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If you want to find a job in a foreign company or get a job in a foreign branch company, you will need not only knowledge of English, but also a well-written foreign resume on English language .

First of all, a resume will help you get the position you want. A well-crafted resume that summarizes your abilities and goals increases your chances of getting a job and successfully passing an interview.

There are 2 terms:

So, in the United States (USA) and Canada (Canada) the word "Resume" is predominantly used - the document contains brief information about the candidate on 1, maximum 2 pages.

CV - curriculum vitae - is used in North America (North America) in the field of art, science, education. A more detailed description of your achievements, a biography with awards and other distinguishing features.

A resume in English, if you take a design sample, should be no more than 1 page, since the 2nd page may somehow get lost or the employer simply does not have the patience and attention to read your resume to the end. If your resume does not fit on one sheet, sign your contact information and your first and last name on each page.

Below we will consider writing a resume in English.

The summary consists of disclosing items such as:

    Personal information (Personal Information / Personal Data)

    Position for which they are applying (Objective / Employment)

    Education (Education / Qualifications)

    Experience (Work Experience / History)

Below we describe each item in more detail.

1. Personal Information / Personal Data

At this point, you must write your name, surname, address (in the format - street, house, apartment, city, region, country), phone number (together with the country and city code - Russia code +7), Email. So, in the British sample resume in English, you need to write the date of birth (day, month, year - for example, 10/30/1985).

Sometimes marital status may also be indicated.

2. Objective/Employment

Of course, you can briefly write that you are applying for the position - Sales Manager (sales manager).

But in order for your resume to "hook", you need to write in the OBJECTIVES paragraph more specifically why you should get this position in the company to which you are sending your resume.

For example:

"Objective: To obtain a position service engineer that will allow me to use my knowledge of mechanic and take advantage of my desire to work in BP".

You need to write about your education.

List in reverse chronological order the universities, colleges you graduated from (start with the latest).

You can also include an internship abroad, refresher courses. If you have a degree (candidate or doctor of science) - also write.

4. Work experience

List no more than 3-4 places of work in reverse chronological order (start from the present time of work). Be sure to indicate the dates of your stay at a particular job. Also write about the companies you work for. Pay special attention to the functions that you performed in a particular job (advantages). Do not use words - "I" and "My"

Your resume in English also indicates your interests (hobbies, skills).

Indicate your native language, knowledge of foreign languages. You also need to indicate the ability to work on a computer (what programs you know, level of knowledge) and, if necessary, describe other skills that will help you in future work. If you play sports - be sure to explain which type you prefer.

You must list at least two people who can give you recommendations and give you a brief description. Please provide your full name, position, place of work and phone numbers.

If you do not have enough space, you can write the following - “Available upon request” - “Ready to present on demand”.

How to write a resume in English correctly - is there a sample?

Now a few words about the form in which it is necessary to issue in electronic form without errors.

Format your document so that it is easy to read. Above and below, leave at least 1.5 cm, and left and right - 2 cm each (so that you can pin your resume in a folder).

Below you can find resume templates in English that can help you create your own resume. There are many ways to write a resume, but the general form remains the same. You can also find many different online resume creators on the Internet, in which you only need to fill in certain genders and add a photo, and the generator located on the page will create a ready-made resume for you with the relevant information in it. Such generators can be found, for example, by typing in google: “resume online for free”. An example of a similar resume maker can be found.

Sample resume in English No. 1 - Driver

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Personal information:

Name: Andrey Veselov
Date of birth: 06/03/1984
Address: 000000 Kozlova Street 20, Saint-Petersburg
Nationality: Russian
Marital status: single


Phone number: 333 33 33


2002 – 2007 Saint Petersburg State University

foreign languages:



Work experience:

2006 to present driver in Taxi Saint Petersburg Corporation

Qualifications and skills

Driving license – categories B, B1, C, C1

Familiar with all types of in-car equipment, including bus, taxi, and van

Toyota professional driver training certificate

Personal Traits:

  • responsible
  • able to foresee events in a timely manner
  • punctual
  • getting along with people well
  • quick decision-making


driving, music, travelling, motorsport


Sample resume in English No. 2 - Sales Manager

personal data:

Name and surname: Grigoriy Ovchinnikov
Date of birth: 11/05/1983
Address: ul. Pushkina 6, 143350 Moscow
Email: [email protected]


10/01/2002 – 06/30/2008: Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation – Master’s Degree of Economics

Work experience:

06/13/2013 – present: Regional Sales Representative – company XYZ sp. z o.o., Moscow

After sales customer service
Providing trainings for customers
Offering and sale of products from the company portfolio

Advisory services concerning the use of products

09.2007 – 05.2013: Sales Representative – XYZ company, Moscow

Acquiring new customers interested in the services offered by the company
Building and maintaining long-term relationships with customers
Conducting trade negotiations
Participation in trade fairs
Creating a positive image of the company among customers in the subordinated area
Implementation of sales plans
Submitting daily/weekly reports

Courses and trainings:

"Effective Communication" Course
„Customer Value Management” Course
"Effective Sales Techniques" Conference

foreign languages:



Computer skills: MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), Mathcad
Driving license B category

Additional information:

Traits of character: responsibility, punctuality, stress resilience, communication skills
Interests and hobbies: golf, fitness, reading books

Example of a resume in English No. 3 - Nanny

Personal information and contact details:

Name: Viktoriya Knyazeva
Date of birth: 13.12.1990
address: Sovetskaya 2 Street, Moscow
post code: 121500
phone number: 555 55 55
E-mail address: [email protected]

Education and qualifications:

20011 – 2014 Academy of Special Education in Moscow

2006 – 2011 Lomonosov Moscow State University

Work experience:

2012 – 2014 Kindergarten apprenticeship

Children's care and support certificate

foreign languages:

English-fluent (C1 proficiency certificate)



Driving license – category B

Microsoft Office suite

Linux, MacOS, Windows environments

Hobbies: music, children, books, movies


References available on request.

Sample resume in English No. 4 - Designer


personal data:

Name: Aleksandr Kornilov
Date of birth: 11/15/1979
home address
Street: any
City: Minsk
Post code: 000000
Phone number: 111-11-11

Education and qualifications:

2002-2007 Belarusian State Economic University

Work experience:

2007 to present Designer in private office

Qualifications and Additional Skills:

foreign languages:
English-fluent. Passed FCE exam on B2 level

Driving license – category B, since the year 2005

Other: Proficiency in computer programs: Microsoft Office, Autodesk AutoCAD
Hobbies: fishing, reading books


References available on request.

Sample resume in English No. 5 - Nurse

personal details

Full name: Anna Kalashnikova

Date of birth: 07/15/1982

Current home address: Lenina Street 1, Moscow

Post code: 124681

Phone number: 444 444 444

E-mail address: [email protected]

Nationality: Russian

Education and qualifications

2006 – 2009 Nurse training at The University Hospital in Moscow

2001 – 2006 Medical University in Moscow

work experience

2008 present Nurse at The University Hospital in Moscow

Additional skills

Computer literate - Microsoft Office Suite

Driving license – category B

  • English-fluent
  • German-intermediate
  • English-beginner
  • French-intermediate

reading books, attending theater performances, listening to classical music

personal traits

  • dedicated
  • hardworking
  • reliable
  • outgoing
  • keen to help people
  • open-minded
  • able to work in solitude as well as in a team
  • trustworthy


References available upon request.

Sample resume in English No. 6 - Cook

personal data:

Full Name: Anton Lobanov
Date of birth: 02/11/1988
Present address: Kievskaya 15 Street, Saint-Petersburg
Post code: 196084
Phone number: 222 22 22
email address: [email protected]

Education and qualifications:

2008 – 2013 Culinary school in Saint-Petersburg

Work experience:

2010 – 2013 culinary apprenticeship in a restaurant in Saint-Petersburg

  • performed daily activities of a chef assistant
  • worked collaboratively in a restaurant
  • acquired skills in cooking and assisting chefs

Qualifications and Additional Skills:

Foreign language proficiency:



Driving license (category B)

Other: Culinary training (I and II degree), Microsoft Office literate

Hobbies: fishing, cooking


References available on request.

A resume in English is not much different from a resume in Russian. There are certain rules for writing a resume that should be followed. Although the resume should have its own flavor, you should not change its shape and the order of individual parts 😉

CV in Englishthe content is no different from a summary in Russian. Standard resume in english includes the following items:
1. "Personal Information" - "Personal data";
2. "Objective" - ​​"The position you are applying for";
3. "
Education " - "Education";
four. "
Languages » - «Knowledge of languages»;
"Work Experience", "Career", "Occupation", "Employment" - "Previous places of work»;
6. "Skills" - "Skills »;
7. "Side Personal Information" - "
Additional Information»;
8. "References" - "Recommendations".

Personal Information - Personal information

In the “Personal Information” section, you must write your first name, the first capital letter of the middle name and your last name (Example: “ Alexander A. Khomich "). Enter your contact details: postal code, residential address, contact phone number, email address.

Alexandr A. Khomich

15, Lenina Street, apt. fourteen,

Minsk, 200400, Belarus.

Date of Birth: 09/14/1989

Tel.No: +357-29-ххх-хх-хх

E-mail: ххххххххх(at)

Marital status: single

Objective - goal

In the "Objective" section, write the position for which you are applying. Example: "Objective: Programmer" - "Goal: Getting a position as a programmer".

  • power engineer - Electric Power Engineers;
  • civil engineer - Building Engineer;
  • design engineer - Design Engineer;
  • electrical engineer - Electrical Engineers;
  • system administrator - System administrator;
  • sales manager - Sales Manager;
  • programmer - Programmer, Developer;
  • accountant - Accountant;
  • chief accountant - Senior Accountant;
  • sales representative - Business Representative;
  • driver - Driver;
  • doctor - D octor;
  • nurse - Nurse;
  • dentist - Dentist;
  • musician - Musician;
  • consultant - Consultant;
  • secretary - Assistant;
  • marketer - Marketeer;
  • lawyer - Lawyer;
  • teacher - Teacher;
  • seller - Salesman;
  • psychologist - Psychologist;
  • HR Manager - HR Manager.

E ducation - Education

In the “Education” section, write the educational institutions that you have graduated from. Write in the following order:

"Lawyer" - "Specialty";

"Law Faculty" - "Faculty";

educational institution: "University" - "university", "high school" - "high school"; "college" - "college" .

Example: Technician in telecommunications, faculty of telecommunication, “Higher State College of Communications. You can find the correct translation of the name of your university on the official website of your educational institution.

Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics (BSUIR) - Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics (BSUIR).

Belarusian State University (BSU) - Belarusian State University (BSU).

Belarusian National Technical University (BNTU) - Belarusian National Technical University.

Belarusian State Economic University (BSEU) - Belarusian State Economic University.

languages- Language skills

In the “Languages” section, write what languages ​​you speak and at what level:

fluent- "free";

working knowledge" - "I read and translate";

"basic knowledge" - "with a dictionary".

Example: English - fluent, Russian - fluent.

Work E xperience - Experience

Under "Work Experience" , list your previous jobs in descending order, indicating the period of work (“May 2007 – September 2010”), position held (“position ...”), department (“department ...”), company name (“company ...”), city (“ city ​​...”), country (“ country ... ”), and briefly describe your job responsibilities.

Skills-N habits

In the “Skills” section, list your skills and abilities that are important for the position you are applying for.

Side Personal Information - Additional Information

In the “Side Personal Information” section, indicate your best qualities:

  • adaptable - quickly adapting;
  • active - active;
  • curious - curious;
  • ambitious - ambitious;
  • broadminded - with broad views, interests;
  • good natured pleasant;
  • cooperative - open to cooperation;
  • industrious - hardworking, diligent;
  • honest - honest;
  • competitive - able to compete, competitive;
  • creative - creative;
  • cheerful - cheerful, cheerful;
  • entrepreneurial - enterprising (that is, capable of implementing ideas);
  • determined - decisive;
  • imaginative - having a rich imagination;
  • hardworking - able to work hard, industrious;
  • energetic - energetic;
  • helpful - useful;
  • intellectual - intellectual;
  • independent - independent;
  • generous - generous;
  • enthusiastic - full of enthusiasm, energy;
  • easygoing - sociable;
  • flexible - psychologically flexible;
  • friendly - friendly;
  • eager - striving.

AT resume in english inat the end is the item "References". In it, write contact details of employers who can give you recommendations. You can also attach a letter of recommendation to your resume.

If you want to get a job in a foreign company, you need, first of all, to learn how to write a resume correctly in compliance with international norms and standards. Employers generally require applicants to submit applications in English. Find out how best to do it.

What to include in a resume in English?

Like an ordinary resume in Russian, a questionnaire in English consists of several main building blocks, namely:

  • 1. Hat (Heading). In this section, you need to introduce yourself, tell about your date of birth and place of residence, and also provide contact information.
  • 2. Purpose (Objective). Tell us what position you are applying for.
  • 3. Work experience (WorkExperience). Tell me in detail about each place labor activity listing functional responsibilities.
  • 4.Education. Tell us about your education. If available, list courses and other additional education.
  • 5. Awards (Honors). List if available.
  • 6. Publications (Publications). If your work has been published in newspapers and magazines, be sure to indicate this. Mention the type of publication, the name of the newspaper or magazine, the release date, and other pertinent information.
  • 7. Professional skills (SpecialSkills). List all the skills that you think would be useful for the position in question.
  • 8. Personal information (Personal Information). If you wish, tell us about your hobbies, family, personal qualities.
  • 9.Recommendations (References). If available, provide references from previous employers or from the place of study. You can also note at the end of the application that you can provide recommendations on demand (References are available upon request).

Please attach a photo to your resume. In applications in English, the photo of the applicant is usually attached in the upper corner on the first sheet.

If you wish, you can exclude certain items from the summary at your discretion. Also, the list of sections may vary depending on the specific vacancy. Specify this point individually.

In today's labor market, the demand for good specialists is increasing. The main task of applicants is to attract the attention of the employer to their candidacy. The resume is yours business card, so to speak, the history of your career. And a lot will depend on how competently it is drawn up, for example, whether you will be invited to an interview at all.

Basic rules for writing a resume in English

In the US and Canada, a resume is more often called Resume, and in Great Britain, Ireland and New Zealand the word is used CV (Curriculum Vitae). In this regard, there are two types of resume: variant and. They have slight differences, but both options have the following points:

  1. Personal information ( Personal Information)
  2. Objective/Employment)
  3. Education ( Education / Qualifications)
  4. Work experience ( Work experience / History)
  5. Interests ( Interests)
  6. Recommendations ( References)

Personal information ( Personal Information)

This paragraph indicates the name, surname, address, telephone (together with the country and city code), e-mail. In the British sample resume in English, the date of birth (day, month, year) is also indicated.

Position for which they are applying Objective / Employment)

The position for which the applicant is applying is indicated here.

Education ( Education / Qualifications)

In the "Education" column, first the higher educational institution is indicated, then additional courses, advanced training courses.

Work experience ( Work experience / History)

AT summary in English no more than 3-4 places of work are indicated, starting from the present, indicating the position held. Years are given in parentheses.

Interests ( Interests)

Don't list too many hobbies. A good impression will be made by classes, art.

In the resume in English, you must indicate the addresses where you can get recommendations. Sometimes you can do with the phrase “ available upon request”, i.e. "Ready to present on demand." Usually there should be at least two recommendations.


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