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Top 10 The most beautiful parrots peace

Noble Parrot (Eclectus)

Bird, beautiful parrot, a variegated color, which can be found mainly in Australia and New Guinea. Females are easy to distinguish from males. In females, red plumage prevails, in males - green. Eclectus reach 40 cm in length. It has a calm character. Most of the time they live alone. Adapted for home existence. Easily tamed.

Green-tailed broad-tailed loris

This species of the parrot family can be seen in New Guinea. And if you manage to visit the Solomon Islands, then there. Lori - parrots of extraordinary beauty. Looking at them, one gets the impression that an artist worked with watercolors here. The plumage is dominated by green and red colors. In length reach no more than 30 cm.

variegated rosella

A small bird. It weighs about 100 grams with a height of 30 cm. It has a bright yellow-red-black color. Not afraid of people. Quickly gets used to the home atmosphere. Behaves well. Without much difficulty, he can learn words or some melody. It has a sonorous voice that does not cut the ear, but on the contrary, resembles wonderful singing.

white-backed lory

It is impossible to determine the sex of this bird by color. Female and male individuals, at first glance, do not differ at all. White-backed lorises are dark in color with elements of red and orange. New Guinea and some parts of Indonesia - these are the places where he prefers to live this species feathered. They are the only species of their kind and are very beautiful parrot.

golden aratinga

Bright yellow with a long tail (sometimes reaching 16 cm) and a large beak. Lives in Brazil. Chooses places closer to water sources. For safety reasons, this species of birds tries to stay either in flocks or in pairs. At one time they were hunted. Many of the Aratingos were destroyed. Now they are rare specimens and are under protection.

king parrot

A distinctive feature of this species of birds is a tail 21 cm long. Their color is also unusual. The body of the royal parrot is allegedly divided into two parts: the upper one is red, the lower one is dark green. A favorable habitat for such birds is forests. Loves space and freedom. Therefore, it is quite difficult to keep them at home. If only in large enclosures.

bronze-winged parrot

Such nice looking parrot can be found in Peru, Ecuador and Colombia. Small in size, they are dark in color. Their distinctive feature is a yellow beak and a specific color around the eyes. It involuntarily gives the impression that they wear glasses. They prefer to inhabit moist forests. They usually fly in flocks. Very noisy, but friendly birds.

blue and yellow macaw

Large parrot found in Paraguay, Panama and Brazil. Its weight is about 1300 grams. It has a long beautiful tail (about 40 cm). You can watch the macaw in flight endlessly. He is so majestic and beautiful! It has a solid large beak and tenacious claws. Easily gets along with people. Ara is a smart bird. Able to memorize and repeat more than 10 words. Likes nuts, fruits and seeds.

cherry red lorikeet

Cheerful bird with iridescent coloring. Has a hard red beak. The plumage is variegated, with shades of orange, yellow, bright green and blue. You can see this miracle in the Caroline Islands. It lives in forests, mostly tropical. It is rare to see them in large flocks. Not afraid of man. Quickly get used to the hands.

Parrots are one of the most popular pets in the world. They have always been loved for their intelligence and, of course, for their colorful plumage. .There are about 370 species of parrots known in the world, of course, each of them is beautiful in its own way. In addition, each parrot is individual, it can differ from most representatives of its species and at the same time remain interesting, beautiful and attractive. Charming sociable birds leave few people indifferent, maybe this is the reason that today there are more parrots in captivity than they live in the wild?

Red macaw.

White-crested cockatoo.

Parrots are perhaps the most common domestic birds. They attract with bright beautiful plumage, ingenuity, the ability to imitate human speech. Parrots are smart and highly trainable, yet they are cute and funny.

Solar, or yellow-headed aratinga

The Sunny or Yellow-headed Aratinga (Aratinga solstitialis) is a species of parrot that is popular with breeders around the world. And not without reason. The solar aratinga has a small size and bright interesting plumage. The head and chest of the birds are yellow-orange in color, the body and the feathered part of the paws are of a lighter shade. The wings are bright yellow. The tips of some covert feathers are colored green and blue. The tail of a solar aratinga is dirty green with a blue tip. These parrots can imitate human speech and also scream very loudly.

Eclectus, or noble parrot

Eclectus, or noble parrot (Eclectus roratus), is a medium-sized bird. The body length of a parrot is about 35-45 cm, the wingspan is about 50-52 cm. Noble parrots are long-lived, they can live up to about 80 years. These beautiful, bright birds are valued not for their talkativeness, but, on the contrary, for their calm, tolerant and unobtrusive disposition. to external distinctive features noble parrots include a large "wax" beak and an unusual feather structure. By color, green and red parrots are distinguished. Both varieties look colorful and spectacular.

Green-tailed broad-tailed lorises (Lorius chlorocercus) are colorful little parrots. Males and females have the same color and size, juveniles are slightly different in color from adults. In nature, parrots of this species are found in New Guinea, on the Solomon Islands. Basically, the plumage of green-tailed broad-tailed lorises is rich red, the wings are green, on the head there is a “cap” that creeps over the eyes. A yellow “collar” flaunts on the neck, which is absent in young individuals.

variegated rosella

The motley rosella (Platycercus eximius) bears this name for a reason. In the color of her plumage there are as many as eight colors. The head and chest of representatives of this species of rosella are red, the cheeks and beak are white, the belly is yellow with a transition to light green, the wings are bright yellow with black streaks and dark blue stripes on the sides, the tail is blue. Variegated rosellas adapt well to life in captivity, but they do not immediately begin to trust people. Parrots can please their owners for about 20 years; in the wild, motley rosellas live less.

white-backed lorises

White-backed lorises (Pseudeos fuscata) are parrots with a non-standard and peculiar color of feathers. These relatively small birds come from Indonesia. Sexual dimorphism is present, but not very pronounced. Males and females are indistinguishable in color. The main color of the feather in white-backed lorises is olive-brown. On the neck there are two crimson or yellow stripes of medium thickness. The same color and the belly of parrots. On the head there is a yellow "cap", in harmony with a powerful short yellow-orange beak. The wings of the birds are dark blue. Such an unusual "striped" color gives parrots a special appeal.

Golden aratingas (Aratinga guarouba) are very cute and cute parrots. They have a bright and beautiful yellow plumage. These talkative "chickens" have an average body length of 35-38 cm. The "sunny" color of the representatives of this species is complemented by green flight feathers. This combination of colors looks truly aesthetically pleasing. Birds look harmonious, bright and balanced. Among other things, the play of sunlight on the feathers of birds, creating overflows on them, adds splendor to golden aratingas.

Amboin parrots (Alisterus amboinensis) can be found in nature on the island of New Guinea and adjacent smaller islands. The bright majestic appearance of this species of parrots is immortalized in their name. The plumage of birds is mostly saturated red. The covering feathers and tail are bright blue, while the flight feathers are bright green. The beak of the Amboin king parrots is usually black, there are also individuals with a small red spot on its upper part. Parrots of this species do not tolerate apartment content well, but can live in a spacious open-air aviary in the fresh air.

bronze-winged parrot

The bronze-winged parrot (Pionus chalcopterus), unlike many other parrots, does not have bright plumage, but this does not make it less charming. Bronze-winged parrots are characterized by dark plumage. The main color is dark blue (the shade decreases in intensity from the head to the stomach). The color of the covert feathers gave this species its name - they are brown with a bronze sheen. Despite such a dark color, bronze-winged parrots still have bright colors: bright blue and green feathers on the tail, a light red eye patch, and white specks on the chest. This color is unique and gives a special charm to these cute feathered creatures.

bristle-headed parrot

The bristle-headed parrots (Psittrichas fulgidus) have a very specific and distinct appearance from other parrots. They are rather similar to birds of prey or scavengers because of the elongated, wide and sharp beak, reminiscent of an eagle or vulture. Bristle-headed parrots are characterized by large sizes, which is why in their homeland (New Guinea) residents eat them like Europeans eat chicken. The plumage of almost the entire body of birds is black. The exception is the belly and lateral parts of the wings. Also, these parrots have special feathers on their chest, giving it a magnificent look. In this unusual appearance parrot is definitely its beauty.

cherry red lorikeet

The cherry red lorikeet (Trichoglossus rubiginosus) is a small bird from the genus Lorikeet. Some scientists do not distinguish them in separate view, and are classified as multicolor lorikeets. In size, these birds are slightly larger than budgies - 18-25 cm. The main color of the feathers is cherry. On the chest of parrots there are black stripes. The short tail is colored light yellow underneath.

Noble parrot.

Pale-headed rosella.

fan parrot


Hyacinth macaw.

Himalayan ringed parrot.

Griffin parrot.

Jaco parrot.

Yellow-fronted jumping parrot.

Green rosella.

Green-tailed broad-tailed loris.

Golden-bellied parrot.

Golden Aratinga.

Inca cockatoo.

Chinese ringed parrot.

There are 350 various kinds parrots. Many species of parrots are kept in captivity due to the fact that they are very bright, intelligent and playful. Many species also have excellent communication skills. Here are the 10 most beautiful parrots in the world.

10. Sulphur-crested cockatoo

The Sulphur-crested Cockatoo is a large beautiful species of parrot. They are known for their distinctive sulphur-yellow crest. They live in Australia, New Guinea and Indonesia. This species has a length of 43 to 64 cm and white plumage. Also notable is the dark brown beak of the great yellow-crested cockatoo.

Males and females are almost the same. The main difference between the two is eye color, the female has red-brown eyes while the male has dark brown. Birds use a wide range of loud sounds to communicate.

The large Sulphur-crested cockatoo makes its nest in the hollows of the trees. These remarkable parrots live up to 70 years. The family group stays together for many years. They mainly feed on berries, seeds, nuts and roots.

9. Bronze-winged parrot

Bronze-winged parrots are an unusually colored species of medium-sized parrots, characteristic of South America. Their plumage is in dark purple or blue coloration and has a bronze part on the wings. Their feathers are purple on the edges of their wings and pink on their throats. These are sociable, calm and beautiful parrots.

Bronze-winged parrots are smart and playful. In the wild, they live in tree cavities. The breeding season occurs from March to June. The female lays three or four eggs and the incubation lasted 36 days.

8. White-backed loris

Very active and playful, white-backed lorises are one of the most popular parrots in the world. Intelligent birds imitate human speech very well. They also love to play with toys and interact with people. The white-backed loris is native to Papua New Guinea.

The white-backed loris is up to 30 cm long and weighs up to 300 g. Males and females look the same and have a bright orange upper chest, cream rump, gray legs and a dark orange beak. They live in the tropical and subtropical forests of Papua New Guinea. The diet of white-backed lorises consists of fruits, nectar and seeds.

7 Pink Cockatoo

Beautiful pink cockatoos are easy to identify by the pink color of the chest and the pink part of the head. They are found in almost all regions of Australia. Pink cockatoos are also very social views found in large herds.

Pink cockatoos reach a length of 35 cm and weigh from 270 to 350 grams. Their upper part and short tail are gray in color. Males and females look almost the same, although the eye color of males is dark brown, while that of females is pinkish red.

Large flocks of pink cockatoos include up to 1000 birds. They often perform acrobatic stunts while flying. Their flocks also travel long distances in search of food.

6. Blue and yellow macaw

The blue and yellow macaw is a large and beautiful parrot native to South America. It lives in wet forests and swamps. It has a blue upper part and a yellow lower part. The bright color and ability to talk also make the blue and yellow macaw a favorite among popular pet birds.

This parrot species is extremely social and intelligent. They love to interact with people and easily learn to do different tricks from their owners.

5. Jaco

Jaco is the smartest talkative parrot in the world. His close relationship with the owner allows the Jaco to excel in the ability to speak. Jacos are gray in color, so they are often called serim parrots and are endemic to the Congo, Africa. They have a wingspan between 46 cm and 52 cm. Male and female Grays are very similar.

4. Solar Aratinga

The Sunny Aratinga is an attractive and endemic native to South America. Their amazing plumage displays yellow, red, orange, blue and green. They also have a white eye rim and green wing markings. Like many other parrots, both males and females look the same. They are also known for imitating the human voice.

Unlike adults, young birds are olive in color. It changes to a mixture of different bright colors after they are 6 months old. Solar aratingas create groups that contain up to 30 birds and feed on berries, fruits, nuts, and flowers.

3. Hyacinth Macaw

The Hyacinth Macaw is the largest parrot species in the world with a length of up to 1 meter and even a little more. It is a critically endangered parrot and the surviving members are mostly found in Southern Brazil. They have bright blue plumage and a large beak. The sentient hyacinth macaws are also known for their ability to use tools with their thumbs.

2. Noble green-red parrot

The noble green and red parrot native to Papua New Guinea has a strikingly bright coloration. The male has a bright green plumage, while the female has a bright red-purple plumage. This sexual dimorphism in colors also makes this species unusual among parrots, as both male and female parrots generally have the same appearance.

Another noticeable change between both sexes is the coloration of the beak. Males have an orange top and yellow tip, while females have a black bill.

The noble green and red parrot is also among the best pet birds in the world. They are very calm social birds. They display their communication skills in a completely different way than other types of parrots. To express excitement and threat, these parrots raise their head feathers. They live up to 30 years.

1 Red Macaw

The red macaw is one of the most beautiful and largest parrots in the world. It lives in the tropical forests of Central and South America. Red macaws are known for their attractive plumage. Most of their body is bright red, they also have a blue back, yellow markings on the upper wing, and a light blue tail.

This intelligent species of parrot shows superiority in mimicking several words and voices. They are also smart enough to learn tricks from their owners through proper training. Red macaws can even recognize different shapes and colors. They have a long lifespan, between 40-50 years.

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Parrots are one of the most beloved, beautiful and preferred pet birds. People usually get parrots so that the bird will please its owner with morning chirping, the beauty of its plumage, as well as extra abilities to repeat human speech.

A parrot is one of the smartest birds on the planet, it is distinguished by its intelligence along with representatives of such birds as corvids or ravens.

Sociability is one of the main features of the character of these birds, loneliness is not the best condition that this bird can be subjected to. Parrots get along well with people. They constantly require attention, care, as well as constant communication with their master.

Parrots belong to such a species of birds, which under no circumstances can be confused with other birds. The rather bright color and atypical features of the appearance of this bird always distinguish it from the general mass, which makes it not some kind of image for the wavy bright plumage of this representative of this bird genus.

Today, more than three hundred species of parrots can be counted on earth, they all differ from each other, but the brightness of plumage, large body and sharp mind will always distinguish a parrot from other birds. Consider the most beautiful breeds of parrots.

Hyacinth Macaw

Macaw parrots are incredibly graceful. The Hyacinth Macaw is one of the largest and most famous parrots in the world. It should be noted that Ara parrots are one of the most expensive and rarest parrots.

The average height of this bird can reach from 85 to 98 centimeters in body length. The weight of the largest individual was recorded at about one and a half kilograms. The sweeping performance of the wings does not differ in a large width of the span. It can be only up to 75 centimeters. The colors of the feather cover of the bird are distinguished by the presence of bright blue or blue hyacinth, which makes the bird uniquely bright and attractive.

Parrots Hyacinth Macaws are practically the largest individuals of parrots on the planet from more than three hundred species of all species, however, 1/3 of the total number are practically at the stage of extinction, and many of them are listed in the Red Book.

Hyacinth Macaw

Red Macaw

This variety of Ara parrots is distinguished by its unique color. Feathers usually have a distinctive red color, which creates the uniqueness of this species. The bird is fairly large. The length of the body is approximately 90 centimeters. The wingspan reaches a height of 80 centimeters, the tails differ in length from 50 to 63 centimeters. This type of parrot is particularly wrecking, as often its representatives can arrange various raids on private villages and farmlands.

Red Macaw

Blue and yellow macaw

The blue-and-yellow macaw is the next bright and colorful member of the macaw genus. This type is one of the most sought after types of Macaw that can be kept in a residential home. The bird is very sociable, constantly requires additional attention from everyone around. The body on average reaches 80-95 centimeters, the wingspan is up to 80 centimeters.
Blue and yellow macaw

black cockatoo

Black Cockatoo is one of the largest parrots of the total number of these birds. The length of the body of a bird can reach 70-80 centimeters, the weight category is indicated by marks from 700 grams to 1 kilogram.

The bird is distinguished by characteristic black feathers with a barely noticeable greenish tint. The head is indicated by a beautiful tuft, which in turn consists of long narrowed feathers.

The bird's beak is quite large and massive, with a total length of about 8-10 centimeters. Black Cockatoo is one of largest birds sort of on the planet.

black cockatoo

Mourning Yellow-eared Cockatoo

This representative of the parrot species got its name because of the characteristic black color and rather large yellow spots on the head. Females have this spot larger than males.

In the length of the body, the bird can reach from 54 to 62 centimeters, the weight category is indicated by a maximum mark of 900 grams.

Mourning Yellow-eared Cockatoo

Amazon yellowhead

The name of this bird speaks for itself. The yellow-headed Amazon is a parrot that has a very variegated yellow-green coloration. The habitats of these individuals are the rather humid climate of the forests of Mexico, Honduras, Belize, and Guatemala. The length of the body reaches from 37 to 42 centimeters. However, it is worth noting the fact that as a species, the yellow-headed Amazon belongs to the species of parrots that are almost extinct. Of the total number of birds, only about 6,000 individuals remained of this species.

Amazon yellowhead

Amazon blue-faced

This species of parrot, like its relative the yellow-headed Amazon, is on the verge of extinction. The habitat of these parrots is Lesser Antilia. wildlife has approximately 400-450 individuals of this type of parrots.

The body length of these representatives can reach 43 centimeters.

Amazon blue-faced

Large Parrot Vase

The large Vase parrot is one of the most unusual parrots in the world. This bird lives mainly in a dry climate. The plumage is not particularly bright, since the gray color of the feather cover is inherent in the bird. The maximum length of a Vase parrot is approximately 50 centimeters, however, it must be taken into account that most of its body is the tail of a bird.

Large Parrot Vase

Owl Parrot (Kakapo)

An owl parrot or kakapo is a fairly large representative of parrots, but it is quite rare in nature. It should be noted that representatives of the kakapo species have completely lost the ability to fly. These birds for the most part simply move on the ground.

The body length of a parrot reaches 60 centimeters, while its weight is no more than 4 kilograms.

The peculiarity of this species of parrot, which distinguishes them from their other relatives, is the persistent aroma of flower honey, which comes directly from the body of the bird.

Parrots are birds that are always extraordinary, bright and require increased attention from others.


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