking about a wolf - and he is towards. This is how the names "Long-tailed" - for a horse, "rykush" - for a cow, "thin-legged" - for a sheep, "low-looking" - for a pig appeared. In fairy tales, the wolf is none other than “gray”, the fox is Patrikeevna, the bear is Clubfoot.

Answer the question: For what purpose did the ancient Slavs come up with riddles?

Yellow 3.

Since ancient times, connoisseurs of riddles have been especially revered. In fairy tales, such heroes often turned out to be winners and even kings. Remember how it happened? Heralds will spread the royal decree around the world: they say, the princess will marry someone whose riddle she cannot solve. And now noble grooms are going to the court - foreign kings and princes. I went to the capital and Ivan the Fool. I met a snake on the way, killed it with a stick and came up with a riddle: “Evil struck with evil, evil died from evil.” Where can the princess guess! ... She has to get married and lead Ivan to the throne.
Such fabulous turns are not accidental. After all, a lot of valuable information about the world around was invested in each riddle. A person with such knowledge was rightfully considered wise and savvy, and therefore strong and lucky.

Why were experts in riddles especially revered in ancient times? Find the answer in the article, underline it.

Red 4.

How long a person lives, so many riddles live. For many centuries they were created by the people. From the depths of time, they brought to us the wisdom of the Russian people. In them, simply and colorfully, briefly and expressively, a person described the world, natural phenomena, plants, animals. A riddle is a figurative expression in which one object is depicted through comparison with another that has at least a remote resemblance to it. You can hear the poetry of the Russian language in them. In ancient times, this is the only means for developing ingenuity, intelligence, a test of wisdom, and now it is fun. A riddle is a tricky question, it develops ingenuity, ingenuity.

Find and underline the answers to the questions:

1. How are objects described in riddles?

2. What are riddles for?

One representative from each group speaks.

It helps us to solve riddles that one object is replaced by another similar to it. But this similarity is unexpected, unusual, intricate.

Now let's work in shift groups. Each of you has a card of a certain color. You should discuss your assignment with one or two classmates, (card in a different color). Then, in your group, listen to the opinion of each member of the group. Choose a person to speak.

In the round window
Broken glass during the day
Inserted by evening. (hole)

Sweeps paths in the park,
Collects snow in snowdrifts.
Who is this stranger
Did you guess? (dry snow)

White grandfather, no whiter.
old, hunchbacked,
Lies next to the house.
Lies all winter
Nobody picks up.
Spring will come
He himself will leave. (snowdrift)

Pebbles hid
In fluffy bags
four together
One on six. (mittens)

4. Independent work. Creation of the project “Winter Riddles” in the PervoLogo program.

you cooked creative projects"Winter Mysteries" The projects turned out to be interesting and bright.

2-3 people present their work.

So that everyone, both children and parents, can appreciate them, I suggest that you complete a project in PervoLogo and submit your work to the forum. You will work in pairs. Then each of you will be able to visit your classmate on the forum, try to guess the riddle and write what words helped you solve it.

Work plan.

(Music plays.)

5. Bottom line. Reflection

  • I understand that...
  • It was interesting...
  • It was difficult...
  • I wanted...

(The guys sound the reflection sheet printed on the slide.)

You have napkins on your desk. Show your mood, state after this lesson: snowball - liked it, without snowball - didn’t like it.

Thank you for the lesson!


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