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This holiday is dedicated to the national holiday Erofey Leshegon ,

History reference
According to legend, the evil spirits expelled from the village into the forest in September fell underground until spring, trying to harm people in the end. Therefore, on Leshiy Day, they tried not to go into the forest.
Phonograms of the play "October" by P.I. Tchaikovsky, howling wind, steps on autumn leaves, the song "It's fun to walk together ..." by V. Shainsky; box for Alyonushka; pictures depicting mushrooms - mushrooms, fly agaric, boletus, russula, chanterelles; 4 baskets, an equal number of wooden fungi from counting material, balls of red, yellow and blue; 4 chairs-houses for hares; sun and fox masks.
The hall is autumn forest- Christmas trees, trees (props), on the floor near them are yellow and red leaves. One wall is lined with cards depicting mushrooms.
Children enter the hall to the play "October" by P.I. Tchaikovsky from the cycle "The Seasons" and sit down.
Every day, the wind is sharper
Tearing leaves from the branches in the forest ...
Whatever the day - then earlier the evening,
And it gets brighter later.
The sun lingers, as if
No power to rise...
That's why the morning comes
Above the ground almost at noon.
I. Maznin
Autumn song (optional)
Sounds like rustling leaves underfoot. Alyonushka enters the hall with a box and greets the guys.
Leading. Where are you going, Alyonushka?
Into the forest for mushrooms.
After all, I love waves
More than anything in the world.
Grow under birch trees
Grow under the aspens
Mushroom pickers are willingly waiting.
And in autumn sometimes
With bodies, with boxes
We will go to the forest for mushrooms.
N. Lopatina
Leading. Alyonushka, don't go to the forest today. After all, today is the reserved Leshiy day. If you get caught by Leshem, he will drag you underground with him.
Alyonushka. These are all superstitions. I'm not afraid of anyone or anything!
Leading. Yes, at least put on a blouse inside out so that Leshy does not recognize you. He himself has everything topsy-turvy, so he will take you for his own, let him go home.
Alyonushka. Here's another! I'm going to dress funny! I'm not a slob. Will you guys go to the forest with me?
Children. Yes!
Alyonushka. Then get up and go on your way!
Movement exercises to the song "It's fun to walk together ..." by V. Shainsky
Alyonushka. Here we are in the forest.
Already you, bor-borok,
Give me boxes of berries
mushroom box,
Nut bag!
Russian folk sentence
The howl of the wind is heard. Leshy appears.
Who is walking here?
Is he picking my mushrooms?
It's me, Alena.
Salty mushroom!
I will grab you
I won't let you go home
I'll drag you underground!
Goblin grabs Alyonushka. She starts wailing.
Alyonushka. Why did I go to the forest, I didn’t listen to my elders! Grandpa Leshachok, please let me go. How will grandma and grandpa live without me? They are old, and they won’t bring water, and they won’t store firewood. (Crying.)
Goblin. Raised the damp! Passion how I do not like women's tears. Okay, so be it, if you guess my forest riddles, I'll let you go.
Alyonushka. Can the guys help me? Goblin. Okay, let them guess too. I am kind today. Listen and think! (Making riddles.)
I found them in the forest
And now I'm taking it home.
You see - a complete basket.
Let's fry them with potatoes. (Mushrooms.)
L. Wenger
And now the task becomes more complicated: it is necessary not only to name the mushroom, which I will tell you about, but also to find it.
The goblin makes riddles, the children name the mushroom and choose the appropriate picture.
In the forest on the meadow Rotten stumps.
And on each of them
Many dashing brothers. (Honey mushrooms.)
V. Khesin

Here's someone important
On a white leg
He has a red hat
Peas on the hat. (Fly agaric.)
N. Pikuleva

All you wander, you wander through the forest,
The web is like a curtain.
Slightly bent down - you see in an instant
White, strong ... (boletus).

So visible on the track
And in the grass. All whites.
In different hats. Well, don't hesitate!
Collect ... (russula).

Under the fallen leaves
Mushrooms hid together.
very smart sisters
These yellow ... (chanterelles).
I see you know mushrooms. But do you know what berries grow in our northern forests?
Children. Lingonberries, blueberries, blueberries, cloudberries, cranberries...
Alyonushka. Let's guys gather berries and mushrooms for Leshy, let them dry and cook.
Game "Collect mushrooms and berries"
4 children are participating. Everyone is holding a basket. Wooden mushrooms made of counting material and balls of different colors are scattered on the floor in the same amount. Children, on command, begin to collect "mushrooms" and "berries" in baskets. One child collects mushrooms, the second - red balls ("cranberries"), the third - yellow ("cloudberries"), the fourth - blue ("blueberries"). The first child to complete the task wins.
Goblin. Respected Leshachka. I'll pickle the mushrooms, dry the berries and cook the jam. Now listen to my new riddle.
He came, filled the tubs,
He diligently watered the beds,
I washed the windows with noise,
Danced on the porch.
Wandered all over the roof
And he went through the puddles into the field. (Rain.)
L. Sandler
Rain song (optional)
Goblin. And I remembered another riddle.
We all like it
We cry without him.
And as soon as it appears
We look away, we hide:
It's very bright
And hot-hot. (Sun.)
I. Maznin
Russian folk game "Sun"
Children stand around the "Sun" and sing:
Sun-bucket, Hand in hand, the children go
Look out the window round. "Sun" round
Shine a little! lives in the center.
The sun played Stop and show flashlights.
The children were told: "Sun" performs "spring".
- And play in the field, The words "sun".
Jump at will.
Leshukonsky district, Arkhangelsk region
Children and "Sunshine" jump in all directions around the hall (arbitrary jumps - on two legs, on one leg, jumps, etc.). The host says loudly: "Cloud!" Children should quickly stand in a circle near the "Sun".
Goblin. And now I will check if you remember what animals live in our forest. (Making riddles.)
Get into the garden
And come on over the garden
Clog your mouth with cabbage
Gnawing carrots furtively:
Gnawing for an hour or two
And the arrow flies home. (Hare.)
I. Maznin
Who is the biggest in the forest
Who is rich wears fur
Who is in the den until spring
Dreaming day and night? (Bear.)
V. Stepanov
Bold and angry robber gray.
He almost ate a goat yesterday.
Fortunately, Tuzik and Trezorka
They watch the flock vigilantly.
Barely dragged my feet
From hardened dogs ... (wolf).
G. Ladonshchikov
This red bastard
And cunning and cunning.
Catches fast hares deftly,
Chicken steals from the yard.
And feed on mice
He loves nimble ... (fox).
G. Ladonshchikov
Musical game "Hares and Fox" by A. Maykapar
All mysteries solved.
I don't remember any!
Keep your promise
Let me go home.
I'll let go, but in the end
Make me laugh.
Will you cheer me up?
Answer kids!
Get your ears ready.
We will sing ditties now!
1. We do not hide addresses,
We are from Arkhangelsk,
You know and I know
How glorious are our lands.

2. Tundra expanse,
Yes, coniferous forests,
Yes, free meadows,
Yes, fun songs.

3. Full of blueberries
We will bring from the forest
When it seems a little to you -
We will also go to the forest.

4. Do not go, girls, to the forest,
mosquitoes bite,
And for those who are the most beautiful,
They rush the most.

5. Our guys walk proudly
The nose will be pulled up higher,
That's why russula
They won't find it under the bush.

6. Let the girls go for raspberries
Yes, they got lost
How did you see the bear?
Rushed home in an instant.

7. Playful forests
The sun is smiling,
Our northern ditties
Soar up to the sky.
Goblin. Cheer up, Leshenka! So be it, Alyonushka, I let you go home. Just remember: don't go into the woods on Leshiy Day! I am so kind today, and next time I will not regret you. And I, as soon as I hear that the rooster will sing, I will fall into the ground, I will hide from winter and cold. Only in the spring I will get out into the world.
Leading. In my opinion, guys, it's time for us to hide Leshy under the ground, otherwise he will change his mind and take Alyonushka with him.
Children crow. Goblin screaming "falls into the ground" (runs away). Children together with Alyonushka leave the hall.

Children enter the hall to cheerful music.


Good evening! Good evening!

This evening is not simple, but special.

The riddles have come to visit us.

Try to guess them.

First listen to my riddles.

A large garden was planted,

The harvest was large.

Guess guys

What we have grown in the garden.

1. No windows, no doors,

Full of people.

(to the music “Like at our gates” a “cucumber” enters, spins and bows)

2. The red maiden is sitting in a dungeon, and the scythe is on the street.

(the “carrot” enters, spins, bows and stands next to the “cucumber”)

3. One hundred clothes and all without fasteners.

(the “cabbage” enters, spins, bows and stands next to the “carrot”)

4. I, my friends, am not without reason proud.

From above I am green, solid,

But inside - more cheerful than the dawn.

(the “watermelon” enters, spins, bows and stands next to the “cabbage”)

Dance of "vegetables"

Before the start, the “vegetables” sat in a circle.

1- "grow" and spin,

2- “heels” and spinning,

3- They walk in a circle, holding hands, sit down with the children on the chairs.

Leading: And now I will listen to your riddles.

There is a competition "Who will name more riddles". For each riddle, children receive a chip, the one who has the most chips wins.

Leading: And now kids, it's time to play.

Competition games:

1. "Bring a ball in a spoon"

2. "Bring a tablet on your head."

There is a knock. Grandmother appears.

Mysterious grandmother:

Hello guys!

I hear laughter in your hall.

And did you recognize me?

Children: Not!

Mysterious grandmother:

Yes, how is it?

I'm Grandma the Mystery.

I brought you riddles.

And the riddles are not simple, but literary.

Do you know everything about Uncle Styopa?

Host: Who doesn't know Uncle Styopa.

Uncle Styopa is familiar to everyone.

Mysterious grandmother:

Everyone knows that Uncle Styopa

Was once ... (sailor)

What a long time ago he lived

At the outpost of Ilyich.

And what was his nickname?

Uncle Styopa ... (tower).

And in this book is a name day.

There were many guests there.

And on these birthdays

Suddenly a villain appeared.

He wanted to kill the owner

Nearly killed her

But the insidious villain

Someone cut off his head. ("Fly Tsokotukha).

girl sitting in a basket

The bear is on the back.

He himself, without knowing it,

Carries her home.

Well, guess, and quickly answer

The name of this fairy tale ... ("Masha and the Bear)

Oh oh oh! Oh oh oh!

There's such a commotion here

Everyone is running, rushing, jumping.

They shout: “Where to? Where?"

Well, someone is crying bitterly

From frustration and shame.

But it all ends well

Everything returns to its place.

All the guilty have been forgiven

It's bad to be without a hostess.

And she promised them.

Do not stain them and wash them often. ("Fedorino grief")

And now about someone's house

Let's start a conversation.

It has a rich mistress

Lived happily,

But trouble came unexpectedly

This house burned down. ("Cat house")

Before the wolf did not tremble

He ran away from the bear.

And the fox on the tooth

Well, I got caught ... ("Gingerbread Man)

Game "Kolobok". Children stand in a circle, and a bun sits in the middle. Children, accompanied by cheerful music, approach him and come back, go in a circle, and the “bun grows” (gradually gets up). When the music ends, the children stop.

Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man,

You left your grandfather

You left your grandmother.

Child (standing in front of the "kolobok"): And you won't leave the kolobok from me! "Kolobok" runs out of the circle, the child tries to catch up with him, running one circle.

Mysterious grandmother:

Well done guys, well guessed riddles.

(The mysterious grandmother treats the children with sweets).





for children 5-6 years old

Children enter the hall to cheerful music.


Good evening! Good evening!

This evening is not simple, but special.

The riddles have come to visit us.

Try to guess them.

First listen to my riddles.

A large garden was planted,

The harvest was large.

Guess guys

What we have grown in the garden.

  1. No windows, no doors

Full of people.

(to the music “Like at our gates” a “cucumber” enters, spins and bows)

  1. The red maiden sits in a dungeon, and the scythe is on the street.

(the “carrot” enters, spins, bows and stands next to the “cucumber”)

  1. One hundred clothes and all without fasteners.

(the “cabbage” enters, spins, bows and stands next to the “carrot”)

  1. I, my friends, am not without reason proud.

From above I am green, solid,

But inside - more cheerful than the dawn.

(the “watermelon” enters, spins, bows and stands next to the “cabbage”)

Dance of "vegetables"

Before the start, the “vegetables” sat in a circle.

  1. "growing" and spinning,
  2. "heeled" and spinning,
  3. They walk in a circle, holding hands, sit on the chairs with the children.

Leading: And now I will listen to your riddles.

There is a competition "Who will name more riddles". For each riddle, children receive a chip, the one who has the most chips wins.

Leading: And now kids, it's time to play.

Competition games:

  1. "Bring a ball in a spoon"
  2. "Bring a tablet on your head."

There is a knock. Grandmother appears.

Mysterious grandmother:

Hello guys!

I hear laughter in your hall.

And did you recognize me?

Children: No!

Mysterious grandmother:

Yes, how is it?

I'm Grandma the Mystery.

I brought you riddles.

And the riddles are not simple, but literary.

Do you know everything about Uncle Styopa?

Host: Who doesn't know Uncle Styopa.

Uncle Styopa is familiar to everyone.

Mysterious grandmother:

Everyone knows that Uncle Styopa

Was once ... (sailor)

What a long time ago he lived

At the outpost of Ilyich.

And what was his nickname?

Uncle Styopa ... (tower).

And in this book is a name day.

There were many guests there.

And on these birthdays

Suddenly a villain appeared.

He wanted to kill the owner

Nearly killed her

But the insidious villain

Someone cut off his head. ("Fly Tsokotukha).

girl sitting in a basket

The bear is on the back.

He himself, without knowing it,

Carries her home.

Well, guess, and quickly answer

The name of this fairy tale ... ("Masha and the Bear)

Oh oh oh! Oh oh oh!

There's such a commotion here

Everyone is running, rushing, jumping.

They shout: “Where to? Where?"

Well, someone is crying bitterly

From frustration and shame.

But it all ends well

Everything returns to its place.

All the guilty have been forgiven

It's bad to be without a hostess.

And she promised them.

Do not stain them and wash them often. ("Fedorino grief")

And now about someone's house

Let's start a conversation.

It has a rich mistress

Lived happily,

But trouble came unexpectedly

This house burned down. ("Cat house")

Before the wolf did not tremble

He ran away from the bear.

And the fox on the tooth

Well, I got caught ... ("Gingerbread Man)

Game "Kolobok". Children stand in a circle, and a bun sits in the middle. Children, accompanied by cheerful music, approach him and come back, go in a circle, and the “bun grows” (gradually gets up). When the music ends, the children stop.


Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man,

You left your grandfather

You left your grandmother.

Child (standing in front of the "kolobok"): And you won't leave the kolobok from me! "Kolobok" runs out of the circle, the child tries to catch up with him, running one circle.

Mysterious grandmother:

Well done guys, well guessed riddles.

(The mysterious grandmother treats the children with sweets).

Leisure "Evening of riddles " in senior group

Tasks :

1. Develop imagination, speech and motor activity.

2. Learn to guess the descriptiveriddle throughlisting the attributes of an object without naming it.

3. Activate the vocabulary of children by naming objects and designating their features.

4. To form an interest in the environment, joint games, overcome difficulties in communication.

5. Help your child feel more confident in group.

caregiver :- Guys, today I invite you to go on a fun journey through our group , but it will not be an easy journey, but with riddles!

I will give you riddles, you same give me guesswork.

Listen carefully, think carefully.

Carousels, carousels with you, we got into the car and drove off!

(Imitate driving a car and moving to the first stop)

Attention! Stop"Kitchen"

Guys, what's in the kitchen?(children's answers)

Here are the riddles we have to guess about those objects that can be seen in the kitchen.

Water, compote is poured into it.

And he gives us juice and milk to drink.(Jug)

I puff, puff, puff, I don't want to get warm anymore.

The lid rattled loudly: “Drink tea, the water has boiled!”(Kettle)

And he is sharp and good. Guessed? it(Knife) .

We fry on it, we soar on it,

We get the second course.(Frying pan).

She is not afraid of the heat, boldly sits on the fire.

A delicious soup is cooked in it - a soup of vegetables and cereals.(Pot) .

Guys, you know the names of dishes well. Well done!

What dishes do you still know?(children's answers)

And here for you product riddlesabout vegetables and fruits.

I grow in the ground in the garden, red, long, sweet.(Carrot)

What's a fiddle? What's the crunch? what is that bush?

How can I be without a crunch, if I.(Cabbage)

He will make everyone around cry, even though he is not a fighter, but.(Onion)

Lies between the beds, green and sweet.(Cucumber)

You can't make a vinaigrette for dinner

If you don’t have such a vegetable in your kitchen.(Beet)

This vegetable was once a golden carriage in a fairy tale.

Guess without a clue, what is his name, guys?(Pumpkin)

In the hot sun it dried up and burst from the pods.(Peas)

A green striped ball filled with scarlet like heat,

Lying in the garden, like a load, tell me what it is.(Watermelon)

There is a side in a golden skin, and sweet juice under the skin.

In each slice, a sip for both sons and daughters.(Orange)

The golden crescent, As if poured with honey.

It is fragrant, soft, sweet, and very smooth to the touch.(Banana)

Well done! And with theseyou solved the riddlesNow we can move on!

Carousels, carousels, you and I got into the boat and went!

(We perform hand movements “rowing with oars)”

And here is our second stop"Seasons"

Guys, what time of year is it?(children's answers)

Look carefully at the calendar of nature and listen puzzles

She came without paints and without a brush and repainted all the leaves.(Autumn)

The cold has come. The water turned to ice.

The long-eared hare is gray, turned into a white hare.

The bear stopped crying: a bear fell into a hibernation in the forest.

Who's to say, who knows when it happens?(in winter)

I open the kidneys, into green leaves. I dress the trees, I water the crops,

Movement is full, they call me.(Spring)

I am woven from the heat, I bring warmth with me, I warm the rivers, "swim!" - I invite. And love for it you all me, me.(Summer)

caregiver : Well done boys! Allriddles guessedYou know the names of the seasons well. We can go further!

Carousels, carousels, we got on the train and went!

(Children stand in a column one by one behind the teacher and"engine" move to the next stop)

Educator: Stop "Musical"

You take it in your hands, then stretch it, then squeeze it.

Voiced, elegant, Russian, two-row.(Harmonic)

Everyone knows in Rus', even ask someone about it!

She has only three strings, but she is the love of the country.

Vanya will come out behind the fence and will play : "rubbish" yes "nonsense"(Balalaika)

caregiver : You did a great job! Stop ahead of us"Game"!

Carousels, carousels, you and I got into a rocket and drove off!

(Hands "house" above the head)

Stop "Game"

Educator: In our a lot of toys for the group. Among they have your favorites too.

And riddles will be about toys.

Spinning on the floor and it buzzes - Ooh ...

The faster I spin it, the more fun it spins.(Yula)

With his brother Misha from him a lot of different things

We collected in a day, but we were not tired at all!(Constructor)

And our Kolya plays and plays until the very night -

Collects pictures from different small pieces.(puzzles)

I will build a house, a pyramid, a spaceport out of them.

What kind of bricks are like matchboxes?(Dice)

If there is a fire somewhere, the car quickly rushes there,

An alarm signal is given - and the people make way!

Not cargo, not commodity, which one?("Fire")

What kind of ambulance with a siren rushes through the city,

In a hurry to help the sick and the old and the young?("Ambulance")

caregiver : Attention! Let's go to the next stop.

Carousels, carousels, we got on a horse and rode!

(Hands are bent at the elbows in front of you,"jumping" on a horse

Stop "Zoo"

Educator: Our stop "Zoo" . Guys, who can we see at the zoo?(children's answers)

That's right, animals, of course. And what animals we will meet in the zoo, we will find out by guessing puzzles .

How to open your mouth - a nightmare! heard only: kar-kar-kar (Crow)

Doctor of the forest kingdom - heals all trees without medicine.(Woodpecker)

Walking by the river - horns and rings.(Lamb)

Proudly ringing with spurs - famous for loud singing.(Rooster)

Who is dreaming in the lair until spring, day and night?(Bear)

From head to toe, this predator is striped.

He lurks and is silent, and gets angry - growls.(Tiger)

I walk in a red coat, I live in a dense forest,

In a hollow on an old oak tree, I gnaw nuts.(Squirrel)

Small, gray, long ear,

A ball of fluff, jumps deftly, loves carrots.(Hare)

She is more cunning than all the animals, she has a red fur coat on her.

A fluffy tail is her beauty, but what is her name?(Fox)

Under the pines, under the fir-trees lies a bag of needles.(Hedgehog)

caregiver : It was a wonderful walk around the zoo! And it's time for us to move on.

Carousels, carousels on the plane, we sat down and went!

(Hands to the sides, "flying" on an airplane)

We have arrived at the final stop"Knizhkin House"

Guys, do you like fairy tales?(children's answers)

caregiver : So how do we learn about miracles and magic, adventures and how good triumphs over evil? Listen riddle .

Everyone needs me - both adults and children.

I teach everyone the mind, but I myself am always silent.(Book)

caregiver : Well done! Of course, it's a book. Now let's guessriddles about fairy tale characters.

Gobbling up kalachi, a guy rides on the stove.

Goes straight to the palace, who is this fellow?(Emelya)

Wooden toy wears shaving hair

And has a long nose. Who is this? Here is the question.(Pinocchio)

Who sits on the throne in a golden crown?(Tsar)

A girl in a red cap, curls from under her cap.

And there is a pie in the basket. what's her name, friend?(Red Riding Hood)

And so our journey endedgroup of riddles. All of you guys are very good at guessing puzzles .

Did you enjoy traveling?

What did you like the most?(children's answers)

Program content:

  • Strengthen children's knowledge of fairy tales.
  • Correctly evaluate the actions of heroes.
  • To form ideas about justice, kindness, friendship, courage.
  • To develop the creative manifestations of children, expressively convey game images (a cunning fox, a proud rooster, etc.).
  • Evoke an emotional response from children.

Event progress

On stage, the silhouette of a fairytale forest. A storyteller appears in her hands, holding a large book with the inscription "Tales".

Vasilisa. Hello guys!

Hello dear guests!

I am the storyteller Vasilisa,

Invited you to remember

Old tales and listen to new ones.

Today we are visiting fairy tales,

There is a swarm in the book of fairy tales,

This is where my friends live with me.

All the characters in every story

They love songs, games, dances.

Anything can happen in a fairy tale

Our fairy tale is ahead.

A fairy tale knocks on the door

Tell the guest to come in.

(The sad Masha enters)

Storyteller. Hello Masha, why are you so sad?

Masha. Aunt Vasilisa, brother Ivanushka disappeared. Wherever I just did not look for him in the forest, and in the garden, and went to Baba Yaga herself, he is nowhere to be found. Has Ivanushka got into trouble, what kind?

Storyteller. Wait, Masha, grieve. I will help you.

Here I give you a pen

After all, it is magical.

The feather will shine

Open doors to fairy tales.

Masha, your brother must have gotten lost in some fairy tale.

Look, what a big book with fairy tales. The kid will only knock on the children's book "Knock-knock-knock" and now you look, the pages will come to life. Wave, Masha, a magic feather and it will take you to any fairy tale.

Masha. Shine your pen bright!

Light up the pen hot!

A new fairy tale begins

My dear brother, find yourself!

(Masha leaves).

The storyteller opens the book:

Grandma kneaded not a bun, not a pancake.

I took out of the oven neither a pie nor kalachi,

As I put it on the table

He left his grandmother

He left his grandfather.

Who runs without legs?

It's a round bun! (shows an illustration)

What fairy tale did Masha get into?

Children. Kolobok.

(Gingerbread Man, Wolf, Hare, Bear, Fox come out of the book, go in a circle, Gingerbread Man sings)

Kolobok. I'm sweeping the box, sweeping the barn.

I have a ruddy side, who am I, children - (kolobok).

Game "Kolobok".

Masha. Kolobok, have you seen my brother Ivanushka?

Kolobok. No, he is not from our fairy tale.

Storyteller. Do not be sad, Masha, a new fairy tale start.

Masha. Shine your pen bright!

Light up the pen hot!

A new fairy tale begins

Find my dear brother!

Storyteller. I wonder what fairy tale Masha's pen has now transferred to?

(Three little pigs run out to the music)

1 Piglet. We know a lot about songs, dances,

We are not afraid of the gray wolf.

We are three funny brothers

And our name is ...... (pigs)

Storyteller. Children, what fairy tale did Masha get into?

Children. Three pigs

2 Piglet. We are three funny brothers

We love to run and play

We invite you guys

Dancing together.

The song "Starting Krakowiak"

Masha. Nif-Nif, Naf-Naf, Nuf-Nuf, have you seen my brother?

(the pigs answer that they have not seen and leave)

Storyteller. Do not be sad, Mashenka, wave your feather.

Masha. Shine your pen bright!

Light up the pen hot!

A new fairy tale begins

Find my dear brother!

(The song of Little Red Riding Hood sounds in the recording)

Red Riding Hood. And here I left the picture, I carry the gifts in a basket,

Butter pot, yes a delicious pie.

Storyteller. Children, who is this girl and from what fairy tale?

Children. Red Riding Hood. (Sits down to the children. A howl of a wolf is heard).

Wolf. Where's she? Where's she? It must be here somewhere. My lunch will be delicious. Have you met her?

Children. No.

(Looks for her, finds her, drags her by the hand to the middle.)

Storyteller. Shame on you wolf!

Little ones began to be offended.

Isn't it a shame

They don't want to play with you.

Would you come to us as a guest,

Let us into the house both in the rain and in the cold.

It is very good,

If everyone plays together.

Enough, wolf, you growl,

Invite everyone to dance.

Dance "Polka". (Wolf dances with Little Red Riding Hood in the center)

Masha. Tell me, please, have you seen my brother?

Wolf. No, he is not from our fairy tale.

Storyteller. Don't be discouraged, Mashenka, let's look some more.

Masha. Shine your pen bright!

Light up the pen hot!

A new fairy tale begins

Find my dear brother!

Storyteller. Cockerel with spurs

His tail is patterned.

This tale is about

Like a rooster saved by a cat. What kind of children is this fairy tale?

(cockerel runs out)

Rooster. Ku-ka-re-ku, ko-ko-ko.

There is a fox nearby.

What should I do, that's the problem.

Hide me somewhere.

Storyteller. Don't be sad cockerel

Get into the bag quickly.

And don't be afraid, be brave

We will reconcile you with her.

(hides in bag)

Fox. Oh, it smells like cock in here!

Now we are hiring offal.

Petya, Petya, Cockerel,

Where are you, dear friend?

I brought for you

Both peas and wheat.

Rooster. You fox, don't rush

You find me first.

Fox. Here's a bag!

Maybe it has a rooster in it.

(Rooster jumps out, runs)

Rooster. Kitty, brother, help me out!

Cat. What's the noise, what's going on?

Who is screaming, who is being caught here?

Rooster. It's me, your cock

Help me out buddy!

Cat. You see, Petya, how many times

I gave you orders.

You didn't listen and ran away

And got into trouble again.

I'll save you this time

And I'll ask the fox:

"Be kind and kind

Let go of the rooster."

Fox. I agree to be

I will live peacefully with you.

Storyteller. Children, so that they never quarrel, let's sing a song to them.

Song about Friendship

(Mashenka asks about Ivanushka. The cat replies that he has not seen)

Masha. What to do, Aunt Vasilisa? This was the last story.

Storyteller. Wait, Masha, cry, there is one more sheet left in my book. Look who's pictured here.

Masha. Yes, this is my Ivanushka. Where are you brother?

Ivanushka. I am here, Mashenka, visiting the children in kindergarten.

Storyteller. So our journey to the "Land of fairy tales" ended. And now it's time for me. Goodbye kids!

Masha. Wait, wait! Thank you, Aunt Vasilisa, for your kindness. And now I invite you all to the table, I treat you with pies. Ruddy pies with butter, sour cream.

Leisure "Evening of riddles"

for older children.

Compiled by:

Vasilyeva S.N.


Tasks: teach children to solve riddles.Consolidate children's knowledge about characteristics winters.

Fix general concepts:"winter clothes", "winter shoes" . Continue to acquaint children with winter sports games.

Equipment: toy - a hare, pictures with a winter landscape.

Leisure course.

There is a knock on the door, the teacher brings in a hare toy:

Hello guys. May I visit you? Say you like to solve riddles. Well, then I suggest we have a mystery night tonight. Listen to the first riddle, what season does it say:

Messed up the paths

Decorated the windows.

Gave joy to children

And she rode on a sled.


And what changes occur in winter in nature, what distinguishes winter from other seasons?

It is fluffy and silver.

white, white,

Clean, clean

Cotton on the ground lay down.


Invisible, carefully

He comes to me

And draws like an artist

He patterns on the window.


No planks, no axes

The bridge over the river is ready.

The bridge is like blue glass:

Slippery, fun, light.


Hanging outside the window

Ice cube.

It's full of drops

And it smells like spring.


And not snow, and not ice,

And he will remove the trees with silver.


I walk in the field, I fly in the wild,

I twist, I grumble, I don’t want to know anyone.

I run along the village, sweeping snowdrifts.


Listen to riddles:

An asterisk circled

A little in the air

Sat and melted

On my palm.


Well done boys. That's right, in winter it snows, and the rivers are covered with ice, and the trees are all in silver hoarfrost, and the frost pinches your nose, and the blizzard howls. Are you cold outside in winter? What do you do to keep warm?(play, run, jump). Show guys how you freeze. (Children"tremble").

The teacher puts the hare and says:

You, bunny, sit down, rest, and the guys and I will now warm up, play.

The game "Two Frosts" is held.

The game is played 2-3 times.

Then the teacher says:

Well, are you warm? You showed the bunny how you warm yourself in winter. But the hare is not afraid of frost. Why do you think? And tell the bunny how you still escape from the frost, what do you go out for a walk in?But now I’ll tell you riddles about clothes and shoes, about what you put on so as not to freeze:

Not boots, not boots

But they are also worn by legs.

We run in them in winter:

During the day, on the street

In the evening - home.

(felt boots)

I'm sitting on top

I don't know who.


Black, not earth

Fluffy, not snow

Heats, not the stove.

(fur coat)

He is not a tie, not a collar,

And I'm used to squeezing my neck.

But not always, but only then,

When it's cold.


They gave the brothers a warm home,

To live together.

The big brother did not agree

And settled separately.


Here, bunny, when we are so warmly dressed, and even run and play, we are not afraid of any frost. Let's guys show the bunny how we dress for a walk. So, we put on felt boots, a hat, a fur coat, mittens.(Children imitate movements). And now I will speak quickly, and you show what you are wearing. I will also show, but I can make a mistake, be careful. And you, snowman, see that the children are not mistaken: a hat (tutor"puts on a hat", felt boots (tutor"puts on mittens") etc.

Oh, well done, guys, everyone did it, everyone dressed properly. And they help us to keep warm in the winter on the street winter games. Hear riddles:

Oh, it's snowing!

I'm taking my horse out.

For a rope

I lead a horse through the yard,

From the hill down I fly on it,

And I'm taking it back.


I have two horses, two horses,

On the water they carry me

And the water is hard

Like stone.


Two snub-nosed girlfriends

Do not fall behind each other.

Both run in the snow

Both songs are sung

Both ribbons in the snow

Leave on the run!


gray in summer

White in winter.

(hare )

So, bunny, and we guessed a riddle about you.

A round dance game "Grey Bunny" is being held.

Bunny answers:

Yes, guys, it’s good here with you, how cheerful, brave you are, you know how to do everything, winter - don’t be afraid of winter, you prepared well for it. But, it's time for me to return to the forest. Goodbye guys, come to the forest.

Bunny "leaves".


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