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Natalia Russu

Target: Preparing older preschoolers for schooling through the formation of universal prerequisites learning activities and required skills.



* Strengthen children's skills in working with an interactive whiteboard.

* Exercise in the ability to highlight the sound at the beginning of the word.

* Exercise in the ability to compose encrypted words from pictures.

* To form in children the skills and habits of correct physiological and speech breathing.


* Develop mental operations (the ability to classify and generalize).

* Develop cognitive processes (logical thinking, memory, auditory and visual attention, coherent speech).

* Develop hand-eye coordination.

* Develop visual-spatial orientation.

* Develop basic self-esteem skills.

* Develop fantasy and imagination.


* To educate preschoolers in a positive attitude towards themselves, towards others and towards school.

* To cultivate independence, the ability to work in a team, in pairs, the ability to negotiate.

* Increase children's interest in developmental activities in preparation for school with the help of work on an interactive whiteboard.

Direction- developing;

Group- preparatory for school;

Topic– “Psychological preparation of children for school. I am a first grader."

Form of organization- frontal, steam room.

Lesson type- complex with elements of training.

Implementation time- 30 minutes;

Amount of children – 14;

Educational and methodological support:

* Sharokhina V. L. "Psychological preparation of children for school";

* Artsishevskaya I. L. "Psychological training for future first-graders";

* Ganicheva I. V. “Body-oriented approaches to psycho-correctional and developmental work with children”;

* Tsukerman G. A., Polivanova N. K. "Introduction to school life."

Equipment: interactive whiteboard, multimedia projector, laptop, interactive accompaniment to the lesson, bell, sets of subject pictures, sheets of A4 white paper, simple pencils.

The following technologies are used in the lesson:

* Health-saving,

* Information and communication,

Methods used in working with children:

1. Methods of organizing and implementing educational and cognitive activities of preschoolers:

* The method of visual transmission of information (visual perception of information using an interactive whiteboard);

* The method of visual transmission of information (using practical activities children);

* Method of verbal transmission of information (auditory perception of information);

2. Methods of stimulation and motivation:

* Emotional;

* Social;

* Gaming;

3. Methods of control and self-control:

* Self-control and mutual control.

Organizational and motivational part (3 min)

Game "Pass in a circle" (greeting ritual)(slide 1)

Children sit on the carpet in a circle.

Target: creating an emotionally positive mood in the group.

Game situation "We are first graders"

Children sit on the carpet in a circle.

Target: introduction of preschoolers to the “school world”.

The development of fantasy and imagination. Guys, today we will go to school, we will be first graders, and we will have a real lesson. We close our eyes.

“The alarm is ringing. Your mom woke you up. You put on your beautiful school uniform, take your briefcase and good mood go to school. So you open the school door, and the bell rings.

With the help of their imagination, the guys move in time and become first-graders. The school bell rings, class begins.

Main part (25 min.)

The game "The fourth extra" (2 min)(slide 2,3,4,5)

Target: development of the ability to classify and generalize, the development of elements of logical thinking, and visual attention.

The guys one by one approach the screen, find an extra picture and remove it. At the same time, the remaining pictures are combined with one sign and called it.

Sensorimotor exercise "Lying eight" (1 min)(slide 6)

Children stand in front of a psychologist.

Target: prevention of tension of the oculomotor nerve, removal of general tension.

Guys, imagine that your hands are connected to mine by invisible threads. Now, you must repeat exactly all my movements to the music.

This exercise is accompanied by calm classical music.

Exercise "Attention - draw!" (3 min.)(slide 7)

The children are sitting at the tables.

Target: development of visual-motor coordination and memory of children.

For 3 seconds, the guys carefully look at the figure shown on the screen, after the screen closes, the children draw a similar figure on their sheet. After completing the task, the children exchange working material with their neighbor and check the correctness of the task. A correctly executed figure is fixed with a plus, executed incorrectly with a minus.

Fizminutka "Floor - nose - ceiling" (1 min)(slide 8)

Children stand near their workplace.

Target: development of auditory attention of preschoolers, prevention of fatigue, stress relief.

The psychologist pronounces the words (gender, nose, floor) and shows the places corresponding to the word, the children should be extremely careful, because the psychologist will confuse them and show not what he calls.







Exercise "Classification" (3 min.)(slide 9)

Children sit in pairs at tables.

Target: development of elements of logical thinking and the ability to generalize. Strengthening the ability to work in pairs, the ability to negotiate.

Before the children a set of subject pictures. Working in pairs, they need to determine by what criteria the pictures can be decomposed into two groups. Then, the children must agree and decide who, on what basis, lays out the pictures, and lay them out.

After the children complete the task, the psychologist approaches each child and checks the task. Children should name the sign by which they laid out the pictures.

Exercise "Breathe through the nose" (1 min.)

Children stand in front of a psychologist on a carpet.

Target: the formation in children of the ability and skills of correct physiological and speech breathing without compromising health,

enrichment of the brain with oxygen, activation of thought processes in the cerebral cortex.

The guys inhale air slowly through the nose, exhale slowly through the mouth (lips folded in a tube) - 3 times.

Slow breath in through the right nostril (left closed with a finger, exhale through the mouth - 3 times.

Slow breath in through the left nostril (the right one is closed with a finger, exhale through the mouth - 3 times.

Slow breath in through the nose, exhale quickly through the mouth with the pronunciation of the sound "Ha" - 3 times

Exercise "Encrypted words" (3 min.)(slide 10)

Children sit on the carpet in front of the screen.

Target: Improving the ability to compose encrypted words from pictures, consolidating the ability to highlight the sound at the beginning of a word.

There are pictures on the screen: a fly agaric, a stork, a doll.

Children name pictures, determine the first sound in each word and pronounce them in order, so you can guess which word is encrypted on the screen using pictures.

Next, the children are shown hidden pictures, with which you can make new words. If children find it difficult to come up with a word themselves, then for this there are multi-colored squares on the screen, under which words are hidden. Children choose any square, the psychologist reads out the word, and the children one at a time encrypt the word on the screen using pictures.

Instant Build Game (2 min.)(slide 11)

Children stand in front of a psychologist.

Target: development of independence, memory and attention, communication skills with each other. Strengthening the ability to work in small groups.

The guys should stand around the psychologist, as follows: a few - in front, a few - behind, on the right, and on the left. Children remember their location relative to the psychologist and relative to each other. After the psychologist spins around in place, the guys must remember their location and take the right place. The game is played multiple times.

Exercise "Find 6 differences" (3 min.)(slide 12)

Children sit on the carpet in front of the screen.

Target: development of visual attention (its concentration, stability, development of coherent speech of preschoolers, consolidation of the ability to work with an interactive whiteboard.

There are two pictures on the screen. The guys must find 6 differences between them, each difference is marked in the pictures with a purple triangle.

Multimedia eye gymnastics "In the clearing" (1 min.)(slide 12)

Children sit on the carpet in front of the screen.

Target: Removing tension from the oculomotor nerve, concentration of attention, development of visual-spatial orientation.

On the screen with musical accompaniment, animated objects appear, which the guys are watching closely.

Exercise "What has changed?" (3 min.)(slide 13)

Children sit on the carpet in front of the screen.

Target: development of elements of logical thinking, consolidation of the ability to work independently with an interactive whiteboard.

The screen shows geometric shapes that differ from each other in certain features (TRIZ features). Children must determine which sign (shape, color, size) changes in the figure, and move this sign under the figure.

Reflection "My Evaluation" (2 min.)(slide 14)

Children sit on the carpet in front of the screen.

Target: the formation of elementary self-esteem skills.

Red circle (I liked the lesson and I succeeded).

Yellow circle (I liked the lesson, but I did not succeed in all the tasks).

Blue circle (I did not like the lesson and did not succeed).

Final part (2 min.)

Game situation "We are preschoolers" (1 min.)

Children sit on the carpet in a circle.

Target: taking children out of the “school world”, developing fantasy and imagination.

And now, we open our eyes and again find ourselves in kindergarten.

The game "Pass in a circle" (farewell ritual)

Children sit on the carpet in a circle.

Target: strengthening the emotionally positive mood in the group.

The guys in a circle pass an invisible ball to each other and fill it with a good mood.

This ball will be with you for the rest of the day, and it will help keep you in a good mood.

Oksana Rau
Lesson on the formation of psychological readiness for school "I will become a first grader"

Educational areas:

"Cognitive Development": development of cognitive research activities

"Social and communicative development": development of children's play activities, familiarization with elementary generally accepted norms and rules; development of free communication with adults and children.

Target: the formation of school readiness in older children preschool age .


1) relieve tension before training in school

2) the development of an arbitrary sphere, visual-figurative and logical thinking; attention; auditory memory

3) stimulation of intragroup communication

Materials and equipment: projector, screen, presentation with visual material, image schools and kindergarten, magnetic board, magnets, sheets of paper, colored pencils, calm music.

preliminary work: classes with pupils of the preparatory additional educational program "Soon in school» on formation of psychological readiness for school training from September to April.

Structure lessons:

I. "Active Action"

1) Greeting ritual

2) introductory part lessons

3) psycho-gymnastics, physical minute

4) bulk lessons

5) feedback

6) farewell ritual

II. "Active Listening"

1) Ritual of greeting.

2) Main body lessons

3) Feedback

4) Ritual of farewell

Lesson progress:

1. Ritual of greeting.

1) Telling children the goal lessons.

Good afternoon guys! I'm glad to see you all. Today on our lesson we will play, think and relax.

2) Greeting.

Children stand in a circle.

And now, I invite everyone to affectionately greet each other in chorus by name, let's start to my left clockwise arrow:

"Good afternoon, Vanya!"

"Good afternoon, …"

"Good afternoon, sun!" (everyone raise their hands up, then let go)

"Good afternoon sky!" (similar)

"Good afternoon to all of us!" (everyone spread their arms in different directions; then let go)

2. Introduction.

The bell rings - it's time for the lesson.

The children take their places at the tables.

Guys, we have learned a lot this year, you have become very big and there is very little left until September 1st. And today we have the last lesson with you. You will prove how smart, attentive and friendly guys you are.

And with us, together with our friend - Dunno.

1) Warm up (problem issue).

Guys, very soon you will go to school and become first graders, and our Dunno does not want to leave the kindergarten! Let's tell him what it's for school and lessons! (children give advice Dunno: "AT school to go, because…")

2) Conversation with children

Well done guys, you said everything correctly, now Dunno realized that he was studying in the school needs, but he has accumulated so many questions for us - how should he behave in school. Let's help him figure it out guys?

(children are asked questions:

What should I do if I'm late for class?

What if I want to play with toys?

What if I forget to bring a change of shoes with me?

If you forgot to take your textbook with you?

If I don't make it cook homework for class?

If I don't know how to complete the teacher's task?

That's right, all these questions are easy to answer, knowing the rules of conduct in school: in the classroom, at recess, in the library, and even in the dining room. Now together we will draw up the rules of conduct in school for Dunno.

Well done boys! (bell rings). But the bell is ringing, so it's time for a change!

3. Physical Minute.

An exercise "A drop"

drop times, (children jump in place)

drop two, (similar)

So slow first(4 slow jumps)

And then, then, then

Everybody run, run, run (8 quick jumps in place).

We opened our umbrellas (spread their hands in different directions,

Sheltered from the rain (arms above head in the form of an umbrella)

4. The main part.

1) "Pick up your backpack"

Guys, with your help Dunno understood how to behave in school. But now he can't pack his backpack. Can we help him together?

(slide show, appendix 1)


1. In a snowy field on the way

My one-legged horse rushes

And for many, many years

Leaves a black mark.

(A pen)

2. Draw whatever you want!

Sun, sea, mountains, beach.

What is this?.


3. The line is straight, come on,

You can draw yourself!

It's hard science!

Useful here…


4. In this narrow box

You will find pencils

Pens, pens, paper clips, buttons,

Anything for the soul.

(Pencil case)

If you give her a job

The pencil worked in vain.


6. Though not a hat, but with fields,

Not a flower, but with a root,

Talks to us

Patient language.


7. Her sheets are white-white,

They don't fall from branches.

I make mistakes on them.

Among the stripes and cells.


2) Guys, it seems to me that Dunno still managed to put extra items in his backpack. Let's find them!

(slide with mixed images, appendix 2)

3) Well done guys! Our Dunno ready for school and ready for the first day of school. Let's train our memory together with our friend before school! So, guys, and now we will check who is the most attentive and who has a good memory!

(slide show with patterns. Children watch 15 seconds. Then the patterns disappear. Please reestablish patterns on leaflets from memory, appendix 3).

5. The final part.

1) Relaxation.

(Children lie on the rug and close their eyes. Listen to their breathing. Relaxing music sounds.)

September 1 has come ... The sun gently warms the sky, multi-colored trees quietly fall leaflets: yellow, red, orange… You have a special day today, you and your parents are going to go to your 1st call… school... Mom dressed you smartly today - in a beautiful school uniform... In your hands you carry a beautiful bouquet for your first teachers ... Behind you - first school backpack - it contains textbooks ... notebooks ... - they will help you learn a lot of new and entertaining ... your first school is already waiting for you teacher ... He is very wise and attentive ... he will tell you something that you don’t know yet ... he will teach you to count and write ... read and draw ... You will succeed in the lessons ... everyone is happy ... congratulations ... Now everyone can say about myself: I - first grader! I'm good. My classmates are good. I strive for knowledge. I learn a lot of interesting things.

Now come back to our group, open your eyes, stretch!

2) Reflection lessons.

What did we do on this lesson? What games were played?

How can this knowledge help us in the future?

What did you like? What didn't you like? Why?

6. Ritual of farewell.

And now guys stand in a circle, hold hands and lift them up. Let's sing along say: "Goodbye, WE!"- and bow to each other, lowering our hands down.

“Series “Psychological service” V.L. Sharokhina PSYCHOLOGICAL PREPARATION OF CHILDREN FOR SCHOOL Summaries of classes Moscow BBC 88.8 Sh25 Sharokhina V.L. Sh25 Psychological preparation of children for school: Notes ... "

Series "Psychological Service"

V.L. Sharokhina




Lesson notes

Sharokhina V.L.

Ш25 Psychological preparation of children for school: Abstracts

classes. - M .: LLC "National Book Center",

2016. - 48 p. (Psychological service.)

ISBN 978-5-904827-43-4

The manual contains abstracts of classes-meetings with

children preparatory group kindergarten and their parents. In the course of such classes, the psychologist conducts diagnostics and develops the prerequisites for educational activities, communication and behavioral skills, general and fine motor skills of children, and activates cognitive processes. Children get the opportunity to get used to the role of a student, and parents - to observe their child in the process of learning and communicating with peers.

The manual is accompanied by an electronic application that will help specialists equip classes with demonstration and handout picture material.

Addressed to psychologists and teachers involved in preparing children for school.

LBC 88.8 The original layout of this publication is the property of National Book Center LLC (NCC), and its reproduction in any way without the consent of the copyright holder is prohibited. You can download the electronic supplement to the manual on the website www. key: 5904827434 ISBN 978–5–904827–43–4 © V.L. Sharokhina, 2010 © Design. LLC "National Book Center", 2014 .........................6 Day 1...................... ......6 Day 2....................... 11 Day 3.......... .................. 15 Day 4 .............................. 19 Day 5............... 22 Day 6............... .

–  –  –

By the older preschool age, children acquire a certain outlook, a stock of specific skills, master some methods of examining the external properties of objects. In the process of acquiring this knowledge, the intellectual activity necessary for the future first-grader is formed, the joy of knowledge is born.

The readiness of the child for schooling implies the presence of the following qualities:

organization, accuracy;

volitional qualities;

attention, ability to long-term concentration (15–20 min.);

ingenuity, curiosity;

well-developed speech and good imagination;

good memory;

motor dexterity;

friendliness, ability to communicate with children and adults;

basic counting and reading skills.

This manual contains notes of classes-meetings with children of the preparatory group.

This form of work will help specialists to accomplish the following tasks:

evaluate and develop the prerequisites for learning activities (performing abilities, volitional qualities, motivation) of the child;

evaluate and develop skills of arbitrary regulation of behavior;

assess and develop communication skills with peers and adults;

evaluate and develop cognitive processes: attention, perception, memory, speech and thinking;

assess and develop general and fine motor skills, graphic skills;

help the child to accept the role of a student, to form an emotionally positive attitude towards school;

help parents "see" their child in the process of learning, communicating with peers, etc.

At the end of each cycle of classes, the psychologist fills in the tables:

Table 1

–  –  –

In October, after the first cycle of meetings and diagnostics (the results must be familiarized with the administration of the preschool educational institution, educators and parents), correctional and developmental groups (subgroups) are formed for children with similar problems.

The psychologist plans classes and conducts them until May.

In May, the second cycle of classes begins, after which the psychologist fills out tables 1, 2 and 3:

–  –  –

№ Surname, name of the child Level of readiness for schooling n/n

Table 3 can be completed using symbols:

++ – high level readiness;

+ - average level of readiness;

– – low level of readiness.


–  –  –

HOOKING UP The game "Nominal circle"

Psychologist says:

Guys, let's get to know each other. This will help the game "Nominal circle". Stand next to me in a circle. I will pass the ball to the person on my left and say my name twice. And then you will pass the ball and call your names.

Game "Bees"

Psychologist says:

“Now let’s play another game.” You are bees. I am a bee sentinel. If I ring the bell three times, then a drone has appeared and it must be driven away - fly fast and flap its wings. Two calls warn of danger - you need to hide, sit down. One call - the danger is over, the bees fly quietly.

All cards for exercises necessary for classes are given in the application "Handout"

Exercise "Riddles"

Children solve riddles:

Steel horse, Linen tail.

(Needle and thread) All Antoshka - Hat and leg, And it will rain - He will grow up.

(Mushroom) Sat on the pages Thirty-three sisters.

They sat next to each other - they are not silent, They tell us riddles.

(Letters) In the spring they grow, And in the fall they fall.

(Leaves) The game "Air - earth - fire - water"

The psychologist invites the children to stand in a circle and says:

- Let's find out who is the most attentive. When I say "air" - raise your hands up, if you hear "earth" - hands down, "fire" - rotate your hands back and forth, "water" - hands forward. Whoever makes a mistake sits on a chair.

At the end of the game, everyone applauds the most attentive participant.

Exercise "Joke Tasks"

The children are sitting at the tables.

The psychologist offers them to guess comic tasks:

Three candles were lit in the room. One of them immediately went out, while the rest continued to burn. How many candles are left in the room? (Three candles.)

Three horses ran two kilometers. How many kilometers did each horse run? (Two kilometers.)

A duck weighs two kilograms when it stands on one leg.

How much will she weigh if she stands on two legs?

(Two kilograms.) Exercise "Help the judge"

The hares are going to have a running and jumping competition. Each hare took a plate with a number. Look carefully at the picture and tell the bear which numbers are missing and which appear twice.

How many hares are shown in the picture? (20.) Exercise "School for animals"

Psychologist says:

“I will tell you about the animal school. About those who study there. The horse was the first to come to school - clean, neat, calm. Before school, she washed her ears, combed her mane and tail, trimmed her bangs, put on new socks. At school, the horse listens attentively to the teacher, does what he is told right away.

Raise your hand, those who liked the horse, who want to be like her.

The one who raised his hand is given a blue chip - the symbol of the horse.

- A teddy bear came to school for a horse. You can see right away how smart he is. He wants to go to school: after all, you can learn a lot there, they solve problems there, and he loves to rack his brains over all sorts of problems and riddles. When the bear cub thinks, and he thinks all the time, he scratches behind his ear with his paw. Therefore, his head is constantly shaggy. Since the bear cub is constantly busy with smart thoughts, he is somewhat absent-minded, may not notice the beast standing next to him and inadvertently step on his paw. In such cases, he is very upset and is sure to apologize.

Who liked the teddy bear, who wants to be like him?

The person who raises their hand gets a brown chip.

- A squirrel ran into the classroom. More than anything, she loves a cheerful company. I really wanted to go to school: after all, there are so many animals there, you can chat and laugh with everyone. The chatty squirrel knows many stories and songs. She is fidgety, cannot stay in one place for a long time, jumps all the time. The squirrel is a very affectionate animal. If someone is sad, she will hug, caress, cheer, tickle with a soft tail, but she herself can burst into tears when no one notices her, when there is no one to chat with. If someone says a rude word, the squirrel gets angry and throws cones.

Who likes a squirrel, raise your hands.

The person who raises their hand gets a yellow chip.

Then came the kitten. This is the most skillful organizer and inventor. He can come up with games so well that it's always interesting with him. He never gets bored. If friends are nearby, the kitten starts common game. If there is no one around, he can play with anything: with a ball, with a stick, with his own tail. He has a complaisant, good-natured character and the only thing he does not like is the word "must". Mother cat often heard from her son “I don’t want to!” and brought him to school, hoping that the baby will grow up and become more obedient. The kitten ran to school with pleasure: he loves everything new. But on the way to school, he told his mother: “I don’t want to become an adult!

I want to play all my life! Are they allowed to play at school?

Who looks like a kitten, who likes a kitten?

The person who raises their hand gets a pink chip.

- But a bunny enters the class (the psychologist shows a soft toy). He trembles, shrinks into a ball and secretly wipes away a tear. Who will comfort the bunny?

Children come up to the bunny, hug him, calm him down, say that it’s good at school, it’s not scary. The one who thinks he looks like a bunny takes a black chip. (Each child may have several tokens.)

The teacher at this school is a kangaroo. She is a wonderful teacher, such that it does not get better! Describe her character, tell me which of the students she likes? (Children's answers.)

Kangaroo gives homework:

Learn the song "We are not afraid grey Wolf and sing tomorrow. Who is the task? (To Bunny.) Sit silently for a whole minute and carefully examine the flower, and describe it tomorrow. Who is the task? (To Belka.) To commit a small and harmless prank: to climb over the fence, although there is a gate nearby. Who is the task? (To the bear cub.) Do a serious adult thing: for example, move a blind mole across the road. Who is the task? (To the kitten.) Etc.

Exercise "Colorful leaf"

On the table of each child is a set of colored pencils and a piece of paper.

Psychologist says:

- I need to color the sheet. A one-mind teddy bear would color it brown, but we're more complex:

we have a lot. But we are different: in some there is more cheerfulness, sociability, in others - accuracy, calmness.

The psychologist recalls the belonging of each of the symbols. Children are invited to choose the right pencils and color the sheets of paper.

Based on the results of the last two exercises, the psychologist makes an assumption that children belong to one of 5 types of students: performing, intellectual, communicative, playful, anxious.

Psychologist says:

So our first meeting ended. We'll meet again tomorrow. At home, talk to your mom and dad about how your first day of school went. Thank you! You are great! Goodbye!

–  –  –

WORK EXERCISE “Who will remember what?”

The psychologist asks each child to remember something from the last lesson and talk about it.

Exercise "Parts of the day"

On the table of each child is a set of cards for the exercise.

Psychologist says:

- The pictures show parts of the day. Find the picture "Morning" and put it in front of you. Morning turns...

(Children's answers.) Take the picture "Day" and put it to the right of the picture "Morning". After the day comes...? (Children's answers.) Find the picture "Evening" and put it to the right of the picture "Day". The evening ends and begins ...? (Children's answers.) That's right, the last picture is “Night”. Well done!

And now we repeat: morning, afternoon, evening, night.

Method "10 words"

Psychologist says:

- I will name the words, and you listen carefully and memorize them: table, viburnum, chalk, elephant, park, legs, hand, gate, window, tank.

Children must reproduce the memorized words in any order. Each child completes the task individually. An adult (parent, caregiver or psychologist) writes down the result.

The normal memory level is 5–6 words.

Method "Pairs of words"

To determine semantic memory, the psychologist invites children to remember pairs of words: noise - water, bridge - river, spring - stream, table - lunch, ruble - penny, forest - bear, day - evening, school - joy, winter - snow, summer - badminton , vitamin - health.

Then he calls the first word of the pair, and the called child - the second.

Exercise "What Before - What Later?"

The psychologist distributes simple pencils, cards for the exercise and says:

- Look at the pictures of the bow. Find and mark the picture of the onion that was planted earlier than the others.

Children complete the task on their own or with the help of their parents.

- Now pay attention to the pictures with images of dandelions. Find and mark the dandelion pattern that grew later than the others.

Exercise "Draw the missing figure"

- Consider and name all the geometric shapes in the square at number 1.

The children are doing the task.

What figure do you think is missing?

Children express their opinion. When difficulties arise, the psychologist gives a sample answer.

Look at the figures in the second square and draw the missing figure yourself.

Children complete the task, then a test is carried out.

Exercise "Riddles"

Children solve riddles:

What kind of birds are flying by?

Seven in each flock Fly in a string, Do not turn back.

(Days of the week.) Twelve brothers roam one after another, do not bypass each other.

(Months.) What shines at night and illuminates everything?

–  –  –

Exercise "Joke Tasks"

Children answer questions:

- The crow flies, and the dog sits on the tail. Does it happen or not?

What does half an apple look like? (To the other half.)

What tree will a crow sit on when it rains? (To wet.)

Can it rain two days in a row? (No, because the days are separated by night.) Exercise "What will happen?"

The psychologist distributes cards for the exercise and says:

- Consider unusual examples and solve them - draw the desired picture in the empty cells.

Children independently or with the help of their parents complete the task, then a test work is carried out.

Lesson summary and homework

Children complete sentences:

- I liked the lesson today ....

- I didn't like the lesson today.

Are you proud of yourself today because...

Psychologist gives homework:

- Draw two pictures - one called "What I am now", the second - "How I want to be" (or "How they see me at home").

–  –  –

ACTIVITIES Review and discussion homework Game "Mirror"

Children are divided into pairs and stand opposite each other. One child shows movements - raises, lowers his hands, claps his hands, etc. Another child, acting as a mirror, exactly repeats all movements. If the "mirror" makes the wrong movement, then the children in the pair change roles.


    The child's ability to generalize.


    learning motivation.

    Explanatory note




    The program is designed taking into account age characteristics. The complex of classes is aimed at the development of five interrelated mental processes that determine cognitive capabilities, and includes the relevant sections: “Fine motor skills of the hand”, “Attention”, “Memory”, “Thinking”, “Speech”, “sensomotor skills”, “Development of skills to act according to the rule and independently on the instructions of an adult”, “Exercises for the prevention of visual impairment and the prevention of visual fatigue”. At each lesson, psycho-muscular training is carried out to relieve muscle and emotional stress.

p/p Program Sections Number of hours
week month year
1. Development of fine motor skills 2 8 38
2. Thinking 2 8 38
3. Speech 2 8 38
4. Memory 2 8 38
5. 2 8 38
6. 2 8 38
7. Attention 2 8 38
8. 2 8 38
9. 2 8 38



class number cognitive goals Lesson content Didactic material

Development of fine motor skills

Development of coordination of movements and graphic skills

Development of visual memory


"What is missing"

Game "Situations"

"Memorize Pictures"

"Cross out the letter"

Breathing exercise

Not required

Notebook, pencils

Task cards (app. 13)

Game "Situations"


Notebook, simple pencil

Not required


Development of fine motor skills

Development of coordination of movements and graphic skills

The development of memory, speech.

Formation of the ability to act according to the rule, development of thought processes


"Comparison of Items"

Game "Situations"

"Cross out the letter"

Drawing a graphic pattern from dictation

Not required

Notebook, pencils

Pairs of words

Game "Situations"

Notebook, simple pencil

Not required


Development of fine motor skills

Development of coordination of movements and graphic skills

Developing the ability to establish a pattern

Development of active attention

Formation of the ability to act according to the rule, development of thought processes


"What is missing?"

Painting "Room"


"Word Cascade"

Drawing a graphic pattern from dictation


Not required

Notebook, pencils

Annex 14

Word list

Notebook, simple pencil

Not required


Development of fine motor skills

Development of coordination of movements and graphic skills

Development of visual memory

Stress relief, exercise for the prevention of visual impairment


"The Fourth Extra"

Washing and drying clothes game

Painting "Room"

The game "Colored words"

"Correction tests"

Not required

Notebook, pencils


Annex 2

Not required


Development of fine motor skills

Development of sensorimotor

Subjects by essential features and summarize

Development of auditory memory

Development of visual memory

Formation of the ability to act according to the rule, development of thought processes

"Gift to the bear"

"The Fourth Extra"


"Memorize Pictures"

Drawing a graphic pattern from dictation

Notebook, pencils



Notebook, simple pencil

Not required


Development of fine motor skills

Development of sensorimotor

Developing the ability to establish a pattern

Development of logical thinking

Formation of the ability to act according to the rule, development of thought processes

Stress relief, exercise for the prevention of visual impairment


Game "Logic tables"

"C Words"

"groups of words"

"Tambourine and bell"

Drawing a graphic pattern from dictation

Notebook, pencils

Game "Logic tables"

Word list

Tambourine and bell

Notebook, simple pencil

Not required


Development of fine motor skills

Development of sensorimotor

Development of visual memory

Formation of the ability to act according to the rule, development of thought processes

Stress relief, exercise for the prevention of visual impairment

"Gift to the bear"

"O Words"

"Remember and find the same"

"groups of words"

Drawing a graphic pattern from dictation

Annex 15

Notebook, pencils

Word list

Picture with vases

Notebook, simple pencil

Not required


Development of fine motor skills

Development of sensorimotor

Development of auditory memory, thinking, speech

Development of active attention

Formation of the ability to act according to the rule, development of thought processes


"B Words"

"Words - Pictures"

Game "Jolly Athletes"

Drawing a graphic pattern from dictation

Notebook, pencils

Word list

List of words, pictures

Notebook, simple pencil

Not required


class number cognitive goals Lesson content Didactic material

Development of fine motor skills

Development of sensorimotor

Developing the ability to establish a pattern

Development of associative memory

Formation of the ability to act according to the rule, development of thought processes

Removal of muscle and

emotional stress



Game "Merry Logic"

"Words connected by meaning"

"What changed?"

Drawing a graphic pattern from dictation

"Apple trees with apples"

Not required

Annex 16

Notebook, pencils

Game "Merry Logic"

Word list

Notebook, simple pencil

Not required


Development of fine motor skills

Development of the imagination

Development of sensorimotor

Development of the ability to classify objects according to essential features and generalize

Formation of the ability to act according to the rule, development of thought processes

Stress relief, exercise for the prevention of visual impairment

"The Fourth Extra"

"Remember and Show"

(Tables by F.E. Rybakov)

Drawing a graphic pattern from dictation

Notebook, pencils

F.E. tables Rybakova (adj.

Notebook, simple pencil

Game "Merry Logic"

Not required


Development of fine motor skills

Development of sensorimotor

Development of attention

Development of the ability to generalize

Formation of the ability to act according to the rule, development of thought processes

"What is missing?"

Drawing with both hands "Shaded circles"

Game "Logic chains"

The game "Name it in one word"

Drawing a graphic pattern from dictation



Annex 13

Notebook, pencils

Game "Logic chains"

Word list

Notebook, simple pencil

Not required


Development of fine motor skills

Development of sensorimotor

Developing the ability to establish a pattern

Development of speech and thinking

Formation of the ability to act according to the rule, development of thought processes

Stress relief, exercise for the prevention of visual impairment


Drawing with both hands "Shaded squares"

"What changed?"

Game "Pick the third word"

The game "Speak the other way"

Drawing a graphic pattern from dictation

Notebook, pencils

Annex 17

Word list

Word list

Notebook, simple pencil


Development of fine motor skills

Development of sensorimotor

Formation of the ability to act according to the rule, development of thought processes

; uplifting mood


Drawing with both hands "Shaded Triangles"

Game "Pictogram"


Game "Logic chains"

Game "Remember"

"Find differences"

Drawing a graphic pattern from dictation

Notebook, pencils

Game "Logic chains"

Notebook, simple pencil

Song recording


Development of fine motor skills

Development of sensorimotor

Development of associative memory

Teaching the ability to concentrate, volume, switching, stability of attention

Formation of the ability to act according to the rule, development of thought processes

Development of speech and thinking

Stress relief, exercise for the prevention of visual impairment


Drawing a graphic pattern from dictation

The game "Speak the other way"

Annex 19

Notebook, pencils

Word list

Appendix 4

Notebook, simple pencil

Word list

Not required


Development of fine motor skills

Development of sensorimotor

Teaching the ability to concentrate, volume, switching, stability of attention

Formation of the ability to act according to the rule, development of thought processes

Stress relief, exercise for the prevention of visual impairment


"Find the extra word"

Game "Funny Cells"

Drawing a graphic pattern from dictation

Notebook, pencils

series of words

Game "Funny Cells"

Appendix 6

Riddles text, questions

Notebook, simple pencil

Not required


Development of fine motor skills

Development of sensorimotor

Development of the ability to classify objects according to essential features and generalize

And recollections

Formation of the ability to act according to the rule, development of thought processes

"The Fourth Extra"

"Who's out of place?"

"What is the difference between the pictures"

Drawing a graphic pattern from dictation


Notebook, pencils

Notebook, simple pencil

Not required


class number cognitive goals Lesson content Didactic material

Development of fine motor skills

Development of the imagination

Development of sensorimotor

Development of associative memory

Development of concentration

Formation of the ability to act according to the rule, development of thought processes

Stress relief, exercise for the prevention of visual impairment

Game "Definitions"

Game "Draw Pictograms"

Unravel the beads

Drawing a graphic pattern from dictation

subject pictures

Notebook, pencils

Annex 15

Notebook, simple pencil

Not required


Development of fine motor skills

Learning how to write sentences using key words, speech development.

Development of purposeful memorization and recall

Development of concentration

Development of thinking

Formation of the ability to act according to the rule, development of thought processes

Strengthening positive emotional experiences

"According to the guide"

Game "Merry Logic"

"Collect the item"

"Who's out of place?"

Exercise "Finish the phrase"

Drawing a graphic pattern from dictation

Game "Merry Logic"

Ten toy animals

Annex 8

List of phrases

Notebook, simple pencil

Not required


Development of fine motor skills

Development of sensorimotor

Development of logical thinking and semantic memory

Development of acumen

Formation of the ability to act according to the rule, development of thought processes

Stress relief, exercise for the prevention of visual impairment

Game "Merry Logic"

"Most Attentive"

Exercise "Words - signs"

Drawing a graphic pattern from dictation

Notebook, pencils

Game "Merry Logic"

Word list

Annex 7

Fairy tale text

Notebook, simple pencil

Not required


Development of fine motor skills

Development of sensorimotor

Development of speech and thinking

Fantasy Development

Development of short-term auditory memory

Training the ability to concentrate, volume

Relieve muscle and emotional tension


Game "Continue the phrase"

"Word Cascade"

"Flower" 1

Notebook, pencils

Educational game "Silhouettes and contours"

List of phrases

Word list

Annex 9

Not required


Development of fine motor skills

Development of sensorimotor

Development of attention

Learning how to write sentences using key words, speech development.

Development of visual memory

Training the ability to concentrate, volume



"Memorize Pictures"

Drawing a graphic pattern from dictation


Notebook, pencils


5 pictures

Annex 10

Notebook, simple pencil

Large sheet of paper, gouache


Development of fine motor skills

Development of sensorimotor

Development of the speed of thinking

Formation of the ability to act according to the rule, development of thought processes

Developing game "Motor skills"

Game "The World Around Us"

Option 1

Fairy tale "Crow and Cancer"

Word ending game

"Invisible hat"

Drawing a graphic pattern from dictation


Developing game "Motor skills"

Notebook, pencils

Game "The World Around Us"

Not required

Notebook, simple pencil

Large sheet of paper, gouache


class number cognitive goals Lesson content Didactic material

Development of fine motor skills

Development of sensorimotor

Development of analytical thinking

Development of visual-auditory and associative memory

Formation of the ability to act according to the rule, development of thought processes

Stress relief, exercise for the prevention of visual impairment

Game "The World Around Us"

Option 2


Drawing a graphic pattern from dictation

Notebook, pencils

Game "The World Around Us"


Notebook, simple pencil

Not required


Development of fine motor skills

Development of sensorimotor

Development of attention, perception

Formation of the ability to act according to the rule, development of thought processes

Development of speech and verbal thinking

Game "Logic tables"

We listen and retell

Drawing a graphic pattern from dictation

Game "Definitions"

"Listen to classical music"

Peas, beans

Notebook, pencils

"Logic Tables"

Notebook, simple pencil

subject pictures


Development of fine motor skills

Development of sensorimotor

Development of the imagination

Development of thinking, speech

Development of purposeful memorization

Development of attention

Stress relief, exercise for the prevention of visual impairment

Game "What is it?"

Game "Twenty Questions"


Buckwheat, rice

Notebook, pencils

Pairs of words

Not required

The text of the poem

Picture cards

Not required


Development of fine motor skills

Development of sensorimotor

Development of the ability to classify

Development of short-term auditory memory

"The Fourth Extra"


"Word Cascade"

Exercise "Pictograms"

"Listen to classical music"

Matches, pattern

Notebook, pencils


Key words

Word list

Text of the story, notebook


Development of fine motor skills

Development of sensorimotor

Development of thinking, speech

Development of visual memory

Formation of the ability to act according to the rule, development of thought processes

Relaxation, stress relief;

Lay out a pattern of matches according to the sample

Game "Logic tables"

Game "Antonyms"

"Memorize Pictures"

Drawing a graphic pattern from dictation

"Pose of rest"

Matches, pattern

Notebook, pencils

Game "Logic tables"

Word list


Notebook, simple pencil


Development of fine motor skills

Development of sensorimotor

Development of thinking, speech

Formation of the ability to act according to the rule, development of thought processes

Development of visual memory

Development of auditory attention

stress relief


Game "Define concepts"

Drawing a graphic pattern from dictation

"Listen to classical music"

Notebook, pencils

Word list

Notebook, simple pencil

Picture, questions


Development of fine motor skills

Development of sensorimotor

Fantasy Development

Development of attention

Stress relief, exercise for the prevention of visual impairment


"Sinking - not sinking"

problem picture

Learning a poem

Game "Fruits, toys"

Notebook, pencils

The text of the poem

Word list

Not required


Development of fine motor skills

Development of sensorimotor

Compiling a sentence based on key words

Memory development

Development of attention

Relieve muscle and emotional tension


Game "Situations"


Exercise "Remember Phrases"

Game "Attention"

Notebook, pencils

Game "Situations"

Key words

List of phrases

Shape cards, notebook

Not required


class number cognitive goals Lesson content Didactic material

Development of fine motor skills

Development of the ability to highlight the properties of objects; development of logical thinking

Development of active attention

Development of visual memory

Relieve muscle and emotional tension


"Sinking - not sinking"

"Remember and answer the questions"

"Flower" 1

Basin with water; an empty vial and a vial filled with sand; tennis and metal balls; wooden block and stone; paper sheet and glass



Development of fine motor skills

Development of visual memory

Development of active attention

Formation of the ability to act according to the rule, development of thought processes

Relieve muscle and emotional tension


"Remember and answer the questions"

"Edible - inedible"

A list of questions


Notebook, simple pencil

The text of the poem, drawings

Not required


Development of fine motor skills

Development of thinking

Development of auditory attention

Speech development

Formation of the ability to act according to the rule, development of thought processes

Relieve muscle and emotional tension

Disassemble the peas and beans

"Find the extra word"

Game "Broken Phone"

"Listen to classical music"

Peas, beans

Word list

The text of the poem, drawings

Not required

Offer list

Notebook, simple pencil


Development of fine motor skills

Development of attention

Development of fantasy, speech

Development of auditory memory

Development of active attention

Relaxation, stress relief;

Find differences

"Story Picture"

"What's under the hat"

"Pose of rest"

counting sticks



The text of the poem

Small items 6-7 pcs.


Development of fine motor skills

Development of the ability to highlight similarities and differences on essential grounds

Development of retelling skills

Development of thinking, speech

Development of auditory attention

Relieve muscle and emotional tension

Disassemble buckwheat and rice

Compare items to each other


Game "Stories in pictures"

Buckwheat, rice

Not required

Two pictures

Not required


Development of fine motor skills

Development of figurative and analytical thinking

Relieve muscle and emotional tension


Game "Merry Logic"


"Wonderful bag"

Not required

Game "Merry Logic"

Word list

Not required


Development of fine motor skills

Developing the ability to sequence events

Development of visual memory

Development of auditory attention

Development of speech and verbal thinking

Relieve muscle and emotional tension

draw a pattern

"What's First, What's Later"

"Memorize Pictures"

"Broken phone"

Game "Definitions"

The game "What's first, what's next"


Not required

subject pictures

Not required


Development of fine motor skills

Development of logical thinking

Development of thinking

Development of purposeful memorization and recall

Draw gradually decreasing figures inside the large figures, and gradually increasing around the small ones.

Game "Merry Logic"


"Who's out of place"

"Good Animal"

Game "Merry Logic"

10 toys

Not required

    Part 2 - the development of thinking;

    Part 3 - the development of speech;

    4 part - the development of memory;

    5 part - development of attention;

    part 6 -

    "Fine Motor Development"


    "Development of thinking"


    "Speech Development"


    "Memory Development"


    "Attention Development"


    Develop sensory attention:

    Develop auditory attention;


    7. "Graphic Dictation"

    8. « Symmetrical drawings»




    Control (diagnostic)

    Working with teachers

Working with parents


Subtest "Ladder" ( The study of the child's self-esteem).

Subtest "Cut out a circle" (

Subtest "House" (

Subtest "10 words" (


Subtest "4th extra" (

Subtest "Find the missing one" (

Subtest "Drawing of a man" (

Subtest "Forbidden words" (

    Volitional qualities;

    Good memory;

    Motor agility;

    Expected results.



Purposeful preparation of the child for school, which currently exists, implies that the child must come to school with a certain amount of knowledge, skills and abilities. Thus, the level of development of the child before school is largely determined by the degree of his training in these skills and abilities. Such an idea of ​​the mental development of a child follows from the American theory of behaviorism, in which mental development is reduced to a set of skills and behaviors acquired by a person.

In domestic psychology, throughout the 20th century, a fundamentally different approach to understanding the mental development of a person has been developing. In the works of L.S. Vygotsky developed the concept of psychological age, characterized by certain parameters. Each age period, if it is fully lived, ends with certain characteristics of the child's mental development, on which development is built in the next age period. By virtue of this understanding of development, each age stage is unique and cannot be neglected. If a child, instead of a leading activity, is mainly engaged in another type of activity, then full-fledged mental development does not occur. At preschool age, the leading activity is the game, which exhausts its developmental influence by the age of seven. Therefore, seven years is the boundary between preschool and junior school age. It has been proven in psychology that at the age of seven the direct behavior of the child disappears, therefore, from the age of seven, effective school-type learning is possible. At this time, the child can already obey the rules of behavior in the classroom without excessive overload of the nervous system, in addition, due to emerging psychological neoplasms, a seven-year-old first grader himself wants to become a student and play the role of a student with all the necessary rules. However, all this happens if the development of a child up to seven years of age took place mainly in play activities. It should be noted that at present, first-graders are less developed than their peers in the middle of the last century, due to the fact that, starting from 5.5 - 6 years old, today's preschoolers almost do not play, but mostly study in preparatory groups for school. At the same time, it should be noted that children still turn out to be unprepared for school, moreover, they are ready for it to a lesser extent than their peers fifty years ago, who were not specially prepared for school.

Psychological studies show that preparation for school in the form of developing the simplest school knowledge, skills and abilities have nothing in common with psychological readiness for schooling, which is not formed in school-type classes. Psychological readiness for school is the psychological prerequisites for mastering learning activities, which are formed within the leading activity inherent in preschool age, that is, in the game.

The following are distinguished as prerequisites for mastering educational activities in domestic psychology:

    The presence of cognitive and social motives for learning;

    The ability of the child to work according to the model;

    The ability of the child to work according to the rule;

    The child's ability to listen to an adult and follow his instructions;

    The child's ability to generalize.

    These are the main parameters of the mental development of the child, on which primary education at school is based. If a child wants to learn, knows how to work according to a model and follow a given rule, can apply the rule on a similar task, then such a child will effectively master the basics of learning and move forward quickly enough.

    During this period, the transition from preschool to school childhood, as L.I. Bozhovich (1968) is characterized not only by a change in the place of the child in the system of relations, but also by the whole way of his life. At the same time, the position of the schoolchild creates a special moral orientation of the child's personality. The teaching is realized and experienced by the child as his own labor obligation participation in the daily lives of the people around them. That is why success or failure in educational affairs has a sharp affective coloring for the child. Consequently, the issues of schooling are not only issues of education, the intellectual development of the child, but also the formation of his personality. In this regard, it became necessary to develop and introduce into the educational process a program of additional preparation of the child for schooling "Soon to School".

    The program identifies three main parameters that determine the readiness of the child to study at school:

    the level of general development of the child;


    learning motivation.

    Any mental function is formed and transformed in the process of interaction between a child and an adult, therefore the task of a psychologist is to prepare the child for school through the zone of proximal development within the leading play activity.

    Explanatory note

    The accumulation by the child independently and under the guidance of adults of the necessary social experience contributes to the disclosure of the age potential of the preschooler, successful preparation for schooling, and later - for adulthood. From this it follows that it is at preschool age that the foundations of the social maturity (competence) of the child are laid, determining the trajectories of development and successful adaptation in a changing society.

    Under the social competence of a preschooler, we understand the quality of the personality, formed in the process of active creative development social relations arising at different stages and different types social interaction, as well as the assimilation of the child ethical standards, which are the basis for the construction and regulation of interpersonal and intrapersonal social positions, relationships.

    Playing activity occupies a special place in the process of forming the social competence of the younger generation.

    The influence of the game on the formation of social competence skills of the preschooler's personality lies in the fact that, thanks to game imitation and role reincarnation, he gets acquainted with the norms and models of behavior and relationships between children and adults, which become models for his own behavior. In the game, the child acquires the basic skills of social competence necessary to establish contact and develop interaction with the outside world.

    In order to predict the success of a child's education in school, it is necessary to take into account the ability to analyze and synthesize materials. Presented in the form of figures, graphs, tables and diagrams. Also important: the ability to draw analogies, classifications and generalizations, the general awareness of the child. The level of development of attention should be taken into account. Visual memory (the main emphasis in primary education is on the visual perception of information), fine motor skills of the hand.

    In their activities, the psychologist should also rely on the personal characteristics of children. By the time the child enters school, self-control, the ability to communicate with people, role-playing behavior, and independence should be sufficiently developed. Without good performance, one can hardly count on the solid assimilation of a sufficiently large amount of knowledge, on the formation of complex skills and abilities.

    Undoubtedly, what better ready the child to all the changes associated with the beginning of education, to the difficulties that are inevitable, the more calmly the process of adaptation at school will go.

    And the proposed program of psychological preparation of children for school "Soon to school" (for children 5-7 years old) allows you to prepare a child for school during game classes, which take into account the features of his mental development obtained as a result of diagnostics (at the diagnostic stage).


    Development of social competence and arbitrary cognitive activity, psychological preparation of the child for schooling.


    1. To develop in the child the prerequisites for learning activities: communication and behavioral skills, cognitive processes (attention, thinking, memory, speech, general and fine motor skills).

    2. To form strong-willed qualities, emotionally - a positive attitude towards the school.


    The program is designed for 1 year teaching children from 5 to 7 years old

p/p Program Sections Number of hours
week month year
1. Development of fine motor skills 2 8 38
2. Thinking 2 8 38
3. Speech 2 8 38
4. Memory 2 8 38
5. Development of coordination of movements and graphic skills, sensorimotor skills 2 8 38
6. Development of skills to act according to the rule and independently on the instructions of an adult 2 8 38
7. Attention 2 8 38
8. Exercises for the prevention of visual impairment and the prevention of visual fatigue 2 8 38
9. Exercises to relieve muscle and emotional tension (Relaxation) 2 8 38

The duration of the lessons is 30 minutes. Due to the fact that activities are constantly changing, children in this age group easily spend given time and don't get tired.



class number cognitive goals Lesson content Didactic material

Development of fine motor skills

Development of coordination of movements and graphic skills

Developing the ability to establish a pattern

Teaching skills to compare a picture and a verbal description of a situation

Development of visual memory

Training the ability to switch attention and concentration

Formation of the ability to act according to the rule, development of thought processes

Relieve muscle and emotional tension


Drawing with both hands "Circles, squares, triangles"

"What is missing"

Game "Situations"

"Memorize Pictures"

"Cross out the letter"

Drawing a graphic pattern from dictation

Breathing exercise

Not required

Notebook, pencils

Task cards (app. 13)

Game "Situations"


Newspaper or magazine clipping, pencil,

Notebook, simple pencil

Not required


Development of fine motor skills

Development of coordination of movements and graphic skills

The development of memory, speech.

Teaching the ability to concentrate, volume, switching, stability of attention

Formation of the ability to act according to the rule, development of thought processes

Stress relief, exercise for the prevention of visual impairment


Drawing with both hands "Shaded circles"

"Comparison of Items"

Game "Situations"

"Cross out the letter"

Drawing a graphic pattern from dictation

Not required

Notebook, pencils

Pairs of words

Game "Situations"

Newspaper or magazine clipping (10X10 cm), pencil, doll

Notebook, simple pencil

Not required


Development of fine motor skills

Development of coordination of movements and graphic skills

Developing the ability to establish a pattern

Learning how to write sentences using key words, speech development.

Development of active attention

Development of short-term auditory memory

Formation of the ability to act according to the rule, development of thought processes

Relieve stress, learning to model external manifestations of feelings


Drawing with both hands "Shaded squares"

"What is missing?"

Painting "Room"


"Word Cascade"

Drawing a graphic pattern from dictation


Not required

Notebook, pencils

Annex 14

Word list

Notebook, simple pencil

Not required


Development of fine motor skills

Development of coordination of movements and graphic skills

Development of the ability to classify objects according to essential features and generalize

Development of visual memory

Teaching analysis and reasoning skills

Development of the ability to make associations

Training the ability to concentrate, volume

Stress relief, exercise for the prevention of visual impairment


Drawing with both hands "Shaded Triangles"

"The Fourth Extra"

Washing and drying clothes game

Painting "Room"

The game "Colored words"

"Correction tests"

Not required

Notebook, pencils

Five cards showing four objects, one is extra


Annex 2

Not required


Development of fine motor skills

Development of sensorimotor

Development of the ability to classify objects according to essential features and generalize

Development of auditory memory

Development of visual memory

Formation of the ability to act according to the rule, development of thought processes

Adult task differentiation training

"Gift to the bear"

Drawing with both hands "The sun with a cloud"

"The Fourth Extra"


"Memorize Pictures"

Drawing a graphic pattern from dictation

"Do what I say and show"

Notebook, pencils

Five cards, which depict four objects, one is extra



Notebook, simple pencil

Not required


Development of fine motor skills

Development of sensorimotor

Developing the ability to establish a pattern

Development of auditory memory, speech, thinking

Development of logical thinking

Development of active attention, the ability to correlate their actions with the sound of instruments

Formation of the ability to act according to the rule, development of thought processes

Stress relief, exercise for the prevention of visual impairment


Drawing with both hands "Ship"

Game "Logic tables"

"C Words"

"groups of words"

"Tambourine and bell"

Drawing a graphic pattern from dictation

Notebook, pencils

Game "Logic tables"

Word list

Groups of words, 4 words each, one extra

Tambourine and bell

Notebook, simple pencil

Not required


Development of fine motor skills

Development of sensorimotor

Development of auditory memory, thinking, speech

Development of visual memory

Development of logical thinking and speech

Formation of the ability to act according to the rule, development of thought processes

Stress relief, exercise for the prevention of visual impairment

"Gift to the bear"

Drawing with both hands "Apple"

"O Words"

"Remember and find the same"

"groups of words"

Drawing a graphic pattern from dictation

Annex 15

Notebook, pencils

Word list

Picture with vases

Groups of words, 5 words each, one extra

Notebook, simple pencil

Not required


Development of fine motor skills

Development of sensorimotor

Development of auditory memory, thinking, speech

Development of logical memorization

Development of active attention

Formation of the ability to act according to the rule, development of thought processes

Relaxation and concentration exercise


Drawing with both hands "Two eights"

"B Words"

"Words - Pictures"

Game "Jolly Athletes"

Drawing a graphic pattern from dictation

Notebook, pencils

Word list

List of words, pictures

Figure cards

Notebook, simple pencil

Not required


class number cognitive goals Lesson content Didactic material

Development of fine motor skills

Development of sensorimotor

Developing the ability to establish a pattern

Development of associative memory

Teaching the skills of memorizing a pattern, situations

Formation of the ability to act according to the rule, development of thought processes

Removal of muscle and

emotional stress



Drawing with both hands "Lazy eights"

Game "Merry Logic"

"Words connected by meaning"

"What changed?"

Drawing a graphic pattern from dictation

"Apple trees with apples"

Not required

Annex 16

Notebook, pencils

Game "Merry Logic"

Word list

Two pictures depicting the same room; in one of the pictures, the objects are rearranged and are in a different order

Notebook, simple pencil

Not required


Development of fine motor skills

Development of the imagination

Development of sensorimotor

Development of the ability to classify objects according to essential features and generalize

Development of intentional memorization and recall, long-term memory

Formation of the ability to act according to the rule, development of thought processes

Development of attention, increase in the amount of attention

Stress relief, exercise for the prevention of visual impairment

"Gift to Mishka", "Draw the Figure"

Drawing with both hands "Springs"

"The Fourth Extra"

"Remember and Show"

(Tables by F.E. Rybakov)

Drawing a graphic pattern from dictation

Game "Merry logic", "The most attentive"

Notebook, pencils

Five cards, each of which depicts four objects, one is extra

F.E. tables Rybakova (adj.

Notebook, simple pencil

Game "Merry Logic"

Not required


Development of fine motor skills

Development of the ability to establish patterns in the image based on visual and mental analysis

Development of sensorimotor

Development of attention

Development of the ability to generalize

Formation of the ability to act according to the rule, development of thought processes

Teaching purposeful control of facial muscles; learning the properties of non-verbal communication

“According to the guide”, “Trace the drawing exactly along the lines, without lifting the pencil from the paper”

"What is missing?"

Drawing with both hands "Shaded circles"

Game "Logic chains"

The game "Name it in one word"

Drawing a graphic pattern from dictation



Annex 13

Notebook, pencils

Game "Logic chains"

Word list

Notebook, simple pencil

Not required


Development of fine motor skills

Development of sensorimotor

Developing the ability to establish a pattern

Development of logical thinking and semantic memory

Development of speech and thinking

Formation of the ability to act according to the rule, development of thought processes

Stress relief, exercise for the prevention of visual impairment


Drawing with both hands "Shaded squares"

"What changed?"

Game "Pick the third word"

The game "Speak the other way"

Drawing a graphic pattern from dictation

Notebook, pencils

Annex 17

Word list

Word list

Notebook, simple pencil


Development of fine motor skills

Development of sensorimotor

Development of visual - logical memory

Development of attention and ingenuity

Development of purposeful memorization and recall

Development of visual associative memory

Development of mindfulness and observation

Formation of the ability to act according to the rule, development of thought processes


Drawing with both hands "Shaded Triangles"

Game "Pictogram"


Game "Logic chains"

Game "Remember"

"Find differences"

Drawing a graphic pattern from dictation

“From a smile it will become brighter for everyone ...”

Notebook, pencils

Schematic drawings - pictograms

Game "Logic chains"

Color cards and subject pictures

Two pictures with similar images of the same subject

Notebook, simple pencil

Song recording


Development of fine motor skills

Development of sensorimotor

Development of associative memory

Teaching the ability to concentrate, volume, switching, stability of attention

Formation of the ability to act according to the rule, development of thought processes

Development of speech and thinking

Stress relief, exercise for the prevention of visual impairment

Drawing with both hands "House for Piggy"

Exercise "Drawing Pictograms"

Find the highlights and circle them

Drawing a graphic pattern from dictation

The game "Speak the other way"

Annex 19

Notebook, pencils

Word list

Appendix 4

Notebook, simple pencil

Word list

Not required


Development of fine motor skills

Development of sensorimotor

Development of thought processes of generalization, distraction, highlighting essential features

Development of attention, fine motor skills

Teaching the ability to concentrate, volume, switching, stability of attention

Development of speech, thinking, imagination

Formation of the ability to act according to the rule, development of thought processes

Stress relief, exercise for the prevention of visual impairment


Drawing with both hands "Herringbone"

"Find the extra word"

Game "Funny Cells"

Find the following words in the square: ball, elephant, cloud, house.

Exercise "Guess the riddle"

Drawing a graphic pattern from dictation

Notebook, pencils

series of words

Game "Funny Cells"

Appendix 6

Riddles text, questions

Notebook, simple pencil

Not required


Development of fine motor skills

Development of sensorimotor

Development of the ability to classify objects according to essential features and generalize

Development of purposeful memorization and recall

Development of concentration

Formation of the ability to act according to the rule, development of thought processes

Teaching Rhythmic Breathing Techniques to Relieve Tension

“Gift for a bear”, Drawing with both hands “Snowman”

"The Fourth Extra"

"Who's out of place?"

"What is the difference between the pictures"

Drawing a graphic pattern from dictation


Notebook, pencils

Five cards, each of which depicts four objects, one is extra Ten toys

Two pictures with a similar plot

Notebook, simple pencil

Not required


class number cognitive goals Lesson content Didactic material

Development of fine motor skills

Development of the imagination

Development of speech and verbal thinking

Development of sensorimotor

Development of associative memory

Development of concentration

Formation of the ability to act according to the rule, development of thought processes

Stress relief, exercise for the prevention of visual impairment

"Wizard", "Finishing Figures"

Game "Definitions"

Drawing with both hands "Fungus"

Game "Draw Pictograms"

Unravel the beads

Drawing a graphic pattern from dictation

subject pictures

Notebook, pencils

Annex 15

Notebook, simple pencil

Not required


Development of fine motor skills

Development of analytical thinking

Learning how to write sentences using key words, speech development.

Development of purposeful memorization and recall

Development of concentration

Development of thinking

Formation of the ability to act according to the rule, development of thought processes

Strengthening positive emotional experiences

"According to the guide"

Game "Merry Logic"

"Collect the item"

"Who's out of place?"

What words are hidden in the frame? Read.

Exercise "Finish the phrase"

Drawing a graphic pattern from dictation

"We meet and say goodbye with a smile"

Game "Merry Logic"

Ten toy animals

Annex 8

List of phrases

Notebook, simple pencil

Not required


Development of fine motor skills

Development of sensorimotor

Development of figurative and analytical thinking

Development of logical thinking and semantic memory

Development of concentration of attention

Development of acumen

Formation of the ability to act according to the rule, development of thought processes

Stress relief, exercise for the prevention of visual impairment

"Salting cabbage" Drawing with both hands "Bird"

Game "Merry Logic"

"Most Attentive"

Exercise "Words - signs"

Count and write down how many times each letter and number occurs

The game "Tale with the missing letters"

Drawing a graphic pattern from dictation

Notebook, pencils

Game "Merry Logic"

Word list

Annex 7

Fairy tale text

Notebook, simple pencil

Not required


Development of fine motor skills

Development of sensorimotor

Development of perception, memory, thinking

Development of speech and thinking

Fantasy Development

Development of short-term auditory memory

Training the ability to concentrate, volume

Relieve muscle and emotional tension


Drawing with both hands "Letter A"

Educational game "Silhouettes and contours"

Game "Continue the phrase"

"Word Cascade"

Arrange the icons according to the numbers

"Flower" 1

Notebook, pencils

Educational game "Silhouettes and contours"

List of phrases

Word list

Annex 9

Not required


Development of fine motor skills

Development of sensorimotor

Development of attention

Learning how to write sentences using key words, speech development.

Development of visual memory

Training the ability to concentrate, volume

Formation of the ability to act according to the rule, development of thought processes Relaxation, stress relief, emotional discharge


Drawing with both hands "Letter B"


"Memorize Pictures"

Find all the objects that are hidden in the picture

Drawing a graphic pattern from dictation


Notebook, pencils


5 pictures

Annex 10

Notebook, simple pencil

Large sheet of paper, gouache


Development of fine motor skills

Development of sensorimotor

Development of figurative thinking, visual perception

Development of visual-auditory and associative memory

Development of the speed of thinking

Learning to transition from one emotional state to the opposite

Formation of the ability to act according to the rule, development of thought processes

Relaxation, stress relief, emotional release

Developing game "Motor skills"

Drawing with both hands "Letter B"

Game "The World Around Us"

Option 1

Fairy tale "Crow and Cancer"

Word ending game

"Invisible hat"

Drawing a graphic pattern from dictation


Developing game "Motor skills"

Notebook, pencils

Game "The World Around Us"

Fairy tale "Crow and Cancer", pictograms

Not required

Notebook, simple pencil

Large sheet of paper, gouache


class number cognitive goals Lesson content Didactic material

Development of fine motor skills

Development of sensorimotor

Development of analytical thinking

Development of visual-auditory and associative memory

Training the ability to concentrate

Formation of the ability to act according to the rule, development of thought processes

Stress relief, exercise for the prevention of visual impairment

Color the picture according to the numbers

Drawing with both hands "Letter G"

Game "The World Around Us"

Option 2

Exercise "Memorize a verse with pictograms"


Drawing a graphic pattern from dictation

Notebook, pencils

Game "The World Around Us"

The text of the poem, pictograms


Notebook, simple pencil

Not required


Development of fine motor skills

Development of sensorimotor

Development of attention, perception

Development of retelling skill

Formation of the ability to act according to the rule, development of thought processes

Development of speech and verbal thinking

Relaxation, stress relief

Separate peas and beans into separate containers

Drawing with both hands "Letter D"

Game "Logic tables"

We listen and retell

Drawing a graphic pattern from dictation

Game "Definitions"

"Listen to classical music"

Peas, beans

Notebook, pencils

"Logic Tables"

Notebook, simple pencil

subject pictures


Development of fine motor skills

Development of sensorimotor

Development of the imagination

Development of thinking, speech

Development of purposeful memorization

Development of attention

Stress relief, exercise for the prevention of visual impairment

Separate buckwheat and rice into different containers

Drawing with both hands "Letter E"

Game "What is it?"

Game "Twenty Questions"


Game "Remember and repeat the drawing"

Buckwheat, rice

Notebook, pencils

Pairs of words

Not required

The text of the poem

Picture cards

Not required


Development of fine motor skills

Development of sensorimotor

Development of the ability to classify

Compiling a sentence based on key words

Development of short-term auditory memory

Development of visual-associative memory

Relaxation, stress relief;

Lay out a pattern of matches according to the sample

Drawing with both hands "Letter I"

"The Fourth Extra"


"Word Cascade"

Exercise "Pictograms"

"Listen to classical music"

Matches, pattern

Notebook, pencils


Key words

Word list

Text of the story, notebook


Development of fine motor skills

Development of sensorimotor

Development of the ability to analyze

Development of thinking, speech

Development of visual memory

Formation of the ability to act according to the rule, development of thought processes

Relaxation, stress relief;

Lay out a pattern of matches according to the sample

Drawing with both hands "Letter K"

Game "Logic tables"

Game "Antonyms"

"Memorize Pictures"

Drawing a graphic pattern from dictation

"Pose of rest"

Matches, pattern

Notebook, pencils

Game "Logic tables"

Word list


Notebook, simple pencil


Development of fine motor skills

Development of sensorimotor

Development of thinking, speech

Formation of the ability to act according to the rule, development of thought processes

Development of visual memory

Development of auditory attention

stress relief


Drawing with both hands "Letter M"

Game "Define concepts"

Drawing a graphic pattern from dictation

"Remember, then answer the questions"

"Listen to classical music"

Notebook, pencils

Word list

Notebook, simple pencil

Picture, questions


Development of fine motor skills

Development of sensorimotor

Development of the ability to highlight the properties of objects; development of logical thinking

Fantasy Development

Development of long-term memory

Development of attention

Stress relief, exercise for the prevention of visual impairment


Drawing with both hands "Letter H"

"Sinking - not sinking"

problem picture

Learning a poem

Game "Fruits, toys"

Notebook, pencils

Basin with water; an empty vial and a vial filled with sand; tennis and metal balls; wooden block and stone; paper sheet and glass

The text of the poem

Word list

Not required


Development of fine motor skills

Development of sensorimotor

Development of the ability to compare the picture and the verbal description of the situation

Compiling a sentence based on key words

Memory development

Development of attention

Relieve muscle and emotional tension


Drawing with both hands "Letter P"

Game "Situations"


Exercise "Remember Phrases"

Game "Attention"

Breathing exercise "Singer"

Notebook, pencils

Game "Situations"

Key words

List of phrases

Shape cards, notebook

Not required


class number cognitive goals Lesson content Didactic material

Development of fine motor skills

Development of the ability to highlight the properties of objects; development of logical thinking

Development of active attention

Learning to listen and retell

Development of visual memory

Relieve muscle and emotional tension


"Sinking - not sinking"

"Trees, birds, vegetables, fruits"

"Remember and answer the questions"

"Flower" 1

Basin with water; an empty vial and a vial filled with sand; tennis and metal balls; wooden block and stone; paper sheet and glass



Development of fine motor skills

Development of speech and stock of knowledge about the world

Development of visual memory

Development of active attention

Formation of the ability to act according to the rule, development of thought processes

Development of mediated memory

Relieve muscle and emotional tension


Game "Name the professions" (zan 29)

"Remember and answer the questions"

"Edible - inedible"

Drawing a graphic pattern from dictation (Zan 29)

Exercise "Memorize a poem with the help of drawings" (Zan 29)

A list of questions


Notebook, simple pencil

The text of the poem, drawings

Not required


Development of fine motor skills

Development of thinking

Development of mediated memory

Development of auditory attention

Speech development

Formation of the ability to act according to the rule, development of thought processes

Relieve muscle and emotional tension

Disassemble the peas and beans

"Find the extra word"

Exercise "Memorize a poem with the help of drawings" (Zan 30)

Game "Broken Phone"

The game "Say the words the other way around" (Zan 30)

Drawing a graphic pattern from dictation (Zan 30)

"Listen to classical music"

Peas, beans

Word list

The text of the poem, drawings

Not required

Offer list

Notebook, simple pencil


Development of fine motor skills

Development of attention

Development of fantasy, speech

Development of auditory memory

Development of active attention

Relaxation, stress relief;

Lay out a pattern of counting sticks

Find differences

"Story Picture"

Poetry reading and questions

"What's under the hat"

"Pose of rest"

counting sticks



The text of the poem

Small items 6-7 pcs.


Development of fine motor skills

Development of the ability to highlight similarities and differences on essential grounds

Development of retelling skills

Developing the ability to sequence events

Development of thinking, speech

Development of auditory attention

Relieve muscle and emotional tension

Disassemble buckwheat and rice

Compare items to each other


Game "Stories in pictures"

Buckwheat, rice

Not required

Two pictures

Not required


Development of fine motor skills

Development of figurative and analytical thinking

Developing the ability to compose a story on questions

Development of short-term memory capacity

Development of tactile attention

Relieve muscle and emotional tension


Game "Merry Logic"


"Wonderful bag"

Not required

Game "Merry Logic"

Word list

Cotton wool, glass ball, cube, rubber toy, metal part, etc.

Not required


Development of fine motor skills

Developing the ability to sequence events

Development of visual memory

Development of auditory attention

Development of speech and verbal thinking

Relieve muscle and emotional tension

draw a pattern

"What's First, What's Later"

"Memorize Pictures"

"Broken phone"

Game "Definitions"

The game "What's first, what's next"


Not required

subject pictures

Not required


Development of fine motor skills

Development of logical thinking

Development of thinking

Development of purposeful memorization and recall

Development of concentration and attention span

Consolidation of a positive emotional effect

Draw gradually decreasing figures inside the large figures, and gradually increasing around the small ones.

Game "Merry Logic"


"Who's out of place"

Stringing beads according to the pattern

"Good Animal"

Game "Merry Logic"

10 toys

Not required

The Back to School program provides for the following form of organization:

    Frontal (subgroup) lesson - 1 time per week.

    The structure of classes for psychological preparation children to school consists of the following stages:

    Part 1 - the development of fine motor skills;

    Part 2 - the development of thinking;

    Part 3 - the development of speech;

    4 part - the development of memory;

    5 part - development of attention;

    part 6 - development of coordination of movements and graphic skills, sensorimotor skills, activation of brain stem structures and interhemispheric interaction.

    Part 7 - development of skills to act according to the rule and independently on the instructions of an adult

    Part 8 - prevention of visual impairment and prevention of visual fatigue

    Part 9 - removal of emotional stress, relaxation.

    At first, games and exercises for the development of fine motor skills are given: finger games, prescribing patterns. Then there are games and exercises for the development of cognitive processes.

    In the final part of each game lesson, a farewell ceremony is held - reflection. Joint discussion and experience of both positive and negative emotions unites children, gives them a desire to support each other.

    "Fine Motor Development"

    The development of coordinated movements of the small muscles that make up the hand is necessary for the child to write correctly, beautifully and easily. The development of fine motor skills stimulates the development of intellectual abilities in general.


    Prepare the hand for mastering continuous writing (develop fine motor skills of the fingers and hand muscles);

    To teach children to navigate in spatial categories: right-left, up-down;

    Practice writing typeface.

    "Development of thinking"

    The thinking of a child at the age of 6-7 is "captured" by his everyday experience: he cannot establish connections and relationships of objects in a logical way. The ability to think means: highlighting the essential features of the subject; synthesis of various features into a whole idea of ​​the subject; comparing objects and identifying differences in them, etc.


    To promote the development of visual-figurative thinking;

    Develop intelligence, curiosity;

    Develop mental operations;

    Develop logical thinking;

    Learn to recognize the essentials.

    "Speech Development"

    Speech is not only a means of communication, but also an instrument of thinking, creativity, a carrier of memory, information, a means of self-knowledge, etc.

    Any language, despite its individual differences, has the following components: phonetics, vocabulary, grammar. When we talk about the development of the speech of a preschooler, whose language system is not yet complete, we mean by this the improvement of all these components of the language system.


    Expand and activate vocabulary;

    To replenish the stock of knowledge and information;

    Develop imagination, fantasy;

    Encourage children to ask questions about topics that interest them.

    "Memory Development"

    The psychologist must teach the child various forms memory usage. All types of memory are closely interconnected and are not isolated from each other. It has been experimentally proven that a person can remember any amount of material, but extract it from memory only with external stimulation of certain areas of the brain. For children, it is more natural to memorize the material included in the game activity.


    Develop involuntary and arbitrary memory;

    Develop visual and auditory memory.

    "Attention Development"

    The level of development of attention largely determines the success of a child's education in school. A child can keep his attention on something for a long time until interest fades. Attention and interest are inseparable. Therefore, games and exercises to develop attention should certainly be interesting for the child. But in the future, while studying at school, he will have to perform a number of tasks that involve holding attention with an effort of will. Therefore, for future first graders, it is very important to develop voluntary attention, which develops gradually, as its individual properties (volume, concentration, distribution, switching, stability) develop.


    Develop sensory attention:

    Develop auditory attention;

    Develop motor-motor attention.

    "Promoting the formation of educational motivation"

    An essential moment of motivational readiness for school

    learning - arbitrariness of behavior and activity, i.e. the emergence in the child of needs and motives of such a structure in which he becomes able to subordinate his immediate impulsive desires to consciously set goals.


    To develop cognitive motives for learning (to arouse the child's cognitive interest; to expand the horizons of children)

    Contribute to the formation of an achievement motive of the “striving for success” type (respectfully and attentively to the needs and achievements of the child; emotionally encourage the child’s successes and attempts to master something new)

    Contribute to the formation of social motives for learning (to contribute to the formation of a positive image of the school and a positive image of the student in children; to create an attitude in children that while they are small, they do not go to school, and only those children who are getting older and want to study seriously are accepted to school, like adults).

    7. "Graphic Dictation"

    They are aimed at developing the ability to act according to the rule and independently on the instructions of an adult, as well as the development of spatial orientation and fine motor skills of the hand.

    8. « Symmetrical drawings»

    Aimed at the development of coordination of movements and graphic skills, activation of brain stem structures and interhemispheric interaction.

    9. "Prevention of visual impairment and prevention of visual fatigue"

    Exercises contribute to the removal of the peripheral vision reflex, the rhythm of the right hemisphere, the activation of the brain and interhemispheric interaction.

    10. "Removal of emotional stress"

    The program is designed for 1 year of study (2 lessons per week) and consists of the following stages.



    Developing (correctional-developing classes)

    Control (diagnostic)

    When compiling the "Soon to School" program, the principle of completeness of methods of psychological influence is taken into account, which affirms not only the need to use the whole variety of methods, techniques and techniques from the arsenal of practical psychology, but also the active involvement of the closest social environment to participate in this program. After all, the environment of the child - parents, educators, subject-developing environment - plays a decisive role in his mental development.

    Working with teachers

    Individual consultations on the organization of a subject-developing environment

    Making didactic games and manuals to prepare a child for school

Working with parents

    Individual counseling of parents on the development of attention and other mental processes

    Making visual information for parents in the form of screens.


At the diagnostic and control stage, express diagnostics in kindergarten by the authors N. N. Pavlova and L. G. Rudenko are used:

Subtest "Ladder" ( The study of the child's self-esteem).

Subtest "Cut out a circle" ( Identification of the level of development of fine motor skills of the fingers).

Subtest "House" ( Identification of the child's ability to focus on the sample, accurately copy it; identification of the level of development of voluntary attention, spatial perception, sensorimotor coordination and fine motor skills of the hands).

Subtest "10 words" ( Assessment of the level of development of auditory short-term memory).

Subtest "Finish the sentence"( Evaluation of the ability to isolate cause-and-effect relationships in a sentence).

Subtest "4th extra" ( Determining the level of development of logical thinking, the level of generalization and analysis).

Subtest "Sequential pictures" ( Identification of the level of development of logical thinking, the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships in a visual situation, make generalizations, compose a story based on a series of sequential pictures).

Subtest "Find the missing one" ( Diagnosis of the formation of the ability to identify patterns and justify your choice).

Subtest "Drawing of a man" ( Identification of the formation of figurative and spatial representations in a child, the level of development of his fine motor skills; drafting general idea about the intelligence of the child as a whole, about his personality traits).

Subtest "Cut pictures" ( Revealing the formation of visual-figurative representations, the ability to recreate the whole based on the visual correlation of parts).

Subtest "What does it look like?" ( Identification of the level of development of the child's imagination, originality and flexibility of thinking).

Subtest "Forbidden words" ( Identification of the level of arbitrariness, determination of the formation of the "internal position of the student").

Subtest "Graphic Dictation" ( Evaluation of the child's ability to accurately perform the tasks of an adult offered to him orally, and the ability to independently complete the required task according to a visually perceived model).

The readiness of the child for schooling by the end of the year assumes that he has the following qualities:

    Organization, accuracy;

    Volitional qualities;

    Attention, ability to long-term concentration (15-20 min.);

    Ingenuity, curiosity;

    Developed speech and good imagination;

    Good memory;

    Motor agility;

    Friendliness, ability to communicate with children and adults;

    Basic numeracy and reading skills.

    Expected results.

    The developing and corrective effect of this course of classes is manifested primarily in the interest of children in different types exercises, which eventually develops into a cognitive motive for children's activities. Children become more active and confident in their abilities and abilities in other activities. By the end of the school year, graphic skills and hand-eye coordination of children improve, arbitrariness is formed, memory and attention processes improve. Children acquire a certain outlook, a stock of specific skills, master some methods of examining external properties and objects. In the process of acquiring knowledge, the intellectual activity necessary for the future first grader is formed, the joy of learning is born.


    500 riddles for children. – M.; 2003.

    Abramova G.S. Psychologist in primary school. Volgograd, 1998.

    Agapova I.A., Davydova M.A. Comprehensive preparation of children for school. Book for children and adults. – M.; 2003.

    Aizman M.I. etc. Preparing a child for school. Tomsk, 1994.

    Wenger L.A., Wenger A.L. is your child ready for school? M.; 1994.

    Gatina O.I. Social and personal readiness of older preschoolers for school. / Educator of the preschool educational institution. 2009. - No. 12. pp.48-53.

    Gutkina N.I. New program development of children of senior preschool age and their preparation for school. /Psychologist in kindergarten. 2007. - No. 4 S. 47-65.

    Kosina E. Gymnastics for fingers. We develop motor skills - M .; 2004.

    Kletsova T.L. The program for the development of attention for children of senior preschool age - Tyumen, 2005.

    Mukhina V.S. Age-related psychology. – M.; 2000.

    Sevostyanova E.O. Want to know everything! Development of the intellect of children 5-7 years old: Individual lessons, games, exercises. – M.; 2005.

    Fokina E. D. et al. Planning classes for the development of cognitive abilities and speech of children in educational institution. - St. Petersburg; 1995.

    Ostankov. Yu. V. The system of correctional and developmental classes to prepare children for school - Volgograd: Uchitel, 2008. - 130 p.


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